I hate the books you love...and that's okay

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 85

  • @tamerlaaane
    @tamerlaaane 7 месяцев назад +14

    The level of politeness really depends on the genre. There are (imho) a lot of snobs in the scifi booktube community, fantasy readers can be very sensitive.. and it also depends on who runs the community. You are a very likeable person and there is little to no drama on your discord.

    • @DavidDorton
      @DavidDorton 7 месяцев назад +2

      It's especially bad in the big multimedia franchises, IMHO. Try saying something good about the Star Wars prequels, or bad about the Star Wars sequels on Twitter or Reddit, or digging into the canonicity of the novels, and you'll usually get some ... feedback. The need some folks have to jump in to someone else's thread just to tell them they're wrong reminds me of the Family Guy joke about British "drive by arguments." Except I wish Twitter was as polite about it.

  • @juliawhitmee9257
    @juliawhitmee9257 7 месяцев назад

    Hi Ollie, I am always surprised by the people that do the classic thing of buying or reading a book based on its cover ! That old saying of not judging a book...😅 I have read some great books with a totally blank cover! I would also like to recommend a great little thriller i came across by accidrnt and really, really enjoyed. Its called God Bomb ! by Kit Power, a small book with a big punch !!! Loving the honesty of your channel from Julia, a new fan ❤

    • @LittleKikuyu
      @LittleKikuyu 7 месяцев назад

      I always feel drawn to books with nice covers and also I always try to find a „pretty“ version of a book I‘d like to read. If the cover art is crappy my enjoyment in reading is somewhat diminished 😂😂😂 (But some books really don’t do their nice covers justice, I agree 😅🙈)

  • @Unpotted
    @Unpotted 7 месяцев назад +9

    It never occurred to me to judge your choices of reading materials, but then I used to work at a public library, where judgement goes to die. 😂
    It would be extremely unprofessional and in very poor taste to comment on the books the patrons were taking home, although we never really knew if the books were for them or a family member.
    I’m just happy whenever I see people reading and discussing books, no matter their interests. I’m very encouraged to see how many young people read books on public transport, whereas older adults are more likely to read newspapers.
    Personally, I read a bit of everything, because ADHD is relentless and demands variety.
    Once, having finished my book, I picked up a male/male romance someone had left on the seat opposite me. When I disembarked from the train to meet a friend, she saw what I was reading, and asked wasn’t I embarrassed to be seen with such a title? I realized I hadn’t even thought about the cover art, but the story was engrossing and drew me into another world. So I told her if another passenger remarked on it, I would just tell them I was curious why my teenage son liked these Heartstopper books so much. 😂
    Anyway, my two main rules of engagement in BookTube video comments are to NOT comment on anyone’s tastes or looks, and I think those who do so are revealing more about themselves than the content creator.

  • @martinelanglois3158
    @martinelanglois3158 7 месяцев назад +7

    When I was much younger I used to say that something I didn't like was not good. Now I just say it wasn't for me. I don't need or want all the bad vibes of people who actually liked it aimed at me. Is that "wisdom"? 🧘‍♀️📚

  • @AnnNovella
    @AnnNovella 7 месяцев назад +11

    well, luckily I’ve got great taste 😂😂😂

  • @Radioknock
    @Radioknock 7 месяцев назад +3

    I feel like certain authors have a weird cult around them. If you try to genuinely and earnestly critique Brandon Sanderson (not just hate on him because he is popular) you will be swarmed by his fans defending him. IMO he's kind of become untouchable in a way that no artist should be

    • @MichaelSmith-zx5lw
      @MichaelSmith-zx5lw 7 месяцев назад +1

      I don't stand his writing or his books. I find his work...plastic

  • @kenward1310
    @kenward1310 7 месяцев назад +3

    Olly, that Phoenix Force book is undoubtedly pure trash, and I can't wait to read it.

  • @bookssongsandothermagic
    @bookssongsandothermagic 7 месяцев назад +4

    To be fair I’ve seen tons of people on their channels being negative about books and authors - some channels are hardly ever positive. RUclips in general gets much more success for the content creators if they’re negative. A video called “I will never read anything by this author” will get tons more views than “I love this author”. In general, I’ve seen much more negative stuff….not on friends’ channels but on Booktube and RUclips as a whole. That’s why I stay as positive as I can, because it gets on my nerves haha

  • @ITCamefromthePage
    @ITCamefromthePage 7 месяцев назад +1

    Olly....in my defense...I am very vocal about my hatred of Men's Adventure LOL.

  • @jenniferr.9528
    @jenniferr.9528 7 месяцев назад +1

    One of the things I love about your channel is the variety of books, and the absence of snobbery regarding “quality” of books. Oh, and your ending with “cheerio.” I always watch to the end just for that. 😃📚💕 Honestly, you won’t get any negative comments from me unless you start obsessing over James Patterson or Colleen Hoover. There you have my honest opinion.😂

    • @CriminOllyBlog
      @CriminOllyBlog  7 месяцев назад

      The honest reason for that is I like most books, regardless of genre or quality. 😂

  • @DuncanMcCurdie
    @DuncanMcCurdie 7 месяцев назад +1

    I assumed you knew that Phoenix Force was crap, isn’t that why you read it?

  • @wburris2007
    @wburris2007 7 месяцев назад

    By listening to book tubers, I have ended up with many books that I didn't particularly enjoy. My conclusion is that its my alien brain.

  • @HannahsBooks
    @HannahsBooks 7 месяцев назад

    I think booktube is getting so large now that I watch fewer videos by readers who talk about very different books from the ones I read-and that is a shame, I think. I love your comment that readers see other readers as weirdos like them, even if we read differently. We watch booktube for the people rather than for the specific books, as the truism goes. And I assure you that the book you held up will never find a spot on my shelves…

  • @JohnShreve-hw8zm
    @JohnShreve-hw8zm 2 месяца назад

    I have this w movies that others LOVE. I watch it and theres no character development and barely a story, and nobody can explain to me the greatness once I point out my issues w it. Just once Id like to be shown how wrong I am

  • @leinbajr
    @leinbajr 3 месяца назад

    I like reading negative reviews of books I liked to see what annoyed people about it. Sometimes the criticisms give me another insight on the book that I missed, which is interesting. Sometimes people are like, "there were too many big words," and that's not so handy.

  • @CleaSelene
    @CleaSelene 7 месяцев назад

    Hmmm... I don't know. I'm very vocal about my dislikes on my personal soc media/goodreads etc. and when I'm talking to people face to face. But for some reason, the idea of going into a stranger's comments section etc. and telling them why/that I didn't like something they enjoyed feels icky? 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @DDB168
    @DDB168 7 месяцев назад

    Ahem...ahem....I don't read more literary works. I like all your trash, it's all that average horror you read I have the biggest problem with 🤭 I'd like to think my comments (almost) always go against the grain. I love negative book reviews, especially drive bye's, unfortunately they're so rare. But when you analyse booktube videos posted, book reviews are a minority.

  • @recynd77
    @recynd77 7 месяцев назад

    We’ve all learned not to judge a book by its cover.
    Oh, I still haven’t forgiven you for the trauma I experienced after reading “Hogg” (and may never!)… 😳

  • @MetalSamantha
    @MetalSamantha 7 месяцев назад

    I think I’m in imminent danger of DNF’ing a book by an author I know you love. If I do, it will be the 5th or 6th of his that I have DNF’d and mean I have DNF’d every book oh his I have ever attempted
    I won’t give the author’s name, because he is a beloved author that many love dearly, but I find him so boring it’s almost physically painful tbh
    Hey ho

  • @gracewinchester-baggins4205
    @gracewinchester-baggins4205 7 месяцев назад

    I think it is important to say things like: “I like it, but it’s not a good book.”
    And then we talk about that.
    It is junk food. I love Taco Bell, but it isn’t GOOD food.

  • @davebrzeski
    @davebrzeski 7 месяцев назад

    I can't deny that I occasionally get a little frustrated when an author, or book gets so much more praise on BookTube than I think it deserves, but I try hard to temper my reaction. The first major example for me was Harry Potter, which I found to be derivative, and mediocre (this was long before Rowling gave us other reasons to dislike her). I noticed quite quickly how easy is was to move from not thinking something was all that great, to suddenly thinking that I hated it, due to the constant hype I kept on seeing for it.
    When I review books, I tend to be positive for the most part, and I simply don't review books I really dislike.
    What I find so much more frustrating than people liking stuff that I don't, is when I fel that noone is interested in reafing the books I recommend. I know this is generally because we all have so much to read already, but we all love to point people towards the stuff we love, if only because that gives us a chance to talk about it together.

  • @johngaffney1671
    @johngaffney1671 7 месяцев назад

    Olly. Read what you enjoy but id rather not waste time on badly written pulp. Im still not sure what you get out of a preposterous plot badly written? But your reviews are great . Particularly like the top 10s but often find stuff like W Mosley eg totally unavailable.

  • @AJGarrett13
    @AJGarrett13 7 месяцев назад

    You HATE Trev and Simon's Stupid book?

  • @bessdavies6440
    @bessdavies6440 7 месяцев назад

    For me, personally, it's about not sh*tting on something the other person loves. There's a lot of very bad books that I've read, but I'll only leave good reviews for the books I like, and just won't review a book I disliked. Also I won't leave bad reviews to new authors I don't want to ruin anyone's career

  • @BeyondBooks-wt5il
    @BeyondBooks-wt5il 7 месяцев назад

    Very insightful! It's actually far more difficult for me to review a book I felt "so-so" about than one I thoroughly enjoyed reading.

  • @RaynorReadsStuff
    @RaynorReadsStuff 7 месяцев назад

    Olly, I hate category romance. I’m sorry but I just can’t get into it 😊. Great video. If everyone liked the same thing the world would be a very boring place. I don’t read many of the same things you do but it doesn’t stop me loving your channel and embracing garbaugust. And I have been pleasantly surprised sometimes too. Great video 😊

  • @eriebeverly
    @eriebeverly 7 месяцев назад

    I feel like I have to make this statement -- I am not an introvert. But I recognize that a lot of Booktubers are introverts (or at least they identify that way) so I'm almost afraid I'm going to hurt their feelings by disagreeing with them. It's all a little personal.

  • @jamiebbooks
    @jamiebbooks 7 месяцев назад

    I am quite happy saying that some books are just awful, but I am also cool with anyone who can be polite and respectful of my liking Atlas Shrugged. I am hardly the intended audience for men's adventure pulp fiction, so while I have read a dozen or more of the Executioner series and about the same number of the Destroyer series, I did eventually send the rest (a friend gave me a huge box of them a while back) to a thrift store for someone else to read. I got tired of all the nonconsensual violent sex scenes, and was having a hard time buying that Mack Bolan could just change his name slightly and the bad guys would never guess he was the same guy, cause there are just so many tough guys with the last name Bolan that Dick Bolan, Mark Bolan and Mike Bolan are obviously not likely to still be their arch nemesis, or that there are tons of guys with the first name Remo that get noticed by organized crime scene.. My reading tastes span quite a few of the booktube communities though, and I never expect to like everything that another booktuber reads.

  • @MettleHurlant
    @MettleHurlant 7 месяцев назад

    I used to be a snob but grew out of it. Of course I think my taste is superior, it’s mine! But pointing out aspects of something to explain my like or dislike can come off as combative to others.

  • @lewiscarty5517
    @lewiscarty5517 7 месяцев назад +1

    As a music listener, I get many people criticise me for bands I love or like, when sometimes they don't listen to them or don't even bother to listen to them, but give out opinions on them, which they should not do.
    Yes, I know people who listen to music I don't like, but I am not against them for listening to them at all, because in my mind, music is for the ear of the beholder and if it's music I don't like, I am fine with it, and I have a saying:
    'If I like an artist (Bon Jovi) and someone doesn't, it's not a chip off my shoulder and if I don't like an artist (Nicki Minaj) and someone does, it's not something to complain about' and that's how I look at it.

  • @TheBookclectic
    @TheBookclectic 7 месяцев назад

    I have always talked about books I dislike as much as books I like. Not talking about books I don't like never even occurred to me, so I don't understand why people hesitate. Why do you think that is?

  • @bigaldoesbooktube1097
    @bigaldoesbooktube1097 7 месяцев назад

    I agree with your points here and admit I’m less likely to click on a video about a book I’m not interested in/don’t like. I know a few booktubers that only review the books they enjoyed to keep their channel a positive place and I think that is a lovely idea. I review every book I read regardless so there have been a few spicy reviews that lost me subscribers but that’s ok. I think the reason I personally don’t have more negative content is just that I’m fairly picky about what goes on the TBR and I take less chances than yourself for instance.

  • @lukethomas216
    @lukethomas216 7 месяцев назад

    Try being a rational Dr Who fan online these days! I come here to escape negativity and hatred 😁

  • @andrewhelm2813
    @andrewhelm2813 7 месяцев назад +1

    I'm afraid I've encountered a darker side of the booktuber community; awhile ago I was in two minds whether or not to read the spin-off books of Terry Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" series: "The First Confessor" and "The Nicci Chronicles" - and turned to RUclips for some reviews on them - and simply wasn't prepared for the amount of disdain levelled at the author (anti-Goodkind videos getting hundreds of thousands of views) - I did eventually find some objective reviews by someone who actually published fantasy books himself... that helped me decide to go ahead buy the spinoff books.

    • @CriminOllyBlog
      @CriminOllyBlog  7 месяцев назад

      Interesting- I think Goodkind is a bit controversial but don’t really know why.
      Side note: did you post this comment the other day? I thought I saw it and then it disappeared

    • @andrewhelm2813
      @andrewhelm2813 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@CriminOllyBlog No, I only found out about your channel today from Jim of Mystery and Mayhem promoting your "Wasted Weekend". Today's was my first comment.

    • @CriminOllyBlog
      @CriminOllyBlog  7 месяцев назад

      @@andrewhelm2813 ah cool. Apologies! Must have been a similar comment. Thanks for stopping by though! And to Jim for the shoutout.

  • @Johanna_reads
    @Johanna_reads 7 месяцев назад +1

    Great video! Rant reviews and “Most Disappointing Books” videos are very popular in various places on BookTube. Consideration makes criticism stronger in most cases, so my favorite critiques are thoughtful and thought-provoking. I agree that politeness and honest critiques can co-exist on BookTube.

  • @readersretreat7845
    @readersretreat7845 7 месяцев назад +3

    Taste in books is up to each person and I agree we need to be more openly they way we feel about books

  • @AaronReadABook
    @AaronReadABook 7 месяцев назад

    To some extent I'm glad that people are less likely to comment that they don't like something, because the comment sections on the rest of the internet are such vile pits of hate that it's a welcome relief to be here around a bunch of people being overly polite.

  • @bjminton2698
    @bjminton2698 7 месяцев назад

    Just to let you know there is at least 1 person who does not like movies - at all!! 😁

  • @chrisgomes5048
    @chrisgomes5048 7 месяцев назад +1

    Well-said - 100% agree. I hve nothing to add to the discussion.

  • @jthutt5042
    @jthutt5042 7 месяцев назад

    Well said. the Manitou is one of my faves

  • @Arven8
    @Arven8 7 месяцев назад +1

    Yeah, if you can't voice critical opinions, conversation gets predictable and dull. As a viewer, I also find the "keep it positive" posture of many Booktubers to be off-putting. I can't tell which books they *really* like and which they are just "being positive" about. If you tell me 95% of the books you read are great, you're not telling me anything useful (not addressing you, Olly, just speaking in general terms).

  • @readandre-read
    @readandre-read 7 месяцев назад +1

    I enjoy the respectful and amusing BookTube disagreements. It's Facebook reading groups that go sideways VERY fast about certain books and authors. I can confidently say that I have no plans to read Phoenix Force because it sounds crappy! 😄

  • @LittleKikuyu
    @LittleKikuyu 7 месяцев назад

    De gustibus non est disputandum…or so I’ve been told 😅

  • @nailpolishnook7373
    @nailpolishnook7373 7 месяцев назад

    i love to read. End of story.

  • @roscovb
    @roscovb 7 месяцев назад +1

    I will never judge anyone on any art they enjoy be it movies TV or books. I have dreadful taste in music but I really couldn't care less as no one else has to listen to it

  • @amyschmelzer6445
    @amyschmelzer6445 7 месяцев назад +1

    I went to a book talk yesterday. A woman, one of my son’s old teachers, saw the author of the book I brought was Toni Morrison. She said she hated Beloved and just didn’t understand why people like it. I’ve never read that one but it is beloved by many readers.
    I personally do not like anything by Tolkien. I’ve read LOTR, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, and his translation of Beowulf. Beowulf was my favorite of those and it’s not even his original material. But I’ve heard there are people who love his stuff.

    • @stephennootens916
      @stephennootens916 7 месяцев назад +1

      I only got through Fellowship before I dropped Lord of The Rings. It felt like I was reading book about people who just decided to take a long walk.
      I did find The Hobbit to be better but that was mostly because it was better passed.

    • @ralphmarrone3130
      @ralphmarrone3130 7 месяцев назад +1

      I read Beloved this past summer. It was one of the most harrowing, beautiful, horrifying, and compassionate books I’ve read.

  • @kyrilson71
    @kyrilson71 7 месяцев назад

    Guess how many fox I give what someone else thinks about what I like and read? Hint: It's less than 1.

  • @tokujoe5763
    @tokujoe5763 7 месяцев назад +1

    To be fair if I'm not enjoying a book I'm less likely to finish it. Whereas a bad movie, I'll watch to the end.

    • @amyschmelzer6445
      @amyschmelzer6445 7 месяцев назад

      Movies are good for naps. Good movie, bad movie, it makes no difference other than I am disappointed when I miss the ending of a good movie.

    • @ritawilbur6128
      @ritawilbur6128 7 месяцев назад


  • @davidnovakreadspoetry
    @davidnovakreadspoetry 7 месяцев назад +1

    I just read _War and Peace_ and really liked it! 😂😂😂😂

  • @CliffsDarkGems
    @CliffsDarkGems 7 месяцев назад

    Booktube is an awesome community, I love creating for an audience, I love raving about books! Hell, I just love books!

  • @BookishTexan
    @BookishTexan 7 месяцев назад

    Great idea Olly. I seem to get a fair few people who disagree with me about books I talk about, but almost always politely.

  • @wendyvilla2904
    @wendyvilla2904 7 месяцев назад


  • @anotherbibliophilereads
    @anotherbibliophilereads 7 месяцев назад

    I recently gave a mixed review of a novel that made a few people’s best of the year list. No one said a word condemning me.

  • @_Mike.85
    @_Mike.85 7 месяцев назад

    I think a lot of it comes down to you having such a likeable personality and being super open minded about what you read that people don't care here really. Gotta respect that. Always been a big supporter of READ WHAT YOU ENJOY.

  • @NorthWolfe
    @NorthWolfe 7 месяцев назад

    We must never forget that some great writers and many masterpieces were first serialized in newspapers, or were Pulp Fiction, Penny Dreadful, Literatura de Cordel, or your local equivalent. Also, while people see almost every relevant movie/TV Show that comes out, the same is impossible regarding books. Aside from the "obligatory" masterpieces, it is very unlikely, outside Book Clubs or your circle of friends, to find people who have read what you are reading. Not being hypocrites, for the most part, we tend not to comment on what we have not read.

  • @Fantumh
    @Fantumh 7 месяцев назад

    No book will be loved by everyone, but be careful what you wish for. I think positivity is too fragile to risk. I'd never read that Phoenix Force book, but I almost wish I could read things like that, only I get too distracted by writing that I don't find pleasing. In other words I have too hard a time overlooking the flaws to enjoy it for what it is, but I can live vicariously through you who do enjoy those super pulpy works. That's why I tune in here. I prefer more literary pulp and crime.

  • @thekeywitness
    @thekeywitness 7 месяцев назад

    You set the tone, Olly. Anyone who poo-poos men's adventure or horror or whatever needs to take a step back. I love both low-brow and high-brow stuff in more or less equal measure--it just depends on my mood. Channels like this one facilitate the discovery of the obscure and neglected, which is a great service to the booklovers' community. Keep up the good work.

  • @kellyshaw7271
    @kellyshaw7271 7 месяцев назад

    I enjoy certain genres more than others but I’m always open to try new books. Not everyone will like every book, it’s a matter of taste. On good reads I tend to leave totally honest reviews. I’m not out to make friends. In regards the ninja nuclear story. Until someone has actually read it themselves they cannot really give an opinion. Never judge a book by its cover. Cheers Ollie

  • @stephenmorton8017
    @stephenmorton8017 7 месяцев назад

    the thing about reading, as compared to other media, is it's a solitary pursuit. add to this, the book being read likely also singular unless a current best seller. there are not many intersections with other people there at any given time. if one is not in class discussing a text, one is in the wild blue yonder, isolated. thus, i only say positive things about books and just hope to engage a conversation about something i have read. there is a peculiar expansion of understanding that occurs upon hearing another person's description of a book. we all see so many different things. BTW, did you read Hardcase by Simmons yet? i'm currently enjoying 3 books. Bleak House(very moving), Doctorow's Waterworks and It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis.
    i heartily recommend The Plot Against America by Philip Roth. i plan to go onto The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins having put onto both Dickens and Collins by 'Drood.' another one you may like is Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane. i have Mystic River and Live By Night here on my TBR pile. both right up your alley. Shutter Island has a deep message within it concerning the battle between psychopharmacology and psychoanalysis that was glossed over in the movie. i'm waiting for the fourth book in the Southern Reach series. spooky AF!

  • @lisag618
    @lisag618 7 месяцев назад

    Great video Olly. It is a very tricky thing! We want to be kind and generous but we must say when a book is not great. I must admit that if I'm giving a 1 or 2 star review I do go overboard to say this is my own opinion and other people have loved this because it's usually true and I don't want to be negative. But there are a lot of books (some that people rave about) that I just don't like and we should by saying that out loud (and not feel bad about it).

  • @BookwormAdventureGirl
    @BookwormAdventureGirl 7 месяцев назад

    I definitely think we need to be honest (without being disrespectful) about the books we like and don’t like. 😊💙

  • @nekromatica
    @nekromatica 7 месяцев назад

    I also find the younger generation doesn't fully understand subjective vs objective opinions. In film school i was 10 years older than my peers and i got taken to the side and told i have to stsrt saying in my opinion this movie sucks instead of saying this movie sucks because people around me thought their favorite movies werent objectively good. Which confuses me because whenever i hear anyone talk about art ir anything and they say something like that i take it as their opinion. Not fact.

  • @HideAndRead
    @HideAndRead 7 месяцев назад

    I've tried to talk about books I did not enjoy but honestly do not possess the necessary tact. Just sounds like complaining, but I love to watch other peoples "negative" reviews.

  • @SuperStrangSshadow
    @SuperStrangSshadow 7 месяцев назад

    I rarely discuss things online besides booktube because the discussions elsewhere always get out of hand and I'm not into arguing.

  • @gingerbibliophile
    @gingerbibliophile 7 месяцев назад

    Yes! I have some movies that I love and follow some pages. The screen fandoms are much more combative than I’ve seen on BookTube. You’re also right that we’re generally only putting out “I love this book” reviews. I’d like to think it’s because we have good luck picking new books, but reality is likely very different. I know I’ve only done a few and it’s only ones that really make me angry, not ones I’m just kinda ambivalent about. It’s either rant, rave, or glossed over in wrap ups for me. If I see someone talking about books i know I don’t like I tend to just skip the video instead of commenting. It would be interesting to see what the discourse would be if there was more talk on books we like and dislike.

  • @RyanLisbon
    @RyanLisbon 7 месяцев назад

    Very solid points, great articulation of a facet of the reading community I've never really considered.

  • @lisavitale8410
    @lisavitale8410 7 месяцев назад

    I love your positive energy, attitude, and message, Olly!

  • @susanjohnson5824
    @susanjohnson5824 7 месяцев назад

    good point to make. we do usually only agree about the books we mutually like but don't comment when were disagree.

  • @AJGarrett13
    @AJGarrett13 7 месяцев назад

    I think it's hard to truly hate a book because it is so easy to DNF and move on

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. 7 месяцев назад

    lol the title is quite extraordinary. Standing ovation 👏🏽

  • @books_and_bocadillos
    @books_and_bocadillos 7 месяцев назад

    Great commentary....love the video. 👍👍