The mayor of that town is now the prime ministre form Belgium, in 2011 the vehicules with metal tracks have to be transported, in 2012 the event is canceled.
Actually, it's a 17pdr SP Achilles. the turret shows it's origins as an M10 wolverine, but the gun's counterweight behind the muzzle brake gives it away. There is an M36 at 9:00, though.
YouLin Ke By the looks of it, it's a Swiss Panzer 61 mounting the 105mm Royal Ordnance L7 gun, the same as the M60 Patton. The chassis also bear a striking resembelence to the M60.
German vehicles are difficult to find. The Americans on the other hand left a lot of their material behind after WWII as it was not worth shipping it back to the USA.
love how the hetzer randomly pops up inbetween lol.
Nice to see a working hetzer in there aswell!
some of these vehicles didnt have rubber road tracks on ,notice how they chopped up the road I bet the mayor of the town wasnt happy with this
Steel tracks at high speed on hard ball. Must love tanks there. Did $10.000 worth of damage to that curve alone.
The mayor of that town is now the prime ministre form Belgium, in 2011 the vehicules with metal tracks have to be transported, in 2012 the event is canceled.
Awesome, that's a lot of vehicles
doet me terug denken aan mijn dienst bij het leger als korporaal chef
Hetzer's gonna hetz.
Looks like the Panzer 68 travelled back in time.
Actually, it's a 17pdr SP Achilles. the turret shows it's origins as an M10 wolverine, but the gun's counterweight behind the muzzle brake gives it away.
There is an M36 at 9:00, though.
superbe on a l'impression de voir passer la 3eme army de Patton,bravo!
1:39 sounds like baby crying
4:00 - M36 Slugger :D
where can i buying those vehicles and thos sjeeps
on under ground night market.
What's the tank at 12:34?
YouLin Ke By the looks of it, it's a Swiss Panzer 61 mounting the 105mm Royal Ordnance L7 gun, the same as the M60 Patton. The chassis also bear a striking resembelence to the M60.
Basih Its I have already found it. It is the Swiss tank Panzer 68. Well, I can obviously tell it isn't the chassis of M60 by judging from the wheels.
Kinda like re-living a small piecew of the history of the US Army in WWII Europe- neat!
Road ripped up nicely by metal tracks :-D
12:35 what's that? :O
Mooi man!
no problem, sir :D
i want one of the Hellcats...
its a T55-54 tank
Only one German vehicle.?
German vehicles are difficult to find. The Americans on the other hand left a lot of their material behind after WWII as it was not worth shipping it back to the USA.
wow !
brb, moving to Belgium.
Not WW II, Suisse Pz 68
R.I.P asphalt
@giljeep AVEC UN HETZER??!!!
ooh m10 Achilles 17 pounder
its a hellcat
Capturé, évidemment.
Hellcat :D
Suis Pz 68
no tiger tank
Only one driving Tiger Tankat the Tankmuseum Bovingtom UK
поначалу мусор всю контору тормознул? :) остановились в начале ролика...
Cool army Cool