This guy hits the mark regarding the chattering class idealogues pushing people back into classifications ... boxes that we all thought we had busted out of. We are all scratching our heads.
Labelling political,academic, and media elites ( and the billionaires who buy them ) as " middle class" is deeply dishonest , especially as the middle class is disappearing as radical inequality becomes the norm. I suspect that hatred of the middle class ( and therefore social mobility ) also potentially reflects the anti-democratic ideas often cloaked by claimed liberarianism . I agree with Brendan on many points he raises here, especially his criticism of identity politics , and his defence of free speech , but I don't trust his intentions which he obfuscates the elite and mega-money driven nature of political and media power , and while he wishes for a world in which all those not of the ruling class were destitute .
What is strange is that people will see this interview and assess that both men are bigots. I am still baffled how people can find bigotry in sound academic liberal discourse. But here we are... sigh
Interventionist class ... love this description. So much of this discussion resonates with me. In fact, I believe this new class has created a false, strong and growing labour market for themselves and their co-dependent mates - which is their real priority (having a job), where their job description's top KPI reads 'ability to feign indignation on absolutely everything and demonstrate group-think sycophancy'. Thank you.
As a leftist I've been incredibly worried and genuinely confused about my increasing affiliations with the right. After seeing a good few video's of Brendan I think there's a definite coming together from the left and right against authoritarianism. There's a space for real progress if people can finally find the balance between order and chaos.
8 лет назад+12
Brenden O'Neil slowly figuring out that he's not really left, not really a Marxist, but not white out yet.
The Irish-Australian Brendan O'Neill, who now lives in central London, UK (one of the most cosmopolitan places in the world) is certainly a strange one to be complaining about 'multiculturalism' and 'immigration'.
Brendon O'Neil... Excelleny fellah!.....he makes so much sense and should be listened to. I can even eccuse his admission that he has ,at heart, a touch of Marxist. Put some cream on it'll get better!
You just have to look at Sky News BBC presenter's and Guardian journalists in the UK to see prime exemplars of the "chattering" middle class, utterly contemptuous of the working class but so eager to signal the virtuous ways to like minded friends and colleagues, patronising condescending and duplicitous in the extreme!
A few thoughts: "Freedom" is at best a pleasant myth. In democracies, government is a sub-set of the people. Much of the issues described here seems to me to arise out of people working freely, not top-down dictates. Are privileged (western) people who complain of too-strong governments leaving in droves for domiciles with weak governments? And finally: “I have on my table a violin string. It is free to move in any direction I like. If I twist one end, it responds; it is free. But it is not free to sing. So I take it and fix it into my violin. I bind it and when it is bound, it is free for the first time to sing.” ― Rabindranath Tagore
Andrew, how about raising the issue of the reported sum of $88 Million donated by Australia to the CLINTON FOUNDATION? Was it under Rudd or Gillard? I can't see Abott sending large sums to Bill and Hill, can you?
Floda All I know is approx $8,000,000,000 USD that was donated for Haiti hurricane relief has yet to reach Haiti. Bill and Hill are playing dumb to it and getting their usual free pass. BTW, cheers to all for the exceptional generosity in that particular fund raising. I want to think it altruism, but maybe some donors were just lined up for kickbacks. We just don’t know.
“The great classes of the past” I would rework that phrase, and perhaps the ease with which he confesses the other mans sins. That said A few major woke intellectuals admit to me that “equity” is obviously a project of revenge. Hello?! We know ! For the confused majority, however, this all seems to rest on a longing for certainty even at the cost of honesty. Politics and relationships worth having demand that we delve much deeper. The possibilities that exist between two people, or among a group of people, are a kind of alchemy. They are the most interesting thing in life. The liar (one who evokes equity to cancel to harm) is someone who keeps losing sight of these possibilities. Determined by manipulation, by the need for control, their lives may possess a dreary, bickering kind of drama, but they cease to be interesting. They are repetitious; the spark of human possibilities has ceased to reverberate through them. Understand though compassion or we will misunderstand the times.
He's kind of a Chris Hitchen's Fan boy I guess, though less eloquent.. and probably didn't do as well with the lady's .. he should smoke and drink fine whiskey during interviews to complete the homage.. maybe even a pipe !!! tavaritch comrade!!!
Are they really that influential, or does it just seem so because so much of our experience comes indirectly through the media? I'd venture that the ultra-rich probably have much more influence than the chattering class.
First, one has to recognise that the meaning of the term 'libertarian' that has become fashionable in the Anglo-Saxon world (denoting advocacy for laissez-faire capitalism) is not the only possible one. In fact, the term originally referred to tendencies within socialism that had a general scepticism towards social hierarchy and were anti-statist. In continental Europe, it's still a given that if one mentions 'libertarians' or 'libertarianism', one is referring to one of these tendencies within socialism. One also has to recognise that Marxism is a very diverse ideology and not all currents within it are authoritarian or statist. On the contrary, it encompasses many of the tendencies within socialism for which the term 'libertarian' has been a descriptor (e.g. council communism). Given all of the foregoing, there is nothing oxymoronic about the notion of a libertarian Marxist. That said, I don't see Brendan O'Neill as a libertarian Marxist. I think he's just a reactionary liberal edgelord pretending to be on the left.
@@davidparry5310 "One also has to recognise that Marxism is a very diverse ideology" Marxism is not an ideology its the analysis... "and not all currents within it are authoritarian or statist." For the sake of argument I will say true it is just I wouldnt call them Marxist per say but I know what you mean. "oxymoronic about the notion of a libertarian Marxist." Depends on how you want to reach "libertarian Marxism" because if you want to achive that goal with a revolution then you will end up with authoriterianism because strong people thrive in such conditions (might makes right) Many left wing theories address the problems of capitalism but fail to address problems of revolutions themselves. " That said, I don't see Brendan O'Neill as a libertarian Marxist." Any evidence for that? "I think he's just a reactionary liberal edgelord pretending to be on the left." Right... And you will convince me that anti-working class left wingers like Antifa are actually on the left who protect religion (Islam), tend to side with corporatists on many issues, spew anti-semetic conspiracy theories under the guise of "anti-zionism" and tend to insult people by describing them as uneducated, poor, living in trailer parks etc... I always find it curious why neo-"leftists" tend to describe racists as being poor and anti-racists as being successful and wealthy when we know people from the alt-right like Richard Spence or Jared Taylor are economically quite successful. It seems to me like class shaming to me which is how I know they are not pro-working class not to mention their obssession with celebrities and consumerism they love to play as anti-capitalists but once Nike corporation puts up a progressive message watch out they become immune to criticism. This is not new btw George Orwell wrote an entire book (Road to wigan pier) where he exposed left wing posers and I am pretty sure you are one of them especially when you don't even know what Marxism actually is you probably went to one punk concert and now you think you are some sort of Anarcho-Communist and discaple of Bakunin who was a raving anti-semite btw.
@@greatdude7279 'Marxism is not an ideology its the analysis...' An ideology entails an analysis of the existing social order, a view of how society should be organised and a proposal of how the existing social order is to be changed or preserved. Marxism in all of its different flavours entails all of those things. 'Depends on how you want to reach "libertarian Marxism" because if you want to achive that goal with a revolution then you will end up with authoriterianism because strong people thrive in such conditions (might makes right)' It depends on how the revolution is conducted. If one's idea of socialist revolution is a vanguard party seizing state power in the name of the masses, then yes, that does lead to authoritarianism. Not all Marxists advocate this, however. Libertarian Marxism, for example, specifically rejects vanguardism, arguing instead for a horizontal network of organisations based on delegative democracy, with administration and such undertaken by workers' councils. This network would dismantle capitalism and the bourgeois state from below. In other words, the libertarian Marxist idea of socialist revolution is virtually identical to the idea of socialist revolution favoured by most anarchists. There are, in fact, multiple examples of the latter idea of socialist revolution being implemented and not leading to authoritarianism. One such is the Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities in Chiapas, Mexico. '" That said, I don't see Brendan O'Neill as a libertarian Marxist." Any evidence for that?' This video. I'm not even going to bother responding to your diatribe. It reeks of the ravings of a butthurt member of the Sp!ked cult who obviously responds to the slightest criticism of any of its leaders as a bull reacts to a red rag.
@@davidparry5310 "There are, in fact, multiple examples of the latter idea of socialist revolution being implemented and not leading to authoritarianism. One such is the Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities in Chiapas, Mexico." Ok anyone who brings up Zapatistas doesn't know anything about Zapatistas. I would argue with you on all points but it seems you are one of those ignorant people who just screams "muh leftism" for aesthetic purposes. Is it legal to drink alcohol or smoke weed in the Zapatistas communes? The anwser is no. You see Zapatista communes have strict laws, laws that majority of people would deem as unreasonable and reactionary. So if your greatest example of "anti-authoritarianism" are communities that have more batshit crazy laws then capitalist countries then you are far removed from reality. Oh and if you don't know what authoritarianism means here: " authoritarianism /ɔːˌθɒrɪˈtɛːrɪənɪz(ə)m/ noun noun: authoritarianism the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom. lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others." And no Marxism is not an ideology it is an analysis. Socialism is an ideology, Communism is an ideology Marxism on its own is not. Your favorite punk band is just wrong :)
Identity politics seen through Buddhist philosophy is likewise dangerous and destructive. Buddha taught that identity, ego and the mental construct of "Self" is an illusion which seperates us from reality, nature and compassion for humanity. This false fixation on our personal and/or collective identity engenders basic suffering and discord. It is pretty complex but even from this spiritual view, identitarianism is a delusional and divisive way of thinking for the human mind.
This guy hits the mark regarding the chattering class idealogues pushing people back into classifications ... boxes that we all thought we had busted out of. We are all scratching our heads.
Labelling political,academic, and media elites ( and the billionaires who buy them ) as " middle class" is deeply dishonest , especially as the middle class is disappearing as radical inequality becomes the norm. I suspect that hatred of the middle class ( and therefore social mobility ) also potentially reflects the anti-democratic ideas often cloaked by claimed liberarianism .
I agree with Brendan on many points he raises here, especially his criticism of identity politics , and his defence of free speech , but I don't trust his intentions which he obfuscates the elite and mega-money driven nature of political and media power , and while he wishes for a world in which all those not of the ruling class were destitute .
I'm also on the Conservative/Traditional side - certainly not a Marxist - but Brendan says some agreeable things here.
The way he describes himself he is mostly a libertarian.
To me he is a libertarian who calls himself wrongly a marxist.
There are plenty of Marxist Libertarians. Just the Bolsheviks were something else.
These two are wonderful.
What is strange is that people will see this interview and assess that both men are bigots. I am still baffled how people can find bigotry in sound academic liberal discourse. But here we are... sigh
Those that continually cry "BIGOT" are merely projecting every guilt the try to repress. It's classic.
Max Raider
You mean there was a time when they weren’t zombified?
Interventionist class ... love this description. So much of this discussion resonates with me. In fact, I believe this new class has created a false, strong and growing labour market for themselves and their co-dependent mates - which is their real priority (having a job), where their job description's top KPI reads 'ability to feign indignation on absolutely everything and demonstrate group-think sycophancy'. Thank you.
Bang on the money. 100%
As true now as when this was first aired.
As a leftist I've been incredibly worried and genuinely confused about my increasing affiliations with the right. After seeing a good few video's of Brendan I think there's a definite coming together from the left and right against authoritarianism. There's a space for real progress if people can finally find the balance between order and chaos.
Brenden O'Neil slowly figuring out that he's not really left, not really a Marxist, but not white out yet.
The Irish-Australian Brendan O'Neill, who now lives in central London, UK (one of the most cosmopolitan places in the world) is certainly a strange one to be complaining about 'multiculturalism' and 'immigration'.
Thank you. Very interesting.
+10, great interview.
If you give up Freedoms for more security you will lose both in the end. Quote.
Classes could be divided into two, those who can manage themselves and those who rely on others, nothing to do with money. Superb blog guys 👍
Probably the clearest definition of what has brought us to where we are. The questions is how do WE get rid of PC overlords?
David Sivyer They live off government grants ... cut their funding!
Is there a channel for the Bolt Report? I miss it on 10.
Brendon O'Neil...
Excelleny fellah!.....he makes so much sense and should be listened to. I can even eccuse his admission that he has ,at heart, a touch of Marxist. Put some cream on it'll get better!
Thank God they are not the mainstream. Just got to flush the government out.
You've got to remember, they're not after equality, they're after special treatment.
now in 2021 this is downright prophetic.
2016 - oh, the good old days!
You just have to look at Sky News BBC presenter's and Guardian journalists in the UK to see prime exemplars of the "chattering" middle class, utterly contemptuous of the working class but so eager to signal the virtuous ways to like minded friends and colleagues, patronising condescending and duplicitous in the extreme!
They always blast him on Q&A
For once I agree with Andrew Bolt 100%
time to get rid of the Establishment
Man, I watch a lot of people agreeing with each other lately
A few thoughts: "Freedom" is at best a pleasant myth. In democracies, government is a sub-set of the people. Much of the issues described here seems to me to arise out of people working freely, not top-down dictates. Are privileged (western) people who complain of too-strong governments leaving in droves for domiciles with weak governments?
And finally: “I have on my table a violin string. It is free to move in any direction I like. If I twist one end, it responds; it is free.
But it is not free to sing. So I take it and fix it into my violin. I bind it and when it is bound, it is free for the first time to sing.”
― Rabindranath Tagore
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose....!!
Andrew, how about raising the issue of the reported sum of $88 Million donated by Australia to the CLINTON FOUNDATION? Was it under Rudd or Gillard? I can't see Abott sending large sums to Bill and Hill, can you?
All I know is approx $8,000,000,000 USD that was donated for Haiti hurricane relief has yet to reach Haiti. Bill and Hill are playing dumb to it and getting their usual free pass. BTW, cheers to all for the exceptional generosity in that particular fund raising. I want to think it altruism, but maybe some donors were just lined up for kickbacks. We just don’t know.
What? How is he a Marxist?
Racism of lesser expectations.
doesent sound like a Marxist.
he actually sounds reasonable.
Exactly the same conditions that prevailed in Czekeslovakia pre communism now prevail in all the old western nations.
Funny how prescient this frrom 4 years ago was
Contradication in terms~~ Marxist and freedom of speech.
'Contradiction in terms - Leninism and freedom of speech'.
“The great classes of the past” I would rework that phrase, and perhaps the ease with which he confesses the other mans sins. That said A few major woke intellectuals admit to me that “equity” is obviously a project of revenge. Hello?! We know ! For the confused majority, however, this all seems to rest on a longing for certainty even at the cost of honesty. Politics and relationships worth having demand that we delve much deeper. The possibilities that exist between two people, or among a group of people, are a kind of alchemy. They are the most interesting thing in life. The liar (one who evokes equity to cancel to harm) is someone who keeps losing sight of these possibilities.
Determined by manipulation, by the need for control, their lives may possess a dreary, bickering kind of drama, but they cease to be interesting. They are repetitious; the spark of human possibilities has ceased to reverberate through them. Understand though compassion or we will misunderstand the times.
He's kind of a Chris Hitchen's Fan boy I guess, though less eloquent.. and probably didn't do as well with the lady's .. he should smoke and drink fine whiskey during interviews to complete the homage.. maybe even a pipe !!! tavaritch comrade!!!
Are they really that influential, or does it just seem so because so much of our experience comes indirectly through the media? I'd venture that the ultra-rich probably have much more influence than the chattering class.
Are you really up for this Brendan? I mean Aussies? Micks? What next? Women?
Brendan is a member of the chattering classes
How can you be a libertarian and a Marxist? 😂😂😂
First, one has to recognise that the meaning of the term 'libertarian' that has become fashionable in the Anglo-Saxon world (denoting advocacy for laissez-faire capitalism) is not the only possible one. In fact, the term originally referred to tendencies within socialism that had a general scepticism towards social hierarchy and were anti-statist. In continental Europe, it's still a given that if one mentions 'libertarians' or 'libertarianism', one is referring to one of these tendencies within socialism.
One also has to recognise that Marxism is a very diverse ideology and not all currents within it are authoritarian or statist. On the contrary, it encompasses many of the tendencies within socialism for which the term 'libertarian' has been a descriptor (e.g. council communism).
Given all of the foregoing, there is nothing oxymoronic about the notion of a libertarian Marxist. That said, I don't see Brendan O'Neill as a libertarian Marxist. I think he's just a reactionary liberal edgelord pretending to be on the left.
"One also has to recognise that Marxism is a very diverse ideology"
Marxism is not an ideology its the analysis...
"and not all currents within it are authoritarian or statist."
For the sake of argument I will say true it is just I wouldnt call them Marxist per say but I know what you mean.
"oxymoronic about the notion of a libertarian Marxist."
Depends on how you want to reach "libertarian Marxism" because if you want to achive that goal with a revolution then you will end up with authoriterianism because strong people thrive in such conditions (might makes right)
Many left wing theories address the problems of capitalism but fail to address problems of revolutions themselves.
" That said, I don't see Brendan O'Neill as a libertarian Marxist."
Any evidence for that?
"I think he's just a reactionary liberal edgelord pretending to be on the left."
Right... And you will convince me that anti-working class left wingers like Antifa are actually on the left who protect religion (Islam), tend to side with corporatists on many issues, spew anti-semetic conspiracy theories under the guise of "anti-zionism" and tend to insult people by describing them as uneducated, poor, living in trailer parks etc...
I always find it curious why neo-"leftists" tend to describe racists as being poor and anti-racists as being successful and wealthy when we know people from the alt-right like Richard Spence or Jared Taylor are economically quite successful. It seems to me like class shaming to me which is how I know they are not pro-working class not to mention their obssession with celebrities and consumerism they love to play as anti-capitalists but once Nike corporation puts up a progressive message watch out they become immune to criticism. This is not new btw George Orwell wrote an entire book (Road to wigan pier) where he exposed left wing posers and I am pretty sure you are one of them especially when you don't even know what Marxism actually is you probably went to one punk concert and now you think you are some sort of Anarcho-Communist and discaple of Bakunin who was a raving anti-semite btw.
@@greatdude7279 'Marxism is not an ideology its the analysis...'
An ideology entails an analysis of the existing social order, a view of how society should be organised and a proposal of how the existing social order is to be changed or preserved. Marxism in all of its different flavours entails all of those things.
'Depends on how you want to reach "libertarian Marxism" because if you want to achive that goal with a revolution then you will end up with authoriterianism because strong people thrive in such conditions (might makes right)'
It depends on how the revolution is conducted. If one's idea of socialist revolution is a vanguard party seizing state power in the name of the masses, then yes, that does lead to authoritarianism. Not all Marxists advocate this, however. Libertarian Marxism, for example, specifically rejects vanguardism, arguing instead for a horizontal network of organisations based on delegative democracy, with administration and such undertaken by workers' councils. This network would dismantle capitalism and the bourgeois state from below. In other words, the libertarian Marxist idea of socialist revolution is virtually identical to the idea of socialist revolution favoured by most anarchists.
There are, in fact, multiple examples of the latter idea of socialist revolution being implemented and not leading to authoritarianism. One such is the Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities in Chiapas, Mexico.
'" That said, I don't see Brendan O'Neill as a libertarian Marxist." Any evidence for that?'
This video.
I'm not even going to bother responding to your diatribe. It reeks of the ravings of a butthurt member of the Sp!ked cult who obviously responds to the slightest criticism of any of its leaders as a bull reacts to a red rag.
"There are, in fact, multiple examples of the latter idea of socialist revolution being implemented and not leading to authoritarianism. One such is the Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities in Chiapas, Mexico."
Ok anyone who brings up Zapatistas doesn't know anything about Zapatistas. I would argue with you on all points but it seems you are one of those ignorant people who just screams "muh leftism" for aesthetic purposes.
Is it legal to drink alcohol or smoke weed in the Zapatistas communes? The anwser is no. You see Zapatista communes have strict laws, laws that majority of people would deem as unreasonable and reactionary.
So if your greatest example of "anti-authoritarianism" are communities that have more batshit crazy laws then capitalist countries then you are far removed from reality.
Oh and if you don't know what authoritarianism means here:
noun: authoritarianism
the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others."
And no Marxism is not an ideology it is an analysis. Socialism is an ideology, Communism is an ideology Marxism on its own is not. Your favorite punk band is just wrong :)
Identity politics seen through Buddhist philosophy is likewise dangerous and destructive. Buddha taught that identity, ego and the mental construct of "Self" is an illusion which seperates us from reality, nature and compassion for humanity. This false fixation on our personal and/or collective identity engenders basic suffering and discord. It is pretty complex but even from this spiritual view, identitarianism is a delusional and divisive way of thinking for the human mind.
"My favourite marxist" hahah mine too!
Bolt out classed as normal.
is it the middle class? I don't think so....I consider myself middle or lower middle class...I think it is an upper elitist class.
I know what you mean. I consider myself lower middle class. I think the 'chattering classes' are a slightly separate thing.
Had no idea brendan was a marxist...
How do you waste all that money- give it to president Biden!!! He knows 🤣
Marxism. Pfffft.