Thank you a lot! This is a great educational content. One small question tho. Would you think to make a video about UR ROS 2 driver and Gazebo Sim in ROS 2 Iron? Or can I simply follow the same steps on ROS 2 Iron and expect similar results?
Yes! Is in the plan! I can anticipate you that the approach would me the same: URDF Spawn robot and controller in gazebo using the gazebo ros control plugin Create controllers for the joints (make sure that the same type of controller are put in moveit ros_controllers.yaml file) Run moveit If you have specific needs for your project, feel free to reach me out at!
This is the launch file that Spawn the robot, the controllers and MoveIt with motion planning plugin
wow! From now on I will have a method to simulate any robot! Thank you! Please, keep doing these type of contents :)
Thank you a lot! This is a great educational content. One small question tho. Would you think to make a video about UR ROS 2 driver and Gazebo Sim in ROS 2 Iron? Or can I simply follow the same steps on ROS 2 Iron and expect similar results?
Yes! Is in the plan! I can anticipate you that the approach would me the same:
Spawn robot and controller in gazebo using the gazebo ros control plugin
Create controllers for the joints (make sure that the same type of controller are put in moveit ros_controllers.yaml file)
Run moveit
If you have specific needs for your project, feel free to reach me out at!
hello, i got the gazebo simulation working but my rviz is not showing up
Hi! Are you sure that you have launched the rviz node in the launch file with the moveit pluging?
If you still have some problems you can book a free call with me here:
To which launch do I need to add this and I am not using gripper now
This is the launch file that Spawn the robot, the controllers and MoveIt with motion planning plugin
Now is rviz is stuck showing intializing while I am launching spawn_ur5_eff_conttoller.launch
Check if you are un-pausing the gazebo environment once it loads. This could be a possible reason for the RViz hangup during initialization.