Francis Chan on Marriage and Family

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • These are excerpts of a presentation by Francis and Lisa Chan on marriage and family called "Two People with One Mission". It was given on October 25, 2011 at Cornerstone Church of Simi Valley, California. Chan challenges the notion that we need to focus on the family. Instead, we need to focus on the kingdom of God and missions, and the unity and strength of our family will be the natural byproduct.
    If you want to see the entire presentation, you can view the whole video at www.cornerstone....

Комментарии • 24

  • @718jef
    @718jef 5 лет назад +7

    Francis Change is so very right on this. I put my family before God and almost lost my family so many times. Now I put God first then family and we are so very blessed in our marriage, parenting, finances, etc. I'm the head of the family only as I submit to God as my head. Less stress and sooooooooooo much more joy in life even thru the tough stuff.
    Please submit and be faithful to the Creator and He will be faithful to you.

  • @marylinelai8073
    @marylinelai8073 6 лет назад +4

    Put God first & He'll take care of everything !

  • @morethanimusic
    @morethanimusic 11 лет назад +2

    It is anything but selfish ambition. It is a surrender to the ways of God, the ways of sacrifice, the ways of giving knowing that God is your supply and help in time of need. When others are hoarding for themselves, we are giving and pouring out our lives for others. That is what it means to follow Christ, to place your trust in Him. As my wife and I serve God more, we find that our relationship grows stronger. We have been through many trials, but we have a unity that few will ever know.

    • @marylinelai8073
      @marylinelai8073 6 лет назад

      More Than i Amen, God First & everything will fall in place !

  • @randomrandom4008
    @randomrandom4008 6 лет назад +5

    I'd like to give my marriage up to God. It's suffering because... I don't put God first and... I should love my husband much more but I'm imperfect!! Anyways please pray for my husband, James, and I :)!

    • @marylinelai8073
      @marylinelai8073 6 лет назад

      Ashley Marie The Holy Spirit is your HELPER, put your marriage into the Hands of your loving Father !

  • @TheBlessingReport
    @TheBlessingReport Год назад


  • @tristan2570
    @tristan2570 6 лет назад +2

    Amen! I think the best and really the only place for a couple to start if they want to serve God is to seek Gods will in everything. What does He want out of our lives as a couple? What is His will for us? Ask Him those questions. Wait for His answer and guidance. Then do whatever He leads to do. Its that simple. Not easy, but simple. That is what the christian life is. A lot of times we conduct our lives and marriages according to our own rules and our own wills but that is not following Christ. Following Christ is saying "Lord, what do you want? Okay thats what I want too." Whatever it is.

    • @marylinelai8073
      @marylinelai8073 6 лет назад

      Tristan Guyton Amen, our God is a good good Father and He knows best !

  • @crazydays4444
    @crazydays4444 12 лет назад +1

    amen to the revelance of God! I truley believe God is flowing through our brother in the plain commands we can learn too from looking to Jesus Christ. Love EVERYONE how God loved and loves you! Forgive as Christ forgave. And as simple as it sounds, read the word while in prayer and follow the Way of Jesus Christ (The New Covenant) ... we can do this brothers and sisters! let's come together and follow Jesus.. It is a step of faith, but as you are making that step out of comfort God will B there!

  • @lorrainecalderon
    @lorrainecalderon 2 года назад


  • @Serve24
    @Serve24 10 лет назад +1

    And what about those who have sick or disabled kids, and they can't go feed the poor every day. (Like my husband and I) Are they not bringing the Kingdom forth by serving and sacrificing for their children?
    I think there are a lot of different ways to serve The Lord and focus on the Kingdom.

    • @genegorrell296
      @genegorrell296 10 лет назад +2

      You make a very valid, worthy point. Nobody cares or understands what you're life involves more than God. He knows, understands, cares, and loves, without end. But when I read your comment, I couldn't help but care about your family too. My very limited experience and knowledge would indicate that God is very pleased about every sacrifice, act of love, and way of serving you give to your husband and children, because you are being obedient and faithful when you do. I think, in light of Jesus' words, "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you." In light of this, just continue to pray, "How can I, in my world, seek first the kingdom? What can I do to show the way? Who can I come in contact with that I can share my faith with?" And don't worry about what some may consider "limitations". You "limitations" not only lead you to show an extra amount of love to your family, but may lead you to meet someone who needs to know the real Jesus too. But I would hope you wouldn't take the message in an extreme directions one way or another, so as to lose the intent. If you mislead yourself into one extreme, you could make the mistake of giving less love to your family. My understanding is that we are unchained and unlimited in the amount of love we can pour into our spouses and children. If you take it to the other extreme, you may let yourself be misled into believing that you have no ability nor calling to be an ambassador for Christ outside the walls of your home. And you, and any other follower of Jesus is equipped to be an ambassador to their neighbor, however many chances one person may get to do so, or however few chances another gets to do so. The heart of the message is--like Francis said, "There's a King up there!", and we get to be a part of helping other people receive the love He so wants to give them, and that's really a lot of what seeking first the kingdom is really all about. And along the path of that journey, I believe Francis Chan is also hoping to communicate that your love and service to your family actually deepens, rather than suffers. The secular humanist world will tell you that's not possible. Don't buy into that. It's kind of like one of the many paradoxes of the Bible--the first will be last, the last will be first, the humble will be exalted, he who exalts himself will be humbled--Bible promises often completely reverse humanities logic. Honestly, when I'm giving my first to God, my wife and children get my best; but when I seek me first, or my wife, or my son's future, or money, I find myself actually letting down the very people that I've begun to prioritize ahead of God. That's the paradox part of it. It's not worldly logic. Just that you took the time to watch and comment shows that you care and want to give your best in the best way possible. I haven't been doing that for several months now in my own life, and I see the results, that my wife and my children are not receiving from me what they should be--because I have NOT been seeking first the kingdom. In any case, as Gideon was told to do, "Go in the strength your have." He wasn't told to measure up to anybody else, just "go" with what YOU have. Do what YOU can do. If you had a major disability, you would, for example, not likely "accomplish" some of the things that some people do when they seek first the kingdom, but you would still desire to and follow up on the plea to "Go in the strength you have." Jesus' blood covers whatever shortcoming you or I might think we have in the call to seek first his kingdom and is righteousness.

    • @bonezbaaaby
      @bonezbaaaby 8 лет назад +1

      They are and in your case, that would be your version of serving the Lord. I think he means aside from that.

    • @tristan2570
      @tristan2570 6 лет назад +1

      I think each of us needs to just seek God on what He would have us do for His kingdom. He knows each of our circumstances and will not call us to serve in a way that is without compassion for those in our care. However we must seek Him to know what way He wants us to serve. I think a lot of us just jump into a ministry or do something and think we are serving God but we cant serve God without first asking Him what way He wants us to serve

  • @Serve24
    @Serve24 10 лет назад +1

    I absolutely love Francis Chan, but isn't loving your husband well and discipling your children a way to serve The Lord? Those are gifts from The Lord that we're called to steward.

  • @sarayoung9395
    @sarayoung9395 3 года назад

    Malachi 2:15

  • @fatherandsons2386
    @fatherandsons2386 4 года назад

    Well if we love God and obey his Word we have to keep true Godly order in the house. God,Christ,husband,wife,children. In that order.

    • @sarayoung9395
      @sarayoung9395 3 года назад

      What does that mean in reality though? That you would neglect your kids for your spouse? What about the fact that that is illegal and legally child abuse? What kind of spouse would want you to neglect your kid in favor of them?

    • @sarayoung9395
      @sarayoung9395 3 года назад

      If it's not neglect against your child then in what way is your spouse really coming first? The Bible never actually says your spouse comes first people just interpret it that way. Malachi 2:15 actually says you are one because God wants Godly offspring from you. Why can't spouse and children be equally important? It just seems scary that if it came down to a meeting a true need (not wants) that a parent would want their spouse to take care of theirs instead of their kids. That's not what a true parent does.

  • @bisnitar
    @bisnitar 11 лет назад

    do you understand what the bible teaches?

  • @brod2man
    @brod2man 8 лет назад +1

    Telling your kids that family comes first is a terrible model for your kids
    - Christian Parenting advice 2011

  • @rinaryul3013
    @rinaryul3013 10 лет назад

    "being focused on the mission actually brings your family together" uhm okay, no. You bible thumpers need to focus on your marriage, family, and kids, NOT "God".

    • @65bu57
      @65bu57 8 лет назад +10

      We believe that God invented family,wives,kids. If I serve Hm first, then He shows us how to serve them. When our focus is on Jesus, then our focus is on others before ourselves.