How To Recover From A Panic/Anxiety Attack Hangover | Managing Fatigue | Self Care Tips | Advice

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 74

  • @Suckrrpunch
    @Suckrrpunch 2 года назад +24

    I had a bad period of several attacks lasting about 4 days. I never experienced something like this I was in panic mode for so long. It’s been three days and I’m recovering, feeling anxious and like shit. Exhausted af. Your video helped so much. I did not know that hangover could last so long and it makes sense now. Thank u ❤

  • @successbydesign3483
    @successbydesign3483 2 года назад +34

    I had a huge anxiety attack, Almost a week ago.. And I'm still recovering from it.. The Hangover feeling and fatigue are bad this time.. So I've taking some time off soon

    • @Robin-hv5tv
      @Robin-hv5tv Год назад +2

      Hey how are you feeling now? How long did it take to recover? Im also 1 week post panic attack where I almost fainted. Ive been feeling nauseous and lightheaded/dizzy every day since..

    • @MrWatcherQuiet
      @MrWatcherQuiet 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@Robin-hv5tvHey how are you doing now, let me know if it got better

    • @Robin-hv5tv
      @Robin-hv5tv 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@MrWatcherQuiet I am almost completely fine now. Maybe ill feel lightheaded once or twice a month. But I still have some anxiety problems but its not that serious

    • @xsm5525
      @xsm5525 2 дня назад

      @@Robin-hv5tv so basically a full week after the panic attack right?
      I'm on day 4 and I still get dizzy and weird head sensations. but I guess my body is heeling slowly, it DOES feel like it's healing though. I've been having lots of good nutrition too! I've cut out all booze, coffee and spicy like ALL the websites say, and I've just been mostly eating, rice dishes with fish. bananas, oatmeal, water, green tea and I already feel about 25% better!

    • @Robin-hv5tv
      @Robin-hv5tv 2 дня назад

      @@xsm5525 Hey! I actually felt lightheaded and dizzy for many months. I then started to exercise again (I was afraid to). I started doing vestibular exercises also. And continued my life normally with the dizziness. I think my main problem was that my subconcious and conciousness was focusing on body sensations so much that I focused less on surroundings so my brain didnt know how to balance anymore (focus wasnt there).
      Happy that youre feeling better! I cut out on caffeine completely, havent had a single energy drink or coffee since.

  • @marie-clairedesforges4809
    @marie-clairedesforges4809 2 года назад +11

    Your completely right, there isn't much out there about the stress that lingers after. This was really helpful thank you!

  • @RickySpanish12344
    @RickySpanish12344 Год назад +8

    Thank you. for me the worst anxiety attacks are when I'm trying to sleep. Sometimes this means I will only get an hour or two of sleep. This take a toll and the hangover is usually a week or two.

    • @deanospimoniful
      @deanospimoniful Год назад

      Been there, brother. Sleep hygiene practices can help, like having a screen free wind down time before bed, and only using your bed for sleep.

  • @LilFoxyCosplay
    @LilFoxyCosplay 2 года назад +6

    Been searching for advice for ages I had my first panic attack in years this morning it's left me super unwell

    @GOATMENTATOR 5 месяцев назад +1

    What helped me:
    forcing atleast a tiny amount of food because I can't eat anything;
    speaking with a friend a bit (not about the attack but just generally);
    warm shower;
    distracting myself with work that isn't stressful;
    cleaning the house or something similar;
    massage(didn't do it but I think it would help for sure);
    nicotine(I know it is a stimulant and probably should do harm but for me it helped relax)

  • @Libracherrypie80
    @Libracherrypie80 Год назад +2

    For me food is the help afterwards. My appetite disappears after a panic attack and it’s too easy to run on empty so I force myself to eat something, small snacks, whatever I have just to remind my body that it needs food. I find it helps my body reset the next day

  • @emilyfratzke1082
    @emilyfratzke1082 2 года назад +10

    Thank you so much for this video. I've struggled with anxiety and depression through highschool but have been doing really well lately. Today I had an extremely overwhelming panic attacks and it led to me forgetting all of the things I had learned about getting through it. I felt disappointed in myself and as though I was defeated. Thank you for giving me a tool to fight back! ❤️

  • @arealboiii4830
    @arealboiii4830 2 года назад +5

    Watching this after (genuinely casually) day drinking and then (obviously) suffering a panic attack. I know a lot of my behavior is detrimental to my state but believe you me, this is an improvement and not one easily achieved. I just want to say for those of you out there like me who were heavily emotionally detached and in the proccess of breaking down those walls and begining to feel again, you will be taken off guard that you are suddenly having panic or axiety attacks. THIS IS GOOD!!! Its a very wierd thing to say and (obviously by me being here) its a hell of a thing to have to suddenly start dealing with but its part of the process. I recognize that my advice and perspective isnt for everyone but I know im not alone out here so I just wanted to throw some love and encouragement to people going through something similar to me. I was against therapy for the longest time bc ppl who go are just too weak to handle reality. What I realized was that while I was right about that, I'm one of them and shouldnt be judging others for their shortcomings.
    We ARE weak, thats why we struggle, but through our struggle, we become stronger. Accept that you are weak or broken or whatever you want to call it, then accept that THIS IS OK. I'm sorry if you dont associate with my opinion/belief, but someone else might, so please try to be courteous. We are all different and so are our journeys in bettering our mental health.
    Onwards and Upwards my friends, and should you stumble, get back up and wear those scars with pride. Never forget that somewhere, at some time, past, present, or future, someone else has had it worse than you and they succeded. It doesnt mean your shit doesnt suck, to the contrary, it means that no matter how hopeless or lost or overwhelmed you might feel, either in the moment or overall, YOU. CAN. SUCCEED. I had to learn to believe in myself and I believe in you. My problems are largely of my own creation and there was a pretty decent amount of time where I was a total shitbag and now I'm having to learn how to deal with that, as well as the things that caused me to become so disconeccted in the first place.
    Dont ask for details because I wont give them publicly, but if you feel the same as me and want to share a bit about yourself or your story, I'd like the responses to this comment to be that. If you just come to spread hate, I'm not gonna delete your post but bear in mind, that just means everyone else is gonna see it too. If there is someone out there who feels a connection to my position but isnt comfortable sharing it publicly (I know I'm not), @ me and once we are both online at the same time, I'll temporarily drop my discord account and we can connect there if you want to talk more in depth and privately. (You can create one for free and easily. Hell, I know that a lot of ppl create alt accounts just for this purpose.)
    Know that you are loved and for those of you with no friends, whose family doesnt support them, and are out here on your own, you are still loved. There are others, struggling right along side you in silence. THEY see you. THEY hear you. THEY understand you. As in all communities, we are drawn to support those around us. We dont need to know you or your story for us to love you. Some of us can love you just for going through a struggle. Whatever hell you are dealing with, I am personally begging you to seek help. If you dont want to, then contact me directly. I'm no profesional, but I'll give you what I can and help you in finding more if thats what you decide. Bear in mind I'm a full time student, work full time, and have two children so I'm probably not going to reply right away. I will as soon as possible and am NOT going to be upset if you blow me up with tags/coments. This is being posted on 8/10/2022 (U.S. date format) but I'll do my best to respond regardless. If a bunch of time goes by and I dont respond, tag me relentlessly, I'll get an email and check back.
    Sorry if this got "ranty".

  • @gentlemangeek
    @gentlemangeek Год назад +3

    Thank you for this video. I had my first panic attack yesterday and have been trying to figure out how to navigate it today.

  • @rioabodo5272
    @rioabodo5272 Год назад +4

    Just had one today. It was terrible. I tried taking a nap but just like you said it was difficult. I could feel the tingling and my heart racing. Some things i do whenever i have panic attack are deep breathing, focusing my senses on specific things i like doing the tapping technique as well. It is very freeing. And lastly, i listen to relaxing music, mostly the ones we use to meditate. It really helps me re-focus and tell myself that this too shall pass. It is not that easy but i try doing all of these to see which ones will work for me during my panic attack. Also, now i understand better why i feel so weak after an attack. I thought it isnt normal if it lasts for more than a few hours. Didnt know it could last for a few days. Thanks a lot for this!

  • @danthemanbardo
    @danthemanbardo 2 года назад +18

    I recently had a big panic attack. I thought I was having a heart attack. I was rushed to the hospital. I'm feeling an after effect even having some panic attacks after. I feel like it's getting a lil better but I been still getting some attacks here n there

    • @dylansmith7404
      @dylansmith7404 Год назад +1

      Literally same here I’m currently in this stage right now.

    • @danthemanbardo
      @danthemanbardo Год назад

      @@dylansmith7404 oof I'm sorry to hear it's not a fun time

    • @rudycoronado8637
      @rudycoronado8637 Год назад

      Same thing here I’m still getting some

  • @yuup1111
    @yuup1111 Год назад +2

    I had a panic attack a week ago now still recovering from fatigue head is spining light headed forgot every important thing even from first day of fatigue 2 day have passed now am getting clarity what to search on yt here I found your video thank you ❤

  • @ntbteeny
    @ntbteeny 2 года назад +9

    Really going through it right now and this helped a lot im still feeling anxious but you’re helping me calm down a bit.

  • @k.b.nicole2428
    @k.b.nicole2428 2 года назад +5

    Thank you. Just has a series of attacks yesterday and was confused why my body felt so bad today. Struggling to get thru work. Going to decompress today

  • @CKBrooke
    @CKBrooke Год назад +2

    Thank you so much. Went to the ER with my first panic attack this weekend and the hangover is wretched. This video helps. Appreciate it

  • @somekindof2574
    @somekindof2574 Год назад +1

    Thanks this is super helpful. I got rid on them for years and now they back with vengeance. 😢❤

  • @Vegassexuality8295
    @Vegassexuality8295 2 года назад +5

    Thank you so much this helped so much especially when u remind to get that important point lol. I do feel so powerless I hate that but I know my triggers so it's easy.
    One method that helps me is talking as u said and meditation, there is this app I use, it only started happening like 4 weeks ago and since everyday feels like a hang over,damn so hard but again thank u, great video

  • @Youlovepria19
    @Youlovepria19 2 года назад +3

    Had a really bad panic attack about 4 days ago ! Believe it was due to my burnout from work and no sleep… being Too compassionate for my job and other personal issues ! I couldn’t swallow …hear rate very high ,drank about 10 glasses of water and chewed on ice to keep me swallowing . I was in the hospital ! Now I’m just very tired ,some chest pain , kinda down but I’ve been doing things to keep me up I guess . Stayed in my room all day today ! hopefully it goes away before my birthday in October !!

  • @OhRycee
    @OhRycee Год назад +3

    I had a panic attack and when I sleep I wake up feeling horrible my chest still feels tight I still feel weak and I still feel dizzy kick if it's normal but what ever I do it still stays for days

  • @Jamie-813
    @Jamie-813 Год назад +2

    I had a really awful meltdown last week and had tried to reach out to my therapist afterwards for support. They weren't helpful. Thanks for the advice!

    • @rachii6687
      @rachii6687 3 месяца назад

      How to know when a therapist or a psychologist/psychiatrist is helpful?

  • @fatiraaureliatarigan8579
    @fatiraaureliatarigan8579 Год назад +1

    Anxiety is not a liar, it just doesn't know better. Nevertheless, thank you for sharing this.

  • @ItsGonnaBeMay81
    @ItsGonnaBeMay81 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this video. I often feel like I've been wrung out from head to toe, and it's how I felt today when I found this video a few hours post a bad panic attack. I greatly appreciate finding this video when I needed it most.

  • @matthewflippin5158
    @matthewflippin5158 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you. I have been dealing with nonstop panic attacks and really, this has helped me put it into perspective. I am going to be ok.

  • @alpacaprod2392
    @alpacaprod2392 Месяц назад

    youre an angel bless you

  • @katharinelilley566
    @katharinelilley566  2 года назад +10

    0:00 Intro
    1:11 What is a panic attack
    2:46 What is the panic attack hangover
    3:21 What to do to help
    6:34 What to avoid doing
    8:29 Outro

  • @winniebrunovlogs4904
    @winniebrunovlogs4904 11 месяцев назад +1

    Am going through every day ..and fear of heart attack death faint is so scary even after panic attack overs still little bit of fear ness still there …

  • @Lostboy-007
    @Lostboy-007 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much his sounds like great advice going tot try it straight away I've been on different meds/therapy and all sorts and nothing has helped long term so thank you :D

  • @Mel-yv1gq
    @Mel-yv1gq Год назад +4

    Do you feel bubbles and sharpness in your chest from a panic attack? I have many panic attacks within 3 days and that is one of the symptoms, it has been throwing me off thinking its somethkng more serious like sepsis, someone helpppp plsss

    • @magz6763
      @magz6763 Год назад +1

      i feel like wind is trapped in my throat. saw others comment about feeling bubbles and sharpness tho.

    • @ahmedalhallag3338
      @ahmedalhallag3338 Год назад +2

      Yes i did have a feeling of stiffness and tingles in my chest in the hangover period. Just think of one thing: does it come and go? Then that means that its harmless! Dont let it restrict your movement, do what you want and if you felt a pain in your chest, just let it come at you and leave on its own, dont let it win over you, just conquer it and move along like whatever was that that just happened

  • @ils5246
    @ils5246 2 года назад +1

    I just had one at work cause a customer started shouting and insulting me while I was just trying to help her. My boss pushed me to continue working and I tried but I simply couldn’t. I felt disorientated, nauseous and tense and weak at the same time. Now at home trying to sleep since I’m super duper tired but my mind is too busy

  • @Joevjx
    @Joevjx 2 года назад +10

    It’s been a week since I had my panic attack. My symptoms now are strong fatigue, lightheaded and sleepy. Is that normal? Sometimes I would also panic from thinking a lot .

    • @johndoe_1984
      @johndoe_1984 2 года назад +7

      Same here

    • @jaromsmiss
      @jaromsmiss 2 года назад +1

      same here, im sleepy, i cant take my adhd meds anymore because it makes me super anxious, i just wanna sleep

    • @DJYSM
      @DJYSM 2 года назад

      does your heart race during your hangover

    • @Laraj-cy9kg
      @Laraj-cy9kg 5 месяцев назад

      @@DJYSMmine has been

  • @feliceelfesness383
    @feliceelfesness383 Год назад

    Having someone there to keep me grounded by placing a hand on my shoulder helped me a bit

  • @feliceelfesness383
    @feliceelfesness383 Год назад

    I’ve had about 5 panic attacks in the last 2 weeks. The worst thing is the extreme fatigue after for me as I also have Cfs/ME and it triggers my PEM. So I’m an emotional and physical veg afterwards. Sometimes I can’t physically breath for a few counts as it’s too much effort for my weak muscles.
    Trying to rest now and find ways to calm down.

  • @caratarmymoaengene8791
    @caratarmymoaengene8791 Год назад

    I usually had this in bedtime and that makes it really difficult for me

  • @Faithandhumanity9875
    @Faithandhumanity9875 Год назад

    This video was so soo helpful. Thank you for all the suggestions and the clarification.

  • @Luki82
    @Luki82 Месяц назад

    Yes that are nice things that would help in the moment...but they most likely will turn into safety behaviors and perpetuate problem. You cannot Hide. You need to do nothing, acknowledge what is going on and just move on, dont give meaning to it, its natural, and you can handle it...or bether enduce another panick attack and face it...Bully it.
    And work on that way...practice that, because it understends only your Actions, not thots.

  • @DLPhilosophy
    @DLPhilosophy 5 месяцев назад

    Outstanding video!

  • @steelstreet79
    @steelstreet79 5 месяцев назад

    It feels like a tingling sensation like when when pins all over.

  • @tinylions
    @tinylions 2 года назад

    Thank you--really helpful video for me right now!

  • @Itshajjj
    @Itshajjj 6 месяцев назад

    Hi I’ve appreciated your video. I had a major panic attack for like 4-5 hours about a week ago. I’ve had panic attacks my whole life but never had a panic attack hangover. I’ve been having one the brain fog has almost all gone away but the fatigue and anxious feeling is still here? Anyone have any similar experience ?

  • @kaelahsabree
    @kaelahsabree 2 года назад

    Thank you🤍

  • @laceymcgeejadore
    @laceymcgeejadore 8 месяцев назад

    how do i be compassionate to myself after?

  • @motivationalspeaker6505
    @motivationalspeaker6505 Год назад +2

    Can junk foods nd milk tea cause panic attack

  • @brodudemanbro
    @brodudemanbro Год назад +4

    Panic attacks stink

  • @tommyakacyda2886
    @tommyakacyda2886 3 месяца назад

    day 7 here.. when will i get back to normal

  • @daltonlong5271
    @daltonlong5271 Год назад

    What do you think about brain fog after?

  • @imnobodywhoareyouu
    @imnobodywhoareyouu Месяц назад

    Hi, Im writing a book and one of the main characters has a very bad panic attack (shes having a very bad week because of a breakup then at work a collegue has a heart attack, she does cpr until the emergency services arrive and the stress of the situation triggers the attack) does it makes sense that after she calms down and the episode finishes another character (a good friend) gives her a hug and that brings her comfort? Or in those situations is better to be left alone?
    Great video, it gave me lots of data.

  • @tannergrinzel1835
    @tannergrinzel1835 Год назад

    Alcohol destabilize the brain which makes anxiety worse

  • @skaterdude14b
    @skaterdude14b Год назад

    Can we please not with the ytuber thumbnails‽