Guys it's indeed a tsunami. As you can see, the date of this video was back on March 11, 2011 when the Japan Tsunami hit. According to science, tsunami waves can travel thousands of miles away. So this is indeed the Japan Tsunami.
Man I remember back in days in the line up to catch waves beyond Manhattan pier. Then catching and riding a wave in front of the pier, those were awesome surfing days.
Well that depends on where you are standing. If he was in a cove, the tsunami would have been taller and more powerful because it would be directed into a small area. Hermosa beach isn't a cove. It's just straight up and down the shore so it's more of a surge than a giant wave.
Exactly. It makes a HUGE difference. Look at the damage in Santa Cruz. And, of course, look at the damage that happened in small harbors and rivers in Japan 😢 It's actually the basic physics of tsunami behavior. The smaller the available area to go ( both horizontally and vertically), the higher the surge.
That is what I said, you just actually ruined what I said there, telling the person that commented that it was small and wore out by the time it hit Calif....
LeonettaNaZawsze Nie masz czego, chyba, że lubisz oglądać murzynów co dziennie, i uważać na to na kogo patrzysz, krzywo spojrzysz i masz już w pysk od pierwszej lepszej osoby.
Fuior Roblox Guineaeyoshi88 Lol Mario Bros Are you fucking stupid?! A bad tsunami is like 40 feet. Plus if the earthquake happened in Japan. Do you expect it to be horrible that far away?!
You realize it took about a day to reach Cali right? God I can't understand really why you're defending this idiot. Learn your shit on tsunamis. Please....
I would have jumped into the waves it was inpactin 1 after another so I don't think it would of sucked you in even if it did it just would of took you to Japan or spited you out somewheres along the coast.
First, it's awesome that all of you are getting into stupid fights in the comments, you're all so positive and nice to each other! Second, to reiterate for those of you who didn't see the date of this video, this was the day the Japan tsunami was supposed to hit California's west coast, hence the helicopters overhead, the piers being closed, etc. Also in the description, I wrote "tsunami" as in: nothing happened. Then I cut to an older video that showed bigger waves hitting another pier for a typical wave that hits the beach.
The important thing is that a tsunami has a different construction than your typical surf wave. A relatively small tsunami can cause much more damage than a much larger typical surf because of the broadness and volume of water that lies behind it. The outward appearance of an approaching tsunami can be very deceptive from a distance.
Cinnamon X Snowball 12 exactly just a normal wave to me I saw bigger during the 1982 el Nino winter that wiped the Huntington pier..and the end cafe was gone...
I don't see any tsunami here ! Only seen in the newsreporter nightmare ! Just wait for another devastating earthquake nearby (over MAG.10) before havin' a surf board. :D
Search on YuouTube "tsunami climbing river japan" for what the people across the Pacific got to see from this tsunami... heh. Much rather be disappointed with these baby waves than see that monster that hit Japan coming.
.We experienced ours back in 2004 where 67 people lost their lives mainly during seaside picnic . A local television station news anchor happened to be there and recorded the event . Wave upon wave of monstrous mountain-like waves hitting the beach . That particular footage I suspect was blocked from being viewed in youtube by our government for fear it might deter foreign investors from coming to make business .
I tried taking some cinematographic notes from your video "latte time", then I realized my 6 month old nephew is eons ahead of you in taking video. Thanks
Yes it is. On March 11, 2011 a megathrust earthquake with 9.0 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan. Due to the large displacement of water, the ensuing tsunami was quite large and over 15,000 people died that day. Tsunami waves travel hundreds of miles per hour and radiate out in all directions through the ocean. Much like when you drop a rock in a lake. Thusly, these waves are the energy initially released in Japan hitting the coast of California.
+JAIME VALENCIA this is a big wave a real tsunami will suck up the shore and come back as a huge wave that doesn't do it in this so it proves it's not a tsunami
27 اوكل الله جل في علاه بكل شئ ملكا : فهناك ملك الجبال وملك البحار وملك السحاب وملك الرياح وباستطاعته ان يامرها بما يريد ان زلزلوا او احرقوا او دمروا او حطموا او اغرقوا فينتقم الله ممن يشاء ولا يستطيع اي مخلوق في هذا الكون منع قضاءه جل وعلا ويقال ان صوت الرعد حسبما ورد في الاثر انه صوت الملك الذي يزجر به السحاب ويسوقه حيث يشاء بامر الله عز وجل ... والله اعلم قال تعالى ( وما تاتيهم من آية من آيات ربهم الا كانوا عنها معرضين ) وقال تعالى ( فأرسلنا عليهم الطوفان والجراد والقمل والضفادع والدم ... ) وقال تعالى ( وان يروا كسفا من السماء ساقطا يقولوا سحاب مركوم ) وقال تعالى ( فلما راوه عارضا مستقبل اوديتهم قالوا هذا عارض ممطرنا بل هو مااستعجلتم به ريح فيها عذاب اليم ) وقال تعالى ( ولو شئنا لرفعناه بها ولكنه أخلد إلى الأرض واتبع هواه فمثله كمثل الكلب إن تحمل عليه يلهث أو تتركه يلهث ذلك مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فاقصص القصص لعلهم يتفكرون ) وقال تعالى ( مثل الذين حملوا التوراة ثم لم يحملوها كمثل الحمار يحمل اسفارا بئس مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآيات الله والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين ) وقال تعالى ( قل ياأهل الكتاب لستم على شيء حتى تقيموا التوراة والإنجيل وما أنزل إليكم من ربكم وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ما أنزل إليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا فلا تأس على القوم الكافرين ) يَـأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيراً مِّمَّا كُنتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَعْفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ مِّنَ اللَّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَابٌ مُّبِينٌ* يَهْدِي بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضْوَانَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلامِ وَيُخْرِجُهُمْ مِّنِ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَى صِراطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ وهذا ما سيحدث لامريكا كثيرا وستدفع الثمن باهضا انتهت امريكا وكل شئ انتهى ولا يستطيعون فعل اي شئ اللهم عليك بهم فانهم لا يعجزونك حقيقة اعصار التورنادوا : هو في الاساس رباني ومن غضب الله الجبار ومن شدته انه اذا مر على نهر شقه نصفين ورفع قاعه الطيني وذر ترابه في الهواء وكذلك يقتلع البنايات والبيوت والاشجار ومن ثم رميها في مكان بعيد مهما كانت ثقيلة وعظيمة ويحمل الجسور والقناطر والخزانات الكبيرة ويدور بها وكانها عود ثقاب ويلفها كالمروحة من شدة قوته العنيفة ويحمل معه الحيوان والانسان الى عنان السماء ثم يلفظه خارج الغلاف الجوي او الكرة الارضية وكانها عملية تفريغ اي شفط نحو الفضاء الخارجي مما يتسبب بخسائر مادية جسيمة وهائلة تقدر بتريليونات الدولارات وهذا غيظ من فيض وهذا بعض ما يجري في امريكا ان الذين كذبوا باياتنا واستكبروا عنها لا تفتح لهم ابواب السماء ولا يدخلون الجنة حتى يلج الجمل في سم الخياط ...
Yes it is. I don't know how many times I have to explain this. On March 11, 2011 a megathrust quake of 9.0 occurred off the coast of Japan, resulting in a massive displacement of water and went on to kill over 15,000 in Japan alone. Tsunami waves can travel up to 500 mph while traveling through the ocean, however as time goes the energy decreases, thusly, when it reached California, much smaller waves occurred. However, their are still called tsunami waves.
I got bored and started filming the Pelicans
Savannah Lavoie XD
Guys it's indeed a tsunami. As you can see, the date of this video was back on March 11, 2011 when the Japan Tsunami hit. According to science, tsunami waves can travel thousands of miles away. So this is indeed the Japan Tsunami.
Marcus Tornea good job 👏 your good at siecene keep it up yo
Marcus Tornea you are just so smart
It SAIDS California
Marcus Tornea you learn something every day thanks for that m8
SightAnime you’re stupid
“Trying to relive their Patrick Swayze moment “😂😂😂
No way would I feel save standing on that walk way with the force of those waves hitting the Pilar's.
Trying to relive their Patrick Swayze moment.....I almost choked on my drink laughing at that!! xD
"Living their Patrick Shwayze moments" Lmaooo Yess😂😂
Great video! Glad to see media hype at its best!
Its funny how people are excited about the tsunami hitting california and dont stop and think that that very moment people are dying
Man I remember back in days in the line up to catch waves beyond Manhattan pier. Then catching and riding a wave in front of the pier, those were awesome surfing days.
they dive in to catch fish, it's actually pretty common :P
Roblox Iyob LMAO 🤣
I hope it survived
A tsunami is coming about 4 am....gonna go to the coast to check it out...
i live in the vallejo next to san francisco im only 7 i remember the 2011 tsunami that made the flood in the out side
Well that depends on where you are standing. If he was in a cove, the tsunami would have been taller and more powerful because it would be directed into a small area. Hermosa beach isn't a cove. It's just straight up and down the shore so it's more of a surge than a giant wave.
It makes a HUGE difference.
Look at the damage in Santa Cruz.
And, of course, look at the damage that happened in small harbors and rivers in Japan 😢
It's actually the basic physics of tsunami behavior.
The smaller the available area to go ( both horizontally and vertically), the higher the surge.
hahahahahah trying to relive their patrick swayze moment
Why did they cut off the video at the very end when the biggest wave was about to hit!?
Only Americans can cheer when a Tsunami hits
imo yeah like really this guy thinks he can just judge all Americans just based off of a few individuals
camouflage873 u should see the ones that chase tornadoes 🙄
because they never seen the biggest one...
I was thinking about this right now.... ''I get boring filming tsunami'' WTF is wrong with americans?
Wow. That's really phenomenal surf.
i agree with taltosgirl why would u stand there and watch the waves get higher and higher
The bird went to get some fish pretty common. :p
albert stuff yepp
@LnBrdd it was a pretty normal, gorgeous day. Currents were more effected than big waves coming ashore.
this is not a tsunami it is a high tide
And to think in 2017 I went to that EXACT bridge. I'm not even joking.
I went to that exact bridge in 2016 so.
its a los antos ???
Where is that
trying to relive their Patrick Swazie moment
As someone who lived on the great lakes.. The last place I want to be is on a pier when a Tsunami hits
were those pelicans dive bombing into the water?
Good thing nothing happend when me and my mom and brothers went to California 0^0
lizzy the kitty cat I live in California and we don't have tsunamis.. :/
David A 😐well my bad sorry XD
This is powerful wind pushing the water
Guys it is a tsunami 🌊 in the beginning I can see the waves retreating into the ocean that’s a sign of a tsunami
sunami no puedo creer tengo temor. pero ala vez Dios esta com nosotros.amen
Thumbs Up if you are wondering how the freak you got here
OMG. big waves. I'm so scared😱😱
Aw the pelicans died
Who notices this look like GTA beach lmao
Those wave could drown me alive
I think they should correct the name to tsunami *surge* wave.
Not much of a tidal wave. but of cours it did come from a very long way off
looks like a normal day on the pier....DRAAAAAAAAMA
Why aren't you running ???
Lol the pelican fell in to the ocean
why the fuck they call that a tsunami
No it's just high tide
Ma.chuchie Nevado it was caused by the japan tsunami
They call it a tsunami because it was created by an earth quake if it wasn't they'd be called something along the way of maverick waves or a storm
I hope you know that tsunamis are not giant in a place that is a long way away from the epicenter.
That is what I said, you just actually ruined what I said there, telling the person that commented that it was small and wore out by the time it hit Calif....
0:29 i just saw a bird fall into the waves
thanks bro
Falls into the wave like you fall into a big Mac....
already had time to edit this video. nice. add me
I live in Beverly Hills California and I never seen a tsunami
Toddles :)$$
i also live in beverly hills ;d i'm from Poland
Burn zazdroszczę
Nie masz czego, chyba, że lubisz oglądać murzynów co dziennie, i uważać na to na kogo patrzysz, krzywo spojrzysz i masz już w pysk od pierwszej lepszej osoby.
You must be white and drive a Porsche in high school
Il est où ton tsunami ?.
I remember seeing this in Huntington Beach crazy shit
Not big waves
A tsunami has huge waves like 92 feet or higher or shorter and that's not california the bridge never looked like that.
Fuior Roblox Guineaeyoshi88 Lol Mario Bros Are you fucking stupid?! A bad tsunami is like 40 feet. Plus if the earthquake happened in Japan. Do you expect it to be horrible that far away?!
+H0ckey K1ller well it stays up because tsunamis are made of energy
You realize it took about a day to reach Cali right? God I can't understand really why you're defending this idiot. Learn your shit on tsunamis. Please....
I want to go California
For watch big giant
Tsunami.. Bro???!!!!!!
I would have jumped into the waves it was inpactin 1 after another so I don't think it would of sucked you in even if it did it just would of took you to Japan or spited you out somewheres along the coast.
why did they call it tsunami like df
First, it's awesome that all of you are getting into stupid fights in the comments, you're all so positive and nice to each other! Second, to reiterate for those of you who didn't see the date of this video, this was the day the Japan tsunami was supposed to hit California's west coast, hence the helicopters overhead, the piers being closed, etc. Also in the description, I wrote "tsunami" as in: nothing happened. Then I cut to an older video that showed bigger waves hitting another pier for a typical wave that hits the beach.
even saying this, dont worry, all doctorates will explain his thesis about that.
The important thing is that a tsunami has a different construction than your typical surf wave. A relatively small tsunami can cause much more damage than a much larger typical surf because of the broadness and volume of water that lies behind it. The outward appearance of an approaching tsunami can be very deceptive from a distance.
It's a regenerative tsunami
So you're telling me that a bunch of nerds in lab coats and oversized glasses carrying beakers were wrong?
Cinnamon X Snowball 12 exactly just a normal wave to me I saw bigger during the 1982 el Nino winter that wiped the Huntington pier..and the end cafe was gone...
Look at the date of this video and serch for "Japanese *March 11, 2011* tsunami."
We are in 2015 people say ther os going to be a big earth quick couseing a tsunami i an scared
Mariana Orozco You can't tell an earthquake is coming with a naked eye, and in advanced tech. You can only get like a 10 min. warning. -_-
It's 2016
I was there and it was realy scary
This was posted when japan got hit with a tsunami I was in japan in the tsunami and now I’m in calefornia and there is a tsunami omg
some Americans in us states don't have tsunamis
gymgirl 101 Hahaha, no kidding. Some of us Americans in the US don't get snow either... or earthquakes, or tornadoes, or volcano eruptions.
I don't see any tsunami here ! Only seen in the newsreporter nightmare !
Just wait for another devastating earthquake nearby (over MAG.10) before havin' a surf board. :D
that is a big tsunami
And you can bet the americans will claim they invented it, theirs was bigger, louder, patented and will be on sale globally by next week.
Search on YuouTube "tsunami climbing river japan" for what the people across the Pacific got to see from this tsunami... heh. Much rather be disappointed with these baby waves than see that monster that hit Japan coming.
Wtf mini tsunami why im super poop mini tsunami
So y'all want a huge psunami so confused
ето не цунами а большие волны в калефорнии если бы цунами то люди бежали
is not sunami
Ha ha ha tsunami. :-D
where's the tsunami
Yeah man . Same here . Where's the the tsunami ?
+HELMY ABDULLAH its only whats left of the japan tsunami its still technically a tsunami but not very big
.We experienced ours back in 2004 where 67 people lost their lives mainly during seaside picnic .
A local television station news anchor happened to be there and recorded the event . Wave upon wave of monstrous mountain-like waves hitting the beach .
That particular footage I suspect was blocked from being viewed in youtube by our government for fear it might deter foreign investors from coming to make business .
Yeezy _ they are actually not what they look like in movies they are like 3 feet they just pull things with them
i know california has good waves that kinda look like baby tsunamis but there will never be a tsunami in california i can say that
It's the giant japan tsunami. As you can see, the date was back on March 11, 2011.
alejandro medrano you must be a proper idiot even the uk could get hit by a tsunarmi
I do not originate in the UK my frined
sorry friend
alejandro medrano no im using it as an example the link is for cascadia earthquake which could create a tsunami
non ci abito ma so che ho la chicciola dell'orecchio questo rumore assordante sono gemella iio e mio fratello
It wasn't that bad I've seen worse in vids but lucky none in real life
ThAts not a tsunami that's a wave it's dangerous to surf tsunamis look up how tsunamis are different
This is from the Japan 2011 tsunami. Tsunami *do* gradually lose their power over time and distance thus when it hits, the waves are much smaller.
I see the wave
caos e pandemonio il rumore qui le tempeste piu forti
abbastanza grande questi tsunami. Vabbè vengono dal pacifico, sono tutti grandi
also the plates that make form tsunamis are in land not in the ocean near california
Plates are not the only things that can cause tsunamis!
It is the Japan Tsunami
Are those birds fucking dying
lol True
super scary just kidding
This is the worst cameraman of all time 🎥📹📽📸📷
I tried taking some cinematographic notes from your video "latte time", then I realized my 6 month old nephew is eons ahead of you in taking video. Thanks
Im italian mar Mediterraneo is così
is really tody
that isn't a tsunami
Yes it is. On March 11, 2011 a megathrust earthquake with 9.0 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan. Due to the large displacement of water, the ensuing tsunami was quite large and over 15,000 people died that day. Tsunami waves travel hundreds of miles per hour and radiate out in all directions through the ocean. Much like when you drop a rock in a lake. Thusly, these waves are the energy initially released in Japan hitting the coast of California.
+Justin Hopkins yup its mot a very big one but it is still caused from a megathrust earthquake on the other side of the ocean
Justin Hopkins what hit our coast wasnt a tsunami. what hit Japan was one but we didn't experience a tsunami.
Show Watling tú os in 2020
That's nothing : v
this looks fake afff why the hell would they wait on the damn deck🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽
To watch the waves.
get ready for another one.
My family said they had a tsunami alert I'm scared now
Will it be like that ?
+Bianca Martinez it might. it should arrive by 12 noon.
+JAIME VALENCIA this is a big wave a real tsunami will suck up the shore and come back as a huge wave that doesn't do it in this so it proves it's not a tsunami
اوكل الله جل في علاه بكل شئ ملكا :
فهناك ملك الجبال وملك البحار وملك السحاب وملك الرياح وباستطاعته ان يامرها بما يريد
ان زلزلوا او احرقوا او دمروا او حطموا او اغرقوا
فينتقم الله ممن يشاء ولا يستطيع اي مخلوق في هذا الكون منع قضاءه جل وعلا
ويقال ان صوت الرعد حسبما ورد في الاثر
انه صوت الملك الذي يزجر به السحاب ويسوقه حيث يشاء بامر الله عز وجل ... والله اعلم
قال تعالى ( وما تاتيهم من آية من آيات ربهم الا كانوا عنها معرضين )
وقال تعالى ( فأرسلنا عليهم الطوفان والجراد والقمل والضفادع والدم ... )
وقال تعالى ( وان يروا كسفا من السماء ساقطا يقولوا سحاب مركوم )
وقال تعالى ( فلما راوه عارضا مستقبل اوديتهم قالوا هذا عارض ممطرنا بل هو مااستعجلتم به ريح فيها عذاب اليم )
وقال تعالى ( ولو شئنا لرفعناه بها ولكنه أخلد إلى الأرض واتبع هواه فمثله كمثل الكلب إن تحمل عليه يلهث أو تتركه يلهث ذلك مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فاقصص القصص لعلهم يتفكرون )
وقال تعالى ( مثل الذين حملوا التوراة ثم لم يحملوها كمثل الحمار يحمل اسفارا بئس
مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآيات الله والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين )
وقال تعالى ( قل ياأهل الكتاب لستم على شيء حتى تقيموا التوراة والإنجيل وما أنزل إليكم من ربكم وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ما أنزل إليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا فلا تأس على القوم الكافرين )
يَـأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيراً مِّمَّا كُنتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَعْفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ مِّنَ اللَّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَابٌ مُّبِينٌ* يَهْدِي بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضْوَانَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلامِ وَيُخْرِجُهُمْ مِّنِ
الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَى صِراطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ
وهذا ما سيحدث لامريكا كثيرا وستدفع الثمن باهضا
انتهت امريكا وكل شئ انتهى ولا يستطيعون فعل اي شئ
اللهم عليك بهم فانهم لا يعجزونك
حقيقة اعصار التورنادوا :
هو في الاساس رباني ومن غضب الله الجبار
ومن شدته انه اذا مر على نهر شقه نصفين ورفع قاعه الطيني وذر ترابه في الهواء
وكذلك يقتلع البنايات والبيوت والاشجار ومن ثم رميها في مكان بعيد مهما كانت ثقيلة وعظيمة
ويحمل الجسور والقناطر والخزانات الكبيرة ويدور بها وكانها عود ثقاب ويلفها كالمروحة من شدة قوته العنيفة
ويحمل معه الحيوان والانسان الى عنان السماء ثم يلفظه خارج الغلاف الجوي او الكرة الارضية وكانها عملية تفريغ اي شفط نحو الفضاء الخارجي
مما يتسبب بخسائر مادية جسيمة وهائلة تقدر بتريليونات الدولارات
وهذا غيظ من فيض وهذا بعض ما يجري في امريكا
ان الذين كذبوا باياتنا واستكبروا عنها لا تفتح لهم ابواب السماء ولا يدخلون الجنة حتى يلج الجمل في سم الخياط ...
That was not a tsunami
Who loves the tsunami
Yes it is. I don't know how many times I have to explain this. On March 11, 2011 a megathrust quake of 9.0 occurred off the coast of Japan, resulting in a massive displacement of water and went on to kill over 15,000 in Japan alone. Tsunami waves can travel up to 500 mph while traveling through the ocean, however as time goes the energy decreases, thusly, when it reached California, much smaller waves occurred. However, their are still called tsunami waves.