Game Plan: Stay back and AP farm them, relax. What actually happens: all other friendly destroyers yolo in and died, your team lost all caps. Teammates start clicking the mini map and yelling at you telling you to go in and cap.
@@martinpalmer6203 that's NOT how the game works anymore you need to take in account the DD you are playing, the DD the enemy is playing and countering; capping and spotting is not only for a DD
@@TOFMDrone Its exclusively a DD thing...especially when its 1 DD a side you had better be taking that slot to fill that role because noone else can. If you play a DD expecting someone else to cap, spot and counter the enemy DD, your a liability to your team, not an asset.
@@martinpalmer6203 not realy . . . but what do i know . . . got my 36th tier X ship 2 days ago, nearly 20.000 games played . . . a lot depends on MM setup and enemy DD lay out my kleber has a surface detection range of 7.9km with all needed upgrades and captain skills, yet is useless to cap in the first 10min of a game kleber has no heals, no smoke but survives on his speed (58.8knts with flag, speedboost and captain skills) and with a module upgrade it can speedboost for neary 4min depending on the map and enemy fleet layout at the start it's not the first time i gotten behind enemy lines and harassed them by shooting from long range (8km range torps suck) and killing a CV from time to time in the first 3-4min of a game
@@martinpalmer6203 yea…..not 2016 anymore….not all dd’s can run in and cap….good way to get sent back to port….not all dd’s have amazing concealment of maneuvering capabilities….lots are basically low armored hot rodding mini-cruisers designed to flank and harass/zone
I actually really like the new German DD line. The guns definitely pack a punch. Yes the torps arent great, and yes conceal build only gets you to 6.5, but those guns... Nothing like citadelling cruisers every 6 seconds.
I mean ships every cruiser can do the same thing that these new DDs do just woth varying levels of fire rate. Hell some cruisers like DM and Petro can citadel battleships within 10km, while bringing tons of utility to the table. Plus most cruisers don't require the enemies to be forced into a crossfire or for your enemies to be potatoes to do their job well
@@Josh10Force I kinda see this thing like a Minotaur with better arcs and concealment but lower potential Dpm. It’s super nice to have flatter arcs for your ap though because I find on mino the arcs are so bad you get ricochets on heavier cruiser broadsides at 12-ish kilometres. The biggest problem (as others have mentioned) is that you take up a dd slot whilst not actually being a dd. You cant really be the cap contesting dd, you only really support another ship doing it.
@@matsab7930 Yeah and most of these players using that line do absolutely nothing to support their team. Put simply if theres 2 dds on the enemy team, and your team has a Schultz, its probably a loss... unless the Schultz is one of the incredibly rare ones that understands *he is still a dd* and needs to counter the enemy dd. Leaving your team mate DD to fight 2v1 is a dick move. But thats exactly what I see 99% of the time. These are an entire line of Khabarovsk.
Regarding t7 an t8, they couldn't be further apart in terms of performance. And if you look at t8 ship hp, concealment, base reload, its even better than the stock Shulz. What made th Maerker super fun was actually the matchmaking. Getting things like Nurnberg, Leander, Budyonni , etc. made the ship OP as hell. I got way more citadels in t8 than in t9. Avg damage was a bit lower, but it was reeealy fun playing it.
German Tech tree is a weird line You have a BB with lowest caliber gun (Scharnhorst) You have the cruiser with largest guns in the game (Siegfried) And the DDs with largest guns with longest range (Elbing) FUN
Well to be fair the non paper, actually existant in reality Deutschland class cruisers did have the same guns as Scharnhorst, which was also a real ship. Both were pretty successful designs overall. The Deutschland class did exactly what they thought it would do and were extremely good commerce raiders.. They had Firepower too big for ships that could catch them, and speed too fast for ships that coul hurt them. So the imaginary ships having big guns for their size is at least based in reality.
Thanks for this, just realised why I wasn't enjoying them - was playing them like the other german dds... Can we take a moment to remember all those poor colorados.... In summary - new german dd line - citadelless light cruisers? Poor leanders and emeralds..
So the Shultz is fat, doesn't like fighting, likes naps inside of smoke screens, loves hiding from German Capital ships,...does it also like french cuisine from an chief named Labuo?... Lol 🏹🤠👍
ya was thinking it would be like that . working on the grosivoi and learning the not good concealment aspect of it all, its difficult when your used to the kidd and haida 5.8 km
@@antoniohagopian213 I think the Maerker is perfectly alright for that. Also it doesn't feel like an immensely downgraded Z-23, that trades hydro, speed boost, torpedo speed and reload for better AP-performance and more torpedo range.
Could you look at the current DD meta? I think with every match being 8 to 10 DDs and destroyers being highly varied that the match maker can’t balance. With so many in play as soon as just one is taken out the chance for a steam roll is greatly increased. The match maker doesn’t take the specialized role of each DD into account. I’ve seen a bunch of ridiculous matchups We either need a limit of 3 or better matching. Really feels like the game is coming apart.
Yes they should add Destroyer Escorts as a class. Aviation Battleships and Aviation Cruisers. Having 4 DEs vs 4 DDs is going to mean the team with 4 dds will win almost every time. DEs aren't able to fill the role for the slot they are playing.
Was just playing the Elbing and clapped a Petro with a citadel from around 10km. I really enjoy Elbing after playing the Schultz. (Which I still really like Schultz too.)
Thats a hard no. Its 2 fundamentally different ship. Khaba is long range spammer, you have shitty torp and even worse concealment. but your farming potential is extremely high. Elbing line has workable concealment, you are a secondary dd, while you won't out spot most torp dds, you can still serve the spotting role. Unlike Khaba, you NEED to use both HE and AP to achieve max damage. and because of the extreme accuracy, aiming for non damage saturated part can and will double your damage output.
@@ToTlToT I agree with you my friend, the only thing i was saying was that i can achieve the same 4k salvos on broadside targets using the ap t2 skill with khaba... i'm not talking about the ship, nor the gameplay... just simple ap dmg on broadside targets, that's all...
I think the Ap against other DDs is still bit too much. It should be good at fighting cruisers and not as good against other DDs. When most DD angle they get wrecked.
Hmm, I had a terrible experience paying Halland and being ambushed by it, you can't fire forwards in halland so it's impossible to angle enough to stop the AP from penning, think he killed me in like 4-5 salvos
@@Adplosive Halland is a torpedo boat/hybrid ... its not surprising at all an almost pure gunboat is going to win unless you land some torps or have help. Any other gunboat will do the same. French DDs routinely chase down hallands and easily wreck them.
If they can't perform any DD role, then i don't want them as my DD. Kleber and Khaba have the speed and dpm to scout and fight DD, something the elbing doesn't have and as an added malus it's gigantic. As DD support ? I'd still prefer kleber or khaba, basically any other DD simply because they can support more in the fight that count : DD vs DD.
foreal like why do we need a cruiser killer DD we already have cruiser killers they are called BBs. i hate seeing one of these on my team because i know its just gonna act like a cruiser and take a DD slot.
@@uhh741 ikr ? and that's if we're lucky because most of the time it's not even acting like a cruiser because it lacks the utility of a cruiser : radar, hydro, long range dpm, manoeuvrability, instead it just sits in smoke and farm
this could help you :видео.html if you are lazy : SAP pen isn't affected by armor angle (tho it will bounce at 0-15 degree if the overmatch isn't checked) and they have a set pen (venezia has 56mm i think ?) Elbing has 25mm armor at most, so do the math and ... it still gets clapped, except harder because it's big and slow
Yeah the 1st time you get Dev struck from full health in a DD by a Venezia is the moment you never forget.... and also the moment you make sure there's always an island between you and any Venezia.. even if it means giving some ground. Amazing to see so many Venezia dont bother shooting at DDs given how absolutely terrifying they are.
Great stuff, a light cruiser taking up a dd slot in yer team :/ Seriously, ive fought these and the tier X in the Drake Im grinding and hunted them down. Even in a 3km cqc situation i was able to dominate it as long as you dont give it broadside. Even my torps are better in the Drake lol. These are a liability to the team in winning games from what ive seen fighting them
@@bzzrt Yeah while costing your team the game by not countering enemy Destroyers.... unfortunately that's what many Schultz players seem to think... they don't have to counter enemy dd's at all
Yeah, these destroyers absolutely clap British light cruisers. They can full pen and citadel their broadsides and are able to bounce their shells if they angle. Plus they can get the jump on British cruisers with their superior concealment.
What I don't like about the new ones is no hydro and no engine boost that all other German dds have. Schultz is next in line for me. I usually use he trying to get fires. Guess I need to try ap more. I average 500 hp per shell. Not good
I acknowledge you're a far better player than I am, but the sparsity of your UI with no player or ship names and just the HP bar at the top makes me think you're one step away from playing the game in Excel. lol Great info. I'm playing the T7 German dd. She's a bit on the weak side, but man can she scoot if you get Swift in Silence and speed flag.
Was just in a match in Puerto Rico managed to get within 2km of an elbing broadside on to me. Several salvos in ap and every single hit was an over pen. Meanwhile I was bow in and lost 1/3 of my hp in 3 salvos. They are absolute bullshit and should take full pens. Also in another match playing Vermont elbing was citadeling me at 10km while I had roughly a 45 angle.
I personaly dont realy like these ships, If I want to play a cruiser I will just play venez, hindi or worcester. In a dd I want to torp people, cap,murder other dd's. like the haland does
Im new to the game and Im currently farming with my z31. I do hate not having propulsion or hidroacustic, but the z31 feels A LOT more bulkier and menacing to other dds compared to the tier 6 german dd. I used to play at very close ranges and wanted to torpedo everything, but the z31 teached me to play safe and fire very accurate ap shells from safe distance. If any enemy dd is close to me, I almost everytime win trades against them with my guns.
Wrong PQ, you have still enough pen to citadel most heavy cruisers ( 152 / 155mm citadel belt DM / Moskva ) at almost 11km. But you need them flat broadside. And while they are almost never perfect broadside, you get the cits only from closer ranges. But no need to tell these poor ppl that you dont have the pen, cause you have. Schneider.
@@gusp6612 if so, you can citadel him flat broadside at 9,5km. more angle = closer range needed. but 3,5km is just wrong claim. And while I rather checked it, cause even your 170mm claim was wrong, its 177mm main armor belt + 37mm citadel bulkhead. So its 210mm of armor on which you need to be just below 7km.
Played a match the other day where my team had 4 DDs and the enemy team had 2 DDs and 2 Elbings. Let's just say that since me and my team weren't potatoes the Elbings did very little till the end where one got farmed by 6 ships to death after giving up on 3v1'ing my DM with his Elbing and Midway. Other Elbing Elbing learned why their reliance on AP makes them bad versus cruisers with armor and Midway finished me cause DM AA doesn't exist. They lost hard, don't know why WeeGee thinks 2DDs vs 4DDs could work as a win for the 2 DD team
@@Josh10Force We already had this with the Khaba and the Kléber. This will just make it more common. This line will cater to both Wehraboos and players who have no idea how to play real DDs and just want to farm out from 12km. Not a nice picture tbh. This line does one thing and does it really well. It deals good AP damage from a smoke if someone spots for them, or at range where it can avoid most damage. Otherthan that, it has next to nothing to offer. They will be obnoxious div ships though with a Daring or something that can play obj and spot.
@@yhormthemidget thing is that they aren't good at maneuvering at range like Khaba and Kleb. Those have insane speed and Khaba even has a heal to make it more annoying , all these new DDs have is guns and with how massive they are, they become actually rather easy to hit unless they are at extreme ranges like 15km
@@Josh10Force Yeah I know, they are far too overspecialized. TBH I hate them. I did a crapton of damage with the Elbing every time I used it but I felt that I did nothing of value. I did the same thing I would have done with a Henri or a Hindenburg, but at greater risk. I also took a DD slot too. I really enjoy playing both Kléber and Khaba because it is so much fun running around mach5. Elbing is not fun. You do the same thing with cruisers. Stay at range and angle away or get into a smoke/island position and dakka. Minus the acual utility of a cruiser.
@@Josh10Force Very well put and consistent with my observations. Its Khabarovsk all over again. Having them in your team is a huge handicap. I wont lump Kleber into the mix because Kleber is so stupidly fast its often able to counter and kill enemy DDs... and they usually contest caps and do "DD stuff" But Khabarovsk rarely does "DD stuff" so it's a close relative of these German Crustroyers
So you can't fight for caps with this. You can't spot another dds cos everything straight outspot you. You can't gain map advantage. You can't stop pushing enemy with your "sea mine" torpedoes. You don't have hydro to spot smoking dd\cl. And you can't do shit shit to let's say bow in Des Moines. And he will butcher you if you would even dare to shoot him. Man i would really hate to have these dds in my team.
as someone who got them in my team in ranked several times, i am on full auto reporting them for playing badly. And usually they are the first to die, teams i've seen with elbing have 100% loss rate so far
Yeah I don't know what the Devs are smoking tbh, it's obviously a light cruiser not a DD, shouldn't have a better concealment than Kleber either, it's fricking huge
@ANUBHAV SHARMA To be fair, originally Mast height determined detection range in WOWS. Smaller ships that are closer to the water are more difficult to spot. But they are equally bad at spotting other ships. Bigger ships are more easily spotted, but are also able to spot more effectively. Radar actually amplified this because Radars see further proportional to the distance above water. But WARGAMING abandoned any sense of maintaining the illusion of realism a long time ago... so most long time players gave up expecting anything to make sense a long time ago.
The new german "DD" line is honestly just bad. The HE dmg is worse than the T4 dd's and the AP is...with the accuracy and improved pen angles it's good but here are the trade offs... The concealment is horrible not to speak of the sheer size and speed with torps being a total joke. Hands down these are the most selfish dd's in the game. That line is just oversized DD/Small cruiser .It is a hybrid of both. More often than not you are just a hindrance to your team than help. You cannot spot well,you cannot take caps,if you get radar'd you are even easier of a target. DD's are one of the most infuential ships in the whole game,so why this.....what is the point of this line
If it was in a cruiser slot,sure it would make more sense.But this thing takes the DD slot.That is the major problem. A bit of CV and HE from anything that has either a high quantity or high punching power will eliminate the problem which this thing is.There are much better ships to fit the role,and don;t have to deal with the "major downsides"
Game Plan: Stay back and AP farm them, relax.
What actually happens: all other friendly destroyers yolo in and died, your team lost all caps. Teammates start clicking the mini map and yelling at you telling you to go in and cap.
Yup dont play destroyers if you dont want to spot, counter enemy dds and contest caps.
that's NOT how the game works anymore
you need to take in account the DD you are playing, the DD the enemy is playing
and countering; capping and spotting is not only for a DD
@@TOFMDrone Its exclusively a DD thing...especially when its 1 DD a side you had better be taking that slot to fill that role because noone else can.
If you play a DD expecting someone else to cap, spot and counter the enemy DD, your a liability to your team, not an asset.
not realy . . .
but what do i know . . .
got my 36th tier X ship 2 days ago, nearly 20.000 games played . . .
a lot depends on MM setup and enemy DD lay out
my kleber has a surface detection range of 7.9km with all needed upgrades and captain skills, yet is useless to cap in the first 10min of a game
kleber has no heals, no smoke but survives on his speed (58.8knts with flag, speedboost and captain skills) and with a module upgrade it can speedboost for neary 4min
depending on the map and enemy fleet layout at the start it's not the first time i gotten behind enemy lines and harassed them by shooting from long range (8km range torps suck) and killing a CV from time to time in the first 3-4min of a game
@@martinpalmer6203 yea…..not 2016 anymore….not all dd’s can run in and cap….good way to get sent back to port….not all dd’s have amazing concealment of maneuvering capabilities….lots are basically low armored hot rodding mini-cruisers designed to flank and harass/zone
I actually really like the new German DD line. The guns definitely pack a punch. Yes the torps arent great, and yes conceal build only gets you to 6.5, but those guns... Nothing like citadelling cruisers every 6 seconds.
I mean ships every cruiser can do the same thing that these new DDs do just woth varying levels of fire rate. Hell some cruisers like DM and Petro can citadel battleships within 10km, while bringing tons of utility to the table. Plus most cruisers don't require the enemies to be forced into a crossfire or for your enemies to be potatoes to do their job well
they are fun but the fact that cruisers can do much better is noithing impressive
@@Josh10Force I kinda see this thing like a Minotaur with better arcs and concealment but lower potential Dpm. It’s super nice to have flatter arcs for your ap though because I find on mino the arcs are so bad you get ricochets on heavier cruiser broadsides at 12-ish kilometres.
The biggest problem (as others have mentioned) is that you take up a dd slot whilst not actually being a dd. You cant really be the cap contesting dd, you only really support another ship doing it.
@@matsab7930 Yeah and most of these players using that line do absolutely nothing to support their team.
Put simply if theres 2 dds on the enemy team, and your team has a Schultz, its probably a loss... unless the Schultz is one of the incredibly rare ones that understands *he is still a dd* and needs to counter the enemy dd.
Leaving your team mate DD to fight 2v1 is a dick move. But thats exactly what I see 99% of the time.
These are an entire line of Khabarovsk.
I destroyed a full health Mino with a few Elbing volleys. The poor bugger.
Lol "I love this whole line, but free xp to tier 9"
This is the way :D
Wargaming approuve this
Who gives a shit about low tiers 😅
Who knew that the savior of AP in the post-Dead Eye world would be a destroyer?
I actually like the design of these ships (still have to give em a try myself). g...good job, WG?
Regarding t7 an t8, they couldn't be further apart in terms of performance. And if you look at t8 ship hp, concealment, base reload, its even better than the stock Shulz. What made th Maerker super fun was actually the matchmaking. Getting things like Nurnberg, Leander, Budyonni , etc. made the ship OP as hell. I got way more citadels in t8 than in t9. Avg damage was a bit lower, but it was reeealy fun playing it.
Those torps move at a glacial pace, holy shit
Still better than Black´s torps, though they are more of a drifting sea mines than torps :D
Nice vid and review PQ. Well done
The line blossoms @ T9, Elbong is a AP flank spank monster.
German Tech tree is a weird line
You have a BB with lowest caliber gun (Scharnhorst)
You have the cruiser with largest guns in the game (Siegfried)
And the DDs with largest guns with longest range (Elbing)
Well to be fair the non paper, actually existant in reality Deutschland class cruisers did have the same guns as Scharnhorst, which was also a real ship.
Both were pretty successful designs overall.
The Deutschland class did exactly what they thought it would do and were extremely good commerce raiders..
They had Firepower too big for ships that could catch them, and speed too fast for ships that coul hurt them.
So the imaginary ships having big guns for their size is at least based in reality.
Possibly unpopular opinion: I actually really enjoyed the T8 German DD Maerker, enough to keep it after I normal XP grinded to Schultz.
Thanks for this, just realised why I wasn't enjoying them - was playing them like the other german dds... Can we take a moment to remember all those poor colorados.... In summary - new german dd line - citadelless light cruisers? Poor leanders and emeralds..
I started to realise improved pen angles of these things in rankeds in my Neptune - this is one of few DDs that CAN actually bite back hard :D
You will love the Elbing dude, its double fun compared to Schultz and Schultz is already very decent vessel
It's basically a cruiser with no citadel.
How do I get the thing where it shows the angle of enemy ship compared to you when ya lock on? Never seen that super cool
Read the Desc, he explains it there
So the Shultz is fat, doesn't like fighting, likes naps inside of smoke screens, loves hiding from German Capital ships,...does it also like french cuisine from an chief named Labuo?... Lol 🏹🤠👍
ya was thinking it would be like that . working on the grosivoi and learning the not good concealment aspect of it all, its difficult when your used to the kidd and haida 5.8 km
I free xp'd to the Elbing. Sold the Z-31 and the GJM to help buy her as well. No regrets. I might go back for the Schultz if i get bored.
Elbing is honestly amazing
11:00 Is that an AA sound ??? Sounds like a CIWS
after grinding to the Maerker, I really wonder why the Z31 exists. Couldn't the split have happened at 8?
So that newer players accommodate easier since the shift in ship parameters isn't as hard.
@@antoniohagopian213 I think the Maerker is perfectly alright for that. Also it doesn't feel like an immensely downgraded Z-23, that trades hydro, speed boost, torpedo speed and reload for better AP-performance and more torpedo range.
+CaptCondor Why not have the split at 9 or 10. Why even have a tech tree.
@@ensteffo Why not start your own thread? Why write something maybe half-related under somebody else's? Why answer questions with more questions?
How you get the camera of torps so far back?
Could you look at the current DD meta?
I think with every match being 8 to 10 DDs and destroyers being highly varied that the match maker can’t balance.
With so many in play as soon as just one is taken out the chance for a steam roll is greatly increased.
The match maker doesn’t take the specialized role of each DD into account. I’ve seen a bunch of ridiculous matchups
We either need a limit of 3 or better matching.
Really feels like the game is coming apart.
Yes they should add Destroyer Escorts as a class.
Aviation Battleships and Aviation Cruisers.
Having 4 DEs vs 4 DDs is going to mean the team with 4 dds will win almost every time.
DEs aren't able to fill the role for the slot they are playing.
i felt like this guy and mountbatten is a twin
3:52 or full broadside, so the AP doesn't fuse, right?
i actually played the z31 and had amazing results.
Was just playing the Elbing and clapped a Petro with a citadel from around 10km. I really enjoy Elbing after playing the Schultz. (Which I still really like Schultz too.)
khaba can do the same 4k salvos on broadside targets with the ap bonus dmg tier 2 talent as well, i would recomendo you to try it
Thats a hard no.
Its 2 fundamentally different ship.
Khaba is long range spammer, you have shitty torp and even worse concealment. but your farming potential is extremely high.
Elbing line has workable concealment, you are a secondary dd, while you won't out spot most torp dds, you can still serve the spotting role. Unlike Khaba, you NEED to use both HE and AP to achieve max damage. and because of the extreme accuracy, aiming for non damage saturated part can and will double your damage output.
@@ToTlToT I agree with you my friend, the only thing i was saying was that i can achieve the same 4k salvos on broadside targets using the ap t2 skill with khaba... i'm not talking about the ship, nor the gameplay... just simple ap dmg on broadside targets, that's all...
just had a game in the Elbing
190k total
150k from AP hits
40k from torpedoes
and thats without the "extra heavy AP " captain skill :p
PQ, do you think that Elbing will be nerfed or reworked? i see some objections that Elbing is probably overkill
I think the Ap against other DDs is still bit too much. It should be good at fighting cruisers and not as good against other DDs. When most DD angle they get wrecked.
Hmm, I had a terrible experience paying Halland and being ambushed by it, you can't fire forwards in halland so it's impossible to angle enough to stop the AP from penning, think he killed me in like 4-5 salvos
@@Adplosive Halland is a torpedo boat/hybrid ... its not surprising at all an almost pure gunboat is going to win unless you land some torps or have help.
Any other gunboat will do the same.
French DDs routinely chase down hallands and easily wreck them.
I played one ship. I can recommend the whole line.
If they can't perform any DD role, then i don't want them as my DD. Kleber and Khaba have the speed and dpm to scout and fight DD, something the elbing doesn't have and as an added malus it's gigantic. As DD support ? I'd still prefer kleber or khaba, basically any other DD simply because they can support more in the fight that count : DD vs DD.
foreal like why do we need a cruiser killer DD we already have cruiser killers they are called BBs. i hate seeing one of these on my team because i know its just gonna act like a cruiser and take a DD slot.
@@uhh741 ikr ? and that's if we're lucky because most of the time it's not even acting like a cruiser because it lacks the utility of a cruiser : radar, hydro, long range dpm, manoeuvrability, instead it just sits in smoke and farm
Yes I dont want to see Khabarovsk on my team either.
Both are extremely similar and equally useless at winning games.
What happened to the team line-up panels?
new patch arrived and restored all mods to zero ;)
Do italian cruisers slap them hard? Or is the armor profile messy for sap?
Italian cruisers slap every destroyer hard
this could help you :видео.html
if you are lazy : SAP pen isn't affected by armor angle (tho it will bounce at 0-15 degree if the overmatch isn't checked) and they have a set pen (venezia has 56mm i think ?) Elbing has 25mm armor at most, so do the math and ... it still gets clapped, except harder because it's big and slow
@@xixi6253 thanks I was wondering if there was any sneaky armor qualities. Appreciate it.
Yeah the 1st time you get Dev struck from full health in a DD by a Venezia is the moment you never forget.... and also the moment you make sure there's always an island between you and any Venezia.. even if it means giving some ground.
Amazing to see so many Venezia dont bother shooting at DDs given how absolutely terrifying they are.
Great stuff, a light cruiser taking up a dd slot in yer team :/ Seriously, ive fought these and the tier X in the Drake Im grinding and hunted them down. Even in a 3km cqc situation i was able to dominate it as long as you dont give it broadside. Even my torps are better in the Drake lol. These are a liability to the team in winning games from what ive seen fighting them
it has a hard time facing heavy cruisers, ships like Venezia can finish you in one salvo...
What mod are u using?????
Is that a new reticle? I haven’t seen that before
some mod probably, though quite awfull it seems to me :D
You play them as small cruisers. Simple.
Super light cruisers with less dpm than a light cruiser
While taking up a dd slot. Great stuff.
@@bzzrt Yeah while costing your team the game by not countering enemy Destroyers.... unfortunately that's what many Schultz players seem to think... they don't have to counter enemy dd's at all
Potato, what minimap mod do you use?
iirc it's the autospy minimap
@@sillysaili Thank you, you are the best.
what mods do you use?
You can get 6-7k ap volly every easily. I killed Neptune in two slavos in Schultz. One mogami in 3
Yeah, these destroyers absolutely clap British light cruisers. They can full pen and citadel their broadsides and are able to bounce their shells if they angle. Plus they can get the jump on British cruisers with their superior concealment.
Potato, please turn the full ship info back on. Frustrating to watch without.
I used monarch and it broke my turret from 12 km. Idk how much pen it had
Too much lol, I played monarch and got bullied by a Shultz, just ended up playing super passive to avoid it
@@Adplosive He broke both my front guns in Neptune in like 2 salvos
I don't use HE because I can't light a fire for shit and AP just hits hard
Alaska: The Cruiser that is actually a Battleship
Odin: The Battleship that is actually a Cruiser
Schultz: The Destroyer that is actually a Cruiser
Seattle- the Cruiser that everyone detests apparently XD
Ise: The Battleship that is actually a CV
Mino: The Cruiser that is more like an ultra-DD
Austin, the destroyer that has a Citadel..
FDR the Carrier with flying cruisers.
What I don't like about the new ones is no hydro and no engine boost that all other German dds have. Schultz is next in line for me. I usually use he trying to get fires. Guess I need to try ap more. I average 500 hp per shell. Not good
I acknowledge you're a far better player than I am, but the sparsity of your UI with no player or ship names and just the HP bar at the top makes me think you're one step away from playing the game in Excel. lol
Great info. I'm playing the T7 German dd. She's a bit on the weak side, but man can she scoot if you get Swift in Silence and speed flag.
yup make t9-t10 vid bout new german dds
What happened to the damage bars? hey told me more than the often unreadable small text when watching videos.....
Better do movie about: How play that game... (peoples do not know what tpye of ship should do what - EU SERVER)
Not all ships of the same class should do the same thing
Wow what an awfull crosshair to watch at :-O
Nice battle and elaborate, however, so I watch till the end despite that thing ;)
Was just in a match in Puerto Rico managed to get within 2km of an elbing broadside on to me. Several salvos in ap and every single hit was an over pen. Meanwhile I was bow in and lost 1/3 of my hp in 3 salvos. They are absolute bullshit and should take full pens.
Also in another match playing Vermont elbing was citadeling me at 10km while I had roughly a 45 angle.
gg guys
About to FXP to the Schultz
I personaly dont realy like these ships, If I want to play a cruiser I will just play venez, hindi or worcester. In a dd I want to torp people, cap,murder other dd's. like the haland does
Z-31 is easily one of the three worst tech tree ships in game. WG didn't give it any tools to succeed.
Im new to the game and Im currently farming with my z31. I do hate not having propulsion or hidroacustic, but the z31 feels A LOT more bulkier and menacing to other dds compared to the tier 6 german dd. I used to play at very close ranges and wanted to torpedo everything, but the z31 teached me to play safe and fire very accurate ap shells from safe distance. If any enemy dd is close to me, I almost everytime win trades against them with my guns.
Wrong PQ, you have still enough pen to citadel most heavy cruisers ( 152 / 155mm citadel belt DM / Moskva ) at almost 11km. But you need them flat broadside.
And while they are almost never perfect broadside, you get the cits only from closer ranges.
But no need to tell these poor ppl that you dont have the pen, cause you have. Schneider.
Drake is 170mm ish i think
@@gusp6612 if so, you can citadel him flat broadside at 9,5km. more angle = closer range needed. but 3,5km is just wrong claim.
And while I rather checked it, cause even your 170mm claim was wrong, its 177mm main armor belt + 37mm citadel bulkhead.
So its 210mm of armor on which you need to be just below 7km.
Schultz knows NOTHING! NOTHING!
Step One: You Don't.
How? Just dont.
Honestly I'd play them if they had a cruiser icon. As it is, hard pass.
Played a match the other day where my team had 4 DDs and the enemy team had 2 DDs and 2 Elbings. Let's just say that since me and my team weren't potatoes the Elbings did very little till the end where one got farmed by 6 ships to death after giving up on 3v1'ing my DM with his Elbing and Midway. Other Elbing Elbing learned why their reliance on AP makes them bad versus cruisers with armor and Midway finished me cause DM AA doesn't exist. They lost hard, don't know why WeeGee thinks 2DDs vs 4DDs could work as a win for the 2 DD team
@@Josh10Force We already had this with the Khaba and the Kléber. This will just make it more common. This line will cater to both Wehraboos and players who have no idea how to play real DDs and just want to farm out from 12km. Not a nice picture tbh.
This line does one thing and does it really well. It deals good AP damage from a smoke if someone spots for them, or at range where it can avoid most damage. Otherthan that, it has next to nothing to offer. They will be obnoxious div ships though with a Daring or something that can play obj and spot.
@@yhormthemidget thing is that they aren't good at maneuvering at range like Khaba and Kleb. Those have insane speed and Khaba even has a heal to make it more annoying , all these new DDs have is guns and with how massive they are, they become actually rather easy to hit unless they are at extreme ranges like 15km
@@Josh10Force Yeah I know, they are far too overspecialized. TBH I hate them. I did a crapton of damage with the Elbing every time I used it but I felt that I did nothing of value. I did the same thing I would have done with a Henri or a Hindenburg, but at greater risk. I also took a DD slot too. I really enjoy playing both Kléber and Khaba because it is so much fun running around mach5. Elbing is not fun. You do the same thing with cruisers. Stay at range and angle away or get into a smoke/island position and dakka. Minus the acual utility of a cruiser.
@@Josh10Force Very well put and consistent with my observations.
Its Khabarovsk all over again.
Having them in your team is a huge handicap.
I wont lump Kleber into the mix because Kleber is so stupidly fast its often able to counter and kill enemy DDs... and they usually contest caps and do "DD stuff"
But Khabarovsk rarely does "DD stuff" so it's a close relative of these German Crustroyers
So you can't fight for caps with this. You can't spot another dds cos everything straight outspot you. You can't gain map advantage. You can't stop pushing enemy with your "sea mine" torpedoes. You don't have hydro to spot smoking dd\cl. And you can't do shit shit to let's say bow in Des Moines. And he will butcher you if you would even dare to shoot him.
Man i would really hate to have these dds in my team.
Yeah... It needs an extremely good elbing player to counter a decent shima player
as someone who got them in my team in ranked several times, i am on full auto reporting them for playing badly. And usually they are the first to die, teams i've seen with elbing have 100% loss rate so far
Yeah I don't know what the Devs are smoking tbh, it's obviously a light cruiser not a DD, shouldn't have a better concealment than Kleber either, it's fricking huge
@ANUBHAV SHARMA To be fair, originally Mast height determined detection range in WOWS.
Smaller ships that are closer to the water are more difficult to spot. But they are equally bad at spotting other ships.
Bigger ships are more easily spotted, but are also able to spot more effectively.
Radar actually amplified this because Radars see further proportional to the distance above water.
But WARGAMING abandoned any sense of maintaining the illusion of realism a long time ago... so most long time players gave up expecting anything to make sense a long time ago.
The new german "DD" line is honestly just bad.
The HE dmg is worse than the T4 dd's and the AP is...with the accuracy and improved pen angles it's good but here are the trade offs...
The concealment is horrible not to speak of the sheer size and speed with torps being a total joke.
Hands down these are the most selfish dd's in the game.
That line is just oversized DD/Small cruiser .It is a hybrid of both.
More often than not you are just a hindrance to your team than help. You cannot spot well,you cannot take caps,if you get radar'd you are even easier of a target.
DD's are one of the most infuential ships in the whole game,so why this.....what is the point of this line
If it was in a cruiser slot,sure it would make more sense.But this thing takes the DD slot.That is the major problem.
A bit of CV and HE from anything that has either a high quantity or high punching power will eliminate the problem which this thing is.There are much better ships to fit the role,and don;t have to deal with the "major downsides"
You play them by picking a different ship.
How To Play The New German Destroyers?
You don't..
@ANUBHAV SHARMA why are you in every single thread trying to convince people to play wows or shitting on people who have a negative opinion of wows?