Mike: It was depressing and miserable, I felt my soul being sucked out of my body every second I watched it. Jay: I know right, I fucking love that shit.
It's always funny to me, how cynicial and depressed looking Mike likes his Sci-Fi more optimistic, while happy, cheerful Jay loves his fucked up post-apocalyptic stuff
Still the best cinema experience I’ve ever had. Midnight showing, VMAX, no one else in the cinema, it was like being transported into the Blade Runner universe.
Yeah the audio was something else, seeing it on the big screen was a once in a lifetime experience, the Hans Zimmer score was insanely beautiful at its loudest
It was a breath of fresh air to have a movie that let you take in the scenery and cinematography instead of super quick cuts every 2 seconds from beginning to end. Too bad people complained about it being slow so Dune got mediocre and movies went back to marvel explosions.
I know it's all opinion, and subjective, but I just don't get the "boring" complaints. I wasn't bored for one moment in either the original, or the new Blade Runner. I love those quiet moments in film, they help build the atmosphere and world.
For me its boring because the shots drag on FOREVER. We get all the information we need but its so self indulgent that it just hangs there for what seems like hours on a shot.
Leo B okay I've read two of your comments, both of them in different comments and in both those you've said that the movie was a mess. Try to explain why you would use that word.
Hellborn Psycho I'm Not young any more and I have to agree with this gentleman. I'm desperately trying to get engrossed into this mythos and universe but I cant. I actually believe that the young and impressionable could get into this more. I find it slow and almost pretentious at times. Still a thoroughly entertaining flick with cool sci fi and mesmerizing themes, yet it loses me in the translation. I thoroughly believe this will speak to everyone on an individual basis. No offense to the people who like, or dislike the film. I see both sides and land in the middle
It really was, it deserved way more recognition and acclaim. But we're in the era of comic movies, and unfunny comedy movies about womens periods. If there isn't a joke or someone being electrocuted / shot / energy blasted every 5 minutes it isn't a good movie.
I say this as a huge fan of both the original and 2049 but It wasn't surprising. The first one, for all its critical acclaim, is really just a cult classic. It was never that popular. So why would anyone expect the new one to do better.
Has anyone made a supercut of the amount of times Mike has brought up Star Trek while reviewing a movie unrelated to Star Trek? I bet it would be at least 10 minutes
yes there is an early fight with a replicant but its in service of nothing but memberries of the 1st film. it dosent tell us much or anything other than the drag of his existance. its sleeping pills on film.
No mention of the sound design? The difference between the city's loudness and the muted interiors was amazing. Between Baby Driver and this, the sound design in movies this year has been on point.
I was so impressed with this film. It's one of those rare sequels that is just as good or better than the original but expands upon the mythology effortlessly. Only a handful of films have done that correctly.
tighter script, shorter establishing shots, remove Jared Leto and remove Harrison Ford (too much washed up has been energy once he shows up). I don't care about nostalgia, the sequel needed to have its own legs to stand on and not rely on original so much.
I think the baseline test is a really great example of why it works as a sequel. It doesn't pointlessly retread the original, it doesn't do something completely unrelated that makes you wonder why it took its name, it engages with the ideas of the original and puts a clever twist on them. That said, Wallace was awful, Deckard was pointless, and Luv was... interesting for a while, but she just ended up as Attempted Roy Batty. Still fantastic overall, but definitely flawed.
@@SuperFlawless2010 I liked 2049 but the parts that really push nostalgia/connections to the old films really were the worse parts. Making the story rely on the relationship between Deckard/Rachel was a real blunder imo. Their relationship was the worst part of the first movie but then in 2049 we have to buy it as this true love story.
@Jay M of course Red Dwarf does predate Time Trax. And while SELMA'a mobile emitter predates Voyager's, SELMA was not a hard-light construct and couldn't interact with her environment like the Doctor or Rimmer. If you go that route then Al on Quantum Leap was a hologram with a mobile emitter (named Sam) albeit not an A.I. You might think that Al's hologram exists only in Sam's mind but there were several instances when people other than Sam were able to see Al (but not interact physically). QL predates TT, maybe that's where TT got the idea. Actually I revise my statement, Sam was not the emitter. Ziggy was able to project Al places where Sam wasn't, at least in the final episode. So the emitter could send Al's hologram anywhere in space or time but it was stationary at Project QL.
If only every studio film was this fully realized and uncompromised. I'd be happy for this director to attempt any property, Terminator, Batman, Star Wars etc. The film was an incredible cinema experience, beautifully made, solid performances (Harrison Ford actually looked like he wanted to be there) and the world it created with such an attention to detail was mind blowing, couldn't take my eyes off it.
look. i love villeneuve but i dont think he is universally everyones cup of tea.he is an arthouse man with certain fascination of atmosphere and slow pace which alienate certain audience.
Just watched the movie a second time. Still floored, as was the audience. Everyone was silent when the movie ended because it is such an intense experience.
Aramil honestly one of the greatest movie going experiences of my life. Every single person in the theater was glued to the screen. No cell phones popping up, no conversations, no annoying people. Dead silence from the audience for 2 hours and 44 minutes. It has been a long time since that has happened for me.
The couple sitting behind me (blade) RUNNED out of the cinema as soon as the credits came up. By the way, we were like 25 people in the room and every one seemed very distracted, idiots.
All of Denis Villeneuve's movies have had that slow, tense pacing that works amazingly for people that care to get involved with the worlds he's building, and it's not a style that we are used to in movies at all. That's one of the things I really appreciate about it, and I completely understand why several of his movies (looking at you, Prisoners, Arrival and now Blade Runner 2049) have been said to be boring by some people. I don't think they're truly "boring" though. I think they're just a slow burn that most of us enjoy having watched after it's over with.
Fraser Manley oh man I’m pretty sure I played that game before I saw the film and all my nostalgia for the Blade Runner ambiance is derived from the game rather than the film. It had such a bleak and gritty tone to it. Quite scary too for an 8 year old. I’m actually grateful to have that as my first association rather than the film, much as I love it.
I've never played it but wish I had. Anyways, I think you'll love Ars Technica's War Stories episode (a great series on RUclips) shedding some light on its creation: /watch?v=Zkwpa5YPhx8.
I'm glad they changed their minds about Ryan Gosling's acting and took the time to say it. After watching the movie I thought they were a little unfair with him in Rich's video, his character was supposed to be a stone cold blade runner replicant with a little of "humanity" that grew during the course of the movie. He also did a great job in the few emotional scenes he had.
people keep saying Ryan Gosling has no facial expressions and shit. I'm like.. are we watching the same person?? Look at his eyes! acting is all in the eyes. he's amazing
I gave him a backhanded compliment and said “well, if you want someone who people might think is a robot, he’s the perfect actor for that.” Joking, but also serious. And he was! And I like him as an actor, a lot.
Dark City is one of my personal favorite movies of all time. I was so happy to hear Mike call it the best sci-fi film noir movie and I wish more people could experience it for themselves.
@@hilaryc8648 Oh my yes, very much agreed, the visual echoes of German Expressionist films alone continue to this day, almost every warped landscape or cityscape is reminiscent of that period, and the strange beauty that shows through the overwhelmingly, otherworldly and often depressing/oppressive aesthetic has been replicated in so many ways in so many films that is actually quite difficult to fully quantify the impact. I would say even films like The Nightmare Before Christmas to films like The Road draw from that aesthetic to visually construct meaning.
Tbqh I can pop this on whenever, don't need to prepare for it or anything. It's so satisfyingly and beautifully made that it's practically relaxing, and at the very least a fantastic representation of art in film. I also absolutely adore the fact that the resolution does not involve fantastic rebellions or foiling evil plots, but a simple human act of kindness in reuniting father and daughter. It's so comparatively humble and down-to-earth, yet given so much incredible energy by the story surrounding it, that I can hardly think of a more uplifting message: that living life as an average, ordinary person is its own brand of epic.
The original movie came out when I was 17. I was expecting it to be something like Star Wars because Harrison Ford was in it. Of course, it was not and the person I saw the movie with was bored out of his mind. I was fascinated with the visuals and the fully-realized world, and liked Film Noir so I was favorable disposed to it. However, it was only with repeated watchings (many of which were done via a VHS tape recorded from a local broadcast in which they presented one of the reels out of order) that I came to see it as a masterpiece in film making. I had huge reservations about the sequel, but was more than pleasantly surprised with how it turned out, for all of the reasons you mentioned. I have watched it many times since and continue to marvel that such a movie could be made in today’s Hollywood. Bravo.
Me too, and it instantly became my favourite film. I've rewatched the film so many times since. Deckard isn't a detective in as such, he's there to 'retire' the rogue replicants that made it back to earth. I didn't make it beyond the first hour of the sequel. Very dull.
@@pyro380idk, I’m a fairly flaky guy and the only scene that dragged for me was the yellow house scene There’s nothing wrong with enjoying movies by getting lost in their beauty, a writer van write a beautiful picture, an artist can paint a wonderful sentence, etc
Even if we did have to wait an hour, who fucking cares? Not every film has to have an action scene to be a masterpiece. All these ADD people today can't pay attention to a beautifully crafted film unless theres a car driving out of a plane whilst the guy shoots akimbo m16's out the window.
I think many ppl, especially of a younger generation that didn’t see the 1st movie, were expecting an action movie. It’s not really an action movie franchise though. For non-action movies, they do have action scenes in them. I went to see it theaters, I was not expecting an action movie.
I think the Las Vegas scenes should have had a hologram of Don Rickles saying "You paid 13 dollars for THIS? what am I a schmuck? a gefilte fish? get outta here!"
For a person with limited spelling abilities, you sincerely should not imply that people are shallow and "not firing on all cylinders" if they enjoyed a piece of entertainment. That kind of reasoning is not just stupid and utterly illogical, it's also shallow, and coming from a person who wouldn't be... firing on all cylinders. Let people enjoy whatever they want, I liked the movie. Probably never watching it again but I still liked it, a lot of people did.
Deondre Clark Deadpool and Logan might have saved us a little considering they were successful R rated SUPERHERO movies, but I think in the end these kinds of R rated films will almost never see the light of day. FUCK YOU IT'S FOREVER
I love the first film myself, but my god... I wasn't expecting to love the second one to the extent I did! I also agree that it may well be one of the greatest sequels ever made. Although I always feel that the pacing to these films is perfect. Maybe that's just me though..
omgitsMeerkatChris I absolutely loved it! The acting, sound, cinematography, story, script and the world built was genius beyond any film. Sci-fi these days is aimed at teenagers and is nowhere near as deep as Blade Runner 2049 which is ashame that we dumb down things for todays audience.
RiceCum I meant the pacing. Sorry if it came off that way to you, but a common complaint is the pacing to which has always been a positive for me with these two films. I get that people may find it slow, but I just happen to like that for whatever reason with these films
I really enjoyed it. Though it was a sequel, it still felt fresh and it kept me interested the entire time. The filmcraft in some shots were just about the most beautiful I have ever seen.
"It's like a comfy nightmare blanket." I've never heard Blade Runner described so perfectly. The music and sound design for 2049 might be the one of most orgasmic auditory experiences I've had from a film. I'm inclined to rewatch it just to _hear_ the film again in full glory. There are only two main things I didn't quite love about it though. First thing I can complain about is that I felt like it left a little too much open. It feels like there's too much room for another sequel when I think this should've been a more conclusive story. Maybe I'm wrong about that if they end up making an amazing third film, but we'll see. And lastly, I feel like the climax didn't live up to the original --- I know, it's hard to beat one of the most memorable death scenes in all of sci-fi cinema. But when the original had such a powerful climax, I really wanted something to match the same kind of impact; unofrtuantely 2049's didn't quite deliver for me. Other than that, incredible film. You really don't see movies like this in the cinema very often...so engrossing, atmospheric, beautiful, and spellbinding visionary work. You need to experience this on the big screen.
I know exactly what you mean; I was overwhelmed and floored by the sound towards the end of the movie, when the score starts syncing with the waves crashing. It’s genius how the entire movie is visually overwhelming, and the finale cuts that out to focus on negative space and maximum sound. It’s like they’re fighting on the edge of the world, about to fall off into the abyss of humanity’s own creation; it’s pure sci-fi, aka pure possibility
It's so strange how the first Blade Runner hits different people. I was so checked out by the end of Blade Runner that I really just didn't care about Rutger Hauer's replicant. But 2049 was a stunning masterpiece that I couldn't look away from. So weird
I heard he was Gosling's stunt double in the lounge scene. It is why Ford was so into it... but he wouldn't stop after they called cut so it had to be re-shot 14 times.
My favorite part of the movie was how they refused to explain some plot points using dialogue or exposition. Instead, they just held a shot on Gosling's face as you watch him put the pieces together, and in that time you put it together too. Its awesome. I love when a mystery gives the audience the same info as the character, and here they also gave you the space to think it through.
The whole point of the first film was that all the human characters behaved like machines. Emotionless, unsympathetic creatures operating off their programming. The replicants, instead, were emotive and compelling. They wanted to Live!
Thats right. replicans act like machines,human act like machines...i remember doug walker´s quote "if the characters cant show an emotion why should the audience show an emotion?"
@@RRRRRRRRR33 the hologram girl was not a full blown AI. She was a good simulacrum, but Gosling character realising she was not real was part of his arc.
A pity there was no talk or comparison of the soundtracks for each movie. Blade Runner's soundtrack by Vangelis is a fairly significant and unique piece of work that works incredibly well as a standalone album. I would have loved to hear about how they felt about Blade Runner 2049's soundtrack, because it was extremely dominant in many scenes.
Edward LaFlamme I thought It was both different and it was edited a lot better than the original. Also the tone of the movie helped you immerse yourself in the movie more than others. Try watching it again.
I realize a lot of people find the slow pacing and emphasis on atmosphere boring, but that's actually my favorite part of the Blade Runner movies; just soaking in the world the film makers are building.
Wendy Scott I can kind of understand from a technical aspect. Movies are supposed be condensed and the plot is expected to always be moving, but I agree with you. I love Blade Runner because it takea time to let you soak in its atmosphere and visuals. When they were talking about how boring the "enhancing" scene was, all I could think was how much I love that scene and how purposely slow and methodical it is, especially because we're discovering things at the same time Deckard is. The biggest flaw I can give to the movie is, as Mike and Jay pointed out, all the different edits and the Ridley Scott bullshit that no one wanted. In a lot of ways, I actually prefer the theactrical cut because its not bogged down by the "ambiguity" while never losing the thought-provoking questions. I also really like just how much the voice-over lends itself to the general noir feel, even if it does sound like Harrison Ford is sleeping through his lines.
You've got to consider what it was like watching Bladerunner in 1984, though - that 'enhance' scene was pretty amazing, especially if you were a techie type - just marvelling at the 'future' technology.
That's where 2049 messes up imo. Theyre very clearly trying to reproduce the atmosphere (to the point that it becomes fan service) but they seriously draw it out way too long by chasing useless insignificant tangents. It's strange to me how they're complaining about the original's pacing but they like 2049 which is longer and more boring and pretentious.
I did not know Harrison Ford was in this movie (I live under a rock), and it made his reveal way, way cooler. I did not mind the pacing leading up to it, either.
I’ve heard numerous anecdotes from people who had no idea Ford was in the movie and were familiar with the first film. And they all think it was a satisfying reveal and made this movie a lot better. Thanks Sony
As a young adult, blade runner 2049 was my first experience with blade runner, and I have to say. It was one of the best movie going experiences I have ever had. I was never bored during the entire movie.
Sorry to be that guy... But maybe some of you (Ahem, Mike, Ahem) should read some William Gibson if you want to get all holier-than-thou on who did what first in sci-fi. Also, everything is remix, so I'm sure the idea of mobile holograms with AI personalities has been around before even him. #simpsonsdidit
I had to look it up. Milwaukee had a huge cryptosporidium outbreak in 1993. Still an issue in surrounding rural areas. Actually, Milwaukee's biggest problem now is 80,000 lead pipes still in use.
BR 2049 is absolutely one of the BEST movies/sequels ever. I loved it much more than the original. This is the way to build Sci fi worlds and tell a story in the span of a feature film.
I think there's some leeway given to it because it's a detective story so even a young audience is engrossed though there's very little action. Plus, going back to watch this now, there are consistently interesting visuals onscreen for the majority of the movie. It's not like an A24 film where the shots themselves are often drawn out and meditative. There are some atmospheric sequences, but the rest keeps the story moving.
I should have known that Mike likes Rick & Morty, but it still got me off guard… And by the way, in case you didn't know, there are three short stories that are supposed to link the First Blade Runner movie, with Blade Runner 2049. I'd say you can watch them either before or after watching this one. They really added some sort of continuity for me in this Universe they created. They are all at the "Warner Bros. Pictures" RUclips channel: BLADE RUNNER 2049 - "Black Out 2022" Anime Short BLADE RUNNER 2049 - "2036: Nexus Dawn" Short BLADE RUNNER 2049 - "2048: Nowhere to Run" Short (It will take you about 35 minutes to watch the 3 of them, so it’ll be just like a RLM episode)
That's cosit wasn;t very good. I wasn;t expectingmuch from the First pacific rim but it really worked. they took this nonsense concept and totally sold it to me, the CGI was excellent because those huge robot mechsuits actually felt like they had weight and substance. Then Pacific Rim 2 came out and was everything I feared the first one woul.d be. Serious let down.
My only gripe about the visuals of this movie is that it seemed most the city lights were off. If this was partially a result of the blackout from 25 years ago, I wish they pressed that point a bit more. The first film seemed to have buildings that were much more lit up.
And the score! Exploring and expanding the themes with new production technology while still staying reverent enough to the original, nailing it on the head just like the other aspects you talked about
Lets not forget Hans Zimmers score in this was pure gold. And that fight scene at the end in the water was pure beauty. This is in my top 3 favorites of all time.
Hollywood needs to do a "Goonies" sequel. All the kids are in their 40's, Sloth has a rocket launcher, and they have to stop the ghost of One-Eyed Willy from destroying the whole world!
I didn't mind the run time in the slightest. This film was visceral and engaging, something rare in the movies of this day and age. Thank fuck I don't suffer from ADHD like (apparently) so many mindless movie-goers these days. This was a refreshing change of pace from the pure schlock we tend to get...
Walter Unglaub you're not stupid if you didn't like the movie. It's very slow, and that's cool sometimes, but a lot of the shit in this movie just didn't need to be in there.
Walter - Absolutely agree! Plus it obviously wasn't another typical by-the-numbers generic Hollywood production that's become so common. I hope it ends up with a good take, and decent sales at the box, to keep such formulaic habits from further infecting the industry.
The pace wasn't why it was boring, I love slow paced films. The story was very predictable and a lack of emotional connection with the characters left me less than engaged. Visually and musically stunning however. But the story was forgettable. The ideas behind the story are more interesting than the actual on screen story.
Am O Ah yes, you of course sat there and predicted everything in a "I-told-you-so" way, while the rest of us didn't see the twists come, cause apparently a movie with twists can be predictable?
BR 2049 felt a little too long (as per the numb-bum test) but I was never bored. Soundtrack was a bit bombastic in a few spots and pacing wasn't perfect, but overall I thought this was very good and repeat viewings are definitely in my future
I never understood people calling blade runner boring, it encapsulated me in every scene, I loved all the characters, the plot and themes, a fantastic film
Ku Ku Klock I think it's one of those things where you either get it or you don't. It really *is* a cult movie, and not the stupid, butchered definition of the word where everybody says they like it and act like they're special because of it. People either get it, or they don't and find it boring. All about the person.
I think you mean "ensnared" or "entertained". "Encapsulated" would basically mean that it _depicted_ you, that the same people who found Blade Runner boring would find _you_ boring.
Ku Ku Klock verb (used with object), en·cap·su·lat·ed,en·cap·su·lat·ing. to place in or as if in a capsule. to summarize or condense. verb (used without object),en·cap·su·lat·ed, en·cap·su·lat·ing. to become enclosed in or as if in a capsule. >summarize >condense >enclose This movie did none of those things to you, unless you are either a replicatant, or trapped inside the film reel of Blade Runner 2049.
Lonely Artichoke en·cap·su·late inˈkapsəˌlāt,enˈkapsəˌlāt/ verb enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule. Enclose, I used the term to describe the experiencing as something that pulls me in and enclosed me as if in a capsule, the capsule being the movie. It is an exaggerated way of saying I was very into the movies world it created, the fact you need this spelled out for you is ridiculous. And I wasn't talking about 2049 I was talking about the original, so you are so far off the mark it's ludicrous
"you're waiting an hour for the first action sequence"
Bautista in the first scene.
"If taking you in is an option i'd much prefer that to the alternative"
Yea I was gonna say, there is some brutal kitchen action in there. MIKE AND JAY ARE FRAUDS!
Interestingly, that scene was actually from an old draft of the original Blade Runner, slightly tweaked.
@dibdap237 totes. Hampton Fancher ftw
Best scene in the movie IMO
Mike: It was depressing and miserable, I felt my soul being sucked out of my body every second I watched it.
Jay: I know right, I fucking love that shit.
Kek, spot on
Jay reading the My Little Pony summary really helped me through my crippling stagefright and several tough divorces. Thanks RLM!
I was really struggling with depression, but after this video, I've finally decided to kill myself, thanks RLM!
Good to see someone bringing back the RLM comments section I know and love.
I had to replay that part four times to realize Jay was trying to say "Equestria"
@@fluctuatingvex3710 I read this and decided to test whether the first cut was indeed the deepest. Thanks!
@@curanp2 Weird he struggled with that one considering "Equestrian" is a real word.
Mike: "I'd like to bring up Star Trek"
Jay: *dies inside*
This film was so stunningly beautiful and interesting it breaks my heart that its not doing well financially....so much love put on the screen
Markcinemafan cool visuals and music is all it is really
Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
Ok :)
Edward LaFlamme unfortunately not, Ridley Scott has already expressed his interest in a sequel
how the fuck was this worse than the original?
and the ending suck!? how? it fitted perfectly in this movie
It's always funny to me, how cynicial and depressed looking Mike likes his Sci-Fi more optimistic, while happy, cheerful Jay loves his fucked up post-apocalyptic stuff
Jay isn't happy and cheerful. He just has a joyful demeanor because that's what fucked up people do to hide. Trust me! Takes one to know one.
Opposites attract, I suppose.
when you’re depressed, you crave optimistic fiction. when you’re happy, you crave pessimistic fiction.
Godzilla almost had a stroke trying to read this, but then he read it again and it made sense.
@@chunkymilk No shot. I’m chronically depressed and I thoroughly enjoy basking in all of it to absolutely miserable films and music.
I can't believe they made 2,049 of these movies
omg vote this comment up more everybody
Its called fan fiction, thank you very much.
They didn't, it's just that the first one is approximately 2,048 movies long
That's a shot load of trailers yo
It happened again?!
Still the best cinema experience I’ve ever had. Midnight showing, VMAX, no one else in the cinema, it was like being transported into the Blade Runner universe.
Damn you might as well have been Ryan Gosling LMAO
We did the same and I agree
That sounds incredible
Yeah the audio was something else, seeing it on the big screen was a once in a lifetime experience, the Hans Zimmer score was insanely beautiful at its loudest
It was a breath of fresh air to have a movie that let you take in the scenery and cinematography instead of super quick cuts every 2 seconds from beginning to end. Too bad people complained about it being slow so Dune got mediocre and movies went back to marvel explosions.
I know it's all opinion, and subjective, but I just don't get the "boring" complaints. I wasn't bored for one moment in either the original, or the new Blade Runner. I love those quiet moments in film, they help build the atmosphere and world.
For me its boring because the shots drag on FOREVER. We get all the information we need but its so self indulgent that it just hangs there for what seems like hours on a shot.
Patrick Jeter that's probably cause you're young. No offense but generally teenagers have very short attention spans. Not all of them tho.
Hellborn Psycho no it's because the movie is a tedious and poorly paced mess
Leo B okay I've read two of your comments, both of them in different comments and in both those you've said that the movie was a mess. Try to explain why you would use that word.
Hellborn Psycho I'm Not young any more and I have to agree with this gentleman. I'm desperately trying to get engrossed into this mythos and universe but I cant. I actually believe that the young and impressionable could get into this more. I find it slow and almost pretentious at times. Still a thoroughly entertaining flick with cool sci fi and mesmerizing themes, yet it loses me in the translation.
I thoroughly believe this will speak to everyone on an individual basis. No offense to the people who like, or dislike the film. I see both sides and land in the middle
The box office for Blade Runner 2049 is why we can't have nice things anymore (in terms of movies)... amazing movie!
Nastassia Good joke.
There’s nothing wrong with sequels as long as they aren’t cash grabs and have genuine passion and integrity behind them
Now we just have Birdbox...
It really was, it deserved way more recognition and acclaim. But we're in the era of comic movies, and unfunny comedy movies about womens periods. If there isn't a joke or someone being electrocuted / shot / energy blasted every 5 minutes it isn't a good movie.
I say this as a huge fan of both the original and 2049 but It wasn't surprising. The first one, for all its critical acclaim, is really just a cult classic. It was never that popular. So why would anyone expect the new one to do better.
Mike: "I'd like to bring up Star Trek."
Jay: *looks at camera like in The Office*
does that make mr plinkett Jay's Roy?
*you do not know what pain is. You will learn.*
Seriously, I was thinking it wasn't going to happen then whammo!
you understood that reference?
Has anyone made a supercut of the amount of times Mike has brought up Star Trek while reviewing a movie unrelated to Star Trek? I bet it would be at least 10 minutes
Waiting an hour for an action scene? Doesn't Gosling fight Bautista in one of the first scenes?
Also it's not an action movie so idk why they were waiting for an action scenes so anxiously
that was more of lover's quarrel
@@aidangillard2041 they were saying that it wouldn't appeal to young people for that reason, not that it didn't appeal to them.
I'd say it was a detective movie trying to look like a drama/thriller.
yes there is an early fight with a replicant but its in service of nothing but memberries of the 1st film. it dosent tell us much or anything other than the drag of his existance.
its sleeping pills on film.
No mention of the sound design? The difference between the city's loudness and the muted interiors was amazing. Between Baby Driver and this, the sound design in movies this year has been on point.
all the guns and punches were all wonderfully punchy in this too
*there is no Sound Design award
Sound was incredible for sure.
And Dunkirk too
I would also add Dunkirk to the list of great sound design in film this year.
Of course Mike found a reason to start talking about fucking star trek
but he was wrong. Red dwarf did the Holo emitter first.
He always does
Was looking for this comment. Although I'm sure Red Dwarf got the concept from something else more obscure before, nothing original under the sun !
RIP the man who saw things we could never believe
C- beams
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion
I want to like it but at the time I'm writing this comment had 420 of them
All these … moments … will be lost in time, like…
Tears.... in rain....
I was so impressed with this film. It's one of those rare sequels that is just as good or better than the original but expands upon the mythology effortlessly. Only a handful of films have done that correctly.
tighter script, shorter establishing shots, remove Jared Leto and remove Harrison Ford (too much washed up has been energy once he shows up). I don't care about nostalgia, the sequel needed to have its own legs to stand on and not rely on original so much.
i agree. it's up there with Aliens and T2 for me.
I think the baseline test is a really great example of why it works as a sequel. It doesn't pointlessly retread the original, it doesn't do something completely unrelated that makes you wonder why it took its name, it engages with the ideas of the original and puts a clever twist on them. That said, Wallace was awful, Deckard was pointless, and Luv was... interesting for a while, but she just ended up as Attempted Roy Batty. Still fantastic overall, but definitely flawed.
@@SuperFlawless2010 I liked 2049 but the parts that really push nostalgia/connections to the old films really were the worse parts. Making the story rely on the relationship between Deckard/Rachel was a real blunder imo. Their relationship was the worst part of the first movie but then in 2049 we have to buy it as this true love story.
Except not really, its not a great sequel and an okay movie.
"You wait an hour for the first action sequence." - LIES
The first action sequence is about 7 mins in.
phrozac yep
d0wns0wth hey I love getting some booty licking but they are wrong
@@caleb3909 he was talkinh to the cunt who said mike and Jay thought the scene wasnt interesting
@@Shenaldrac Or just shows how inept they are as reviewers.
Dont try and argue with these hacks!
I loved how slow it is. Amazing feeling of melancholy unease, just like the original. A lot of subtle touches too.
"It's like a comfy nightmare blanket".
The best box blurb that never was.
Wasn't Arnold Rimmer's hologram using "hard light" long before Voyager's doctor? 😃
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for Star Trek.
_wistfully sighs_
Yeah, Voyager ripped off Red Dwarf, and there's nothing more embarrassing than that.
But Star Trek The Next Generation had hard-light holograms before Red Dwarf. I suppose the difference is that Rimmer wasn't confined to one room.
@Jay M of course Red Dwarf does predate Time Trax. And while SELMA'a mobile emitter predates Voyager's, SELMA was not a hard-light construct and couldn't interact with her environment like the Doctor or Rimmer.
If you go that route then Al on Quantum Leap was a hologram with a mobile emitter (named Sam) albeit not an A.I. You might think that Al's hologram exists only in Sam's mind but there were several instances when people other than Sam were able to see Al (but not interact physically). QL predates TT, maybe that's where TT got the idea.
Actually I revise my statement, Sam was not the emitter. Ziggy was able to project Al places where Sam wasn't, at least in the final episode. So the emitter could send Al's hologram anywhere in space or time but it was stationary at Project QL.
If only every studio film was this fully realized and uncompromised. I'd be happy for this director to attempt any property, Terminator, Batman, Star Wars etc. The film was an incredible cinema experience, beautifully made, solid performances (Harrison Ford actually looked like he wanted to be there) and the world it created with such an attention to detail was mind blowing, couldn't take my eyes off it.
look. i love villeneuve but i dont think he is universally everyones cup of tea.he is an arthouse man with certain fascination of atmosphere and slow pace which alienate certain audience.
He's going to adapt Dune next, pretty sure it's going to be great
@@kingthlayerl.7349 I am both excited and dismayed.
U N Explain. I haven’t finished the book yet or seen the David Lynch movie but I’ve loved everything that Denis Villeneuve has put out so far.
@Degree7 Those are some of my favorite directors.
Just watched the movie a second time. Still floored, as was the audience. Everyone was silent when the movie ended because it is such an intense experience.
Aramil honestly one of the greatest movie going experiences of my life. Every single person in the theater was glued to the screen. No cell phones popping up, no conversations, no annoying people. Dead silence from the audience for 2 hours and 44 minutes. It has been a long time since that has happened for me.
The couple sitting behind me (blade) RUNNED out of the cinema as soon as the credits came up.
By the way, we were like 25 people in the room and every one seemed very distracted, idiots.
there was only 2 other people in the entire theater with me. That's why my experience was so silent.
Because they were asleep
Some of the audience at my showing were nearly struck into a coma! I heard actual snoring at one point in the film! What a masterpiece!
All of Denis Villeneuve's movies have had that slow, tense pacing that works amazingly for people that care to get involved with the worlds he's building, and it's not a style that we are used to in movies at all. That's one of the things I really appreciate about it, and I completely understand why several of his movies (looking at you, Prisoners, Arrival and now Blade Runner 2049) have been said to be boring by some people. I don't think they're truly "boring" though. I think they're just a slow burn that most of us enjoy having watched after it's over with.
Temparo Yes the twists were weak, but its not on Denis i guess as he only directs all his recent and well known movies.
Don't forget Enemy
Loved BR2049, I thought arrival was meh.
The Blade Runner CD-Rom game from the 90's was superb.
Fraser Manley oh man I’m pretty sure I played that game before I saw the film and all my nostalgia for the Blade Runner ambiance is derived from the game rather than the film. It had such a bleak and gritty tone to it. Quite scary too for an 8 year old. I’m actually grateful to have that as my first association rather than the film, much as I love it.
Hell yeah! There were like six different endings. Too bad it's too old to run on modern computers.
@@xannaduu I got it running, took a bit of work but it's absolutely worth it.
I've never played it but wish I had. Anyways, I think you'll love Ars Technica's War Stories episode (a great series on RUclips) shedding some light on its creation: /watch?v=Zkwpa5YPhx8.
Remastered edition coming out soon
I'm glad they changed their minds about Ryan Gosling's acting and took the time to say it. After watching the movie I thought they were a little unfair with him in Rich's video, his character was supposed to be a stone cold blade runner replicant with a little of "humanity" that grew during the course of the movie. He also did a great job in the few emotional scenes he had.
people keep saying Ryan Gosling has no facial expressions and shit. I'm like.. are we watching the same person?? Look at his eyes! acting is all in the eyes. he's amazing
I gave him a backhanded compliment and said “well, if you want someone who people might think is a robot, he’s the perfect actor for that.” Joking, but also serious. And he was! And I like him as an actor, a lot.
Especially the “GODDAMMIT” scene
patrick sedillo yeah that scene was great
@@perhaps9460 that was true kino
Dark City is one of my personal favorite movies of all time. I was so happy to hear Mike call it the best sci-fi film noir movie and I wish more people could experience it for themselves.
How the hell has Mike not seen Sicario.
garbage movie
bobsagget823 lmao wat
@@bobsagget823 garbage opinion
Loved Sicario, remember the regret of seeing San Andreas instead of the sequel... :’-(
@@bobsagget823 I'm getting the sense you're not a Denis Villenueve fan.
I would love to see a Dark City re:View
So surprised they haven't done so by now. Dark city is super under rated.
Great movie
I watched it when I had a fever. It was a nightmare but In a good way.
One of the best sci-fi and noir style movies ever made, watched it again recently and it still holds up.
Hey, do you know the way to Shell beach?
"3D waifus are shit, Joi is best girl" - Ryan Gosling
tfw no hologram gf
Somebody probably should've said something about that name
Holograms are 3d though :^ )
"3DPD were a mistake." - God
but hologram is 3d
I predict a Half in the Bag reboot with Ryan Gosling playing Jay, and Harrison Ford playing Mike.
And Rich Evans playing Ryan Gosling.
@@BenryDessAna de Armas plays Rich Evans
Im shocked they haven't produced an episode with random actors playing their parts
The first movie to portray the massive-Sci-Fi-city thing was Metropolis (1926). In fact, it's the title character.
Indeed. German expressionism influenced almost everything. Fritz Lang also gave us some of the great crime noir films, aped to this day.
@@hilaryc8648 Oh my yes, very much agreed, the visual echoes of German Expressionist films alone continue to this day, almost every warped landscape or cityscape is reminiscent of that period, and the strange beauty that shows through the overwhelmingly, otherworldly and often depressing/oppressive aesthetic has been replicated in so many ways in so many films that is actually quite difficult to fully quantify the impact. I would say even films like The Nightmare Before Christmas to films like The Road draw from that aesthetic to visually construct meaning.
Tbqh I can pop this on whenever, don't need to prepare for it or anything. It's so satisfyingly and beautifully made that it's practically relaxing, and at the very least a fantastic representation of art in film.
I also absolutely adore the fact that the resolution does not involve fantastic rebellions or foiling evil plots, but a simple human act of kindness in reuniting father and daughter. It's so comparatively humble and down-to-earth, yet given so much incredible energy by the story surrounding it, that I can hardly think of a more uplifting message: that living life as an average, ordinary person is its own brand of epic.
I'm right on board with you guys on this one. It's spectacularly well made.
Boil Derrik well made, nice visuals and music, but no substance, like so many other reboots
@@leob4403 no substance? Must have watched a different movie than you.
I spent the last hours refreshing the RLM channel page for this, looks like I wasn't disappointed.
Just turn on notifications for this channel.
I have spent the last weeks doing it
The original movie came out when I was 17. I was expecting it to be something like Star Wars because Harrison Ford was in it. Of course, it was not and the person I saw the movie with was bored out of his mind. I was fascinated with the visuals and the fully-realized world, and liked Film Noir so I was favorable disposed to it. However, it was only with repeated watchings (many of which were done via a VHS tape recorded from a local broadcast in which they presented one of the reels out of order) that I came to see it as a masterpiece in film making. I had huge reservations about the sequel, but was more than pleasantly surprised with how it turned out, for all of the reasons you mentioned. I have watched it many times since and continue to marvel that such a movie could be made in today’s Hollywood. Bravo.
Me too, and it instantly became my favourite film. I've rewatched the film so many times since. Deckard isn't a detective in as such, he's there to 'retire' the rogue replicants that made it back to earth. I didn't make it beyond the first hour of the sequel. Very dull.
Blade runner 2049 is a movie that allows the actors to act. The camera focuses on them for extended amount of times to portray emotion and intention
@@jdunnatl LMAO! *Barfs*
They portray boredom and navel-gazing.
@@pyro380idk, I’m a fairly flaky guy and the only scene that dragged for me was the yellow house scene
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying movies by getting lost in their beauty, a writer van write a beautiful picture, an artist can paint a wonderful sentence, etc
'Have to wait an hour for any action scene'
...literally the first scene is an action scene :/
Otherwise great review!
Even if we did have to wait an hour, who fucking cares? Not every film has to have an action scene to be a masterpiece. All these ADD people today can't pay attention to a beautifully crafted film unless theres a car driving out of a plane whilst the guy shoots akimbo m16's out the window.
I think many ppl, especially of a younger generation that didn’t see the 1st movie, were expecting an action movie.
It’s not really an action movie franchise though. For non-action movies, they do have action scenes in them. I went to see it theaters, I was not expecting an action movie.
I think the Las Vegas scenes should have had a hologram of Don Rickles saying "You paid 13 dollars for THIS? what am I a schmuck? a gefilte fish? get outta here!"
That would've made this the best film of all time
It would've made so much sense, and would've fit well considering that Frank was a hologram just upstairs.
Or a reference to Keaton's Cop, the best performance of his career.
Just watched the OG Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 after one another. Not boring IMO.
GiRayne Welcome to the internet where you can pirate movies that are still in theaters!
You can download movies off the internet pretty easily
The digital version is available
It's playing at second-run theaters around here (Portland, OR), and there is one theater playing both movies as a double feature.
For a person with limited spelling abilities, you sincerely should not imply that people are shallow and "not firing on all cylinders" if they enjoyed a piece of entertainment. That kind of reasoning is not just stupid and utterly illogical, it's also shallow, and coming from a person who wouldn't be... firing on all cylinders. Let people enjoy whatever they want, I liked the movie. Probably never watching it again but I still liked it, a lot of people did.
Didn't Star Trek steal the Mobile Emitter from Red Dwarf?
Thank you! I was just thinking that. I was sure that some other smartass would've already mentioned it!
Absolutely . So basically , the hot hologram is just a rip off Rimmer.
They’re overthinking it anyway. The concept of a portable version of something is nothing new. That’s all this is.
I hope Hollywood doesn't get scared of making adult movies bc of weak box office. So tired of everything being made for 13 yr old boys
Deondre Clark
Deadpool and Logan might have saved us a little considering they were successful R rated SUPERHERO movies, but I think in the end these kinds of R rated films will almost never see the light of day. FUCK YOU IT'S FOREVER
Bladerunner is doing really well, though. I'd say it's a sign that Hollywood is catching on that not every movie goer is a 13 year old.
They gotta make films for their boyfriends and girlfriends after all
Deondre Clark Judging by what Logan and Deadpool made, that shouldn’t be a concern.
> Deafpool
That's a film made precisely for 13 year old boys.
I love the first film myself, but my god... I wasn't expecting to love the second one to the extent I did! I also agree that it may well be one of the greatest sequels ever made.
Although I always feel that the pacing to these films is perfect. Maybe that's just me though..
omgitsMeerkatChris I absolutely loved it! The acting, sound, cinematography, story, script and the world built was genius beyond any film. Sci-fi these days is aimed at teenagers and is nowhere near as deep as Blade Runner 2049 which is ashame that we dumb down things for todays audience.
Nope, not just you
Yeah, it's probably just you. You're the only one smart enough to appreciate these films.
RiceCum I meant the pacing. Sorry if it came off that way to you, but a common complaint is the pacing to which has always been a positive for me with these two films. I get that people may find it slow, but I just happen to like that for whatever reason with these films
I really enjoyed it. Though it was a sequel, it still felt fresh and it kept me interested the entire time. The filmcraft in some shots were just about the most beautiful I have ever seen.
You gotta warn me before Rich pops up, jesus.
Way better than any sequel deserves to be in this day and age
Just the fact that it got a sequel, and not a desperately young hip and edgy zoomer reboot with painfully uncharismatic 19-year old actors
"It's like a comfy nightmare blanket." I've never heard Blade Runner described so perfectly.
The music and sound design for 2049 might be the one of most orgasmic auditory experiences I've had from a film. I'm inclined to rewatch it just to _hear_ the film again in full glory. There are only two main things I didn't quite love about it though. First thing I can complain about is that I felt like it left a little too much open. It feels like there's too much room for another sequel when I think this should've been a more conclusive story. Maybe I'm wrong about that if they end up making an amazing third film, but we'll see. And lastly, I feel like the climax didn't live up to the original --- I know, it's hard to beat one of the most memorable death scenes in all of sci-fi cinema. But when the original had such a powerful climax, I really wanted something to match the same kind of impact; unofrtuantely 2049's didn't quite deliver for me. Other than that, incredible film. You really don't see movies like this in the cinema very often...so engrossing, atmospheric, beautiful, and spellbinding visionary work. You need to experience this on the big screen.
i just saw "under the skin"... and music in that was also extremely important and moody... then i saw blade runner and got that same feeling again...
MHP Le you nailed it
I know exactly what you mean; I was overwhelmed and floored by the sound towards the end of the movie, when the score starts syncing with the waves crashing. It’s genius how the entire movie is visually overwhelming, and the finale cuts that out to focus on negative space and maximum sound. It’s like they’re fighting on the edge of the world, about to fall off into the abyss of humanity’s own creation; it’s pure sci-fi, aka pure possibility
It's so strange how the first Blade Runner hits different people. I was so checked out by the end of Blade Runner that I really just didn't care about Rutger Hauer's replicant. But 2049 was a stunning masterpiece that I couldn't look away from. So weird
couldn't agree more
So did Rich Evans make the cut?
No but they certainly took inspiration.
His part will be restored in the fourteenth cut of the film that will be released 23 years from now.
Crowley9 Ah yes, "The Final Directors Cut Extended Edition"
I heard he was Gosling's stunt double in the lounge scene. It is why Ford was so into it... but he wouldn't stop after they called cut so it had to be re-shot 14 times.
I thought she sounded familiar, just couldn't place it.
Also: is Rich Evans a replicant?
"Blade Running Time 2,049 minutes" is one of my favorite RLM jokes and I have no idea why.
isnt it 2 hours 49 minutes or something
Jay always has a slight look of irritation anytime Mike brings up Star Trek randomly. It’s always hilarious.
They should have a theme song for every time Mike brings up Star Trek
They almost did here! Haha
Blade runner is great because it took 12 years to Watch
My favorite part of the movie was how they refused to explain some plot points using dialogue or exposition. Instead, they just held a shot on Gosling's face as you watch him put the pieces together, and in that time you put it together too. Its awesome. I love when a mystery gives the audience the same info as the character, and here they also gave you the space to think it through.
The whole point of the first film was that all the human characters behaved like machines. Emotionless, unsympathetic creatures operating off their programming. The replicants, instead, were emotive and compelling. They wanted to Live!
Marcus Sun this film doesn't subtract from that..
Thats right. replicans act like machines,human act like machines...i remember doug walker´s quote "if the characters cant show an emotion why should the audience show an emotion?"
@@RRRRRRRRR33 the hologram girl was not a full blown AI. She was a good simulacrum, but Gosling character realising she was not real was part of his arc.
@@RRRRRRRRR33 Trump doesnt need concentration camps for slaves, thats what US prisons are for.
@@Desolation66 I think that was more a response to their critique
Wish I could hold out laughter like these guys do. Dry humor 10/10
"The first one was fine"
Mike.exe has stopped working
I had to pause and die laughing at this. That was my reaction, too, Mike.
I just re watched this again. Glorious.
All I wanna do is watch movies where Ryan Gosling stares at things.
He's a real human bean
He's a Nexus.
And a real hero
A pity there was no talk or comparison of the soundtracks for each movie. Blade Runner's soundtrack by Vangelis is a fairly significant and unique piece of work that works incredibly well as a standalone album. I would have loved to hear about how they felt about Blade Runner 2049's soundtrack, because it was extremely dominant in many scenes.
This movie was incredible. It's one of those rare movies where the sequel is just as good if not better than the first.
Better 100%
Different, but not better.
creekandseminole for me it made the original better.
This movie was like a parody of the first, a complete mess
Edward LaFlamme I thought It was both different and it was edited a lot better than the original.
Also the tone of the movie helped you immerse yourself in the movie more than others. Try watching it again.
The unicorn scene is the "Greedo shot first" of Blade Runner
8:27 Mike's at his strongest when he just shoots us a look. No words. They're never needed.
I realize a lot of people find the slow pacing and emphasis on atmosphere boring, but that's actually my favorite part of the Blade Runner movies; just soaking in the world the film makers are building.
Wendy Scott I can kind of understand from a technical aspect. Movies are supposed be condensed and the plot is expected to always be moving, but I agree with you. I love Blade Runner because it takea time to let you soak in its atmosphere and visuals. When they were talking about how boring the "enhancing" scene was, all I could think was how much I love that scene and how purposely slow and methodical it is, especially because we're discovering things at the same time Deckard is. The biggest flaw I can give to the movie is, as Mike and Jay pointed out, all the different edits and the Ridley Scott bullshit that no one wanted. In a lot of ways, I actually prefer the theactrical cut because its not bogged down by the "ambiguity" while never losing the thought-provoking questions. I also really like just how much the voice-over lends itself to the general noir feel, even if it does sound like Harrison Ford is sleeping through his lines.
You've got to consider what it was like watching Bladerunner in 1984, though - that 'enhance' scene was pretty amazing, especially if you were a techie type - just marvelling at the 'future' technology.
Sean Locke "Movies are supposed to be..."
It just felt so real. Like I was looking into the soul of humanity and our future. Beautiful.
That's where 2049 messes up imo. Theyre very clearly trying to reproduce the atmosphere (to the point that it becomes fan service) but they seriously draw it out way too long by chasing useless insignificant tangents. It's strange to me how they're complaining about the original's pacing but they like 2049 which is longer and more boring and pretentious.
Did they let Rich Evans play in the movie?
The director didn't want the lead to be nothing but a piece of eye candy so he cast Ryan Gosling instead.
Movie was filmed during Tums festival, so Rich didnt have time.
Rich is such a masterful actor, you wouldnt know if he was in it.
Rich Evans plays Ryan Gosling's sexy holographic love interest.
Rich was too charasmatic. And he blinked too much.
I did not know Harrison Ford was in this movie (I live under a rock), and it made his reveal way, way cooler. I did not mind the pacing leading up to it, either.
but do you have actual tangible evidence that youre not gay?
@@justin9744 ikr like even if you streamed it with no knowledge you would see him in the image for the film. Like wtf??
I’ve heard numerous anecdotes from people who had no idea Ford was in the movie and were familiar with the first film. And they all think it was a satisfying reveal and made this movie a lot better. Thanks Sony
I cant wait for the blade runner 2049 comic sans cut.
Phil Swift lmao
I can relate to Ryan gosling in this film because Jerk Off Instructionals are my main love interest also
As a young adult, blade runner 2049 was my first experience with blade runner, and I have to say. It was one of the best movie going experiences I have ever had. I was never bored during the entire movie.
The Holo Emitter is also in Red Dwarf. Rimmer eventually becomes a hard light hologram, so he can touch shit and be more real.
Sorry to be that guy, but Star Trek Voyager actually ripped off Red Dwarf first with the hologram thing...how embarrassing.
Jamie Merian AJ Rimmer, for one...
Red Dwarf > Star Trek: Voyager
Star Foxxy Was literally about to say the same thing! Let's not forget the holochamber on a moon either...
Sorry to be that guy... But maybe some of you (Ahem, Mike, Ahem) should read some William Gibson if you want to get all holier-than-thou on who did what first in sci-fi. Also, everything is remix, so I'm sure the idea of mobile holograms with AI personalities has been around before even him. #simpsonsdidit
News RD series starts THIS WEEK!
I had to look it up. Milwaukee had a huge cryptosporidium outbreak in 1993. Still an issue in surrounding rural areas. Actually, Milwaukee's biggest problem now is 80,000 lead pipes still in use.
"...that's a deep cut."
BR 2049 is absolutely one of the BEST movies/sequels ever. I loved it much more than the original. This is the way to build Sci fi worlds and tell a story in the span of a feature film.
Interesting watching this review back now knowing how well loved this film is especially with a younger audience.
I guess the main thing was that it’s low action but yeah much was underestimated
👍👍👍 someone understands
Please call me Young again
I think there's some leeway given to it because it's a detective story so even a young audience is engrossed though there's very little action. Plus, going back to watch this now, there are consistently interesting visuals onscreen for the majority of the movie. It's not like an A24 film where the shots themselves are often drawn out and meditative. There are some atmospheric sequences, but the rest keeps the story moving.
Jay's face whenever Mike mentions Star Trek is amazing.
i saw it like an hour ago in the movie theater and i just love it. best movie of 2017
I should have known that Mike likes Rick & Morty, but it still got me off guard…
And by the way, in case you didn't know, there are three short stories that are supposed to link the First Blade Runner movie, with Blade Runner 2049. I'd say you can watch them either before or after watching this one. They really added some sort of continuity for me in this Universe they created.
They are all at the "Warner Bros. Pictures" RUclips channel:
BLADE RUNNER 2049 - "Black Out 2022" Anime Short
BLADE RUNNER 2049 - "2036: Nexus Dawn" Short
BLADE RUNNER 2049 - "2048: Nowhere to Run" Short
(It will take you about 35 minutes to watch the 3 of them, so it’ll be just like a RLM episode)
thanks for the heads-up. just watched them, pretty cool.
Syngovial Badge Thank you! Gonna watch them right now.
Black Out 2022 is my favorite, but I only watched that and Nexus Dawn.
Eron Norris - very cool
When the Pacific Rim 2 clip played I realized that I did see that movie though I remember nothing about it. 🤔
That's cosit wasn;t very good. I wasn;t expectingmuch from the First pacific rim but it really worked. they took this nonsense concept and totally sold it to me, the CGI was excellent because those huge robot mechsuits actually felt like they had weight and substance. Then Pacific Rim 2 came out and was everything I feared the first one woul.d be. Serious let down.
Is Rich Evans replacing Ryan Gosling?
We can wish.
Mike: this movie was so boring
Jay: This movie was good
Mike: you're right it was good
Easily the best review of this movie on youtube.
DEFINITELY one of the best sequels ever, it deserved to do so much better than it did.
My only gripe about the visuals of this movie is that it seemed most the city lights were off. If this was partially a result of the blackout from 25 years ago, I wish they pressed that point a bit more. The first film seemed to have buildings that were much more lit up.
Dan Peterson they did... in a pretty well animated short lol think there’s 3 of them
Mike confirmed for a Transformers fan.
MrKajithecat Part time
Surprised there was no mention of the sound design. I thought it was amazing and as important as the visuals for the movie.
I watched this on a long flight to Vietnam via Korean Airlines. To "take in the images" is the best way to see this.
Haha i watched it on a flight to Incheon/Korea
And the score! Exploring and expanding the themes with new production technology while still staying reverent enough to the original, nailing it on the head just like the other aspects you talked about
The movie theater is screening Blade Runner 2049 and My Little Pony.
Obviously I took my kids to see 2049
tough choice, My Little Pony is a timeless piece touching upon so many themes
What did they think of the giant hologram tits?
Justin Berry they were like "daddy, why is his girlfriend with blue hair and biiiig?"
i just said steroids
Yeah that whole drowning scene was exhausting, beautiful, but exhausting.
I was like just die already.
2049 is a masterpiece of sound and vision.
And of storytelling and world building and character work and...
Story is meh
Better than the first but ehhhh other films did it better.
@@WJINTL There's a difference between story telling and story.
I've been anticipating this review more than the movie.
You never know if a movie's going to be good. But you always know Half in the Bag will be.
Lets not forget Hans Zimmers score in this was pure gold.
And that fight scene at the end in the water was pure beauty.
This is in my top 3 favorites of all time.
That magnolia joke almost killed me. Sipping and laughing don't mix.
I love the slow burn did not find it boring at all the focus on interpersonal connections and motivations was fascinating.
Hollywood needs to do a "Goonies" sequel. All the kids are in their 40's, Sloth has a rocket launcher, and they have to stop the ghost of One-Eyed Willy from destroying the whole world!
Matthew Hibner "The world is changin', Chunk."
Matthew Hibner I'd watch that while high tbh. I'd give it a 10/10
Hopefully there is a big laser or space portal over a city.
I didn't mind the run time in the slightest. This film was visceral and engaging, something rare in the movies of this day and age. Thank fuck I don't suffer from ADHD like (apparently) so many mindless movie-goers these days. This was a refreshing change of pace from the pure schlock we tend to get...
Walter Unglaub Honestly it's stupidity not ADHD. I've had ADHD all my life and I was riveted throughout the entire fucking movie
Walter Unglaub you're not stupid if you didn't like the movie. It's very slow, and that's cool sometimes, but a lot of the shit in this movie just didn't need to be in there.
Walter - Absolutely agree!
Plus it obviously wasn't another typical by-the-numbers generic Hollywood production that's become so common. I hope it ends up with a good take, and decent sales at the box, to keep such formulaic habits from further infecting the industry.
The pace wasn't why it was boring, I love slow paced films. The story was very predictable and a lack of emotional connection with the characters left me less than engaged. Visually and musically stunning however. But the story was forgettable. The ideas behind the story are more interesting than the actual on screen story.
Am O Ah yes, you of course sat there and predicted everything in a "I-told-you-so" way, while the rest of us didn't see the twists come, cause apparently a movie with twists can be predictable?
There needs to be a Rich Evans cut for Blade Runner 2049
I haven't known Harrison Ford was in the movie and I can confirm that the reveal scene was impressive.
SO...when IS the gay wedding??
The only thing I care about is the gay wedding side story. I don't need these complex reviews!
BR 2049 felt a little too long (as per the numb-bum test) but I was never bored. Soundtrack was a bit bombastic in a few spots and pacing wasn't perfect, but overall I thought this was very good and repeat viewings are definitely in my future
JC- -Sta rather watch paint dry than watch this movie again
Leo B you seem like a whiny bitch responding to alot of comments about how much you do not like this movie.
Gray Bull yeah Hollywood sucks these days, it's not even funny bad, it's sad, pathetic, embarassing bad
I fucking loved this movie.
Hell yeah bro
I never understood people calling blade runner boring, it encapsulated me in every scene, I loved all the characters, the plot and themes, a fantastic film
Ku Ku Klock
I think it's one of those things where you either get it or you don't.
It really *is* a cult movie, and not the stupid, butchered definition of the word where everybody says they like it and act like they're special because of it.
People either get it, or they don't and find it boring. All about the person.
I think you mean "ensnared" or "entertained". "Encapsulated" would basically mean that it _depicted_ you, that the same people who found Blade Runner boring would find _you_ boring.
Brian DePalmaDeMajorca Learn what words mean, you won't make yourself look like an ass next time.
Ku Ku Klock
verb (used with object), en·cap·su·lat·ed,en·cap·su·lat·ing.
to place in or as if in a capsule.
to summarize or condense.
verb (used without object),en·cap·su·lat·ed, en·cap·su·lat·ing.
to become enclosed in or as if in a capsule.
This movie did none of those things to you, unless you are either a replicatant, or trapped inside the film reel of Blade Runner 2049.
Lonely Artichoke
enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule.
Enclose, I used the term to describe the experiencing as something that pulls me in and enclosed me as if in a capsule, the capsule being the movie. It is an exaggerated way of saying I was very into the movies world it created, the fact you need this spelled out for you is ridiculous. And I wasn't talking about 2049 I was talking about the original, so you are so far off the mark it's ludicrous