FAKE NEWS! These “Homeless People” are 99% drug addicts. Thats a fact. Nothing to do with corporate greed. They have families they’ve abandoned and been kicked out of because of their drug addiction. Nice try with your propaganda!
...Same!! There must be a glitch at the YT algorithm hub, it's actually suggesting something that uplifts us humans, causing us to critically think, how dare they, this video doesn't make me want to participate in consumerism in any way shape or form!!! That's it, I'm calling Elon!! 😂😂
It's hard not to feel like you've gone insane when you don't see anyone else taking issue with the dystopia in which we live. This song is comforting, strangely.
I think there's a lot of us. But why explain that things are bad and likely to get worse to people who are out of touch with reality, too stubborn to admit the truth, or get perverse satisfaction from lying? In time, we will speakout and find each other.
@@Darktophat_10 Learn to write in English please. Are you saying 'Not enough', and that no one will hear it? Check the comments- people are hearing it. Are you saying that this video needs to speak Louder? Or were you just moved to write something pessimistic to counter the feeling of care and empathy this video raises?
"Let the poor be cared for by the slightly-less-poor, we don't need to worry about it unless we're looking for a tax write-off! I mean, hey, we're the reason they're poor in the first place... ka-ching!!" -Billionaires
@@martinkerrmusic Thank you for this song. It is a sad indictment of our times that someone even THINKS about making up a song like this - blessings 🙏🙏🙏
I was feeling really sick and Im 64 years old and lived in the countryside, the stuff I saw while Farming and and oil patch and mining and lumber would open peoples eyes to how many billions of dollars handled by corrupt politicians, at this stage of the world everyone should have housing and health care, with the utmost respect for our own people
I would like to add a few things...I have complete compassion for One's with no Home, no Food, no life. Yes, some are to do with drug's, and to treat drug addictions with giving drug's that actually get Them High, is totally Rediclous in My way of thinking. And in most places there is a sizable fee for that! I can't help but trying to wrap My brain around that and try to understand it!? And then there are Homeless Veterans! That should not be happening Anywhere! They could be suffering from PTSD, or many other issues, to many to mention here, I could write a book on that subject alone!! And Children! Wow! Wow! It totally break's My Heart that there are Hungry, in need of shelter, medical help, and more. That's not just Here, that is World Wide! There should be absolutely no Hungry Children Anywhere! Not just the US, but Anywhere!! None of this Subject is any Child's fault!! The salutation, Feed Them!! We in the US, waste, throw away, more food, being the only Country that truly does this!! No matter Who or Where, Feed the Babies, Feed the Children!! There are a list of many reasons why These People are on the Street's??, And Yup, Why is a Big Question!!? Maybe Try to find out Why!? And to be honest,where I live, is small City. You don't see this, tents, homeless, hungry People! Oh, it's Here! Just hidden, hidden Well!! This City, as well as Everywhere has changed so Much since I was a child!! As a teenager, Me along with so many Other's thought this Small City was boring, but We still worked!! As a single parent most of the time, still Worked!! As I look at it now, this is a Amazing City! I have noticed how this City and most of the People in it Care!! I've experienced seeing this City pull together as One and Help Other's in Crisis, and in need of Help! It's out There, and comforting to know that it is!! It's sad to notice that being from a different generation than now, There are so Many that don't work! I would guess it's All about how one was raised. There isn't one place of business that I have walked into that doesn't have a Help wanted Sign! I wonder why People don't apply for a job? It's a great beginning to start a New Lifestyle, and then go from there!! As being a Senior Citizen now, I see this City as an Awesome Place to Be!! With Me it was unfortunate that I had no Choice but to retire early through Disability. Which took Me a good Three Years or more to accept the fact that I could not go back to work!! Heck, I still think that way!! I had to drop alot of to much pride, and try to accept and try to put the idea of work to rest. I had to reach out for help! It's there! And People Who Truly Care!! I will end with Please try to find out what the problem is with those in Need, but also having to keep in Mind that there are some that just don't want help and choose to live in such a sad and mixed up way!! And some that truly need help with where to begin! Reach out and see if You could be the One to Offer Guidence?! And unfortunately there are some that just don't want it! That is what saddens Me! And leave's Me with the Question, Why? 💜✝️
definitely - there is more than enough wealth for everyone to live well, but the political will isn't there, because we have let the ruling class divide us.
The real sad truth is that it describes _every_ year. Nevermind Reagan, it's been this way since Nixon and before. Thatcher in the UK. The rich get richer while the poor suffer and lose their lives for no better reason than "they worked hard all their life, but we still couldn't be bothered to help them when they needed it." Billionaires do not piss gold to vitalize the economy. When they give us a shower, it's just regular piss.
Before empires, before currency, humans lived in groups of 50-80 people. They gave each other food, homes, and clothing where it was needed. They only traded with outsiders. But all it took was one human realizing they could control others if they controlled the resources. That was the birth of currency. It is easy to control others with money and beliefs. But money is not the root of evil. It was those who felt they where more entitled to resources than others. They are cancers onto society. Entitlement, pride, and greed.
Well so did the kings who have claimed that they had the divine right to rule. It was during the enlightenment where this type of system was being challenged by enlightenment thinkers.
And then enlightenment had led to revolutions like the ones we saw in the communist revolutions in Europe and in the Bolsheviks revolution where the people and the workers rose up and fought back against the rich Russian dynasty of the Czar.
Enlightenment led to many democratic revolutions and revolutions of independence like the ones we saw in the African nations during the Cold War and also in Latin America where Cuba also freed themselves from the capitalist establishment.
Wow. Usually my 15 year old son resents very strongly whenever I get him to watch a music video, but this time he responded with "Nice. That was worth watching, actually." Also, yesterday an old man and woman I've never seen before turned up at our door and gave us a Christmas hamper with a ham, pudding, other Christmas foods, and a $50 gift voucher... When I thanked them the woman kissed my hand! It was very moving. Thank-you for this song. Peace on Earth.
@@elephantintheroom5678 wow. Thank you for sharing this with your son and telling me what happened. That's wonderful to know that strangers are writing people's days with generosity like that too.
Omg. I hope things start looking up for you my friend. So many people just struggling to survive right now. The levels of inequality we're living in right now are just insane.
@ thank you. I just pray manifest and thank the universe that my van still runs and protects me and keeps me sheltered. without my minivan. I probably would be dead. So so grateful every day that my van runs and gets me to point a to point B and protects me. 💙 she just has a lot of mechanical issues that I pray one day I can get fixed. Yay fun times. But I love the song and I’ve shared it with so many people already thank you again.
@@cdannygI cannot offer anything but support in form of a message because I live in Germany but there are good people in this world , too. Hopefully some will cross your way and offer some help with the van. Damn it man, I’d buy you breakfast or new spark plugs. The problem with the world is that to many people ask Cain’s question. Yes, we are our brother’s keeper!
After retiring early due to ptsd from a job I loved, I struggled for along time with exactly how you're feeling. Some advice from a mentor I'd like to share if you if don't mind.... He asked me, "did you forget what you learned day 1 at the academy?" I said "You do what you can, where you can, for as long as you can"??? He went to tell me that doesn't just apply in the fire service, it applies in activism, and pretty much life in general. I have trouble with crowds or large groups since my diagnosis, but after my mentor's advice, and deciding to quit feeling sorry for myself, I discovered there are sooooo many things that need to be done, behind the scenes, for a social movement to work, or just for society to move forward. It can be things as simple as organizing schedules for some sort of community work or grass roots movement, on your home PC, normalizing words and phrases that certain groups try to demonize and use to fear monger, by doing things like putting your preferred pronouns on your social media profiles. Or... it could be just handing out some food and clothing when you can. Progress towards true equality and peace is a snails race, and large accomplishments rarely occur all at once. So don't despair, your acts of kindness are appreciated and do more than you can ever imagine!! ✌💚
I saw a man in Walmart the other day, his clothes were completely tattered. I knew it took a lot of courage for him just to go into the Walmart. I always hear of homeless people dying in the cold outside. Poverty is a policy choice.
Das beruhigt ungemein: der Glaube an ausgleichende Gerechtigkeit... Wohl auch deswegen wird den Verursachern des Elends hinieden zu zaghaft auf die Finger geklopft! Wenn es denn den "Gott" gäbe - er hätte anderes zu tun, als sich mit jedem hergelaufenen Schlingel zu befassen: den ganzen Mist, den er verzapft, wieder ausbügeln!
@RheaRobin War das nicht Kaiser Karl? Den gab es auch nicht. Beide sollen - obwohl hochgebildet - Analphabeten gewesen sein: nichts Schriftliches überliefert. Um so mehr wird solchen willkommenen Konstrukten in den Mund gelegt. Das "Kamel" ist ein Übersetzungsfehler: Gemeint ist der Kamel-STRICK!
If there was a god, I'm pretty sure he'd have done something about literally everything that's going on in the world right now. Ya boy doesn't exist, gotta rip that band-aid off, there's no eternal torture dimension (god is love, but he'll send you to an eternal torture dimension if you're not faithful enough? WHAT?) and no eternal comfy paradise. There's just here and now. Let's stop letting shitheads ruin it because we're convinced something better is waiting if we just sit and stay like good doggies.
I was really impacted watching this on Christmas Eve. Looking at these tents I am remembering the pictures I’ve seen of the 2:22 tent cities during the last depression in the 1930s. Hoovervilles they were called. They looked organized like communities . Today the homeless people are on their own while the algorithm cranks out ever more impossible rents.
Homeless people actually do kinda have their own community, it sometimes intertwined with the general communities on the streets, networks of dealers, even gangs. At least in my experience from while I was homeless in a major northeastern city.
I’ve shared this with everybody I know. These scenes are heartbreaking. This is what big business has done to our country. This is what unfettered unregulated business leaves in its wake.
No, it's sinful, greedy people. And they are everywhere, not just Big Business. We live in a sinful world which is destined to end per Bible phrophecy which has not been wrong for thousands of years. Time ⏳️ is running out. Where will you spend eternity? Heaven or 🔥Hell 🔥 ? There is no third choice and no opt-out button. GOD does not force himself on anyone. He gave everyone free will. Choose wisely. An eternity is FOREVER and 🔥 Hell 🔥 is not a fun place with cool people, music, etc. Please 🙏 choose wisely.
But it sure must be fun to own a biiig garage with 20-40 really expensive cars to never drive! Oooh and five or six houses to not live in. And a yacht! And some planes. And a bunch of servants who have to do all the boring stuff for you. And some phallic space rockets. _Golly, I might be rich some day! A-hyuk!!_ ...And all it costs is misery and suffering for countless people. Caring seems curiously absent from the billionaire mindset.
Very thoughtful and meaningful lyrics … different and thought provoking in a good way. Great voice and good music compliments the message. Less developed countries were once thriving. Watch out.
@martinkerrmusic we sure do my friend . Thanks for responding keep up the good work. I can't do nothing I'm poor as can be but your in a position to actually help. So keep doing what you do
Perfect 🌹 Jesus Christ’s commandment: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
I agree this song should be number 1 the Christmas music charts, but we both know the mega bucks music business for maximum profit and to hell with original musical talent would never allow it💰💰💰
It's a sad comment on our society that artists and comedians are telling more truth than all of the news media combined. Beautifully done. This video needs wider distribution.
They 😈 won't care because they don't care. We live in a fallen, sinful world. You are either in the Lambs book of life or you aren't. Even during the horrific upcoming 7 Years Tribulation these people NEVER repent & turn to Jesus. ....But you can. This life IS temporary, but Your 👇 soul is Eternal (forever). GOD does not force himself on people, he gave everyone free will. There are ONLY 2 choices, Heaven or Hell. There is NO third option or an opt-out button. Please 🙏 choose wisely.
This is SO good - everything in one verse. Only just listened and have memorised it already “In Washington and London Town you pay your lobby fees You hold the reins of left and right in sham democracies And keep us entertained so we don’t know we’re on our knees “
"Most of the great problems we face are caused by politicians, bureaucrats, financiers, bankers, and kindred; creating solutions to problems they created in the first place." - Walter E. Williams
Mostly around this time of year, people is all profits and marketing. We need practice being compassionate and kindness toward ourselves and each other every day. Not just in December. We need to practice balancing our inner feminine energy and inner masculine energy. That's where peace is. Inner peace creates outer peace.
Why life is hard for some of us, but easy for others, I'll never understand. But I'm trying to keep going. Getting COVID and/or pneumonia today (the day before my husband is supposed to start a job for the 1st time after struggling with unemployment for a year and barely making it on my income) is not quite the Christmas gift we were anticipating. Thanks for caring about us entry-level working folks who are just trying to make it to the next day. ❤
‘and keep us entertained so we don’t know we’re on our knees’. This line speaks volumes, it’s been sad watching, particularly in recent years how everything has unfolded while people were being distracted by ‘shiny objects’.
I know this is a year old, but what a wonderful piece of music this is, only surpassed by the hard hitting, much needed, meaning of the lyrics. We need this to go viral, especially in light of recent events and it being the holiday season. I'm sharing on every social media platform I'm on!! Again, great job!! ✌💚
Or share it with about eight billion people. Imagine corpo security trying to keep billions or even thousands of people from defenestrating their social-murdering bosses! By which I mean, bosses whose actions and policies _directly_ cause the deaths of their workers and other victims.
After a couple of years off the street I found immense Joy in taking the New Jersey Transit train from north to south stopping at every stop, to hand out socks and gloves to every homeless person I found! I'm too old and disabled to do it today, I hope somebody carries on in my place!! God bless the homeless, with a home!!
@@jacobcarter5923Du BIST nicht arm! Solltest Du aber irgendwann arm geworden sein, wirst Du anfangen zu überlegen, was und wer Dich arm gemacht hat - und warum die Reichen so reich sind...
First, the message is spot-on and its delivery impeccable. Second, some (all) of this was filmed in downtown Edmonton Alberta Canada. Homelessness is where we live and see it, not hiding away elsewhere, whilst our levels of government argue about whose problem it is.
Beautiful voice, with lyrics that are both lyrical and spot on! This needs to go viral. I'm sending it to my friend and family to pass on. Maybe that will help.
Amazing production. The choice of words and images is perfect. Beautiful voice, too. What is happening to our culture is a result of rampant, unchecked, capitalism. Capitalism is not a sustainable system without worker rights and tight government regulations. I am so sad for our world.
Sad isn't it? We all are entitled to abundance, may all of humanity be free of the lies and enslavement, judgement, the money/loosh! Sad indeed! I Love You & This tune, very powerful! Thank You!
Thank you Brother Martin, your words to a Carol song, makes so much sense. And I believe Jesus is very happy as it has opened the eyes and ears and also the hearts of many people. God bless you and your family and staff for this 🙏 wonderful wonderful act of love .
This song gained a whole new meaning over the past 12 days…
You are absolut right. He is insane.
@@HBW1539 Both men are insane, IMO.....Trump and Musk are both money hungry and power hungry lunatics!
Especially in light of recent events. I don’t recall electing Elon
You are right!
Play this song in public spaces people!
Play it every day, every hour.
You bet I am sending it to those who may like and differently understand
i love this idea!!❤
Poverty is created by bad government not successful people. Class warfare.
Greed is poison love your neighbor
FAKE NEWS! These “Homeless People” are 99% drug addicts. Thats a fact. Nothing to do with corporate greed. They have families they’ve abandoned and been kicked out of because of their drug addiction. Nice try with your propaganda!
tell that to my neighbors
YT just recommended this to me in December 2024. Sooooooo appropriate, nice job.
...Same!! There must be a glitch at the YT algorithm hub, it's actually suggesting something that uplifts us humans, causing us to critically think, how dare they, this video doesn't make me want to participate in consumerism in any way shape or form!!! That's it, I'm calling Elon!! 😂😂
Same here, actually.
And half of America chose this. Truly terrifying.
Same 😊
This song may have released last year, but it's ridiculously relevant right now.
It is painful especially since the situation goes way more back. It has only grown worse.
@@margreetdoodeman1441 Oh I know, it's been relevant for a long time, but this year it seems especially so.
Its going to always be relevant as long as there is lobbying and billionaires.
It’s been relevant for many decades, however, more and more people are beginning to see through the veil
It's hard not to feel like you've gone insane when you don't see anyone else taking issue with the dystopia in which we live. This song is comforting, strangely.
Melodic, ironic VALIDATION 💖😢💖
I am with you.
I felt the same, thank you for your comment.
I think there's a lot of us. But why explain that things are bad and likely to get worse to people who are out of touch with reality, too stubborn to admit the truth, or get perverse satisfaction from lying? In time, we will speakout and find each other.
This speaks volumes LOUDLY.
Not enough so that no one will hear it
@@Darktophat_10 Learn to write in English please. Are you saying 'Not enough', and that no one will hear it? Check the comments- people are hearing it. Are you saying that this video needs to speak Louder? Or were you just moved to write something pessimistic to counter the feeling of care and empathy this video raises?
A sad sad song . Sometimes the truth hurts.
They've certainly showed their hand
Most of the time the truth hurts, that's why they hide it from you.
Thank you for your song. Charles Dickens would love it.
Spot on!
170 food pantries here in Milwaukee WI diaper collection and coat donation , Veterans homeless , happy Holidays .
"Let the poor be cared for by the slightly-less-poor, we don't need to worry about it unless we're looking for a tax write-off! I mean, hey, we're the reason they're poor in the first place... ka-ching!!"
What poetry. “ to keep us entertained, whilst we are on our knees” 😢
[Respectfully] "To keep us entertained so we forget we're on our knees" is the line.
The soundtrack for our times 😢
Only God will not help to Change that.
Proud of you brother for having the courage to do this and sing these fitting and important words!
Thank you Jarome ❤
Martin thank you for being a voice for those who don't
Thank you for listening. I feel lucky to be able to raise my voice in relative freedom through music
Martin you’re an angel and you have the most beautiful voice and a poet, God bless you.❤
@@martinkerrmusic Thank you for this song. It is a sad indictment of our times that someone even THINKS about making up a song like this - blessings 🙏🙏🙏
I was feeling really sick and Im 64 years old and lived in the countryside, the stuff I saw while Farming and and oil patch and mining and lumber would open peoples eyes to how many billions of dollars handled by corrupt politicians, at this stage of the world everyone should have housing and health care, with the utmost respect for our own people
Amen 🙏
I would like to add a few things...I have complete compassion for One's with no Home, no Food, no life. Yes, some are to do with drug's, and to treat drug addictions with giving drug's that actually get Them High, is totally Rediclous in My way of thinking. And in most places there is a sizable fee for that! I can't help but trying to wrap My brain around that and try to understand it!? And then there are Homeless Veterans! That should not be happening Anywhere! They could be suffering from PTSD, or many other issues, to many to mention here, I could write a book on that subject alone!! And Children! Wow! Wow! It totally break's My Heart that there are Hungry, in need of shelter, medical help, and more. That's not just Here, that is World Wide! There should be absolutely no Hungry Children Anywhere! Not just the US, but Anywhere!! None of this Subject is any Child's fault!! The salutation, Feed Them!! We in the US, waste, throw away, more food, being the only Country that truly does this!! No matter Who or Where, Feed the Babies, Feed the Children!! There are a list of many reasons why These People are on the Street's??, And Yup, Why is a Big Question!!? Maybe Try to find out Why!? And to be honest,where I live, is small City. You don't see this, tents, homeless, hungry People! Oh, it's Here! Just hidden, hidden Well!! This City, as well as Everywhere has changed so Much since I was a child!! As a teenager, Me along with so many Other's thought this Small City was boring, but We still worked!! As a single parent most of the time, still Worked!! As I look at it now, this is a Amazing City! I have noticed how this City and most of the People in it Care!! I've experienced seeing this City pull together as One and Help Other's in Crisis, and in need of Help! It's out There, and comforting to know that it is!! It's sad to notice that being from a different generation than now, There are so Many that don't work! I would guess it's All about how one was raised. There isn't one place of business that I have walked into that doesn't have a Help wanted Sign! I wonder why People don't apply for a job? It's a great beginning to start a New Lifestyle, and then go from there!! As being a Senior Citizen now, I see this City as an Awesome Place to Be!! With Me it was unfortunate that I had no Choice but to retire early through Disability. Which took Me a good Three Years or more to accept the fact that I could not go back to work!! Heck, I still think that way!! I had to drop alot of to much pride, and try to accept and try to put the idea of work to rest. I had to reach out for help! It's there! And People Who Truly Care!! I will end with Please try to find out what the problem is with those in Need, but also having to keep in Mind that there are some that just don't want help and choose to live in such a sad and mixed up way!! And some that truly need help with where to begin! Reach out and see if You could be the One to Offer Guidence?! And unfortunately there are some that just don't want it! That is what saddens Me! And leave's Me with the Question, Why? 💜✝️
mark Here's a hug. I'm 70. What our eye's have seen...
They'll never give it. We must take what's ours without apology.
definitely - there is more than enough wealth for everyone to live well, but the political will isn't there, because we have let the ruling class divide us.
All of this is even more true now; this describes this year.
The real sad truth is that it describes _every_ year. Nevermind Reagan, it's been this way since Nixon and before. Thatcher in the UK. The rich get richer while the poor suffer and lose their lives for no better reason than "they worked hard all their life, but we still couldn't be bothered to help them when they needed it."
Billionaires do not piss gold to vitalize the economy. When they give us a shower, it's just regular piss.
Thank you. The rich have always ruled the world, but never more so than now. Never.
Back to the 18th century but with the mass propaganda tool of social media making so many complicit. Sick.
Before empires, before currency, humans lived in groups of 50-80 people. They gave each other food, homes, and clothing where it was needed. They only traded with outsiders.
But all it took was one human realizing they could control others if they controlled the resources. That was the birth of currency. It is easy to control others with money and beliefs.
But money is not the root of evil. It was those who felt they where more entitled to resources than others. They are cancers onto society. Entitlement, pride, and greed.
Well so did the kings who have claimed that they had the divine right to rule. It was during the enlightenment where this type of system was being challenged by enlightenment thinkers.
And then enlightenment had led to revolutions like the ones we saw in the communist revolutions in Europe and in the Bolsheviks revolution where the people and the workers rose up and fought back against the rich Russian dynasty of the Czar.
Enlightenment led to many democratic revolutions and revolutions of independence like the ones we saw in the African nations during the Cold War and also in Latin America where Cuba also freed themselves from the capitalist establishment.
Hide the walls and the prisoner will believe he's free. Amazing song.
Exactly! Left, right, politicians, media and both sides of the pond, as well as other countries!! 🔥🔥
The resolution for this should come from the left, unfortunately the Overton window has moved to far to the right.
@NeonNights80 More people are questioning and we need to appeal more than the far right 😁
@@NeonNights80 So far to the right that at least in the US the Nazis are somehow "leftist".
@@NeonNights80 ruclips.net/user/shorts_k9GETSa5uU?si=B18Nl-zUF9YcjwCb
@@LimeyRedneck ruclips.net/user/shorts_k9GETSa5uU?si=B18Nl-zUF9YcjwCb
I can't believe this came out a year ago!!! Chefs kiss!
Hard two days before our meager feast, no tree this year. No one felt like it.
150 $ for a 🎄 humbug .👴
Wow. Usually my 15 year old son resents very strongly whenever I get him to watch a music video, but this time he responded with "Nice. That was worth watching, actually." Also, yesterday an old man and woman I've never seen before turned up at our door and gave us a Christmas hamper with a ham, pudding, other Christmas foods, and a $50 gift voucher... When I thanked them the woman kissed my hand! It was very moving. Thank-you for this song. Peace on Earth.
@@elephantintheroom5678 wow. Thank you for sharing this with your son and telling me what happened. That's wonderful to know that strangers are writing people's days with generosity like that too.
My kid, too.
I found the song as I am sitting by a candle in my 2000 minivan that I’ve been living in for the last three years.
Omg. I hope things start looking up for you my friend. So many people just struggling to survive right now. The levels of inequality we're living in right now are just insane.
@ thank you. I just pray manifest and thank the universe that my van still runs and protects me and keeps me sheltered. without my minivan. I probably would be dead. So so grateful every day that my van runs and gets me to point a to point B and protects me. 💙 she just has a lot of mechanical issues that I pray one day I can get fixed. Yay fun times. But I love the song and I’ve shared it with so many people already thank you again.
@@cdannygI cannot offer anything but support in form of a message because I live in Germany but there are good people in this world , too. Hopefully some will cross your way and offer some help with the van.
Damn it man, I’d buy you breakfast or new spark plugs. The problem with the world is that to many people ask Cain’s question. Yes, we are our brother’s keeper!
@@christianmengel9407 Deine Antwort hat mich zum Weinen gebracht! Geht mir genauso! Du hast so recht, Mann!
No you didn’t.
This made me weep. It makes me want to help those who need it. At the least, I will give out food and clothing.
Thank you, this is a wonderful response. Sometimes it feels hopeless because we can't help everybody. But helping somebody is an amazing thing.
@@martinkerrmusicthere is the channel of justknate (hope i wrote it correctly) if you find it you might link?
After retiring early due to ptsd from a job I loved, I struggled for along time with exactly how you're feeling. Some advice from a mentor I'd like to share if you if don't mind....
He asked me, "did you forget what you learned day 1 at the academy?" I said "You do what you can, where you can, for as long as you can"??? He went to tell me that doesn't just apply in the fire service, it applies in activism, and pretty much life in general.
I have trouble with crowds or large groups since my diagnosis, but after my mentor's advice, and deciding to quit feeling sorry for myself, I discovered there are sooooo many things that need to be done, behind the scenes, for a social movement to work, or just for society to move forward.
It can be things as simple as organizing schedules for some sort of community work or grass roots movement, on your home PC, normalizing words and phrases that certain groups try to demonize and use to fear monger, by doing things like putting your preferred pronouns on your social media profiles. Or... it could be just handing out some food and clothing when you can. Progress towards true equality and peace is a snails race, and large accomplishments rarely occur all at once. So don't despair, your acts of kindness are appreciated and do more than you can ever imagine!! ✌💚
I saw a man in Walmart the other day, his clothes were completely tattered. I knew it took a lot of courage for him just to go into the Walmart. I always hear of homeless people dying in the cold outside. Poverty is a policy choice.
Biggest mistake of us is to help those who should be helped by those who have been elected by us to help each and every one of us.
Those who worship money will one day discover their money does not help them when they go before God.
Das beruhigt ungemein: der Glaube an ausgleichende Gerechtigkeit...
Wohl auch deswegen wird den Verursachern des Elends hinieden zu zaghaft auf die Finger geklopft!
Wenn es denn den "Gott" gäbe - er hätte anderes zu tun, als sich mit jedem hergelaufenen Schlingel zu befassen: den ganzen Mist, den er verzapft, wieder ausbügeln!
It may APPEAR that the wicked prosper.
Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.
@RheaRobin War das nicht Kaiser Karl? Den gab es auch nicht. Beide sollen - obwohl hochgebildet - Analphabeten gewesen sein: nichts Schriftliches überliefert. Um so mehr wird solchen willkommenen Konstrukten in den Mund gelegt.
Das "Kamel" ist ein Übersetzungsfehler: Gemeint ist der Kamel-STRICK!
If there was a god, I'm pretty sure he'd have done something about literally everything that's going on in the world right now.
Ya boy doesn't exist, gotta rip that band-aid off, there's no eternal torture dimension (god is love, but he'll send you to an eternal torture dimension if you're not faithful enough? WHAT?) and no eternal comfy paradise. There's just here and now.
Let's stop letting shitheads ruin it because we're convinced something better is waiting if we just sit and stay like good doggies.
Sd that a song like this has to be made becuase of the sickening greed and state of our world. Very well done sir.
Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to loose but your chains and everything to gain ✊
One day...✊️
Genau. Das gute alte kommunistische Manifest...
Wacht auf Verdammte dieser Erde ✊❤️💫
Unless CEOs call the National Guard like the old days...
@@julianparsons3027 Which side are you on, which side are you on /ref /lyr
@@julianparsons3027 really? honestly asking, i had no idea that private citizens could order the military...
I was really impacted watching this on Christmas Eve. Looking at these tents I am remembering the pictures I’ve seen of the 2:22 tent cities during the last depression in the 1930s. Hoovervilles they were called. They looked organized like communities . Today the homeless people are on their own while the algorithm cranks out ever more impossible rents.
Agreed, they had communities and it was acknowledged.
Homeless people actually do kinda have their own community, it sometimes intertwined with the general communities on the streets, networks of dealers, even gangs. At least in my experience from while I was homeless in a major northeastern city.
Medical catastrophes. What a sad world in which we live. Help each other.
Free Luigi
Yes la!!! Luigi is an American hero!!!!👍👏❤️
your voice and lyrics Martin! Brilliant. Very sad.
Sign of the times...
Stay strong, my brothers! 💪🤨👍
We are in the end days many signs
It is good to hear that someone else sees what is happening, thanks.
Yes!! That it’s acknowledged. This is everywhere! And nobody talks about it.
I’ve shared this with everybody I know. These scenes are heartbreaking. This is what big business has done to our country. This is what unfettered unregulated business leaves in its wake.
Speak it sista
Yes, and it's only going to get much worse in the next 4 years when Trump takes away all current restrictions on big business!
No, it's sinful, greedy people. And they are everywhere, not just Big Business. We live in a sinful world which is destined to end per Bible phrophecy which has not been wrong for thousands of years. Time ⏳️ is running out. Where will you spend eternity? Heaven or 🔥Hell 🔥 ? There is no third choice and no opt-out button. GOD does not force himself on anyone. He gave everyone free will. Choose wisely. An eternity is FOREVER and 🔥 Hell 🔥 is not a fun place with cool people, music, etc. Please 🙏 choose wisely.
But it sure must be fun to own a biiig garage with 20-40 really expensive cars to never drive! Oooh and five or six houses to not live in. And a yacht! And some planes. And a bunch of servants who have to do all the boring stuff for you. And some phallic space rockets. _Golly, I might be rich some day! A-hyuk!!_
...And all it costs is misery and suffering for countless people. Caring seems curiously absent from the billionaire mindset.
this is whst capitalism has done to us
Very thoughtful and meaningful lyrics … different and thought provoking in a good way. Great voice and good music compliments the message. Less developed countries were once thriving. Watch out.
As an ex homeless who had a job and it wasn't enough. God bless you this was powerful as fuck. May God bless you
thank you for being here. God bless you too this winter. We've got to look after each other.
@martinkerrmusic we sure do my friend . Thanks for responding keep up the good work. I can't do nothing I'm poor as can be but your in a position to actually help. So keep doing what you do
Yes this is truly the ode of our generation.
Breathtakingly powerful poignant lyrics. Achingly beautiful vocals.
Thank you Peter.
Very sobering. I didn't realise at first that this is from a year ago! It seems even more relevant now.
You make me weep for humanity. Weirdly, I'm being sincere- thank you.
Perfect 🌹
Jesus Christ’s commandment: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.”
People don't even love themselves they extort affection and abuse each other rape worship cash sick
Rich people: "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that B) "
Stumbled over this song on instagram and came here to see a full version. Thank you Martin for being the voice of people
thank you for listening and sharing
One of the voices. I personally prefer Rich men North of Richmond - the political class and the billionaire class have screwed us all
I dare anyone to call their local radio station and request this song be played !
Thanks :) did you request it? Would love to know its being heard around the world.
Just heard this on 88.1 the burg in ellensburg, WA
Wow that's really cool! Feel free to keep requesting it!@@donolman1745
I'm from Manila, Philippines and I'm sharing this song with my fellow activists. Soldier on.
That's the greatest idea yet
This should be No#1 for Christmas
I agree this song should be number 1 the Christmas music charts, but we both know the mega bucks music business for maximum profit and to hell with original musical talent would never allow it💰💰💰
Also, The Rebel Jesus by Jackson Brown.
This reminds me of how Charles Dickens remarked that the most fantastical idea in a Christmas Carol was that a rich man’s heart could change.
This hits hard right now.
It's a sad comment on our society that artists and comedians are telling more truth than all of the news media combined. Beautifully done. This video needs wider distribution.
thank you for listening. please share where you can.
Awesome 👍🏼😎🙏😔💯🇺🇲
Came from Tiktok... This needs to be viral ❤
Doing my part!
I came from Instagram and I agree completely with you.
Absolutely! This is an amazing piece!
Yes, yes it does. Play it outside Billionaire CEO's office and healthcare company skyscrapers.
Great! Valid round all our world. Thank you and God blessed you. Looking forward to your new songs. Greetings from Prague, Heart or Europe.
You should play this with Huge amplifiers and speakers blasting down Wall Street!
In all the halls of government
During the inaugural parade
@@deborahrivera6064 Amen, sister!
They 😈 won't care because they don't care. We live in a fallen, sinful world. You are either in the Lambs book of life or you aren't. Even during the horrific upcoming 7 Years Tribulation these people NEVER repent & turn to Jesus. ....But you can. This life IS temporary, but Your 👇 soul is Eternal (forever). GOD does not force himself on people, he gave everyone free will. There are ONLY 2 choices, Heaven or Hell. There is NO third option or an opt-out button. Please 🙏 choose wisely.
I particularly like the last four words of OP's post, not sure why, it just sounds... right, somehow! ;)
Great song. And blessings for saying both left and right are guilty
Beautifully done. You singing for those with no voice. This is the purpose of art. Thank you.
That's exactly right! Thank you for being here and for recognizing what this is about
Nothing but truth
When the cover is better than the original … ❤🎉😮
Came from insta just to find the full version. Great song screw the corrupt people at the top pulling our strings out
Also coming over from Insta
I came from UK Column news!
I came from tiktok
Came from Glenn Beck for the same!
Posted it on X. It is my Xmas card to the US Swamp folk. Beautiful message. Thank you.
This is going on my protest playlist!
Just a suggestion: ruclips.net/video/TfnYZ38NgWU/видео.html
YES! Exactly what I was thinking!
Sharing this everywhere
This was a hauntingly beautiful rendition of the Christmas classic. Thank you for this message.
Merry Christmas brothers and sisters. Thanks for this awesome song!
This is SO good - everything in one verse. Only just listened and have memorised it already
“In Washington and London Town you pay your lobby fees
You hold the reins of left and right in sham democracies
And keep us entertained so we don’t know we’re on our knees “
"Most of the great problems we face are caused by politicians, bureaucrats, financiers, bankers, and kindred; creating solutions to problems they created in the first place." - Walter E. Williams
Problem reaction solution
Mostly around this time of year, people is all profits and marketing. We need practice being compassionate and kindness toward ourselves and each other every day. Not just in December.
We need to practice balancing our inner feminine energy and inner masculine energy. That's where peace is. Inner peace creates outer peace.
Wow, a beautiful, sad and striking remake. Very apropos right now.
Wow. Powerful 😢
Why life is hard for some of us, but easy for others, I'll never understand. But I'm trying to keep going. Getting COVID and/or pneumonia today (the day before my husband is supposed to start a job for the 1st time after struggling with unemployment for a year and barely making it on my income) is not quite the Christmas gift we were anticipating. Thanks for caring about us entry-level working folks who are just trying to make it to the next day. ❤
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I live in a van 4 years now merry fuckmas everyone 😊
Fuckmas I love it. I hate the spending part of Christmas. Just buy more crap lol
Singing this one when fam wants us to do a Christmas singalong
Perfect song for what's happening today
Wow! I can't believe I'm just hearing this now! Not just a song for this season, but for all year round. Excellent.
‘and keep us entertained so we don’t know we’re on our knees’. This line speaks volumes, it’s been sad watching, particularly in recent years how everything has unfolded while people were being distracted by ‘shiny objects’.
I know this is a year old, but what a wonderful piece of music this is, only surpassed by the hard hitting, much needed, meaning of the lyrics. We need this to go viral, especially in light of recent events and it being the holiday season. I'm sharing on every social media platform I'm on!! Again, great job!! ✌💚
Powerful! Thank you, sharing this now.
Brilliant, well done! Merry Christmas!
This was super prescient.
You get The Official George Carlin Award, my friend. Thanks
I wish I could like this 1 billion times.
Or share it with about eight billion people. Imagine corpo security trying to keep billions or even thousands of people from defenestrating their social-murdering bosses! By which I mean, bosses whose actions and policies _directly_ cause the deaths of their workers and other victims.
Billionaires are in charge of the world 🌎 😢
Now they want to be trillionaires.
But we can choose to not buy into their bs
you have no choices anymore. Too late @@RK-yt3rk
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
After a couple of years off the street I found immense Joy in taking the New Jersey Transit train from north to south stopping at every stop, to hand out socks and gloves to every homeless person I found! I'm too old and disabled to do it today, I hope somebody carries on in my place!! God bless the homeless, with a home!!
Amen 🙏
Thank you for sharing this truth ❤
Brings me to tears, thank you for this
That was absolutely brilliant. Thanks. Sharing widely.
Bless you, merry gentle man. May your season be bright with the light of truth and transparency.
They dont care they dont listen they blame the poor for being poor.
It's intellectually bankrupt to NOT blame the poor for being poor in America. I might be poor, but I'll die before I blame it on anyone else.
"just get another job."
@@jacobcarter5923Du BIST nicht arm! Solltest Du aber irgendwann arm geworden sein, wirst Du anfangen zu überlegen, was und wer Dich arm gemacht hat - und warum die Reichen so reich sind...
@@darlacox Just stop being poor, bruh!
@@jacobcarter5923 May you get exactly what you deserve.
Preaching on the Magnificat this Sunday…Mary’s protest song. And using yours too. Thank you brother Martin. Peace be.
Truth, Thank You, & just read those in Washington, asking ( & bet they get ) pay raise.....
This needs to go viral. 💪
Thank you! Please share it wherever you can
Sad but good.
Took the words out of my mouth
perfect song for our time
Tiktok brought me here - this concept deserves a full album- and is there still time to make this Xmas No 1
We need to teach this truth to our children from birth!🙏🏻👍👏
You have a wonderful singing voice.
First, the message is spot-on and its delivery impeccable. Second, some (all) of this was filmed in downtown Edmonton Alberta Canada. Homelessness is where we live and see it, not hiding away elsewhere, whilst our levels of government argue about whose problem it is.
This is who the 60' had in Guthrie, Dylan and others. They sold out. Thank you for being the voice we need to hear today
This is a sad reflection of how things are. Cheers, Martin! 🙏✌️🇨🇦
Beautiful voice, with lyrics that are both lyrical and spot on! This needs to go viral. I'm sending it to my friend and family to pass on. Maybe that will help.
Amazing production. The choice of words and images is perfect. Beautiful voice, too. What is happening to our culture is a result of rampant, unchecked, capitalism. Capitalism is not a sustainable system without worker rights and tight government regulations. I am so sad for our world.
Sad isn't it? We all are entitled to abundance, may all of humanity be free of the lies and enslavement, judgement, the money/loosh! Sad indeed! I Love You & This tune, very powerful! Thank You!
Thank you Brother Martin, your words to a Carol song, makes so much sense. And I believe Jesus is very happy as it has opened the eyes and ears and also the hearts of many people. God bless you and your family and staff for this 🙏 wonderful wonderful act of love .