"The Lord Bless You And Keep You" (John Rutter) by ICanto & Friends

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2020
  • A virtual choir by ICanto & Friends (Madagascar).
    The Lord bless you and keep you;
    The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
    To shine upon you and be gracious unto you
    The Lord lift up the light
    Of His countenance upon you,
    And give you peace,
    💝 ------------------------------- 💝
    🇫🇷 ICanto & Friends tiennent à dédier ce morceau à VOUS TOUS, mais notamment à ceux qui "sont aux fronts" et qui se battent contre cette pandémie qu'est la Covid-19. Puisse Le Seigneur vous protéger et vous guider dans cette dure épreuve. 🌍 🎧 🎶 🎵
    🇺🇸 ICanto & Friends, through this virtual performance, dedicate this rendition of John Rutter's music to all of those who are on the frontline fighting the Covid-19.
    🇲🇬 Atolotray, ICanto & Friends ho an'ireo rehetra miatrika ny Covid-19 ity hira ity. Mirary ny fitahian'ny Tompo.

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