Evie Hammond It's The Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches. I have knitted this stitch many times but didn't know the name for it. This is where I found it!
señora Joannes saludos desde Puebla México , ojalá usted se encuentre bien ? sabé un poco triste porque no me sale está muestra ni otra que e intentado , no se porque será" aquí se teje diferente. o no se que pasa !! pero en esta muestra no me salen los dos puntos juntos ,sólo uno : usted pasa el hilo adelante para el derecho y yo lo tomó de atrás y para el revés por delante ...
+Elena Grande Querida Elena, el chiste de esta puntada es que tenga multiplo de 2. Asi tendra los 2 puntos de derecho al principio y los 2 de derecho al final. Asi que cuando teja la puntada del lado derecho, va a tejer 2 (de la orilla) luego lazada, teje 2 de derecho y la lazada va sobre los 2 ultimos que tejio. Asi se repite la puntada hasta tener los 2 ultimos de derecho.
+molly O'Hearn We don't have a book. I don't believe we will. We are getting together several projects and "know hows" to make an e-book. We'll get there!
I think she meant the book that was in the background on the table that someone moved while you were knitting. I would like to know as well. Looks very interesting.
TL;DR instructions and fabric properties - - - INSTRUCTIONS, WESTERN, WITH SELVAGE - - - 0. Begin with a foundation of a multiple of 2 stitches. 1. K2, P until 2 stitches remain, K2 2. K2, * YO, K2, using the left needle, pick up the loop formed by the YO on the right needle and carry it over the prevailing right needle stitches and off the right needle *, repeat from * to * until 2 stitches remain, K2 - - - INSTRUCTIONS, EASTERN, WITHOUT SELVAGE - - - [2n sts] 1. P 2. F, Kx2, RPx3, iP, E#2-3, D, RKx2, SPx2 --alternatively, for step 2: F, Kx2, SWAP, SO#3, D#3, SWAP - - - INSTRUCTIONS, EASTERN PRINCIPAL VARIANT - - - [2n sts] 1. P 2. F, Kx2, RPx3, iP, E#2-3, D - - - MATERIAL STRESS PROPERTIES - - - Weight 4 (worsted) Red Heart acrylic yarn on US size 8 aluminum. MAX STRETCH: Weft: ~1.7 Warp: ~1.3 --CO/BO max stretch was 2.2. EFFECTIVE RELUCTANCE: Weft: LOW Warp: ~12 lb-in at 2.5 lb, nonlinear --CO/BO reluctance noncontributory. ELASTICITY: Weft: ~ 20% Warp: ~ 15% --Non-elastic CO/BO used.
JoannesWeb another interesting and easy to follow tutorial thanks so much Joanne !!
Love this stitch, thanks again for showing us it.
Hi Joanna, I did this stitch it is v beautifully coming up wth this stitch I m knitting a shawl thanks Natasha
Lovely stitch ❣️🧶 I would love to see a scarf made with several of your stitches together. Like a sampler scarf 🧣
Great stitch I have just made my first blanket with this stitch ( thank you )
I love this stitch. It is very pretty indeed!
We present the Pillar Stitch. A very easy knitted stitch with a lovely texture:
#Knitting #Stitches
thank you for the pattern
Love your instructional videoes. I really need to know stitch count for patterning i.e. ; count of 3+1. Thank you.
+wt30001 Multiple of 2.
Thank you for sharing…❤
This is exactly the same pattern as Bamboo stitch... How come it's more lacy?? (ETA: in your video, I mean...)
Would it be the needles?
@@JoannesWeb No, I used the same size yarn and needles for both. They look identical...
@@JoannesWeb oh, hang on.. do you mean I need bigger needles for the pillar stitch?
How many stitches do we start with ?
Multiple of 2 stitches. It depends how wide you want your work to be.
Do you do a pearl row every second one
Yes. It's only a 2 row repeat.
Thank love your videos I am doing the worm ,roly poly at the moment and it is turning out so well.I could only knit and pearl up to last week
How many stitches for this stitch pleSe?? Multiples of?
Dils Harry Multiple of 2
what does it mean for example k1 yfwd k2 pass yfwd over 2st
+Denise Phillips knit 1, yarn forward, knit 2, pass the yarn over the 2 stitches.
Please watch the video. Thanks!
what is the name of the stitch book that was snagged out of the frame early in the video? It looked interesting.
Evie Hammond It's The Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches.
I have knitted this stitch many times but didn't know the name for it. This is where I found it!
Thanks! There are so many stitch guides out there, and I bought one, and didn't find it that useful.
Merci beaucoup, de France !
+Chantal Moussier De rien, Chantal. C'est mon plaisir.
Very beautiful
This is a very pretty stitch.
Merdina Vernon 6
muchas gracias lo voy a intentar , mí señora !!!
señora Joannes saludos desde Puebla México , ojalá usted se encuentre bien ? sabé un poco triste porque no me sale está muestra ni otra que e intentado , no se porque será" aquí se teje diferente. o no se que pasa !! pero en esta muestra no me salen los dos puntos juntos ,sólo uno : usted pasa el hilo adelante para el derecho y yo lo tomó de atrás y para el revés por delante ...
+Elena Grande Querida Elena, el chiste de esta puntada es que tenga multiplo de 2. Asi tendra los 2 puntos de derecho al principio y los 2 de derecho al final. Asi que cuando teja la puntada del lado derecho, va a tejer 2 (de la orilla) luego lazada, teje 2 de derecho y la lazada va sobre los 2 ultimos que tejio. Asi se repite la puntada hasta tener los 2 ultimos de derecho.
Where u get ur knitting book at
+molly O'Hearn We don't have a book. I don't believe we will. We are getting together several projects and "know hows" to make an e-book. We'll get there!
I think she meant the book that was in the background on the table that someone moved while you were knitting. I would like to know as well. Looks very interesting.
Can u show the instructions for the pillars stitch, thank
wow it is so easy ,and i like it when you make the videos it make the instruction more easy and i can do it,,,thank you
12almond1 Thank you!
Where do you get the knitting book please
Wow so nice
TL;DR instructions and fabric properties
0. Begin with a foundation of a multiple of 2 stitches.
1. K2, P until 2 stitches remain, K2
2. K2, * YO, K2, using the left needle, pick up the loop formed by the YO on the right needle and carry it over the prevailing right needle stitches and off the right needle *, repeat from * to * until 2 stitches remain, K2
[2n sts]
1. P
2. F, Kx2, RPx3, iP, E#2-3, D, RKx2, SPx2
--alternatively, for step 2:
F, Kx2, SWAP, SO#3, D#3, SWAP
[2n sts]
1. P
2. F, Kx2, RPx3, iP, E#2-3, D
Weight 4 (worsted) Red Heart acrylic yarn on US size 8 aluminum.
Weft: ~1.7
Warp: ~1.3
--CO/BO max stretch was 2.2.
Weft: LOW
Warp: ~12 lb-in at 2.5 lb, nonlinear
--CO/BO reluctance noncontributory.
Weft: ~ 20%
Warp: ~ 15%
--Non-elastic CO/BO used.