Puppy Regret: Does your new dog have you all stressed and overwhelmed? Watch this

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 175

  • @sarahnelson8814
    @sarahnelson8814 Год назад +176

    This is the first time I've heard someone else say 'Nothing's going wrong, but I just can't take this anymore.' I'm a first time puppy owner, and he's SO good and yet... I'm struggling so much emotionally!! That has really compounded my guilt. So thanks for saying it!

    • @theglittercorner
      @theglittercorner Год назад +6

      Same here for the first month. Now, after the 2nd month, we are really becoming family and it feels better. Not saying that sometimes I would not l7ke to sleep and have an entire day to myself though!😂

    • @traceyk2769
      @traceyk2769 Год назад +1

      How has it gone for you Sarah?

    • @sarahnelson8814
      @sarahnelson8814 Год назад +8

      @@traceyk2769 it's a lot better now! I still struggle sometimes, especially if there's ever a time where my having a dog inconveniences anyone around me (travel plans, needing to go home and let him out, etc). But he's really turning into a good dog!

    • @traceyk2769
      @traceyk2769 Год назад

      That’s really good to know. 😀 Really wish I had watched this video 4 weeks ago! 😢 All the best to you Sarah.

    • @00st307-m
      @00st307-m 10 месяцев назад

      @@traceyk2769why what happened?

  • @Madamebunni
    @Madamebunni Год назад +62

    Thank you for this video. I’m here on the brink of tears because I haven’t been able to use the bathroom by myself, all she does is bite and chew and especially on chargers and cords and my boyfriend works all day. So I feel like I’m going insane by myself. I can’t do anything.

    • @mytube1333
      @mytube1333 Год назад +3

      And now, its everthing Okay?

    • @izannemarais156
      @izannemarais156 10 месяцев назад +2

      Right there with you. Big hugs

  • @sweetlorraine6982
    @sweetlorraine6982 Год назад +21

    Just what me and millions of others need to hear as we go into the adolescent stage with our puppy and you have already thought it couldn’t get any worse, they scream like a banshee in the crate and just having a shower suddenly feels the most difficult of tasks. You look feel and smell a mess and think what has happened to my life. Your family is pissed and everyone in the house is conflicting that your not doing it right. And worse still you told yourself you’d have every puppy training essential nailed and that seemed to have gone out the window. 😮

  • @eowyn237
    @eowyn237 Год назад +23

    I legitimately feel so seen, this may well have saved my sanity.

  • @Canca-q5o
    @Canca-q5o Год назад +46

    I have been really struggling with the puppy blues and self doubt. Anytime I tried to talk about it openly the feedback is always judgemental and along the lines of “well that’s dog ownership.” I realized after watching your video I really needed someone to say it’s common, it’s a phase, and it gets better- thank you.

  • @mt1745
    @mt1745 5 месяцев назад +7

    My god, did I ever need to hear what you had to share. Thank you! I don’t feel so alone. (24 hour, no sleep)

  • @beatrizbraga6739
    @beatrizbraga6739 Год назад +23

    Struggling immensely with puppy blues right now. Always grew up with Dogs, always loved them and loved to learn more and more about them. We adopted a rescue 5 years ago, she’s very reactive, kinda stubborn and has a disability. I was 15 when we brought her home and wasn’t fully aware of all the challenges that raising a puppy would bring - specially a disabled one - but I would not trade her for the world; she has fit super well into our family, our routine, our older dog, and she’s been living a normal life all these years. Today, I’m 21, living with my sister in the big city and we made the decision of adopting a rescue once again. She’s a joy. Super sweet, loves to be around people, doesn’t show any signs of violence or reactivity towards other dogs or people, is already potty trained (learned at her foster home) and I’ve already taught her to sit, lay down and use her crate more often. But man… has it been a HUGE challenge. I’m feeling exhausted, worried, wondering if I made the right choice, wondering if the crazy phase will pass - she’s only 3 months old - and feeling super guilt by not being able to cherish her enough due to my Puppy Blues. And it’s crazy because she’s as good as it can get for a puppy, has so many qualities a lot of owners spend years trying to achieve, and yet, raising her feels twice as hard as any other puppy we’ve had. It’s been a real emotional rollercoaster

    • @WotTheFluff
      @WotTheFluff 11 месяцев назад

      may i ask what kind of challenges? also did i get better?

    • @beatrizbraga6739
      @beatrizbraga6739 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@WotTheFluff Hello! Buckle up, because it’s gonna be a long one… but I feel it might help or bring some light to people who are struggling.
      In regards to your second question “did it get better?” I would say… yes and no. There are some behaviors we would definitely noticed a change (for the better) but she’s also in her teenage phase, which is when most dogs “unlearn” all their training and get a bit more sassy.
      I’ve had been away for the past 15 days due to some personal obligations and my parents took care of her, they said it all went smooth sailing but I came back to her this week and I honestly feel she’s the same as when I left.
      In regards to the first question; the most challenging part was (and sometimes still is) dealing with all her particularities and specific needs. Every dog has it’s own personality, it’s own fear, needs and so on. It would be wrong to assume that what worked for our other two dogs would work for her aswell. Keeping that in mind though, it is super tough to figure her out sometimes, and I for one, always felt very prepared and up to date on what was best to raise a puppy.
      To give some examples;
      She’s a high-energy/hyperactive dog, therefore, she needs more activity to exercise her mind and brain than the “average” dog. From the day she got home I always invested in Enrichment and Walks. I would offer her meals in a kong, to help her eat slower and tire off (aswell as train her to be home alone) and as soon as she got all her vaccines I would walk her every single day at least once a day.
      After a while, some things started to occur. The walks, which she seemingly loved (and to reiterate, I had been training her everyday on my own, at home and during our walks before we hired a trainer to help us) had become a burden; she would lay down, go to the other room or even cry whenever I put her harness on; on the actual walk though we had never had any scary experience and she would always look very relaxed and comfortable (even her trained said the same) but more and more she started to dislike going out for walks, it seems - and this happened suddenly, like I said. It was not triggered by any situation.
      The other thing was the enrichment. She has her kong toys, snuffing mat, licking mat and so on. She always loved all those tools and would not stop until she has eaten everything. Suddenly she lost interest in those completely. She would not eat food in the snuffing mat or the kong, despite being hungry. We started observing and making some tests throughout the days but I turned out, she would not eat at all. She would only eat if we provided an “easier” way, like feeding her kibble on a plain bown. Yet, she still had all that energy she needed to get out but wouldn’t use or enjoy any of the tools/activities we were providing her, which puzzled us even more.
      How come we attend to her needs, if she refuses to the exact type of activities all the trainers and “experts” indicate to us as being good and healthy for high energy dogs?
      Again, those were just two examples, but it tricks me because over those past months I’ve done the work, I’ve tried a lot of different things, I’ve trained her, provided her with all the means to having a healthy and happy life but still, It’s like I don’t know what she needs anymore. What I’m trying to say is that I haven’t gave up and sat down with my arms crossed at the very first obstacle. On the contrary, I’ve been putting in the work all this time.
      She’s happy, she’s healthy, she has a good relationship with my other dogs, but from time to time we have these challenges once again…so I am taking one day at a time I would say
      I am confident that I am providing her all that she needs to live a happy life, but still, it makes me kinda sad that this is being the experience of my first time raising a dog “on my own”.
      I hope this clarifies the situation, and once again, dog owning has maaaaany layers and it happens differently to everyone. Please don’t feel discouraged from my statement, I wish it can bring you some maturity or clarity rather than any sadness or insecurity
      Thanks for reaching out, take care :)

    • @beatrizbraga6739
      @beatrizbraga6739 10 месяцев назад +1

      Also, apologies for my typos! Kinda wrote this in a rush and didn’t do much of a second take at the reply lmao

    • @BruceWayne1915
      @BruceWayne1915 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@beatrizbraga6739 did the blues go away?

    • @gimarc613
      @gimarc613 6 месяцев назад

      Update, please 🙏

  • @mirandaturnbull6141
    @mirandaturnbull6141 Год назад +21

    Seriously thank you for this video. Before I watched this, I had just finished having a mental breakdown. My eyes are still red and puffy and I feel so defeated. I have had 6 dogs in my short time of being out on my own (from 18yo to now 27). Many of them elder rescues that I lost too soon. 2 of them I raised from puppies. Yes, those two were stressful. I got what I expected to get. No sleep, lots of accidents in the house, lots of training, etc. But overall, my two babies were truly “easy” puppies (I am now finding out). Because just recently, I adopted an 8 month old german shepherd puppy from the shelter. I was so excited because I know how amazing GSD’s are and I had always wanted one but never thought I’d come across a rescue GSD since they are so sought after. Well let’s just say…….she has been an absolute NIGHTMARE. She does not listen to a thing I say,. She jumps, bites and knows at me constantly. She makes every single task I have to do: put on my shoes, get out of bed, make my coffee….a living nightmare. I am struggling so hard with the “wtf have I done” phase. To put this lightly, I lOVE dogs. have been volunteering for rescues/shelters since I was 16. I am a huge advocate for “dogs are for a lifetime”. BUT, I have to say….I feel so much shame and guilt for even thinking this, but for a few moments I truly thought about taking her back to the shelter. Then I watched this video and reminded myself that she goes for her board and train in 2 weeks and all I have to do is try to get through these next 2 weeks. Thank you for this video and making me feel like I’m not alone during this horribly stressful time.

  • @ellensilva3122
    @ellensilva3122 2 года назад +36

    Thank you so much. I'm in the middle of this even though my 4.5 month old puppy and I have been together for 10 weeks already. It's been so hard.

    • @3lostdogs477
      @3lostdogs477  2 года назад +9

      I agree with Teresa. The first five months are what I would consider the hardest part of raising a puppy. They usually get less demanding and time-consuming after that. Congrats on making it this far!

  • @wintersolstice4793
    @wintersolstice4793 2 месяца назад +5

    My pup was a NIGHTMARE on Wheels! Much like many other pups I imagine. At 6 months I heavily considered giving her up, so much so that I listed her online for free (no rehoming fee, just actually free) and signed her up for the next available no-kill shelter slot that was available. Well...I swear it was like she knew that this was it. She began to calm down! I received immediate interest for her within a day of listing her, but I held off. Then about a month later the shelter called and said they had a spot. 2 years later she is still with me. She's not easy, but nothing like she was, and I love her. I will never give her up!

    • @DashandDougtheGoldens
      @DashandDougtheGoldens 2 месяца назад +2

      Thank you for this! You described my exact situation with my 11 week old pup
      He’s out of control and feel as if my former life is gone
      You gave me so much hope
      Thank you 😢

    • @wintersolstice4793
      @wintersolstice4793 2 месяца назад +1

      @@DashandDougtheGoldens It was hard, I remember crying and feeling so bad about making the listing to rehome her. But it did get easier, and easier. She's still a ball of energy, but she's learned how to live in our home, and we've learned that long walks and running time at the park will save our sanity! She's just an absolute sweetheart and so funny too. I never believed when people would say "It gets easier", I used to think...."You don't know my dog, she's not like yours!" But it does get easier, especially if you take the time to teach them your home rules and boundaries. Good luck to you! I know exactly where you are coming from. 💛

  • @emkimkw1411
    @emkimkw1411 Год назад +22

    It’s like you’re inside my brain. Thank you so much for this. It’s exactly what I needed to hear

  • @esteehanvey5647
    @esteehanvey5647 4 месяца назад +2

    this really encapsulates how I’m feeling right now… I wanted my puppy so badly for over a year. I really thought it through and made sure I wanted to commit, but now I’m so overwhelmed.

  • @camphorth3562
    @camphorth3562 Год назад +12

    I'm a first time puppy owner and quite struggling about this emotion. Thank you so much for creating this video.

  • @johannarabe9056
    @johannarabe9056 Год назад +6

    Sitting here crying because you nailed it! Good to hear that this is just a phase, right now it feels like I destroyed our whole family life by getting a puppy and no it’s not my first it’s my third puppy but I might have forgot all that or it’s just worse this time.

  • @ElenaChepurchenko
    @ElenaChepurchenko 5 месяцев назад +1

    I didn’t think I’d find a video like that, thank you. I feel so guilty and overwhelmed… thank you again ❤

  • @kestaa
    @kestaa Год назад +4

    Thank you for making this video! I was looking for something to reassure my partner, who's super overwhelmed 4 days into life with a new puppy, and I think your message is perfect. But I didn't realize how much I needed to hear it too because, dude, this is fucking exhausting!!!
    I love our little guy. He's so cute, and clever, and I know he'll be one of the best things to happen in our lives, but right now I'd give anything to just be able to pee in peace and get a full night's sleep! And maybe not get chomped seventy billion times a day...
    Thanks for the reminder that this is normal, that we don't have to do everything absolutely perfectly for him to grow up okay, and that ALL of this is going to be worth it in the end.

  • @jordyn87
    @jordyn87 2 года назад +12

    I went to get a puppy and came home with two. I feel all of this to my core. 😫😫

    • @RoshanSinghB
      @RoshanSinghB 8 месяцев назад

      And how are you doing now?

    • @GrannyReplica
      @GrannyReplica 5 месяцев назад +1

      I did the same thing, while it's also my first time having a dog. I am now watching how to get over puppy blues videos while crying.

  • @ilovepickles495
    @ilovepickles495 Месяц назад

    Thank you - I needed to hear this!!!

  • @ashpointe3350
    @ashpointe3350 4 месяца назад +1

    Thank you, everything you said resonated so much with me. Thanks again!

  • @brandiland7798
    @brandiland7798 3 месяца назад +1

    Loved this! Exactly how I'm feeling right now .. I'm on day 13 but I think I see the light at the end of the puppy tunnel .....I hope!! 😬

  • @GuideauxPelagos
    @GuideauxPelagos 5 месяцев назад +2

    Great video...I have no puppy blues but did feel overwhelmed at times and powerless at some points... I think the main reason for me is that all videos on youtube only show ridiculously fast progressions in training the basics and everything else.... dog fights the leash once and then like a miracle becomes in step with the owner almost instantly... this is just not true and makes people doubt themselves.
    I guess many channels do not want to talk about it as it might hurt their commercial business income they have via youtube so need to show quick success stories. Their advice is great...but they give false expectations in their video footage...even as they still might say that it is a lot of hard work and patience.

  • @sherriwade2207
    @sherriwade2207 Год назад +2

    Thank you!!!! First day home with a dog I couldn't wait to adopt and am now feeling panicked, but it will pass

  • @peterlongo3343
    @peterlongo3343 Год назад +2

    I needed this video soo bad with a recent rescue.

  • @Mus34679
    @Mus34679 6 месяцев назад +1

    Actually don’t have a dog but I’m dealing with this with a new cat, and these videos are helpful. Thanks.

  • @indranikeiki1392
    @indranikeiki1392 9 месяцев назад +1

    I experienced this and with a 7 week orphaned puppy, so he was extra anxious. WHAT HELPED ME> use a playpen, make a comfy bed and place there good chewing toys, maybe place puppy pads while you both get used to each other and his potty timings, and during the first week introduce the crate, watch training crate videos so you do it right and dont associate with punishment, connect the playpen to the crate. Crate schedules!!! puppies will like and get used to the routine you establish pretty quickly, like potty play food nap, for 3 or 4 times per day, although potty times will be more, and it will help them to relax and bond with you.

  • @kazwhitehouse5155
    @kazwhitehouse5155 2 года назад +7

    I follow a few dog trainers on you tube but Jake is deffo the best, he is so real. 😂

  • @falondaproby7925
    @falondaproby7925 Год назад +2

    I needed this … this has been the 1st time I have laughed i since I brought my rescue home. You are spot on with what I’m going through. I got a German shepherd mix as a rescue and I’m overwhelmed. Much needed 😊

  • @mostyles328
    @mostyles328 Год назад +3

    I have raised puppys twice before, but it's been 8 years.... I don't know WTF I was thinking at the Humane Society, but this video really helped me to calm down and not make a return. Thanks!

  • @bfrazer8696
    @bfrazer8696 10 месяцев назад +1

    My wife and I got 2….so the feeling was doubled 😂 had them now for almost a month and a half and I can confirm it is absolutely temporary, you will get the hang of it, and you will love having them in your life!

  • @Freddolam
    @Freddolam 4 месяца назад +1

    the intro was so accurate lol thank you

  • @M15Guys
    @M15Guys 2 года назад +8

    Coming up to 9 months - I resonate with everything you’ve said but my puppy actually eats his own poop as well as objects such as sewing needles .... I am now officially falling out with my partner of 30 years over this .... My dog walker friends are turning the other way when they see us, because my puppy is considered mentally deranged. I am overwhelmed and while totally experiencing the WTFHID feeling, I am at the point where I actually want to hate him. Of note is that I love animals and have an older dog who I adore, but this one may just push me over the edge as he is seemingly destroying my life 😢

    • @kimhoffman1071
      @kimhoffman1071 9 месяцев назад

      I feel your pain I most left my husband over the dog its getting better he is 7 months now but some days are still hard

  • @curefansc
    @curefansc 2 года назад +3

    I needed this video - thank you so much

  • @jamielemoi4191
    @jamielemoi4191 Год назад +3

    We are currently going through this.
    Let me get a head start stating that we prepared for the dog for 1 1/2 years. So it wasn’t a split decision to adopt. It was well planned and well thought over.
    We got a rescue dog three weeks ago and we’ve been regretting it since day 1. It’s not hard with her, she is rather easy going and our expectations have been met perfectly. We’re not surprised about any problems she brought along. Everything is literally how we expected it to be. Expect for the fact the we instantly felt like we made the bigger mistake ever and if we could we would go back in time and not adopt her.
    We’ve been seriously thinking about rehoming her but won’t until we gave all of us some time to make sure we are not experiencing said dog blues.
    We’re just struggling a lot right now and we are literally unable to feel anything for her.
    It seems to us like we don’t care about her at all emotionally. Even though she is super cute.
    It feels like we’re in a toxic relationship with someone.
    Like we can tolerate it but it makes us more than unhappy.
    And we want her to be in a loving home not somewhere with people like us who only seem to tolerate her existence.
    When did this phase end for some of you?
    Really curious to find out about more experiences with this

    • @rahelruegg3091
      @rahelruegg3091 Год назад

      How‘s it going now? Feeling any better. I feel spikes of this feeling you‘re describing but patience i think is the key and mainly centering yourself.

    • @queen.k5193
      @queen.k5193 Год назад

      @@rahelruegg3091yesss i jus got my dog 3 days ago and she’s a good pup i’m just still having this feeling i bit off more than i can chew. i really want to keep her but i feel it’s too much but i’m trying to push through. i’m hoping this phase will end soon.

    • @kadystaton1043
      @kadystaton1043 Год назад

      How’s it going? Feeling them same we have had ours for 5 weeks now and still feel nothing for her….

    • @rahelruegg3091
      @rahelruegg3091 Год назад

      @@kadystaton1043 Hey saw your reply and wanted to tell you that what really helped with our pupper is my boyfriend really helping out and taking the weight off me when he gets home from work

  • @wanderinghermes
    @wanderinghermes 5 месяцев назад +2

    I'm having this problem with a young dog, about 3-4 years old. I'm just getting tired of it all. It's great when we just chill and sit on the couch but other than that, I'm tired of everything else. Researching about food, training, the way I act, feelings, emotions ... etc ... it's all stressful when you are taking care of a dog by yourself. This dog actually gave me a different perspective of if I can even handle having kids. I hate quitting but man, I might have to give her away. My work and life is too stressful/busy to try to keep my dog entertained. Sorry, just a rant. Thanks for the video and all the comments. Glad I'm not alone.

  • @aliciaa8261
    @aliciaa8261 Год назад +3

    Thank you so much for making this video 😭 I was desperate to find encouragement in this. Just got our puppy this month, first time puppy (and dog) owner and I am definitely deep in this phase! ❤Needed the encouragement that I'm not alone in this and to hear it's normal and won't last forever 😅

    • @islandguy4u
      @islandguy4u Год назад +1

      Same, its day 4 for me and I am OVERWHELMED 😓
      Hoping its gotten better for you?!!!

    • @aliciaa8261
      @aliciaa8261 Год назад +2

      @@islandguy4u Yes! It definitely has ♥ She definitely still drives me crazy 🤪but I don't feel as overwhelmed. I'm not bursting in tears anymore 😅 I definitely was feeling the depression 😣❤
      My husband has to keep reminding me she will not always be this way😅 I think what helped me the most was learning her napping schedule - or recognizing when she is tired and needs a nap (like a toddler!) she usually will start doing zoomies or start being extra naughty not listening🤦‍♀so I've been calmly putting her in her crate and she usually falls asleep within a few minutes😅) so then I get a break to breath.
      We taught her "quiet" in her crate early on and that has helped with getting her to fall asleep.
      It's been 6 weeks since we got her (It feels like 6 months 🤣), I am definitely exhausted but thankful for my husband helping and I've been making sure I get time alone away from her which helps me mentally. I hope that gives some encouragement 💞

    • @islandguy4u
      @islandguy4u Год назад +1

      @@aliciaa8261 it certainly has; and great tips- thanks so much!
      I've given her free reign of the house since coming in and that hasn't been ideal. Still figuring out her napping schedule - (it seems pretty random because she's always out) but will be sure to set certain times away so I can get a breather 😅
      Thanks so much and best of luck 💛🧡

    • @aliciaa8261
      @aliciaa8261 Год назад +1

      @@islandguy4u You're welcome! I'm so glad!
      I think it took me 3 weeks of journaling everything to start noticing her naps were starting to be around the same time every day 😅
      And we did the same! we gave her too much freedom the first week. We had to rein her in and we got a training leash and left it on her 24/7 so we could grab her easier, that helped.
      Lots of toys and games to wear her out has helped too (treats inside those balls with holes in them)😅......
      Good luck to you as well! ♥ Thank you

    • @islandguy4u
      @islandguy4u Год назад +1

      @@aliciaa8261 thanks!!! Here's hoping 😊🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @mattwyro7339
    @mattwyro7339 2 года назад +5

    Great advice as always

  • @nunya6346
    @nunya6346 10 месяцев назад +1

    I’m so overwhelmed with my five month old Bernadoodle I’ve even considered putting him up for sale.. I pray on it every day, he is getting a little better it’s hard for me to be consistent because my work schedule isn’t consistent.. you need the patience of a saint to deal with a puppy

    • @AdaJess
      @AdaJess 10 месяцев назад +1

      Hi, are you feeling better now? I've been feeling so bad since my five-month old Havanese entered my life and I feel guilty to actually be that way! I love my puppy though but I am so depressed and overwhelmed as I try to do my best for him. The breeder does not want me to return the pup. I hope my puppy blues will fade and that I will be back to normal mentally and physically.

    • @nunya6346
      @nunya6346 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@AdaJess I’m hanging in there, thanks for asking.. but it’s still hard, he’s just hard to train.. I’ve been doing my research on doodles and I really think mixing these poodles with other dogs such as the BMD was probably not the best idea yeah they come out cute but I honestly don’t think they’re wired right (if that makes sense) and I met a few Bernadoodle owners in my neighborhood and they agree, even the sheepadoodle owners say their doodles are hard to train, but like I said I’m gonna hang in there because I do love him. Walks are the hardest for some reason he just gets over stimulated.. I pray your puppy blues fade soon.. it is hard and I’m glad we all found these “puppy blues” RUclips videos because I was starting to feel guilty and I’m sure you were as well

    • @AdaJess
      @AdaJess 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@nunya6346 Good luck to you and hang in there! Also thank you for your respond because it also helps me to feel a bit better. I hope everything will be easier and smoother for you and your Bernadoodle pup. We're in this together ! 🙌

    • @nunya6346
      @nunya6346 10 месяцев назад

      @@AdaJess yes we are! ❤️🐶

  • @StephenAndaya
    @StephenAndaya 3 месяца назад +2

    This is my therapy now, watching experienced dog owners tell me that this is just a phase and that I will have the Riku that I've always dreamed of. He may be a little monster right now, but once he grows up, we're gonna be inseparable. 🤍

  • @carolynnagy1838
    @carolynnagy1838 Год назад +3

    Thank you! I didn't want the dog but I love a guy who comes with a dog. :( so when the nice old dog died and he got a puppy it wasn't my decision. Right now I hate the dog. But I need to do this. He won't get training for it and he leaves 12 hours a day. So it's all me. I feel encouraged just being heard.
    I'm really a nice person just not an animal lover. Thank you for the nonjudgement!

    • @AmyLahr149
      @AmyLahr149 Год назад +2

      That’s insane! Are you ok? Xx I hope you pushed back and made him train the dog at least! How’s it going now? No hate meant to your partner but if you’re the one who’s responsible for the dog all day you should definitely have had a say in the decision to get a puppy. Would your partner have still gotten a puppy if you hadn’t been together? If so how was he planning to take care of it when he’s gone 12 hours a day?
      I live with one of my siblings / best friend and I’m getting a puppy this year and they’re on board with it but we had to set ground rules. I’m the one who wants a puppy so it’s my dog and my responsibility. I won’t expect them to pitch in. They’ll likely still help me out sometimes if I’m in a pinch but there’s no expectation or requirement. It’s my dog, it’s up to me to train it and provide its care. I would never put that on anyone else, partner or not, without them being on board from the offset, let alone hand it off to them all day every day as if they have no life of their own and on top of that refuse to train it! That’s really unacceptable and so unfair to you.
      At the minimum for your sanity he absolutely needs to at least train the dog. Really hope things have improved a bit! Xx

  • @CDash162
    @CDash162 2 года назад +5

    He's still a little shite and I'm still the worst dog Owner in the world but thank you. This helped so much. Me and Toby are actually normal. Good to know.

  • @amarawhite1265
    @amarawhite1265 11 месяцев назад +2

    Mine is now 3 and I am still living in deep regret. Like, DEEP regret. He’s generally well behaved but It never got better for me & I’m depressed as a result. Epic buyers remorse.

    • @kimhoffman1071
      @kimhoffman1071 9 месяцев назад +1

      So sorry we have had are puppy 7 months now I feel lots of regret my husband loves him but if I had a choose I would remove him

    • @archangel8108
      @archangel8108 8 месяцев назад

      I feel you both. Worst mistake of my life. I feel like moving out once our baby is born 😢

  • @evadebruijn
    @evadebruijn 13 дней назад

    Four years going on five, still completely stressed out, tbh I gave up hope it will ever stop being stressful.
    I barely have the energy for anything , I am through my daily ration of spoons somewhere between noon and three, so everything I have to do after that has me running on empty.

  • @lillianinspace
    @lillianinspace Год назад +2

    I got a 5 year old rescue a week ago. She follows me EVERYWHERE, and barks at me whenever I eat food and don’t give any to her, which gets on my nerves. But I’m trying my best with daily walks and we’re going to a training class thing in a week and hopefully that’ll wear off some of her rottie energy. Fingers crossed that we’ll click 🤞

  • @michaelireefe8118
    @michaelireefe8118 10 месяцев назад +2

    I’ve been in the wtfwit phase for the entire first year of my German shepherd puppy’s life.

  • @michaelharris-2001
    @michaelharris-2001 Год назад +1

    Exactly what I'm thinking right now

  • @celestrio
    @celestrio Год назад +1

    I'm a first time dog owner. I contemplated on getting a puppy from a breeder or rescue a dog from the shelter. After visiting multiple shelters, I had terrible experiences with the employees and the dogs I looked at, they were either aggressive, extremely fearful, or were very damaged due to horrible circumstances. Since I never cared for a dog, I was completely a newbie. So I decided to buy a puppy from a breeder and build my experience along with the puppy's age. Now my pup is 7 months old and he's been great. Once I got him, I immediately made him an outdoor only dog. I live alone so I need the pup to be outside otherwise he'll destroy the house while I'm at work. I've decided not to keep him in a crate as I work for 8-10 hours. That's too much time leaving him in a crate and the smell of my house will be horrible thus outdoor only. I have a sun room with screened windows to continuously vent the room, has a sealed roof to protect the pup from the elements, got him a dog house to sleep within the sunroom to protect him once winter arrives (it drops to mid 20's - low 30's) and I installed a patio heater to warm up his house with a smart plug to activate for 2 hours after dusk, off for 2 hours, and repeat until sunrise. Inside his house rises to 85 degrees. If the pup gets too hot, he has access to step out until he wants to return back in once he gets too cold. I watched him do that vua security cameras. As for potty, I have a doggy door where he has access ti go outside on a dirt lot and he can take care of business at his leisure. I clean up after him once I return from work. My pup also suffers from separation anxiety so to control that, I quietly leave home early in the morning. During the day, my pup thinks I'm home the entire time and he's chill (I watch him closely by cameras). The first 4 weeks, my mother would come and look after him for an hour and play with him. Once he reached 4 months old, my mother stopped coming by as we now know the pup is doing fine on his own. Now at 7 months, he's now used to it but I still watch him closely as does my mother via cameras. He's a border collie. Amazing dog and great companion to keep me company as I live alone. Once I return home, I immediately play with him for 2-3 hours on games and training him. On my days off, I'm with him almost half the day to build our bond. I did get the wtfwit moment as well on the first 3 days but after that, I adapted as well as my pup. Great experience

  • @mychills123
    @mychills123 Год назад +7

    I’m going through this right now I’ve just had a major op and my pup seems to be getting naughtier and I’m at the point where I can’t cope, I do put him in the cage for time out but he’s now violently attacking his cage.

  • @kosickf112
    @kosickf112 Год назад +10

    Bro..i just got a malinois and I’m on day 2 thinking to give him back to the breeder and not even care about the big $$ I spent 😆 feel like i can’t do anything and I work from home but I feel like I won’t even be able to focus on work

    • @zoehauser3917
      @zoehauser3917 Год назад

      Me too, 3rd day and k am feeling the same. My son cried hard when I mentioned to give my 15 month old lagotto back to the breeder. I kept asking myself: what have I done😓

    • @eva2059
      @eva2059 Год назад

      What is the update im on day 1 and thinking the same

    • @KingGrande
      @KingGrande Год назад +2

      How are you guys doing? Day 3 here and I already feel like I made a mistake. I’m a single 25 y/o guy with not very many friends so I thought a dog would be great for me, however I’m quickly starting to realize how selfish I am with my free time and being able to do whatever I want when I want

    • @MrSwagking27
      @MrSwagking27 4 месяца назад

      @@KingGrande how did it go? I’m feeling the same right now and have been struggling.

  • @_Darkstarmon_
    @_Darkstarmon_ 2 месяца назад

    People with kittens, you are allowed to feel this way too, I’m currently going through the horrible (in my opinion) phase of introduction of older cat to brand new baby, it’s hard, god it’s hard, and it sucks and I know you just can’t deal with the screaming anymore.
    Just remember something I was always taught when bringing a new animal home.
    Yes YOU are emotionally invested in this cat/kitten, but they are only living off of their instincts right now and ya they might act like they wanna bond and maybe they are in a way, but they really (especially in cases with babies) are just craving attention and don’t know how to get it without screaming or making a mess or whatever they’re doing that’s just pissing you off to no end.
    My Bee won’t let the new kitten out of her sights, door or no door, she’s almost always hissing. I felt like a horrible momma to my baby Bee yesterday and today, but wanna know what’s she’s doing right now, now that’s she’s calmed down a bit? Laying in her bed next to mine purring that she has mommas attention and presence.
    Cats, just like dogs, CRAVE attention, and no matter how you’re doing it, new first baby or introducing baby to other cats. All the cats what is attention, and it’s okay to give them all you got, you need that break, take it, let the cat stay in their room, shut that door, and take a break, go eat something, watch a (loud) movie or show.
    You got this! This cat momma with kitten blues has faith in you and herself to get though this god forsaken time!

  • @mistysweeton
    @mistysweeton Год назад

    You are a great person!!! Thank you!

  • @desireec.8598
    @desireec.8598 5 месяцев назад

    Omg you read my mind with all the thoughts I just want to cry but I’m going to watch your other video on how you survived

  • @Maximilian_Romus
    @Maximilian_Romus Год назад

    Thanks for the encouragement

  • @youtubeseeds4881
    @youtubeseeds4881 2 года назад +5

    My dog is 10 and the “puppy stage” never ended 😂😭

    • @shakeemabrown9561
      @shakeemabrown9561 Год назад +2

      I think I just died and came back lol it never ended! It’s been a year with my pit and …. Yup I’m loosing it 🥴

  • @my_lifequest
    @my_lifequest 2 года назад +3

    I needed this especially today, when my baby Eva broke my computer screen and I have been looking after her all by myslef for the last 10 day....thanks for the support!

    • @chelseamensah1732
      @chelseamensah1732 2 года назад

      Omg no. I would cry. Mine tore up all my chargers

  • @donnaqem
    @donnaqem Год назад

    Thank you ❤. Experienced fog rescuer but NEVER a 2 month old hellion.

  • @MegaPerson012345
    @MegaPerson012345 Год назад +1

    I hope life with my puppy gets better. I have had him 2months. I got him when he was 7 weeks old. Worst thing he does is biting. he has torn my clothes and ripped my skin open. he is breaking skin everyday. I have spent 15min twice a day with training. he spends the whole day with me. I keep him on a house line and long line when i take him outside to play. he gets to play a lot. he gets multiple play times every day especially in his most active times of the day. he is a very lucky dog that i am a stay at home wife and have plenty of time to raise him. He was doing really well. come, sit, lay down, leave it, stay. suddenly he just decided nope lala dont care or will start barking and growling at me when i ask him to do something. doesnt want to stay. suddenly all my hard work and cues are dead. just wants to get to food or toy. The biting is getting worse. saying OUCH or anything like that doesnt stop him. in fact he will come at your harder. no doesnt work either same thing or he will bark at you. very defiant little shit. timeouts dont work either. he thinks everything is a game. i put him in time out and when i let him out he just jumps on me and starts biting. cant leave him alone either or he starts having a meltdown. scared of loud noises outside like cars, planes, lawn mowers, garbage truck, ect...he will just try to run and choke himself. he leash pulls very bad!!!! i dont even think he knows where he is running to. he doesnt see me as a safe spot at all. that really sucks. he is a coonhound. i got him for hunting purposes and companionship. right now he is really frustrating me and i am not even to the most difficult age yet. he is going to grow to be at least 70lbs. i am a small woman in my 40s. my body has been physically broke down and injured badly from accidents. 30lb pup yanking on me randomly bolting is jolting my bad back, neck, and shoulder. that is only going to get worse. i paid for akc star puppy which is 6 sessions, but it is only once every 2 weeks. wondering if that is going to be a total worthless waste of time or if you actually learn something. i need my pup to be a good dog so he can be useful. he does the main reason i got him for great. training for that was easy. everything i read about redbone coonhounds sounded awesome and just what we were looking for, but seems to not be true at least not this one. he is not good with children or anyone with as bad as he bites he is a liability. wtf is someone supposed to do when their puppy is biting like he is? it takes everything in my being of self control to not launch the fucker across the room and beat the damn shit out of him because he is biting hard and wont quit. have tried ignoring the biting but at some point as you are bleeding and he is sawing in there and crushing your hand wth. he already about bit my nephews beans and bacon cause they wanted to come see the new pup before i even knew and that was kind when it all started and my sister and her son came over. i dont know if her playing with him rough started this or if he just started showing his behaviors he already had. i am litterally invested in this dog. i am about 4k into this dog plus lots of time.

  • @robindfuller
    @robindfuller 8 месяцев назад +1

    We’ve had our whippet since 12 weeks and he’s 17 months. He was house trained after 2 days and sleeps in a crate every night without making a sound (most nights).
    I was the one who wanted a dog to keep me company while working full time from home. My wife tries to be ok with it but often struggles and my daughters (16 and 10) just can’t be bothered and disappear to their rooms.
    My wife said that the first 6 months were very hard for her. She’s not really “a dog person” and taking on a puppy was tough for her.
    He’s been neutered and the only behaviour issues we have are the digging the middle of the sofa and obnoxiously barking at the window. Then when on walks he gets very aggressive towards black or dark brown dogs, and is constantly eating poo when I let him off the lead. He’s otherwise a good boy.
    However I’m still waiting for the love to kick in. I just simply don’t feel anything but stress for him. I look at him in his bed thinking I regret getting him pretty much everyday. I don’t know what to do apart from carry on and hope it gets better. If I get rid of him I can just hear everyone saying “well you wanted a dog”, or “he needs training“. My wife and daughters leave all the care to me but they don’t want me to re home him.
    I guess I’m just stuck with a poor decision for the next 14 years.
    To anyone thinking you want a dog to make you happier…. You need to be aware of what you are taking on. It is not a cure to things like depression or loneliness. Sure they perk you up at the very start with all the excitement but then after a year of getting under your feet, barking, eating poo, destroying their new £50 bed, constant whining even after a play session and massive walk when all you want to do is relax with a cup of tea and watch tv… also the burden of not being able to go anywhere for more than 3-4 hours max.
    Blah blah blah rant rant rant. I’m just tired of it and regret the whole thing. I want him gone but feel terrible for it because it’s not his fault… it’s mine.

    • @mohonisemo3201
      @mohonisemo3201 8 месяцев назад +1

      Hang in there. Mines 21 months, I love him but every single day for the rest of the family is a challenge and I'm very tired of doing it all. My two kids are the same. I know it must get better at some point.

    • @robindfuller
      @robindfuller 8 месяцев назад

      @@mohonisemo3201 thank you, it’s good to know I’m not the only one. Let’s see what happens at 24months :)

    • @rmnyi
      @rmnyi 7 месяцев назад

      My wife wanted dogs, I did not. We eventually would get 3 of them…mostly my wife’s doing but i agreed, reluctantly. It was definitely work and I did most of the work but the wife did help. Fast forward, we lost all 3 dogs in 2022. 2 dachshunds were both over 16 yrs old and the 3rd dog (mixed breed, possibly part whippet) was a little over 10. It’s been 2 years and I think of them everyday. For someone who didn’t want dogs, I now can’t live without them. We adopted another dachshund and recently rescued a Doberman mix but I’m struggling with bonding with the Doberman. I have no idea why. My wife and I both wanted to rescue her. She’s a good dog. It’s only been 2 weeks. The dachshund and Doberman are getting along well for such a short time and yet, I’m feeling overwhelmed. The reason I’m responding is you mentioned depression. I too have been feeling depressed. I think it started during covid and picked up speed when i lost the dogs. And for the life of me, i cannot figure out what is wrong with me. I love dogs and I’m more depressed than ever. I think you are dealing with some other issues and the change that having a dog has brought to your daily routine is not the cause of the emotions you’re feeling but on top of other things going on, was enough to bring it all to the surface. I felt compelled to reply because I finally decided tonight to go see a therapist and get some help. My hope is that you’ll do the same. Whatever you have going on in life, it’s probably more than just the dog. Hang in there my friend and if you need to chat about the pup or feeling down, let me know.

    • @LouiseMarie901
      @LouiseMarie901 7 месяцев назад +1

      Hey, it seems your dog might be picking up on your frustration or anger, which can contribute to behaviours like eating poo or constant barking, often indicative of anxiety. Also, anxiety can sometimes be genetic in certain dogs. Have you considered trying alternative methods to help alleviate his stress? Like, playing gentle music, using a home diffuser with calming pheromones, or exploring light medication options? Taking him to a Dog school or pet daycare where he can interact with other dogs could be beneficial. This exposure could help reduce his aggression towards other pups during walks by allowing him to become more accustomed to their presence.

  • @User_005
    @User_005 Год назад +2

    Hope I can get some feed back from this comment because I honestly don’t know what to do. I adopted a dog who is super hyper who loves running around which is fine but I live in a small 500 sq apartment. I take her out on walks at least twice a day for an hour each but she has so much energy that the walks are not enough. I feel like she needs a house with a large back yard but feel guilty returning her to the shelter 😔

    • @warondogs8199
      @warondogs8199 Год назад

      i hope you will return her to the shelter. I know society tells you that you should feel guilty for not keeping a dog forever, but please, remember that dog culture is nothing more than a money making sham. Think about it. Our society right now says that its unacceptable to get rid of a dog, but its acceptable to dump people, get divorced, put our elderly in a facility, and even kick out an unruly teenager. Also, if you are about animals, you will save more if you FOREGO pet ownership, rather than partake in it. After all, you are killing plenty of innocent lambs, pigs, cows, etc to feed a dog. And, plus, you will be doing the earth a favor by NOT producing lots of single use plastic bags filled with methane producing excrement to go in landfills, and contaminating outside where people walk and play. Get rid of it, PROUDLY, and without guilt and tell people your reasoning if they ask. Watch the videos on my channel and on I hate dogs channel for more ammo.

  • @elenadarling4697
    @elenadarling4697 Год назад

    I needed this ❤❤❤

  • @islandguy4u
    @islandguy4u Год назад

    Thank you so much, very encouraging...

  • @aemsiw3798
    @aemsiw3798 2 года назад +9

    5:40 thank you for believing in me… I don’t think I can do this 😂 …this is to hard and I want to live again. Children are easier than dogs. Just thinking about dealing with this for 10 years … I could seriously scream or cry. Either one.

    • @tiffanykennedy788
      @tiffanykennedy788 Год назад

      What did you do? I am thinking of giving my Corgi pup away.

    • @aemsiw3798
      @aemsiw3798 Год назад

      @@tiffanykennedy788 gave him away to someone that didn’t have children and is okay with a dog being indoors

    • @poetryismyting8854
      @poetryismyting8854 Год назад

      @@tiffanykennedy788 I gave mine away. German Shepherd/Husky. She literally remained quiet all day and refused to to go for walks or poop outside. She’d wait til nighttime and howl for hours and then decide to pee everywhere. She ended up peeing on my Xbox and costing too much attention and money for me. I gave her to a cousin that had her sister from 1 litter ahead of her

  • @50somethinggoofball53
    @50somethinggoofball53 2 года назад +1

    Day 12 here & yup. WTFWIT. Lol. Hoarding rescue dog that is part cat! Jumps over gates. Jumped up onto my table & ate a loaf of bread (yep a dachshund can jump very high.... Who knew? ). He is crazy. Good thing he is cute

  • @OarElseKayaks
    @OarElseKayaks 2 года назад


  • @Elizabeth_the_Enigma
    @Elizabeth_the_Enigma Год назад

    Ty for this video ❤

  • @a.m.c.3181
    @a.m.c.3181 Год назад +5

    You had me at Jesus Christ whatthefuck did I do. Subscribe

  • @madam497
    @madam497 2 года назад +9

    Im here after a week of bringing my puppy home ... 🥲

    • @miekekuppens8240
      @miekekuppens8240 2 года назад +4

      On day 3..and crying for 3 days.. He sleeps all night.. Pee accidents but no poop in the house. But he just doesn't seem to like me since day 1. He has so much anxiety and all I read online is what I am doing wrong 😭

    • @u2b891
      @u2b891 2 года назад +3

      Lol tomorrow will be a week from when I got my puppy. I really like him it is just so much biting and pee, but raising any living thing is never easy.

    • @M15Guys
      @M15Guys 2 года назад +2

      Take my advice .... take it back 😅

    • @u2b891
      @u2b891 2 года назад +2

      @@M15Guys 😂😂

    • @nishka9605
      @nishka9605 Год назад

      @@u2b891 did you return it or is it still with you bcz this is exactly what is happening with me rn and It's been only 5 days 😭

  • @jb6368
    @jb6368 5 месяцев назад

    I keep putting mine in kennels for few days break ,its god send without him 😢

  • @buckmerdoc8860
    @buckmerdoc8860 Год назад +7

    The wwit thinking phase is actually the moment you bring the monster home to the time you find it another home

  • @EmmaHolland
    @EmmaHolland 11 месяцев назад +2

    Is this advies also for cat owners. Bc I think I am going through this but with a cat. I thought cats are relaxed creatures. They like to be on their own and explore and sleep. But my cat thinks it’s a dog and I feel like I don’t have a life anymore.

  • @mathildeeide8550
    @mathildeeide8550 Год назад +1

    My problem is I know it´s not always a phase. Íve raised several puppies, different breeds and sizes. This last one though seems to be a replica of the one I eventually rehomed, only times 10. Didn’t see that coming.

  • @thatclover123
    @thatclover123 Год назад

    it’s a real struggle rn😢

  • @TracyTidewater41009
    @TracyTidewater41009 3 месяца назад

    My 7 month old large golden doodle turns vicious, I’m so tied of being bitten, bleeding.

  • @AsistafromNJ
    @AsistafromNJ 2 года назад

    Omg! I love that intro. Can I call you? 🤣😂🤣

  • @sus30t
    @sus30t 3 месяца назад

    My 10 month keeps digging holes I think he’s done !

  • @nono2708
    @nono2708 Год назад

    i just got a pup yesterday he is a 8 week old lab x german pointer and lets say he love eating and ripping everything he also keeps eating the cat litter, i feel so guilty, ive been dreaming for a dog for 8 years and i finally got one and im feeling like this, i look forward to when he sleeps so i can get peace, does time go by fast coz it feels like its going to be ages…

  • @iluvyunie
    @iluvyunie Год назад

    I'm at one month and basically regularly consider encountering oncoming traffic

  • @crazy-dawnp5816
    @crazy-dawnp5816 Год назад +2

    "If you answered yes to one or two of these things...." how about if I answered yes to all of them.

  • @RobbiePfunder
    @RobbiePfunder Год назад +4

    Dog ownership is absolutely horrendous. Don’t know how anyone can do it and give up their life for these monsters… Just a horrible, horrible beast to own.

    • @warondogs8199
      @warondogs8199 Год назад

      Yup...and its horrible for the community, the environment, you, your neighbors, and even it, although i dont care about that last one. Worst hobby/habit ever. I cant believe people have replaced smoking with dogs.

    • @Acridblue999
      @Acridblue999 2 дня назад

      @@warondogs8199 Laughable,

  • @hatchetkween80
    @hatchetkween80 Год назад +1

    You sir, are fuckin awesome.... I'm going thru it and for some odd reason I thought it was because I'm not educated enough on being a doggy owner....

  • @HaBeatByAGirl
    @HaBeatByAGirl Год назад +2

    It's been 8 weeks n it's not getting any easier

    • @HaBeatByAGirl
      @HaBeatByAGirl Год назад +1

      Well he's now 4 months old n things have actually got sooooo much better he's doing great on the toilet training with him it was all about the treats so that's helped he's had 3 full days of no accidents at all

  • @ArtOfMoney1
    @ArtOfMoney1 Год назад +3

    My girlfriend(30) got her 3 year old dog for a year now. It doesn’t listen and it constantly urinates when you pet him. It’s very aggressive to strangers and demands to be petted to calm down, and in return urinates in a non stop cycle of barking and peeing. He’s going to dog school for a month now but no changes so far… I asked my girlfriend why is her dog like this? And she said maybe because she got it for FREE. Her friend begged her to take it home cause she couldn’t watch it anymore. Now I know why 😂
    Never get a FREE dog. There’s always something wrong with them. You’re better off getting a much younger puppy to train it perfectly. Older dogs have a hard time learning new tricks.

  • @rushiacampbell9380
    @rushiacampbell9380 Год назад +1

    Try having a high energy bad behaviour Labrador puppy he’s now 10 months I think he’s gone worse

  • @SnowFoxParty
    @SnowFoxParty 7 месяцев назад

    The WTFWIT phase is nearly on Year 2 and I've had it with the soiling around my house. I'm losing my mind with my almost 2 year old dog. It's driving me nuts. I don't even enjoy instagram and tiktok videos about dogs anymore. I can't stand it

  • @gemmawright6919
    @gemmawright6919 Год назад +1

    I am like this after 2 days of getting a puppy and I have a older dog who’s 7. My dog keeps snapping at her and I think she might bite her I feel so stressed I can’t let the dog be on the ground with my dog around because she keeps going for her. My dog is only small but the puppy is rabbit sized. I have brought my dog a muzzle but still she is trying to go for her. Any advise please ? 😪 I really don’t want to have to get rid of the puppy because we have fallen in love with her but I didn’t expect my dog to be this bad

  • @latoyapierre7520
    @latoyapierre7520 Год назад +3

    I already had 3 mental breakdowns all in a single day and it's only been 4 days.

  • @Aashma_14
    @Aashma_14 3 месяца назад +1

    And the money spend is 🤯

  • @kar9990
    @kar9990 9 месяцев назад

    It's been a month and a half. I haven't bonded with my puppy. I'm covered in scratches and bruises 😢

  • @justacitygirl
    @justacitygirl 9 месяцев назад

    WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!!!!!!!! (to be fair, I didn't want this breed (Malinois) the shelter lied about the breed )

  • @brandonstanley9125
    @brandonstanley9125 Год назад +1

    nothing wrong with not liking owning a dog. Just rehome

  • @crearoosje
    @crearoosje Год назад

  • @chael360
    @chael360 2 года назад


  • @bevanbuckwheatshea5520
    @bevanbuckwheatshea5520 Год назад +2

    A dog is for life.

  • @prettymuchlife7024
    @prettymuchlife7024 Год назад

    This dog is getting on my nerves I freaking dislike him he makes me talk so often and that's not my personality to keep talking he knows how to use the potty area and refuses to go there now he just go random places I dislike him he's embarrassed me while I was at someone's house he poop in front of everyone he's so annoying. 5 months of constant thinking to give him up to a shelter.

  • @kimhoffman1071
    @kimhoffman1071 Год назад

    4 months when will it get better distroying my yard

  • @Burgerklauer
    @Burgerklauer Год назад +1

    Seems like you just get used to hating your dog after a while

  • @julio1982
    @julio1982 Год назад

    You got a malinois puppy? Oof 😅😅😅😅

  • @buckmerdoc8860
    @buckmerdoc8860 Год назад

    Just get an adult rescue. Puppies are a $hit shwo

  • @izannemarais156
    @izannemarais156 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks for the video. Except for using the Lords Name in vain, I have felt this almost every day since getting our pup. He is a handful, and some. The day I melted down crying was when he destroyed a plant that I got when my son was born.. The palm is 16 years old. I turned my back for a second and he ripped the whole thing out. That day I was hard. He is still extremely hard work. Eventhoough we do lots of training with him. He seems to forget it all when he wants to do something he wants to do. Urgg.. I know it will get better, but the lack of sleep and feeling trapped is hard. There's very little rest except when he is sleeping.

  • @crearoosje
    @crearoosje Год назад