Thanks for the update, Bradley! It won’t affect me a lot, but I hate seeing companies leave the US. There will be a lot of layoffs. There will be a ripple effect if Sutliff supplies bulk to blenders. I hate it for the industry.
I will miss Sutliff Voodoo Queen, MacBaren Dark Twist, and MacBaren HH Burley Flake. My bigger concern is STG's plan to trim their own brands and blends pretty aggressively. Particularly the former Dunhill blends.
One thing I really liked about Sutliff is that they made matches for otherwise disconinued famous vintage blends: RR MATCH, Walnut, Revelation. I have Sutliff's RR MATCH and Revelation MATCH and they are both interesting. I emailed you Bradley about a vintage Russian blend I have in case you wanted a sample.
Pour one out for anyone who smokes rustica. Sutliff/MB were literally the only pipe T makers processing that leaf. They also produced the best dark fired of anyone in the industry. I got as many pounds of HH Rustica and ODF as I could afford. Edit: Gawith Hoggarth is a close second, for dark fired and other smoke-cured varieties.
Well crud. Thank you for your diligent research. I did stock up a bit on my favorite HH blends, and they'll keep making the Mac Baren Virginia flake I like. The hobby will go on...
The word I hear from sources is that if the trademarks were already owned by STG before the buyout all of those will be safely left in the line. At the end of the day the strategy at STG was to eliminate any tobacco blends that would successfully compete with the Lane Ltd. line of bulk aromatics, which have to be the main "cash cow'" in the STG stable.The line of Peterson tins for example do not compete with the Lane bulk blends as the market for those blends is a completely different demographic than the average Lane 1Q smoker. The Lane 1q smoker is very unlikely to cellar any of that aromatic whereas the fan of 965, Peterson flake, etc has an entirely different take on the hobby, not better or worse but just a different type of customer. I would hazard a guess that no body is going to cellar Creme Brulee, the reason that one was left available is simple. At present we are going through a major resurgence of interest in pipe smoking from new smokers and they ALL want to try yummy sounding tobacs like Creme Brulee. However the bloom disappears from that rose when they filnd out it is tasteless. However since EVERYBODY tries it as a newbie it shows big sales figures but almost no repeat sales. I suspect STG did not take a look at this trend when deciding what to keep in the line. When the inevitable downturn in pipe smoking, and it is coming as it did in the 1980s when the Tinderbox Franchises collapsed the Creme Brulees of the world will not look so attractive at least in terms of high sales figures.
Being a relatively "new" pipe enthusiest (~2 yr, left for 10 yrs, returned 3 yrs ago)...I happen to love the "yummy sounding" Creme Brulee, Black Cordial, and Vanilla Custard. I tried...really, really, tried...the English, Latakia, etc. type blends but they all pretty much taste the same and not really in a good way (to me). I only write this in reply to the declarative statement that the "bloom disappears from the rose" because "yummy sounding" aromatics are found to be"tasteless" is rather...well...declarative. :) When jarred correctly, those aros can last quite a long time. Perhaps I'm not refined enough. Meh. All I know is that I'm not gonna spend $30 for a 1.5oz tin of Plumb Pudding that not only I, but everyone in my house, will not appreciate. When I fire up the Creme Brulee (or Cest La Vie Chocolate Eclaire...always a winner) I get nothing but compliments. Makes me happy, makes those around me happy. Win-win.
I assisted a photographer back in my theatre days and learned B&W developing. It's pretty magical to see images appear when you dip them into a tray of chemicals. I forget all the details, but it's fun!
Never fear my pipe smoking compatriots! I have purchased a sample of every Sutliff blend and over the next 70 years I will meticulously make identical small batch blends from my kitchen. I expect order fulfillment sometime in 2096!
I’ve been an on again off again pipe smoker since 2009. I’ve had 2 blends really stand out to me which is basically all I smoke now. Boswell Northwoods and Peterson (Dunhill) Nightcap. The thought of STG discontinuing Peterson blends now has me on edge
I have some unopened sutliff tins but I ran out of my mac beren.. I love the sutliff private stock line too the molto dolce was always one of my favorites 😔
I’ve been hoping they’d find a new distributor for awhile now. Not because the product is bad, it’s great stuff, but even here in the Seattle area - where we can’t buy online - it’s extremely hard to find.
I literally tried my first HH blend ever, Old Dark Fired, decided it was a new favorite, then within the next week, all this happens. “Hey that new favorite? yeah screw you.”
Bradley, you asked why STG bought Mac Baren/Sutliff. We might also ask why MB/S sold to STG or why it did not have a better rival offer. No buyer can exist without a seller, right? Those questions may shed some light.
Yeah even if they keep blends, which are few, they are still made in a different local with homogenized ingredients, in other words not the same. However, I and hopefully most still have enough to smoke for now, and yes hopefully new maybe even local opportunities open up, cheers🎉🔥⚖️
Yeah i have a bunch of their rope toby and love it. Stocked up on Night cap years ago due this same sort of issue. My favorite. Not doing it this time. There are other blends I like just as much now.
Read a comment from Wortzel that ODF only sold 250 ilbs. in Germany last year (#2 pipe tobacco market). He didn't say what its USA sales were. So, it just may not be a big seller though I thought was. In a recent interview with Per Jensen by an Italian piper it was stated that over 50% of Mac Baren sales was Scottish Mixture alone. No wonder they axed most everything else.
Monopolies happen BECAUSE of big government and regulation, antitrust laws have never favored anyone. Best way to help smaller businesses is to reduce government and regulations that make it hard to be profitable. It's all the tobacco regulations that make it impossible to be a boutique tobacco blender, not large competitors.
The other potential concern is how all of this will affect smaller B&M blenders like Country Squire, Boswells, Watch City Cigar, Paul’s Pipe Shop, Strauss Tobacconist, LJ Peretti etc. I’m fairly certain Country Squire at least sourced quite a bit of its tobaccos from Sutliff, not necessarily sure about the others I mentioned. I’ve been hearing that Sutliff was a major supplier for some of these smaller shops making their own house blends though. I’m sure someone else out there can elaborate on this further, or has more insight than I do, but it seems like another possible side effect to Sutliff shutting down.
Leonard Wortzel said this in response to a question about the former Dunhill blends going away: "The Peterson blends are doing quite well actually, and nothing is being discontinued there. The U.S. is the biggest market for the brand, but it's also sold in 30+ other countries,"
So true! Not every farm's Virginia, burley, or oriental leaf has the same flavors and other characteristics. I highly doubt that all the leaf sources for MacBaren and Sutliff will be used to make their remaining blends at STG
Indeed, I had to rewatch the video because I crashed hard, and didn't retain anything. From an outsider's perspective, it really sounds like the company just wants to eliminate the competition. We saw the same thing happen in Japan several years ago where the Seiyu Group bought out Circle K. Every Circle K was then converted into Family Mart convenience stores. For reference, the Seiyu Group was bought out by Walmart in 2008, so they control everything in the Seiyu Group, which includes Seiyu stores and Family Mart convenience stores. When I did a Google street view tour of Edmonton for the sake of nostalgia, I saw that all the Mac's convenience stores were replaced by Circle K locations. When I eventually come home, it's going to be like a time warp in a weird way. I think that Circle K is by no means a small company, but the fact that they were eliminated so quickly in Japan just goes to show you how powerful corporations like Walmart are. And if you have a successful and appealing brand, it's easy to see why you would agree to a buy out. You either agree to the offer that you're given, or the corporation will just come in, set up shop anyway, and destroy your business. What choice do you have? Just a quick edit to add, have you considered doing sleep ASMR content? I think you have the voice to put out that sort of content and do well. If you're narrating Reddit stories or viewer submitted stories, and people are falling asleep to it, people aren't losing out on information like on the Sunday Stuff and Things. I grew up in a loud household, and I still have to have something on in the background to fall asleep to. There seems to be a very large market for this sort of thing, judging from the subscriber counts on other channels I follow.
Yep. It's hard to read this as anything other than wanting to control as much of the market as possible. Oh well. ASMR? Haha. I hadn't considered that.
@ I can shoot you an email with more info about narration if you’re interested. I’ve considered it myself, but it’s such a huge deviation from the content I’ve made.
I always felt that I was the only one that ever smoked and loved club blend and dark twist. I’ll buy as much as I can of it from now on but it is hard to accept that they’ll go. A bit of history gone.
About developing your own b&w photo's: don't spend a fortune on new dark room equipment. You can buy those second hand for ridiculously low prices. Ever since the introduction of digital photography people are getting rid of their dark room equipment and hardly anyone is buying. Ofcourse I am speaking as a European, I don't know how big the home development market used to be in the states, but over here you can find an abundance of good equipment for a couple of quid.
Thanks! I won't be printing unfortunately, (I just don't have the room), so for developing, all I really needed was a Patterson tank, a changing bag, some graduated cylinders, and some chemicals.
The only downfall I see in the STG saga is the HH line. I went on Smoking Pipes and looked at the Sutliff blends and they all look gross. There is plenty of great tobacco to still buy without Sutliff.
You fail to realize the almost all US tobacconist blends use base ingredients from Sutliff. Surely, you cannot call gross all the house blends from Boswell's, Country Squire, etc.
I'm Farley new to Pipe smoking. Is this anything i should be worried about. Upon research i see far more company's out there who make Pipe Tabacco. So i'm guessing those brands that are going away are alot of smokers favorite brands.
I heard someone in the Mac Baren family recently passed and that's why they allowed themselves to be bought out. Since Sutliff fell under their umbrella, they were swept along with the parent company. Could we have lost Mac Baren and Sutliff altogether? Possibly. STG is also geared differently at the present. And they did indeed save others in the past. Let's not forget that. I'm interested to see what might be in the long term future for STG. They've weathered more than Sutliff or Mac Baren at this point. Time will tell. Harv
So long Bengal Slices and Hearth and Home blends. Glad I have 10 Bengal slices black label. Guess I'll open one every 3 years. Geez. Poor blend got discontinued before now getting axed again.
Dunhill was "discontinued", but resurrected as Peterson. I'm holding out hope that the HH line will fare the same. I really love the Sutliff Burley Delight, and hate to see that go (once I've gone through the 3 pounds I stocked up on). Let's not mention SPC hopefully finding a new producer.
Regarding Sutliff and MacBaren, "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" As to the nearsighted seagull alighting on my head, yes, I do resemble a piling. The beach at which this happened was at the home of Jackie Kennedy's mother and stepfather. After a tour of the house, a very attractive young lady walked over to me and said, "You were born in Virginia.". Indeed I was. After my head stopped spinning so I could reply coherently, she was gone. A most unusual day.
@@stuffandthingsyoutube The day started even wilder. I took a 7:00 am flight out of Louisville. The previous evening, there had been a free concert by many of the stars of Motown Records, and many of them were still jamin' on the plane! I sat beside "Dancin' in the Streets" Martha Reeves, and carried her bag when we had to change planes in Pittsburgh. She kissed me on the cheek, lowered her sunglasses and said, "Thank you, baby." Hell of a start to an amazing day!
Many online sites are SOLD OUT of many Sutliff blends from people hoarding, which makes sense. The question is - will Sutliff be restocking these OR are those that are sold out gone forever??? Help us get this question answered!! Then what about LJ Peretti, Watch City Cigars (those with their own blends) - are they going to be done too??
Laudisi may have an opportunity here to become a new supplier through a wholesale distribution through C&D. Though FDA regs would need to be axed by the incoming administration.
I know there is a lot of great blends out there available through other companies but my go to go aced with this whole catastrophe. I’ve got plenty stocked up but the thing that bothers me the most is the public e*ecution of, let’s just call it, the entirety of the brands. I’m not saying don’t buy from any particular manufacturers because we all have different tastes in what we like but to me this acquisition was nothing more than a power move, by a brand that could, eliminate some of the competition when the situation presented itself. I personally think STG is on their way to buying out the industry.
Some other "wonderful" news: If you notice on that letter, those few remaining Mac Baren blends will no longer be able to be bought either in bulk or by the pound; just in those select tin sizes. It'll be that much harder (read, "more expensive") to cellar those remaining blends in quantity.
Also wanted to know what your opinion is for the outlook for the smaller blenders like Boswell, Country Squire, KBV, etc that are possibly (probably) supplied by Sutliff. I’m VERY new to the hobby, so I am wondering how easy it will be to resource their tobacco for house blends. It’s more than just losing Sutliff and Mac Baden blends, but also potentially crippling or even destroying our market of smaller blenders.
Pretty devastating indeed. I wonder what will replace Old Dark Fired for me. I suppose Irish Flake is somewhat similar? (Is it?) It's a Peterson blend, so who knows if that'll survive either. Irish Flake from what I remember from your review is quite strong in the N department, which might be a problem, as I'm not very resistant.
It's been a long time but I remember Peterson Irish Flake is reasonably stronger than ODF. Old Dark Fired is a sister blend to St. Bruno. It seems to me to be a similar production method and leaf composition, but St. Bruno is far lesser in strength with less dark fired leaf in the blend and has a Lakeland topping that is sort of sweat citrus and perfumy bergamot. Some Gawith & Hoggarth flakes might be good substitutes: #7 Broken Flake and Coniston Cut Plug.
@@stuffandthingsyoutube In any case, blends that were already very hard to find here in Brazil will just tend to get even harder or impossible to find with all the panic buying. Oh well. Time to find a new favourite burley blend. I wonder if I'd enjoy C&D's burley flake series.
Start the good hard look at Cornell & Diehl and their subsidiaries- C&D, including Briarworks, G.L. Pease, Captain Earle's, Two Friends, Drucquer & Sons, Low Country, Warped, Kramer's.
And remember Denmark where they make this hh line ...we have not been able to buy it in 3 years ....and you pathetic fools are crying about hh blends ....I farth in your direction USA!!! Crybabies!
If we are lucky. C&D will revive the flake line, or GL Pease. They are too popular. At least I was able to get my hand on a few pounds of SPC blends, I was too late for the Mac Baren flakes.
I tried to order some Mac Baren Classic Loose Cut here in the UK this week - The one online retailer that showed stock, infact didn't, so my payment was refunded. In the course of querying this I asked if they had any info on the STG consolidation, and the response was "The only casualty confirmed is the old Dunhill brands produced under the Peterson label which will be discontinued". Whatever the reality turns out to be, its pretty devastating. I just ordered 300g of Sutliff Mount Street - I wonder how long it will take for these lines to deplete from UK retailers. HH Old Dark Fired was available last week, and I meant to order some but didn't - Big regret, since just a week later and its now sold out everywhere
I don’t understand how they can claim they are stepping in to save pipe tobacco and all that and simultaneously stop making almost all of the products from the company they “saved.” Also, how can the rep from STG claim their facilities do everything the Sutliff facility can, but then in the next breath say they do completely different batch sizes so they can’t do the recipes from Sutliff. Corporate speak always contradicts itself when it’s allowed to speak long enough. Thanks for the information and keeping everyone on the same page and providing a realistic opinion and appropriate reaction.
McBarron seven seas regular was my blend, it’s all I smoke. I actually thought to myself not long ago, as they keep making it I’ll be fine and now I hear this. If I don’t find a replacement soon, it might be the end of my pipe smoking journy and I won’t be buying an ounce of it in spite. The hunt resumes.
To me it’s not the loss of Sutliff or Mac Baren, but of those they helped out or blended for. We lose Hearth & Home, Seattle Pipe Club (huge loss hopefully not forever), War Horse, Bengal Slices, Per Jensen, Savinelli, John Cottons (been around for ever! A big loss!), Amphora. Those are just off the top of my head. There are many others also loss. This isn’t just losing Sutliff and MB, it’s losing dozens of others too.
It's definitely a disappointment just how many blends are going away, and there are a few I'll really miss (Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia and Sutliff Pumpkin Spice especially) but I am taking some consolation in the fact that many of the longstanding big name blends will be continuing. I'm an avid enjoyer of the current version of Three Nuns, and a pipe smoking world without Capstan Blue would be a sad place indeed. I know St. Bruno is extremely well regarded over in Europe as well, though I've never tried it myself, and Presbyterian Mixture is a real one-of-a-kind English blend that I'm happy will be sticking around too. So, it's not all doom and gloom. Just mostly doom and gloom. 😅
Sad… I think there is a connection to the European market where the EU has introduced strict T regulations where companies have to show proof of the whole production process. So every blend goes through this very spendy regulatory process. All the small blenders are closing or fleeing under the roof of STG who can afford this annoying process. HH was sooo good! Take care!
just got off phone with Sutliff. Well Cynthia at sutliffe soon to be unemployed. she confirmed that 4 bulk and 4 mac barens are all that will be left after the centralization and fast food model is fully implemented by herr STG ..... ugh. anyway we had snow and my usps label got canceled . i asked her about that because my nicotine titration comes first before any economic nonsense. peace😊
My good friend Bradley.. I suspect that is a list of Mac Baren blends that are not discontinued, which were made in the USA by Sutliff for Mac Baren The MacBaren blends that are made in Denmark might possibly survive... There's no official list from STG yet, Is there? Or Mac Baren? I might be wrong, so many speculations around.
Bradley, I also agree with this comment. Why would information about Mac Baren factory produced blends come under a letter head of their subsidiary. This letter seems to refer to MB blends made by the Sutliff factory
@@Patf1968 - The letter seems to be about all of the blends produced by Mac Baren and Sutliff: "We also reviewed the pipe tobacco portfolios from both companies, and we have decided that we will maintain the following skus from the existing Mac Baren/ Sutliff portfolio once production moves to the STG Assens factory... All other Mac Baren / Sutliff pipe tobacco skus will be discontinued after existing inventories are sold after production ends on February 28, 2025..." And Sutliff doesn't produce Capstan (Mac Baren does), yet it was listed as one of the few blends remaining. No, I'm pretty sure that the list I read out represents the only blends that will be kept from the combined Sutliff/Mac Baren lines.
@stuffandthingsyoutube i could have spent the rest of my day's happy with Old Dark Fired and Pure Virginia Of course, the universe has different plans as usual, lol ...bloody pirates!
Gang… to C&D I go! There are some excellent blends there. It also includes Briarworks, G.L. Pease, Captain Earle's, Two Friends, Drucquer & Sons, Low Country, Warped, Kramer's
Drucquer is owned by GL Pease. He's another boutique blender that should be supported. Yes, C&D does package his stuff, so supporting him also helps keep C&D afloat.
In my experience, the most staunch anti cigarette people i know and meet admit that pipe smoking is an unfortunate casualty in the war on Big Tobacco. They seem to prefer codger room notes for sentimental reasons.
I think they bought Mac Baren and Sutliff to eliminate competition and boost market share. Well, I am bummed about the SPC blends, especially Plum Pudding. I've got about 10 ounces now. I think I heard someone say they may relaunch the HH brands under a different name. I hope so. I dig HH Burley Flake. My hope is that C and D will take up the SPC blends too. And I sincerely hope that STG sells blending components or C and D starts selling them to US shops. We shall see. But I honestly don't buy many STG products anyway, and they discontinued almost everything I like from Mac Baren but 3 nuns, Presby, and Capstan. So it'll be easy for me to just not buy anything from STG. Just awful to ax two companies that've been around over 300 years collectively.
Hey Bradley, I'm The Persy, and I run a small Italian RUclips channel called "Aeronauti del Tabacco e della Pipa". I watched your video about the STG email regarding the acquisition of Mac Baren and Sutliff. Do you know if the changes mentioned affect only the U.S. market, or will they also impact production and markets in Europe, including Italy? Thanks for your attention!
@stuffandthingsyoutube That’s really bad news. In Italy, the Amphora series is quite successful due to its good quality-to-price ratio, while the HH series is fairly expensive because of taxation (except for the Vintage Latakia). For example, they cost €29.50, which is about $30.80. I just hope the Peterson series will at least continue to be produced.
Wow I'm very new to pipe smoking about a year in and there are so many blends I never get to try that people are raving about. Namely the hh line. They completely decimated the whole catalogue, I'm really actually sad. They really just said "we're gonna buy out the company entirely, here's 15 smokes."
I truly believe the US production should be saved as a historical marker; to the importance of tobacco in the birth of our nation. Seriously. I normally do not go in for abuses of the flag for commercial purposes but there are always exceptions. MMC has a fantastic little museum. Buy a Country Gentleman while you're there.
Phew! I smoke only two MB products: St. Bruno and Mixture Scottish. Talk about mixed emotions. Feel bad for the guys who will get gouged in the coming years when buying MB on the private market. Already seeing it with McClelland and other defunct brands. Guess no one's making them buy, but still.
um.... so stg buys up everything and c and has to be bulk supplier?My last VaPer flake batch from Richmond was dry. Don''t spec it ll get much better reckon. Dern. somebody HAS to have a stash of 79 !
Hello Bill, Thank you for reaching out. We are happy to inform you that the full line of Peterson products will continue to be sold. At STG, we value the Peterson brand and its fans, and are proud to continue to make their products available. Sincerely, Customer Service Department Scandinavian Tobacco Group Lane Ltd.
Tons of stuff has gone to sh!t over the past decade or so but especially the pipe T hobby. I'm exaggerating a bit but when I started in 2010 there was much more variety and you could get a good briar pipe for $30 and can't remember a 2oz tin above $8-9... Luckily I don't smoke that much and have a decent little cellar.
"Stepped in"??! STG "stepped in" for Sutliff and Mac Baren? Taking over a business, closing its factories, destroying its machines, firing its employees, and stopping production in nearly all its products -- including in this case exemplary, legendary, masterpiece blends -- is not what most people understand by the generous gesture of 'stepping in' to save something.
Agree completely. This was solely a move to crush competition and corner the market. STG has absolutely no consideration for pipesmokers, blenders, farmers or tobacco industry employees. This is nothing but corporate profiteering
Him pretending STG is the hero is such bull shit. Dont get me wrong, this is Mac Baren's fault. But dont pretend to be the hero when you buy out the industry to end it!!!
Nice to see a fellow Acadian Perique fan. That stuff was/is GREAT. One thing about cellaring is sometimes you go back to find something after a very long time and find you are too late. I didn't realize Acadian Perique had been discontinued for nine months the last time I went looking for it. I still have a lot but it hurt last year when I went to top off on Acadian Perique and found that it is gone. Another funny thing about cellaring: tobacco tastes better after it is discontinued. Even if you know it's in your head, you taste more when you know you're smoking the last of something.
@@leftyme4568 fortunately stocked up on 14 tins of those some ready rubbed and some flake. Considering to bump it up to 20. Honestly prefer to gold than the blue.
Thank you for resisting the urge to appear business-savvy and "enlightened" by downplaying the bad news and making vague statements about "this is how business operates."
Please nglpos, inform us of who IS trying to appear business savvy and enlightened by downplaying this news? Don't be vague when you are trying to throw shade at people behind a keyboard....
@@nglpos wow can't even back up what you originally said. I'm not the angry one, you made that clear who is in your first post. I was pretty sure you wouldn't be able to back up that keyboard warrior talk of yours lol. I genuinely wanted to know who you meant cuz I don't see anyone doing that. In fact I see people doing exactly what you are doing all over the place.
@@mokgable I thanked a man for not doing something I dislike. If you're truly interested in who might be doing that kind of stuff, go put in the work. Stop looking for handouts---especially via angry requests to me.
Thanks again for the quality reporting on this issue!
Thanks for the update, Bradley! It won’t affect me a lot, but I hate seeing companies leave the US. There will be a lot of layoffs. There will be a ripple effect if Sutliff supplies bulk to blenders. I hate it for the industry.
I will miss Sutliff Voodoo Queen, MacBaren Dark Twist, and MacBaren HH Burley Flake.
My bigger concern is STG's plan to trim their own brands and blends pretty aggressively. Particularly the former Dunhill blends.
Oh, and MacBaren Golden Extra. 😢
One thing I really liked about Sutliff is that they made matches for otherwise disconinued famous vintage blends:
RR MATCH, Walnut, Revelation. I have Sutliff's RR MATCH and Revelation MATCH and they are both interesting.
I emailed you Bradley about a vintage Russian blend I have in case you wanted a sample.
I like the background music when he gives shout outs to all the generous patreon peeps. Kinda reminds me of the intro to an NBA game
Pour one out for anyone who smokes rustica. Sutliff/MB were literally the only pipe T makers processing that leaf. They also produced the best dark fired of anyone in the industry. I got as many pounds of HH Rustica and ODF as I could afford. Edit: Gawith Hoggarth is a close second, for dark fired and other smoke-cured varieties.
Well crud. Thank you for your diligent research. I did stock up a bit on my favorite HH blends, and they'll keep making the Mac Baren Virginia flake I like. The hobby will go on...
Glad you got some stash in.
R.I.P. Mac Baren Plumcake and the Seven Seas Blends!
Damn shame
@@ashesofthephoenix4605 going to miss that bite eh?
So many of my favorite blends are done. Hooray.
I'm excited for the next working video!
Thanks for the follow up and clarification! Unfortunate indeed.
The word I hear from sources is that if the trademarks were already owned by STG before the buyout all of those will be safely left in the line. At the end of the day the strategy at STG was to eliminate any tobacco blends that would successfully compete with the Lane Ltd. line of bulk aromatics, which have to be the main "cash cow'" in the STG stable.The line of Peterson tins for example do not compete with the Lane bulk blends as the market for those blends is a completely different demographic than the average Lane 1Q smoker. The Lane 1q smoker is very unlikely to cellar any of that aromatic whereas the fan of 965, Peterson flake, etc has an entirely different take on the hobby, not better or worse but just a different type of customer. I would hazard a guess that no body is going to cellar Creme Brulee, the reason that one was left available is simple. At present we are going through a major resurgence of interest in pipe smoking from new smokers and they ALL want to try yummy sounding tobacs like Creme Brulee. However the bloom disappears from that rose when they filnd out it is tasteless. However since EVERYBODY tries it as a newbie it shows big sales figures but almost no repeat sales. I suspect STG did not take a look at this trend when deciding what to keep in the line. When the inevitable downturn in pipe smoking, and it is coming as it did in the 1980s when the Tinderbox Franchises collapsed the Creme Brulees of the world will not look so attractive at least in terms of high sales figures.
Good points!
Being a relatively "new" pipe enthusiest (~2 yr, left for 10 yrs, returned 3 yrs ago)...I happen to love the "yummy sounding" Creme Brulee, Black Cordial, and Vanilla Custard.
I tried...really, really, tried...the English, Latakia, etc. type blends but they all pretty much taste the same and not really in a good way (to me).
I only write this in reply to the declarative statement that the "bloom disappears from the rose" because "yummy sounding" aromatics are found to be"tasteless" is rather...well...declarative. :)
When jarred correctly, those aros can last quite a long time.
Perhaps I'm not refined enough. Meh.
All I know is that I'm not gonna spend $30 for a 1.5oz tin of Plumb Pudding that not only I, but everyone in my house, will not appreciate.
When I fire up the Creme Brulee (or Cest La Vie Chocolate Eclaire...always a winner) I get nothing but compliments.
Makes me happy, makes those around me happy.
Newbie here, and I agree with this post wholeheartedly.
I assisted a photographer back in my theatre days and learned B&W developing. It's pretty magical to see images appear when you dip them into a tray of chemicals. I forget all the details, but it's fun!
Agreed, dodge and burn techniques, the latent image coming up - it felt like magic
Yep. There's definitely something very cool about unspooling that roll of film and seeing all those tiny negatives.
Never fear my pipe smoking compatriots! I have purchased a sample of every Sutliff blend and over the next 70 years I will meticulously make identical small batch blends from my kitchen. I expect order fulfillment sometime in 2096!
Thanks for the update! I was really hoping some of the SPC blends would be continued...
I’ve been an on again off again pipe smoker since 2009. I’ve had 2 blends really stand out to me which is basically all I smoke now. Boswell Northwoods and Peterson (Dunhill) Nightcap. The thought of STG discontinuing Peterson blends now has me on edge
Sounds like they're most likely safe for now.
I have some unopened sutliff tins but I ran out of my mac beren.. I love the sutliff private stock line too the molto dolce was always one of my favorites 😔
Damn. Does that mean the Seattle Pipe Club line is going away?
For now. Hopefully they can find a new blender to produce their products.
@@calebnels2999 good riddance, that stuff is unnecessarily overpriced, Plum pudding is $21 for a 2 oz tin. Ridiculous.
I’ve been hoping they’d find a new distributor for awhile now. Not because the product is bad, it’s great stuff, but even here in the Seattle area - where we can’t buy online - it’s extremely hard to find.
A rumor is that they might get picked up by laudisi and blended by C&D. BUT, it's just a rumor. I don't know if there is any truth to this at all.
@ Going to say a prayer for that. Love the plum pudding. Legit sad if it goes away.
HH virginia is something difficult to miss
I literally tried my first HH blend ever, Old Dark Fired, decided it was a new favorite, then within the next week, all this happens. “Hey that new favorite? yeah screw you.”
Let me know if the Peterson blends will still be available please.
Right on time! But it’s 5:00 am and why am I still up? I’ll probably fall asleep with this on and need to rewatch it later, lol.
Haha! Fair enough!
Well... Can t say i m thrilled by how 2025 is starting so far.
Bradley, you asked why STG bought Mac Baren/Sutliff. We might also ask why MB/S sold to STG or why it did not have a better rival offer. No buyer can exist without a seller, right? Those questions may shed some light.
"We're closing the Sutliff plant because we can produce it all in our own factory."
"Also, we're discontinuing, well, everything."
it is business ....just like Trump saying he will build a wall.,....and he never did
Wow, just what we need here. Politics.
No, we really don't. me some Mac Baren Golden Extra.
Perhaps you can reach out to Seattle pipe club and find out what they plan on doing next since sutliff will no longer be producing those blends.
Yeah even if they keep blends, which are few, they are still made in a different local with homogenized ingredients, in other words not the same. However, I and hopefully most still have enough to smoke for now, and yes hopefully new maybe even local opportunities open up, cheers🎉🔥⚖️
We'll see what happens!
Bradley you will need to stock up on Elizabethan, myself I mostly smoke Samuel gawith so still plenty of that, for the moment anyway.
Yeah i have a bunch of their rope toby and love it. Stocked up on Night cap years ago due this same sort of issue. My favorite. Not doing it this time. There are other blends I like just as much now.
Read a comment from Wortzel that ODF only sold 250 ilbs. in Germany last year (#2 pipe tobacco market). He didn't say what its USA sales were. So, it just may not be a big seller though I thought was. In a recent interview with Per Jensen by an Italian piper it was stated that over 50% of Mac Baren sales was Scottish Mixture alone. No wonder they axed most everything else.
Interesting. Crazy to think that a blend with so many fans could sell so little.
STG buying up all of the small blend companies is about having a monopoly. If we still had effective antitrust laws, monopolies wouldn't happen.
Monopolies happen BECAUSE of big government and regulation, antitrust laws have never favored anyone. Best way to help smaller businesses is to reduce government and regulations that make it hard to be profitable. It's all the tobacco regulations that make it impossible to be a boutique tobacco blender, not large competitors.
@@fauxshowyoprecisely and people don't realize how much trouble the ones who still remain are currently in.
The other potential concern is how all of this will affect smaller B&M blenders like Country Squire, Boswells, Watch City Cigar, Paul’s Pipe Shop, Strauss Tobacconist, LJ Peretti etc. I’m fairly certain Country Squire at least sourced quite a bit of its tobaccos from Sutliff, not necessarily sure about the others I mentioned. I’ve been hearing that Sutliff was a major supplier for some of these smaller shops making their own house blends though. I’m sure someone else out there can elaborate on this further, or has more insight than I do, but it seems like another possible side effect to Sutliff shutting down.
when will we get a stuff and things blend, sounds like the market needs it
Leonard Wortzel said this in response to a question about the former Dunhill blends going away:
"The Peterson blends are doing quite well actually, and nothing is being discontinued there. The U.S. is the biggest market for the brand, but it's also sold in 30+ other countries,"
Even the blends that are staying on its possible they will go through recipe changes..
So true! Not every farm's Virginia, burley, or oriental leaf has the same flavors and other characteristics. I highly doubt that all the leaf sources for MacBaren and Sutliff will be used to make their remaining blends at STG
Indeed, I had to rewatch the video because I crashed hard, and didn't retain anything. From an outsider's perspective, it really sounds like the company just wants to eliminate the competition. We saw the same thing happen in Japan several years ago where the Seiyu Group bought out Circle K. Every Circle K was then converted into Family Mart convenience stores. For reference, the Seiyu Group was bought out by Walmart in 2008, so they control everything in the Seiyu Group, which includes Seiyu stores and Family Mart convenience stores.
When I did a Google street view tour of Edmonton for the sake of nostalgia, I saw that all the Mac's convenience stores were replaced by Circle K locations. When I eventually come home, it's going to be like a time warp in a weird way.
I think that Circle K is by no means a small company, but the fact that they were eliminated so quickly in Japan just goes to show you how powerful corporations like Walmart are. And if you have a successful and appealing brand, it's easy to see why you would agree to a buy out. You either agree to the offer that you're given, or the corporation will just come in, set up shop anyway, and destroy your business. What choice do you have?
Just a quick edit to add, have you considered doing sleep ASMR content? I think you have the voice to put out that sort of content and do well. If you're narrating Reddit stories or viewer submitted stories, and people are falling asleep to it, people aren't losing out on information like on the Sunday Stuff and Things. I grew up in a loud household, and I still have to have something on in the background to fall asleep to. There seems to be a very large market for this sort of thing, judging from the subscriber counts on other channels I follow.
Yep. It's hard to read this as anything other than wanting to control as much of the market as possible. Oh well.
ASMR? Haha. I hadn't considered that.
@ I can shoot you an email with more info about narration if you’re interested. I’ve considered it myself, but it’s such a huge deviation from the content I’ve made.
The HH tobaccos are out 😢
I always felt that I was the only one that ever smoked and loved club blend and dark twist. I’ll buy as much as I can of it from now on but it is hard to accept that they’ll go. A bit of history gone.
About developing your own b&w photo's: don't spend a fortune on new dark room equipment. You can buy those second hand for ridiculously low prices. Ever since the introduction of digital photography people are getting rid of their dark room equipment and hardly anyone is buying.
Ofcourse I am speaking as a European, I don't know how big the home development market used to be in the states, but over here you can find an abundance of good equipment for a couple of quid.
Thanks! I won't be printing unfortunately, (I just don't have the room), so for developing, all I really needed was a Patterson tank, a changing bag, some graduated cylinders, and some chemicals.
Am really going to miss Sutliff Eastfarthing...
That was a good blend. I'm sitting here realizing I now have many unicorn blends in my cellar.
The only downfall I see in the STG saga is the HH line.
I went on Smoking Pipes and looked at the Sutliff blends and they all look gross.
There is plenty of great tobacco to still buy without Sutliff.
You fail to realize the almost all US tobacconist blends use base ingredients from Sutliff. Surely, you cannot call gross all the house blends from Boswell's, Country Squire, etc.
Seattle Pipe Club blends (i.e. Plum Pudding) will be out as well.....
This is a freaking nightmare. I might as well quit smoking. 😅😂
Welcome everyone to C&D
Their cake and flake tobaccos are wonderful
Good luck finding suitable replacements for your favorites
I'm Farley new to Pipe smoking. Is this anything i should be worried about. Upon research i see far more company's out there who make Pipe Tabacco. So i'm guessing those brands that are going away are alot of smokers favorite brands.
I heard someone in the Mac Baren family recently passed and that's why they allowed themselves to be bought out. Since Sutliff fell under their umbrella, they were swept along with the parent company. Could we have lost Mac Baren and Sutliff altogether? Possibly. STG is also geared differently at the present. And they did indeed save others in the past. Let's not forget that.
I'm interested to see what might be in the long term future for STG. They've weathered more than Sutliff or Mac Baren at this point. Time will tell.
So long Bengal Slices and Hearth and Home blends. Glad I have 10 Bengal slices black label. Guess I'll open one every 3 years. Geez. Poor blend got discontinued before now getting axed again.
Dunhill was "discontinued", but resurrected as Peterson. I'm holding out hope that the HH line will fare the same. I really love the Sutliff Burley Delight, and hate to see that go (once I've gone through the 3 pounds I stocked up on). Let's not mention SPC hopefully finding a new producer.
I hope so too.
Any news about Dunhill 965 or Orlik golden sliced? Losing those two would be devastating.
Those are STG blends already so should be safe.
STG rep stated at PipesMagazine that the Peterson/Dunhill blends aren’t going anywhere.
Sounds like they should be safe for now.
Regarding Sutliff and MacBaren, "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" As to the nearsighted seagull alighting on my head, yes, I do resemble a piling. The beach at which this happened was at the home of Jackie Kennedy's mother and stepfather. After a tour of the house, a very attractive young lady walked over to me and said, "You were born in Virginia.". Indeed I was. After my head stopped spinning so I could reply coherently, she was gone. A most unusual day.
Haha! It certainly sounds like it!
@@stuffandthingsyoutube The day started even wilder. I took a 7:00 am flight out of Louisville. The previous evening, there had been a free concert by many of the stars of Motown Records, and many of them were still jamin' on the plane! I sat beside "Dancin' in the Streets" Martha Reeves, and carried her bag when we had to change planes in Pittsburgh. She kissed me on the cheek, lowered her sunglasses and said, "Thank you, baby." Hell of a start to an amazing day!
Would love to see you review Oriental silk by C&D
Change is inevitable.
Many online sites are SOLD OUT of many Sutliff blends from people hoarding, which makes sense. The question is - will Sutliff be restocking these OR are those that are sold out gone forever??? Help us get this question answered!! Then what about LJ Peretti, Watch City Cigars (those with their own blends) - are they going to be done too??
Laudisi may have an opportunity here to become a new supplier through a wholesale distribution through C&D. Though FDA regs would need to be axed by the incoming administration.
So, what about RLP- 6 and Lane 1Q?
Sad news to loose all the HH Ts... I also experimented with developing B&W film in the College
I know there is a lot of great blends out there available through other companies but my go to go aced with this whole catastrophe. I’ve got plenty stocked up but the thing that bothers me the most is the public e*ecution of, let’s just call it, the entirety of the brands. I’m not saying don’t buy from any particular manufacturers because we all have different tastes in what we like but to me this acquisition was nothing more than a power move, by a brand that could, eliminate some of the competition when the situation presented itself. I personally think STG is on their way to buying out the industry.
Some other "wonderful" news: If you notice on that letter, those few remaining Mac Baren blends will no longer be able to be bought either in bulk or by the pound; just in those select tin sizes. It'll be that much harder (read, "more expensive") to cellar those remaining blends in quantity.
Also wanted to know what your opinion is for the outlook for the smaller blenders like Boswell, Country Squire, KBV, etc that are possibly (probably) supplied by Sutliff. I’m VERY new to the hobby, so I am wondering how easy it will be to resource their tobacco for house blends. It’s more than just losing Sutliff and Mac Baden blends, but also potentially crippling or even destroying our market of smaller blenders.
Pretty devastating indeed. I wonder what will replace Old Dark Fired for me. I suppose Irish Flake is somewhat similar? (Is it?) It's a Peterson blend, so who knows if that'll survive either. Irish Flake from what I remember from your review is quite strong in the N department, which might be a problem, as I'm not very resistant.
It's been a long time but I remember Peterson Irish Flake is reasonably stronger than ODF. Old Dark Fired is a sister blend to St. Bruno. It seems to me to be a similar production method and leaf composition, but St. Bruno is far lesser in strength with less dark fired leaf in the blend and has a Lakeland topping that is sort of sweat citrus and perfumy bergamot. Some Gawith & Hoggarth flakes might be good substitutes: #7 Broken Flake and Coniston Cut Plug.
I enjoy Irish Flake, but I don't think it's very close to ODF. Still a good burley blend in its own right though.
@@stuffandthingsyoutube In any case, blends that were already very hard to find here in Brazil will just tend to get even harder or impossible to find with all the panic buying. Oh well. Time to find a new favourite burley blend. I wonder if I'd enjoy C&D's burley flake series.
Mac Baron Cube was one of the only aromatics I really liked.. just checked my tobacconist, and it's no longer available ! What a disaster 😑
WTF, all my blends are gone, what am I gonna smoke ?
Start the good hard look at Cornell & Diehl and their subsidiaries- C&D, including Briarworks, G.L. Pease, Captain Earle's, Two Friends, Drucquer & Sons, Low Country, Warped, Kramer's.
Gawith and wessex if you like burleys.
I'm completely devasted that Mac Baren Burley Flake will be least, they could have left the whole HH line, Jesus!
Right! I was shocked about that. HH Burly Flake was in my top 5 blends. I snatched a few pounds.
ODF is my favorite blend. It’s disgraceful what they’re doing. So many blends and so much history all being thrown away.
@@WhitePony556 Absolutely agree with you
And remember Denmark where they make this hh line ...we have not been able to buy it in 3 years ....and you pathetic fools are crying about hh blends ....I farth in your direction USA!!! Crybabies!
If we are lucky. C&D will revive the flake line, or GL Pease. They are too popular. At least I was able to get my hand on a few pounds of SPC blends, I was too late for the Mac Baren flakes.
I tried to order some Mac Baren Classic Loose Cut here in the UK this week - The one online retailer that showed stock, infact didn't, so my payment was refunded. In the course of querying this I asked if they had any info on the STG consolidation, and the response was "The only casualty confirmed is the old Dunhill brands produced under the Peterson label which will be discontinued". Whatever the reality turns out to be, its pretty devastating. I just ordered 300g of Sutliff Mount Street - I wonder how long it will take for these lines to deplete from UK retailers. HH Old Dark Fired was available last week, and I meant to order some but didn't - Big regret, since just a week later and its now sold out everywhere
I hope that's not the case! They will supposedly still be available in the USA anyway.
I don’t understand how they can claim they are stepping in to save pipe tobacco and all that and simultaneously stop making almost all of the products from the company they “saved.”
Also, how can the rep from STG claim their facilities do everything the Sutliff facility can, but then in the next breath say they do completely different batch sizes so they can’t do the recipes from Sutliff. Corporate speak always contradicts itself when it’s allowed to speak long enough.
Thanks for the information and keeping everyone on the same page and providing a realistic opinion and appropriate reaction.
McBarron seven seas regular was my blend, it’s all I smoke. I actually thought to myself not long ago, as they keep making it I’ll be fine and now I hear this. If I don’t find a replacement soon, it might be the end of my pipe smoking journy and I won’t be buying an ounce of it in spite. The hunt resumes.
I hope you find a worthy replacement!
To me it’s not the loss of Sutliff or Mac Baren, but of those they helped out or blended for.
We lose Hearth & Home, Seattle Pipe Club (huge loss hopefully not forever), War Horse, Bengal Slices, Per Jensen, Savinelli, John Cottons (been around for ever! A big loss!), Amphora. Those are just off the top of my head. There are many others also loss. This isn’t just losing Sutliff and MB, it’s losing dozens of others too.
Bradley , please would you have a look see at the comment on your latest on the Barens products I have left
It's definitely a disappointment just how many blends are going away, and there are a few I'll really miss (Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia and Sutliff Pumpkin Spice especially) but I am taking some consolation in the fact that many of the longstanding big name blends will be continuing. I'm an avid enjoyer of the current version of Three Nuns, and a pipe smoking world without Capstan Blue would be a sad place indeed. I know St. Bruno is extremely well regarded over in Europe as well, though I've never tried it myself, and Presbyterian Mixture is a real one-of-a-kind English blend that I'm happy will be sticking around too. So, it's not all doom and gloom. Just mostly doom and gloom. 😅
Sad… I think there is a connection to the European market where the EU has introduced strict T regulations where companies have to show proof of the whole production process. So every blend goes through this very spendy regulatory process. All the small blenders are closing or fleeing under the roof of STG who can afford this annoying process. HH was sooo good! Take care!
just got off phone with Sutliff. Well Cynthia at sutliffe soon to be unemployed. she confirmed that 4 bulk and 4 mac barens are all that will be left after the centralization and fast food model is fully implemented by herr STG ..... ugh. anyway we had snow and my usps label got canceled . i asked her about that because my nicotine titration comes first before any economic nonsense. peace😊
Do you think STG will supply T to other producers, such as Seattle Pipe Club, so they can still sell their popular blends?
My good friend Bradley..
I suspect that is a list of Mac Baren blends that are not discontinued, which were made in the USA by Sutliff for Mac Baren
The MacBaren blends that are made in Denmark might possibly survive...
There's no official list from STG yet,
Is there?
Or Mac Baren?
I might be wrong, so many speculations around.
As far as I know, the blends that I read out in the video are the only ones remaining from Sutliff and Mac Baren.
Bradley, I also agree with this comment. Why would information about Mac Baren factory produced blends come under a letter head of their subsidiary. This letter seems to refer to MB blends made by the Sutliff factory
@@Patf1968 - The letter seems to be about all of the blends produced by Mac Baren and Sutliff: "We also reviewed the pipe tobacco portfolios from both companies, and we have decided that we will maintain the following skus from the existing Mac Baren/ Sutliff portfolio once production moves to the STG Assens factory... All other Mac Baren / Sutliff pipe tobacco skus will be discontinued after existing inventories are sold after production ends on February 28, 2025..." And Sutliff doesn't produce Capstan (Mac Baren does), yet it was listed as one of the few blends remaining. No, I'm pretty sure that the list I read out represents the only blends that will be kept from the combined Sutliff/Mac Baren lines.
i could have spent the rest of my day's happy with Old Dark Fired and Pure Virginia
Of course, the universe has different plans as usual, lol
...bloody pirates!
@stuffandthingsyoutube yes,
I was wrong
ODF was supposed to last forever! 😢
Gang… to C&D I go! There are some excellent blends there.
It also includes Briarworks, G.L. Pease, Captain Earle's, Two Friends, Drucquer & Sons, Low Country, Warped, Kramer's
Kramers is a Sutliff product
Drucquer is owned by GL Pease. He's another boutique blender that should be supported. Yes, C&D does package his stuff, so supporting him also helps keep C&D afloat.
In my experience, the most staunch anti cigarette people i know and meet admit that pipe smoking is an unfortunate casualty in the war on Big Tobacco.
They seem to prefer codger room notes for sentimental reasons.
I think they bought Mac Baren and Sutliff to eliminate competition and boost market share. Well, I am bummed about the SPC blends, especially Plum Pudding. I've got about 10 ounces now. I think I heard someone say they may relaunch the HH brands under a different name. I hope so. I dig HH Burley Flake. My hope is that C and D will take up the SPC blends too. And I sincerely hope that STG sells blending components or C and D starts selling them to US shops. We shall see. But I honestly don't buy many STG products anyway, and they discontinued almost everything I like from Mac Baren but 3 nuns, Presby, and Capstan. So it'll be easy for me to just not buy anything from STG. Just awful to ax two companies that've been around over 300 years collectively.
Hey Bradley, I'm The Persy, and I run a small Italian RUclips channel called "Aeronauti del Tabacco e della Pipa". I watched your video about the STG email regarding the acquisition of Mac Baren and Sutliff. Do you know if the changes mentioned affect only the U.S. market, or will they also impact production and markets in Europe, including Italy? Thanks for your attention!
As far as I know, it will be worldwide. Thanks for watching!
@stuffandthingsyoutube That’s really bad news. In Italy, the Amphora series is quite successful due to its good quality-to-price ratio, while the HH series is fairly expensive because of taxation (except for the Vintage Latakia). For example, they cost €29.50, which is about $30.80. I just hope the Peterson series will at least continue to be produced.
just watched your review of the balkan sobranie, and not even 15 minutes later, you post this, amazing....great serendipity
I spoke with Todd. Brugman from Perretti’s, and he assured me they will not be affected in anyway.
Just saw a 3.5 oz tin of ODF on the auction site...$41. It has begun.
Wow I'm very new to pipe smoking about a year in and there are so many blends I never get to try that people are raving about. Namely the hh line. They completely decimated the whole catalogue, I'm really actually sad. They really just said "we're gonna buy out the company entirely, here's 15 smokes."
I truly believe the US production should be saved as a historical marker; to the importance of tobacco in the birth of our nation. Seriously. I normally do not go in for abuses of the flag for commercial purposes but there are always exceptions.
MMC has a fantastic little museum. Buy a Country Gentleman while you're there.
Phew! I smoke only two MB products: St. Bruno and Mixture Scottish. Talk about mixed emotions. Feel bad for the guys who will get gouged in the coming years when buying MB on the private market. Already seeing it with McClelland and other defunct brands. Guess no one's making them buy, but still.
um.... so stg buys up everything and c and has to be bulk supplier?My last VaPer flake batch from Richmond was dry. Don''t spec it ll get much better reckon. Dern. somebody HAS to have a stash of 79 !
No more Orlik?
Peterson is safe , I got an email from them
Hello Bill,
Thank you for reaching out. We are happy to inform you that the full line of Peterson products will continue to be sold. At STG, we value the Peterson brand and its fans, and are proud to continue to make their products available.
Customer Service Department
Scandinavian Tobacco Group Lane
Now if I could get Ye Olde Signe back....
Yeah, I've heard that as well!
Mac Baren also makes Amphora so I guess that's gone. I think they also make the Savinelli blends.
Also 4th Generation, Newminster bulk blends, and others. Sutliff also makes Missouri Meerschaum stuff.
Tons of stuff has gone to sh!t over the past decade or so but especially the pipe T hobby. I'm exaggerating a bit but when I started in 2010 there was much more variety and you could get a good briar pipe for $30 and can't remember a 2oz tin above $8-9... Luckily I don't smoke that much and have a decent little cellar.
dang...another one (HH) bites the dust....and sold out everywhere!!!!
"Stepped in"??! STG "stepped in" for Sutliff and Mac Baren?
Taking over a business, closing its factories, destroying its machines, firing its employees, and stopping production in nearly all its products -- including in this case exemplary, legendary, masterpiece blends -- is not what most people understand by the generous gesture of 'stepping in' to save something.
Stepped on
Agree completely. This was solely a move to crush competition and corner the market. STG has absolutely no consideration for pipesmokers, blenders, farmers or tobacco industry employees.
This is nothing but corporate profiteering
I didn't watch this video, sorry. Will Lane Limited be affected by this?
Not as far as I know.
Link to interview with Mr. Wortzel from STG on the situation:видео.htmlsi=mqila7lgd0TWjlP9
Buy HU tobaccos! C and D! Rattrays!! GL Pease!! Theres plenty of great tobacco out there. Get out and smoke it.
Him pretending STG is the hero is such bull shit. Dont get me wrong, this is Mac Baren's fault. But dont pretend to be the hero when you buy out the industry to end it!!!
Crap. First HH acadian perique disapeared, and now this 😢
Nice to see a fellow Acadian Perique fan. That stuff was/is GREAT. One thing about cellaring is sometimes you go back to find something after a very long time and find you are too late. I didn't realize Acadian Perique had been discontinued for nine months the last time I went looking for it. I still have a lot but it hurt last year when I went to top off on Acadian Perique and found that it is gone.
Another funny thing about cellaring: tobacco tastes better after it is discontinued. Even if you know it's in your head, you taste more when you know you're smoking the last of something.
@@edodt4220I have one tin left, and you better belive i'm not opening it unless it's a realy special occasion 😂
My precious HH Old Dark Fired.. Glad Capstan is stying at least.
only the blue Capstan.
@@leftyme4568 you like the Gold as well?
Man we’re gonna have to start making our own flakes with leaf tobacco at this rate.
@@mrkalashnikov13 Absolutely...I`m gonna have to stock up on that and the Solent mixture too
@@leftyme4568 fortunately stocked up on 14 tins of those some ready rubbed and some flake. Considering to bump it up to 20. Honestly prefer to gold than the blue.
Thank you for resisting the urge to appear business-savvy and "enlightened" by downplaying the bad news and making vague statements about "this is how business operates."
It might be how business operates, but we don't have to be happy about it!
Please nglpos, inform us of who IS trying to appear business savvy and enlightened by downplaying this news? Don't be vague when you are trying to throw shade at people behind a keyboard....
@@mokgable I'll leave that as an exercise for you--see if you can find any. Sounds like you have some angry energy to work off.
@@nglpos wow can't even back up what you originally said. I'm not the angry one, you made that clear who is in your first post. I was pretty sure you wouldn't be able to back up that keyboard warrior talk of yours lol. I genuinely wanted to know who you meant cuz I don't see anyone doing that. In fact I see people doing exactly what you are doing all over the place.
@@mokgable I thanked a man for not doing something I dislike. If you're truly interested in who might be doing that kind of stuff, go put in the work. Stop looking for handouts---especially via angry requests to me.
With every closed door, others are waiting to be opened.
All you need to do, is turn the knob.
-Randy Venegas
I don’t know how they can act like HH should go away. It’s hard to find a pipe smoker that doesn’t have some in the rotation
HH gone completely… wow. RIP lat flake.