Seriously, imagine any President comes on television, and says, "I had this dream, last night. God talked to me through this dream. We're going to war. Draft notices will be forthcoming." Would literally anyone be ok with this?
@@positronhaberdashery1583 Nah, Bill Clinton was bombing Iraq in 1998 and was claiming WMDs, but the Lewinsky thing made no one notice. Bush just got to go in, after Clinton was bombing.
I always remember the little Australian kid, who, on being told about the origins of Australia and the US, commented, "Boy, I sure am glad that we got the convicts and you got the puritans!"
In fact, I've read that one of the reasons that the United Kingdom took measures to claim Australia (in addition, I'm sure, to beating out France) was because they could no longer send their convicts to Georgia.
@John Paterson Not to mention that many of the "convicts" sent to Australia were really only "convicted" of being poor or being Irish patriots or of misdemeanors that wouldn't even merit jail time today.
It says alot about how bass ackwards religions as a whole are.... I'm glad I'm woke from that delusion. Despite some of my Christian friends and their view of my stance today, I'm very fulfilled and happy. And, I'm doing much more for my fellow man than ever before, regardless of who they are. Religions tend to be a bit, actually alot, divisive in that respect.
Aron you make me proud to be an atheist. Actually the first person that got me to realize that i am one. I left the church ten years ago but it took me years to get the courage to take a stance. Thank you for being a voice of the people who like me are too quiet. Keep it up man
Never has so many universal truths been spoken so eloquently in one speech. Far more honest and impressive, than anything from any scriptural doctrine I can think of.
Religion: "I'm totally against oppression, so long as it's me who's not being oppressed and I still get to oppress people I don't agree with. This is where the definitive hypocrisy really roots itself into our culture. "I don't want to be oppressed, but fuck you if you are someone who I think I should oppress." It's absurd, "I have freedom of religion, and my religion says you should be stoned to death, so I am free to stone you to death" is basically what's going on here, and it seems like many religious people are so lacking in any capacity for humanity that they think that allowing GLBTQ people to have equal rights is somehow encroaching on their freedom of religion. It makes me sick on so many levels, not only as someone who is of the GLBTQ community, but also as someone who is highly skeptical of all religions and groups that use misguided ideas of oppression to push forth their ideals (such as feminists co-opting GLBTQ issues as their own, and going to the U.N. because people won't swallow their B.S. without applying the same kind of criticism that would be expected of any other ideologues).
Nikki Travis No, say ten Is absolutely right. Islamism is fundamental or militant Islam. Maybe do a little research next time before you start berating someone.
5 лет назад+1
@@gmc9753 100 times more logical at least. Their God is just one, no talking snakes or donkeys, no wrestling matches with God and no zombies walking the city after their Prophet died.. Still indefensible today, but much of the science matches.. If I had to follow one belief at gunpoint, I'd go for that one
"Sarah Palin," followed by immediate laughter. It can be impartially and objectively stated that the woman is a joke. Tough to deny when your name is a fully-functioning punchline. Whoa.
@Hydin Biden No, I know plenty of so-called believers who aren’t complete tools. Alaskans, who l love, deserve the best. She, decidedly, is not that, milady.
@@angelamaryquitecontrary4609 She laid the ground-work, AngelaMary. However, it is us, the electorate, that bears the responsibility for the both of them. We allowed this sh*t to happen.
+DrownedInExile Wasn't that in a conversation between Dr Franklin and G'Kar? Both actors are now, sadly, deceased (did they offend the Duck or the Wabbit?)
I'm very patriotic, and have served 10 years in the US Navy, but when the pledge is recited, I skip the "under god" part. Until I find or someone shows me evidence of the existence of any deity, I'm a free person and will not pledge to a country which is considered to be "under" any deity. Our government has made too many holidays, and every one delays and decreases economic productivity, postal delivery, banks from doing business, etc. The one designation that truly irritates me is the so called national day of prayer. Mr Truman had no business establishing that, and no one since his time has had the wisdom to eliminate it. For a secular democratic republic, such a thing is a travesty on our founding principles. Whenever a religionist complains about "persecution " in the US, I ask the question, "If you're so badly treated, why do we have a national day of prayer?" I've never gotten a sensible answer. BTW The US Constitution nowhere mentions the word god, Jesus or Christianity.
@@jimgreco6279you're right, he's rational, educated and cares about humans and the worst thing is that he doesn't believe ina magical anthropomorphic god without any evidence. He's totally an idiot
I appreciate the presentation of his research and the research itself, I disagree on his conclusions based on this research since to me the found facts rather seem to point to the opposite.
dear AronRa: thank you for adressing the greatest need of our time: broad intellectual horizons allied to ethics and mutual caring. it's no longer simply the religion vs. science debate, but broad vs. narrow minds in general.
Oh I can't wait for the Phylogeny thing to be done. Your passion for that subject has really made me interested in it, shortly I'm going to the Jurassic Coast on my first fossil hunting trip, because you've inspired me.
I got to talk to Madeline Murray O'Hare on radio when my kids were little. I cherish that conversation. She was an amazing and caring woman. I mourn her death. I am grateful. I don't believe in forcing children to swear an oath they CANNOT understand. I am utterly opposed to it. And this sacred cow is unassailable right now. Damn it.
Chagall, the painter, was of Jewish descent and the particular sect of Judaism in his small then Russian (now part of Belarus) village actually took the decree against making pictures- of any kind- to heart. It caused him a lot of grief.
Aron, I've been a fan of yours since before you finished the Foundational Falsehoods. I've watched your speeches as you've gotten better and better at it. I am telling you that THIS is the best speech you've given. I've always loved the way you squeeze huge amounts of either information or rhetoric into such a small time frame. This speech is full of so much content that when I imagine telling someone about it, it would take hours. You did it in just over 40 minutes. And you did it with a restrained passion that was enormously effective. Keep up the good work. You are an example of why it is still possible to love Texas, in spite of all the reasons to be ashamed of this state.
Correct about the 'pilgrims'. They left England because they could not put their ways upon the majority. We are glad they left and we have seen the result in where they went.
@@autobotstarscream765, as someone who know religion is the problem and never the solution, the Christian sharia is absolutely no different than the Islamic one.
That D&D comment got me thinking, I think it's safe to say that, Christians want live in a D&D game. The DM goes by god. "God" spoke the world into existence. There's magic, demons, magic creatures etc.. Now, the scary part is they think we're the players.
+kokofan50 Ive had conservative christians at my table, they make the worst paladins. Their values system is soo screwed up they can't maintain their alignment more than a game or 2. It's fun as Gawd to go over their moral failures.
I could listen to you, AronRa, talk all day about anything. Love the content of your channel and your book. Hope you come to Chicago some time soon. Hope to meet you one day.
Sir, as always, in all ways, you speak what is in/on my heart. It must be the Holy Spirit!!! Hahaha! You, Sir, are right, or rite!, on all accounts and on all counts. Salute to you, Sir.
I’ve noticed that theists have a hard time with the concept of non belief. They often say “if you don’t believe in god then what do you believe?” As if everyone MUST have a supernatural belief of one kind or another. They scratch their heads and look confused when you try to explain that you hold no supernatural beliefs at all. I wonder why that is so hard for them to understand.
AronRa you are a star! I was born an Atheist and never saw any reason to do anything about that, so I remain Atheist and I am proud to be Atheist as you are. I would like to be an Atheist Activist and fight the deceitful , cruel GB’s as you do. I am simply not clever enough , that’s how it is I’m afraid. It just gives me more reason to support you in your work, you fight them because I’m just not good enough for the frontline. I am a keen AronRa supporter as of night now. I’m a new subber and I will contribute to your Patreon account. It’s the least I can do. Thank you for all your hard work. Thank you.
I felt the exact same discomfort every morning being forced to pledge my soul to America (and Texas). That's how they get you to "volunteer " to give your life to your leaders in war.
+Barack Clinton "We are Christianity. Reduce your skepticism and surrender your mind. We will add your holidays and religious practices to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
Doesn't the second commandment also restrict what you write? A description in words is also an image. Which means the bible itself is a forbidden book according to itself.
I find it odd from a UK perspective that a country founded on such rational and secular values has so much religious conservatism yet a country like the uk, who's state religions are the Anglican church and the Presbyterian church have, in comparison, such a low amount of fundamentalist Christians. Maybe it's because the past and present leaders of the the church (Williams, Wellby) are themselves quite progressive?
+raleighman3000 yeah you're right, having a monarchy in a 21st century MEDC is pathetic. I have hope that we can democratically out the royal family, May be quite a lot of years yet, unfortunately.
@@ashmckinlay1402 the monarchy is not worshiped nor do they have any power. Theres no point getting rid of a tradition which provides millions annually in tourist spending. They provide more than they take away.
If we ever forget that we're one nation under a * CONSTITUTION * then we will be a nation gone under "I pledge allegiance to the * CONSTITUTION * of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under *A CONSTITUTION*, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"
If I were to run for public office in Texas and they ask me if I believed in a supreme being, I would say yes and that would be true for I am the supreme being of my own life. Just like if you're ask if you're a god you say "YES!"
I think its sad that more people cant see that their religion is exactly the same as the thousands of other religions that have existed and that do exist today. They should easily be able to see that no religion can hold that they are the right one. Just blows me away.
Thanks for pointing out where my (home state) of Pennsylvania got SOME things right. Something that always bugged me was that even PA history, which we did twice, didn't mention too pointedly that Penn established the colony based upon religious freedom. It was only recently that I recognized that we had an unusual number of unusual religions & denominations, and that that was "just fine". In our school, we had a Senior elective course on comparative religions. 'Twas interesting how many in the class could contribute odd bits to fill in the curriculum.
As a science teacher in the UK, just the first 1 minute and 10 seconds of the clip astonishes me. I'm not going to say that no such teachers exist here, I have no evidence! but, the thought of playing a video to a class because I don't believe the science is totally alien here.
@@fukpoeslaw3613 And at least some forms of Hinduism hold the first Buddha to be an Avatar of Vishnu (meaning they see Buddhism as kind of a Messianic movement), but they don't ascribe perfect and morality to their "Jesuses" so they don't think Siddhartha Gautama was perfect almighty God even when they think he's an Avatar of Vishnu, some apparently even think he's one of the more negative avatars.
We know why Paul's extremism made it into the biblical canon. He justified slavery and the oppression of women among other backwards ideas. Tear all the books attributed to Paul out of the Bible and you have a better New Testament. LOL.
True that but with a couple of possible exceptions. The Thomistic Christians in India don't (as far as I am aware). I'm not sure that Coptic Christians are exactly Paulists, either. But the Protestants made up for them and really doubled down on Paulism.
@@seanmichaels8060 You're not the only one I've heard advocate for that, after all, Paul's assertion that all Scripture is God-breathed is standard Rabbinical thought about the Hebrew Scriptures, basically the Old Testament, which is what Paul would have meant by "the Scriptures" in that instance as the New Testament as we know it was not yet codified when Paul wrote his letters, which altogether are his writings and opinions, basically his Messianic Rabbinical Talmud, ironic since many Christians freak out at the very idea of Talmuds yet live by one, thinking that Paul was so delusional as to be referring to *his own Epistles* when he said "all Scripture is God-breathed", which is used to declare the Bible self-sealing and therefore unquestionable when that's obviously not what Paul meant by that.
Blessing is a level 1 cleric spell. it gives +1 to attack and +1 on saves against fear effects for all allies within 50ft radius for 1 minute per Casterlevel. It also dispels bane.
If you actually run on that, be sure to tell everyone that Odin is the basis for all the popular "Christian" Santa legends that have nothing to do with Saint Nicholas except for the name "Santa" that isn't a name, it's the title "Saint" in another language. Saint Odin sees all and knows who's naughty and nice, lives in the Far North, commands an army of elves and magical beasts, and brings gifts to those who worship the gods, especially by keeping trees and wreaths in their houses in the winter to show faith in the gods to see them through the winter and bring spring once more, and by offering milk and food in gratitude for their provision and protection.
AronRa broke it down nicely with this monologue. I enjoy the clear description of religion and its consequences. AronRa carries the torch Hitch passed years ago. Kudos brother!
37:43 finally someone talks about the DAMN Pledge. Each day, I had to say it, without understanding what the hell it was. Initially, at least. In 5th grade, when I first came to America, my peers and my teacher congratulated me when I memorized it. I stopped saying it by the end of fifth grade, and from then on, I never said it again. While it is, fortunately, not required, I still stood up every time it was spoken, because I felt awkward otherwise. If they want to keep the pledge, fine, remove the "under *od", and only have the pledge spoken one day of the year. Even that's too much.
I am a clerk at a bookstore and I have to call people to tell them that their orders are in and it frequently pisses me off that people leave that "Have a blessed day" shit as the ending on their answering machine. That's SOOOO much worse than doing it in person! It's so hard to keep a straight face and leave a pleasant message when I hear that!
I entertain the possibility of a little woo. I like my little bit of woo. Thinking about my preferred flavour of woo makes me happy. I know it's woo, so I don't try to convince anyone it isn't woo or expect anyone to show respect for my woo. Still, I carry my little bit of woo with me and cherish and enjoy it whenever it doesn't conflict with provable reality.
Well put. l too openly acknowledge that my personal myth is just that. Myth. Wonderful little stories l made up. Now, I'm off to study the Pattern. l have a bus to catch. ;)
If gods and magic really worked, the world would be like in D&D. Not necessarily that level of power, but you would be able to study magic and come to an understanding of how and why things worked. Not only could you talk to the gods, but the gods would talk back in a way that other people could experience even if they didn't worship that particular deity.
Regarding the part about the pledge of allegiance, I remember distinctly when I was 12 years old, in 6th grade, I had history class first thing in the morning. I never understood the point of pledging allegiance to the flag, even when I was in elementary school, but I did it any way because it's what was expected. But in that class, I just stopped getting up for the pledge. It would come on the daily announcements that we had to stand up, and I just didn't. I remember my teaching pulling me into the hallway and yelling at me that I was being 'unamerican' by not doing it. I kinda just let him rant, and continued not standing. It wasn't against the rules not to do so, so what were they gonna do, expel me? I still stand by that decision today, the same way I stand by anyone who kneels when the national anthem comes on. It's not a matter of disrespecting the country, it's just saying 'hey, things aren't what they seem, can we address the problem?'
Freedom of speech. Though i'd stand.......just out of respect for those who served our country to maintain/protect that right espicially those who sacrificed their lives. That's just my position though.
Hey Aron, are you still into role playing games? I never liked D&D but I run some science fiction RPGs. you're always welcome at my table, i'd even loan you some dice.
Well this wasn't so much of a problem back when drivers licenses were laminated, that kept the breath of life from being breathed into them. It's more of a problem with the ones that are just printed plastic cards, the plastic can fracture over time allowing the breath of life in.
+Tom Riddle When a video is new the "viewed" statistics are inaccurate. It used to always say "301+" right after the video was posted, and would stay that way for a couple of days. It was humorous to see people not understand this and claim "its a conspiracy! only 301 people have watched my video but thousands have downvoted it!"
I now worship MARVIN...the Martian, as opposed to the "plastic-pal who's fun to be with!", because that describes an inflatable sex-toy rather than a powerful mechanism capable of the clearest thought ever exhibited by a robot. I miss Douglas Adams, but that's a different story. VOTE FOR AronRa FOR the position of SENATOR. Resist islamism while you still can. AronRa for US Senate !!! Vote for AronRa for US Senate ! VOTE ARONRA SENATOR !
Seriously, imagine any President comes on television, and says, "I had this dream, last night. God talked to me through this dream. We're going to war. Draft notices will be forthcoming." Would literally anyone be ok with this?
certainly not the reasonable ones.
Bush and iraq
Not everyone, just like half of the population, given the latest developments
Unfortunately, yes.
@@positronhaberdashery1583 Nah, Bill Clinton was bombing Iraq in 1998 and was claiming WMDs, but the Lewinsky thing made no one notice. Bush just got to go in, after Clinton was bombing.
I always remember the little Australian kid, who, on being told about the origins of Australia and the US, commented, "Boy, I sure am glad that we got the convicts and you got the puritans!"
We got Georgia! It was a prison colony too. No wombats though. :(
In fact, I've read that one of the reasons that the United Kingdom took measures to claim Australia (in addition, I'm sure, to beating out France) was because they could no longer send their convicts to Georgia.
@John Paterson Not to mention that many of the "convicts" sent to Australia were really only "convicted" of being poor or being Irish patriots or of misdemeanors that wouldn't even merit jail time today.
It says alot about how bass ackwards religions as a whole are.... I'm glad I'm woke from that delusion.
Despite some of my Christian friends and their view of my stance today, I'm very fulfilled and happy. And, I'm doing much more for my fellow man than ever before, regardless of who they are. Religions tend to be a bit, actually alot, divisive in that respect.
Frank The Realist Me too!
Aron you make me proud to be an atheist. Actually the first person that got me to realize that i am one. I left the church ten years ago but it took me years to get the courage to take a stance. Thank you for being a voice of the people who like me are too quiet. Keep it up man
He's helped me so much, too. And Christopher Hitchens, bien sûr.
One time my wife's uncle challenged me to demonstrate that Jesus was a socialist (on Facebook). I quoted so many verses that he blocked me.
Thanks you for all that you are doing for reasoned information and knowledge. Religion has no place in our politics or in our schools.
Never has so many universal truths been spoken so eloquently in one speech. Far more honest and impressive, than anything from any scriptural doctrine I can think of.
Thank you for teaching me. As a former fundamentalist I have much catching up to do.
Nice to see a fellow autistic is a fan of Aron :)
Religion: "I'm totally against oppression, so long as it's me who's not being oppressed and I still get to oppress people I don't agree with.
This is where the definitive hypocrisy really roots itself into our culture. "I don't want to be oppressed, but fuck you if you are someone who I think I should oppress."
It's absurd, "I have freedom of religion, and my religion says you should be stoned to death, so I am free to stone you to death" is basically what's going on here, and it seems like many religious people are so lacking in any capacity for humanity that they think that allowing GLBTQ people to have equal rights is somehow encroaching on their freedom of religion. It makes me sick on so many levels, not only as someone who is of the GLBTQ community, but also as someone who is highly skeptical of all religions and groups that use misguided ideas of oppression to push forth their ideals (such as feminists co-opting GLBTQ issues as their own, and going to the U.N. because people won't swallow their B.S. without applying the same kind of criticism that would be expected of any other ideologues).
AronRa true American Patriot! Keep fighting the sickness of religion, especially Christianity!
Islam is still 100 times worse than Christianity.
Nikki Travis No, say ten Is absolutely right. Islamism is fundamental or militant Islam. Maybe do a little research next time before you start berating someone.
@@gmc9753 100 times more logical at least. Their God is just one, no talking snakes or donkeys, no wrestling matches with God and no zombies walking the city after their Prophet died.. Still indefensible today, but much of the science matches.. If I had to follow one belief at gunpoint, I'd go for that one
@@justintrites1699 you idiot. Islamism isn't a real thing. You're thinking of Islamic extremism.
Bless is a 1st level cleric spell that adds a d4 to all attack rolls and saving throws for three willing creatures.
Maybe Christians should say: "Have a +1 bonus to your saving throws for the next 24 hours!"
"Sarah Palin," followed by immediate laughter. It can be impartially and objectively stated that the woman is a joke. Tough to deny when your name is a fully-functioning punchline. Whoa.
@Hydin Biden Whose fault is it when a person only _has_ one facet? Worse yet, _chooses_ to have only one facet?
@Hydin Biden No, I know plenty of so-called believers who aren’t complete tools. Alaskans, who l love, deserve the best. She, decidedly, is not that, milady.
An international joke, at that. Just like Trump.
@@angelamaryquitecontrary4609 She laid the ground-work, AngelaMary. However, it is us, the electorate, that bears the responsibility for the both of them. We allowed this sh*t to happen.
If you don't worship Daffy Duck, you worship Bugs Bunny. It's you must look into your heart as to whether it's "wabbit season" or "duck season".
+Marc Norton
Duck season. Rabbit season. Duck season. Rabbit season. Rabbit season. DUCK SEASON FIRE!
+Marc Norton Daffy is his contemporary name. True believers know Him as the ancient Egyptian God of Frustration :) (Babylon5 reference)
+DrownedInExile I've never seen Babylon 5. Now I want to.
+DrownedInExile Wasn't that in a conversation between Dr Franklin and G'Kar?
Both actors are now, sadly, deceased (did they offend the Duck or the Wabbit?)
+differous01 G'Kar and Zack Allen actually. Sadly Jeff Conaway is also deceased :(
These presentations are golden. Been learning so much sir. This organization has earned a new member.
It was awesome to hear you speak out about the Pledge of Allegiance and call it for what it really is. Well said!
I'm very patriotic, and have served 10 years in the US Navy, but when the pledge is recited, I skip the "under god" part. Until I find or someone shows me evidence of the existence of any deity, I'm a free person and will not pledge to a country which is considered to be "under" any deity.
Our government has made too many holidays, and every one delays and decreases economic productivity, postal delivery, banks from doing business, etc. The one designation that truly irritates me is the so called national day of prayer. Mr Truman had no business establishing that, and no one since his time has had the wisdom to eliminate it. For a secular democratic republic, such a thing is a travesty on our founding principles. Whenever a religionist complains about "persecution " in the US, I ask the question, "If you're so badly treated, why do we have a national day of prayer?" I've never gotten a sensible answer.
BTW The US Constitution nowhere mentions the word god, Jesus or Christianity.
"Ask someone who plays dungeons and dragons. They'll know what a blessing is"
I laughed so hard when I first heard that
This country needs more men like AronRa.
Coyro Aron is a idiot
@@jimgreco6279you're right, he's rational, educated and cares about humans and the worst thing is that he doesn't believe ina magical anthropomorphic god without any evidence. He's totally an idiot
Jim Greco You failed to write that 4 word sentence correctly, good job. Totally proved your point.
And women.
@@jimgreco6279 he is a lot less of an idiot than a certain other person I could mention. Like Kent Hovind, for instance. Aron is not an idiot.
Aron Ra for president
+jacob brickey Now THAT would be my kind of President!
jacob brickey He's got my vote
I would vote for him in a heartbeat. He is at least educated.
He’s running for some office position in Texas and I live in Texas so maybe when he runs I can convince my parents to vote for him
Absoloutely brilliant. Aron Ra is truly unique.
Aron is a smart guy. He's really done his homework.
Because he’s Satan Boogity boogity boo! 👺
I appreciate the presentation of his research and the research itself, I disagree on his conclusions based on this research since to me the found facts rather seem to point to the opposite.
@@BlacksmithTWD yes. He states a lot of things that aren't true at all.
@@BlacksmithTWD conclusions like what?
Claiming he does something without actually articulating what he does makes your argument redundant
dear AronRa: thank you for adressing the greatest need of our time: broad intellectual horizons allied to ethics and mutual caring. it's no longer simply the religion vs. science debate, but broad vs. narrow minds in general.
Oh I can't wait for the Phylogeny thing to be done. Your passion for that subject has really made me interested in it, shortly I'm going to the Jurassic Coast on my first fossil hunting trip, because you've inspired me.
Oh, meant to say thank you for all you do. I am watching all your lectures. Love them.
Fantastic speech, Aaron!
"Ironically, the only candidate that's following Jesus is an atheist in Vermont.".
Too true.
Brilliant presentation.
Aron, you are great at speaking. I watch all your vids and you always have new stuff to talk about!
I got to talk to Madeline Murray O'Hare on radio when my kids were little. I cherish that conversation. She was an amazing and caring woman. I mourn her death. I am grateful.
I don't believe in forcing children to swear an oath they CANNOT understand. I am utterly opposed to it. And this sacred cow is unassailable right now. Damn it.
I saw a documentary about here and i hated her guts…. Because… i was a believer… now i know why se was so right about the wholly fable (“Holy” Bible)
📚 😂 watching your videos and reading your books is a breath of fresh air here in the South
Even as a kid, I thought holding a moment of silence made more sense,,for a young person,that’s a feat in itself
"As long as you believe in a supreme being"
I believe in myself.
that's the spirit...
+Jeffery Liggett JIM STERLING
+Jeffery Liggett that is one of the ideals of Laveyan Satanism, that you are your own god.
+Felix Cote Thank God for him!
Knial Saunders
"I am god here!"
Jobe Smith (Jeff Fahey) - The Lawnmower Man (1992)
Chagall, the painter, was of Jewish descent and the particular sect of Judaism in his small then Russian (now part of Belarus) village actually took the decree against making pictures- of any kind- to heart. It caused him a lot of grief.
Mr. Ra, you've out-done yourself in this one. I love it and I say thankee sai.
Aron never fails to impress!
BOOOOOM, you killed it AaronRa!
I was there for this. Great speech. Good to meet you Aron Ra.
Aron, I've been a fan of yours since before you finished the Foundational Falsehoods. I've watched your speeches as you've gotten better and better at it. I am telling you that THIS is the best speech you've given. I've always loved the way you squeeze huge amounts of either information or rhetoric into such a small time frame. This speech is full of so much content that when I imagine telling someone about it, it would take hours. You did it in just over 40 minutes. And you did it with a restrained passion that was enormously effective. Keep up the good work. You are an example of why it is still possible to love Texas, in spite of all the reasons to be ashamed of this state.
AronRa , you are a top Don! Please keep up the good work.
Correct about the 'pilgrims'. They left England because they could not put their ways upon the majority. We are glad they left and we have seen the result in where they went.
Jen Garlinge can you please take them back?
@@BabySkinCondom _no-one_ has that many therapists.
So you don't have religious nut bars running your country? News to me. Lol
@@420snoogins The Islamo-Puritans have come to "fix" that and turn the UKGB into Londonistan.
@@autobotstarscream765, as someone who know religion is the problem and never the solution, the Christian sharia is absolutely no different than the Islamic one.
I wish I could speak as well as this man. Keep up the good fight Aron.
That D&D comment got me thinking, I think it's safe to say that, Christians want live in a D&D game. The DM goes by god. "God" spoke the world into existence. There's magic, demons, magic creatures etc.. Now, the scary part is they think we're the players.
+kokofan50 AAHHHHH! I'm an NPC!
Adventure party foul. Never larp in a crowded public space.
+kokofan50 That would be such a great thing. If only they didn't worship Gruumsh...
+kokofan50 Where's the Lady of Pain when we need her?
+kokofan50 Ive had conservative christians at my table, they make the worst paladins. Their values system is soo screwed up they can't maintain their alignment more than a game or 2. It's fun as Gawd to go over their moral failures.
really glad for the new material:) ty aronra youre great!
Thank you for all your hard work!
I always learn something from Aron's videos.
I could listen to you, AronRa, talk all day about anything. Love the content of your channel and your book. Hope you come to Chicago some time soon. Hope to meet you one day.
Sir, as always, in all ways, you speak what is in/on my heart. It must be the Holy Spirit!!! Hahaha!
You, Sir, are right, or rite!, on all accounts and on all counts.
Salute to you, Sir.
I’ve noticed that theists have a hard time with the concept of non belief. They often say “if you don’t believe in god then what do you believe?” As if everyone MUST have a supernatural belief of one kind or another. They scratch their heads and look confused when you try to explain that you hold no supernatural beliefs at all. I wonder why that is so hard for them to understand.
By 2017, we did get the "President" "they" prayed for. AronRa made a prophecy that "came true." Sadly. So very sadly.
AronRa you are a star! I was born an Atheist and never saw any reason to do anything about that, so I remain Atheist and I am proud to be Atheist as you are. I would like to be an Atheist Activist and fight the deceitful , cruel GB’s as you do. I am simply not clever enough , that’s how it is I’m afraid. It just gives me more reason to support you in your work, you fight them because I’m just not good enough for the frontline. I am a keen AronRa supporter as of night now. I’m a new subber and I will contribute to your Patreon account. It’s the least I can do. Thank you for all your hard work. Thank you.
I just love AronRa's "God" voice.
Mee too!
Exodus 21 also has some very useful information on how to treat one's slaves.
I felt the exact same discomfort every morning being forced to pledge my soul to America (and Texas). That's how they get you to "volunteer " to give your life to your leaders in war.
"have a blessed day"
Thank you for the +1 to my saves.
+Jaylene ellis
And a +1 to your attack rolls.
Children chanting in unison? Sounds like the Borg collective....
+Barack Clinton "We are Christianity. Reduce your skepticism and surrender your mind. We will add your holidays and religious practices to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
+steveb0503 Bwahahahahahahahaaaa!
+Barack Clinton children of the corn anyone lol
"we dont need no, education..."
ya that's a good one too lol.
Doesn't the second commandment also restrict what you write? A description in words is also an image. Which means the bible itself is a forbidden book according to itself.
That's bloody brilliant. We need someone to try that on a Christian fundamentalist.
***** Thanks.
As long as it is not an accurate depiction of reality it is not breaking its own rules? But it's rules rely on it being true?!?!?!?
I don't think so
Don't bring logic to the religious. They'll call you Satanic
praise AronRa!
I find it odd from a UK perspective that a country founded on such rational and secular values has so much religious conservatism yet a country like the uk, who's state religions are the Anglican church and the Presbyterian church have, in comparison, such a low amount of fundamentalist Christians. Maybe it's because the past and present leaders of the the church (Williams, Wellby) are themselves quite progressive?
+raleighman3000 yeah you're right, having a monarchy in a 21st century MEDC is pathetic. I have hope that we can democratically out the royal family, May be quite a lot of years yet, unfortunately.
+tompwhu thanks, brilliant explanation! And yes, the rich diversity of faith groups in the US goes both ways along the social spectrum.
@@ashmckinlay1402 the monarchy is not worshiped nor do they have any power. Theres no point getting rid of a tradition which provides millions annually in tourist spending. They provide more than they take away.
@@HostileLemons if they indeed provide more than they take away then you are right, it wouldn't make sense to get rid of them I guess.
Perhaps living under a state church makes people realize how stupid it is, and not desire or revere it.
The only good thing I can say about being brought up JW is that I have never once recited the pledge.
If we ever forget that we're one nation
under a * CONSTITUTION *
then we will be a nation gone under
"I pledge allegiance to the * CONSTITUTION *
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under *A CONSTITUTION*,
indivisible, with liberty
and justice for all"
Great video Aron.
If I were to run for public office in Texas and they ask me if I believed in a supreme being, I would say yes and that would be true for I am the supreme being of my own life. Just like if you're ask if you're a god you say "YES!"
I think its sad that more people cant see that their religion is exactly the same as the thousands of other religions that have existed and that do exist today. They should easily be able to see that no religion can hold that they are the right one. Just blows me away.
Pure indoctrinated ignorance. Very sad.
Good delivery AronRa
aron is awesome I like too hear him talk
Thanks for pointing out where my (home state) of Pennsylvania got SOME things right. Something that always bugged me was that even PA history, which we did twice, didn't mention too pointedly that Penn established the colony based upon religious freedom. It was only recently that I recognized that we had an unusual number of unusual religions & denominations, and that that was "just fine". In our school, we had a Senior elective course on comparative religions. 'Twas interesting how many in the class could contribute odd bits to fill in the curriculum.
great lecture!
As a science teacher in the UK, just the first 1 minute and 10 seconds of the clip astonishes me. I'm not going to say that no such teachers exist here, I have no evidence! but, the thought of playing a video to a class because I don't believe the science is totally alien here.
Buddha is an atheist? Granted. But so is gawd. He worships no gawd and embraces no religion. If it's good enough for gawd, it's good enough for me.
Jesus prayed to His father.
@@rangerkeith7 and the Buddha was a hindu.
@@fukpoeslaw3613 And at least some forms of Hinduism hold the first Buddha to be an Avatar of Vishnu (meaning they see Buddhism as kind of a Messianic movement), but they don't ascribe perfect and morality to their "Jesuses" so they don't think Siddhartha Gautama was perfect almighty God even when they think he's an Avatar of Vishnu, some apparently even think he's one of the more negative avatars.
@@autobotstarscream765 Interesting, thank you.
For some reason I like Hinduism a lot better than christianity or islam, why would that be?
@@fukpoeslaw3613 I don't know, maybe the results?
Love the way Aron pronounces Nottinghamshire.
Christians don't follow Jesus...they follow Paul.
We know why Paul's extremism made it into the biblical canon. He justified slavery and the oppression of women among other backwards ideas. Tear all the books attributed to Paul out of the Bible and you have a better New Testament. LOL.
True that but with a couple of possible exceptions. The Thomistic Christians in India don't (as far as I am aware). I'm not sure that Coptic Christians are exactly Paulists, either. But the Protestants made up for them and really doubled down on Paulism.
@@resourcedragon I'm guessing that living in India makes them well aware of how Hinduism works and when Christianity borrows from it.
@@seanmichaels8060 You're not the only one I've heard advocate for that, after all, Paul's assertion that all Scripture is God-breathed is standard Rabbinical thought about the Hebrew Scriptures, basically the Old Testament, which is what Paul would have meant by "the Scriptures" in that instance as the New Testament as we know it was not yet codified when Paul wrote his letters, which altogether are his writings and opinions, basically his Messianic Rabbinical Talmud, ironic since many Christians freak out at the very idea of Talmuds yet live by one, thinking that Paul was so delusional as to be referring to *his own Epistles* when he said "all Scripture is God-breathed", which is used to declare the Bible self-sealing and therefore unquestionable when that's obviously not what Paul meant by that.
I've never heard that expression but it is absolutely spot on.
Blessing is a level 1 cleric spell. it gives +1 to attack and +1 on saves against fear effects for all allies within 50ft radius for 1 minute per Casterlevel. It also dispels bane.
I wish terribly that I could explain to my wife's family, sometimes even Her that this is what I believe, but I can't. Makes me feel weak.
Aron, may that orbiting teapot hold you in high regard. I do. Damn this lexically-challenged language!
SO, I guess I could run, I believe in the All Father ODIN! Odin for the win!
If you actually run on that, be sure to tell everyone that Odin is the basis for all the popular "Christian" Santa legends that have nothing to do with Saint Nicholas except for the name "Santa" that isn't a name, it's the title "Saint" in another language.
Saint Odin sees all and knows who's naughty and nice, lives in the Far North, commands an army of elves and magical beasts, and brings gifts to those who worship the gods, especially by keeping trees and wreaths in their houses in the winter to show faith in the gods to see them through the winter and bring spring once more, and by offering milk and food in gratitude for their provision and protection.
AronRa broke it down nicely with this monologue. I enjoy the clear description of religion and its consequences. AronRa carries the torch Hitch passed years ago. Kudos brother!
He really gives me Hitch vibes as well.
Eons ago we crawled out of the mud. There was no Adam, no Fall and no Flood. No "debt" requiring a payment of blood. Christian salvation: One Big Dud!
Deacon Verter
Nice rhyme scheme.
Aron Ra is Brilliant !
"I have this book" and "Nothing will change my mind"! These two quotes are typical of the mind set of creationists.
37:43 finally someone talks about the DAMN Pledge. Each day, I had to say it, without understanding what the hell it was. Initially, at least. In 5th grade, when I first came to America, my peers and my teacher congratulated me when I memorized it. I stopped saying it by the end of fifth grade, and from then on, I never said it again. While it is, fortunately, not required, I still stood up every time it was spoken, because I felt awkward otherwise.
If they want to keep the pledge, fine, remove the "under *od", and only have the pledge spoken one day of the year. Even that's too much.
I am a clerk at a bookstore and I have to call people to tell them that their orders are in and it frequently pisses me off that people leave that "Have a blessed day" shit as the ending on their answering machine. That's SOOOO much worse than doing it in person! It's so hard to keep a straight face and leave a pleasant message when I hear that!
i give the "blessed day" thing a pass. people can be blessed by fate, luck, the universe. its neutral.
Hmm? What's that you say? It's pronounced "Errin?" Got it! :P
Thanks for the upload, mate. Always love the stuff you produce.
+MarshmellowFluff (ARE) (EN), sounds like saying "R" and "N".
+Cam Ron Yep. That'd be the joke.
My bad lol
Your growing on me.. Sir.
Hey, a blessing and an enchantment are not the same thing.
You can't bless a dagger with "life drain"!
+PeterK1984 you could if it had sentience.
+PeterK1984 Dat Magic reference....
+PeterK1984 And "bless" isn't politically correct, it's a "buff" now.
+Fantomu Unless you're a cleric. then bless is a buffing spell
One of AronRa's best
I entertain the possibility of a little woo. I like my little bit of woo. Thinking about my preferred flavour of woo makes me happy. I know it's woo, so I don't try to convince anyone it isn't woo or expect anyone to show respect for my woo. Still, I carry my little bit of woo with me and cherish and enjoy it whenever it doesn't conflict with provable reality.
I agree with your woo woo
don christie
Thank you, Don. I have put myself on a woo woo diet. I have to admit I miss it. Logic is a cruel mistress.
Well put. l too openly acknowledge that my personal myth is just that. Myth. Wonderful little stories l made up.
Now, I'm off to study the Pattern. l have a bus to catch. ;)
If gods and magic really worked, the world would be like in D&D. Not necessarily that level of power, but you would be able to study magic and come to an understanding of how and why things worked. Not only could you talk to the gods, but the gods would talk back in a way that other people could experience even if they didn't worship that particular deity.
When will he run for president?
Regarding the part about the pledge of allegiance, I remember distinctly when I was 12 years old, in 6th grade, I had history class first thing in the morning. I never understood the point of pledging allegiance to the flag, even when I was in elementary school, but I did it any way because it's what was expected. But in that class, I just stopped getting up for the pledge. It would come on the daily announcements that we had to stand up, and I just didn't. I remember my teaching pulling me into the hallway and yelling at me that I was being 'unamerican' by not doing it. I kinda just let him rant, and continued not standing. It wasn't against the rules not to do so, so what were they gonna do, expel me? I still stand by that decision today, the same way I stand by anyone who kneels when the national anthem comes on. It's not a matter of disrespecting the country, it's just saying 'hey, things aren't what they seem, can we address the problem?'
Freedom of speech.
Though i'd stand.......just out of respect for those who served our country to maintain/protect that right espicially those who sacrificed their lives. That's just my position though.
"Ted Cruise who claims to be a fiscal conservitive"... who's wife is the VP of Goldman Sachs in Texas.
Fantastic lecture man.
Hey Aron, are you still into role playing games? I never liked D&D but I run some science fiction RPGs. you're always welcome at my table, i'd even loan you some dice.
the end music is really cool, thanks man :)
I love what he said around 20 minutes
Oh yeah!!! I'm right there with you on the Pilgrims!
Is my driver's license photo a graven image? Sadly, it sure looks like me...sacrilege!
Well this wasn't so much of a problem back when drivers licenses were laminated, that kept the breath of life from being breathed into them. It's more of a problem with the ones that are just printed plastic cards, the plastic can fracture over time allowing the breath of life in.
AronRa true Freedom Patriot!!! 🤘
90 views, 128 likes, 1 dislike.
Oh 301+, you sneaky little bugger.
Will you please explain what this means?
+Tom Riddle When a video is new the "viewed" statistics are inaccurate. It used to always say "301+" right after the video was posted, and would stay that way for a couple of days.
It was humorous to see people not understand this and claim "its a conspiracy! only 301 people have watched my video but thousands have downvoted it!"
Ah. I knew about the 301+ glitch but I didn't know why it was a thing. So thank you!
Great talk!
Aw it's over!? That went by quickly! Good one. Lmao at 18:30
I now worship MARVIN...the Martian, as opposed to the "plastic-pal who's fun to be with!", because that describes an inflatable sex-toy rather than a powerful mechanism capable of the clearest thought ever exhibited by a robot. I miss Douglas Adams, but that's a different story.
VOTE FOR AronRa FOR the position of SENATOR.
Resist islamism while you still can.
AronRa for US Senate !!! Vote for AronRa for US Senate !