[EN] Meet the UN Geneva Multilingualism Action Team

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • Cultivating a multinational and multilingual United Nations workforce is one of the Secretary-General’s highest priorities. Here in Geneva, we are proud of our profile as one of the only duty stations that is fully bilingual in French and in English - not to mention the nearly 70 mother languages that we speak collectively!
    In this video, we introduce you to nine members of the UN Geneva Multilingualism Action Team and challenge them to use their native tongue to tell you more about their colleagues. In this video, you will hear French, English, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Spanish, and German - a microcosm of the linguistic diversity that defines UN Geneva. (Note: The nine colleagues who appear in this video represent a fraction of the Team, which currently comprises 19 members representing all divisions across UN Geneva.)
    Multilingualism at the UN: www.un.org/sg/...
    Multilingualism at UN Geneva: www.ungeneva.o...
    Resources from the UN Geneva Library and Archives: libraryresourc...

Комментарии • 8

  • @Stories.lifes786
    @Stories.lifes786 2 года назад

    Bedankt,🙏 Goede mensen worden #herinnerd voor #leven. Moge #God #barmhartigheid met hen en met ons hebben.Mijn familie geconfronteerd met het leven #bedreigingen en #trauma Alstublieft bid en help mijn familie om de levens van mijn leven te beschermen.#help

  • @Stories.lifes786
    @Stories.lifes786 2 года назад

    ありがとうございます🙏 親愛なる私たちは、ここアフガニスタンに住む難民の亡命希望者の家族です。 私たちは #アフガニスタン カブール UNHCR に登録されてから (7) 年以上ここにいます。 🤲祈り、私の👨‍👩‍👦‍👦家族の安全な命を守る手助けをしてください. ありがとう🙏#助けて

  • @Stories.lifes786
    @Stories.lifes786 2 года назад

    Thanks,🙏 Good people are #remembered for #life.👍And it is #important to #pray 🤲🏿for them. May #God have #Mercy on them and on us.👍My family facing life #threates and #Trauma Please 🤲🏿pray and help my👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 family safe life's lives protection. Thanks 🙏#help

  • @Stories.lifes786
    @Stories.lifes786 2 года назад

    Bedankt,🙏 Beste, we zijn een vluchtelingengezin hier in Afghanistan. We zijn hier al meer dan (7) jaar met #Afghanistan Kabul UNHCR geregistreerd.Mijn gezinsleven #bedreigingen #traumatiseerd. Bid alstublieft en help mijn familie om levens te redden. Bedankt🙏#help

  • @Stories.lifes786
    @Stories.lifes786 2 года назад

    Dear we are a Refugee asylum seeker family here Afghanistan. We've been here for over (7) years with Afghanistan Kabul UNHCR registered.My family request Please🤲pray and help my family👨‍👩‍👦‍👦safe life's protection. Thank you🙏

  • @Stories.lifes786
    @Stories.lifes786 2 года назад

    عزيزي نحن عائلة لاجئة هنا في أفغانستان ، نحن هنا منذ أكثر من (7) سنوات مع # أفغانستان كابول مسجلة في المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين ، حياتي العائلية # تهديدات # مصدومة. حماية الحياة الآمنة للأسرة. شكرا # مساعدة

  • @Stories.lifes786
    @Stories.lifes786 2 года назад

    Gracias, 🙏 Querido, somos una familia de refugiados solicitantes de asilo aquí Afganistán. Hemos estado aquí por más de (7) años con #Afganistán Kabul ACNUR registrado. Mi vida familiar #amenaza #traumatizada. Por favor 🤲 oren y ayuden a mi 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 familia a proteger vidas seguras. Gracias🙏#ayuda

  • @Stories.lifes786
    @Stories.lifes786 2 года назад

    Teşekkürler, 🙏 Sevgili bizler burada Afganistan'a sığınan bir Mülteci ailesiyiz. #Afganistan Kabil UNHCR'ye kayıtlı olarak (7) yılı aşkın süredir buradayız. Aile hayatım #tehditlerle #travma yaşıyor. Lütfen 🤲dua edin ve 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 ailemin güvenli yaşam korumasına yardım edin. Teşekkürler🙏#yardım