Dispensationalism: J.N. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 28

  • @jspur7507
    @jspur7507 11 месяцев назад +3

    Hello my name is John Spurlock, and I've done a-lot of research now on this "Dispensationalism", and I've said a-lot of good things about it to try an convey the real truth the best way that I can, I am not going to say much to refute all of the nonsense about the ideas against dispensationalism: so I don't need to say much, nor do I really need to listen to another nonsense debate about dispensationalism. First I do not believe like some preachers that believe that dispensationalism started with John N. Darby: that is just crazy --- that idea falls on it's face anyway.
    But now Some preachers like Jimmy Swaggart also said that he believes that a person can lose their salvation: well I knew right away that Jimmy S. did not understand dispensationalism, and that is because nobody that really understands the (K. J. B.) King James Bible would beleive that you could lose tour salvation once you've been enlightened and had been saved by believing in the one True Christ: by believing that you died with Christ and the Rose with Christ, and then his righteousness becomes your righteousness. And then after that you would always be saved after that. Even sin in one's life will not hurt you if you have believed in Christ all along. Then you can never lose your salvation not ever. I used to believe in Jimmy S. until he said that one could lose their salvation, and after that I never listened to him again. Nor will I listen to false teachers like Pat Robertson: I found out that he is not a good teacher at all and so I warned people about listening to these false teachers. But now Pat R. believed in a Post Tribulation Rapture for Modern Day Body of Christ Christians, and when I learned how to Divide my Bible Dispensationally, and I knew that this idea of Pat's was just completely wrong no doubt. I' not saying much, but the "Day of the Lord", and the "Day of Christ" are both very different dispensations. Pay R. just does not understand the bibles so I don't listen to him ever. There are just so many false teachers out there that I do not want to list them, but there unfortunately is a long line of them, and a very few of them that are real Christians who love God and also want to convey just the truth about the bible so that so many people will not be deceived by these many false teachers. The bible warned us that in the last days that this would happen. Wish that I can say more, but I've said enough, and it also id up to you to do your own research on this subject so that I do not have to throw-in everything plus the kitchen-sink as well. So it is on you if your still deceived.
    But The Catholic church is and has been involved over many centuries deceiving and also killing people by burning them at the stack. Today they have not changed: the catholic church is now trying to control people with their false versions of the bible, and even scholars will endure false versions. Hal Lindsey I used to think that he was a good teacher until he said that he would use other false versions, by using those verses instead of the King James Bible Authorized version, and so I just quit cold turkey listening to him. That is one reason why so many Prophecy teachers teach false things like post trib. rapture etc. It would also be false today at this current time to say that you are a prophet because during this age of Grace there are no prophets not until the Seven Years Tribulation starts: then there will be prophets just like in Ancient Israel. If you are not dispensationally correct by dividing scripture properly than you will be wrong plain and simple. Anyway the catholic church the wants to make slaves out of you Christian people by telling them that they are under the ten percent tithe when in reality the Body of Christ Christians are not under the tithe, but we may give to the poor in any amount. And so when we tell Christians that they cannot lose their salvation oncethey became a Christian, and when we tell them that it is a Pre-Trib. Rapture then they get all bent out of shape because they can no longer lie to us. These wicked evil people can no longer drive a wedge between our relationship with God anymore. No we can go to God just like Paul the Apostle did when he served God: he did not need a church Congregation to teach him, but he had God, and his relationship with God was between him and God, and he did not need a go-between like all of these false teachers today. Look all of the people today claiming that they are hearing from God are ling period. People that say that they've been to heaven or hell are ling because all we need to know about these subjects is the Real Pure Word of God which those canons of Scripture had already been written to us by the ver end of the first century A D: in about 95 AD or so. So all scripture had been inspired by God's spirit. Btu people like Bill Weise, or Mary K. Baxter did not go to hell: no they are ling. Kenneth Hagan is a liar period. Coltin Burpo did not see heaven. But we only know about Enoch, and Elijah, and Paul the apostle, and John the Revelator: they are the only ones who have been to heaven or to hell. Also Lazarith was in hell in Jesus' Story. There lies are a-lot like the war in the Ukraine which is a killing machine, but that war to our government is only about money, and that is why they kept it going for so long. Well this lie to you about dispensationalism is all about money and nothing else. And the same thing about these fake bible versions. It's all sadly about money, and not truth. They have to keep milking you year after year to live --- everybody owes them they believe.
    You can listen to these teachers that I will list because they will tell you the truth --- they've got nothing to lose because they are only wanting to give you the truth, and they do not want to deceive you like so many churches do because they do need tithing indebted slaves. They do this with fear of losing your salvation for sin, or even not tithing ten percent. They are like wolves in sheep's clothing.
    But the good teachers are. First: Les Feldick. Now he is wring about us coming back here after the tribulation: that is just a misunderstanding of what the bible really says. Bryan Denlinger is also wrong about the same thing, but he is a good teacher thouhg in most areas. Robert Breaker is younger than me, but he is a good teacher as well. David Reid is also good. Richard Jordon is very good. One of the best teachers today though is: Justin Johnson, he is really good, and some people don't like him because he divides scripture so accurately that I guess it throws a-lot of baby teacher Christians under the bus I guess because of a simple misunderstanding I guess. But he however is very good. Also Robert Breaker believes that were coming back here, but after all he is young like in his 40's somewhere too just like Brayan Denlinger is, and I am 61 years old now myself. But just listen to those teachers people and they won't stri you wrong. I myself for years was confused about my salvation, and the rapture. And I learned that not all of the books was written directly to me, and that totally opened-up scriptures understanding for me. And the bible does not contradict itself once one understands how to divide things up properly. Well hope this helps.

    • @quadrasaurus-rex8809
      @quadrasaurus-rex8809 10 месяцев назад

      Hello brother, you seem wise in the faith, I will look into those suggestions. But doesn’t Brian Denlinger’s denunciation of the the trinity worry you. While I agree we should refer to him as “the godhead” I believe brother Brian is strayed into near modalism, or more particularly swedenborgianism.

    • @fabiolahook8877
      @fabiolahook8877 10 месяцев назад

      You are a talkative bot aren't you....

    • @tarascoterry
      @tarascoterry 10 месяцев назад

      Midacts people need to disassociate from KJO-ism. They are unrelated. I like Feldick, but Breaker is horrible. It’s unfortunate, but I think the best stuff are the books from Stam and Charles Baker, both of whom have been dead for like 40 years. I think there are some great ideas there, but the people in it these days are not very sound. Breaker is the perfect example of this. His Why I’m Not a Calvinist series shows someone who is either too ignorant or too biased to provide a good discussion of the doctrinal issues and that same problem bleeds into everything he does.

    • @ingognito369
      @ingognito369 2 месяца назад


  • @SpotterVideo
    @SpotterVideo 4 месяца назад

    Watch the RUclips video "Genesis of Dispensational Theology", if you want to see the original source of the doctrine.

  • @Emptynester
    @Emptynester 5 месяцев назад

    She is a bit off in her history telling......the brethren gathered simply so as to not have clergy controlliing services which differed from main line denominations.

  • @johnmcguire4635
    @johnmcguire4635 Год назад +1

    Amazing work!

    • @catherineweis3109
      @catherineweis3109 Год назад +1

      Thank you!

    • @kbklein28
      @kbklein28 Год назад

      Dear Catharine,
      Thanks for your reply. The Jewish interpretation for Elohim is judges. But the word Elohim is used some 2500 times in the Tenach (aka-Old Testament) It has, by reviewing more carefully, a far more expansine5

    • @kbklein28
      @kbklein28 Год назад

      More expansive meaning

    • @johnmcguire4635
      @johnmcguire4635 Год назад

      @@kbklein28 Jewish historically or just modernly?

    • @kbklein28
      @kbklein28 Год назад

      @@johnmcguire4635 Hello John. From what I have looked at generally concerning the Jewish interpretation it seems genetally. And that view seems to be what the Christians believe as well.

  • @blake9358
    @blake9358 Год назад +4

    John Darby was an Irish heretic.
    Co founder of the Plymouth brethren. I was born in Devon UK myself. His 1000 year reign of Christ is completely false, Jesus himself said that he would lose nothing but raise them up on the last day, the last day means just that the last day, that means that there cannot be a 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth after the second coming. We know from 2 Thessalonians that the ressurection takes place with the second coming of Christ.
    John Nelson Darby falsely taught that the Jews are still God's people, that's the exact opposite of what Christ said and the apostle Paul taught. The apostle Paul said that the Jews are the enemies of Christ, Paul said they shut up men's sins always.
    Jesus said their father is the devil.
    Christ never recognised unrepentant Jews as being descendants of Abraham.
    John Nelson Darby's heretical rapture doctrine nowhere appears in the old or new testament. Rapture doctrine reverses the order found in 2 Thessalonians that the dead in Christ must be raised first and then we who remain alive unto the coming of the Lord will meet our Lord in the air to forever more live with him.

    • @tarascoterry
      @tarascoterry 10 месяцев назад

      You need to stop calling everyone that disagrees with you a heretic. It’s boring and silly. Dispensationalists believe that the promises of God will take place in a manner that matches what anyone reading them at the time would expect. They would think that the question that Peter asks Jesus in Acts 1:6 is totally reasonable. Non-dispensationalists think that Peter, who had been listening to Jesus teach about the Kingdom of God for 50 days (post-resurrection), didn’t even know the first thing about the nature of the kingdom of God. Which of those sounds more reasonable?

    • @bloodboughtbigphilr8266
      @bloodboughtbigphilr8266 6 месяцев назад +1

      J.N. Darby was no heretic. A godly Heavenly minded and Christ centred yet fallible man who declared the Biblical Gospel of eternal salvation by Grace alone through faith alone in the Finished Work of the Lord Jesus alone. Whatever one thinks of his views on the Rapture and the Millennial reign, and yes I am personally both pre-trib and pre-mil, it is a secondary issue not essential to salvation or fellowship in the Son and doesn't qualify one as a heretic. In my estimation, he was a worthy and earnest contender for the faith once delivered unto the saints. Did he make mistakes? Yes he did and his handling of the dispute with George Muller which led to the split between open and closed sections of the Brethren movement left a lot to be desired.

  • @kbklein28
    @kbklein28 Год назад +2

    Nice job. You mentioned Martin Luther as a great reformer but he ended up a hater of the Jews and repudiated the book of Revelation. But the great problem of Christianity is Theology. You are a brilliant teacher but you are yet to grasp why Jesus in Gospel of John would say something as outrageous as "Have not I said you are Elohim."? Please comment. One last thing.Futurism was birthed subsequent to the Council of Trent by the Jesuits when they altered Dan 9:27-27.
    Warm regards ,
    Ken Klein

    • @catherineweis3109
      @catherineweis3109 Год назад +2

      John 10:31-36
      31 Once again the Judeans picked up rocks in order to stone him. 32 Yeshua answered them, “You have seen me do many good deeds that reflect the Father’s power; for which one of these deeds are you stoning me?” 33 The Judeans replied, “We are not stoning you for any good deed, but for blasphemy - because you, who are only a man, are making yourself out to be God [a].” 34 Yeshua answered them, “Isn’t it written in your Torah, ‘I have said, “You people are ELOHIM’ ”?[b] 35 If he called ‘elohim’ the people to whom the word of Elohim was addressed (and the Tanakh cannot be broken), 36 then are you telling the one whom the Father set apart as holy and sent into the world, ‘You are committing blasphemy,’ just because I said, ‘I am a son of Elohim’?
      a. John 10:33 Hebrew: Elohim
      b. John 10:34 Psalm 82:6
      Psalm 82:6
      “My decree is: ‘You are elohim [gods, judges], sons of the Most High all of you.“
      (Complete Jewish Bible, (CJB), Copyright © 1998 by David H. Stern. All rights reserved.)
      Why would Jesus say what he said? I believe His word came to bring a sense of conviction to the Jews that they claimed to know and understand the Scriptures and that they were the people of God, indeed, sons of God, and yet they could not understand or receive the Son of God, indeed God with His people (Emmanuel). By making a brief reference to Psalm 82:6 Jesus was implying the whole psalm in His response to the Jews (which they would have well known), and the whole psalm indicts the Jews as well.

  • @retisimanu3080
    @retisimanu3080 11 месяцев назад

    Why anyone would want to teach this to a child in this age of information is utter insanity. If religion is to have a future it should concentrate on finding ways to foster love and fellowship among communitie