I was paralyzed in bed last year and I heard Jesus say out loud to me If you believe in me get up and walk💜🕊 I got up and not only walked but went for a walk outside. Praise God!!!!! GOD IS ALWAYS WORKING!!!!😥😙😥😪😥
Im a christian and I love God with all my heart and am in a very alive church but sometimes im so lonely cause people just leave me alone cause i can be really awkward and random. I love him so much but its so hard sometimes, im still in school which nowadays makes everything worse. Pray for me
Remember to read Holy Bible and put on your spiritual armor of righteous, God's protection i pray for you thank you for showing the way God has touched your life
Boy, this video hit me hard. I could totally understand what that girl felt like when she came to church and the suffering she was feeling, and with wanting people to reach out to her. And then she sees the same people in the restaurant and she's still invisible to them. And then!! They leave a Bible track which I could understand and feel the bitterness that she felt. I could totally understand what she and so many people probably feel. The suffering and loneliness...Their souls screaming out, but no one hearing or seeing them. So many people suffering, not just out of church but even people struggling within church, I've noticed. I think the enemy really wants to take down a lot of Christians, putting them in a lot of confusion, distraction, mental pain, where they can't be used by God, or feel like they can't be. People in the church who are strong with God need to keep their eyes open and ask God to give them discernment and point out people in their own church or people in the world that need someone to show that they care and show Godly love. It could mean all the difference in the world to someone. Even life or death.
Started listening to Casting Crowns again. Been far away from my Savior for awhile. I want to go home. My son needs to see me as he did when I was serving God & living for Him. This song is powerful. No more words. I must act. Prayers for all who are here in 2024!! 💜
Prayers for you and your family bro, God will answer .one verse that’s keeps me strong Joshua 1:9 I pray and believe God will bless and guide you through any doubt and negative thoughts and roads you challenge. Stay blessed and love you brother🙏🏽
Put that journey that took you away from the Saviour behind you. It's done. Gone. The Father sees you through the blood of Christ. You're back. Now, just walk in the Spirit. You are in Christ. Your son will see you for who you are today in Christ. Even in his mind, the old --- the memories of your walk away from God --- will fade. Your son will see you in Christ and praise God for the change in you. I say this...living it today.
I've grown up in a family that disdains Contemporary Christian music(except my mom) but if anyone could even IMAGINE how many people this song has REACHED! One of the greatest gospel songs of all time, in my opinion. There will always be people running from what they/ we need to hear and this song reaches through...beautiful!
It kept me through teen years and kept me on the right path, my best friend ended up unaliving his mother , he slowly stayed away from the path. Christianity is looked down upon but it strengthens will power , lose this and you become an animal. Athiests reading this, will power can be achieved without religion but the teachings and basis of these key values are rooted in the Bible.
This is a message to the church. So true. Many people (in the church) can't see past the "proverbial" scarlet letter. I thank God his heart isn't like man.
Russ Grunert Not all churches are bad so I'm careful not to paint with a "broad brush." There may be some church folk who forget that they're just as in need of a Saviour as those who mess up, but there are some who see folk with the eyes of God. I would find a bible believing church that teaches the grace message as it is stated in the scriptures.
I was a mary unpure and promiscuos God loved me still and broke me to surrender and more dependance on his love and strength...i no longer seek a partner cuz i realize Jesus is my advocate Truth Father Bff helper comforter and so much more...im so in love with Jesus
1. You should never let anyone get between you and God. 2. We are all imperfect. When I first joined the faith I am part of a friend of mine made the comment, "These really must be the end of times." That was 17 years ago. One of my best friends at church got involved with drugs, fathered a child, and dropped out of school. Rich came back shortly after I joined. He is married to a wonderful woman, has four kids with her, and pays every child support payment and spends lots of times with his first daughter. He lays tile for a living and I write software. When my mother was dying of cancer and I need help Rich was always the first to help. A person that grew up with him and is a friend of mine told me that she was so glad the Rich had me as a friend. Truth is that I am so glad that I have him as a friend and that we both are blessed by our faith and by the love of Christ. You don't go to church because you are not going to church. Just maybe you are the one that by coming back, repenting, accepting Christ's gift of forgiveness, and living a life based on trying to be as Christ-like yourself will help them overcome their sins. You could be the key to their spiritual growth and you don't even know it.
I hadn’t even done anything wrong, and people wouldn’t let their kids hang out with me! I’m the only green eye person in my family literally. If Aunts, Uncles, Parents, and siblings on both side have beautiful blue eyes. I was always jealous of those eyes! One day I made a comment about my eyes, and mom said it was the Evil coming out in me! Maybe others saw it also!
@@conniegeorge7441 you're fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalms 139:14. You are loved by the living God. He knows you by your name and you are his. May his love wrap around you.
@@conniegeorge7441 Your Green eyes are what makes you unique then! I’m sorry that your mom said that nonsense to you, those are your God given eyes. Love and prayers sent your way 💚
Listening now in 2020. I can’t believe that this video and song came out a decade ago. God knew that I needed to listen and watch this. It makes me cry because i can relate to this girl. I tend to fill this dark void by putting all my energy and trust into a man thinking that it will be different. However, people are bound to fail, they aren’t perfect, but God is. Also, I have periods of extreme loneliness especially while social distancing. I’m trying to find that comfort from God to fill this void but it’s difficult sometimes. If anyone even sees this comment I could use your prayers ❤️
'If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. ' Colossians 3:1-3 my.bible.com/bible/1/COL.3.1-3
My dear sister Katelyn. I would love to pay with you. Ready. Lol ok Heavenly father tonight I bring my sister to your throne she's lonely and needs your comfort and peace. I ask for your comfort and peace and joy and presence to fill her. Jesus my lord and savior you say ur close to the broken hearted and comfort them set my sisters heart and soul on fire for you and your word. Make her spirit a blaze of the kingdom of Heaven. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name Amen.
Hey Katelyn! I understand how you feel, but I must say: Jesus is always with you! No matter what happens, He is always by your side. Even in this situation of social distancing, He's not distant. His love for you is undescribable. I say that because I feel this love every daym You can count on my prayers! BTW, I know a song that can help you. The name is "Teu trabalho é descansar em mim" from Marcela Tais and Arianne. It's a song in portuguese but I can put in here the lyrics. "Don't have over yourself One care whatever For one, only one It would be too much for you It's mine, only mine all the work And your job is to rest on me It's mine, only mine all the work And your job is to rest on me Do not fear when at last You have to make a decision Give it all to me Trust with all your heart It's mine, only mine all the work And your job is to rest on me It's mine, only mine all the work And your job is to rest on me Oh oh rest on me Rest in me Oh oh rest on me It's mine, only mine all the work And your job is to rest on me It's mine, only mine all the work And your job is to rest on me" This song I can clearly hear God saying to me that He's taking care of everything, and my job is to rest in Him. I pray for you to feel this way too.
My heart just BREAKS when I see this video because I KNOW its a reality for SO many people.... I pray that my brothers and sisters in Christ that watch this will make a difference and reach out.
this video makes me cry every time bc like u said every day christian brothers and sisters walk by people broken and lost and never reach out just to say hi. a few years ago I met a homeless man who was so down on his luck begging for food. i took this man to lunch that day bc I never wanna see any suffer and it was a small kindness. this man told me his story and it broke my heart to the core. I felt compelled to tell this man about Christ and what he has done in my life and filled me with more love than I can contain. so fast forward about a year later and i saw this man i sort of recognized. he actually thanked me and I couldn't understand why at first. well it was the homeless man only he wasn't homeless anymore. this man in a sparkling suit told me how that one moment helped showed the love that god provides for All of his children. he now works for an outreach program that helps bring food and shelter and hopes to lead all to God. THANK GOD THAT U SENT YOUR SON TO SAVE US ALL!
+Bradley Willette by no I have so many friends that are was deceived and lost in this world my heart breaks but praise God we can go to the author and finisher of our faith and ask anything in his name Jesus the Father and he will give it to us I pray you continue to be a light in this dark world God bless
This is what I felt like I was. Chasing men waiting on God to bring me my future husband. I finally got to the end of the pain. Said Lord if this isn’t it then I’m done. For the last 3 years I have been praying for my future husband. He lived 8 minutes away and we have the same friends. April 7th 2021 we are getting married . God had to move my parents and I to Oklahoma from Seattle, Washington We took a big leap of faith I am where God has called me to be. Now I know why God moved me.
The song describes a lot of people today looking for something in this world this world has nothing to offer. But through Christ he has everything to offer and it's for an eternity !
Whatever your reasons for searching to watch this video, I pray for you. If you did happen to stumble upon this video from various clicks, I pray for you too. We all have the innate desire to be wanted and loved and to fill that void... and we are... by God. He loves each and every one of us so much. ...more than we could ever imagine. John 3:16-17 Christians are of all sorts, but God is always the same and will never change. I pray that anyone reading this may find that loving church home and family. It's out there. It may not be the first church you try out, but from all the Christian denominations... you'll find your fit. God bless.
Thank you, you have such a kind heart, what a blessing. I've heard this song so many times, I didn't realize how relevant is was about how I was feeling. I woke up with it playing. God is so amazing. God Bless you.
It's people like you that make me realize that there is hope for the world yet. You are a very kind person and I admire you even though I don't know you.
Kristy L I had just felt led to leave that initial comment b/c some of the comments on here literally made me sick to my stomach. I simply like this video so much b/c of the passion in the singer's voice and b/c my shyness and quirks had left me feeling misunderstood. People can be misunderstood and judged for various reasons. That being said, if you are new to church and Christianity, becoming a part of a small group at a church or club on your campus is something I highly recommend. People need people. p.s. The Bible app available on smartphones is amazing! It's so convenient and there are tons of daily devotions to choose from...all for free!
What I love about this song, among many things, is that it makes us as Christians do a reality check. Are we just claiming to be Christian, going through the motions that we think will save our eternal souls, just doing the "church thing" as "good Christians" should? Or are we really living the Word of God? I used to feel that there was no need to go to church, that God knew me and my heart and it was a personal relationship with him, and that was all that mattered. I was so wrong. While He states that "wherever two or more are gathered, I will be there" the church helps us connect as his followers and organize in His name to help those around us. When we lose sight of that purpose, that is when the church gets a bad name. That is when we stop shining God's light and start doing more harm than good. We are here to do His work and help others, not to simply save our own souls! Don't forget why you go to church and Who brought you there. It was God, so that you could do the same for others.
I kept reading comments from others about how the song is about turning to man's attention rather than God, and while that is a part of it, I agree with you. What I get from the song is that we forget we are tasked with reaching out to the lost among us. Not just when they come to us, but we need to seek them out when they are hiding in the shadow of our steeples. Christians have such bad names, and are called hypocrites by many unbelievers because we don't reflect the values of Christ like we claim to. We are all guilty of it at some time and some degree, and we need songs like this to remind us that when we fail in this way, we affect real people's lives and miss an opportunity to bring them a blessing and maybe even their salvation.
@@MrMhitchmough Yes I think we all have at some point. No one's walk with God is roses and unicorns all the time, and we go through these tough times. But for me, that's when I discovered I needed a revival in my heart, and church is wonderful place to do so. Because as we know, the Church isn't a building but the body of Christ and our fellow believers. I love going to church and praising and worshipping the Lord of all Creation, and there is no better feeling than getting filled with the spirit! Not saying you can't do it alone, but I find it easier and more enjoyable when it is with other believers ready to give him honor and praise! Hope you doing well brother!
I spent way too many years running in the wrong direction. I did things as a prodigal I cannot mention. In spite of that, when I sincerely repented the Lord welcomed me home. Saying He welcomed me is an understatement of massive proportions. I was in a very dangerous situation. He made a way through it & out of it - and He actually saved my life with a miracle. The risen Lord Jesus loves you more than you'll ever know. He will get you through the impossible times of your life. He can make a way out of no way at all. When no one else understands, He does. There's always so many reason to praise His Holy Name! 💜🕎💜✝️💜
There are so many lost and lonely people . My daughter is one of these beautiful people. May she open her heart to Jesus and find her way back home to her family through God's grace .
@Greg Normal I am absolutely a fan. Live this song. After hearing this song I can relate because of many life experiences. Life hasn't always been easy but my faith and my family get me through the tough times.
@Greg Normal My favorite song is Scars in heaven. It reminds me that we are going to go through some very tough times but when our time comes we are going to meet our father again . All will be blessed to be near him. He died on a cross for us and never gives up on his children .
You know something, we need to pray that God gives us the capacity to love unbelievers because we were once like that and God loved us when we were like this girl. The world need Jesus Christ.
I have been this girl.. This video touches my heart on so many levels.. I am glad to say that God has really released me and it was the most unexpected person who helped me see the fathers face.. My hearts eyes are wide open.. I am in a storm right now but my eyes never quit looking for Gods face.. I love Jesus!!!
Rebbekkah Holt the important thing is recognising thatfact and turning to Jesus! called repentance! but I know you know this. God is so forgiving thanks to Jesus sacrafice
Rebbekkah Holt me too but God found me so it's getting better. God always answers prayers, but sometimes the answer is "no" or "not now". God isn't a magic genie who gives us our way, He is a Father who gives us what we need.
I'm sitting in my car right now outside my house and I can't bring myself to go inside......I've got this song on repeat and it is saving me.....thank God I know that God does see me and my pain and will get me through
I had a pastor tell me this song reminded them of me.. then this married man of god with one kid at home tried to kiss me. Broke me on about a million different levels.
@cassandratrent6973 keep the faith of our Lord's promises and his love that we are all created equal no one is better than the other in the eyes of God 🙏❤️
@@cassandratrent6973 I'm truly sorry that he did that to you. A betrayal and violation on so many levels. First, to insult you and try to compare you to that woman in the video, as a pastor, is abhorrent enough, but to then show his true colors, that he is the depraved one by trying to commit adultery on his wife, and abusing his position of power as pastor by trying to take advantage of you, is beyond words. He needs to be exposed and kicked out of the church.
I think what made this music video impacting was that she was seen in an everyday place like a cafe. It happened to just be someone who forgot her purse, but it showed that God planned everything out for her to receive the care she needed. It shows that it doesn’t have to be a place like a church to help people get closer to God. It can be anywhere. 💚
For the first 16 years of my life many people of my church rejected me and i never learned to actually know jezus is was sh*t there and still the church is trash 11 years later. Later when i got to a new church i was finally seen, got friends and slowly got to know Jesus. Still going to church is hard for me (i prefer like a Bible study and talk to each other). But still i see a lot of rejection in many churches today and i pray that God will change their hearts
@@MarkGlowInTheDark thankfully I never had that experience with church and there was something that meant for me to still go when I was younger when my parents stopped going. Before they split up. I no longer do but I try to go back briefly but it's not about worshiping like some people think it's more about trying to find answers that's why I love their other song as well stained glass masquerade. It's just somebody in that position that understands that no one really knows the real reason someone's there and probably half of the people that go might be there for similar reasons rather too afraid to let it be known. Church is supposed to be supposedly a safe place but in reality sometimes it's a place to hide for some people. If I used to hate when people will tell you if you want to find somebody to be with go to church no not necessarily the best place to find somebody. Then I stopped looking until I met someone and why to this day and still trying to figure out because he's not free. Wasn't the first time we met and we still have encounters as I call them here and there. Most of them random. Something about our story we have some kind of connection.
God please help me not to stay silent anymore!! There are too many people perishing for lack of knowledge and help. Thinking that there are so many sheep scattered with no shepherd, bound to go to hell, is just heart breaking. I pray for the grace to have compassion and courage to share the word and let people know about salvation!!
This sounds so much like a friend of mine, she has been through so many hard times, helped her friends while they steal her gifts and clothes. She is so giving and kind and I pray for her everyday.
Does anybody hear her? this song is my testimony,it reached my ears at the right time ,it gave me hope, Jesus heard me and gave me the best price ever.
I came from a family where there was no peace .I lost all hope .in 2014 I found this song & I was not sure if God even hears me.i was longing for smn to share my burdens .but it turned out that there was no one except God who hears my deepest words.until now God is my everything❤❤
This made me cry. For the past 2 months this I've been screaming inside wanting someone to notice that I was struggling with something. When I did say something to someone she shrugged it off like it didn't matter and since has been kinda cold. I am a Christian but I'm really struggling right now and am kinda giving up trust in the so called Christians and don't feel God in my life like I used to. Can you just pray for me that someday I'll discover God is right with me and also that I can pray. I try to pray but nothing comes out just a silent scream inside.
Country Girl Hi, God sees you! Genesis 16:13, just like He saw Hagar who was rejected and in pain. He hears you, even if it’s just an inward cry. He is with you, always. Even if you don’t feel that way. How do I know? I’m a survivor of long term domestic violence. It’s not my fault, sin, or shame to bare. Regardless, of what has been done to me, or my own personal sins, God has never forsaken me. He delivered me out of this hell, and is changing my heart and life everyday. He will do the same for you! God bless
May the lord bless you, I don't know quite what to say, but the lord knows all your woes and worries. He's been there for me when I felt like I couldn't go on. I'll say a prayer for you. I hope whatever it is you're struggling with gets better.
Country girl. Pray with me. Heavenly father tonight I'm asking for my sisters comfort and peace. I know your a God of reconciliation and restoration. Fill my sister's heart once again with your fire. Give her the peace the world can not understand but she can receive. Draw closer to her than ever before. Lift her up and set her on a firm foundation high above everything. And let her see her the way you do, loved treasured and redeemed. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name Amen
10 months have passed since you wrote this, now I see it, and I hear you. If you are experiencing neglect and rejection from your church body you are definitely in the wrong church. Having said that, I would guess that not everyone in that church is like that. The key would be to find the ones who are not. I have the benefit of belonging to a small congregation, where if anyone is missing it is noticed, and those are checked on. You shall have my prayers.
For my beautiful daughter. I am so sorry that I was consumed by the darkness and didn’t hear you. I am so glad that I had the shroud of darkness lifted and I see things so clearly now. I am glad and grateful that I was given this gift. I hear you and I see you. I am eternally grateful for this song and the meaning behind it. We all have to be the change we want to see. We all have to reveal the light so it outshines the darkness. We have become a society that wants someone else to do it for us. When this doesn’t happen, people say things like there isn’t or can’t be a god. Why would god allow this to happen. I say to you this, god hasn’t abandoned us! We have ALLOWED the evil and darkness to shroud all the good things happening each day. People doing amazing things, corporations that actually aren’t only greed driven helping, stop blaming and start doing! If you open your eyes and stop watching the news, reading social media and all of that, you’ll see the miracles all around. Darkness has always wanted to extinguish the light. Been trying for thousands of years. The light always shines on the darkness and it reveals to us what is actually going on. If you aren’t prepared or open to receive the message, you won’t! It’s time for everyone who says they are Christians or whatever denomination you claim. To stop hiding and to start being the change you want to see. When was the last time you helped a complete stranger, a neighbor who might be sick or anyone in need? We value vacations over helping because we’re entitled. That’s not the way it’s supposed to be. Never has been! It is not my place to make you receive the message, all I can do is share my testimony and if it helps one person. That person then pays it forward and so on. I’m tired of phony people claiming they know god. Do you really? Why because you read the Bible and go to church! You aren’t receiving the message as it’s intended. I’m in no way perfect and I have fallen, failed, doubted and sinned. The one thing that was told to me is to always come back to center and right myself on the path laid before me. It’s easy to veer, that’s the nature of us. It’s easier to look away, take the easy way out and pretend it’s not our responsibility. It’s a shame, it really is. There are so many wonderful things going on, you have to open your eyes and heart to receive and understand. It’s not all doom and gloom! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This quote is so misinterpreted! If you don’t understand it I suggest you do a deep soul search. Last one of many, many more I could share. PHILIPPIANS 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
This message is beautiful and much needed. Sister proclaiming the Love and Truth of Jesus wherever you go. Some will receives it and some won't. Try not to take it personally if you experience rejection. Your in my prayers. Always remember Jesus loves you. When nothing else makes sense go back to this simple truth. Jesus loves me this I know For the Bible tells me so. You will find before long Because you went back to the main thing everything starts falling into place.
Wow! These words are boldly truthful, and very well spoken! My hope is for everyone to hear this song and understand that this happens every single day. There are people who are crying out for help in small and subtle ways, yet it takes a heart filled with compassion to see these things happening and a heart filled with love to reach out to those who go unnoticed. It's easier to love than to hate and kindness is always a proper approach to anyone we meet along the way. Spread words of truth always with kindness and joy❤😊
Please pray seriously for me forever. Please get Jesus Christ full attention as much as you possibly can. There's so much hurt inside. Please pray and ask Jesus to please destroy all negative spiritual war of chaos and confusion that's been in my family for years and generations that's filled with endless arguments of confusion, endless differences of opinion, separation of family, loneliness, rejection, poverty, poor health, grudges, hate, negative atmosphere, negative forces in my family and whoever me or my family like or want to be friends with, negative souls always come into our lives and bring more pain and misery. please pray and ask Jesus to please destroy it all into the firey pit of hell forever please. Please pray and ask Jesus to please bring forth the blessing of happiness in my family, ask jesus to please bless every soul in my family with positive sincere loving husbands , wives, children and friends that are angels from heaven. Ask Jesus to please make every soul in my family agree on the same thing without ever arguing or falling out about anything.
***** please know I love Jesus beyond words can express always and forever. Jesus permanently has my heart and soul forever & i continue to lean my head on Jesus shoulders. "Understand more of his love"? Can you explain what that means?
***** please do because I've been on a serious spiritual journey seeking Jesus each day by reading my bible daily and praying strongly. I never had the blessing of a father figure in my life & i lean on Jesus shoulders forever sincerely. He has my heart and soul forever.
I was the girl, I turned away from God I wanted acceptance from people. Yet I already had God's approval. I should've continued to follow him instead of seeking un pure relationships. The world can draw you in but if you truly know Christ he will draw you back to him. He will break you just as he did me and he will forgive for anything. I love the Lord my God and so blesses he didn't give up on me! Surrender he loves you ask and you shall receive. He will show all our purpose of this life.
Thank you, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who's been there. I thank Him everyday for continuing to love me despite me detouring off his path before.
sometimes, we need to talk the wrong path for awhile , be in the valley, in order to become equipped for what God has planned next. it's amazing how He can take a twisted tortured soul and make it all make sense. I am 51. I was 49 yrs old before I could ever say I was at complete peace and was bindage free. I celebrated my 50th birthday on top of the world. I am a CHOSEN daughter of the mist high King, our glorious Father in heaven. thank you sweet Jesus for all u do
I just finished reading Tess of the D'ubervilles last night, an 1800s British novel. It was the most heartbreaking piece of fiction I've ever read in my life, and I've been thinking about it still all day today. The author, Thomas Hardy, was by no means a Christian. In fact he uses the novel to show how the church's tendency to look down on people has horrible consequences. But despite Hardy's beliefs and stances, God ha used his powerful novel to convict me of how crucial it is to spread His love to those who so desperately need it, despite how society views them. And it reminded me of this song.
I love Casting Crowns music. They talk about real problems, real people in their lyrics. I am not fond my many Christian groups but love Casting Crowns. They are not afraid to sing about real issues.
Amen, Sister Casting Crowns are such a blessing to me also. I can't begin to know what the girl in this song is going through, but this I know Jesus Would love her and minister His life to her. My prayer for God's people is to remember we serve a God of reconciliation, and He has given us the ministry of reconciliation. No matter what a person has or is going through I know someone called Jesus who is always waiting with open arms for them, and He never makes one feel unwanted, nor does He turn anyone away. He wants His people to extend the same reconciliation to others as the person themselves have received from the Cross. Oh, how blessed are God's children. May we never forget the price that was paid by Jesus upon the Old rugged Cross. His blood was shed as payment for our sin and sickness both spiritually and physically. The perfect Lamb of God loves the world so much that He became one of us in order for us to grow in becoming more in His likeness. Don't ever give up. Jesus loves you.
This reminds me of walking away from a 9 year abusive relationship. With having BPD thinking that I deserved it. Only found out once I started to love and respect myself it opened my eyes. Thanks to God never giving up and holding me along the broken path I continued on and thanks to my 3 boys that stuck by my side and believed in me. I love to sing this song. I want you all to love yourself to break away chains that bind you. Love to all!
I am a Christian and I'm at the point where anxieties and all are trying to consume me. I admit, I did a lot of mistake trying to fill the void in my heart. That I forget I am a believer and a child of God. I realized that the only one who can fill the emptiness in my heart is only the Lord. Just keep on holding on and let's focus our eyes and hearts to Jesus and everything will come to its place.
This song provides such an important message. It's saying that if judgement resides in our churches, how are the people that want to be saved going to if they're too afraid of being judges in church? People go to church to learn more about God, it's for sinners to be redeemed. It's more than a good beat.
Agreed. The church is meant to be a hospital for the lost and hurting. There are churches that work that way, and I think it’s getting better - there seems to be more talk about mental health and authenticity now than when this song came out.
So surprised, but when the lady at the end touched her hand ... tears. I'm new to Christian ... rock/pop? and have been looking forward to finding a storyteller kind of song like this. It's very rare. Wish there were more.
I've spent most of all my life on a path of destruction. So here's some good news... Jesus Christ wasn't just a man. He was GOD in the flesh. He paid the price for you. He purchased you with his own blood. All you have to do is accept him, He is strong enough to keep those He saves. No matter what.
I wish God would forgive me for all the times I have failed him my pastor and church family say his mercy is abundant to give me forgiveness but I doubt he will ever forgive me
He forgives us once and for all, he knew the times we would fall even after we came to him. The devil tries to use the past and mistakes to tell us we aren't saved and such.. it's merely a scare tactic. The devil is a liar whose tongue is incapable of speaking the truth. Don't let him put doubt on you, God is looking at you smiling, despite what the devil would have you believe.
+Mea Mya that is a lie, God only forgives you if you repent ( being sorry and not doing it again...if you happen to do it again, you repent again if you have true godly sorrow)
God said in the Bible, the harvest is ripe but the workers are few. Are you chosen to minister to lost and hurting people. God's heart is to save and heal the lost, and bring them into the church family.
From a single mom, who grew up in a church. This song hits, “can’t see past the scarlet letter” not every church is the same. I avoided the church when I became a mom, but it took me forever to realize the church isn’t what I should’ve run too. It was God. Church in today’s sense are full of judgmental people. I still haven’t found one church who isn’t superficial. And not throwing all the people in, because the genuine people go to church. It’s hard to find leadership in a church that won’t judge you. You’re not alone.
When new Christians are being trained, which they should be, this song should be played to all of them; we were left here by God to shine a light to people like that woman.
This is such an awesome song to me. The video is so touching. It speaks to those of us who have experienced hard times, loss and addiction and judgement and me personally have spent many years trying to explain to people why I seem to be so broken at times. Short of telling them my entire story it gets so depressing. None of us asked to suffer horrible addictions, heaetbrakes and loss and I realized that I don't owe anyone a damn thing especially any explanations! It took me a long time to be ok With the fact that not everyone is sympathetic to victims of domestic violence, in fact the victim often times is blamed. I've heard things like, "well we told you to leave him and you didn't", as though I deserved it. My heart goes out to anyone who struggles or suffers in some way in this thing we call life. I pray for peace in those who can't find it and contentedness. We just keep pushing in hopes that God has a plan for all ..
I am so sorry for all the pain you've experienced in life. I've been there and wanted the ones around me to understand but my cries seemed to fall on deaf ears. Then two years ago the Lord lead me to Casting Crowns Music. It started with their song Voice Of Truth Sister I can't put to words what this song done for me but it lead me back to Jesus. And I began to get into the Word of God more and everywhere I went all I saw was His love for me. I saw how no one could make me feel the way Jesus does. And each day Jesus reveals more of His love to me and it's like He bends down from Heaven and gives me a kiss on the top of my head and says I love you baby girl.I don't have all the answers to all of life's questions but that's OK because Jesus does. Jesus loves you and He understands all. Never stop believing His love for you because that is the Voice of Truth. Your in my prayers.
Love this song. It speaks to my heart, as a Pastor's wife. It speaks volumes of the importance of testimony in our Christian walk and witness for reaching out to the hurting! Thank you!
I cry every time I hear it, because it rings so true, it makes my heart hurt 😞 Lord let us see the people who need u, and use us to reach them, I pray in Jesus name Amen
I want to be a Christian, but everything I try, I end up feeling as if God hates retarded people like me… I’m so sad, I feel like I’m going to cry for the first time since I last set foot in a church… it was like six months ago? About the last time I had cried… nobody cares… but I have my dogs and I am really grateful for the nature God has made so beautiful and lots of amazing animals… I guess it wasn’t supposed to happen anyway… God is good
Listened to this song way back around 2014. I enjoyed the melody but didn't understand the lyrics. Now that I'm 25, I appreciate this song more because the lyrics are just powerful and deep. Wonderful song which speaks to the soul. 💯💯🙌🏾🙌🏾
I think the most important lesson to take away as a Christian is don't judge other people and instead of judging someone instead embrace them. Make them feel like family because we are all one large family in God and this will make people feel welcome. The last thing I ever want to be is a stumbling block in another persons path to find, connect, and feel God.
I have learnt this the hard way. I had judged some people & have been going through dark days. I have learnt to trust God & keep His word despite how i feel. I am still praying for healing which i know will come soon.
Wow! These lyrics are too relatable! Thank God my Pastor and church family hears me... even when I say nothing, they hear me .... through the Holy Spirit and they help me stay forward...❤️
I'm about to start a church in Joplin Missouri and I remember the first time I saw this video I began to cry and I told God I want everyone of these people that feel rejected and I will build a church with them and love them.
Thank you JESUS, 4 a great awakening worlwide, pour out Your Spirit, have Your way! JESUS says, come 2 me all of you who are sick, tired, hurting, full of issues & I will give you rest 4 your souls. Matt. 11:28-30. Thanks Casting Crowns, 4 this powerful truth, GOD bless you all!
That grabs your heart.I know there are others that would talk to her like that.It's encouraging to see there are still many that care out there.If your one of them,thank you.
Upper Westside, Nyc I Had Heard This Back In 2011. Now I'm In Nyc This Remines Me Nyc. As I Walk Their Are So Many Lost Look In Their Eyes In Thee Eyes Of God's Children. Please Pray For Nyc.
Thank you for this song. I believe it was part of what helped me persevere until I found a place I think is my congregation home. Finding a congregation home is one of the things I hoped for that I would find before God takes me from this earth one day and I'm grateful this song helped encourage me until I found what I think is my congregation home.
On a spiritual note, I love that CC's message connects so well to all us Christians who don't have it together (no one does) but especially those who are battling with whatever demons we may battle with... On a musical note, these guys really know how to write a good bridge.
I hope everyone feeling kinda down or been in hard situation will find happiness, peacefulness in his day, week and the entire life! wish you a wonderful day
I’ve been very close to Christ since I was a little girl and have always known Him and believed in Him. He has done more for me than anyone ever has. There are times when I falter and stumble but God always brings me through it. My faith stands firm. I can’t ever survive without Him. ❤️
Only because he's been with me since I was a child, can I honestly say, that I've made it here in one piece mentally and emotionally ♥️......and probably physically to! His love faith and Mercy literally saved my life
Brings tears to my eyes. It's so easy for Christians to judge and ignore those who need Jesus. But Jesus ignore him when we needed him and we always do instead he was nailed to the cross.
Still my favorite Christian band til this day. I'm 29 and I remember going to my first casting crowns concert with my youth group when I was like 12. I feel God most in your music. I fell away after school but I've never stopped loving God. I see myself in this song. So when I looked casting crowns up i was very surprised and happy to see you are still putting music out. Got some catching up to do. God bless
"Judgement looms under every steeple, with lofty glances from lofty people" - Let's not forget that this is what this song is really about. At its heart, this song is a condemnation of pride filled judgmentalism. Unfortunately, it's a lesson that still needs to be learned.
i have been throu the worst and been battling depression, am at a point where i feel like nobody is hearing or understanding me...Nobody literally cares, all am hoping for is peace...this song speaks so much
Jesus is that peace you are looking for. Thanks to Jesus Christ, I’m no longer having constant mental torment. I have peace and calmness in my mind and if I can get peace from Jesus Christ, I think so can you
Sister. I suffered from depression in my earlier years. Sometimes I felt the same as you have. But Jesus in His mighty love and touched me. And I know He will do the same for you. Jesus is always near Just call upon His name and He will come running toward you. I'll be praying for you. Have a blessed day.
I was I was listening to the song and I just started this feeling and I just stood there and Praise Jesus I'm like I Surrender Lord I Want Your Love and I'm not going to think about the past but I'm going to go ahead so that you and I can live eternally together
Kitty180 God love you but you dot realize that he die no the cross for you and he love you that much he he had nails in he's hands and feet a crown of turns I hope you love god
I feel like this song was written for me. I used to listen to it when I was living a very different life and it always brought me to tears. I knew I was going in the wrong direction but I wouldn’t listen to God. He was telling me then that He had me. I thought of this song this morning and decided to listen. I’m bawling but for different reasons! Amen! God hears us. He sees us! He can and will save us from ourselves if we only let Him.
I feel like this is the story of my daughter. She was so successful and smart but started partying in college and got a DWI. She gave herself to a couple guys that didn’t treat her right. God sent her my son in law, someone she woulda never just picked out because of some of his awkwardness. He’s so much more than I ever prayed for and I love their relationship. God bless y’all.
Jesus says,"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." He loves you&truly wants a relationship /w you
For any struggling person reading this message, you are not forgotten or alone... Someone certainly cares about you at the deepest level of your being. That person loved you so much from all eternity, that He decided to take on human flesh, be born on this filthy Earth, made Himself lower than a slave, died on a wooden cross for your sins, and was resurrected from the dead. Most probably you know who I am talking about. The same Jesus Christ, who is the Almighty and God and Son of God, the Perfect and Holy Creator, is also your Best Friend and Brother. He didn't accomplish all these great and humbling endeavours, so He could give up on you that easily. You have not yet reached the limits of His patience and love. You are engraved in His pierced hands, and you are precious in His eyes. There's a warm voice calling you back home, where you belong, brother/sister. There's nothing in this world that could truly satisfy your deepest needs and cries, not even family or romantic lovers, music or therapies. Only Yeshua (Jesus) and His precious atoning blood. Please rise up from the mud, and run towards the loving embrace of your dear Saviour, and you'll find forgiveness and eternal rest.
I was paralyzed in bed last year and I heard Jesus say out loud to me If you believe in me get up and walk💜🕊 I got up and not only walked but went for a walk outside. Praise God!!!!! GOD IS ALWAYS WORKING!!!!😥😙😥😪😥
I believe in Jesus
Wow that is amazing 🤩 ❤❤
That's amazing 👏 God is in control over every man
Amen! What an incredible testimony!!🙏🤗❤️
Im a christian and I love God with all my heart and am in a very alive church but sometimes im so lonely cause people just leave me alone cause i can be really awkward and random. I love him so much but its so hard sometimes, im still in school which nowadays makes everything worse. Pray for me
How are you?
I pray that God sends you a godly companion dear XOXO
Aaaawwww bless your heart!!😇😇😘 You sound a lot like a teenage version of me now. I feel lonely all the time lately.
I love this !! Let,s reach out to others and be a friend
Praying for you now
Remember to read Holy Bible and put on your spiritual armor of righteous, God's protection i pray
for you thank you for showing the way God has touched your life
Boy, this video hit me hard. I could totally understand what that girl felt like when she came to church and the suffering she was feeling, and with wanting people to reach out to her. And then she sees the same people in the restaurant and she's still invisible to them. And then!! They leave a Bible track which I could understand and feel the bitterness that she felt. I could totally understand what she and so many people probably feel. The suffering and loneliness...Their souls screaming out, but no one hearing or seeing them. So many people suffering, not just out of church but even people struggling within church, I've noticed. I think the enemy really wants to take down a lot of Christians, putting them in a lot of confusion, distraction, mental pain, where they can't be used by God, or feel like they can't be. People in the church who are strong with God need to keep their eyes open and ask God to give them discernment and point out people in their own church or people in the world that need someone to show that they care and show Godly love. It could mean all the difference in the world to someone. Even life or death.
I went to rehab in 2010, this song means so much to me. I can’t listen to it without crying and getting chills. ❤
Congrats on 14-15 yrs. Keep that faith.
Started listening to Casting Crowns again. Been far away from my Savior for awhile. I want to go home. My son needs to see me as he did when I was serving God & living for Him. This song is powerful. No more words. I must act. Prayers for all who are here in 2024!! 💜
Welcome back!! 🙏
Yes, the prodigal returns and the Father's arms are wide open. He is always awaiting the return of the prodigal.
Prayers for you and your family bro, God will answer .one verse that’s keeps me strong Joshua 1:9 I pray and believe God will bless and guide you through any doubt and negative thoughts and roads you challenge. Stay blessed and love you brother🙏🏽
Put that journey that took you away from the Saviour behind you. It's done. Gone. The Father sees you through the blood of Christ. You're back. Now, just walk in the Spirit. You are in Christ. Your son will see you for who you are today in Christ. Even in his mind, the old --- the memories of your walk away from God --- will fade. Your son will see you in Christ and praise God for the change in you.
I say this...living it today.
I left FL went back home to MO to my son and my God who I was drifting away from.
2008 this song saved my life. Saved by grace. Loved by God
Smiles, hello Dawn 🌺😊
Me too❤🙏 I'm grateful we heard it. God's continued blessings to surround you. In Jesus's holy name Amen 🙏
I've grown up in a family that disdains Contemporary Christian music(except my mom) but if anyone could even IMAGINE how many people this song has REACHED! One of the greatest gospel songs of all time, in my opinion. There will always be people running from what they/ we need to hear and this song reaches through...beautiful!
It kept me through teen years and kept me on the right path, my best friend ended up unaliving his mother , he slowly stayed away from the path. Christianity is looked down upon but it strengthens will power , lose this and you become an animal. Athiests reading this, will power can be achieved without religion but the teachings and basis of these key values are rooted in the Bible.
Prayers for all the lonely, hurt people in this world. I am so blessed but I can pray for these people. Why can't we all pray.
Smiles, hello Sandra 🌺
Thank u. I hav no one to pray for me.
@@Roz-blvrpraying for you God sees your needs loves you love you too and prayers 💜
Well said .
I love praying for others rather than myself
I have been there before, always remember Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake you. He loves you so much. 😊
Smiles, hello Mary 🌺😊
This is a message to the church. So true. Many people (in the church) can't see past the "proverbial" scarlet letter. I thank God his heart isn't like man.
Even worse when you mess up and try to come back. that's why I don't go to church
Russ Grunert Not all churches are bad so I'm careful not to paint with a "broad brush." There may be some church folk who forget that they're just as in need of a Saviour as those who mess up, but there are some who see folk with the eyes of God.
I would find a bible believing church that teaches the grace message as it is stated in the scriptures.
I was a mary unpure and promiscuos God loved me still and broke me to surrender and more dependance on his love and strength...i no longer seek a partner cuz i realize Jesus is my advocate Truth Father Bff helper comforter and so much more...im so in love with Jesus
1. You should never let anyone get between you and God.
2. We are all imperfect.
When I first joined the faith I am part of a friend of mine made the comment, "These really must be the end of times." That was 17 years ago. One of my best friends at church got involved with drugs, fathered a child, and dropped out of school. Rich came back shortly after I joined. He is married to a wonderful woman, has four kids with her, and pays every child support payment and spends lots of times with his first daughter. He lays tile for a living and I write software. When my mother was dying of cancer and I need help Rich was always the first to help.
A person that grew up with him and is a friend of mine told me that she was so glad the Rich had me as a friend. Truth is that I am so glad that I have him as a friend and that we both are blessed by our faith and by the love of Christ.
You don't go to church because you are not going to church. Just maybe you are the one that by coming back, repenting, accepting Christ's gift of forgiveness, and living a life based on trying to be as Christ-like yourself will help them overcome their sins. You could be the key to their spiritual growth and you don't even know it.
My favorite part is “They can’t see past her scarlet letter. And they’ve never even met her..” I replay that part a million times.
I hadn’t even done anything wrong, and people wouldn’t let their kids hang out with me! I’m the only green eye person in my family literally. If Aunts, Uncles, Parents, and siblings on both side have beautiful blue eyes. I was always jealous of those eyes! One day I made a comment about my eyes, and mom said it was the Evil coming out in me! Maybe others saw it also!
"Lofty glances from lofty people"
@@conniegeorge7441 I'm so sorry they told you that 😔 You are Beautiful with you green eyes 💚
@@conniegeorge7441 you're fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalms 139:14. You are loved by the living God. He knows you by your name and you are his. May his love wrap around you.
@@conniegeorge7441 Your Green eyes are what makes you unique then! I’m sorry that your mom said that nonsense to you, those are your God given eyes. Love and prayers sent your way 💚
Listening now in 2020. I can’t believe that this video and song came out a decade ago. God knew that I needed to listen and watch this. It makes me cry because i can relate to this girl. I tend to fill this dark void by putting all my energy and trust into a man thinking that it will be different. However, people are bound to fail, they aren’t perfect, but God is. Also, I have periods of extreme loneliness especially while social distancing. I’m trying to find that comfort from God to fill this void but it’s difficult sometimes. If anyone even sees this comment I could use your prayers ❤️
Praying for you!!!!!! Jesus loves you too much for you to worry.
'If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. '
Colossians 3:1-3
My dear sister Katelyn. I would love to pay with you. Ready. Lol ok Heavenly father tonight I bring my sister to your throne she's lonely and needs your comfort and peace. I ask for your comfort and peace and joy and presence to fill her. Jesus my lord and savior you say ur close to the broken hearted and comfort them set my sisters heart and soul on fire for you and your word. Make her spirit a blaze of the kingdom of Heaven. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name Amen.
Hey Katelyn!
I understand how you feel, but I must say: Jesus is always with you! No matter what happens, He is always by your side. Even in this situation of social distancing, He's not distant.
His love for you is undescribable.
I say that because I feel this love every daym
You can count on my prayers!
BTW, I know a song that can help you.
The name is "Teu trabalho é descansar em mim" from Marcela Tais and Arianne.
It's a song in portuguese but I can put in here the lyrics.
"Don't have over yourself
One care whatever
For one, only one
It would be too much for you
It's mine, only mine all the work
And your job is to rest on me
It's mine, only mine all the work
And your job is to rest on me
Do not fear when at last
You have to make a decision
Give it all to me
Trust with all your heart
It's mine, only mine all the work
And your job is to rest on me
It's mine, only mine all the work
And your job is to rest on me
Oh oh rest on me
Rest in me
Oh oh rest on me
It's mine, only mine all the work
And your job is to rest on me
It's mine, only mine all the work
And your job is to rest on me"
This song I can clearly hear God saying to me that He's taking care of everything, and my job is to rest in Him.
I pray for you to feel this way too.
I love you babe katelyn
My heart just BREAKS when I see this video because I KNOW its a reality for SO many people.... I pray that my brothers and sisters in Christ that watch this will make a difference and reach out.
+Joseph Dungee I'm beginning to see others in the imagine of God in which they were created!
This is inspiring for people to be kind to everybody because they have a story
this video makes me cry every time bc like u said every day christian brothers and sisters walk by people broken and lost and never reach out just to say hi. a few years ago I met a homeless man who was so down on his luck begging for food. i took this man to lunch that day bc I never wanna see any suffer and it was a small kindness. this man told me his story and it broke my heart to the core. I felt compelled to tell this man about Christ and what he has done in my life and filled me with more love than I can contain. so fast forward about a year later and i saw this man i sort of recognized. he actually thanked me and I couldn't understand why at first. well it was the homeless man only he wasn't homeless anymore. this man in a sparkling suit told me how that one moment helped showed the love that god provides for All of his children. he now works for an outreach program that helps bring food and shelter and hopes to lead all to God. THANK GOD THAT U SENT YOUR SON TO SAVE US ALL!
Bradley Willette That's AWESOME Bradley!! That's what its all about brother, Amen.
+Bradley Willette by no I have so many friends that are was deceived and lost in this world my heart breaks but praise God we can go to the author and finisher of our faith and ask anything in his name Jesus the Father and he will give it to us I pray you continue to be a light in this dark world God bless
This is what I felt like I was. Chasing men waiting on God to bring me my future husband. I finally got to the end of the pain. Said Lord if this isn’t it then I’m done. For the last 3 years I have been praying for my future husband. He lived 8 minutes away and we have the same friends. April 7th 2021 we are getting married . God had to move my parents and I to Oklahoma from Seattle, Washington
We took a big leap of faith I am where God has called me to be. Now I know why God moved me.
Congratulations on finding him! 😁
from seattle washington to oklahoma? is oklahoma that Godly? i might consider going if God willed you to go there ;-;
@@omnitone God moved me here to meet my husband. ❤️ Oklahoma is a lot better then Seattle.
@@emilywalton4105 i guess i know where i'll be in my adult life ;-;
The song describes a lot of people today looking for something in this world this world has nothing to offer. But through Christ he has everything to offer and it's for an eternity !
Whatever your reasons for searching to watch this video, I pray for you. If you did happen to stumble upon this video from various clicks, I pray for you too. We all have the innate desire to be wanted and loved and to fill that void... and we are... by God. He loves each and every one of us so much. ...more than we could ever imagine. John 3:16-17 Christians are of all sorts, but God is always the same and will never change. I pray that anyone reading this may find that loving church home and family. It's out there. It may not be the first church you try out, but from all the Christian denominations... you'll find your fit.
God bless.
people dont stumble on to videos about God. God brings them here even if they dont realize it.
Thank you, you have such a kind heart, what a blessing. I've heard this song so many times, I didn't realize how relevant is was about how I was feeling. I woke up with it playing. God is so amazing. God Bless you.
It's people like you that make me realize that there is hope for the world yet. You are a very kind person and I admire you even though I don't know you.
MissGuardGirl24 Gail Borge Gutsy ***** cutiemegumi :)
Kristy L
I had just felt led to leave that initial comment b/c some of the comments on here literally made me sick to my stomach. I simply like this video so much b/c of the passion in the singer's voice and b/c my shyness and quirks had left me feeling misunderstood. People can be misunderstood and judged for various reasons. That being said, if you are new to church and Christianity, becoming a part of a small group at a church or club on your campus is something I highly recommend. People need people.
p.s. The Bible app available on smartphones is amazing! It's so convenient and there are tons of daily devotions to choose from...all for free!
What I love about this song, among many things, is that it makes us as Christians do a reality check. Are we just claiming to be Christian, going through the motions that we think will save our eternal souls, just doing the "church thing" as "good Christians" should? Or are we really living the Word of God? I used to feel that there was no need to go to church, that God knew me and my heart and it was a personal relationship with him, and that was all that mattered. I was so wrong. While He states that "wherever two or more are gathered, I will be there" the church helps us connect as his followers and organize in His name to help those around us. When we lose sight of that purpose, that is when the church gets a bad name. That is when we stop shining God's light and start doing more harm than good. We are here to do His work and help others, not to simply save our own souls! Don't forget why you go to church and Who brought you there. It was God, so that you could do the same for others.
Is normal sometimes to find that going to church is a chore? You think that maybe I'll leave it this week? Surely this happens to us all?
I kept reading comments from others about how the song is about turning to man's attention rather than God, and while that is a part of it, I agree with you. What I get from the song is that we forget we are tasked with reaching out to the lost among us. Not just when they come to us, but we need to seek them out when they are hiding in the shadow of our steeples. Christians have such bad names, and are called hypocrites by many unbelievers because we don't reflect the values of Christ like we claim to. We are all guilty of it at some time and some degree, and we need songs like this to remind us that when we fail in this way, we affect real people's lives and miss an opportunity to bring them a blessing and maybe even their salvation.
@@MrMhitchmough Yes I think we all have at some point. No one's walk with God is roses and unicorns all the time, and we go through these tough times. But for me, that's when I discovered I needed a revival in my heart, and church is wonderful place to do so. Because as we know, the Church isn't a building but the body of Christ and our fellow believers. I love going to church and praising and worshipping the Lord of all Creation, and there is no better feeling than getting filled with the spirit! Not saying you can't do it alone, but I find it easier and more enjoyable when it is with other believers ready to give him honor and praise! Hope you doing well brother!
I agree with you...
I lift my sister, ''K", up in prayer. Need some warriors to pray for her, she is feeling the Lord in her life. God bless you and thank you.
I spent way too many years running in the wrong direction. I did things as a prodigal I cannot mention. In spite of that, when I sincerely repented the Lord welcomed me home. Saying He welcomed me is an understatement of massive proportions. I was in a very dangerous situation. He made a way through it & out of it - and He actually saved my life with a miracle.
The risen Lord Jesus loves you more than you'll ever know. He will get you through the impossible times of your life. He can make a way out of no way at all. When no one else understands, He does.
There's always so many reason to praise His Holy Name! 💜🕎💜✝️💜
There are so many lost and lonely people . My daughter is one of these beautiful people. May she open her heart to Jesus and find her way back home to her family through God's grace .
@Greg Normal I am absolutely a fan. Live this song. After hearing this song I can relate because of many life experiences. Life hasn't always been easy but my faith and my family get me through the tough times.
@Greg Normal My favorite song is Scars in heaven. It reminds me that we are going to go through some very tough times but when our time comes we are going to meet our father again . All will be blessed to be near him. He died on a cross for us and never gives up on his children .
Keep praying 🙏
@@rebeccablakey2637amen and amen 🙏
I love ❤️ this song 🎵 ❤️
You know something, we need to pray that God gives us the capacity to love unbelievers because we were once like that and God loved us when we were like this girl. The world need Jesus Christ.
I have been this girl.. This video touches my heart on so many levels.. I am glad to say that God has really released me and it was the most unexpected person who helped me see the fathers face.. My hearts eyes are wide open.. I am in a storm right now but my eyes never quit looking for Gods face.. I love Jesus!!!
I been the same and still am today
Rebbekkah Holt the important thing is recognising thatfact and turning to Jesus! called repentance! but I know you know this. God is so forgiving thanks to Jesus sacrafice
Rebbekkah Holt me too but God found me so it's getting better. God always answers prayers, but sometimes the answer is "no" or "not now". God isn't a magic genie who gives us our way, He is a Father who gives us what we need.
Rebbekkah Holt amen
I'm sitting in my car right now outside my house and I can't bring myself to go inside......I've got this song on repeat and it is saving me.....thank God I know that God does see me and my pain and will get me through
He will
You Will get passed this I HAVE
I've been there also.
Don't let Satan fill your mind full of self doubt, he is a liar.
Our best is yet to come, and when it gets here, we will be like "wow that was fast"
This is the reason lots of people don't attend the house of the Lord. Thank God he's the only judgement that I need to worry about. Thank you Jesus ❤
I had a pastor tell me this song reminded them of me.. then this married man of god with one kid at home tried to kiss me. Broke me on about a million different levels.
@cassandratrent6973 keep the faith of our Lord's promises and his love that we are all created equal no one is better than the other in the eyes of God 🙏❤️
@@cassandratrent6973 I'm truly sorry that he did that to you. A betrayal and violation on so many levels. First, to insult you and try to compare you to that woman in the video, as a pastor, is abhorrent enough, but to then show his true colors, that he is the depraved one by trying to commit adultery on his wife, and abusing his position of power as pastor by trying to take advantage of you, is beyond words. He needs to be exposed and kicked out of the church.
I think what made this music video impacting was that she was seen in an everyday place like a cafe. It happened to just be someone who forgot her purse, but it showed that God planned everything out for her to receive the care she needed. It shows that it doesn’t have to be a place like a church to help people get closer to God. It can be anywhere. 💚
Concordo, Deus usa as pessoas em qualquer lugar, hoje ele usou um colega meu na hora do jantar na empresa em que eu trabalho
For the first 16 years of my life many people of my church rejected me and i never learned to actually know jezus is was sh*t there and still the church is trash 11 years later. Later when i got to a new church i was finally seen, got friends and slowly got to know Jesus. Still going to church is hard for me (i prefer like a Bible study and talk to each other). But still i see a lot of rejection in many churches today and i pray that God will change their hearts
Amen!!! ❤❤❤❤❤😁👏🙌
@@MarkGlowInTheDark thankfully I never had that experience with church and there was something that meant for me to still go when I was younger when my parents stopped going. Before they split up. I no longer do but I try to go back briefly but it's not about worshiping like some people think it's more about trying to find answers that's why I love their other song as well stained glass masquerade. It's just somebody in that position that understands that no one really knows the real reason someone's there and probably half of the people that go might be there for similar reasons rather too afraid to let it be known. Church is supposed to be supposedly a safe place but in reality sometimes it's a place to hide for some people. If I used to hate when people will tell you if you want to find somebody to be with go to church no not necessarily the best place to find somebody. Then I stopped looking until I met someone and why to this day and still trying to figure out because he's not free. Wasn't the first time we met and we still have encounters as I call them here and there. Most of them random. Something about our story we have some kind of connection.
God please help me not to stay silent anymore!! There are too many people perishing for lack of knowledge and help. Thinking that there are so many sheep scattered with no shepherd, bound to go to hell, is just heart breaking. I pray for the grace to have compassion and courage to share the word and let people know about salvation!!
This sounds so much like a friend of mine, she has been through so many hard times, helped her friends while they steal her gifts and clothes. She is so giving and kind and I pray for her everyday.
Does anybody hear her? this song is my testimony,it reached my ears at the right time ,it gave me hope, Jesus heard me and gave me the best price ever.
I wish casting crowns knew what they have done for my life. thank you and God bless you.
Allie McCannon I love casting crowns cayse their songs have helped me in so many ways
Christ has done for you through their music
Remember They are tools in God's hands for us to get to him
It's like they can see the pain inside me and put it into words/music.
Lord open my eyes and heart, so I can see others they way You do! Amen
I came from a family where there was no peace .I lost all hope .in 2014 I found this song & I was not sure if God even hears me.i was longing for smn to share my burdens .but it turned out that there was no one except God who hears my deepest words.until now God is my everything❤❤
He’s been with me on every road, love this song!❤
God hears all our voices 😢. Speak with expectation of His healing in your heart and soul 🙌💗🙏
This made me cry. For the past 2 months this I've been screaming inside wanting someone to notice that I was struggling with something. When I did say something to someone she shrugged it off like it didn't matter and since has been kinda cold. I am a Christian but I'm really struggling right now and am kinda giving up trust in the so called Christians and don't feel God in my life like I used to. Can you just pray for me that someday I'll discover God is right with me and also that I can pray. I try to pray but nothing comes out just a silent scream inside.
Country Girl
Hi, God sees you! Genesis 16:13, just like He saw Hagar who was rejected and in pain. He hears you, even if it’s just an inward cry. He is with you, always. Even if you don’t feel that way. How do I know? I’m a survivor of long term domestic violence. It’s not my fault, sin, or shame to bare. Regardless, of what has been done to me, or my own personal sins, God has never forsaken me. He delivered me out of this hell, and is changing my heart and life everyday. He will do the same for you! God bless
May the lord bless you, I don't know quite what to say, but the lord knows all your woes and worries. He's been there for me when I felt like I couldn't go on. I'll say a prayer for you. I hope whatever it is you're struggling with gets better.
Country girl. Pray with me. Heavenly father tonight I'm asking for my sisters comfort and peace. I know your a God of reconciliation and restoration. Fill my sister's heart once again with your fire. Give her the peace the world can not understand but she can receive. Draw closer to her than ever before. Lift her up and set her on a firm foundation high above everything. And let her see her the way you do, loved treasured and redeemed. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name Amen
10 months have passed since you wrote this, now I see it, and I hear you. If you are experiencing neglect and rejection from your church body you are definitely in the wrong church. Having said that, I would guess that not everyone in that church is like that. The key would be to find the ones who are not. I have the benefit of belonging to a small congregation, where if anyone is missing it is noticed, and those are checked on. You shall have my prayers.
I am praying for you right now!
This song has potential to bring tears
started crying when someone finally saw her.
me too
Me also
Same here
prayer and reading your Bible ask The Holy Spirit to guide you God bless in Jesus Name we pray amen
I'm so lost without my children father please take this pain
I know your pain.... please hold on ...God will take it away and heal your brokeness...may God bless you and your family all the days of your life
For my beautiful daughter. I am so sorry that I was consumed by the darkness and didn’t hear you. I am so glad that I had the shroud of darkness lifted and I see things so clearly now. I am glad and grateful that I was given this gift. I hear you and I see you. I am eternally grateful for this song and the meaning behind it. We all have to be the change we want to see. We all have to reveal the light so it outshines the darkness. We have become a society that wants someone else to do it for us. When this doesn’t happen, people say things like there isn’t or can’t be a god. Why would god allow this to happen. I say to you this, god hasn’t abandoned us! We have ALLOWED the evil and darkness to shroud all the good things happening each day. People doing amazing things, corporations that actually aren’t only greed driven helping, stop blaming and start doing! If you open your eyes and stop watching the news, reading social media and all of that, you’ll see the miracles all around. Darkness has always wanted to extinguish the light. Been trying for thousands of years. The light always shines on the darkness and it reveals to us what is actually going on. If you aren’t prepared or open to receive the message, you won’t! It’s time for everyone who says they are Christians or whatever denomination you claim. To stop hiding and to start being the change you want to see. When was the last time you helped a complete stranger, a neighbor who might be sick or anyone in need? We value vacations over helping because we’re entitled. That’s not the way it’s supposed to be. Never has been! It is not my place to make you receive the message, all I can do is share my testimony and if it helps one person. That person then pays it forward and so on. I’m tired of phony people claiming they know god. Do you really? Why because you read the Bible and go to church! You aren’t receiving the message as it’s intended. I’m in no way perfect and I have fallen, failed, doubted and sinned. The one thing that was told to me is to always come back to center and right myself on the path laid before me. It’s easy to veer, that’s the nature of us. It’s easier to look away, take the easy way out and pretend it’s not our responsibility. It’s a shame, it really is. There are so many wonderful things going on, you have to open your eyes and heart to receive and understand. It’s not all doom and gloom! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This quote is so misinterpreted! If you don’t understand it I suggest you do a deep soul search.
Last one of many, many more I could share.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
This message is beautiful and much needed. Sister proclaiming the Love and Truth of Jesus wherever you go. Some will receives it and some won't. Try not to take it personally if you experience rejection. Your in my prayers. Always remember Jesus loves you. When nothing else makes sense go back to this simple truth.
Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so. You will find before long
Because you went back to the main thing everything starts falling into place.
Wow! These words are boldly truthful, and very well spoken! My hope is for everyone to hear this song and understand that this happens every single day. There are people who are crying out for help in small and subtle ways, yet it takes a heart filled with compassion to see these things happening and a heart filled with love to reach out to those who go unnoticed. It's easier to love than to hate and kindness is always a proper approach to anyone we meet along the way. Spread words of truth always with kindness and joy❤😊
I love to be by myself always remember we are NEVER ALONE. God is always right here
I just pray someone out there will understand me on a serious spiritual level & pray for me.
You are in my prayers
Please pray seriously for me forever. Please get Jesus Christ full attention as much as you possibly can. There's so much hurt inside. Please pray and ask Jesus to please destroy all negative spiritual war of chaos and confusion that's been in my family for years and generations that's filled with endless arguments of confusion, endless differences of opinion, separation of family, loneliness, rejection, poverty, poor health, grudges, hate, negative atmosphere, negative forces in my family and whoever me or my family like or want to be friends with, negative souls always come into our lives and bring more pain and misery. please pray and ask Jesus to please destroy it all into the firey pit of hell forever please. Please pray and ask Jesus to please bring forth the blessing of happiness in my family, ask jesus to please bless every soul in my family with positive sincere loving husbands , wives, children and friends that are angels from heaven. Ask Jesus to please make every soul in my family agree on the same thing without ever arguing or falling out about anything.
***** please know I love Jesus beyond words can express always and forever. Jesus permanently has my heart and soul forever & i continue to lean my head on Jesus shoulders. "Understand more of his love"? Can you explain what that means?
***** please do because I've been on a serious spiritual journey seeking Jesus each day by reading my bible daily and praying strongly. I never had the blessing of a father figure in my life & i lean on Jesus shoulders forever sincerely. He has my heart and soul forever.
ken ! I'll pray for you !
This song is beautiful. As someone with anxiety/depression can't even count how many times I've cried to this song. It's so healing.
Please have faith in God he is always working for you even when you think he's not God is great
Same man 😭
Spirit inspired songs are timeless. We all yearn for the saviour to ride in and change our lives.
help us Lord to listen to You so we can also listen to one another!
I would describe myself as the worst wretched sinner ever. The Lord Jesus saved me, and He is my only hope! Praise God!
I was the girl, I turned away from God I wanted acceptance from people. Yet I already had God's approval. I should've continued to follow him instead of seeking un pure relationships. The world can draw you in but if you truly know Christ he will draw you back to him. He will break you just as he did me and he will forgive for anything. I love the Lord my God and so blesses he didn't give up on me! Surrender he loves you ask and you shall receive. He will show all our purpose of this life.
Thank you for posting that comment. I really needed to hear that.
Thank you, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who's been there. I thank Him everyday for continuing to love me despite me detouring off his path before.
sometimes, we need to talk the wrong path for awhile , be in the valley, in order to become equipped for what God has planned next. it's amazing how He can take a twisted tortured soul and make it all make sense. I am 51. I was 49 yrs old before I could ever say I was at complete peace and was bindage free. I celebrated my 50th birthday on top of the world. I am a CHOSEN daughter of the mist high King, our glorious Father in heaven. thank you sweet Jesus for all u do
duper man I will pray for you.........
duper man you dont belong in this forum!
The Bible says come as you are so stop judging because we are all sinners and we are unworthy servants, so who are we to judge them?
I just finished reading Tess of the D'ubervilles last night, an 1800s British novel. It was the most heartbreaking piece of fiction I've ever read in my life, and I've been thinking about it still all day today.
The author, Thomas Hardy, was by no means a Christian. In fact he uses the novel to show how the church's tendency to look down on people has horrible consequences.
But despite Hardy's beliefs and stances, God ha used his powerful novel to convict me of how crucial it is to spread His love to those who so desperately need it, despite how society views them. And it reminded me of this song.
That's... amazing
I love Casting Crowns music. They talk about real problems, real people in their lyrics. I am not fond my many Christian groups but love Casting Crowns. They are not afraid to sing about real issues.
Amen, Sister Casting Crowns are such a blessing to me also. I can't begin to know what the girl in this song is going through, but this I know Jesus
Would love her and minister His life to her. My prayer for God's people is to remember we serve a God of reconciliation, and He has given us the ministry of reconciliation. No matter what a person has or is going through
I know someone called Jesus who is always waiting with open arms for them, and He never makes one feel unwanted, nor does He turn anyone away. He wants His people to extend the same reconciliation to others
as the person themselves have received from the Cross. Oh, how blessed
are God's children. May we never forget the price that was paid by Jesus upon the Old rugged Cross. His blood was shed as payment for our sin and sickness both spiritually and physically. The perfect Lamb of God loves the world so much that He became one of us in order for us to grow in becoming more in His likeness. Don't ever give up. Jesus loves you.
This reminds me of walking away from a 9 year abusive relationship. With having BPD thinking that I deserved it. Only found out once I started to love and respect myself it opened my eyes. Thanks to God never giving up and holding me along the broken path I continued on and thanks to my 3 boys that stuck by my side and believed in me. I love to sing this song. I want you all to love yourself to break away chains that bind you. Love to all!
God is intensional about everything we do
I am a Christian and I'm at the point where anxieties and all are trying to consume me. I admit, I did a lot of mistake trying to fill the void in my heart. That I forget I am a believer and a child of God. I realized that the only one who can fill the emptiness in my heart is only the Lord. Just keep on holding on and let's focus our eyes and hearts to Jesus and everything will come to its place.
This song provides such an important message. It's saying that if judgement resides in our churches, how are the people that want to be saved going to if they're too afraid of being judges in church? People go to church to learn more about God, it's for sinners to be redeemed. It's more than a good beat.
Agreed. The church is meant to be a hospital for the lost and hurting. There are churches that work that way, and I think it’s getting better - there seems to be more talk about mental health and authenticity now than when this song came out.
So surprised, but when the lady at the end touched her hand ... tears. I'm new to Christian ... rock/pop? and have been looking forward to finding a storyteller kind of song like this. It's very rare. Wish there were more.
I've spent most of all my life on a path of destruction. So here's some good news...
Jesus Christ wasn't just a man. He was GOD in the flesh. He paid the price for you. He purchased you with his own blood. All you have to do is accept him, He is strong enough to keep those He saves. No matter what.
I wish God would forgive me for all the times I have failed him my pastor and church family say his mercy is abundant to give me forgiveness but I doubt he will ever forgive me
He forgives us once and for all, he knew the times we would fall even after we came to him. The devil tries to use the past and mistakes to tell us we aren't saved and such.. it's merely a scare tactic. The devil is a liar whose tongue is incapable of speaking the truth. Don't let him put doubt on you, God is looking at you smiling, despite what the devil would have you believe.
+Mea Mya that is a lie, God only forgives you if you repent ( being sorry and not doing it again...if you happen to do it again, you repent again if you have true godly sorrow)
+Michael Johnson no it is not as simple as just accepting Him, you have to love and obey Him
+Mike Younis
God forgives us
but we can only enter Heaven we repent from our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our savior
JESUS, forgive me for looking the other way. Please let me be a light to anyone who is in the darkness
Time to take the church on the streets, where it really belongs ♥
Tammie Michelle Amen
Tammie Michelle that’s what my friend Andy does, literally having Church on the Street! www.churchonthestreet.com
Tammie Michelle Amen
Tammie Michelle that’s the truth. Church needs to be everywhere
@@mechadoggy 7
Absolutely one of my favorite songs by them🥰first time I heard this I bawled my eyes out....it was literally a direct reflection of myself!
Mine too
God said in the Bible, the harvest is ripe but the workers are few. Are you chosen to minister to lost and hurting people. God's heart is to save and heal the lost, and bring them into the church family.
🗣️Yes 😭🗣️
From a single mom, who grew up in a church. This song hits, “can’t see past the scarlet letter” not every church is the same. I avoided the church when I became a mom, but it took me forever to realize the church isn’t what I should’ve run too. It was God. Church in today’s sense are full of judgmental people. I still haven’t found one church who isn’t superficial. And not throwing all the people in, because the genuine people go to church. It’s hard to find leadership in a church that won’t judge you. You’re not alone.
She is yearning for the love and affection she never found at home. My favorite part.
When new Christians are being trained, which they should be, this song should be played to all of them; we were left here by God to shine a light to people like that woman.
I was never trained, mentored or helped--just left to fend for myself.
Please don't let that happen to anyone anymore.
Sad results..
This is my jam when I was a kid. I didnt know it holds such a powerful message. Understanding the lyrics just made me love this song more.
This is such an awesome song to me. The video is so touching. It speaks to those of us who have experienced hard times, loss and addiction and judgement and me personally have spent many years trying to explain to people why I seem to be so broken at times. Short of telling them my entire story it gets so depressing. None of us asked to suffer horrible addictions, heaetbrakes and loss and I realized that I don't owe anyone a damn thing especially any explanations! It took me a long time to be ok With the fact that not everyone is sympathetic to victims of domestic violence, in fact the victim often times is blamed. I've heard things like, "well we told you to leave him and you didn't", as though I deserved it. My heart goes out to anyone who struggles or suffers in some way in this thing we call life. I pray for peace in those who can't find it and contentedness. We just keep pushing in hopes that God has a plan for all ..
I am so sorry for all the pain you've experienced in life. I've been there and wanted the ones around me to understand but my cries seemed to fall on deaf ears. Then two years ago the Lord lead me to Casting Crowns Music. It started with their song Voice Of Truth Sister I can't put to words what this song done for me but it lead me back to Jesus. And I began to get into the Word of God more and everywhere I went all I saw was His love for me. I saw how no one could make me feel the way Jesus does. And each day Jesus reveals more of His love to me and it's like
He bends down from Heaven and gives me a kiss on the top of my head and says I love you baby girl.I don't have all the answers to all of life's questions but that's OK because Jesus does. Jesus loves you and He understands all. Never stop believing His love for you because that is the Voice of Truth. Your in my prayers.
Great message. The lady singing back up really compliments his vocals.
Love this song. It speaks to my heart, as a Pastor's wife. It speaks volumes of the importance of testimony in our Christian walk and witness for reaching out to the hurting! Thank you!
I cry every time I hear it, because it rings so true, it makes my heart hurt 😞 Lord let us see the people who need u, and use us to reach them, I pray in Jesus name Amen
I want to be a Christian, but everything I try, I end up feeling as if God hates retarded people like me… I’m so sad, I feel like I’m going to cry for the first time since I last set foot in a church… it was like six months ago? About the last time I had cried… nobody cares… but I have my dogs and I am really grateful for the nature God has made so beautiful and lots of amazing animals… I guess it wasn’t supposed to happen anyway… God is good
Listened to this song way back around 2014.
I enjoyed the melody but didn't understand the lyrics.
Now that I'm 25, I appreciate this song more because the lyrics are just powerful and deep. Wonderful song which speaks to the soul. 💯💯🙌🏾🙌🏾
I think the most important lesson to take away as a Christian is don't judge other people and instead of judging someone instead embrace them. Make them feel like family because we are all one large family in God and this will make people feel welcome. The last thing I ever want to be is a stumbling block in another persons path to find, connect, and feel God.
Kristin B hi Amanda
Kristin B yes I know your stubborn you told me your self
Kristin B he is running a hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction
God says to judge a righteous judgment. That's how we know right from wrong. Judgment is good if it's a righteous judgment
I have learnt this the hard way. I had judged some people & have been going through dark days. I have learnt to trust God & keep His word despite how i feel. I am still praying for healing which i know will come soon.
Wow! These lyrics are too relatable! Thank God my Pastor and church family hears me... even when I say nothing, they hear me .... through the Holy Spirit and they help me stay forward...❤️
I'm about to start a church in Joplin Missouri and I remember the first time I saw this video I began to cry and I told God I want everyone of these people that feel rejected and I will build a church with them and love them.
Excellent! I wish I was part of a church like that.
I don't fit in anywhere.
Thank you JESUS, 4 a great awakening worlwide, pour out Your Spirit, have Your way! JESUS says, come 2 me all of you who are sick, tired, hurting, full of issues & I will give you rest 4 your souls. Matt. 11:28-30. Thanks Casting Crowns, 4 this powerful truth, GOD bless you all!
This song makes me tear up every time...💕 Praise God I found him when I did ❤️❤️
He found you..
We hear her 🎉❤😊. Love thy neighbor as thyself
That grabs your heart.I know there are others that would talk to her like that.It's encouraging to see there are still many that care out there.If your one of them,thank you.
Upper Westside, Nyc
I Had Heard This Back In
Now I'm In Nyc
This Remines Me Nyc.
As I Walk Their Are So Many
Lost Look In Their Eyes
In Thee Eyes Of
God's Children.
Please Pray For Nyc.
This song is so deep, I'm crying. So beautiful and I needed this right now
Smiles, absolutely beautiful Vicki, feels really great listening, how are you doing? 🌺😊
I used to listen to this as a child, but it took me years to finally get its message
SilverSugarwings really
im here with you
same here
This was me as a teenager 15-18. I’m much better now. Thank you God. It still hurts..
Thank you for this song. I believe it was part of what helped me persevere until I found a place I think is my congregation home. Finding a congregation home is one of the things I hoped for that I would find before God takes me from this earth one day and I'm grateful this song helped encourage me until I found what I think is my congregation home.
This song helped bring me back to God when I attended my friend's (now husband) church 7 years ago
On a spiritual note, I love that CC's message connects so well to all us Christians who don't have it together (no one does) but especially those who are battling with whatever demons we may battle with... On a musical note, these guys really know how to write a good bridge.
I hope everyone feeling kinda down or been in hard situation will find happiness, peacefulness in his day, week and the entire life! wish you a wonderful day
For I was once so lost But Now I am found, Thank you Lord
Your voice is so soothing. Bands like yours should conquer the world to spread the word of God
I’ve been very close to Christ since I was a little girl and have always known Him and believed in Him. He has done more for me than anyone ever has. There are times when I falter and stumble but God always brings me through it. My faith stands firm. I can’t ever survive without Him. ❤️
I need prayer . I don't think anyone knows I need prayer. But I'm really needing it today
@@jennifersalyers9167 hi!! What would you like prayer for? ❤️
Only because he's been with me since I was a child, can I honestly say, that I've made it here in one piece mentally and emotionally ♥️......and probably physically to! His love faith and Mercy literally saved my life
still an amazing song in 2024
Brings tears to my eyes. It's so easy for Christians to judge and ignore those who need Jesus. But Jesus ignore him when we needed him and we always do instead he was nailed to the cross.
Believe in him and we can all be redeemed. This is the truth it's all of our life's story. Grandest of all time
We hear, we are listening... more important God heard you too.
Still my favorite Christian band til this day. I'm 29 and I remember going to my first casting crowns concert with my youth group when I was like 12. I feel God most in your music. I fell away after school but I've never stopped loving God. I see myself in this song. So when I looked casting crowns up i was very surprised and happy to see you are still putting music out. Got some catching up to do. God bless
My story. Today god has healed me.🙏🏼
"Judgement looms under every steeple, with lofty glances from lofty people" - Let's not forget that this is what this song is really about. At its heart, this song is a condemnation of pride filled judgmentalism. Unfortunately, it's a lesson that still needs to be learned.
i have been throu the worst and been battling depression, am at a point where i feel like nobody is hearing or understanding me...Nobody literally cares, all am hoping for is peace...this song speaks so much
I feel you...
I care. Prayed for you Eunice.
Jesus is that peace you are looking for. Thanks to Jesus Christ, I’m no longer having constant mental torment. I have peace and calmness in my mind and if I can get peace from Jesus Christ, I think so can you
Sister. I suffered from depression in my earlier years. Sometimes I felt
the same as you have. But Jesus in His mighty love and touched me. And I know He will do the same for you. Jesus is always near Just call upon His name and He will come running toward you. I'll be praying for you. Have a blessed day.
Jesus cares
I was I was listening to the song and I just started this feeling and I just stood there and Praise Jesus I'm like I Surrender Lord I Want Your Love and I'm not going to think about the past but I'm going to go ahead so that you and I can live eternally together
Kitty180 God love you but you dot realize that he die no the cross for you and he love you that much he he had nails in he's hands and feet a crown of turns I hope you love god
That 1 artist nkic KKK cnmmxc. hi. kks ouu Cr kks ko. i I. iov
That 1 artist l
I feel like this song was written for me. I used to listen to it when I was living a very different life and it always brought me to tears. I knew I was going in the wrong direction but I wouldn’t listen to God. He was telling me then that He had me. I thought of this song this morning and decided to listen. I’m bawling but for different reasons! Amen! God hears us. He sees us! He can and will save us from ourselves if we only let Him.
@Greg Normal huge fan
Never gets old. Seen him a couple weeks ago
I feel like this is the story of my daughter. She was so successful and smart but started partying in college and got a DWI. She gave herself to a couple guys that didn’t treat her right. God sent her my son in law, someone she woulda never just picked out because of some of his awkwardness. He’s so much more than I ever prayed for and I love their relationship. God bless y’all.
Smiles, hello Tammy 🌺
I am a Moslim but i love this song soo much because i can relate to everything message in the lyrics
Jesus says,"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." He loves you&truly wants a relationship /w you
For any struggling person reading this message, you are not forgotten or alone... Someone certainly cares about you at the deepest level of your being. That person loved you so much from all eternity, that He decided to take on human flesh, be born on this filthy Earth, made Himself lower than a slave, died on a wooden cross for your sins, and was resurrected from the dead. Most probably you know who I am talking about. The same Jesus Christ, who is the Almighty and God and Son of God, the Perfect and Holy Creator, is also your Best Friend and Brother. He didn't accomplish all these great and humbling endeavours, so He could give up on you that easily. You have not yet reached the limits of His patience and love. You are engraved in His pierced hands, and you are precious in His eyes. There's a warm voice calling you back home, where you belong, brother/sister. There's nothing in this world that could truly satisfy your deepest needs and cries, not even family or romantic lovers, music or therapies. Only Yeshua (Jesus) and His precious atoning blood. Please rise up from the mud, and run towards the loving embrace of your dear Saviour, and you'll find forgiveness and eternal rest.
So true
Wow! I needed this today. Thank you my brother! Amen! God is so good!❤
Happiest happy newest new years ❤🎉