I've always been so interested in Judaism. I was raised everything from catholic to Baptist and the only one I really respected was Judaism. My experience working for a Rabbi and his family, working several Shabbos dinners and my first Seder sparked my curiosity. The focus on love, understanding and family is so lovely to me.
If I didn’t know better, I would think you created this series just for me. This is me - a “Jew” who knows very little about Judaism and my family’s history. Looking forward to your other episodes.
It's been 7 years since you posted this, but I feel very similar I'm curious what you stance is now. Of all Abrahamic faiths Judaism makes the most sense to me and being the original one it's amazing that it has become such a minority religion compared to the other ones, Christianity and Islam(if you can even call islam Abrahamic) Judaism is such an ancient fascinating belief. I don't know if I could ever actually be Jewish, I doubt I'd be a very good Jew, but I sure love learning about it and have a lot of respect for them and their devotion. Anyone who reads this hope you have a good day:)
Sir, several years ago I listened to your hebrew classes, and I was captivated and you have not changed. Pray that your sweet work become one of your many rewards into eternity toda
I have Jewish heritage, but grew up in a predominantly Catholic house hold, and as I've gotten older, I've wanted to learn more about my heritage. So this helped me learn about my Jewish background.
Why so many episodes are missing? This series could really help getting people closer to Judaism, please upload the missing episodes, or at least provide a convenient/affordable way to purchase/download them online!
I recently found out my Jewish roots. With some ancestry research I found out I'm a Hungarian Jew. We found marriage and birth records linking us to our Jewish heritage. Thank you for this video. I'm very interested in finding out what it means to be Jewish
Rabbi Golub is a wonderful teacher. Inspiring! I look forward to watching more videos in the Jewish 101 series. Thank you so much for having this here Rabbi. :-D
I'm not Jewish. But it doesn't mean I can't take lessons from the Jewish people. Just like anything else in life. I am sure there is a treasure trove and a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, insight, etc. Found in these teachings and traditions. . But giving it a try at least is imperative. And so far , Ive liked what Ive seen. It feels so holy and ancient. So many mysteries and lessons to be learned. But it is just so inherently powerful and you can just feel it in the air when it comes to certain things like Torah, Kabbalah, Gamatia,Talmud, etc. It really stimulates the mind. Thank you for sharing. And yes I agree. The teacher makes a huge difference. This guy's alright. Any teaching can be used for nefarious purpose. As long as it's taught in the spirit of Abraham and Sarah and El Shaddai. Then it will be something worth both teaching and learning. Thank you for the information and sharing it. It is much helpful.
I have no words on how to thank you 🙏🏻; first time I come across a well worth watching video; I’ve been confused on many aspects of my “sudden” drawn to the faith; Gods will I will write you! Shalom Shabbat 🙏🏻..
I'm a Baptist church member and grew up in tiny non culturally diverse community. Always was curious about Jewish spirituality. This was not long winded, but trimmed, structured, and very easy to comprehend. Thx!
im a born again christian that live in canada who wants to know more about the jewish culture and traditions to know more about Jesus and his teachings and what they understand when the gospel was preached and have revelations :) like when Jesus accomplish all the jewish feasts , without us realizing it . i think the we lose so much of substance without knowing the jewish culture. I want to see the omniscience of God in his wonderful plan , when everything is merging togheter.
I just love this Rabbi, I am a jew but no jewish and by jew I mean that my family is jewish, I am really Christian but it breaks my heart to remember my grandma teaching me all of this. She past away. Shalom :*
I'm not Jewish, but I really like Jewish traditions. Thanks for this amazing video. It was really insightful, especially the parts regarding parenting and life and mortality.
Excellent. I'm a black Teacher who just got hired to teach in a Jewish school. Your teaching has helped with my understanding of Jewish culture. Thank you.
We are, indeed, fortunate to have such excellent educators who are prepared to reach out to our brothers and sisters who have become so disenfranchised from their heritage. On the one hand it is sad that this state of affairs has occurred, but, we should be happy tht the situation is being reversed and amny are waking up and returning to the core teachings and essential values of Judaism and becoming so satidfied and content with their new meaningful lives.
Rabbi Hashem Bless You sir, I am one in Spain no fathers, searching hardly to find who is me, what for so many bitter and miserable life, to finally come to my self in my Heart. I feel and think I have arrived too old to this conviction, I am 67 years old. I true believe I belong to you sir, and the Jewish Family. You also have contributed in being part of you sir.
I'm Muslim. I grew up under the idea all Jews are against us. But I think understanding each other is the first step to finding peace. I know this series isn't for me, but I hope you don't mind if I watch it.
I, as far as I know, am not Jewish. I have grown up in the Christian church and in my ten years went wild and abandoned the church. After 15 years or so I came back to my faith and returned to regular attendance and even serving as minister in the church. As I followed Jesus, believe it or not, He lead me to the Torah and the Shabbat. Actually the other way around. My wife and I felt a conviction that we needed to keep the Shabbat and it was the first time we felt PEACE so thick in our home. I follow the One who lead us here to the heart of Hashem. My belief is that one who claims the Bible to be truth should live by all of it as evidence of belief. Thank you for your instruction.
Im actually interested in learning about Judaism although im a very religious Shia-Muslim with no intention in converting at all. Great video my friend keep it up! ❤️👍
Thank you for the clarification on the bar mitzvah. Like the 40 year old, I've been in the same boat. I didn't learn about my Jewish ancestry until my late 20s. Adonai led me to a synagogue, and I just accepted it. I always wondered why, and then it was made clear to me 2 years of being there. But I had always wondered if I needed a bar mitzvah to be fully part of the congregation. That clarifies that question.
I was born into a Jewish (both sides) family, but raised in a Christian household. I didn't know about my heritage until last year. Am I still Jewish? Can I raise my children to be Jewish? I never felt at home in the Christian church, and was always drawn to Judaism in my search for God.
Well if you're not Jewish you can't really get into the faith. They don't really believe in outsiders of there religion. There are Jews and Gentiles, if you're not a Jew I don't really think you can get into the religion. You may study it as I am. It's really fascinating and I think you may enjoy learning about it.
Not true Michael Moore. You have to WANT to become Jewish. There are 1.4 billion Christians because you get baptized and attend Church and embrace Christ, then you're a Christian. Islam did it by conquest. We don't send out missionaries. We practice our faith, and whomever wants to convert has to prove that they really want to be Jewish. It isn't just something you can call yourself on Facebook. It's a way of life and an extreme closeness to God. I hope that gave you more insight as to why conversion is so difficult for some. I know. I converted. Shalom Aleichem my friend!!!!!
+Ryan S I was never baptised, but want to be Jewish? ive have lived as a jew for most of my life but would i be classed as a jew even though my parents are protestants?
If you weren't born Jewish, but want to become Jewish you must go through a conversion process. Once you convert (just go to a rabbi and they'll help you with the process) you're officially considered just as Jewish as any other Jew. You can practice Jewish traditions, and embrace Jewish thought, and that's wonderful, but if you'd like to BE a Jew, you have to officially convert. Best of luck!
Found out i have a tiny bit of Ashkenazi Jew in my DNA today. Judaism has always intuitively felt right as an Agnostic. When you spoke of Shabbat, i knew i was in the right place! This may be what my life is missing. God.
thank you Rabbi, i'm very interested, and want to know more about Jewish Traditions. I am Christian and want to know more, i am familiar with the first 5 books in the Bible. and understand Mosses Laws. Thank You For Your Calm And Sensible Loving Words, Shalom, Thank you.
I've been trying to learn more about Judaism because I, along with many non-Jewish Americans, have been led to believe that our culture/country is based on something called "Judaeo-Christianity", which (I'm told) is actually not a real thing, and that Jewish theology is much different from that of Christianity. This video is starting to give me the kind of insight I'm looking for, so thanks and I look forward to watching more!
Jew isn’t a race but a faith. A Christian is a Jew. That is basic. One Lord, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM....After Adam and Eve sinned, all men must be CONVERTED/Born again/regenerated. Not by the corrupt seed of man (sperm), but by The SPIRIT OF GOD. That is the point of the circumcision-it represents being no longer of this world of darknesses, or a child of the flesh, but a spiritual child of God, of incorruptible seed that doesn’t perish. So, Azalea you are not christian, because a Christian is a Jew and a Jew is spiritual not carnal. Jew isn’t a race. There is no “chosen race”. That would be racism. Don’t believe the lie that God has a chosen race. It is really dumb. You can’t convert to a “race”. Notice how all of a sudden the “Rabbis” are white. So, Hitler hated white men? See the trick.
I'm jewish but grew up outside of the jewish community, only celebrating holidays on occasion and not being taught anything about our culture. I know its a long shot getting a reply here on an 11 year old video but are there any resources you would recommend to me? I desperately want to reconnect because i do have that instinct, i know how special it is and i want to find the deeper meaning in life. Thank you for the videos!
This is exactly what I was hoping for. I'm writing an animated series featuring a team of young women, one of whom is Jewish. I had a very rudimentary understanding of Judaism and the culture surrounding it. But I wanted to learn more and incorporate that into her character. I want to create as complete and 3-dimensional representation of an American, Jewish girl as possible. I realize that I'll never be an expert or even know what growing up in a Jewish household would be like. I just want to write as respectfully and as well-informed as I possibly can. I'm always eager to hear from people who have different beliefs and experiences than my own. So if you feel inspired to reach out and lend your voice to this effort, it would be very much appreciated.
Where is it written that the six-rayed star of the so-called Mogen David is the symbol of the Star of David? Gdzie jest NAPISANE, że sześciopromienna gwiazda tzw. Magen Dawid jest symbolem Gwiazdy Dawida?
The whole thing with forcing it on the young ones. The problem is when something is imposed on someone. No matter what the justification may be. That thing will never be embraced the way it would if it were picked up organically. But if you look hard enough and steel your will, then the information is there. It's not going to be given. It has to be found.
I am an African Jew (African Origin and American) in Tampa Florida at the moment and really wish to be introduced to the Jewish community and synagogue. I miss going to synagogue.
You are from a lost Human Tribe, named Judah. And Judah are the Human Tribe of Kings. Bcuz commoners are Hebrew and most been in captivity over 2000 years. So, you're not a Jew. You're a King. The Jewish Tribes did not go into captivity with the 10 other Human Tribes. It's your job to find out why your tribe went into captivity with most other commoners. Plus, the elite are children of the serpent who seduced our Mother, the Mother of All, Eve. The royal bloodlines ain't from Adam like we are.
I trust that you know that what "@averageamerican" wrote, while he or she may be sincere and mean well, is completely and absurdly baseless misinformation. Shalom to you, and to all.
@Joyce Blafford You're are antisemit and it's a pretty bad sin whoever you are. You don't know a lot of things, but hateful already You listen to peopple like yourself, ignorant and hateful. To understand, you need to study. Hate is easy, try vise versa: love the neighbor as yourself and maybe, maybe you''ll be more happy. Please G-d, forgive her!
Yes just like Ruth she was a convert and was accepted though sadly some people these days may treat you differently but that’s not what the scriptures say
My daughter became a Catholic - to be NOT like her Jewish father who was actually anti-Semitic - as is she now!! The priest who she went to told her "why do you want to become a Catholic? You come from the finest heritage!!!!"
Hi I am Afican American decent I'm interested in getting closer to me I'm lost and I hope this will help me find peace if anyone would like to help me find a rabbi I would greatly appreciate it I'm lost and empty
Quite frankly. For me I feel in relation to all that stuff. Abortion,hatred, marriage,sex,sin,crime, punishment, etc. Idk . That is not my place. But I believe I should just mostly focus on my own personal growth and nearing of God Almighty himself. That is interesting on not ever saying anything demeaning on anyone. Yes. That is absolutely true and so easily forgotten.
I have learned what"s the yarmaka thank you so very much I really appreciated very much I'm related to the Cohen"s and Kline"s and Weissman and Katz and whygoda and Raley"s and Horowitz"s and Goldman"s and Goldstein"s
Hey. I'm actually in the process of converting (I moved so it went from a conservative synagogue to the closest one being modern orthodox) and the way that's worked for me so far was reaching out the synagogue that is closest to me and fits my values. Once I made contact, I then got referred to an online introduction to Judaism class that is with a university (I'll post a link if you want). Once I finished the class I let my sponsoring rabbi know and now planning the beit din. Hope this helps!
Being a right-winger I often find myself in environments were glowies are trying to bait people into anti-semitism and my default response to those trolls is "what is a Jew?" the problem is that I can't answer that question myself so here I am.
I just made my decision to become Jewish. I'm still learning cause I just found out from my archangel and guardian angels that I am related to Mary and Jesus
Nice, I'm starting to learn about Judaism. I like the fact this religion is passed on through the mother only and not anyone can simply become a Jew. But why is it made difficult? Don't they want to expand in number? Even a Jewish lady told me Jewish people don't like to take too much converts. I'm seeing a lot of ego there
It does take time, effort, and study to become Jewish. It is not easy, but it is not too difficult if someone is patient and sincere. Anyone who truly wants to do it, can become Jewish. The reason it is difficult is because being Jewish is difficult. There are a lot of rules and things to know, and becoming Jewish means you are agreeing to take on all the obligations. It would not be fair to easily allow someone to become Jewish without making sure they are ready for everything they will have to do. This requires work and study. It is well worth it!
*haShem this is a Prayer for protection from sexual abuse for all beings, a prayer that we not try to manipulate one another, trying to treat lovers as possessions, for this is wrong, this is prayer against slavery, we must treat all life forms with respect, this is a prayer for peace, and for people to have the courage to stand up for whats right, its a prayer that people understand moral tests and take the right path even if it all seems to be wanting you to do whats not right, i pray our inner strength enables us to be virtuous, i pray for the freedom sanctity and morality of the planet, and that we can express the spontaneous goodness that lives in all our hearts and needs no scripting! love!*
I had covid and my right lungs clasped and my left leg and foot was cut off at Wilis knighton hospital doctor Marcus smith cut off my left leg and foot off above my knee"s but HASHEM brought me back to life many times
I've always been so interested in Judaism. I was raised everything from catholic to Baptist and the only one I really respected was Judaism. My experience working for a Rabbi and his family, working several Shabbos dinners and my first Seder sparked my curiosity. The focus on love, understanding and family is so lovely to me.
If I didn’t know better, I would think you created this series just for me. This is me - a “Jew” who knows very little about Judaism and my family’s history. Looking forward to your other episodes.
I am exactly you 3 years later.
I thought I was the only one
Have you got JBS on your cable, streaming, satellite menu? JBS runs them in random order.
I wonder: am I the only Christian who is a HUGE FAN of Rabbi Golub? He's wonderful. G-d bless him.
I'm three years late but I'm a fan as well
Christians respect the old prophets and Jews but we know Yeshua sets us free from sin.
@@thebarber2009 how you know that? Why did Yeshua not complete what messiah is supposed to?
I heard Jesus was A BIG FAN of Judausm too.
Glad I found this. I'm an agnostic but intensely curious about Judaism; look forward to listening to this over the next few days.
I'm actually in the same situation myself.
Same here
It's been 7 years since you posted this, but I feel very similar I'm curious what you stance is now. Of all Abrahamic faiths Judaism makes the most sense to me and being the original one it's amazing that it has become such a minority religion compared to the other ones, Christianity and Islam(if you can even call islam Abrahamic) Judaism is such an ancient fascinating belief. I don't know if I could ever actually be Jewish, I doubt I'd be a very good Jew, but I sure love learning about it and have a lot of respect for them and their devotion.
Anyone who reads this hope you have a good day:)
Sir, several years ago I listened to your hebrew classes, and I was captivated and you have not changed. Pray that your sweet work become one of your many rewards into eternity toda
I have Jewish heritage, but grew up in a predominantly Catholic house hold, and as I've gotten older, I've wanted to learn more about my heritage. So this helped me learn about my Jewish background.
These last few months ive been super interested in Judaism for no particular reason. I think this series is amazing, and I want to learn more.
Why so many episodes are missing?
This series could really help getting people closer to Judaism, please upload the missing episodes, or at least provide a convenient/affordable way to purchase/download them online!
why you want to get closer to Judaism ?
@@shalev3368 Because he's Jewish, Shalev! It's his right and I'd dare say obligation to learn.
I agree, I want to too.
I recently found out my Jewish roots. With some ancestry research I found out I'm a Hungarian Jew. We found marriage and birth records linking us to our Jewish heritage. Thank you for this video. I'm very interested in finding out what it means to be Jewish
This is a wonderful introduction. I can't imagine not completing the series after watching this. 👏🏽
Rabbi Golub is a wonderful teacher. Inspiring! I look forward to watching more videos in the Jewish 101 series. Thank you so much for having this here Rabbi. :-D
I'm in the process of converting. From the Aleph Bet is one of the things that started my journey. Thank you, Rabbi Golub!
I'm not Jewish. But it doesn't mean I can't take lessons from the Jewish people. Just like anything else in life. I am sure there is a treasure trove and a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, insight, etc. Found in these teachings and traditions. . But giving it a try at least is imperative. And so far , Ive liked what Ive seen. It feels so holy and ancient. So many mysteries and lessons to be learned. But it is just so inherently powerful and you can just feel it in the air when it comes to certain things like Torah, Kabbalah, Gamatia,Talmud, etc. It really stimulates the mind. Thank you for sharing. And yes I agree. The teacher makes a huge difference. This guy's alright. Any teaching can be used for nefarious purpose. As long as it's taught in the spirit of Abraham and Sarah and El Shaddai. Then it will be something worth both teaching and learning. Thank you for the information and sharing it. It is much helpful.
I have no words on how to thank you 🙏🏻; first time I come across a well worth watching video; I’ve been confused on many aspects of my “sudden” drawn to the faith; Gods will I will write you! Shalom Shabbat 🙏🏻..
Rabbi Golub, thanks for this series and the clarity of your presentations.
I'm a Baptist church member and grew up in tiny non culturally diverse community. Always was curious about Jewish spirituality. This was not long winded, but trimmed, structured, and very easy to comprehend. Thx!
im a born again christian that live in canada who wants to know more about the jewish culture and traditions to know more about Jesus and his teachings and what they understand when the gospel was preached and have revelations :) like when Jesus accomplish all the jewish feasts , without us realizing it . i think the we lose so much of substance without knowing the jewish culture.
I want to see the omniscience of God in his wonderful plan , when everything is merging togheter.
I just love this Rabbi, I am a jew but no jewish and by jew I mean that my family is jewish, I am really Christian but it breaks my heart to remember my grandma teaching me all of this. She past away. Shalom :*
I'm not Jewish, but I really like Jewish traditions. Thanks for this amazing video. It was really insightful, especially the parts regarding parenting and life and mortality.
Excellent. I'm a black Teacher who just got hired to teach in a Jewish school. Your teaching has helped with my understanding of Jewish culture. Thank you.
I have learned so much from you. You're absolutely the best teacher I've ever had. Thank you.
What a nice guy. This is a very good introduction and program. I hope to be able to watch them all.
I am also on my way on converting and so far you have been the biggest help i thank you so much for these
This is awesome. Have been wanting to wrap my head around this as my wife and I have started having children. This is well structured. Thank you
As a non-Jew, I find this Rabbi's talk fascinating. This gentleman has such a lovely, gentle way of passing on his message.
We are, indeed, fortunate to have such excellent educators who are prepared to reach out to our brothers and sisters who have become so disenfranchised from their heritage.
On the one hand it is sad that this state of affairs has occurred, but, we should be happy tht the situation is being reversed and amny are waking up and returning to the core teachings and essential values of Judaism and becoming so satidfied and content with their new meaningful lives.
thank you so much Rabbi.. I watch you all the time...
I am thinking about converting to Judaism and this is helpful
How did it go?
Josephine Kristiansen i found a rabbi and I’m converting!
@@Kateydid18 I'm also considering! Are you with reform?
Josephine Kristiansen yeah I’m with reform for now but considering reconstructionist too
you should take a look at orthodox. Glad you are interested, but are you sure?
Rabbi Hashem Bless You sir, I am one in Spain no fathers, searching hardly to find who is me, what for so many bitter and miserable life, to finally come to my self in my Heart. I feel and think I have arrived too old to this conviction, I am 67 years old. I true believe I belong to you sir, and the Jewish Family. You also have contributed in being part of you sir.
No dear! You're never too old to be a Jew! I hug you.
I'm Muslim. I grew up under the idea all Jews are against us. But I think understanding each other is the first step to finding peace. I know this series isn't for me, but I hope you don't mind if I watch it.
I'm a Muslima and my roots are Nubian Jewish. So, I want to learn more about Judaism in order to embrace and practice this religion.
Thank you!
That part about the children and families was incredibly helpful to me🎉
I, as far as I know, am not Jewish. I have grown up in the Christian church and in my ten years went wild and abandoned the church. After 15 years or so I came back to my faith and returned to regular attendance and even serving as minister in the church. As I followed Jesus, believe it or not, He lead me to the Torah and the Shabbat. Actually the other way around. My wife and I felt a conviction that we needed to keep the Shabbat and it was the first time we felt PEACE so thick in our home. I follow the One who lead us here to the heart of Hashem. My belief is that one who claims the Bible to be truth should live by all of it as evidence of belief. Thank you for your instruction.
Im actually interested in learning about Judaism although im a very religious Shia-Muslim with no intention in converting at all. Great video my friend keep it up! ❤️👍
I'm a formal born-again, first time watching this show. Amazing and very informative
I love watching and join in to the mitzpah church. I am ignorant to the teachings but hope to learn. I like the way they teach
Thank you for the clarification on the bar mitzvah. Like the 40 year old, I've been in the same boat. I didn't learn about my Jewish ancestry until my late 20s. Adonai led me to a synagogue, and I just accepted it. I always wondered why, and then it was made clear to me 2 years of being there. But I had always wondered if I needed a bar mitzvah to be fully part of the congregation. That clarifies that question.
I was born into a Jewish (both sides) family, but raised in a Christian household. I didn't know about my heritage until last year. Am I still Jewish? Can I raise my children to be Jewish? I never felt at home in the Christian church, and was always drawn to Judaism in my search for God.
If I were you, I'd consult with a rabbi, sometimes you might need a (preventive) conversion, but probably not. Glad you turned backto Judaism!
I would like to learn about Judaism and embrace the jewish faith.
Well if you're not Jewish you can't really get into the faith. They don't really believe in outsiders of there religion. There are Jews and Gentiles, if you're not a Jew I don't really think you can get into the religion. You may study it as I am. It's really fascinating and I think you may enjoy learning about it.
Not true Michael Moore. You have to WANT to become Jewish. There are 1.4 billion Christians because you get baptized and attend Church and embrace Christ, then you're a Christian. Islam did it by conquest. We don't send out missionaries. We practice our faith, and whomever wants to convert has to prove that they really want to be Jewish. It isn't just something you can call yourself on Facebook. It's a way of life and an extreme closeness to God. I hope that gave you more insight as to why conversion is so difficult for some. I know. I converted. Shalom Aleichem my friend!!!!!
+Ryan S I was never baptised, but want to be Jewish? ive have lived as a jew for most of my life but would i be classed as a jew even though my parents are protestants?
Not exactly true of Christianity. Some forms yes, but that is like saying a celeb who says is Jewish, so therefore that is all it takes.
If you weren't born Jewish, but want to become Jewish you must go through a conversion process. Once you convert (just go to a rabbi and they'll help you with the process) you're officially considered just as Jewish as any other Jew. You can practice Jewish traditions, and embrace Jewish thought, and that's wonderful, but if you'd like to BE a Jew, you have to officially convert. Best of luck!
Wonderful presentation! Where can we find the entire series?
My therapist told me that I have a lot of the same beliefs and suggested that I go back to temple.
I want to understand how the Jewish community is so resilient. I hope to apply any lessons learned. All respect.
I'm wanting to learned more about Judaism about my Jewish heritage please teach me
I like the traditions, values, and holidays. It is a way of life.
Thank you Rabbi. This is very spiritual. This puts things into perspective.
I think it’s about teaching Jewish kids the courage to just ask - and not feel judged for it.
Found out i have a tiny bit of Ashkenazi Jew in my DNA today. Judaism has always intuitively felt right as an Agnostic. When you spoke of Shabbat, i knew i was in the right place! This may be what my life is missing. God.
thank you Rabbi, i'm very interested, and want to know more about Jewish Traditions. I am Christian and want to know more, i am familiar with the first 5 books in the Bible. and understand Mosses Laws. Thank You For Your Calm And Sensible Loving Words, Shalom, Thank you.
My first time listening to this channel
Salam & Shalom . I'm a Muslim from Pakistan who is very curious about understanding Judaism. Let's begin
You are amazing! Thank you so much for this series.
I am in the process of online conversion the nearest synagogue is an hour drive at 60 mph. I’m hoping this helps me
I've been trying to learn more about Judaism because I, along with many non-Jewish Americans, have been led to believe that our culture/country is based on something called "Judaeo-Christianity", which (I'm told) is actually not a real thing, and that Jewish theology is much different from that of Christianity. This video is starting to give me the kind of insight I'm looking for, so thanks and I look forward to watching more!
Jew isn’t a race but a faith. A Christian is a Jew. That is basic. One Lord, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM....After Adam and Eve sinned, all men must be CONVERTED/Born again/regenerated. Not by the corrupt seed of man (sperm), but by The SPIRIT OF GOD. That is the point of the circumcision-it represents being no longer of this world of darknesses, or a child of the flesh, but a spiritual child of God, of incorruptible seed that doesn’t perish.
So, Azalea you are not christian, because a Christian is a Jew and a Jew is spiritual not carnal. Jew isn’t a race. There is no “chosen race”. That would be racism. Don’t believe the lie that God has a chosen race. It is really dumb. You can’t convert to a “race”. Notice how all of a sudden the “Rabbis” are white. So, Hitler hated white men? See the trick.
I'm in the conversion process and I'm very interested
are you sure you want to convert? it's a lot of work!
@@shumy26 yes sir. I'm up for the task.
@@eddiestewart9803 that confidence is really nice. What's the denomination you're going into?
@@shumy26 I've been working with a Rabbi who's reformist. Congragation Sharaai Shomeyan in Lancaster PA
Have you done your conversion? And did you make Aliyah?
Wonderful series. He's a great speaker. I wish he would create a series aimed for a non-Jewish audience.
I'm a non-Jewish and I very much enjoyed this :)
How can I acquirer the book???
Shalom Aleichem Rabbi!!! Thank you so much!
the music at the end of the speech is wonderful. Does anybody know what its name is?
I'm jewish but grew up outside of the jewish community, only celebrating holidays on occasion and not being taught anything about our culture. I know its a long shot getting a reply here on an 11 year old video but are there any resources you would recommend to me? I desperately want to reconnect because i do have that instinct, i know how special it is and i want to find the deeper meaning in life. Thank you for the videos!
Hey it's the same with me. I reached out to the closest synagogue to me which is some 80 miles away. They've been less than responsive
As Christian I'm interested in the Jewish roots of my faith.
I’m Ashkenazi I love learning
What’s that?
This is exactly what I was hoping for. I'm writing an animated series featuring a team of young women, one of whom is Jewish. I had a very rudimentary understanding of Judaism and the culture surrounding it. But I wanted to learn more and incorporate that into her character. I want to create as complete and 3-dimensional representation of an American, Jewish girl as possible. I realize that I'll never be an expert or even know what growing up in a Jewish household would be like. I just want to write as respectfully and as well-informed as I possibly can.
I'm always eager to hear from people who have different beliefs and experiences than my own. So if you feel inspired to reach out and lend your voice to this effort, it would be very much appreciated.
So, did you write it?
Love Rabbi Golub!
When the new year start for Jewish people? and where in the Torah talks about that ? thank you.
Where is it written that the six-rayed star of the so-called Mogen David is the symbol of the Star of David?
Gdzie jest NAPISANE, że sześciopromienna gwiazda tzw. Magen Dawid jest symbolem Gwiazdy Dawida?
The whole thing with forcing it on the young ones. The problem is when something is imposed on someone. No matter what the justification may be. That thing will never be embraced the way it would if it were picked up organically. But if you look hard enough and steel your will, then the information is there. It's not going to be given. It has to be found.
I spent about half an hour trying to find Jewish people in my community or nearby, to no avail. :(. I miss the synagogue in Victoria BC
1AllIHaveIsChrist1 you should check out the temple in your city
I am an African Jew (African Origin and American) in Tampa Florida at the moment and really wish to be introduced to the Jewish community and synagogue. I miss going to synagogue.
You are from a lost Human Tribe, named Judah. And Judah are the Human Tribe of Kings. Bcuz commoners are Hebrew and most been in captivity over 2000 years. So, you're not a Jew. You're a King. The Jewish Tribes did not go into captivity with the 10 other Human Tribes. It's your job to find out why your tribe went into captivity with most other commoners. Plus, the elite are children of the serpent who seduced our Mother, the Mother of All, Eve. The royal bloodlines ain't from Adam like we are.
I trust that you know that what "@averageamerican" wrote, while he or she may be sincere and mean well, is completely and absurdly baseless misinformation.
Shalom to you, and to all.
What if you want to revert but there are no rabbi anywhere near you?
@Joyce Blafford You're a loser
Joyce Blafford- yet here you are coveting LOL
@Joyce Blafford You're are antisemit and it's a pretty bad sin whoever you are. You don't know a lot of things, but hateful already You listen to peopple like yourself, ignorant and hateful. To understand, you need to study. Hate is easy, try vise versa: love the neighbor as yourself and maybe, maybe you''ll be more happy. Please G-d, forgive her!
Why can't I find Ep 6 anywhere???
Are converts considered equal?
Yes just like Ruth she was a convert and was accepted though sadly some people these days may treat you differently but that’s not what the scriptures say
Thank you Rabbi, get tutorial regarding Judaism.
My dad's side has both Catholics and Jewish beliefs. I am drawn to Judiasm and it follows me lol.
My daughter became a Catholic - to be NOT like her Jewish father who was actually anti-Semitic - as is she now!! The priest who she went to told her "why do you want to become a Catholic? You come from the finest heritage!!!!"
If i were to learn about judaism
What methods can i use to do this?
I’m converting to Judaism.
Do I need to remember everything to convert
Hi I am Afican American decent I'm interested in getting closer to me I'm lost and I hope this will help me find peace if anyone would like to help me find a rabbi I would greatly appreciate it I'm lost and empty
I just wanted to say thank you for your help
I enjoyed this video very much!
My son is 13. Is it too late for me to convert him?
I'm curious to know: I did a DNA test and found out I have Jewish ancestry. Am I still considered a gentile? I have so many questions....
Very insightful. Thanks Rabbi Golub
Quite frankly. For me I feel in relation to all that stuff. Abortion,hatred, marriage,sex,sin,crime, punishment, etc. Idk . That is not my place. But I believe I should just mostly focus on my own personal growth and nearing of God Almighty himself.
That is interesting on not ever saying anything demeaning on anyone. Yes. That is absolutely true and so easily forgotten.
Raised Christian. Practiced in Some Paganism. Been wanting to convert for a while
I love this!! Very informative!
Greetings from Evergreen, Montana, USA on 27 December 2024.
My grandpal tought me about Judaism at a very young age
I have learned what"s the yarmaka thank you so very much I really appreciated very much I'm related to the Cohen"s and Kline"s and Weissman and Katz and whygoda and Raley"s and Horowitz"s and Goldman"s and Goldstein"s
any advice for maybe converting to judaism?
Hey. I'm actually in the process of converting (I moved so it went from a conservative synagogue to the closest one being modern orthodox) and the way that's worked for me so far was reaching out the synagogue that is closest to me and fits my values.
Once I made contact, I then got referred to an online introduction to Judaism class that is with a university (I'll post a link if you want). Once I finished the class I let my sponsoring rabbi know and now planning the beit din. Hope this helps!
Being a right-winger I often find myself in environments were glowies are trying to bait people into anti-semitism and my default response to those trolls is "what is a Jew?" the problem is that I can't answer that question myself so here I am.
Could you sponsor me for conversion?
Thank you mark!
Enjoyed your video
Infact I think I have found a solution to my approach on Judaism. I intend to convert
I just made my decision to become Jewish. I'm still learning cause I just found out from my archangel and guardian angels that I am related to Mary and Jesus
thank you for these, ive been feeling the pull towards conversion! so im learning all i can, but sadly, the closes Shul is 2.5 hours away! :/
Nice, I'm starting to learn about Judaism. I like the fact this religion is passed on through the mother only and not anyone can simply become a Jew. But why is it made difficult? Don't they want to expand in number? Even a Jewish lady told me Jewish people don't like to take too much converts. I'm seeing a lot of ego there
It does take time, effort, and study to become Jewish. It is not easy, but it is not too difficult if someone is patient and sincere. Anyone who truly wants to do it, can become Jewish. The reason it is difficult is because being Jewish is difficult. There are a lot of rules and things to know, and becoming Jewish means you are agreeing to take on all the obligations. It would not be fair to easily allow someone to become Jewish without making sure they are ready for everything they will have to do. This requires work and study. It is well worth it!
The jewish people have been through alot. They r the only ones who kept the 10 commandments and didnt flee to christianity
Adelante..! Muy interesante. ,אני מבין עברית.
*haShem this is a Prayer for protection from sexual abuse for all beings, a prayer that we not try to manipulate one another, trying to treat lovers as possessions, for this is wrong, this is prayer against slavery, we must treat all life forms with respect, this is a prayer for peace, and for people to have the courage to stand up for whats right, its a prayer that people understand moral tests and take the right path even if it all seems to be wanting you to do whats not right, i pray our inner strength enables us to be virtuous, i pray for the freedom sanctity and morality of the planet, and that we can express the spontaneous goodness that lives in all our hearts and needs no scripting! love!*
Thank you. I will join you in this prayer.
I had covid and my right lungs clasped and my left leg and foot was cut off at Wilis knighton hospital doctor Marcus smith cut off my left leg and foot off above my knee"s but HASHEM brought me back to life many times
Am watching from east Africa