Regarding the book of Matthew being addressed to the Jews, I was taught that all of the Bible is written FOR us but not all of it TO us (us being the Gentiles). When reading such books in the Bible I liken myself to a third person listening in to a conversation between God and His target audience (the Jews) and learning something in the process - and continually being eternally thankful to God for His inimitable gift of the sacrifice of the blood of His Son Jesus as propitiation for my sin! Once again Brother Tiff thank you and thank The Lord for your gift of teaching.
This message is Essential for the Complete understanding of the Rapture as God Intended it to be. Thank you so much for your diligence to help us understand with confidence and conviction.
And what of those vomited out? Those who are neither hot nor cold…those who have not repented? Who have not purchased the true gold that has been tried in the fire? These are church members.
Interesting message Pastor Tiff! I had never heard of this partial Rapture teaching until today. This morning a video (by someone I wasn't subscribed to) about the Rapture came up and I started to listen and he talked about a partial Rapture. I was like...this is not what the Bible teaches. I don't believe in coincidents...I thank God for your teaching and setting the record straight for all. Thank you!
I have No internet BC Blue streak closed down &shut us off early so they received almost a months payment for no service,tomorrow we have a new internet company coming,tonight I have not been able to listen to anything on my phone my data has been used up.I came across this segment &prayed Lord let me hear this tonight.I have listened to every minute of this.Praise God he is So good 👏👏👏👏🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
The first time I had heard of a partial rapture was somebody preaching against it. I have never even once heard of anyone preaching FOR it. I guess who I listen to are solid pre trib rapture people.
Thank you for always explaining every scripture clearly I have listen to the Rapture teaching many many times & what confused me was "the twinkle of an eye" because it is also said as Jesus second comming..... No one knows the day or the hour Mathew 24:39-44 Revelation 3:3 As I over read Mathew 24 seems like we will go through the Tribulation but not when we read Revelation and the church is not mentioned maybe that is why alot of people dont believe in the Pre Rapture I still need clarity on this thank you Pastor
Brother Tiff, love ❤️ your teachings as always. Where is Moses, Noah, David and Abraham, are they asleep and in the ground? Where are the people who died and were not saved, where are their souls?
Hello brother Tiff. Could you please cover on the topic of "The generation that sees Israel reborn shall not pass before the end will come"? You have mentioned before it is in Matthew 24. I have brought this up in my group of friends but they ask me to show them.
I'm just a bit confused and have been for some time about the dead in Christ raising at the RAPTURE. Aren't they already with the Lord? Is it their immortal bodies that are raised up? Also have wondered about cremated remains. I know God can bring them all back together. Would you be able to clarify more on the dead in Christ? Thank you so much for your teachings. Very, very helpful.
As far as I understand the dead in Christ souls are already with the Lord. At the Rapture the actual body is is a mystery to me too, but know this will happen. 🤗🙏🏼
I enjoy your teaching but how can the people who are returning with the Lord are also coming from the grave? I have never understand that. I have heard through out my life that when a person dies he is present with the Lord.
Is not the next event concerning the Church Judgement? 1 Peter 4:17 King James Version 17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
I don't know if there's a partial rapture. I think though that: 1) "if we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God(Heb 10:26), then we will not be caught up. 2) "those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away(Heb 6:4), will not be caught up. 3)if you do not remain in Him, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned(John 15:6) and therefore will not be caught up. 4) if you live according to the flesh, you will die(Romans 8:13) and will not be caught up.
My mpm taught me that once a person is born again then that person is a drafted in jew by being saved and filled with the holy ghost. so i always looked at myself as a child of God cause i was saved i spoke in tongues and was babtixed in jesus christ.
I just find it hard to separate the description of the rapture and Jesus describing his second coming in Mathew, they seem to fit together as the same event
The rapture is Christ returning for His saints, the second coming is Christ returning with His saints. If there are not 2 distinct events with significant time in between, when is the Judgment Seat of Christ for all the saints before the second coming? There are many questions that arise like this and others if there are not 2 distinct events. Thank you for your view and question.
Math and mark's gospels state it as one event and say specifically after the tribulation when Christ returns he will send out His angels to gather His elect. What could be clearer. Supporting this is Revelation ch 7.9 onwards. What could be clearer. You, I believe , are inferring from scripture. I have quoted scripture on a read and believe basis. I can't get my head around what you are saying. I am prepared to be wrong if I indeed am. If I am incorrect and the rapture happens tomorrow it will be a wonderful surprise for me. Conversely, if what you say is incorrect , then how will you be able to face the tribulation with the mark of the beast etc. Why should there be a pre tribulation rapture? It does not make sense. I would love to hear your answer. God bless.
"the church is not mentioned from Rev 5 to Rev 19" Oh brother why would any one say such a thing? First off the cry of the martyrs is the church. Rev 6 And the church is around the throne of God in Rev 7. Now tell me where did these Christians just come from? “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Many believe that Christians will fly in the sky in hoards to meet the Lord. Wrong concept. Heb.9:28 says that He will appear to only them that waits for Him and Jesus said in Mat.24::44 to be ready. Rev.3:10 says to wait and persevere to be kept away from the time of temptation to try the people living in the world while Mk.10:30 at once without judgement takes believers to the next life which is eternal (or Rapture) provided that they fulfilled vs.29. This show that only few will be Raptured. Those that conditioned themselves to Heavenly living from now(Mat.6:10) while still in flesh(1Cor.7:29-31). It's the body that will be changed(1Cor.15:51), the soul being the record keeper of what's been done to prove how consistent the physical body proved in the newness in the Holy Spirit (2Cor.5:17).
How in the world could there be a partial Rapture? If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and repent and be filled the Holy Spirit and know his blood is the only thing that can wash away your sins, then you are saved. There is nothing anyone can do to save themselves. No amount of good deeds, self-righteousness, or how much work you do for the church can save you. Either you're saved are you or not. For someone to miss the Rapture, they were not saved in the first place.
Proud; Revelation 3; 4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. 5 He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not BLOT OUT his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
HI pastor few teachers like Ken Reggio and Nelson Walter and others said no rapture for believer's and the Go through great tribulation and see 666mark of beast iam living in Australia?
Jesus said in Mathew 24 29to31 Immediately After the Tribulation of those the sound of the trumpet 31 And whe will send out his angels with a loud xtrumpet call, and they will ygather zhis elect from athe four winds, bfrom one end of heaven to the other.
Sorry my paste of Mathew 24 29-30 didn't turn out .my point is shouldn't we believe what Jesus said .that makes it quite simple there is no pre trib but there is prewrath
1 Timothy 1: 19Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: 20Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme. (Sounds biblical to me.)
Their souls are with the Lord. They are still awaiting their bodies. That's what the resurrection is, the graves opening. That's when you get your new body. Those in heaven do not have their new bodies yet.
In the end time, the PAPACY and the Apostate Evangelicals will drop their differences and will unite! This union will force the politicians to pass Sunday Laws. For more information concerning this topic, please watch a video called "The Mark of the Beast" by Hope Through Prophecy
GO ministry; Ten virgins are for the Jews? Matthew 25; 1 25 Then shall the kingdom of HEAVEN be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Take note that the Jews do NOT attend the marriage supper since they are already married to Jesus and that supper happens before Jesus returns to rule and reign at the 2nd coming. The story of the 10 virgins is certainly about the CHURCH.
I'm ashamed to say . . . not only have I heard the parable of the 10 virgins explained this way, I myself have commented about it here on utube as well - not realizing it was officially labeled as a 'Partial Rapture' & an erroneous doctrine, I will find & delete my comments about this - that is so wrong & I don't want to pass along erroneous doctrine. So, any religion out there who specifies themselves as 'the special group' who will make it to heaven & everyone else who is not of them or of their religion, therefore are not going to be raptured, is pushing this 'Partial Rapture' doctrine. Any religion that takes John 3:16 "whosoever believes" to not be anyone & everyone who comes to believes & tries to limit that to only a specific group, or add 'works' to that (specific traditions involving Baptism or Communion) . . . is making Jesus a liar!!! Just goes to show, there is every other way to twist scripture for it to be deceptive & only the one way to interpret it correctly - no wonder God will send 3 angels to proclaim the truth of the Gospel around the entire globe . . . all who have been deceived, frustrated, defensive, stubborn, need to hear the True Gospel, I PRAY THEY WILL BELIEVE IT & CHOOSE SALVATION!!!
All the pre trib teachers look at every verse in the bible through their pre trib glasses. Every verse has to fit the pre trib or they have to work hard and figure out how to make it fit. Pre trib is the deception Paul warned about 2 thess 2.
So, what do you do with an individual who is born again and say that Jesus gave them a message that many Christians will be left behind because they are not denouncing the flesh and are too worldly? I fully believe this person is being used by God in ministry and is authentic in what he believes Jesus told him. It’s troubling to me as I don’t believe the partial rapture is true and believe this person is a man of God. Just don’t know to reconcile this in my mind or heart.
Salvation is a 'gift' but the Kingdom is a 'reward.' Paul warned spirit filled Christians of the possibility of not entering that Kingdom; 1 Cor.6:8-11; Gal.6:19-21; Eph.5:5 etc. This is what Christ and the apostles taught. Those who persist in rebellion in the flesh will be raised at the 2nd resurrection where they will be judged for their 'works' Rev.20:12. Many theologians have written on this very subject; Robert Govett, Lang,Pember, Panton & others. God bless.
Perry Stone teaches a partial rapture, that it’s a reward for living a godly life. Tin Cohen teaches no rapture at all. Will not listen to these teachers anymore.
There is no pre trib rapture. It is a made up theory. Not sure why there are 3 rapture theories you mentioned but not the correct one. The correct one will fit every verse in the bible. Jesus said after the tribulation of those days..... His angels would gather the elect. The elect are the church. If a Christian really wants to know the order of events all you have to do is very slowly compare Mat 24 and Rev 6. They are the same. In Mat 24 the rapture is after the sun the moon and the stars. Like I said Rev 6 shows all of the main events that Mat 24 does. In Rev 6 "the sun the moon and the stars" is after the cry of the martyrs. Mat 24 "the sun the moon and the stars" is after the tribulation of those days. Just read both it is really not that hard at all. Rev 7 we see the Christians around the throne of God. Now tell where did these Christians just come from? Rev 7 Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, “Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?” 14 And I said to him, [b]“Sir, you know.” So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. So we have the order. Its right there. The first 5 seals and the cry of the martyrs. The rapture of the church and then the wrath of God beginning to fall Rev 6. The church around the throne of God in Rev 7. It really is that easy. Mat 24 says the exact same thing.
Oh and if you missed the rapture in Rev 6 it is because you didn't compare Rev 6 to Mat 24 like I told you to. The rapture in Rev 6 is after the "sun the moon and the star" the same as Mat 24. Notice in Mat 24 the sign of the Son of Man in the sky? Notice the sky receded as a scroll Rev 6? Both are the rapture. Notice the tribes of the earth mourn in Mat 24? Notice the kings of the earth and the wrath of God Rev 6? Like I said if you go slowly and compare it is not hard at all.
My favorite teacher love his archives it’s September 18, 2024 love all his teaching ❤❤❤
Regarding the book of Matthew being addressed to the Jews, I was taught that all of the Bible is written FOR us but not all of it TO us (us being the Gentiles). When reading such books in the Bible I liken myself to a third person listening in to a conversation between God and His target audience (the Jews) and learning something in the process - and continually being eternally thankful to God for His inimitable gift of the sacrifice of the blood of His Son Jesus as propitiation for my sin! Once again Brother Tiff thank you and thank The Lord for your gift of teaching.
You are my trusted source, Tiff.
May God continue to bless you 🙏
This message is Essential for the Complete understanding of the Rapture as God Intended it to be. Thank you so much for your diligence to help us understand with confidence and conviction.
Wonderful teachings.
Best teaching online ♥. God bless!
sir i love your teachings. You have opened my understanding better than any other preacher has taught me
Thanks to the Lord in Jesus Name amen
And thank u once again for this preaching of our Lord Jesus amen
Praise Jesus Christ
Thank you,Bro.Tiff! You are awesome! Please keep teaching us!
Thank you Bro Tiff, thank you for sharing this sermon. I have never heard of this parcial Rapture but now I know. Praise God. Love you in the Lord.
Thank you for your teaching of the Bible you are the only one that goes deep down and explain each teaching.
And what of those vomited out? Those who are neither hot nor cold…those who have not repented? Who have not purchased the true gold that has been tried in the fire? These are church members.
Interesting message Pastor Tiff! I had never heard of this partial Rapture teaching until today. This morning a video (by someone I wasn't subscribed to) about the Rapture came up and I started to listen and he talked about a partial Rapture. I was like...this is not what the Bible teaches. I don't believe in coincidents...I thank God for your teaching and setting the record straight for all. Thank you!
May the Lord continúe to bless your life. Thank you for teaching the true word of God. It is an honor to hear on time messages 🙌🏻
Good evening tiff please pray for me so i can preapred for the second coming of christ am sister reid from jamaica god bless u for these true teaching
Powerful message on this trying times. God bless you
I have No internet BC Blue streak closed down &shut us off early so they received almost a months payment for no service,tomorrow we have a new internet company coming,tonight I have not been able to listen to anything on my phone my data has been used up.I came across this segment &prayed Lord let me hear this tonight.I have listened to every minute of this.Praise God he is So good 👏👏👏👏🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you pastor for your truth and understanding of the end times and most importantly the second coming of Christ ♥️🙏
Thank you Pastor Tiff, very helpful!!
The first time I had heard of a partial rapture was somebody preaching against it. I have never even once heard of anyone preaching FOR it. I guess who I listen to are solid pre trib rapture people.
May the LORD GOD OF HOST bless you in Jesus Christ Mighty Name as you share what Holy Spirit reveals & teach you to share with His saints. Amen!
Thank you for always explaining every scripture clearly I have listen to the Rapture teaching many many times & what confused me was "the twinkle of an eye" because it is also said as Jesus second comming.....
No one knows the day or the hour Mathew 24:39-44
Revelation 3:3 As I over read Mathew 24 seems like we will go through the Tribulation but not when we read Revelation and the church is not mentioned maybe that is why alot of people dont believe in the Pre Rapture
I still need clarity on this thank you Pastor
No go back and read Rev 6 and 7 again. " washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Tell me what that means?
Brother Tiff, love ❤️ your teachings as always. Where is Moses, Noah, David and Abraham, are they asleep and in the ground? Where are the people who died and were not saved, where are their souls?
We shall "all" be changed.
GOD BLESS.Thank you
Thank you.
Thank you dear brother for the clear teachings. I have a question about the fuel/oil the five foolish virgin used?
thank you so much Sir for the very clear teaching.
What about Mathew 7:22
Thank you. Great teaching!
Thanks for the message. Where can we find the pre Darby teachings on the Rapture apart from scripture?
I like to hear what the bible and You teach on children who are misttreating their parents
What does the Bible say about the Believers power over sin, and death?
Thank you for this teaching! My question is: why would unbelievers (the 5 foolish virgins) be waiting and watching for the Bridegroom (Jesus)?
Hello brother Tiff. Could you please cover on the topic of "The generation that sees Israel reborn shall not pass before the end will come"? You have mentioned before it is in Matthew 24. I have brought this up in my group of friends but they ask me to show them.
There is an interesting video by Gabriel on you tube called the parable of the fig tree by 2028end.
I'm just a bit confused and have been for some time about the dead in Christ raising at the RAPTURE. Aren't they already with the Lord? Is it their immortal bodies that are raised up? Also have wondered about cremated remains. I know God can bring them all back together. Would you be able to clarify more on the dead in Christ? Thank you so much for your teachings. Very, very helpful.
As far as I understand the dead in Christ souls are already with the Lord. At the Rapture the actual body is is a mystery to me too, but know this will happen. 🤗🙏🏼
Not our works…our obedience, bc you have kept the word of my patience.
I enjoy your teaching but how can the people who are returning with the Lord are also coming from the grave? I have never understand that. I have heard through out my life that when a person dies he is present with the Lord.
Is not the next event concerning the Church Judgement?
1 Peter 4:17
King James Version
17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
it's Revelation 7:9 about the great multitude that no one can number.
I don't know if there's a partial rapture. I think though that:
1) "if we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God(Heb 10:26), then we will not be caught up.
2) "those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away(Heb 6:4), will not be caught up.
3)if you do not remain in Him, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned(John 15:6) and therefore will not be caught up.
4) if you live according to the flesh, you will die(Romans 8:13) and will not be caught up.
Amen and amen. You can’t live like the devil and expect a reward for it. Be warned!
My mpm taught me that once a person is born again then that person is a drafted in jew by being saved and filled with the holy ghost. so i always looked at myself as a child of God cause i was saved i spoke in tongues and was babtixed in jesus christ.
I just find it hard to separate the description of the rapture and Jesus describing his second coming in Mathew, they seem to fit together as the same event
The rapture is Christ returning for His saints, the second coming is Christ returning with His saints. If there are not 2 distinct events with significant time in between, when is the Judgment Seat of Christ for all the saints before the second coming? There are many questions that arise like this and others if there are not 2 distinct events. Thank you for your view and question.
Pastor will we know our loves one.
what is the email for lost lamb?
What if I am a Christian and live in sin
Math and mark's gospels state it as one event and say specifically after the tribulation when Christ returns he will send out His angels to gather His elect. What could be clearer. Supporting this is Revelation ch 7.9 onwards. What could be clearer. You, I believe , are inferring from scripture. I have quoted scripture on a read and believe basis. I can't get my head around what you are saying. I am prepared to be wrong if I indeed am. If I am incorrect and the rapture happens tomorrow it will be a wonderful surprise for me. Conversely, if what you say is incorrect , then how will you be able to face the tribulation with the mark of the beast etc. Why should there be a pre tribulation rapture? It does not make sense. I would love to hear your answer. God bless.
"the church is not mentioned from Rev 5 to Rev 19" Oh brother why would any one say such a thing? First off the cry of the martyrs is the church. Rev 6 And the church is around the throne of God in Rev 7. Now tell me where did these Christians just come from?
“These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Is there a good Revelation study guide that you could recommend?
Andy Woods study on Revelation is fantastic!!
*@Cheryl S*
Andy Woods is 100s of HOURS of blabble.
If you want to understand Revelation, read Genesis thru Jude.
Love ya plowshares!🤗
Chuck Missler!
Dr.E.W. Bullinger
The transfiguration of Jesus in Mat.17 is not partial. So also the Rapture.
Many believe that Christians will fly in the sky in hoards to meet the Lord. Wrong concept. Heb.9:28 says that He will appear to only them that waits for Him and Jesus said in Mat.24::44 to be ready. Rev.3:10 says to wait and persevere to be kept away from the time of temptation to try the people living in the world while Mk.10:30 at once without judgement takes believers to the next life which is eternal (or Rapture) provided that they fulfilled vs.29. This show that only few will be Raptured. Those that conditioned themselves to Heavenly living from now(Mat.6:10) while still in flesh(1Cor.7:29-31). It's the body that will be changed(1Cor.15:51), the soul being the record keeper of what's been done to prove how consistent the physical body proved in the newness in the Holy Spirit (2Cor.5:17).
How in the world could there be a partial Rapture? If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and repent and be filled the Holy Spirit and know his blood is the only thing that can wash away your sins, then you are saved. There is nothing anyone can do to save themselves. No amount of good deeds, self-righteousness, or how much work you do for the church can save you. Either you're saved are you or not. For someone to miss the Rapture, they were not saved in the first place.
Proud; Revelation 3; 4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. 5 He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not BLOT OUT his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
HI pastor few teachers like Ken Reggio and Nelson Walter and others said no rapture for believer's and the Go through great tribulation and see 666mark of beast iam living in Australia?
Jesus said in Mathew 24 29to31 Immediately After the Tribulation of those the sound of the trumpet 31 And whe will send out his angels with a loud xtrumpet call, and they will ygather zhis elect from athe four winds, bfrom one end of heaven to the other.
Sorry my paste of Mathew 24 29-30 didn't turn out .my point is shouldn't we believe what Jesus said .that makes it quite simple there is no pre trib but there is prewrath
1 Timothy 1: 19Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: 20Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.
(Sounds biblical to me.)
Has it been removed
Thank you Tiff shuddleworth for your true teaching God Bless
It is appointed unto man once to die…it is not appointed once unto man to be Raptured…somebody straighten me out!!
First 25 minutes is just a put down
Of those who have potentially a different interpretation
NO MAN, knows the day or the hour
Tiff, I have a question. Why do believers who have died need to be raised from the dead at the Rapture. Aren’t they with the Lord in heaven right now?
Their souls are with the Lord. They are still awaiting their bodies. That's what the resurrection is, the graves opening. That's when you get your new body. Those in heaven do not have their new bodies yet.
In the end time, the PAPACY and the Apostate Evangelicals will drop their differences and will unite!
This union will force the politicians to pass Sunday Laws.
For more information concerning this topic, please watch a video called "The Mark of the Beast" by Hope Through Prophecy
The parable of ten virgins is for the Jews.
The parable of servants is for the Church.
The parable of the sheep and goats is for the gentiles.
GO ministry; Ten virgins are for the Jews? Matthew 25; 1 25 Then shall the kingdom of HEAVEN be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Take note that the Jews do NOT attend the marriage supper since they are already married to Jesus and that supper happens before Jesus returns to rule and reign at the 2nd coming. The story of the 10 virgins is certainly about the CHURCH.
I'm ashamed to say . . . not only have I heard the parable of the 10 virgins explained this way, I myself have commented about it here on utube as well - not realizing it was officially labeled as a 'Partial Rapture' & an erroneous doctrine, I will find & delete my comments about this - that is so wrong & I don't want to pass along erroneous doctrine.
So, any religion out there who specifies themselves as 'the special group' who will make it to heaven & everyone else who is not of them or of their religion, therefore are not going to be raptured, is pushing this 'Partial Rapture' doctrine.
Any religion that takes John 3:16 "whosoever believes"
to not be anyone & everyone who comes to believes & tries to limit that to only a specific group, or add 'works' to that (specific traditions involving Baptism or Communion)
. . . is making Jesus a liar!!!
Just goes to show, there is every other way to twist scripture for it to be deceptive & only the one way to interpret it correctly - no wonder God will send 3 angels to proclaim the truth of the Gospel around the entire globe . . . all who have been deceived, frustrated, defensive, stubborn, need to hear the True Gospel,
All the pre trib teachers look at every verse in the bible through their pre trib glasses. Every verse has to fit the pre trib or they have to work hard and figure out how to make it fit. Pre trib is the deception Paul warned about 2 thess 2.
There has already been one. Read Matthew.
So, what do you do with an individual who is born again and say that Jesus gave them a message that many Christians will be left behind because they are not denouncing the flesh and are too worldly? I fully believe this person is being used by God in ministry and is authentic in what he believes Jesus told him. It’s troubling to me as I don’t believe the partial rapture is true and believe this person is a man of God. Just don’t know to reconcile this in my mind or heart.
Salvation is a 'gift' but the Kingdom is a 'reward.' Paul warned spirit filled Christians of the possibility of not entering that Kingdom; 1 Cor.6:8-11; Gal.6:19-21; Eph.5:5 etc. This is what Christ and the apostles taught. Those who persist in rebellion in the flesh will be raised at the 2nd resurrection where they will be judged for their 'works' Rev.20:12. Many theologians have written on this very subject; Robert Govett, Lang,Pember, Panton & others. God bless.
Perry Stone teaches a partial rapture, that it’s a reward for living a godly life. Tin Cohen teaches no rapture at all. Will not listen to these teachers anymore.
How many straw Men can he put up
There is no pre trib rapture. It is a made up theory. Not sure why there are 3 rapture theories you mentioned but not the correct one. The correct one will fit every verse in the bible. Jesus said after the tribulation of those days..... His angels would gather the elect. The elect are the church. If a Christian really wants to know the order of events all you have to do is very slowly compare Mat 24 and Rev 6. They are the same.
In Mat 24 the rapture is after the sun the moon and the stars. Like I said Rev 6 shows all of the main events that Mat 24 does. In Rev 6 "the sun the moon and the stars" is after the cry of the martyrs. Mat 24 "the sun the moon and the stars" is after the tribulation of those days. Just read both it is really not that hard at all. Rev 7 we see the Christians around the throne of God. Now tell where did these Christians just come from?
Rev 7
Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, “Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?”
14 And I said to him, [b]“Sir, you know.”
So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple.
So we have the order. Its right there. The first 5 seals and the cry of the martyrs. The rapture of the church and then the wrath of God beginning to fall Rev 6. The church around the throne of God in Rev 7. It really is that easy. Mat 24 says the exact same thing.
Oh and if you missed the rapture in Rev 6 it is because you didn't compare Rev 6 to Mat 24 like I told you to. The rapture in Rev 6 is after the "sun the moon and the star" the same as Mat 24. Notice in Mat 24 the sign of the Son of Man in the sky? Notice the sky receded as a scroll Rev 6? Both are the rapture. Notice the tribes of the earth mourn in Mat 24? Notice the kings of the earth and the wrath of God Rev 6? Like I said if you go slowly and compare it is not hard at all.
Try checking Revelation 4:4, and Revelation 5:9 the Church is already in heaven.
False Teaching.