Regenerative radio receiver (531 - 1611 kHz)
- Опубликовано: 3 ноя 2024
- This assembly derives from the AM radio receiver 1 project. Compared to the previous assembly, I added a positive feedback circuit, consisting of the Cr capacitor and the L3 coil. The two components are connected between the transistor collector T1 and ground, according to the wiring diagram.
The role of this circuit is to take over part of the radio frequency signal from the collector of T1 and to bring it back to the input of the radio frequency amplifier.
In this way, a higher sensitivity and selectivity of the radio receiver is obtained. Basically, you can receive radio stations located at distances of over 1,000 km.
In 1990 I built Am radio using three BC109 (high gain transistor) with small variable capacitor and small coil from damaged AM radio, and 3.5mm jack earpiece. The circuit operated by 1.5 V AA battery and the result was amazing. Everything fit inside 3X2X1" plastic box.
Yes there was something about the "old days" where we scrimped around looking for odd bits we could re use. I had a little circuit I think I found in a Practical Wireless magazine. IT was one of a few projects that made up their "pyramid system". It was a bit naff by todays standards. It was just a diode connected to a tapping on ferrite rod ariel that was tuned by sliding the coil up and down the rod. I fed the output into a record player amplifier and the result was surprisingly good (both audio tone and signal stability). I later added a a variable capacitor and built it into my cassette recorder. It needed no battery and was even simpler than a crystal set. That was back in the 70's, I was a bout 14 or 15. I loved those days of electronics before IC chips caught on. The IC's could do amazing things but took the fun out of it for me. Great days.
Very very successful project. I just made this radio and got brilliant result. 1) I had replaced lm386 amplifier against bd139. 2) A fm/bt module added. Thus, my radio is two band radio. 3)5Volt Battery provided.
Congratulation! Upload it to the channel. 👍
Good work!You can improve selectivity - use another half of variable capacitor for the second LC selective circuit. First LC circuit - it will be a ferrite road antenna and a first half of variable capacitor.This first LC circuit couple with second LC circuit - second half of variable capacitor with an another coil (NOT a ferrite antenna). This two- LC contour regenerator will have much better selectivity.
Thank you!
I'll try.
Ai đam mê nghề điện tử điều thích xem clip này rất thú vị ở thập niên 80.90 của thế kỷ trước... Thời đó sóng FM chưa phổ biến như bây giờ chỉ là máy thu MW, SW... là phổ biến để nghe đài phát thanh...
It doesn't seems to be a super regeneration receiver in block 2 there are two rf amplifier and block 3 contains demodulator and block 4 is a amplifier block 1 is ofcourse an lc circuit, there is no remains of regeneration oscillator thing in this at all but it might work 😉
It really works. 🙂
I built this and that works great
I'm glad it worked out for you!
That works quite well. I think I want to make one myself.
Thank you! Success!
BSW NDB! The RX is interesting - uses interelectrode capacitance for feedback.
Block 1 ( tuner ); Block 2 ( Two stage RF amplifier ); Block 3 ( detection ); Block 4 ( audio amplifier ). Where Regenerative ?
Here: minute 3:05
Use two hands - one tune LC tank, other - positive feedback knob.
I understand.
Congratulations on the project, I just signed up for your channel 😆
Thank you! You have a new subscriber.
This solution narrows the acoustic frequency response
Where are you located. Heard Bulgarian radio stations:)
Could I make regeneration control with a potentiometer?
Not. Only in this case:видео.html
Is there any connections between R1 and R2 , R3 & R4 , R8 & R9 etc.
continuer encore. prévoyez-vous de l'utiliser tous les jours?
Je ne comprends pas...
1:17 CW code? Nice! Maybe a non-directional beacon?
Thanks! I don't know what it is ..... A 600 kHz signal.
Will 1n4148 work here as detector?
Yes. But the sound will be weaker.
Very nice
Thank you!
Schema o arati , numai o sevunda ?
Oque dianta mostrar o vidio se nao tem diagrama
Diagrama: Minutes: 3:05. Orвидео.html
Good job, can you send the radio circuit diagram?
Thank you! Minutes: 3:05. Orвидео.html
Deci arată fain ,in video se aude bine dar nu am reușit să îl fac in nici un fel să meargă.I-am adăugat o bobina de vreo 20 de spire și împreună cu 150 pico am reușit să prind doua posturi ,unul din China și altul de undeva prin Europa .Dar extrem,extrem de slab.Am incercat apoi cu bobina de unde medii cu 70 de spire ,rezultatele și mai slabe.Nu prinde nimic.Nici măcar Radio Iași care se afla la vreo 100 de kilometri de mine.Ni știu care e problema ...Sa nu fie sensul bobinelor bun?Mai degrabă funcționează fără regenerare și fără nicio bobina ca amplificator ,când îi conectez bobinele nu mai captează semnal rf de la generator...Am incercat mai bine de 10 ore cred sa îl fac să mearga.. 🤨
Monteaza bobina L3 si condensatorul Cr exact ca in schema. In mod normal, daca apropii bobina L3 de bobina L2 (6 spire) trebuie sa se auda tot felul de zgomote (fasait, bazait, tiuit etc). In acest fel stii ca functioneaza circuitul pentru reactie. Daca nu se aud acele zgomote cand deplasezi bobina L3 pe bara de ferita, incearca sa inversezi bornele ei, sau sa o rasucesti pe bara. Dupa ce receptionezi un post, pozitionezi bobina L3 astfel incat sa se auda cat mai clar, fara fasaituri. Pentru unde medii L1 are 70 - 80 spire iar C1 vreo 300 pF (minute 3:05). Daca atingi cu o surubelnita baza lui T1 se aude vreun zgomot?? Verifica inca o data conexiunile. Trebuie sa functioneze. Vezi ca am pe canal si varianta fara regenerare. Exista si un radio reflex, mai simplu, cu casti.
Mulțumesc pentru răspuns..E cel mai promițător radio regenerativ pe care l-am făcut până acum.Functioneaza ca amplificator fara bobina daca atingi cu mana primul condesantor care intra în baza primului tranzistor produce zgomot .De asemenea detectează zgomot rf de la aparate electronice ,telefoane mobile ..Ba mai înainte am reușit să îi injectez semnal în baza de la alt radio de buzunar și amplifică direct de la un stagiu de amplificare RF ..Dar se aude slabut.Asta fără regenerare..Prin urmare circuitul funcționează cum ar trebui.Cu regenerarea e problema și cu bobinele.Daca le conectez nu mai captează interferente rf ,lucru neobișnuit pt că radioul de buzunar bâzâie într-o veselie langa telefon.Bobina de reacție am inversat-o ,într-adevăr produce un zgomot înalt dacă o apropii prea tare de cea cu 6 spire...Am sa incerc altă dată să fac altul mult mai compact poate și faptul că e lucrat dezordonat sa fie o problema.
@@instructoruldemeditatie2367 Incearca sa cuplezi o antena la circuitul paralel LC prin intermediul unui condensator de 47-68 pF. Celalat capat al circuitului LC sa fie cuplat la masa.
Please give me the circuit diagram
Minutes: 3:05.
Please tell me what is L3 turn
L3 - 3 turns. If it is too sensitive, use 2 turns.
Thank you so much
@@CircuitCreator 🤟
Cade o diagrama conglado
Minutes: 3:05. Orвидео.html
Diagrama cade
Minutes: 3:05. Orвидео.html
L3 sir?
Yes. L3 = 3 turns. Minute 3:08.
@@dz-abouttechnique1849 thk u sir..
Cade odiagrama
I is not regenerative. No oscilator.
See diagram and explanations.
You can find explanations here:
Absolutely regenerative
Vidio fahando
Thank you!