I think you've hit the nail on the head. People that genuinely want kids and have planned for them and had them at the right time do NOT feel insecure by childfree content or people. I've seen the difference between my friends (with kids) who understand my choice to be childfree vs those who feel insecure about their decision to have kids because they didn't really want kids but society told them to have kids. That's the real difference here.
Exactly! People secure in their choice-whether to have kids or not-don’t feel threatened by others’ decisions. Insecurity comes when societal pressure drives choices instead of genuine desire. Intentional decisions, whatever they are, deserve respect.
I had my one child young. I was a single mother. It was hard, but ultimately very rewarding. He's a grown adult now, married, well-adjusted. I've been single for most of my life since then. I love my freedom and I'm glad I didn't have more. I don't look at it as 'my life now is better' - or 'my life when I was parenting was better'. There is no need to feel a certain way or argue the merits of either / or. Just follow your heart. Don't do anything that isn't aligned with your own heart. Vow to regret nothing. Respect others who follow their hearts too.
Beautifully said. It’s all about honoring what feels right for you and respecting others who do the same. Life isn’t a competition of choices-there’s no ‘better,’ just what’s authentic to each person’s path.
Месяц назад+5
I never wanted children, not even as a young child myself. It just wasn't in the life plan this time around. I married a man who also did not want any kids. It worked out perfectly. Zero regrets, especially with the way things are now.
Choosing to be childfree is empowering-it gives you the space to pursue growth and joy on your own terms. Life isn’t always perfect, but recognizing what aligns with your desires is a powerful act of self-awareness.
1:18 right off the bat, I can tell you I am childless because I wanted to have kids but at this moment in time that is not an option. I was bitter about it for a while but came to terms with it and enjoy being childfree. Live your life and be happy for others ❤
I remember a questionaire which found that 20% of parents had at some point questioned or even regretted having kids. Choosing to become a parent is an extremely difficult and often underestimated road to travel. A journey that can be super fulfilling, but requires mad sacrifices. I have seen parents who were not able or willing to make those sacrifices. Not everyone is willing to have broken nights, lotsa stress and pressure and basically the sacrifice of your body/health, brain, finances, time and your pre-pregnancy identity. Rightly so. I think that the reason that childfree content triggers people has some deeper, underlying mechanisms. Firstly, the same societal pressures that pester people into having children, also pressure parents to love parenthood religiously and to never admit how incredibly difficult and exhausting it can be. These people are often not getting their basic needs for sanity met, they are not supported to the degree they should be for good mental health and other positive outcomes, and so they are basically just coping all day long. When in a survival state like that, people are not known to be very openminded or nuanced. That doesn't excuse the close minded behavior, but at least there is the hope that under different circumstances they might have been more understanding. And they deserve some degree of understanding as well, though probably they should look for that somewhere else than the childfree community. Imagine that you're trying to lose weight, you're hangry all the time and sore from working out, and someone shows you their life full of eating all the good stuff you're avoiding. It's confronting. Not everyone responds as well as they should. Their behavior is still their responsibility, though. Secondly, childfree/childless is just semantics and usually no ill will. A childless person is not a less person, they just have less children in their world. A childfree world is hard to imagine for a parent, since they are surrounded (swarmed) by children everywhere they go. The word 'childfree' might just not come to mind. Besides, fertility itself can be a difficult journey, and people may have feared staying childless. Hence the word has more emotional validity and pops up in their minds quicker, no bad intentions in most cases. I'd prefer to see a world that is more open about how difficult it is to choose parenthood. People who go down that path are doing something phenomenal and deserve way more respect than just hearing that what they are doing is 'normal' and 'natural', implying it is easy. Simultaneously, I would like to see way more respect for people who make a conscious choice not to have children. These people walk a different path and contribute to society differently. Being a parent is not the only worthy way of contributing to our world. It's up to everyone to find their own path, and to respect each other regardless of the choices we make. In an ideal future, I want to see no more parents who never actually wanted children. It deserves respect if you know yourself well enough to make that choice, whatever your reasoning might be. That's private. Also, no more children who weren't really wanted. And, in my perfect future world, I would like parenthood to receive more respect as well. Because only if it is respected as the challenge (burden) it really is, will it be considered worthy of support. Parent or childfree? Both is great if the choice was made consciously. And being intolerant of each other doesn't help either one. Thank you for your contribution to society by shedding light on the childfree side of the equation. I do hope you encourage more people to make the choice that is right in their hearts, whichever it may be.
These people are miserable and instead of getting help they choose to bully other people and blame others for their problems and I don't feel bad for them because anyone who is happy with themselves wouldn't be "triggered" seeing other people be happy as well, it's crazy how some people use their misery as a lame ass excuse to be hateful and mistreat others, there's NOTHING wrong with having kids just like there's nothing wrong with not having kids, I really wish some folks would just mind their business 🤦♀️🤦♀️😠😠
The same argument can be had for either side. Where it's not right is when you think one side is superior to the other. We each have our place in society.
Absolutely and I talk about that extensively. No one side is better than the other side, is just different lifestyles that should be respected. The problem is that we childfree folks get attacked for even existing and that’s why there is discourse happening right now. The understanding feels one-sided and it needs to be reciprocal.
@yorlatinawellness I do understand. I was child-free for 38 yrs, mom for 2 years now, and both by choice. I can tell you from my experience that the judgement and treatment is equal on both sides. We're expected to "breed" and when we do, we and our kids are a nuisance. I hate this argument so much because women just cannot win, and to boot, we are pitted against each other while the patriarchy pushes us further down. It's definitely not one-sided, and it's frustrating having been child-free and ofc still supporting women's independent choices, to as soon as you have kids you're "not one of us" and "that's your choice and problem now" while also being reduced down to just being a jealous mom. ♡
I was never that interested in having children, even when I was younger. I had family friends tell me I would change my mind. That was twenty years ago and I still haven't changed my mind. I'd love to meet a man and have a relationship, though. The challenge is meeting a man who is also childfree.
So as someone who’s in their late forties and childfree, I can attest how annoying it has been throughout my twenties and thirties to be told by people that I will change my mind, as if their way to exist is the only way. I have always been polite about it, but assumptions about the lifestyles of others are plain rude. I feel like a lot of women are going to be having second thoughts about pregnancy in the coming years, due to imminent risks to health, especially if the pregnancy is met with complications. Because of the administration about to take power, I would actively encourage women living in the US to avoid pregnancy at any and all costs, because it could mean your life at this point. It’s a sad situation, because we were much freer before there was ever a trump presidency.
@@gingerbell07 Completely agree as a childfree person. The assumptions others make about our choices are so dismissive. You’re right-this political climate has made pregnancy increasingly dangerous, and it’s heartbreaking that women’s autonomy and safety are at such risk. The fact that we’ve regressed to this point is infuriating.
I love kids, and I would gladly have them if I trusted my culture’s to support me. The mom shame and the father without any responsibilities turns me off to the whole thing. Why would I have a baby when my life is at risk and I have to turn around and go right back to work just so I can hand my newborn off to someone else. I don’t need to explain why I don’t want children, and everyone can have a different reason. Mine is because society sucks and I love my kids too much to bring them into a world like this. I work in childcare. I do not want my kids growing up among these other kids. It really takes a village and I do not trust the village.
Of course it's Trump's fault all again. It's getting tiring at this point. I'm childfree as well, but besides this whole mess with abortion (which doesn't mean it was banned in liberal states, stop freaking out) we re having much more issues like scyrocketing cost of living, housing and childcare costs, along with healthcare in general, less security at the job in general. Something that Biden administration haven't done shit to fix. Stop blaming one side and start making every politician responcible for this mess.
It is a priviledge to have plenty of travel and entertainment while having children. Yes, some people do have, after paying $$$$ mortgage on a 3bdr house and $$$$ on childcare and $$$$ on groceries, plenty of money left for vacations.
@@TijuanaK many things, I imagine. The freedom to not have another human to look after, and the ability to focus on your own goals, dreams etc because you have more resources to spend on yourself. In my personal experience, my childhood best friend, who always wanted to be a mother- like, had a baby name book on her bedside table- has now had three kids. I spent my 20s and now in my early 30s building a business in my passion that I’m going to run for the rest of my life. I don’t believe she’s jealous of me now, though there was some bullying from her when we were kids. We’ve lost touch a bit over the years now, but the last time I saw her, she said “I feel like I’m behind.” This coming from a woman who has a stable marriage, solid income, has three kids, a house in a good neighborhood, and a supportive family. The fact that she said she felt behind will always stick with me, cause at the time, I was single, figuring out how to be a business owner, living with my parents, in debt, and kind of a hot mess tbh. I didn’t get it at the time, but now I do. She’s recently gone back to work as a nurse, I think because now that she’s a mother, that she wanted so bad, she wants to contribute more in other ways that are meaningful to her. I don’t think she regrets having kids whatsoever- she always wanted to be a mother. But I think she thought it would make her feel more complete than it did. For those who aren’t so well off like she is, having a child in this country means a lot of sacrifice. And for those who having a child was unplanned, and/or weren’t able to make the choice, or chose to keep the pregnancy, their life trajectory changed. Dreams stayed dreams. I imagine those people look at childfree people and have an unconscious desire to know what it’s like to have more for themselves, and experience what they always dreamed of. And that unconscious desire is so terrible to them, that they’re imagining what it would be like if they didn’t have their child, hurts and there’s probably some shame even entertaining that idea, so they project it onto others and keep it hidden in the darkest parts of themselves. TL;DR- people who didn’t want to have kids but did anyway feel shame when confronted with childfree people because they themselves wonder what it would be like to pursue their dreams and desires with more resources for themselves, but that’s too painful to think about, so they project it onto the childfree people that trigger that shame. Just my speculation!
This is so ridiculous, the earth has enough population and fewer resources. If someone decides to be “child free” why does it bother others! This is so DUMB. Ppl live your own lives
Some people can have kids AND enjoy their lives. If you’re happy not having kids, be. But having kids does not make anyone inferior. And some of us really do dream of having kids. Me personally, I feel denying having kids is selfish, unnatural. And my personal experience is that my friends who couldn’t have kids now hold a grudge against people who could and their children. They try to make the child free sound as an option, as a happy option but knowing these friends I know deep down they are jealous and frustrated. Please note: I am fully aware that is just my personal experience. I do believe you can be a happy child free woman. But not all of them are. Some really are childless.
Thank you for acknowledging that people can find happiness with or without children. From a childfree perspective, this choice is often a deliberate and fulfilling one, not driven by frustration or jealousy. It’s important to distinguish between being childless (wanting kids but unable to have them) and being childfree (choosing not to have kids), as they are very different experiences. Calling the childfree choice “selfish” or “unnatural” overlooks the fact that it’s often a deeply self-aware decision. Both parenting and being childfree are valid paths, and neither is superior-what matters is living authentically and respecting everyone’s choice.
Being childfree is an option. Period. Trust me, no one is jealous of mothers having to get up in the middle of the night forgoing sleep to soothe a baby. We are not jealous of nor frustrated by having to come home and pick up a second shift that never ends of cooking, cleaning and attending to kids. Your post sounds like it goes far beyond "your personal experience" and into projection.
@were you any calm and normal and peaceful with your choice, would you really be this aggressive and defensive. I have my doubts. One thing I need to set straight tho is, I don’t hold a grudge on any of the kids in my life, nor against the moms. I can become a mother one way or another, be that by birthing or adopting. I repeat: my personal experience is that women who are childless are grudge and unhappy, jealous. Women who are child free on the other hand, are selfish and irresponsible. Not being able to fathom the strong bond you can create with your family and instead focusing on the not sleeping enough at night is unbelievably twisted and selfish. Thank God you are child free. You’re doing everyone a favor.
@@BeGioBijouxNice that you showed your true colors in the end. One can only mantain the facade of "just my experience, I don't hate you" for so long...
This came across my feed and I'll say why some childfree content might be triggering. 1. I don't have kids. Never got to but I don't like the childfree movement because too often, from some of the rhetoric I've come across, it really does devolve into child HATE by calling parents breeders, kids are crotch goblins. Complaining that kids are in public such as restaurants, parks, museums, or even on a plane. Sorry but children do belong in our society and need to learn to navigate it but it does seem that a lot of childfree people don't even want to see kids around because they get so triggered by hearing a child or to be near one. 2. Sure you've made your choice and that's fine but don't act like you're so persecuted. You're not. We live in a very anti-family friendly society that makes it extremely hard to raise a child--hence many are dropping out of the whole thing so honestly, it's your type of lifestyle that this society and economy supports and loves and ok, that's fine--do what you wish with all your income, etc but it is a two-way street here. A lot of what's promoted in the child-free community is hatred for children and parenting and looking down on the very act of birth as something so gross and nasty and that's what wigs them out of becoming parents. 3. If it's a case of one not feeling like they can mentally, financially or perhaps don't have the paternal/maternal feelings to become a parent, fine but this whole, I'll say--immature view of childbirth or parenthood as a reason to not--c'mon but again, the worst is the anti-child attitudes that can't even, for one moment, have the patience to be around a child and to hate them for being out in public. It's that sort of attitude that perhaps you in the child-free community needs to take a hard look at because those on the outside, are hearing that loud and clear. That the #1 reason why you don't want children is because they're gross, nasty, make demands on your time, that childbirth is gross and you don't want to deal with that and you certainly don't want to be anywhere around children. You'd prefer they'd be in some out of the way designated place where they can't LEARN how to live in regular society and then you all get upset when they act out in public. Yeah, I've come across way to many of you like that so perhaps change your tune.
The only thing that annoys me with so many child free people is the way they seem to constantly insert themselves into every single space and demand the spaces adapt to THEIR preferences.
If it feels like childfree people are ‘demanding’ spaces adapt to us, consider how much of society is already catered to families and children. We’re simply asking for some spaces to reflect our needs too. It’s not about taking over-it’s about balance. Everyone deserves spaces that fit their lifestyle, not just parents. Also, why are you commenting again inside this space that doesn’t clearly align to your values?
Childfree people aren't inserting themselves anywhere, when SO many angry Karens and sexist misogynistic come into their spaces and bully them making them feel like they're horrible people, so your comment is dumb and makes no sense, but of course you're just another troll on the internet 🤦♀️🤦♀️😒😒🙄🙄
I think you've hit the nail on the head. People that genuinely want kids and have planned for them and had them at the right time do NOT feel insecure by childfree content or people. I've seen the difference between my friends (with kids) who understand my choice to be childfree vs those who feel insecure about their decision to have kids because they didn't really want kids but society told them to have kids. That's the real difference here.
Exactly! People secure in their choice-whether to have kids or not-don’t feel threatened by others’ decisions. Insecurity comes when societal pressure drives choices instead of genuine desire. Intentional decisions, whatever they are, deserve respect.
I had my one child young. I was a single mother. It was hard, but ultimately very rewarding. He's a grown adult now, married, well-adjusted. I've been single for most of my life since then. I love my freedom and I'm glad I didn't have more. I don't look at it as 'my life now is better' - or 'my life when I was parenting was better'. There is no need to feel a certain way or argue the merits of either / or.
Just follow your heart. Don't do anything that isn't aligned with your own heart. Vow to regret nothing. Respect others who follow their hearts too.
Beautifully said. It’s all about honoring what feels right for you and respecting others who do the same. Life isn’t a competition of choices-there’s no ‘better,’ just what’s authentic to each person’s path.
I never wanted children, not even as a young child myself. It just wasn't in the life plan this time around. I married a man who also did not want any kids. It worked out perfectly. Zero regrets, especially with the way things are now.
I am 30 and I want kids even less now. My life is not as good as it could be, but it is 100000 times better than what would have being if I had kids.
Choosing to be childfree is empowering-it gives you the space to pursue growth and joy on your own terms. Life isn’t always perfect, but recognizing what aligns with your desires is a powerful act of self-awareness.
1:18 right off the bat, I can tell you I am childless because I wanted to have kids but at this moment in time that is not an option. I was bitter about it for a while but came to terms with it and enjoy being childfree. Live your life and be happy for others ❤
I remember a questionaire which found that 20% of parents had at some point questioned or even regretted having kids. Choosing to become a parent is an extremely difficult and often underestimated road to travel. A journey that can be super fulfilling, but requires mad sacrifices. I have seen parents who were not able or willing to make those sacrifices. Not everyone is willing to have broken nights, lotsa stress and pressure and basically the sacrifice of your body/health, brain, finances, time and your pre-pregnancy identity. Rightly so.
I think that the reason that childfree content triggers people has some deeper, underlying mechanisms. Firstly, the same societal pressures that pester people into having children, also pressure parents to love parenthood religiously and to never admit how incredibly difficult and exhausting it can be. These people are often not getting their basic needs for sanity met, they are not supported to the degree they should be for good mental health and other positive outcomes, and so they are basically just coping all day long. When in a survival state like that, people are not known to be very openminded or nuanced. That doesn't excuse the close minded behavior, but at least there is the hope that under different circumstances they might have been more understanding. And they deserve some degree of understanding as well, though probably they should look for that somewhere else than the childfree community. Imagine that you're trying to lose weight, you're hangry all the time and sore from working out, and someone shows you their life full of eating all the good stuff you're avoiding. It's confronting. Not everyone responds as well as they should. Their behavior is still their responsibility, though.
Secondly, childfree/childless is just semantics and usually no ill will. A childless person is not a less person, they just have less children in their world. A childfree world is hard to imagine for a parent, since they are surrounded (swarmed) by children everywhere they go. The word 'childfree' might just not come to mind. Besides, fertility itself can be a difficult journey, and people may have feared staying childless. Hence the word has more emotional validity and pops up in their minds quicker, no bad intentions in most cases.
I'd prefer to see a world that is more open about how difficult it is to choose parenthood. People who go down that path are doing something phenomenal and deserve way more respect than just hearing that what they are doing is 'normal' and 'natural', implying it is easy. Simultaneously, I would like to see way more respect for people who make a conscious choice not to have children. These people walk a different path and contribute to society differently. Being a parent is not the only worthy way of contributing to our world. It's up to everyone to find their own path, and to respect each other regardless of the choices we make.
In an ideal future, I want to see no more parents who never actually wanted children. It deserves respect if you know yourself well enough to make that choice, whatever your reasoning might be. That's private.
Also, no more children who weren't really wanted.
And, in my perfect future world, I would like parenthood to receive more respect as well. Because only if it is respected as the challenge (burden) it really is, will it be considered worthy of support.
Parent or childfree? Both is great if the choice was made consciously. And being intolerant of each other doesn't help either one.
Thank you for your contribution to society by shedding light on the childfree side of the equation. I do hope you encourage more people to make the choice that is right in their hearts, whichever it may be.
Well said ❤
These people are miserable and instead of getting help they choose to bully other people and blame others for their problems and I don't feel bad for them because anyone who is happy with themselves wouldn't be "triggered" seeing other people be happy as well, it's crazy how some people use their misery as a lame ass excuse to be hateful and mistreat others, there's NOTHING wrong with having kids just like there's nothing wrong with not having kids, I really wish some folks would just mind their business 🤦♀️🤦♀️😠😠
The same argument can be had for either side. Where it's not right is when you think one side is superior to the other. We each have our place in society.
Absolutely and I talk about that extensively. No one side is better than the other side, is just different lifestyles that should be respected. The problem is that we childfree folks get attacked for even existing and that’s why there is discourse happening right now. The understanding feels one-sided and it needs to be reciprocal.
@yorlatinawellness I do understand. I was child-free for 38 yrs, mom for 2 years now, and both by choice. I can tell you from my experience that the judgement and treatment is equal on both sides. We're expected to "breed" and when we do, we and our kids are a nuisance.
I hate this argument so much because women just cannot win, and to boot, we are pitted against each other while the patriarchy pushes us further down. It's definitely not one-sided, and it's frustrating having been child-free and ofc still supporting women's independent choices, to as soon as you have kids you're "not one of us" and "that's your choice and problem now" while also being reduced down to just being a jealous mom. ♡
I was never that interested in having children, even when I was younger. I had family friends tell me I would change my mind. That was twenty years ago and I still haven't changed my mind. I'd love to meet a man and have a relationship, though. The challenge is meeting a man who is also childfree.
So as someone who’s in their late forties and childfree, I can attest how annoying it has been throughout my twenties and thirties to be told by people that I will change my mind, as if their way to exist is the only way. I have always been polite about it, but assumptions about the lifestyles of others are plain rude. I feel like a lot of women are going to be having second thoughts about pregnancy in the coming years, due to imminent risks to health, especially if the pregnancy is met with complications. Because of the administration about to take power, I would actively encourage women living in the US to avoid pregnancy at any and all costs, because it could mean your life at this point. It’s a sad situation, because we were much freer before there was ever a trump presidency.
@@gingerbell07 Completely agree as a childfree person. The assumptions others make about our choices are so dismissive. You’re right-this political climate has made pregnancy increasingly dangerous, and it’s heartbreaking that women’s autonomy and safety are at such risk. The fact that we’ve regressed to this point is infuriating.
I love kids, and I would gladly have them if I trusted my culture’s to support me. The mom shame and the father without any responsibilities turns me off to the whole thing. Why would I have a baby when my life is at risk and I have to turn around and go right back to work just so I can hand my newborn off to someone else. I don’t need to explain why I don’t want children, and everyone can have a different reason. Mine is because society sucks and I love my kids too much to bring them into a world like this. I work in childcare. I do not want my kids growing up among these other kids. It really takes a village and I do not trust the village.
Women are playing a dangerous game with their lives if they are still caught up in having to have babies in these coming years.
Of course it's Trump's fault all again. It's getting tiring at this point. I'm childfree as well, but besides this whole mess with abortion (which doesn't mean it was banned in liberal states, stop freaking out) we re having much more issues like scyrocketing cost of living, housing and childcare costs, along with healthcare in general, less security at the job in general. Something that Biden administration haven't done shit to fix.
Stop blaming one side and start making every politician responcible for this mess.
It is a priviledge to have plenty of travel and entertainment while having children. Yes, some people do have, after paying $$$$ mortgage on a 3bdr house and $$$$ on childcare and $$$$ on groceries, plenty of money left for vacations.
JEALOUSY. youre welcome.
Jealous of what?
@@TijuanaK many things, I imagine. The freedom to not have another human to look after, and the ability to focus on your own goals, dreams etc because you have more resources to spend on yourself.
In my personal experience, my childhood best friend, who always wanted to be a mother- like, had a baby name book on her bedside table- has now had three kids. I spent my 20s and now in my early 30s building a business in my passion that I’m going to run for the rest of my life. I don’t believe she’s jealous of me now, though there was some bullying from her when we were kids. We’ve lost touch a bit over the years now, but the last time I saw her, she said “I feel like I’m behind.” This coming from a woman who has a stable marriage, solid income, has three kids, a house in a good neighborhood, and a supportive family. The fact that she said she felt behind will always stick with me, cause at the time, I was single, figuring out how to be a business owner, living with my parents, in debt, and kind of a hot mess tbh. I didn’t get it at the time, but now I do. She’s recently gone back to work as a nurse, I think because now that she’s a mother, that she wanted so bad, she wants to contribute more in other ways that are meaningful to her. I don’t think she regrets having kids whatsoever- she always wanted to be a mother. But I think she thought it would make her feel more complete than it did.
For those who aren’t so well off like she is, having a child in this country means a lot of sacrifice. And for those who having a child was unplanned, and/or weren’t able to make the choice, or chose to keep the pregnancy, their life trajectory changed. Dreams stayed dreams. I imagine those people look at childfree people and have an unconscious desire to know what it’s like to have more for themselves, and experience what they always dreamed of. And that unconscious desire is so terrible to them, that they’re imagining what it would be like if they didn’t have their child, hurts and there’s probably some shame even entertaining that idea, so they project it onto others and keep it hidden in the darkest parts of themselves.
TL;DR- people who didn’t want to have kids but did anyway feel shame when confronted with childfree people because they themselves wonder what it would be like to pursue their dreams and desires with more resources for themselves, but that’s too painful to think about, so they project it onto the childfree people that trigger that shame. Just my speculation!
That person I'm replying to is not cf.
This is so ridiculous, the earth has enough population and fewer resources. If someone decides to be “child free” why does it bother others! This is so DUMB.
Ppl live your own lives
Well said! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Some people can have kids AND enjoy their lives.
If you’re happy not having kids, be.
But having kids does not make anyone inferior.
And some of us really do dream of having kids.
Me personally, I feel denying having kids is selfish, unnatural. And my personal experience is that my friends who couldn’t have kids now hold a grudge against people who could and their children. They try to make the child free sound as an option, as a happy option but knowing these friends I know deep down they are jealous and frustrated.
Please note: I am fully aware that is just my personal experience. I do believe you can be a happy child free woman. But not all of them are. Some really are childless.
Thank you for acknowledging that people can find happiness with or without children.
From a childfree perspective, this choice is often a deliberate and fulfilling one, not driven by frustration or jealousy. It’s important to distinguish between being childless (wanting kids but unable to have them) and being childfree (choosing not to have kids), as they are very different experiences.
Calling the childfree choice “selfish” or “unnatural” overlooks the fact that it’s often a deeply self-aware decision. Both parenting and being childfree are valid paths, and neither is superior-what matters is living authentically and respecting everyone’s choice.
Being childfree is an option. Period. Trust me, no one is jealous of mothers having to get up in the middle of the night forgoing sleep to soothe a baby. We are not jealous of nor frustrated by having to come home and pick up a second shift that never ends of cooking, cleaning and attending to kids. Your post sounds like it goes far beyond "your personal experience" and into projection.
@were you any calm and normal and peaceful with your choice, would you really be this aggressive and defensive.
I have my doubts.
One thing I need to set straight tho is, I don’t hold a grudge on any of the kids in my life, nor against the moms.
I can become a mother one way or another, be that by birthing or adopting.
I repeat: my personal experience is that women who are childless are grudge and unhappy, jealous.
Women who are child free on the other hand, are selfish and irresponsible.
Not being able to fathom the strong bond you can create with your family and instead focusing on the not sleeping enough at night is unbelievably twisted and selfish.
Thank God you are child free. You’re doing everyone a favor.
@ unnatural as in “human beings naturally reproduce”.
@@BeGioBijouxNice that you showed your true colors in the end. One can only mantain the facade of "just my experience, I don't hate you" for so long...
This came across my feed and I'll say why some childfree content might be triggering. 1. I don't have kids. Never got to but I don't like the childfree movement because too often, from some of the rhetoric I've come across, it really does devolve into child HATE by calling parents breeders, kids are crotch goblins. Complaining that kids are in public such as restaurants, parks, museums, or even on a plane. Sorry but children do belong in our society and need to learn to navigate it but it does seem that a lot of childfree people don't even want to see kids around because they get so triggered by hearing a child or to be near one.
2. Sure you've made your choice and that's fine but don't act like you're so persecuted. You're not. We live in a very anti-family friendly society that makes it extremely hard to raise a child--hence many are dropping out of the whole thing so honestly, it's your type of lifestyle that this society and economy supports and loves and ok, that's fine--do what you wish with all your income, etc but it is a two-way street here. A lot of what's promoted in the child-free community is hatred for children and parenting and looking down on the very act of birth as something so gross and nasty and that's what wigs them out of becoming parents.
3. If it's a case of one not feeling like they can mentally, financially or perhaps don't have the paternal/maternal feelings to become a parent, fine but this whole, I'll say--immature view of childbirth or parenthood as a reason to not--c'mon but again, the worst is the anti-child attitudes that can't even, for one moment, have the patience to be around a child and to hate them for being out in public. It's that sort of attitude that perhaps you in the child-free community needs to take a hard look at because those on the outside, are hearing that loud and clear.
That the #1 reason why you don't want children is because they're gross, nasty, make demands on your time, that childbirth is gross and you don't want to deal with that and you certainly don't want to be anywhere around children. You'd prefer they'd be in some out of the way designated place where they can't LEARN how to live in regular society and then you all get upset when they act out in public. Yeah, I've come across way to many of you like that so perhaps change your tune.
The only thing that annoys me with so many child free people is the way they seem to constantly insert themselves into every single space and demand the spaces adapt to THEIR preferences.
If it feels like childfree people are ‘demanding’ spaces adapt to us, consider how much of society is already catered to families and children. We’re simply asking for some spaces to reflect our needs too. It’s not about taking over-it’s about balance. Everyone deserves spaces that fit their lifestyle, not just parents. Also, why are you commenting again inside this space that doesn’t clearly align to your values?
Lol, you are inserting yourself in a space about childfree women to demand your perspective be acknowledged. 😂
Childfree people aren't inserting themselves anywhere, when SO many angry Karens and sexist misogynistic come into their spaces and bully them making them feel like they're horrible people, so your comment is dumb and makes no sense, but of course you're just another troll on the internet 🤦♀️🤦♀️😒😒🙄🙄