I am WB6SUB. When I was a teen and working on a ranch.. the ranch truck had a cobra AM SSB radio. While awaiting other family member I started playing around with the radio. I was hooked! 5 Years later I was in Submarine Radioman A/C/U schools as a specomm tech. While based in Groton Connecticut I got my ham radio license. I don't ever look down on 11 Meters and still use it today like you.
Same here. I still have a few 11-meter radios in my radio shack.
16 дней назад
Ever participate in the WW-2 subs on the air?? From time to time the bubbleheads that run the Cod Museum sub in Cleveland Ohio have a ham station in the radio room..
CB is still king of the road when it comes to highway travel! My friends and I use em for hunting and fishing trips. I hear traffic on FM here & there. Hopefully it will get more popular as time goes on.
Some friends and I have started using FM on our base setups. We are 40 miles apart and it's clear as a bell. None of the bleed over from the splatter box channels!
The best kept secret on FM cb is CTCSS sub-audible tones. Despite all the skip and am crap, the squelch never opens unless it hears the right tone from the station you WANT to hear.
When we started the RF module in BE&E we covered AM first and we went over some common circuits for generating a signal - it was Basic Electricity and Electronics after all. When we got to FM the instructor said hold on to your seats. He said FM stands for effing Magic (he used the actual curse word - it was the military) and we were going to be crying for mercy at the end of the unit. He wasn't lying :)
Dont forget with those fm sets you got ctcss dcs sub tone squelch ,very very handy on fm mobile comms for nouse free squelch 👍 Too many hams knock cb radio but never used it !! These new cb radios feature some very advanced features. Loved the vid 👍 Rob.P 73s RPC
Interesting viewpoint, about how using 11 meters makes you a better ham radio operator. I guess I hadn't considered that point of view before - picking out the signal that you want to hear, and transferring that skill to ham radio. How does that work on Superbowl 6, though??? ;-). I don't get on CB that often, as I don't have a decent rig. I do listen on occation, and derive some entertainment value during skip. I prefer to save what little radio time I have for ham radio frequencies.
That was great meeting up with Salty walt. You two have great channels ! CB is fun and great as well. I support all radio .Their is some sad hams that look down on CB. They just look at it the wrong way. I never blame radio for a bad operator. FM is great just limit on range but does sound much better . CB FM does have CTCSS/DCS tones as well. I can see doing a repeater on CB but some big problems. The duplexer will be about 10 ft tall ! and only 4 watts ! And with the loss in a duplexer this would not work very well. I have talked FM skip on CB from NY to England . it is hard. The QSB is so choppy ! We switched to SSB and was great ! We use FRS/GMRS/MURS hear as well. MURS is VHF at 2 watts license free and can have external antenna just 5 CH . I get great range with my girlfriend using Nogoya long antenna for MURS/GMRS . Some times in campgrounds FRS with non removable antenna 2 watts can go quite far. better than MURS . Some times MURS goes better . CB was a old ham band the FCC re assigned . The amanture radio people I know and talk to love all radio and all modes. As do I. I even sent SSTV over CB. Just takes a smart phone with SSTV app . Works with any radio ! FRS/GMRS/MURS . There is a leapfrog app and others that do SMS text over CB and outher radios. We do it with GMRS . and data is legal. has to be in a burst . They have GMRS radios that send GPS data and SMS text . So you may hear some strange tones and beeps on CB . I got SSTV pic from Florida storm damage on CB SSB to NY . Just used a Iphone. Took pic and sent it. just hold mic over phone . The ISS does sent SSTV over ham radio at times ! 73 . LOVE ALL RADIO !
What i do on FM is add ch no +CT tone For example ch 25-25(ctcss code)you want hear skip breaking the squelch then only tone opens squelch ,much better system with FM. You can on those radios add some NRC noise reduction to improve things on FM Rx/tx 👍
The UK have used FM since CB was legalised in 1981 and it's still widely used both for local and DX work. As for HAM Vs CB, I can use both but I prefer CB over HAM any day.
Great video. I watch Walt’s RUclips channel as well. Like you he replies to comments on his channel. I would have a hard time separating my CB handle and my amateur radio call sign. I would be accidentally using my ham call sign on the CB radio. I wish there was an existing database of past CB radio call signs. If I recall I think there was a local directory that had CB call signs in it.
I don't think that FM will get much use in casual contacts. Once the Splatter Kings find out about the FM capture effect, they will stomp out any FM on that channel. However, it may get good use for multiple vehicles running together, such as families moving, or wide load/escort vehicle.
One thing to understand about FM (on CB or otherwise), you're reception is less subject to static and noise. Years ago when broadcast radio was in it's earlier days, FM was developed by Edward Howard Armstrong to deal with and get rid of the static that plagued radio reception and for the most part, it did. Quality of audio transmissions improved as well. Listening to you 2 guys converse I can tell it's more "armchair copy" as the Hams would say than it would be on AM, especially at a distance. Remember that QRM from powerlines and QRN (natural noise and lightening) is AM. FM increases the bandwidth of a signal and pretty much ignores static. By you moving to an unoccupied channel on CB helped as well. The QRM from AM stations is still going to effect your transmissions with hetrodyne noise and there's no getting around that. You folks on 11m have plenty of band space to carry out communications on unused channels. For gosh sake you got 40 channels almost 50 years ago, so use them, and use them to the maximum with FM.
Hi Rob. Great video. I have an idea for another video. How about doing one on Radiograms. The ARRL is big on them and I know there are some guys helping after the hurricane disaster. I am sure knowing how to receive/ retransmit and file(?) them somehow would be a helpful skill. Something ham radio is supposed to be all about. I have never done one and I wouldn't know what to do with it after I forwarded the information on to the next step. Does that sound like something you might like to do?
FYI, both these models have coded tone squelch so you won't get any interruptions or interference but you have to ask the other guy to set the tone with you if he has one of these radios
It would have been nice if you guys would have used CTCSS or DCS for your conversation. That could have made it much more clear and not having to listen to the static.
29.6 fm has been open quite well. Got a korean station on 29.6. ✌️. That anytone 6666 pro does 10-11-12-15 very well. The antron covers 10-11-12 and a part of 15
I try channel 20 and 23 FM every chance I get. I'm hoping that others will. I've tested it with a friend. The range isn't great, but the sound is great. It's better for truckers that AM on 19, because there's a lot less interference from DX clowns and their noise boxes.
2 месяца назад
I still have CB radios including one with FM. In recent history I have been using GMRS radios and with the use of the repeater in my area, I can reach out 100 miles+ with good audio. The downside to GMRS is there is no shooting skip.
I watched Walt's video 2 days ago and heard you. Great job. Cool that you met up with Salty Walt. I think 11 meter FM will give you a little better range in the hilly areas than the same power on GMRS/FRS.
Doesn't that model support CTCSS? Next time y'all with have to give that a try it would be interesting to at least cut out the skip between transmissions.
@edlightman - No license required. Also, I just bought a couple "President Ted" AM-FM for my grandsons online from Walcott for $54 each . I couldn't resist the price. Now all I need is to find anyone to talk to. I just drove 1500 miles down Interstate 75 and didn't hear a thing and couldn't raise anyone on Ch 19 AM.
I think SSB should be the primary mode on CB. SSB capable radios can now be made as cheaply as AM CBs if phased SSB circuits are used. Most CB users won’t know the difference between AM, FM and SSB if modern DDS circuits are used and SSB travels further more reliably using less power consumption than AM and FM. I got my two CB radios after becoming a ham and one of them is a Uniden SSB capable model.
I don't look down on anything that's radio, whether 11m or Amateur, becuz I've been on both since the early 1970's (with a ham radio ticket, of course); "Radio is Radio," that's always been my feelings, 73 👍😃🇺🇸
In us?? It’s still 10 meters correct? There’s a lot of conflicting info I’m just trying to understand and currently studying for a ham license to be able to use my President Washington as it’s a 10 meter radio
CB is 11 meters and is close in frequency to 10 meters. You cannot legally use your president Washington on CB frequencies but you can use it on 10 meters once you have your license. The radio I'm showing in this video is the legal CB version of the Washington.
ill sit on hf or sw and listen to s1 to s3 stations to teach my ears to hear better. or is it teaching the brain. no idea lol... i do have my ticket. thats funny i use 721 haha my grand dad would play them in ny pick 3 lol
GMRS on UHF frequencies with higher power is still better than that 4 watts on 27mhz.. Listening to that reminds me of the struggle using 52.525 FM in my mobile at 50 or so watts.. I can get about 5 miles before it starts to chop and become a nuisance like at 1.5 miles with that CB.. Assembling a simplex repeater on FRS/GMRS using a $25 4 watt HT and a $25 simplex recording repeater box then placing it in a vey high location with a homemade stacked colinear made out of RG59 pieces inside a plastic tube can give you a footprint that is 20 or more miles across.. Using a higher powered used reprogrammed Motorola business radio putting out 25 watts you could in theory have a 50 mile footprint.. So $75 for a GMRS license, $25 for a simp box, $100 or so dollars for 4 used UHF radios and maybe $50 to $100 to get someone with a programmer to set them up with the same scheme of frequencies and DSQ codes and you are all set.. If you want to spend more money on some GMRS mobiles that you can program in all sorts of memories and squelch settings those are certainly available for $200 to $400 each and some can even be remotely controlled from another radio using a digital code.. Going to a full function repeater with duplexer cans can run upwards of several thousand dollars and most likely will require some kind of coordination and approval with a site map and such.. We use the first option of the simplex repeater and low power so we can be free to do what we want as long as we avoid channels with known coordinated repeaters.. Or just say F it and be like my wife and use the cell phone..
Ch 19 is the mental patient channel, when the skip comes in all I hear is gibberish, sound effects and one guy expressing his hate for black people. Back in the 70's the FCC would go after people like that but today CB is just a cesspool!!
It has been fun watching the whining, complaining, and sudden realization that FM does such. I grew up in the UK with FM CB, pirating AM and SSB, and then moved to the US. Both countries still have too many bucket and motor mouths, often making unavoidable noise with their splatter boxes, but being (mostly) AM makes it worse for Americans. FM has many advantages over AM for both local and DX contacts and SSB is great for DX.. AM isn't great for either.
Thats why I watched, wanted to see the quality in the audio, and still, to me, didnt sound any better. I think I've have become so used to digital audio that its like me looking at the computer screen, with and without glasses. Never cared for the USB on 10 meters, always kinda sounded like donald duck to me, probably why I never bothered to keep up with the 10 meter traffic. If I had to upgrade to General, i'd be for trying the FM part of 29 Mhz
I currently a Technician I don't have a disdain for CB or GMRS. I kind of wished I started with CB and GMRS first and I'm still struggling to learn how to use a ft-817, and still struggling to pass the general exam so I can continue my goals to go CW portable on HF and just enjoy using Ham, CB and GMRS daily in my vehicles and home. I still need to find a nearby elmer, but im not trusting my local club and, two persons i was planning to ask to elmer me became silent keys as i struggled alot to pass the technician exam. I mean im not the smartest person either 😂 73, kq4hcu
I've used many modes for years, and I suspect that FM is very valid, except for interpretation. The crushing loud machine made sound during low signals is unnerving and destructive to my uses. I like 2 meter AM, car AM, and when I found CB, it's been a marriage on a cloud. I restore ARC RT328's when I can. You need the plugs. I've asked if communications FM could be adjusted or tweaked so you could listen to open air without squelch. The most common answer I get is there's a reason it can't. It's funny. A Scott FM sounds fine and a lot of car and home FM's sound at least OK and suitable. If you take off the antenna, you should hear nothing. Boat radios? Ham FM? Cmon, fix it. A bad AM device? A Terra aircraft radio sounds horrible with no signal and no squelch, yet an RT 328 can hear a mouse fart on the moon. Britain hated CB and fought back with incompatible frequencies and FM. Their users got wise. We are consumers and I think all FM on CB's suck.
I think you missed one of the points I was trying to make. Discouraging people who use CB or making negative comparisons to CB is not something hams do anymore since a cast majority of hams got their start on CB.
I can make the same argument for ham radio operators too. I can also argue that a fair number of hams are arrogant elitists that drive away newcomers. I don't let these negatives ruin my enjoyment or perception of CB or ham.
Started on 11M over 50 years ago as KTA5144. Got tired of the salty language and rude behavior. Got on ham and never looked back, although many of the 4x4 crowd still operate on 11M.
I find there’s too many people on CB using illegal power levels. It can’t all be skip. Those that want to hear local road info have way too much garbage from states away so they just turn off their radio. I’m so disappointed after installing radios in 2 of my trucks. Practically useless.
@dguiley I cut my teeth on CB in the 60s, and electronics ended up being my lifetime career. Everything you said is absolutely true. CB was an indispensable tool on the road for many years, but CB in general has devolved into a few thousand miscreants shooting skip with power and destroying the medium for the millions that would otherwise legitimately use it. Whenever the skip is rolling, even channel 19 is jammed and useless...Not that it matters much that they use 19, they splatter so wide that an idiot 2000 miles away makes you miserable from 6 channels away. CB is a dumpster fire these days.
I am WB6SUB. When I was a teen and working on a ranch.. the ranch truck had a cobra AM SSB radio. While awaiting other family member I started playing around with the radio. I was hooked! 5 Years later I was in Submarine Radioman A/C/U schools as a specomm tech. While based in Groton Connecticut I got my ham radio license. I don't ever look down on 11 Meters and still use it today like you.
Great story! I'm not far from the Groton sub base...maybe an hour or so drive. 73!
@@SevenFortyOnewhere at?
Same here. I still have a few 11-meter radios in my radio shack.
Ever participate in the WW-2 subs on the air?? From time to time the bubbleheads that run the Cod Museum sub in Cleveland Ohio have a ham station in the radio room..
I like all aspects of the radio world… HAM, GMRS and CB… they are all part of my tool box. 👍🏼
Absolutely Agree.
@ and my new CB has FM 😂👍🏼
CB is still king of the road when it comes to highway travel! My friends and I use em for hunting and fishing trips. I hear traffic on FM here & there. Hopefully it will get more popular as time goes on.
Some friends and I have started using FM on our base setups. We are 40 miles apart and it's clear as a bell. None of the bleed over from the splatter box channels!
Good to hear!
WOHOOO...Rob & Uncle Walter meeting in person. How awsome is that...💯👍
It was great!
My life is complete
Glad to see you both meeting up . I just recently subscribed to his channel . Great stuff Rob 👍
Walt is one of the good guys for sure!
Great colab fellas!
What a great day that was! Looking forward to our next radio experiment Rob!
It was Acton of fun! I look forward to next time!
Well done... 💯👍
Awesome video and I watch Walt's channel as well.
Walt is awesome 👍
The best kept secret on FM cb is CTCSS sub-audible tones. Despite all the skip and am crap, the squelch never opens unless it hears the right tone from the station you WANT to hear.
I love Walt's channel. It was great you two could meet up and rag chew some radio. Thanks for the video! 73
I had fun hanging out with Walt...he's a great guy
We've had FM CB in the UK, for over 40 years now. Only in the last decade was AM and SSB legalised in the UK.
Salty Walt! Great to see you both! 73 de K2CJB
When we started the RF module in BE&E we covered AM first and we went over some common circuits for generating a signal - it was Basic Electricity and Electronics after all. When we got to FM the instructor said hold on to your seats. He said FM stands for effing Magic (he used the actual curse word - it was the military) and we were going to be crying for mercy at the end of the unit. He wasn't lying :)
Good stuff. I’m looking forward to trying CB soon.
I'm glad there are FM rigs already in production.
I must be a 'unicorn' since Igot started in ham radio at age 12. It was many years later that I got into CB as well and it was a lot of fun too.
Dont forget with those fm sets you got ctcss dcs sub tone squelch ,very very handy on fm mobile comms for nouse free squelch 👍
Too many hams knock cb radio but never used it !!
These new cb radios feature some very advanced features.
Loved the vid 👍
Rob.P 73s
N2MJF here I started on CB in the 80s and then I got interested into ham radio!
Interesting viewpoint, about how using 11 meters makes you a better ham radio operator. I guess I hadn't considered that point of view before - picking out the signal that you want to hear, and transferring that skill to ham radio. How does that work on Superbowl 6, though??? ;-). I don't get on CB that often, as I don't have a decent rig. I do listen on occation, and derive some entertainment value during skip. I prefer to save what little radio time I have for ham radio frequencies.
Just last night I came across Walt's channel when I watched his upload on the Retevis export radio. (Anytone AT-5555 clone)
That was great meeting up with Salty walt. You two have great channels ! CB is fun and great as well. I support all radio .Their is some sad hams that look down on CB. They just look at it the wrong way. I never blame radio for a bad operator. FM is great just limit on range but does sound much better . CB FM does have CTCSS/DCS tones as well. I can see doing a repeater on CB but some big problems. The duplexer will be about 10 ft tall ! and only 4 watts ! And with the loss in a duplexer this would not work very well. I have talked FM skip on CB from NY to England . it is hard. The QSB is so choppy ! We switched to SSB and was great ! We use FRS/GMRS/MURS hear as well. MURS is VHF at 2 watts license free and can have external antenna just 5 CH . I get great range with my girlfriend using Nogoya long antenna for MURS/GMRS . Some times in campgrounds FRS with non removable antenna 2 watts can go quite far. better than MURS . Some times MURS goes better . CB was a old ham band the FCC re assigned . The amanture radio people I know and talk to love all radio and all modes. As do I. I even sent SSTV over CB. Just takes a smart phone with SSTV app . Works with any radio ! FRS/GMRS/MURS . There is a leapfrog app and others that do SMS text over CB and outher radios. We do it with GMRS . and data is legal. has to be in a burst . They have GMRS radios that send GPS data and SMS text . So you may hear some strange tones and beeps on CB . I got SSTV pic from Florida storm damage on CB SSB to NY . Just used a Iphone. Took pic and sent it. just hold mic over phone . The ISS does sent SSTV over ham radio at times ! 73 . LOVE ALL RADIO !
Gotta say I’ve never had that soda before. Usually go for the Foxon Park birch beer in my area of CT
I used to get Foxon Birch Beer when I worked in North Ford....that's good stuff too!
Started in CB 1976. Licensed as Novice KA4KOE in 1979. Walt is golden.
I agree 👍
Just discovered your channel, you do a fantastic job! You sold me on the George FCC!
Thanks! I'm glad this video helped!
What i do on FM is add ch no +CT tone
For example ch 25-25(ctcss code)you want hear skip breaking the squelch then only tone opens squelch ,much better system with FM.
You can on those radios add some NRC noise reduction to improve things on FM Rx/tx 👍
The UK have used FM since CB was legalised in 1981 and it's still widely used both for local and DX work. As for HAM Vs CB, I can use both but I prefer CB over HAM any day.
Great video. I watch Walt’s RUclips channel as well. Like you he replies to comments on his channel. I would have a hard time separating my CB handle and my amateur radio call sign. I would be accidentally using my ham call sign on the CB radio. I wish there was an existing database of past CB radio call signs. If I recall I think there was a local directory that had CB call signs in it.
Cool video Rob. I also watch Walt’s channel. VA3TBI Ontario 🇨🇦
Walt has a great channel for sure
I don't think that FM will get much use in casual contacts. Once the Splatter Kings find out about the FM capture effect, they will stomp out any FM on that channel. However, it may get good use for multiple vehicles running together, such as families moving, or wide load/escort vehicle.
Good points...I agree
Fm is great i have talked good skip nation wide from wi as well as dx into uk
But ssb is still my go to
The cell phone radio is always clear and I can talk to any one in the world.
One thing to understand about FM (on CB or otherwise), you're reception is less subject to static and noise. Years ago when broadcast radio was in it's earlier days, FM was developed by Edward Howard Armstrong to deal with and get rid of the static that plagued radio reception and for the most part, it did. Quality of audio transmissions improved as well. Listening to you 2 guys converse I can tell it's more "armchair copy" as the Hams would say than it would be on AM, especially at a distance. Remember that QRM from powerlines and QRN (natural noise and lightening) is AM. FM increases the bandwidth of a signal and pretty much ignores static. By you moving to an unoccupied channel on CB helped as well. The QRM from AM stations is still going to effect your transmissions with hetrodyne noise and there's no getting around that. You folks on 11m have plenty of band space to carry out communications on unused channels. For gosh sake you got 40 channels almost 50 years ago, so use them, and use them to the maximum with FM.
Hi Rob. Great video. I have an idea for another video. How about doing one on Radiograms. The ARRL is big on them and I know there are some guys helping after the hurricane disaster. I am sure knowing how to receive/ retransmit and file(?) them somehow would be a helpful skill. Something ham radio is supposed to be all about. I have never done one and I wouldn't know what to do with it after I forwarded the information on to the next step. Does that sound like something you might like to do?
I've been licensed 30 years and never sent a radiograms either..good idea for a video but probably something I'll leave for someone else
Fantastic video Rob made some great contacts on 11m UKFM and the European bands on all modes 73 M7CVK / 26 TG064 Tony
FYI, both these models have coded tone squelch so you won't get any interruptions or interference but you have to ask the other guy to set the tone with you if he has one of these radios
We intentionally decided not to set ctcss tones to keep the test simple. Stay tuned for a demo in the future of ctcss tones
It would have been nice if you guys would have used CTCSS or DCS for your conversation.
That could have made it much more clear and not having to listen to the static.
I plan to test that next...stay tuned
What are the new FM frequencies ?
There are no new frequencies...but channels 27-30 seem to be what people are using for FM
29.6 fm has been open quite well. Got a korean station on 29.6. ✌️. That anytone 6666 pro does 10-11-12-15 very well. The antron covers 10-11-12 and a part of 15
I try channel 20 and 23 FM every chance I get. I'm hoping that others will. I've tested it with a friend. The range isn't great, but the sound is great. It's better for truckers that AM on 19, because there's a lot less interference from DX clowns and their noise boxes.
I still have CB radios including one with FM. In recent history I have been using GMRS radios and with the use of the repeater in my area, I can reach out 100 miles+ with good audio. The downside to GMRS is there is no shooting skip.
Fun video! 🎙
It was a blast hanging out with Walt!
I watched Walt's video 2 days ago and heard you. Great job. Cool that you met up with Salty Walt. I think 11 meter FM will give you a little better range in the hilly areas than the same power on GMRS/FRS.
It was a blast meeting up with Walt!
Doesn't that model support CTCSS? Next time y'all with have to give that a try it would be interesting to at least cut out the skip between transmissions.
that radio sounds good is the radio license free with the fm ? where can i buy them and what is the cost of the presdent harrison?
No license required for cb
@edlightman - No license required. Also, I just bought a couple "President Ted" AM-FM for my grandsons online from Walcott for $54 each . I couldn't resist the price. Now all I need is to find anyone to talk to. I just drove 1500 miles down Interstate 75 and didn't hear a thing and couldn't raise anyone on Ch 19 AM.
I think SSB should be the primary mode on CB. SSB capable radios can now be made as cheaply as AM CBs if phased SSB circuits are used. Most CB users won’t know the difference between AM, FM and SSB if modern DDS circuits are used and SSB travels further more reliably using less power consumption than AM and FM. I got my two CB radios after becoming a ham and one of them is a Uniden SSB capable model.
Side band is extremely hot and busy right now manufacturers need to start putting sideband back in all the radios
There are lots of radios with sideband available.
Why don't you use your squelch when you are close? It sounds so much better and improves the experience of using FM... :)
I just didn't turn it up
I don't look down on anything that's radio, whether 11m or Amateur, becuz I've been on both since the early 1970's (with a ham radio ticket, of course); "Radio is Radio," that's always been my feelings, 73 👍😃🇺🇸
Right on!
...a great video, too, btw👍😃🇺🇸
So. You still need you ham license to use the fm correct? Little confusing here
No license required to use any mode on CB. Am, FM, or sideband
In us?? It’s still 10 meters correct?
There’s a lot of conflicting info I’m just trying to understand and currently studying for a ham license to be able to use my President Washington as it’s a 10 meter radio
CB is 11 meters and is close in frequency to 10 meters. You cannot legally use your president Washington on CB frequencies but you can use it on 10 meters once you have your license. The radio I'm showing in this video is the legal CB version of the Washington.
ill sit on hf or sw and listen to s1 to s3 stations to teach my ears to hear better. or is it teaching the brain. no idea lol... i do have my ticket. thats funny i use 721 haha my grand dad would play them in ny pick 3 lol
I'm not a big fan of FM on 11 meter... It's useless in mobile. It makes sense between two home stations with strong signal and a minimum of squelch.
"skip" can be a problem as you saw here
GMRS on UHF frequencies with higher power is still better than that 4 watts on 27mhz.. Listening to that reminds me of the struggle using 52.525 FM in my mobile at 50 or so watts.. I can get about 5 miles before it starts to chop and become a nuisance like at 1.5 miles with that CB.. Assembling a simplex repeater on FRS/GMRS using a $25 4 watt HT and a $25 simplex recording repeater box then placing it in a vey high location with a homemade stacked colinear made out of RG59 pieces inside a plastic tube can give you a footprint that is 20 or more miles across.. Using a higher powered used reprogrammed Motorola business radio putting out 25 watts you could in theory have a 50 mile footprint.. So $75 for a GMRS license, $25 for a simp box, $100 or so dollars for 4 used UHF radios and maybe $50 to $100 to get someone with a programmer to set them up with the same scheme of frequencies and DSQ codes and you are all set.. If you want to spend more money on some GMRS mobiles that you can program in all sorts of memories and squelch settings those are certainly available for $200 to $400 each and some can even be remotely controlled from another radio using a digital code.. Going to a full function repeater with duplexer cans can run upwards of several thousand dollars and most likely will require some kind of coordination and approval with a site map and such.. We use the first option of the simplex repeater and low power so we can be free to do what we want as long as we avoid channels with known coordinated repeaters.. Or just say F it and be like my wife and use the cell phone..
Ch 19 is the mental patient channel, when the skip comes in all I hear is gibberish, sound effects and one guy expressing his hate for black people. Back in the 70's the FCC would go after people like that but today CB is just a cesspool!!
It has been fun watching the whining, complaining, and sudden realization that FM does such. I grew up in the UK with FM CB, pirating AM and SSB, and then moved to the US. Both countries still have too many bucket and motor mouths, often making unavoidable noise with their splatter boxes, but being (mostly) AM makes it worse for Americans. FM has many advantages over AM for both local and DX contacts and SSB is great for DX.. AM isn't great for either.
You are talking about the Sad Hams lol
Lock works. 😆
Yup...and works good!
Maybe it’s just me but I find FM on CB to be noisier than AM or SSB
Fm is more clear than AM But l find SSB is best
I agree
Thats why I watched, wanted to see the quality in the audio, and still, to me, didnt sound any better. I think I've have become so used to digital audio that its like me looking at the computer screen, with and without glasses. Never cared for the USB on 10 meters, always kinda sounded like donald duck to me, probably why I never bothered to keep up with the 10 meter traffic. If I had to upgrade to General, i'd be for trying the FM part of 29 Mhz
Personally, I do not care what certain spoiled hams think about anything that I am doing. But you make some great points!
Neither do I...
We simply can't have nice things on this side of the pond.
I thought both sides of the pond now had all modes on CB...not sure what you mean...
@@SevenFortyOne I mean no one uses it here.
So let's use it then...it's still pretty new but if we start using it, others will join in
i cant use FM as my cb's dont have it.. :(
I currently a Technician I don't have a disdain for CB or GMRS. I kind of wished I started with CB and GMRS first and I'm still struggling to learn how to use a ft-817, and still struggling to pass the general exam so I can continue my goals to go CW portable on HF and just enjoy using Ham, CB and GMRS daily in my vehicles and home. I still need to find a nearby elmer, but im not trusting my local club and, two persons i was planning to ask to elmer me became silent keys as i struggled alot to pass the technician exam. I mean im not the smartest person either 😂
73, kq4hcu
Keep digging... you'll get there!
@@SevenFortyOne taken me eight trys to get my ticket. Most definitely
I've used many modes for years, and I suspect that FM is very valid, except for interpretation. The crushing loud machine made sound during low signals is unnerving and destructive to my uses. I like 2 meter AM, car AM, and when I found CB, it's been a marriage on a cloud. I restore ARC RT328's when I can. You need the plugs. I've asked if communications FM could be adjusted or tweaked so you could listen to open air without squelch. The most common answer I get is there's a reason it can't. It's funny. A Scott FM sounds fine and a lot of car and home FM's sound at least OK and suitable. If you take off the antenna, you should hear nothing. Boat radios? Ham FM? Cmon, fix it. A bad AM device? A Terra aircraft radio sounds horrible with no signal and no squelch, yet an RT 328 can hear a mouse fart on the moon. Britain hated CB and fought back with incompatible frequencies and FM. Their users got wise. We are consumers and I think all FM on CB's suck.
It's ok that you don't like FM, but Just because you don't like it that doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy it
Ohio to England daily on FM when the DX was hot.
If you want FM on CB try 2 meters, just like CB.
I think you missed one of the points I was trying to make. Discouraging people who use CB or making negative comparisons to CB is not something hams do anymore since a cast majority of hams got their start on CB.
CB is useful. The problem is a lot of the CB users over-watt and some of the people on it can be really bad.
I can make the same argument for ham radio operators too. I can also argue that a fair number of hams are arrogant elitists that drive away newcomers. I don't let these negatives ruin my enjoyment or perception of CB or ham.
Salty Walts Skywires.
Turn the volume down on your GPS 🙄
It was low but the camera was near the speaker and I didn't realize it at the time
Started on 11M over 50 years ago as KTA5144. Got tired of the salty language and rude behavior. Got on ham and never looked back, although many of the 4x4 crowd still operate on 11M.
I find there’s too many people on CB using illegal power levels. It can’t all be skip. Those that want to hear local road info have way too much garbage from states away so they just turn off their radio. I’m so disappointed after installing radios in 2 of my trucks. Practically useless.
@dguiley I cut my teeth on CB in the 60s, and electronics ended up being my lifetime career. Everything you said is absolutely true. CB was an indispensable tool on the road for many years, but CB in general has devolved into a few thousand miscreants shooting skip with power and destroying the medium for the millions that would otherwise legitimately use it. Whenever the skip is rolling, even channel 19 is jammed and useless...Not that it matters much that they use 19, they splatter so wide that an idiot 2000 miles away makes you miserable from 6 channels away. CB is a dumpster fire these days.
Temporary semi permanent
nobody uses fm and nobody ever will
I don't think you are right.
FM has been used in the UK since 1981 and it's still used today. AM never took off, in fact AM contacts are very rare.
Yeah. "They" said if man was intended to fly, God would have given him wings.
My only comment is, as a general class ham we could be doin the same on ten meters but, i know no one that cares.
They have a real distain about CB radio until they have no conditions on their band then they come to our band
Good point!
The first part of your statement is correct, the second part is wrong.
Not here in CT...lots of hams use 11m
Why in HELL are you leaving the squelch wide open for this test? It's annoying as balls, & totally unnecessary...
@@tikibar4me I'm sorry this upset you so badly.
Children's Band is not worth the effort, get a license and do it right.
Looking down on CB is no longer tolerated in Ham Radio...that attitude is going to get you in trouble
Seems so useless lol fm
Why do you feel that way?
FM sucks PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you really feel?
He’s a great guy. Would love the opportunity to meet him in person too! Great video! 73! K3DMM / WWS3922