Pillar Stitch | Knitting Stitch

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 45

  • @theHookdudewest
    @theHookdudewest 9 лет назад +2

    JoannesWeb another interesting and easy to follow tutorial thanks so much Joanne !!

  • @poodleswhoknit7929
    @poodleswhoknit7929 9 лет назад +1

    Love this stitch, thanks again for showing us it.

  • @natashaswain3698
    @natashaswain3698 8 лет назад +1

    Hi Joanna, I did this stitch it is v beautifully coming up wth this stitch I m knitting a shawl thanks Natasha

  • @ginnylynn1
    @ginnylynn1 5 лет назад +2

    Lovely stitch ❣️🧶 I would love to see a scarf made with several of your stitches together. Like a sampler scarf 🧣

  • @dawncarling5907
    @dawncarling5907 9 лет назад +1

    Great stitch I have just made my first blanket with this stitch ( thank you )

  • @junebrown8207
    @junebrown8207 8 лет назад +1

    I love this stitch. It is very pretty indeed!

  • @JoannesWeb
    @JoannesWeb  9 лет назад +2

    We present the Pillar Stitch. A very easy knitted stitch with a lovely texture:
    ‪#‎Knitting‬ ‪#‎Stitches‬

  • @norsamsilasamson8141
    @norsamsilasamson8141 5 лет назад +1

    thank you for the pattern

  • @wt30001
    @wt30001 9 лет назад +1

    Love your instructional videoes. I really need to know stitch count for patterning i.e. ; count of 3+1. Thank you.

  • @shilalotty7954
    @shilalotty7954 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing…❤

  • @alexandraabraham6698
    @alexandraabraham6698 4 года назад +1

    This is exactly the same pattern as Bamboo stitch... How come it's more lacy?? (ETA: in your video, I mean...)

    • @JoannesWeb
      @JoannesWeb  4 года назад

      Would it be the needles?

    • @alexandraabraham6698
      @alexandraabraham6698 4 года назад

      @@JoannesWeb No, I used the same size yarn and needles for both. They look identical...

    • @alexandraabraham6698
      @alexandraabraham6698 4 года назад

      @@JoannesWeb oh, hang on.. do you mean I need bigger needles for the pillar stitch?

  • @debils4546
    @debils4546 5 лет назад +1

    How many stitches do we start with ?

    • @JoannesWeb
      @JoannesWeb  5 лет назад

      Multiple of 2 stitches. It depends how wide you want your work to be.

  • @lindamcneill3547
    @lindamcneill3547 6 лет назад +1

    Do you do a pearl row every second one

    • @JoannesWeb
      @JoannesWeb  6 лет назад

      Yes. It's only a 2 row repeat.

    • @lindamcneill3547
      @lindamcneill3547 6 лет назад +1

      Thank love your videos I am doing the worm ,roly poly at the moment and it is turning out so well.I could only knit and pearl up to last week

  • @dmummy8021
    @dmummy8021 9 лет назад +1

    How many stitches for this stitch pleSe?? Multiples of?

  • @denisephillips4655
    @denisephillips4655 9 лет назад +1

    what does it mean for example k1 yfwd k2 pass yfwd over 2st

    • @JoannesWeb
      @JoannesWeb  9 лет назад

      +Denise Phillips knit 1, yarn forward, knit 2, pass the yarn over the 2 stitches.
      Please watch the video. Thanks!

  • @eviehammond9638
    @eviehammond9638 9 лет назад +1

    what is the name of the stitch book that was snagged out of the frame early in the video? It looked interesting.

    • @JoannesWeb
      @JoannesWeb  9 лет назад +1

      Evie Hammond It's The Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches.
      I have knitted this stitch many times but didn't know the name for it. This is where I found it!

    • @eviehammond9638
      @eviehammond9638 9 лет назад

      Thanks! There are so many stitch guides out there, and I bought one, and didn't find it that useful.

  • @chantalmoussier4471
    @chantalmoussier4471 9 лет назад +1

    Merci beaucoup, de France !

    • @JoannesWeb
      @JoannesWeb  9 лет назад

      +Chantal Moussier De rien, Chantal. C'est mon plaisir.

  • @sanmiller3715
    @sanmiller3715 6 лет назад +1

    Very beautiful

  • @merdinavernon1881
    @merdinavernon1881 6 лет назад +1

    This is a very pretty stitch.

  • @elenagrande1010
    @elenagrande1010 8 лет назад +1

    muchas gracias lo voy a intentar , mí señora !!!

  • @elenagrande1010
    @elenagrande1010 8 лет назад +1

    señora Joannes saludos desde Puebla México , ojalá usted se encuentre bien ? sabé un poco triste porque no me sale está muestra ni otra que e intentado , no se porque será" aquí se teje diferente. o no se que pasa !! pero en esta muestra no me salen los dos puntos juntos ,sólo uno : usted pasa el hilo adelante para el derecho y yo lo tomó de atrás y para el revés por delante ...

    • @JoannesWeb
      @JoannesWeb  8 лет назад +1

      +Elena Grande Querida Elena, el chiste de esta puntada es que tenga multiplo de 2. Asi tendra los 2 puntos de derecho al principio y los 2 de derecho al final. Asi que cuando teja la puntada del lado derecho, va a tejer 2 (de la orilla) luego lazada, teje 2 de derecho y la lazada va sobre los 2 ultimos que tejio. Asi se repite la puntada hasta tener los 2 ultimos de derecho.

  • @molikaohearn6
    @molikaohearn6 9 лет назад +1

    Where u get ur knitting book at

    • @JoannesWeb
      @JoannesWeb  9 лет назад

      +molly O'Hearn We don't have a book. I don't believe we will. We are getting together several projects and "know hows" to make an e-book. We'll get there!

    • @tinamccartney3778
      @tinamccartney3778 8 лет назад

      I think she meant the book that was in the background on the table that someone moved while you were knitting. I would like to know as well. Looks very interesting.

    • @marlenebaksh234
      @marlenebaksh234 6 лет назад

      Can u show the instructions for the pillars stitch, thank

  • @12almond1
    @12almond1 9 лет назад +1

    wow it is so easy ,and i like it when you make the videos it make the instruction more easy and i can do it,,,thank you

  • @sueedy.canigetahatpatterns7383
    @sueedy.canigetahatpatterns7383 5 лет назад

    Where do you get the knitting book please

  • @jishanahmed6504
    @jishanahmed6504 6 лет назад +1

    Wow so nice

  • @zoz9450
    @zoz9450 6 лет назад +1


  • @michaelreeves1147
    @michaelreeves1147 3 года назад

    TL;DR instructions and fabric properties
    0. Begin with a foundation of a multiple of 2 stitches.
    1. K2, P until 2 stitches remain, K2
    2. K2, * YO, K2, using the left needle, pick up the loop formed by the YO on the right needle and carry it over the prevailing right needle stitches and off the right needle *, repeat from * to * until 2 stitches remain, K2
    [2n sts]
    1. P
    2. F, Kx2, RPx3, iP, E#2-3, D, RKx2, SPx2
    --alternatively, for step 2:
    F, Kx2, SWAP, SO#3, D#3, SWAP
    [2n sts]
    1. P
    2. F, Kx2, RPx3, iP, E#2-3, D
    Weight 4 (worsted) Red Heart acrylic yarn on US size 8 aluminum.
    Weft: ~1.7
    Warp: ~1.3
    --CO/BO max stretch was 2.2.
    Weft: LOW
    Warp: ~12 lb-in at 2.5 lb, nonlinear
    --CO/BO reluctance noncontributory.
    Weft: ~ 20%
    Warp: ~ 15%
    --Non-elastic CO/BO used.