We have a vlogger meetup in Phoenix the first saturday of the month. It's at 6pm at the Happy valley exit off 17. We hang out at the parking lot in front of the Barnes and Noble for awhile then have dinner somewhere close by. You are welcome to come. A lot of us have KLR's and one guy has a Drz 650. We ride both dirt and street as most of us have street bikes as well. Have you heard of Rebelyell91? Zmagic? Empty01?
Yea I've heard of the whole group! do you guys still do group rides aside from the meet-ups? And I should meet up with all yall on the next one sounds fun!
Yes, we do at least a few group rides every year. We have one planned for June. It's the devils highway loop. You are welcome to come. Do you have a FB page? We have a Arizona vlogger page where you can see all of the events. We just had a big Vlogger meetup in Prescott. About 25 vloggers throughout the Southwest.
Awesome !!!
I guess Nothing's Impossible ;) WOW
Good Share
I've seen RY91 do similar stuff on Big Bird !! :)
Yep. I'd crash. lol
Mad skills to do anything like that!
This was him just messing around between sessions. Or whatever they call it in trials 'races' :-)
Well God Damn playa
I forget the kid's name, but I think he is #2 nationally for Trials. His dad is even better.
I think I saw this guy last time I went
So you live in Phoenix?
Yes sir! Alto Pit is one of my fav spots
We have a vlogger meetup in Phoenix the first saturday of the month. It's at 6pm at the Happy valley exit off 17. We hang out at the parking lot in front of the Barnes and Noble for
awhile then have dinner somewhere close by. You are welcome to come. A lot of us have KLR's and one guy has a Drz 650. We ride both dirt and street as most of us have street bikes as well. Have you heard of Rebelyell91? Zmagic? Empty01?
Yea I've heard of the whole group! do you guys still do group rides aside from the meet-ups? And I should meet up with all yall on the next one sounds fun!
Yes, we do at least a few group rides every year. We have one planned for June. It's the devils highway loop. You are welcome to come. Do you have a FB page? We have a Arizona vlogger page where you can see all of the events. We just had a big Vlogger meetup in Prescott. About 25 vloggers throughout the Southwest.