This Chicken Tractor Is Killing Our Chickens
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
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1/2 inch chicken wire fastened with screws with washers around them. A raccoon can pull the hardware cloth off when fastened with staples.
I’ve had that happen.
I didn't know this!
I'm so sorry that you've lost some of your chicks. Yes, I would think that hardware cloth would eliminate that problem. It's expensive, but I won't use anything else.
Yeah it was a bummer but everything has been good now!
Bin there done that when I first started. Your fixes were good corrected actions.
You're doing awesome!! Keep going and don't give up! This is how you become an expert 😊
Im new to chickens ,but I am learning "IT AIN"T CHEAP" :) always something to buy and work on. and I only have 3 hahaha
I didn't notice the spacing in your first video but yes those stinkers will grab right through that. Super bummer. I'm sorry that happened!
Yes hanging the water and food is sooo helpful in this style tractor! It's also the ticket for using this on a hill, they always hang level.
I always used 1/2" hardware cloth on cages, brooders and tractors.
I am sorry for your loss unforunatly we learn the hard way.
Yes but we all need to learn
Thanks for your 🎉🎉🎉🎉
The feed can maybe attracting the chickens to that corner. you might consider moving it.
We keep a premier 1 electric net around our meat chickens all day but put on the electric at night.
Ty acres of adventure. Yes we learn thru our mistakes.
Do they not have some sort of coop to sleep in at night??
Dude wake up! Predators pull shit thru, dig under, chew thru!
Ill learn by more mistakes. Thats okay
@AcresOfAdventure I completely understand! I have gone thru the same situations! I bury hardware cloth 2 ft down on all sides of coops and wired up 2ft on wire cage as a result of coons, coyote tearing thru chicken wire. But just watch thousands of videos of other people's mistakes before taking on things like this. Keep on doing, just try to think of all the scenarios that will make your flock/herd/garden "proofed" against "things"
I love your channel, beautiful family and other info I've gained from your experiences, not hating bro!
Knowledge belongs to everyone, we come on here to share our experiences offering it freely it to each other , with kindness I say, please know that I believe we should all learn from our mistakes but in this case you owe your animals this borrowed wisdom, you are saying I will do something if I lose another bird, you don’t get the luxury of learning at that pace when another living creatures is at peace of mind is at stake.
These birds are food for your family and deserve a humane life and end of life, right now they are stressed and each attack is more stress. Just because they are food doesn’t mean you treat them less than pet just like the food production companies that mistreat animals.
I lost my ducks to racoons digging under a strong chickenwire fence.
@@AcresOfAdventureI don't know that your chickens agree.
Aww.. man this sucks but glad you fix the problems❤
If that's where they like to roost, maybe try putting a longer 2x4 further back so they have a longer roosting board.
We all live and learn. You correct it as fast as you could. Loss is a hard lesson.
You put the roosting bar there! Put a bigger roosting board IN THE MIDDLE!
I am so sorry for your loss I can only imagine that way you felt when I heard your voice in the beginning of the video. Let’s use other’s knowledge as our own to keep our animals safe.
Note that
Dogs, coyotes, foxes, wolves, bears and even weasel will dig under the coop.
Weasels, Minks, Cats and Snakes will squeeze through small holes, as small a quarter of inch a weasel and mink will fit and cat if they can fit their head they will get through. And of course you have aerial predators as well but we are just addressing the large space in between the wire. And the lack of barrier at ground level, the raccoon is obvious going after the smaller birds rather than full grown roosters .
😳 sorry for so many edits.
Your animal safe vulnerable in that tractor.
Hardwire cloth!! I don't know why chicken owners don't use it...sorry it's happened to you. Glad you finally have done that. Beware of digging predators.
Was going to say in other video but forgot you need hardware cloth everywhere homesteader I see dose that on these chicken tractors, my dad use to say when I did something wrong if you don't make mistakes you'll never learn anything.sorry about your chicken losses .
i know the feeling ..i had 11 baby chicks on my back porch never imagine a predator could get them, but i had a rat snake get onto my enclosed porch some how and got inside the cage and killed all but two of my little babies now they are in a tote inside my house and the snake is dead....
We had a mink get into the barn (which is where we housed the chickens at the time). Darn thing got in through an opening only about an inch in diameter, killed one chicken and mortally injured another chicken and a duck. Took the head of the one chicken clear off. If it wasn't for the commotion, we would likely have lost many more! Predators are no joke as everything loves chicken. A locked coop is the only option for security at night, 1/2" hardware cloth for daytime. A coop with a floor as fox and racoons and other predators will dig to get in.
I have a smaller chicken tractor. I like yours. What size is it? 10ftx10ft?
I use the smaller chicken wire, 1 inch maybe. And on my 1st one I put hardware cloth that was a centimeter square.
The chickens will use that feeder you made as a roost if they don't have one in there that's why there using the corner
Just curious…does your LGD stay outside? I would think he would keep the predators away.
Why do you not have a coop side where the chickens can go into at night? The coop side should be able to lock out predators. Do you have snakes?? They can easily slither in on top 😩
No snakes here for us to worry about, we havent lost a chicken in two weeks now
I’ve never known anyone who raised meat chickens in a coop. They’re only on pasture 4-5 weeks and the tractor should be secure enough to keep them safe. Sucks to learn the hard way, but great job securing things once you knew the chinks in the armor!
My little coop is bent like this and a cat has squeezed through the wire, their collarbone is free floating, only attached by muscle, to their body and their spines are so flexible like a snake, so if a space is wide enough for a cats head, then they can squeeze their body through and have access to our chickens.
I only use mine when I have my dogs in the yard
Real world…. Sometimes predators have to be dispatched.
I hate to say this, but I asked in that first video about snakes knowing they could certainly get through. Sorry this happened.
A rat can get through the top