I think the idea is that the Higgs field interacts in such a way so as to endow mass. The Higgs particle is an extension of that field idea with QED (quantum electro-dynamics). But that we can more or less think of this field permeating all of space. In the particle description, it would just be bunch of particles permeating most of space. The "most" part is the tricky part obviously. This will be interesting to watch unfold.
Nice qualitative explanation by John Ellis. Thank you very much. It is particularly refreshing to hear proper scientific conservatism. As Prof. Sagan said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." I believe that's the quote. Caution, self checking and rechecking, multiple independent confirmations of findings, "We found a particle, but is it the right particle?" This is how real scientists talk about theory and experiment. Humble, hopeful, skeptical, and ruthlessly rigorous.
If you do know some of the aforementioned basics, a good book to start with is Eisberg & Resnick's "Quantum Mechanics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles". This book has many great physical examples, and isn't too heavy on the maths (which may be a downside if you want to learn the linear algebraic side of QM). Leonard Susskind's lecture series on QM and is on RUclips, and is also quite good, so you should certainly look them up! You may want to start with Classical Mech. though...
I really liked the way he explained it. It was very understandable. I thought this was something that was beyond my mental capabilities. In many ways it still is, but I do believe I've gotten the gist of it.
Now, some particles couple (interact) with the Higgs field and others don't. This breaks the aforementioned symmetry. The manifestation of this symmetry breaking is that the interacting particles attain mass, whereas the non-interacting particles remain massless.
Hypothesis: Matter does not cause curvature of space as described in general relativity. All quanta with mass are discrete curvatures of space (read: they interact with the Higgs field). What we call matter, is a byproduct of persistent curvatures of space. Thus, matter does not cause curvature of space, but persistent curvature of space causes the phenomena we describe as matter. Discuss.
In principle, if an object could be shielded from the Higgs field, I believe it would effectively be without mass. Massless bodies travel at c. However, I can't see how that would ever be possible. It's a cool idea for sci-fi, though.
It's not like aether.. aether was originally proposed to explain light; a medium through which photons were thought to be like sound waves in air. However, light was observed to have geometric relationships with space, time energy etc. Higgs is instead an explanation of why 'everything does not happen at the same time' , in the Standard model Higgs is like a 'braking force' a field through which particles move at different rates. not a medium through which a signal is communicated AFAAK ATM
Hi Poe, fancy meeting you here. By the way, it's the "Goddamn Particle" but the publisher for the book wouldn't let them say that on the title, so they went with God Particle instead.
In basic terms, massless particles must travel at the speed of light. As the scientist explains in this video with the ski/snow analogy, massless particles (person on skis) don't interact with the Higgs field (snow plain) which is made of Higgs bosons (individual snowflakes). Photons for example, are massless particles because they always travel at light speed.
So if the Higgs field slows particles down as they pass through it, how is it that momentum is conserved? Shouldn't the Higgs field slow down moving objects and eventually stop them in place?
I'm well aware of the harm superstition causes. I speak out against it and debunk it in other comment threads. A 'dislike' is not something that causes me to trash as you broadly did. Context / reasonable response (if any is needed - not in this case imo). That's all I'm saying. We're off-topic and I believe we've both made our points. You may have the last word in your next reply. Nice chatting. Tc.
(cont.) You could even say I'm intimidated, but certainly not for those ridiculous and bloated reasons you gave. The advancement of science for the benefit of all science, as was put forth in this video, actually gives me some comfort and hope for humanity. Your comment reminded me of how much sway superstition still has in life, and how much it ruins for everyone. I am quite secure in what I feel, but I am not blind to what others feel, and what that may entail for society.
It's a sigma 5 signal meaning that they are 99.9994% certain that a particle with energy 125 GeV has been detected. There is no known particle with this mass and the hypothetical mass of the Higgs is superior to 115 GeV. What they need to confirm now is the actual properties of that particle which was detected: does it fit the properties of one of the many variations of the Higgs or is it a particle with completely different properties?
Very well done, science is very cool. its nice to have this info.. When i was a kid, we had 2 t.v. channels. things are a bit different now, dont you think ?
That's ok, I'm a physics PhD student and even I haven't learned the technicalities surrounding the Higgs boson yet :-) I'll tell you what I do know. The Higgs boson is a particle, the field corresponding to which has a "non-zero expectation value". This means there's a chance you'll find a Higgs boson even in a complete vacuum. Without the Higgs boson, all particles would be massless, so comparing particles based on mass alone can't distinguish them. This is called a "symmetry".
If the Higgs Boson is responsible for the property of mass, what is happening in the Higgs FIeld when mass is converted to energy as in a fusion reaction? Are Higgs Bosons leaving the particles? If so where are they going and how does that relate to the amount of energy released?
So from what we know of the nature of gravity (a property unique to mass), how come things that interact with a Higg's field are attracted to one another in proportion to their degree of interaction with that field?
I can make coordinate Googolplex (an impossible number for our universe) and though this space cannot exits it COULD exist eventually and that makes it potential space. potential space may already exist as negative mass particles that would be unmeasurable. perhaps its a fluctuation of sorts..particles go from 1 field to another..and back again. perhaps when negative mass meets positive its a simple swap, the remaining material becomes a smaller subatomic particle..
In Physics lab is pretty much what you would call nature for other sciences like biology etc., especially when it pertains to infinitesimally small particles.The fact that they need to build a collider is just to confirm within a controlled environment what already happens in "open air". They actually are not "creating" anything that doesn't already exist.
Nope- string theory allows for a Higgs boson (in fact, many of them due to supersymmetry), and predicts that the mass of the Higgs would be between 90 and 140 GeV, which is consistent with the particle they've found (~125GeV).
"Mass" is a property of most things: it is that thing's resistance to acceleration. The Higg's field is an attempt to explain why some things accelerate slowly (solid objects made of atoms), and others accelerate instantaneously (photons). Let's pretend that our air atmosphere is the Higg's field. Imagine a normal parachute "interacting with that field": that's like something with a lot of mass. Now imagine a parachute made from a door screen: that's like something with much less mass.
I was thinking about a magnetic field. In deep space with nothing around it for miles, does the magnetic field actually extend outward like we think it does with the iron dust experiments around the magnet. Or is the field more like an ability to extend outward when in the presence of the iron. And just what is the field made of? Is it an wave of some sort that comes out of the magnet and flows to the other side. Is it circulating from N to S, at light speed or what, or some "static/fixed field". I am guessing field just means an area of effect or influence, rather than what a magnetic field actually is? Any simple ideas? If the magnetic field is not made of something, then it is perhaps like a spooky action at a distance, an effect without a cause.
It tries and succeeds, because the behaviour of semiconductors is fully consistent with quantum mechanics. Didn't they teach you the more fundamental properties of semiconductors in your course? They did in my physics course.
Best explanation I've seen so far for the Higgs field and Higgs boson. It's not certain that they found it, but what is certain is that many comments will be about God and Christians. Suggestion: quit asking Christians for proof and think for yourself.
I hypothesize that particles with negative mass must also exist..I am working on the formula. Coordinate Algebra proves the existence of infinite expanding space in all directions. Some places in the universe both exist and do not exist at the same time. say we have a point with coordinate pair (1, -1) the point exists in both frames of reference but not as 1 position in either plane.. A black hole would still have positive mass until ''X'' occurrs, making the mass negative.
Sounds to me like theyre smashing two cars together and trying to look for the tyres. But his description of the higgs "field" sounds sounds closer to the road the cars are traveling on. And theyre hoping to find out this "mass" of the road by smashing cars together. An impossible task from the sound of things. Hoping a chunk of road will materialise
Every particle is attracted to a core and governed by the dictates of that core . In some instances it appears these particles rebel and escape to the nearest core but they are merely absorbed by an adjacent core that is the spawn of the original
Imagine the Higgs field like a bowl of water (water molecules representing Higgs Bosons), different objects (particles) that pass through it vary in speed and drag. The amount of drag on an object determines its mass. At least I believe thatswhat this is about.
All particles/charges, must occupy a dimension. The "squared" in e=mc squared. Their has to be a limit, micro cosmically, where particles do not have enough attractive/repulsive forces to form charge, at it's smallest beginnings. This would be our "bottom line" of this dimension. This "barrier" may be the higgs boson. NOT flat but all around, & down. It may only be apparent, when effected by kinetic attractive gathering. We may not have technology yet to register such things. Dimension limits.
so... the higgs bosom practically tips the scale? giving the world a reason to equilibrate and, thus, exist? Always wondered why there was such a fuss about... now i know. thank you!
Well , we can say that the mass of the Higgs is the X of the equation , when you got it right you get all the values of the other masses in place . (an anyway it just auto-interact with his field , it's not strange)
Today they say they found the Higgs boson but if the Higgs boson gives the other bosons mass then how does it get its own mass? This is a bit like a chicken and egg situation. Even if they have found the so called god particle the theories do not predict the mass of the Higgs boson itself, although they do predict the necessity for it. Looks like we need to start building larger particle accelerators or would it make more sense looking for a new theory!
Actually, the statistical p-value reflects the degree of certainty that the null hypothesis can be rejected. There's never absolute certainty that it's false.
Your computer is full of transistors, which are in turn made out of semiconductor material. The physics of semiconductors is highly dependent on quantum mechanical principles, such as quantized energy bands, Fermi-Dirac statistics, etc. Your CD drive has a laser, which also depends on the quantum mechanics of atoms, ie. quantized energy levels, and stimulated emission to form a coherent beam of light.
You bet. Since John Ellis works at CERN, there's a very high chance he attended, five sigma at least. I saw a lot of familiar faces in the video feed, people that spoke to the media before.
the next question is where the higgs field comes from? and what does cause the movement of other particles through the higgs field to get them mass by higss boson ? somehow if we reject the higgs field, we can loose our mass and tarvel like photons around univers.. that's my idea :)
I do not feel you are a troll. I think you may be the smartest commentor I have found. You put forth a sane arguement to my hypothesis meaning you actually understand it. we have found numbers greater than the number of all particles (10 to 80th is every electron counted for) like a Googolplex, we cannot write that number..ever, however, we can use it to represent the power of math in understanding the 'infinite'
very nice paper..but mine is different..very different. negative mass is NOT antimatter. negative mass coexists it does not inihilate. Bondi described antimatter and dark matter, not negative mass. In his formulas the result was null, no energy release just equal inihilation of all players. I did NOT steal Bondis work at all, I heartily refute his work (as do most physicists and chemists).
Thank you! That's exactly right. The "priests of science" now replace yesterday's religious "anointed ones" who were exclusively privy to "the truth" of their day.
@Aristilus "until then please shut up" Nah. They're putting millions and millions into finding the little bugger. The least they can do is keep us appraised of how close they are to finding it.
Here is what you aren't getting, whether semiconductors can be explained by quantum mechanics or not is irrelevant. This is so because the explanation of their properties is made after a certain semiconductor is created or discovered, no semiconductor design is done based on quantum mechanics. Semiconductors are made they are tested and their properties are recorded. The properties can then be seen to match with the physics, but the knowledge of the physics played no role in the creation
The more something interacts with the higgs field, the more mass it has. Something like a photon, which has no mass, does not interact with the higgs field.
Upon second reading, I think you're right. I had just been responding to that other fellow who was spewing religious nonsense, so I think I was already "in the zone". ;)
Abd you have a very nice disposition :) .... you disagree with me about the reality of nature, yet in reality are agreeable to me in nature. Pleased to meet you friend. Strange how so many these days cannot be civil to those who do not reflect back a mirror the image of their mind. Well im off to bed, peace.
When I was a child, I was told to believe in God and the Bible, and I did. But as I grew older, my growing mind wanted to learn more and more. As I learned, it became clearer and clearer that there was nothing at all to base Christianity on but a book with almost no credibility. It hurt so much, because it challenged my entire world view. But I couldn't lie to myself. I had to accept that Christianity just didn't have any supporting evidence for their outlandish beliefs.
I know I wont be saved from death, and I accept it, and to tell you the truth, I dont wanna live eternally. I marvel in when I walk through wilderness, I stand in aw when I scuba dive in my island, I enjoy every evening in my home with my lovely wife, we tend our garden, we go diving, we explore the Yucatán peninsula together, we travel ...death.. one day it will come, it´s ok...
I think those only consists of energy... o.o I'm no pro scientist and it was actually long ago I actively read about these things, but at least i think that's why.
I think the idea is that the Higgs field interacts in such a way so as to endow mass. The Higgs particle is an extension of that field idea with QED (quantum electro-dynamics). But that we can more or less think of this field permeating all of space. In the particle description, it would just be bunch of particles permeating most of space. The "most" part is the tricky part obviously. This will be interesting to watch unfold.
Nice qualitative explanation by John Ellis. Thank you very much. It is particularly refreshing to hear proper scientific conservatism. As Prof. Sagan said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." I believe that's the quote. Caution, self checking and rechecking, multiple independent confirmations of findings, "We found a particle, but is it the right particle?" This is how real scientists talk about theory and experiment. Humble, hopeful, skeptical, and ruthlessly rigorous.
That is such a relief :) Well met, sir. I wish you all the best in your life.
Well said, I actually understood that. This is a big step. I'm glad it was CERN that was able to make the final step.
No probs! I'm always happy to help someone who is interested in actually learning the theory, as opposed to ignorant dismissiveness.
If you do know some of the aforementioned basics, a good book to start with is Eisberg & Resnick's "Quantum Mechanics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles". This book has many great physical examples, and isn't too heavy on the maths (which may be a downside if you want to learn the linear algebraic side of QM). Leonard Susskind's lecture series on QM and is on RUclips, and is also quite good, so you should certainly look them up! You may want to start with Classical Mech. though...
I really liked the way he explained it. It was very understandable. I thought this was something that was beyond my mental capabilities. In many ways it still is, but I do believe I've gotten the gist of it.
Now, some particles couple (interact) with the Higgs field and others don't. This breaks the aforementioned symmetry. The manifestation of this symmetry breaking is that the interacting particles attain mass, whereas the non-interacting particles remain massless.
Hypothesis: Matter does not cause curvature of space as described in general relativity. All quanta with mass are discrete curvatures of space (read: they interact with the Higgs field). What we call matter, is a byproduct of persistent curvatures of space. Thus, matter does not cause curvature of space, but persistent curvature of space causes the phenomena we describe as matter. Discuss.
In principle, if an object could be shielded from the Higgs field, I believe it would effectively be without mass. Massless bodies travel at c. However, I can't see how that would ever be possible. It's a cool idea for sci-fi, though.
It is a joy to live in exiting times such as these.
I knew you will post something like this because of latest events in science :-)
It's not like aether.. aether was originally proposed to explain light; a medium through which photons were thought to be like sound waves in air.
However, light was observed to have geometric relationships with space, time energy etc.
Higgs is instead an explanation of why 'everything does not happen at the same time' , in the Standard model Higgs is like a 'braking force' a field through which particles move at different rates. not a medium through which a signal is communicated AFAAK ATM
A good explanation of a complex notion. Thanks
Hi Poe, fancy meeting you here.
By the way, it's the "Goddamn Particle" but the publisher for the book wouldn't let them say that on the title, so they went with God Particle instead.
In basic terms, massless particles must travel at the speed of light. As the scientist explains in this video with the ski/snow analogy, massless particles (person on skis) don't interact with the Higgs field (snow plain) which is made of Higgs bosons (individual snowflakes). Photons for example, are massless particles because they always travel at light speed.
So if the Higgs field slows particles down as they pass through it, how is it that momentum is conserved? Shouldn't the Higgs field slow down moving objects and eventually stop them in place?
I'm well aware of the harm superstition causes. I speak out against it and debunk it in other comment threads. A 'dislike' is not something that causes me to trash as you broadly did. Context / reasonable response (if any is needed - not in this case imo). That's all I'm saying.
We're off-topic and I believe we've both made our points. You may have the last word in your next reply. Nice chatting. Tc.
his voice is so calming
That quotation isn't from Segan but for Euclides.
(cont.) You could even say I'm intimidated, but certainly not for those ridiculous and bloated reasons you gave.
The advancement of science for the benefit of all science, as was put forth in this video, actually gives me some comfort and hope for humanity. Your comment reminded me of how much sway superstition still has in life, and how much it ruins for everyone.
I am quite secure in what I feel, but I am not blind to what others feel, and what that may entail for society.
It's a sigma 5 signal meaning that they are 99.9994% certain that a particle with energy 125 GeV has been detected. There is no known particle with this mass and the hypothetical mass of the Higgs is superior to 115 GeV.
What they need to confirm now is the actual properties of that particle which was detected: does it fit the properties of one of the many variations of the Higgs or is it a particle with completely different properties?
Very well done, science is very cool. its nice to have this info.. When i was a kid, we had 2 t.v. channels. things are a bit different now, dont you think ?
That's ok, I'm a physics PhD student and even I haven't learned the technicalities surrounding the Higgs boson yet :-) I'll tell you what I do know. The Higgs boson is a particle, the field corresponding to which has a "non-zero expectation value". This means there's a chance you'll find a Higgs boson even in a complete vacuum. Without the Higgs boson, all particles would be massless, so comparing particles based on mass alone can't distinguish them. This is called a "symmetry".
"Dark Matter and the Runaway Universe" interesting selection..mentions Bondi as I recall...
If the Higgs Boson is responsible for the property of mass, what is happening in the Higgs FIeld when mass is converted to energy as in a fusion reaction? Are Higgs Bosons leaving the particles? If so where are they going and how does that relate to the amount of energy released?
So from what we know of the nature of gravity (a property unique to mass), how come things that interact with a Higg's field are attracted to one another in proportion to their degree of interaction with that field?
we could potentially alter matter to give it a massless property and go at or faster than the speed of light
I like this idea but what's stopping the Higgs Bosons from clumping together without other particles interacting with them?
Have you heard of Scishow's channel on RUclips? They have a good video about the Higgs Boson from a few months ago.
Ermmm... I completely agree. What's the issue exactly?
Yes I understand what you are saying. But I am asking, fundamentally what is the difference between the two.
And if it is the higgs-boson particle, then what ? Is there anything practicle that can be obtained from it or is it just an accomplishment in itself?
I can make coordinate Googolplex (an impossible number for our universe) and though this space cannot exits it COULD exist eventually and that makes it potential space. potential space may already exist as negative mass particles that would be unmeasurable. perhaps its a fluctuation of sorts..particles go from 1 field to another..and back again. perhaps when negative mass meets positive its a simple swap, the remaining material becomes a smaller subatomic particle..
In Physics lab is pretty much what you would call nature for other sciences like biology etc., especially when it pertains to infinitesimally small particles.The fact that they need to build a collider is just to confirm within a controlled environment what already happens in "open air". They actually are not "creating" anything that doesn't already exist.
That was my thought as well. It is just insane what people do!
Nope- string theory allows for a Higgs boson (in fact, many of them due to supersymmetry), and predicts that the mass of the Higgs would be between 90 and 140 GeV, which is consistent with the particle they've found (~125GeV).
Much obliged!
"Mass" is a property of most things: it is that thing's resistance to acceleration. The Higg's field is an attempt to explain why some things accelerate slowly (solid objects made of atoms), and others accelerate instantaneously (photons). Let's pretend that our air atmosphere is the Higg's field. Imagine a normal parachute "interacting with that field": that's like something with a lot of mass. Now imagine a parachute made from a door screen: that's like something with much less mass.
Please explain to me why the Higgs field is different from the ether.
I don´t understand this "skimming" example. Doesn´t this mean there´s no time for these particles?
Awesome T-shirt John! Is y_ij the Yang-Mills tensor, i.e. SU(2) and SU(3) gauge symmetries?
Heard about this semi discovery this morning while listening to NPR. My jaw hit the floor.
I was thinking about a magnetic field. In deep space with nothing around it for miles, does the magnetic field actually extend outward like we think it does with the iron dust experiments around the magnet. Or is the field more like an ability to extend outward when in the presence of the iron. And just what is the field made of? Is it an wave of some sort that comes out of the magnet and flows to the other side. Is it circulating from N to S, at light speed or what, or some "static/fixed field". I am guessing field just means an area of effect or influence, rather than what a magnetic field actually is? Any simple ideas? If the magnetic field is not made of something, then it is perhaps like a spooky action at a distance, an effect without a cause.
Standard model Lagrangian on his shirt... awesome.
So would somehow manipulating matter's interaction (if at all at any point possible, even in imagination) with the Higgs field give us near-c speeds?
It tries and succeeds, because the behaviour of semiconductors is fully consistent with quantum mechanics. Didn't they teach you the more fundamental properties of semiconductors in your course? They did in my physics course.
Best explanation I've seen so far for the Higgs field and Higgs boson. It's not certain that they found it, but what is certain is that many comments will be about God and Christians. Suggestion: quit asking Christians for proof and think for yourself.
I hypothesize that particles with negative mass must also exist..I am working on the formula. Coordinate Algebra proves the existence of infinite expanding space in all directions. Some places in the universe both exist and do not exist at the same time. say we have a point with coordinate pair (1, -1) the point exists in both frames of reference but not as 1 position in either plane.. A black hole would still have positive mass until ''X'' occurrs, making the mass negative.
Sounds to me like theyre smashing two cars together and trying to look for the tyres. But his description of the higgs "field" sounds sounds closer to the road the cars are traveling on. And theyre hoping to find out this "mass" of the road by smashing cars together. An impossible task from the sound of things. Hoping a chunk of road will materialise
Which is not to say that string theory has been confirmed to any extent- simply not ruled out.
Every particle is attracted to a core and governed by the dictates of that core . In some instances it appears these particles rebel and escape to the nearest core but they are merely absorbed by an adjacent core that is the spawn of the original
Imagine the Higgs field like a bowl of water (water molecules representing Higgs Bosons), different objects (particles) that pass through it vary in speed and drag. The amount of drag on an object determines its mass. At least I believe thatswhat this is about.
FTL would still require messing with the fabric of space-time. I don't think merely eliminating mass would suffice.
Sweet...been waiting for a long time.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - can u explain this context? wat do u really mean by this phrase
All particles/charges, must occupy a dimension. The "squared" in e=mc squared. Their has to be a limit, micro cosmically, where particles do not have enough attractive/repulsive forces to form charge, at it's smallest beginnings. This would be our "bottom line" of this dimension. This "barrier" may be the higgs boson. NOT flat but all around, & down. It may only be apparent, when effected by kinetic attractive gathering. We may not have technology yet to register such things. Dimension limits.
Where do I buy this shirt? TKS
so... the higgs bosom practically tips the scale? giving the world a reason to equilibrate and, thus, exist? Always wondered why there was such a fuss about... now i know. thank you!
I'm speechless. I've heard of coincidences, but NO WAY could that be a coincidence.
Well , we can say that the mass of the Higgs is the X of the equation , when you got it right you get all the values of the other masses in place . (an anyway it just auto-interact with his field , it's not strange)
Today they say they found the Higgs boson but if the Higgs boson gives the other bosons mass then how does it get its own mass? This is a bit like a chicken and egg situation. Even if they have found the so called god particle the theories do not predict the mass of the Higgs boson itself, although they do predict the necessity for it. Looks like we need to start building larger particle accelerators or would it make more sense looking for a new theory!
Actually, the statistical p-value reflects the degree of certainty that the null hypothesis can be rejected. There's never absolute certainty that it's false.
Your computer is full of transistors, which are in turn made out of semiconductor material. The physics of semiconductors is highly dependent on quantum mechanical principles, such as quantized energy bands, Fermi-Dirac statistics, etc. Your CD drive has a laser, which also depends on the quantum mechanics of atoms, ie. quantized energy levels, and stimulated emission to form a coherent beam of light.
You bet. Since John Ellis works at CERN, there's a very high chance he attended, five sigma at least. I saw a lot of familiar faces in the video feed, people that spoke to the media before.
the next question is where the higgs field comes from? and what does cause the movement of other particles through the higgs field to get them mass by higss boson ? somehow if we reject the higgs field, we can loose our mass and tarvel like photons around univers.. that's my idea :)
Awesome video!
Can someone please explain to me about the Higgs Boson in a simpler way?
Someone that dislikes it for those reasons hardly matters anyway.
I don't get it. Can someone explain it in a simpler version?
I do not feel you are a troll. I think you may be the smartest commentor I have found. You put forth a sane arguement to my hypothesis meaning you actually understand it. we have found numbers greater than the number of all particles (10 to 80th is every electron counted for) like a Googolplex, we cannot write that number..ever, however, we can use it to represent the power of math in understanding the 'infinite'
I searched for it and didn't find any. What now?
Didn't they disprove the idea of the aether a century ago?
I agree. I know finding the Higgs Boson is the holy grail of physics but I can't help but think that maybe they jumped the gun here.
very nice paper..but mine is different..very different. negative mass is NOT antimatter. negative mass coexists it does not inihilate. Bondi described antimatter and dark matter, not negative mass. In his formulas the result was null, no energy release just equal inihilation of all players. I did NOT steal Bondis work at all, I heartily refute his work (as do most physicists and chemists).
Thank you! That's exactly right.
The "priests of science" now replace yesterday's religious "anointed ones" who were exclusively privy to "the truth" of their day.
site your sources please.
"until then please shut up"
Nah. They're putting millions and millions into finding the little bugger. The least they can do is keep us appraised of how close they are to finding it.
Bogdancomm, just curious, but what do you think quantum physics is?
Interesting stuff !
Thumbs up! We're one step closer to understanding the tools used by our creator.
Yes, today ;)
you can press the other button to fix that.
Here is what you aren't getting, whether semiconductors can be explained by quantum mechanics or not is irrelevant. This is so because the explanation of their properties is made after a certain semiconductor is created or discovered, no semiconductor design is done based on quantum mechanics. Semiconductors are made they are tested and their properties are recorded. The properties can then be seen to match with the physics, but the knowledge of the physics played no role in the creation
Its on you to prove that you can fly or shoot lasers from your eyes, not on us to disprove it. Most people learn this in grade school during recess.
1:15 those are not snowshoes!
The more something interacts with the higgs field, the more mass it has. Something like a photon, which has no mass, does not interact with the higgs field.
I might not. What I most certainly would NOT do is condemn those who employ rational judgement concerning baseless claims.
Upon second reading, I think you're right.
I had just been responding to that other fellow who was spewing religious nonsense, so I think I was already "in the zone". ;)
why the good wishes?
"Hurry up and find the Higgs so we can figure out how to make a weapon using it. " -- Big Science
Thank you, and you too friend :)
Abd you have a very nice disposition :) .... you disagree with me about the reality of nature, yet in reality are agreeable to me in nature. Pleased to meet you friend. Strange how so many these days cannot be civil to those who do not reflect back a mirror the image of their mind.
Well im off to bed, peace.
When I was a child, I was told to believe in God and the Bible, and I did. But as I grew older, my growing mind wanted to learn more and more. As I learned, it became clearer and clearer that there was nothing at all to base Christianity on but a book with almost no credibility. It hurt so much, because it challenged my entire world view. But I couldn't lie to myself. I had to accept that Christianity just didn't have any supporting evidence for their outlandish beliefs.
I know I wont be saved from death, and I accept it, and to tell you the truth, I dont wanna live eternally. I marvel in when I walk through wilderness, I stand in aw when I scuba dive in my island, I enjoy every evening in my home with my lovely wife, we tend our garden, we go diving, we explore the Yucatán peninsula together, we travel ...death.. one day it will come, it´s ok...
They sort of are to me! :)
aye.. have you seen the pic taken from in side the LHC?
All hail it's noodely appendages.
If I might ask: which god, exactly, and what evidence?
I think those only consists of energy... o.o I'm no pro scientist and it was actually long ago I actively read about these things, but at least i think that's why.