Hi Nige. another excellent video highlighting your superb approach to modelling and the problems it can throw up. You certainly have shown me many useful tips that have helped improve my techniques. Regarding your hands, I personally don't give a damn whether you have spilt underseal, paint creosote or any thing else on your hands, whether you bite your nails, paint them with fluorescent nail varnish and adorn them with flowers and stars. I'm more interested with the magic you create with them grubby fingers . Keep up the good work, and hurry up with the Land Rover so we can see more of your work with plastic !!!
Really enjoying this build, Nigel. Re. canopies and superglue; I read a build article once where the guy said he superglued his one piece canopy in position then blew air through the fuselage with his airbrush until he reckoned any fumes had dissipated. Thinking round corners eh?
Your patience is impressive mate - loving this video series!
Hi Nige. another excellent video highlighting your superb approach to modelling and the problems it can throw up. You certainly have shown me many useful tips that have helped improve my techniques. Regarding your hands, I personally don't give a damn whether you have spilt underseal, paint creosote or any thing else on your hands, whether you bite your nails, paint them with fluorescent nail varnish and adorn them with flowers and stars. I'm more interested with the magic you create with them grubby fingers . Keep up the good work, and hurry up with the Land Rover so we can see more of your work with plastic !!!
Nice vid Nigel !!!!!!!!!!
Really enjoying this build, Nigel. Re. canopies and superglue; I read a build article once where the guy said he superglued his one piece canopy in position then blew air through the fuselage with his airbrush until he reckoned any fumes had dissipated. Thinking round corners eh?
Good tip!!