ye i dont know what he is trying to say thanos simply exists for like some decades, when thanatos is the greek god of death in ancient greek mythology. Thanatos(θανατος) means death in greek.
Well let's not start a war They both different person they're name must have been sounds like the same but they are different person I don't see Thanos as death so...
why does smite make thanatos out to be a killer, he is the gentler of the 2 gods of death, keres his sister(s) was the death driven 1 of the 2, she waited above battles/wars where thanatos waited for natural causes in death
Isn't his most well known story the one where a mortal chained him and the only reason it was discovered was because Aries was salty no one was dying on the Battlefield.
Thanotoast hand of toast Inevitably, all toast must be eaten They cling to life with fevered desperation, for death is a cold unknown, filled with uncertainty and bleak no toast would go to into the mouth of a mortal willingly Thanatoast hungers for toast a war between mortals about who ate the last toast thanotoast will be very busy
Really solid god. His ult can be amazing and annoying depending on which side of it you are on. He definitely strives when fed early. Having chang'e as a back of with him only makes his fear of death (for he is a squishy one) obsolete
Actually it does. I understand that it's percentage based but I'd rather have some form of survivability in battle. If a gank goes bad or I get ambushed, rather than have no health to go off of if I use an ability I still have enough to live. Plus the health regen is really nice.
it's still his ult, and his ult is slow from when i used it and the run speed only works when running towards an enemy in the instakill range of his ult
purple visual effects "check" black armor with silver elements "check" a scythe "check" a mask "check" black wings "check" .... dammit this guy is like perfection itself for me
Like if you think Nemesis (the Greek Goddess of Revenge) should be added to Smite! I mean, a lot of abilities could be centered around revenge! Like for example, her passive could be that she would do bonus damage to the enemy god that last killed her or something like that!
You out don't your selves hi rez! This is no doubt one of my favorite gods in the game. Keep up the good work can't wait to see what kind of gem skin this guy gets.
Eric Garcia his arena is not usefull since other characters do it way better he is basicly very low reward if your ahead and very bad if your behind additionally he does need a full kit change in order to actually work
Jesus, The defiler of Death Passive:(The all loving Martyr) Each time Jesus dies,heals nearby allies for 12% of Jesus maximum health.Additionally each time a nearby ally/enemy champion dies,add 1 Holy tear.(cap 6) Q:Feet washing Removes any slow/snare effect from nearby allied champions and additionally grants a major speed boost for 4 seconds that decays over time. W:Water to whine Targeted ally takes less damage and deals more damage for 3 seconds.After effect ends,stuns them for 1 second.If cast on enemy champion lowers their movement and attack speed for 2 seconds and reduces their life steal effect to half for 4 seconds. E:Holy savior Consumes all your Holy tears and 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%/60% of your current Health(depending on Holy tears consumed) to make targeted allied champion immune to crowd control and damage for seconds(min:1.5 seconds) equal to half of the Holy tears consumed.If there are no Holy tears to be consumed,heals targeted ally for 4% of your maximum Health. R:Summon Archangels Summons Gabriel,Raphael,Michael for 5 seconds.Archangels have 40% of Jesus's stats,have a lifesteal effect and are immune to crowd control.Allies nearby them,get a lifesteal/spellvamp/cooldown reduction aura.If Jesus or the archangels kill an enemy champion the effect prolongs by 0.7 seconds.If an Archangel dies,stun Jesus for 0.7 seconds.His Father is angry. I should be in Champion development.
Good choice of god, and his model is ridiculously well detailed. However I'd definitely love to see more beast-like gods like Fenrir and Ao Kuang. Jormungand and Cerberus being at the top of my list, though they might appear a bit too similar to the former two.
so I started playing Smite yesterday and I don't know whether it is the fact that I'm a noob or something else but the enemy Thanatos killed me at least 7 times and even when he was on low health and I was at a reasonable amount, Thanatos practically made me his bitch. I was playing as Hades if that helps.
Black Wolf Gaming Gaming Don't do Loki whatever you do, when you like him you will have no skill whatsoever and you will be known as 'that guy'. My advice master gods that are good and sort of hard and get the full experience of this game.
David Valentine I have Mastery 3 as Loki. And 10 at Thor and Ravana. Don't call me a noob, Loki is in the game to be used, you liking or not, also, he is good for new players, that is why I advised him to play Loki, because noobs don't know how to counter him. I don't know why so hate over Loki, must be because you are noob and don't know how to counter him, and also I mostrly play Warriors and Guardians, so Loki is no problem to me.
I played both of the noted games. A game genre is not limited by it's camera angle. I have played RTS games that switch to third person, the only genre that is limited to first person is first person shooters, for obvious reasons. This is a MOBA like it or not.
How, to beat fenrir or thanatos easy, pick a mage that can heal, give them boosted CD, along with the boost to cc reduction and give them the crit resist gear they put up for magic users. So for me, I pick hel, hit heal to run away and hit her change stance ability then use her damage aoe after using her enemy protection reduction on them and watch them run from me, it works, a good amount of the time to atleast survive
Thanatos is so OP... even as a noob of only 8 hours now, I still get either Immortal or God-Like within the first three minutes or so of every game... Go assassins, and definitely GO THANATOS!
+jadus Such glorious glory- I bathe in the overwhelming presence of this one like! The marble statue shall begin construction immediately! XD Wait... How do I build a statue if I don't know what you look like o.o
in the early lvls, the threshold for thanatos ult, would have the same results for lets say hebo ult, later on ofc you will insta kill from more hp, but from that point a hebo will also deal crushing dmg and have reaver at that point. Thanatos 1st skill is the only one that does dmg based on hp and its not that spamable
The best thing of this reveal was the part where they announced him at the official Livestream-Channel from Smite. One of them was like: "Do you know what? I have no idea if he's extremely low, normal balanced or op. He seemed normal balanced in tests, but it's just so hard to balance him" I don't think that he is op. First all of his ability use a percentage of his own Life to be casted and any Assassin will kill him instantly because he has like 0 max-hp.
no he doesn't. If he gets fed early game you're fucked. It takes huge skill to play him, because timing and skill shots are hard to land. But if someone knows how to play him, yea he's really *fucking good*. But same with every other god
i think he does not let me explain that: if u want to play this god u need to play the game much, and also gedding to know ur god is very importand to. i've played him by myself and it was damn hard to now the god. after a while i start knowing the god it playes way better. so my point is u need to be very experienced to play the god. english not that good :p.
He doesn't need a nerf. He is the definition of risk-reward. Since he is the squishiest god in the game behind Serqet, he is difficult without the tendency of all his abilities to use health as well as mana. So it gives him a smaller threshold on which he can use his 2 or 4 as escapes, makes his abilities screw him over if not used properly, and there are other assassins that do more damage with their AAs. Thanatos is the definition of an early-mid game god. He has great early-game scaling, and his mana costs are so low that he can outjungle everyone. Sadly, lategame he falls off due to poor scaling on his 3, turning it into nothing but a silence, and his 1 is very hard to land. In lategame, he becomes a tankbuster, his 1 deals damage based on the targets health, his 2 provides movespeed and penetration, and his 4 is the best dunk in the game for attacking low-health enemies, since it ignores all protections as long as your target is below the threshold, dealing 9999 true damage instantly. Good strategies to counter him would be to ward the map, focus him in teamfights and by god whatever you do, don't let him catch you alone. Examples of what happens when he gets you alone: Earlier today I fought in a conquest match as a rank III Thanatos jungle. The enemy solo tried to push our tower, but I ulted right on top of him. I then proceeded to attack him, but he shoved his ult up my ass (this is a rank X Kukulkan) and run away. I then proceeded to chase him, but he combat-blinked behind me (idiot move) and I killed him with a well timed "HELL AWAITS YOU" from my Death Scythe. If he is about to ult you, don't run in a straight line ahead of you. Try to zig-zag, or if you know where he is coming from, run under him, since it's harder to hit a target moving towards you than moving away from you.
"After having killed Ymir, the Æsir threw his body into Ginnungagap and the world was created. His blood became the oceans, his bones the mountains, the teeth became sand and stone, his hair created the forests, the brain the clouds and lastly his skull became the heavens." That is what his lore said. (smitefire. com/smite/god/-12)
The word demon derives from the Greek word Daemon or Daimon, which means benevolant spiritual being. Spiritual beings in the ancient world weren't evil, they were good or mischivious, what we perceive as evil for them is not. Daemons used to be humans once, but Zeus turned them into Daemons as a reward for siding with the Olympian Gods in the great war of the Titanomachy, or the war between the Gods and the Titans.
In Greek mythology, Kratos' or Cratus' (Ancient Greek: Κράτος, English translation: "power") is the son of Pallas and Styx and the personification of strength and power.[1][2] Kratos and his siblings-Nike ("victory"), Bia ("force"), and Zelus ("zeal")-are the winged enforcers (sky tides) of the Olympian God Zeus. He makes an appearance in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound, in which he is one of the trio that binds the titular Titan, the other two being Hephaestus and Bia.
Thanatos is the Daemon of Death while Kratos is the Daemon of Power, in the war of the Gods Vs. The Titans, they were on the same side. (I'm talking about the Greek mythology, not the game)
The Grim Reaper is more based off Thanatos but in his role as the "Grim Reaper" he was ordered to do something so he was called by that name you can call Thanatos Grim Reaper but if you mean Grim reaper as in the Grim reaper then no Thanatos and the Grim Reaper have different associations.
Oh yeah, is funny that Kratos murder them when usually the gods are immortals, not even gods can't kill eachother since they are immortal but it is a fun game and concept, I'm a fan myself. Thanatos is well known today as the Grim reaper. He has a twin, his twin brother is Hypnos, Daemon of sleep.
the first moba ever created was a mod for starcraft called aeon of strife and was made by eul DotA was created on warcraft 3 as a port of that game and was made by guinsoo. after guinsoo saw hat he couldn't do it alone he hired icefrog. guinsoo invented all the hero's on an alarming rate and ice frog did all the balancing and patches. after a whilee guinsoo got hired by riot and ice frog was left alone with dota. eventually ice frog and eul got hired by valve to make dota 2. just to clarify
To be fair one of those misses was cause Tyr dashed to dodge it, and also death scythe is not the easiest skill shot to land but that's also the reason why it does so much damage.
Why does the audio sound SO weird like when she says the abilities hes using in battle shes like Thanatos uses, "DEATH SCYTHE" and then swing and uses his ult - HOVERING DEATH-
I agree 100% with you there. That community is beyond saving. Smite's community is a lot better in comparison. Especially since you have to be holding down a button to be moving and it lacks an all chat which stops you from trash talking.
Realistically, you're never going to kill someone close to the threshold for that to matter much. It's like Loki's ult, only with a casting time for longer range, AoE stun and less damage if you mess up. Plus he's squishy. One stun gives enough time to take him down. I'd maybe reduce the rank 5 to 34% assassinate, but he's fine otherwise. I mean, look at Zhong having 60 protections passively, more than Odin, who's a tankish character.
Well for a "Hand of Death" it makes sense. Truthfully all the Gods in this game are way under powered. Considering there is a Hierarchy among Gods there should be some who could kill the others without breaking a sweat but for balancing purposes they can't, plus all the Gods should be able to wreck the little warriors and such with one basic attack but they can't. So yes a "Insta-kill" does make sense seeing as how there are several ways you could counter act his ult.
Thanatos has got to be the most badass designed assassin. He looks absolutely amazing
"Can a God truly die?"
When you play with scrubs. Yes. They die a lot.
True true.
Al Wintour they should really add a level system so noobs fight other noobs.
Just going to put it out there that Thanatos is the son of Nyx/Nox and brother to Nemesis.
+BewareTheBatWing Isn't he also the brother of Hypnos?
Yep and to others
+BewareTheBatWing they are basically all brothers it's impossible to tell lol
Not is. A Roman god Thanatos is a Greek god am I the only one that realized that
You do realize that Nyx is the greek version of Nox right?
Okay guys, take a drink every time you hear the word "death". Be sure to have your local hospital on speed dial.
actualy he is a death, not hand of death....
Hand of Death sounds cooler
And today... Today was the birth of the most OP god ever... Fear him.
fun fact, this guy was also one of the inspirations for "thanos" of marvel comics
+Khalifa Al lol dude, thanatos is the god of death in greek mythology which is like 1500 B.C
Khalifa Al there are so many things wrong with your statement lol have all the seats
ye i dont know what he is trying to say
thanos simply exists for like some decades, when thanatos is the greek god of death in ancient greek mythology. Thanatos(θανατος) means death in greek.
Well let's not start a war They both different person they're name must have been sounds like the same but they are different person I don't see Thanos as death so...
Well, considering the name, this makes lot of sense.
why does smite make thanatos out to be a killer, he is the gentler of the 2 gods of death, keres his sister(s) was the death driven 1 of the 2, she waited above battles/wars where thanatos waited for natural causes in death
Cool story
Isn't his most well known story the one where a mortal chained him and the only reason it was discovered was because Aries was salty no one was dying on the Battlefield.
I immediately recognized the voice actor of Vamana, Todd Haberkorn as Death the Kidd from Soul Eater english dub.
+Anduin Wrynn Also Natsu from fairy tail english dub
+Anduin Wrynn and ling from full metal alchemist brotherhood english dub
Thanotoast hand of toast Inevitably, all toast must be eaten They cling to life with fevered desperation, for death is a cold unknown, filled with uncertainty and bleak no toast would go to into the mouth of a mortal willingly Thanatoast hungers for toast a war between mortals about who ate the last toast thanotoast will be very busy
This...would be a great skin
The skin.. has arrived
The meme is real!
The prophecy has come true
Can we just talk about how freaking awesome this god looks?! I think I should leave work early today to go home and play
i didnt know thanatos' mother is nox (nyx) and he also has a sister named nemesis! :D
And I didn't know a Greek god could have a roman goddess as his mother lmao
Once again Nyx is the greek version of Nox
Deathbringer 561 this guy knows it.
Ron P.
no you are right. Death Bringer
He is epic. The looks, the playstyle.
He is and will be my main god.
Thanatos makes me rage every time he kills me with his ult lmao
Purple Heart lmfao
Played him in assault today for the first time and I feel in love. The sustain, the damage, the (-40% health = insta death)..I love death
+MrStoned93 Ikr!!! I love death too!
+Albert K R.I.P
that's pretty edgy m8
+DEEZ GUYZ his gr8 m8 don h8 ur l8
Thanatos is like Thanos but with more letters
Vamana has the same voice actor as natsu dragneel
Wowzerz, I didn't like the announcer at first, but she really shows off her voice acting with this one
At This Moment, There Are 666 Hundred Thousand Views...For The God Reveal - Thanatos, Hand Of DEATH...
Really solid god. His ult can be amazing and annoying depending on which side of it you are on. He definitely strives when fed early. Having chang'e as a back of with him only makes his fear of death (for he is a squishy one) obsolete
Also lets mention that thanatos hurts himself every time he uses an ability so if you dodge his ability's he will be punished
I have to say that the creativity on Champion design (looks and abilities) are very unique here, other games are missing that. Good job.
He looks like a dark Souls boss
Actually it does. I understand that it's percentage based but I'd rather have some form of survivability in battle. If a gank goes bad or I get ambushed, rather than have no health to go off of if I use an ability I still have enough to live.
Plus the health regen is really nice.
What about Kim Jong IL? his people said he was a God as well.
I'll bet his powers will be starving your opponent until they die.
Scotty Boy Congratulations! You have just won: "Internet"
+Scotty Boy LOLZ , his ult is HYDROGEN BOMB
He don't have a butthole
it's still his ult, and his ult is slow from when i used it and the run speed only works when running towards an enemy in the instakill range of his ult
purple visual effects "check" black armor with silver elements "check" a scythe "check" a mask "check" black wings "check" .... dammit this guy is like perfection itself for me
Purple Demon you should go outside more often and stop cutting your wrist
no u lol i was at winter camp for 9 days and went inside only to sleep. i came back yesterday, so i think i'll stay inside for now
yeah but you admit to cut tho
don't forget the word "Death" in 3 of his abilities
Like if you think Nemesis (the Greek Goddess of Revenge) should be added to Smite! I mean, a lot of abilities could be centered around revenge! Like for example, her passive could be that she would do bonus damage to the enemy god that last killed her or something like that!
Is it just me or is Thanator Super OP maybe they will balance him out later ?
Zeus says hi.
xa3D What ???
Nikola Petrovic Hes saying that Zeus is OP as well
Oh Zeus Isnt op for me he has well balanced powers But thats my opinion
everyone has there opinions to me thanatos and nu wa are really op but ti the rest that are pros at the game or something else have different opinions
You out don't your selves hi rez! This is no doubt one of my favorite gods in the game. Keep up the good work can't wait to see what kind of gem skin this guy gets.
Poor guy is stuck in D tier like all the other cool dark characters of smite
Eric Garcia his arena is not usefull since other characters do it way better he is basicly very low reward if your ahead and very bad if your behind additionally he does need a full kit change in order to actually work
+Amir Salehabadi he is actually really good I almost got two Pentas but the fifth ran away
+Oziferd lol power lot removed he has been resurrected
+Amir Salehabadi oh yeah on console haven't gotten that yet
my friend has him diamond, he's pretty dn op in his hands
still want to see jesus. :)
That would be awesome :D
Demon1Robe You send them to heaven, not killing them actually ;)
Hes in the game in the joust map
Trpimir Karlović
ya me too can't kill that one dude
Jesus, The defiler of Death
Passive:(The all loving Martyr)
Each time Jesus dies,heals nearby allies for 12% of Jesus maximum health.Additionally each time a nearby ally/enemy champion dies,add 1 Holy tear.(cap 6)
Q:Feet washing
Removes any slow/snare effect from nearby allied champions and additionally grants a major speed boost for 4 seconds that decays over time.
W:Water to whine
Targeted ally takes less damage and deals more damage for 3 seconds.After effect ends,stuns them for 1 second.If cast on enemy champion lowers their movement and attack speed for 2 seconds and reduces their life steal effect to half for 4 seconds.
E:Holy savior
Consumes all your Holy tears and 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%/60% of your current Health(depending on Holy tears consumed) to make targeted allied champion immune to crowd control and damage for seconds(min:1.5 seconds) equal to half of the Holy tears consumed.If there are no Holy tears to be consumed,heals targeted ally for 4% of your maximum Health.
R:Summon Archangels
Summons Gabriel,Raphael,Michael for 5 seconds.Archangels have 40% of Jesus's stats,have a lifesteal effect and are immune to crowd control.Allies nearby them,get a lifesteal/spellvamp/cooldown reduction aura.If Jesus or the archangels kill an enemy champion the effect prolongs by 0.7 seconds.If an Archangel dies,stun Jesus for 0.7 seconds.His Father is angry.
I should be in Champion development.
This is how neith's humans kept dying. Stop plz Thanatos
The Skraxx Let`s just say Neith and Thanatos don`t get along at festivals
Lol, you're probably right!
Thanatos: but it`s my job
DarkCyndaquil Neith: STAAAAAHP ; - ;
Thanatos: Nah. :3
+The Skraxx so he doesn't get long with Nu Wa also, it seems.
I just wanted to say, that golden bunny looks awesome! Thanks for fixing it
[intense screeching]
Good choice of god, and his model is ridiculously well detailed. However I'd definitely love to see more beast-like gods like Fenrir and Ao Kuang. Jormungand and Cerberus being at the top of my list, though they might appear a bit too similar to the former two.
so I started playing Smite yesterday and I don't know whether it is the fact that I'm a noob or something else but the enemy Thanatos killed me at least 7 times and even when he was on low health and I was at a reasonable amount, Thanatos practically made me his bitch. I was playing as Hades if that helps.
Thanatos is a really powerful god early game, especially for noob, so you should try him yourself, you are going to love him, also try loki.
Alright thank you for the advice guys. It really helped!
Black Wolf Gaming Gaming Don't do Loki whatever you do, when you like him you will have no skill whatsoever and you will be known as 'that guy'. My advice master gods that are good and sort of hard and get the full experience of this game.
David Valentine I have Mastery 3 as Loki. And 10 at Thor and Ravana. Don't call me a noob, Loki is in the game to be used, you liking or not, also, he is good for new players, that is why I advised him to play Loki, because noobs don't know how to counter him. I don't know why so hate over Loki, must be because you are noob and don't know how to counter him, and also I mostrly play Warriors and Guardians, so Loki is no problem to me.
David Valentine Ok.
I played both of the noted games. A game genre is not limited by it's camera angle. I have played RTS games that switch to third person, the only genre that is limited to first person is first person shooters, for obvious reasons. This is a MOBA like it or not.
Fan fact; Thanatos in Greek means death
Flav1a Gr he is death itself after all
Whoever wrote the script and the lady behind that voice are perfect.
the h stands for hamazing!
Not alot of people know that Thanatos actually used a shield alongside his Scythe while in combat...
How the hell do you counter Thanatos and Fenrir? I can never kill them when they have critical chance hit build!!! lol
you need stuns for kill him
Wait and wait and wait until the 25 minute mark where they just fall off and slap themselves with their wasted damage
How, to beat fenrir or thanatos easy, pick a mage that can heal, give them boosted CD, along with the boost to cc reduction and give them the crit resist gear they put up for magic users. So for me, I pick hel, hit heal to run away and hit her change stance ability then use her damage aoe after using her enemy protection reduction on them and watch them run from me, it works, a good amount of the time to atleast survive
Just dodge thanas 1
Thanatos is really awesome. If I ever do decide to play Smite. I'm definitely playing with him.
huh, never knew i was in it :/
You see the wierd skull on you when you are in the threshhold and he is in his ult.
Kanye should be in this game
what kind of god is he XD
Farhan Geriansyah He is a god, hurry up with his damn massage
+Walruswithlegs Kanye - God of Bankruptcy. Ability 1: Beg
Ryan H Final ability: Becomes the old Kanye.
Thanatos is so OP... even as a noob of only 8 hours now, I still get either Immortal or God-Like within the first three minutes or so of every game... Go assassins, and definitely GO THANATOS!
+Albert K if youre only playing for the first 8 hours youre going to be playing against noobs with 1100 elo.
so ya immortals with ra isnt that hard
You just effortlessly crushed my day and I am going to cry for the next 6 hours left in this horrible Monday.
Albert K this like will brighten your day and inspire you to build a marble statue of me
+jadus Such glorious glory- I bathe in the overwhelming presence of this one like! The marble statue shall begin construction immediately! XD
Wait... How do I build a statue if I don't know what you look like o.o
Albert K take sexy and make a rock out of it
thanatos is supposed to be a child and his brother hypnos, what about him?
Thanatos isn't a child
Marvel fan They were depicted as twin boys. Hypnos sleep and Thanatos death.
in the early lvls, the threshold for thanatos ult, would have the same results for lets say hebo ult, later on ofc you will insta kill from more hp, but from that point a hebo will also deal crushing dmg and have reaver at that point. Thanatos 1st skill is the only one that does dmg based on hp and its not that spamable
666k views Set up?
his ult for flying away, and his run speed skill along with that
This guy is awesome
Thanatos - hand of the beeing most OP god in the game.
Good now you are the only thing left to do is to buff him....
Haylong Wang he doesn't need a buff.
A MIGHTY SWORD He do, he is soooo low tier
My hands have killed many doctors and engineers as well , when I am home alone. Am I Thanatos?
Smite is gonna ignite lol :D
This is pretty much the most awesome looking god they've released yet
persona 3 anyone??
Poor, poor, Orpheus...
would be nice if they had an alternate color for him that resembles the persona 3 version
Thanatos3 fuck ye
Well, thana-toast just arrived.
The best thing of this reveal was the part where they announced him at the official Livestream-Channel from Smite. One of them was like: "Do you know what? I have no idea if he's extremely low, normal balanced or op. He seemed normal balanced in tests, but it's just so hard to balance him"
I don't think that he is op. First all of his ability use a percentage of his own Life to be casted and any Assassin will kill him instantly because he has like 0 max-hp.
This guy needs a BIG NERF
no he doesn't. If he gets fed early game you're fucked. It takes huge skill to play him, because timing and skill shots are hard to land. But if someone knows how to play him, yea he's really *fucking good*. But same with every other god
i think he does not let me explain that: if u want to play this god u need to play the game much, and also gedding to know ur god is very importand to. i've played him by myself and it was damn hard to now the god. after a while i start knowing the god it playes way better. so my point is u need to be very experienced to play the god.
english not that good :p.
He doesn't need a nerf.
He is the definition of risk-reward. Since he is the squishiest god in the game behind Serqet, he is difficult without the tendency of all his abilities to use health as well as mana.
So it gives him a smaller threshold on which he can use his 2 or 4 as escapes, makes his abilities screw him over if not used properly, and there are other assassins that do more damage with their AAs.
Thanatos is the definition of an early-mid game god. He has great early-game scaling, and his mana costs are so low that he can outjungle everyone.
Sadly, lategame he falls off due to poor scaling on his 3, turning it into nothing but a silence, and his 1 is very hard to land. In lategame, he becomes a tankbuster, his 1 deals damage based on the targets health, his 2 provides movespeed and penetration, and his 4 is the best dunk in the game for attacking low-health enemies, since it ignores all protections as long as your target is below the threshold, dealing 9999 true damage instantly.
Good strategies to counter him would be to ward the map, focus him in teamfights and by god whatever you do, don't let him catch you alone.
Examples of what happens when he gets you alone: Earlier today I fought in a conquest match as a rank III Thanatos jungle. The enemy solo tried to push our tower, but I ulted right on top of him. I then proceeded to attack him, but he shoved his ult up my ass (this is a rank X Kukulkan) and run away. I then proceeded to chase him, but he combat-blinked behind me (idiot move) and I killed him with a well timed "HELL AWAITS YOU" from my Death Scythe.
If he is about to ult you, don't run in a straight line ahead of you. Try to zig-zag, or if you know where he is coming from, run under him, since it's harder to hit a target moving towards you than moving away from you.
Charles Rosentrater I have never played smite and i just wondered; what is the threshold?
Herman Walle 40% of the target's maximum health.
Finally a game where gods look as awesome as they should !
Most broken god
He falls off so hard lategame you just need to survive the earlygame and not let him get fed early.
Funny thing is when i play Thanatos, i actualy get powerfull late game.
I guees im bulding him wrong.
"After having killed Ymir, the Æsir threw his body into Ginnungagap and the world was created. His blood became the oceans, his bones the mountains, the teeth became sand and stone, his hair created the forests, the brain the clouds and lastly his skull became the heavens." That is what his lore said. (smitefire. com/smite/god/-12)
what about midas, despite he's not a god but he would be an awesome mage
i dont think the power of touching something and turning into gold is going to be balanced here ... i mean ... wow ... touch creeps get items :P
Besides that was Midas' curse. It was not his power.
Bietch please , im greek i know ...
There is Midas in HoN..... ;_;
A lot of characters in Smite aren't gods
The word demon derives from the Greek word Daemon or Daimon, which means benevolant spiritual being. Spiritual beings in the ancient world weren't evil, they were good or mischivious, what we perceive as evil for them is not. Daemons used to be humans once, but Zeus turned them into Daemons as a reward for siding with the Olympian Gods in the great war of the Titanomachy, or the war between the Gods and the Titans.
Jesus isn't a god just to let EVERYONE KNOW.
Oh for the love of God. Yes, Jesus is GOD. GOD!!!
Neither does Thanatos.
I didn't say My magical penis does.
actually the bible says that Jesus is a part of god so he does count
***** i believe in god but im not gonna start a comment fight cuz I know your luring Christians in
In Greek mythology, Kratos' or Cratus' (Ancient Greek: Κράτος, English translation: "power") is the son of Pallas and Styx and the personification of strength and power.[1][2] Kratos and his siblings-Nike ("victory"), Bia ("force"), and Zelus ("zeal")-are the winged enforcers (sky tides) of the Olympian God Zeus. He makes an appearance in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound, in which he is one of the trio that binds the titular Titan, the other two being Hephaestus and Bia.
1hnd sword master
Die for me!
Wait... wrong game.
Looks nifty! I do hope they eventually get around to adding in faeries.
im greek and i know about thanatos. he doesnt look like this. not at all
If they made gods exactly the same as their portrayal by the Greeks they would all look boring.
the smite version of thanatos looks like a power ranger....
JustSomeGuy To me he looks like a puppet or creepy doll.
Well, they try there best to incorporate parts of the myths into his design. Watch the game theory on it. I'm sure Thanatos has some Easter eggs
Shining Armor they would all look the same. Ancient Greeks had very specific beauty patterns
The title should've been : Thanatos, The Teenager Version Of Actual Death Who Uses His Right Hand
This is where the name for the mad titan of marvel comes from.
That's like saying "here we go we got are medieval setting but lets just throw a spaceship in there"
Thanatos is the Daemon of Death while Kratos is the Daemon of Power, in the war of the Gods Vs. The Titans, they were on the same side. (I'm talking about the Greek mythology, not the game)
The Grim Reaper is more based off Thanatos but in his role as the "Grim Reaper" he was ordered to do something so he was called by that name you can call Thanatos Grim Reaper but if you mean Grim reaper as in the Grim reaper then no Thanatos and the Grim Reaper have different associations.
Oh yeah, is funny that Kratos murder them when usually the gods are immortals, not even gods can't kill eachother since they are immortal but it is a fun game and concept, I'm a fan myself. Thanatos is well known today as the Grim reaper. He has a twin, his twin brother is Hypnos, Daemon of sleep.
the first moba ever created was a mod for starcraft called aeon of strife and was made by eul
DotA was created on warcraft 3 as a port of that game and was made by guinsoo. after guinsoo saw hat he couldn't do it alone he hired icefrog. guinsoo invented all the hero's on an alarming rate and ice frog did all the balancing and patches. after a whilee guinsoo got hired by riot and ice frog was left alone with dota.
eventually ice frog and eul got hired by valve to make dota 2.
just to clarify
How many times did she say "Missing with Death Scythe"? Thanatos had a really bad accuracy.
To be fair one of those misses was cause Tyr dashed to dodge it, and also death scythe is not the easiest skill shot to land but that's also the reason why it does so much damage.
HenriMa000000 Does it? I always found Thanatos strong, but when I used him, I completely screwed up.
Lord M your not the only one that screws up with him man... trust me.
Thanatos is quite hard to play.
Whovian Alyanna same with chronos and chaac.
Thanatos looks promising. I look forward to seeing if he can compete with Loki as an assassin. :D
Darius, Garen, Nidalee, Riven, Elise, Lee Sin, Volibear.
A list of League Champions with health amount based finishers.
Just so you know people, Thanatos means Death, not hand of death or anything.
If you're talking about how he regained half his health by killing Hades, it's because he gains back life depending on the victim's max health.
In Arena, Aphrodite can easily be Thanatos's worst nightmare alone, and especially with a tank-ish character or Fenrir.
Abilities start at 2:21.
You are welcome.
That ult is ridiculous...
Thanatos is the "assistant" of hades. He's the one that actually sends them to hell
Where’s tha raptor head, the coffin pauldrons, or the katana?
Why does the audio sound SO weird like when she says the abilities hes using in battle shes like Thanatos uses, "DEATH SCYTHE" and then swing and uses his ult - HOVERING DEATH-
Im sure they will, i really want them to add cerberus
He is a Daemon of the same level as level as Thanatos.
Thany-poo are you alright? When I saw Thanatos, that's the same thing I kept thinking about
I agree 100% with you there. That community is beyond saving. Smite's community is a lot better in comparison. Especially since you have to be holding down a button to be moving and it lacks an all chat which stops you from trash talking.
haven't played in quite a while. Does Hi-Rez still do the god reveals with art and lore or is that something that is a thing of the past?
Realistically, you're never going to kill someone close to the threshold for that to matter much. It's like Loki's ult, only with a casting time for longer range, AoE stun and less damage if you mess up. Plus he's squishy. One stun gives enough time to take him down. I'd maybe reduce the rank 5 to 34% assassinate, but he's fine otherwise. I mean, look at Zhong having 60 protections passively, more than Odin, who's a tankish character.
Well for a "Hand of Death" it makes sense. Truthfully all the Gods in this game are way under powered. Considering there is a Hierarchy among Gods there should be some who could kill the others without breaking a sweat but for balancing purposes they can't, plus all the Gods should be able to wreck the little warriors and such with one basic attack but they can't. So yes a "Insta-kill" does make sense seeing as how there are several ways you could counter act his ult.
Sun Wukong was re-modeled and is now Hun Batz
Zeus appointed all Daemons to be the spiritual guides of mankind. Though, not all Daemons liked humans.
They thought about one special thing, they choose gods to be the characters, so the got an HUUUGE amount of makeable chars.