I climbed up to the top of this tower in December 1961, when I was a Christmas season guest of my fraternity brother Mike Smithwick. His home was at Kilcreene Lodge in Kilkenny. We were both students at C. W. Post College in Brookville, Long Island, NY. I remember that it was a difficult and scary climb, but the view from the top of the tower made the effort well worth it.
If you have been to Kilkenny, what is your favorite place there? If not, where do you want to go?
Going up the stairs on the tower was a great adventure and so worth it!!!
Not for the faint of heart.
I climbed up to the top of this tower in December 1961, when I was a Christmas season guest of my fraternity brother Mike Smithwick. His home was at Kilcreene Lodge in Kilkenny. We were both students at C. W. Post College in Brookville, Long Island, NY. I remember that it was a difficult and scary climb, but the view from the top of the tower made the effort well worth it.
Completely agree!
Was just in Kilkenny last week. St Canice's is beautiful.
Yes it was!
Il y a une erreur c est pas l' autre dans kilkenny
Not sure I understand, but it appears you are saying there is an error. This is definitely located in Kilkenny.