I have done this drill a lot. What I love about it is that I feel so strong in my body doing it. Cause to pull it off I have to rotate the body to create speed.
Wow!! I'm so glad i caught this video! Currently, I overswing like John Daly but it doesn't feel like i do until i watch videos of myself swinging on the golf course. My trail shoulder starts to flare open leading to the break down of my straight lead arm leading to my wrists breaking down!! I'm going to follow Jay's advice and do this for about a month without anything else added!! Wish me luck!!
every time I have a long layoff from golf I take 2-3 weeks and only do the 9-3 drill like this, plus it starts getting my back conditioned for full swing (plus stretching )
Jay does a great job reminding you not to slide. In my experience if I’m not consciously thinking about hooking my left hip around then I will slide and contact is all over the place. I get great compression when I stay centered and just rotate. I almost try to feel like I’m rotating my lead hip around and back (which is pretty impossible but gives me the ideal result).
that's my thought also, going back for me it's left knee and hip back and hands in and up, coming down left hip out of the way, seems to work. good luck and good golf to ya.
It is always the best part of Brendan’s videos. He never does what they tell him. He is on his 5th swing taking full swings after this guy just told him only go parallel to parallel. As he is telling him to commit to these half shots for 30 days...he is striping full swings lol. Love Brendan but man he doesn’t listen! Always great videos to watch.
This is a very good basic drill. Ive been doing this for years, it also helps quiet your wrist and forces you to rotate.. Im curious why you think you cant do this drill on a mat? You can do it anywhere including hard pan driving range.
Idk why I just can get this nearly S well on the mat. It’s like hitting the turf a certain shallow way with this drill helps me with a feeling for delivery
@@BEBETTERGOLF Yes i hit off a carpet tile in the garage,Milos drill is similar but harder but I will always be grateful to you and Milo for helping me get the most out of my left side without swaying by mastering left side bend early, its been the missing piece to my swing,stops me whipping it inside
Incredible drill. I would almost label it the DJ drill as Dustin forward presses and just holds it square the whole time. Gonna do this every day and see what happens!
Honestly, for most amateur's who have not been compressing the ball and making good contact (like me), even with this "punch shot" drill I would not be surprised if you gained yardage over your full swing just doing this. I think I remember reading that Collin Morikawa basically practiced this same drill over and over and over again until he slowly built it up into a full swing.
Reviewing this video it seems like your practice and doing this drill your hands and clubhead went higher than the 9:00 and 3:00 positions the pro is talking about. Watching a second time it appears that his club is also going above waist high on his swings. Please explain?
@@BEBETTERGOLF Thank you, But, when doing this drill would Jay want us to keep our hands and club at waist level, or just rely on what it feels like to us. I thought your ball strikes were nice bur as we move our hands higher we usually have additional hand/wrist movement? Keep up these informative videos.
jay , you said at the onset "club waist high parallel to the ground", then go on the rest of the video with lead arm parallel to ground . what is the drill you mean to show? cheers, tom
@@nicholasdemetriades9154 It's actually how Fleetwood developed the swing and follow through he has. He spent so long fighting a pull/hook that his new coach had him practice punch hots until his fingers bled. Well that punch shot became his normal swing and he's the best iron player today. I am honestly thinking of just playing with a half swing punch shot for like 6 months or something. Wth do I have to lose? ha
Your hands are sneaking forward (away from toe line) ever so slightly. After rewatching the Milo video it looks like he (Keel) is getting into the bad position that you also got into. Please address these two visual oddities. Tried this yesterday on par 3 holes and hit green with normally used iron ball flight lower but no distance compromise. Impact really improves with this drill!
Great channel! I love what you do here. I do find it interesting when instructors give such contradictory information. Does this concern you with your game? Mike Malaska preaches so much about how important the hands are and seems to want them to be fairly active (which I’ve also heard tiger say) while in this video it is proposed that the hand movement is minimal in great players because of the position they get into. This video seemed good and it does seem to isolate an important move that many of us, certainly myself, struggles with. But when he talks about what the hands do in the golf swing he loses me a little...
I think different things work for different people. Tiger talked about hands a lot because his lower body was so strong that it had the tendency to get ahead too much. So by focusing on his hands, keeping them in front, the rest fell into place. This is what worked for him 🤷♂️ there’s a lot of things players do, but who knows what they’re ‘feeling’ when doing them. If you look really close at Rahms swing, it’s almost like he’s slinging his hands close to his body and then straight down. But I’ve also heard him talk about how he was taught to make a short swing and generate power using his hips. Who knows if he’s thinking ‘hands’ or ‘lower body’ or maybe a bit of both.
@@mangelarsson7774 the only way you can flip in this drill is to not actually do the drill correctly lol. If you’re leaving your hands and rotating with your body, the only way your flip is if you don’t let your body rotate through.. which would be doing the drill incorrectly. It’s impossible to do this drill correctly and flip.
Even though you think you're only swinging to waist high, you're actually swinging well past waist high. I guess the reason is that by the time it take the brain to say you're waist high it's already gone past it
Brendon, you said you feel like you're keeping your arms up when you start down does that mean you're starting down with your lower body while doing the drill?
What did he mean by the “press”? He said something like he wants to feel a press at impact so he starts with a press. Is it a forward or downward press? Or did close captioning select the wrong word. Thanks
@@BEBETTERGOLF the Milo 1 drill is the exact same thing as Jays drill here. Milo 2 is with hinge (which you were struggling with because you were rolling your forearms in takeaway when trying to hinge (trail wrist extension as Milo demonstrates. Not radial deviation).
Seems the pro example clips show the clubface and hands rolling fast (even in slow-mo). The body is not doing that action. The body cannot generate that speed. Looks like a good drill for punch /knockdown shots
The other guy was not doing the drill correctly and the video was so long because he stood over the ball for about 30 seconds before he hit. Love the drill though. Will definitely use it. Simple but effective
What's the boring part? I've never found anything about hitting a golf ball boring. Having done this kind of drill in the past, I think there is a tendency to get too stiff and mechanical.
You should feel in transition like you leave the club UP and then it is so short that u hand to really get the body moving to sling the arms and club through and it’s really a body release. Try it on a range with nice grass and use a PW at first. I used 7 iron in this video and after I switched to PW AND it was way easier
Choke down on the 7 iron until you build up more hand, and wrist strength. The weight of the club head feels much heavier with anything longer than a wedge. A lot of the pros even choke down on their irons. Makes a huge difference.
I’ve had frustrating range sessions trying to do this where I’ve realised the thing I’ve been lacking is rhythm. Trying new positions and movements can easily make you get too slow, and then it’s too easy for the “hands to overtake the hips”, resulting in, for me, fatting it, or hooking it, or both. I’ve only managed to regain sanity on practising the movements without a ball, then ensuring I swing with good tempo when hitting a ball. There’s a fine line between too fast and too careful, and that’s the goldilocks zone you need to be in
B, your takeaway is wide and on plane, you are maintaining head height (NOT raising up) in the backswing, and your hands are going LEFT. All of these things are great, but the best of all is that when you say you are, "leaving it up there" you are not pulling on the handle in transition.
#1 thing to take away from this drill is that your lower body goes first in transition. You simply can't get any speed or power without that on these short swings. This drill can even be exaggerated by slightly lifting your lead heel off the ground in BS and then slamming it in transition while letting arms come along for the ride. It's the best Brendan's transition has looked imo.
If Mike Malaska was standing there, he’d tell Brendon that the way to do that drill is to use his left leg to push his left hip backward and everything he’s trying to do in this drill would happen: don’t use hands and arms, rotate. How do I initiate rotation? By using your left leg to push your left hip out of the way. IMO, the search in instruction is go backward along the causation chain to find “the first domino,” the move that causes the other things to happen correctly. Again, FWIW, on the downswing, it’s getting the lower body to move the right way, which is the left hip moving backward and out of the way. The other major part is releasing the club right from the top to get it catapulting-don’t drag the handle. It’s not a cast if the body is rotating correctly. So, IMO, two things: the correct initiation of the downswing with the lower body and an early release of the club to get that rotation, and the club whooshes by you.
Tipping the club early is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.. also don’t need to force your hips out the way, it’s a natural reaction of swinging the club.. the best players in the world will tell you this. But these damn instructors love to think they know more than the best golfers in the world. In fact the only way to get faster is literally by rotating and moving your hands as fast as possible through impact... Has nothing to do with tipping the club. Now with technology you can see how the fastest golfers out there create speed. And it has nothing to do with the lower body but everything to do with the last and your upper back how fast you can pull the club through...
I get your point however the swing sequence is probably the hardest part of golf to develop to create effortless power.This is what the average amateur does when they hit the ball so much more pure and farther but they don't know why or how they did so.
@@nicholasdemetriades9154 💯 usually happens when they swing smoother lol smoother doesn’t mean longer though. And it doesn’t matter how hard you tip the club or push the left leg out the way. That is not going to create club head speed.
@@SwayPromo Yes, we’ve all read about Bryson and his lats. No question, strength is important: we only have to look at the long-drive contestants. But I was writing about technique. The driving range is full of guys who pull hard and deliver the club steeply with glancing blows. They pull the club straight down, narrowly, instead of a proper release that creates angular momentum and width. And they don’t get their lower bodies out of the way, that is, they don’t stay behind the ball and turn their left hips out of the way. They stand up-goat hump-and have to flip the club at the bottom to hit it at all. Swinging hard is no assurance of delivering the club correctly. Look at the posture of a pro at impact: how many guys on the range have that posture? One in ten?
@@bernardsamson2365 as someone who teaches. Most people on the range look the way they do because they haven’t simply been taught the motion of the golf swing. 100% you have to pull with your arms. But there’s a certain way to do it. The downswing it started with the lower leg correct, but that’s a reaction of pulling your hands down to try to hit the ball. Because you have to turn. There’s other drills to do. Like the step And swing Drill that will teach someone how to correctly start the swing naturally. Tipping and releasing the club early is absolutely an awful thing to tell anyone to do... as a matter of fact science shows that the swing is actually started with a pull down of the hands, and the elbow being tucked, (that motion shallows the swing)... then the extension will not releasing the club of the trail arm..... I could explain Alot more but It would take for ever. I’ve seen those videos of early release and I wanna slam my head into the wall. Golf swing is not complicated. I fix guys slices in less than 10 swings with just simple drills. No need to early release them there’s zero way you’re going to hit It far and straight consistently. It’s a FACT of when the release should happen. And it’s not hands start to enter the trail leg... it’s 100% proven fact and not up to debate thanks to technology and science.
I would argue that he wants the swing short in execution. Not “feeling” short but still having a fuller swing. All of these coaches, Milo included, are trying to get the student to make a short pivot based move with arms connected to pivot. Making a very shortened move requires you to use the lower body, use the ground properly and sequence pivot properly. It is WAY harder than making a long move that “feels” short. It’s not a perception drill. It’s teaching you to compress the ball with a shortened connected move
Probably. But a good teacher isn't going to stop his student if he's compressing the crap out of it (like Brendan was in this video). The reality is the ultimate goal with these drills is to improve your course swing. Jay Keel sorta just gave Brendan a course swing by trying to get him to do his short swing drill.
@@canefan17 I know what you’re getting at but I disagree. Short swing drills are to train your pivot to be the engine of your swing. You can still compress a ball with a handsy or armsy swing. If you can pivot from waist high to waist high - and arms and hands follow - your whole game gets better from wedges on up. A longer swing gives you more time to fix any compensations you may have. Most people overswing so I agree the idea of “thinking short” can lead to better strikes (less moving parts usually) but that is not the point of the drill he was putting him through. I went through this exact drill in an online lesson with Milo and it’s really difficult to do it correctly.
@@gjack2008 Gotcha. What was the difficulty with the drill? Just the simple fact that the club can only reach parallel, so you have to really rotate hard with lower body?
@@BEBETTERGOLF Thanks - I should probably have figured that out for myself! Thanks for the channel - I've benefitted quite a bit from the segments with Mike, Jay and particularly Monte.
I’m not attacking this channel or any other gif channel at all. I’m subscribed to many. I have to be honest though, and I’m truly hoping this will help anyone who reads it. There are too many golf tips trying to teach effects rather than what causes them. Also, too many golfers are scouring RUclips for tips to fix their game, not realizing that EVERY SINGLE TIP assumes that you have the basics down. Every single tip means absolutely nothing if you don’t have a good foundation. Grip, stance, a solid backswing that sets you up for success, etc. To anyone reading this - Master these basic things first, or you’re going to be very frustrated for a very long time before you finally decide to go to a professional (who will tell you what I just said). Trust me, I’ve been golfing in the 80s for the last 5 out of 12 years of golfing and I JUST went to GolfTec last week and was told and SHOWN why RUclips has destroyed my swing. 1. No foundation. 2. Trying to learn effects rather than working on what causes them. For instance - I was shown that I was massively over the top. Why? Because my backswing left me no choice. I couldn’t do anything other than come over the top, or I wouldn’t even hit the ball. I was even doing drills to try and “teach” coming from the inside, and it did absolutely nothing because my backswing set me up for failure. My bad position in my backswing led to bad sequencing in my body to compensate for it. I was coming over the top because I’m 30 and an athlete of many sports. My body was working with what I was giving it. So today, I’m not working of coming from the inside drills. I’m working on where I’m at in my backswing and setting myself up for success (for me, that’s coming from the inside and playing a draw). Now that my backswing is solid after a few days (I have very high work ethic and will grind until I meet my goals), it’s time to work on reteaching my body how to fire. Hit the range today, and guess how long it took to start hitting draws? About 10 swings with my new backswing. Are there still things to improve? Of course. But I’m finally building a foundation that will be able to sustain anything I want to work on. Here my unsolicited advice. Do the same. Didn’t mean for the comment to be so long lol
Interesting story. Mine is similar though over many decades, 30 years as a (poor) pro. Self taught with a bad swing, ott, I have only recently found a good swing, producing a draw at 70 years old. This drill is good to learn basic body and leg movement. Brendan is doing it wrong, overswinging and not enough leg/hip action so he still hits ott. Also, although the wrists don't do much, the left arm has to rotate clockwise to lay the club off (like Rahm) even on this very short swing. The swing should be restricted so the ball only flies about half distance. Only when you have a consistent draw do you increase the distance.
@@BEBETTERGOLF I asked because Jay said he does a forward press before he swings because that is where he is at impact. Why not start with your entire body in the impact position?
If you look at all the tour players you showed early in the video all of them are wrapping their right had over their left just past impact and nothing like this release pattern
Yeah...alot of your stuff is excellent. I don't find this to be very good IMO. I disagree that all players are the same in this window...maybe the club is the same, but their bodies are much different.
Waist of precious time. Just know on your backswing as your trail side pulls the head of the club back the head of the club pushes your trail hand back; and then on the downswing as you push the head of the club down and up and forward with the power from your trail hand and side; the head of the club will equally pull . Tracking and tracing a the bottom arch of the club is useless. Cheers
Absolutely, not only is it worthless it is going to send people backwards. This whole idea of just letting the body do the work is patent nonsense, it is proven by studies by Physicists that the golf swing is a double pendulum movement, therefore the wrists MUST be involved because they control the second pendulum, just slapping the ball by swinging the arms around is NOT what ANY competent Player does. When Brendan does the 'drill' his wrists are CLEARLY cocking and active through impact !!!!
There is no one right way to hit a golf ball. Find a swing u like and repeat. The discrepancy between this method and that of “golf swing pro” Dan is mahoosive. Anyhoooo carry on 😁
I actually love this drill. I ran through 160 balls in 1/2 hour just rattling them off. I developed so much in understanding my swing.
Helps to shorten the backswing and increase the width. If you then get your right elbow through first, you can whip any club like never before...
I love how he tells you belt to belt and your swinging close to what a normal iron swing should look like
I have done this drill a lot. What I love about it is that I feel so strong in my body doing it. Cause to pull it off I have to rotate the body to create speed.
Wow!! I'm so glad i caught this video! Currently, I overswing like John Daly but it doesn't feel like i do until i watch videos of myself swinging on the golf course. My trail shoulder starts to flare open leading to the break down of my straight lead arm leading to my wrists breaking down!!
I'm going to follow Jay's advice and do this for about a month without anything else added!! Wish me luck!!
Thanks for sharing. I’m not sure what the 2 golf pro sticks are for though? I do love my golf stick pro for warmup tho
“9 to 3,” it’s foundational to building a swing, and great to develop a great partial wedge game
SliceFixer popularised the 9 3.....
every time I have a long layoff from golf I take 2-3 weeks and only do the 9-3 drill like this, plus it starts getting my back conditioned for full swing (plus stretching )
@@billyt9921 Yeah my first thougth watching this video was "oh this is just the SliceFixer 9 to 3 drill"
Found this after ordering the GEM. This combined with the smallest rod on the GEM is the best combined drill I’ve ever used.
Jay does a great job reminding you not to slide. In my experience if I’m not consciously thinking about hooking my left hip around then I will slide and contact is all over the place.
I get great compression when I stay centered and just rotate. I almost try to feel like I’m rotating my lead hip around and back (which is pretty impossible but gives me the ideal result).
that's my thought also, going back for me it's left knee and hip back and hands in and up, coming down left hip out of the way, seems to work. good luck and good golf to ya.
There is nothing boring about hitting it perfect. Feeling it and watching it is the second best thing a person can experience.
It is always the best part of Brendan’s videos. He never does what they tell him. He is on his 5th swing taking full swings after this guy just told him only go parallel to parallel. As he is telling him to commit to these half shots for 30 days...he is striping full swings lol. Love Brendan but man he doesn’t listen! Always great videos to watch.
I think it is the FIRST best thing....lol
And the sound of a good hit
This is a very good basic drill. Ive been doing this for years, it also helps quiet your wrist and forces you to rotate.. Im curious why you think you cant do this drill on a mat? You can do it anywhere including hard pan driving range.
Idk why I just can get this nearly S well on the mat. It’s like hitting the turf a certain shallow way with this drill helps me with a feeling for delivery
@@BEBETTERGOLF honestly for me everything on mat is easier. I also think of Milo "towing' during impact and really feel the compression and rotation.
@@BEBETTERGOLF Yes i hit off a carpet tile in the garage,Milos drill is similar but harder but I will always be grateful to you and Milo for helping me get the most out of my left side without swaying by mastering left side bend early, its been the missing piece to my swing,stops me whipping it inside
Incredible drill. I would almost label it the DJ drill as Dustin forward presses and just holds it square the whole time. Gonna do this every day and see what happens!
This drill after The Missing Link video with Mike Malaska gives me a great mental image and feels for better, efficient impact.
Honestly, for most amateur's who have not been compressing the ball and making good contact (like me), even with this "punch shot" drill I would not be surprised if you gained yardage over your full swing just doing this. I think I remember reading that Collin Morikawa basically practiced this same drill over and over and over again until he slowly built it up into a full swing.
I have gained distance. I used to hit my 5 iron 150 yards and now my 7 iron is 155 avg. The drills work like magic. 👍
Reviewing this video it seems like your practice and doing this drill your hands and clubhead went higher than the 9:00 and 3:00 positions the pro is talking about. Watching a second time it appears that his club is also going above waist high on his swings. Please explain?
hakirk1 feel and real difference. I really feel like my hands are only going belt high for most of themZ
@@BEBETTERGOLF Thank you, But, when doing this drill would Jay want us to keep our hands and club at waist level, or just rely on what it feels like to us. I thought your ball strikes were nice bur as we move our hands higher we usually have additional hand/wrist movement? Keep up these informative videos.
really good drill
That short swing should be your swing man. Such solid, consistent contact.
jay , you said at the onset "club waist high parallel to the ground", then go on the rest of the video with lead arm parallel to ground . what is the drill you mean to show? cheers, tom
Ball striking game changer! Love this drill. Thanks Jay and Brendon!
I think so! Game changer!
I wanna move out to LQ and just do this drill for 2 months
I just can't watch Tommy Fleetwood. Basically the same idea.
@@nicholasdemetriades9154 It's actually how Fleetwood developed the swing and follow through he has. He spent so long fighting a pull/hook that his new coach had him practice punch hots until his fingers bled. Well that punch shot became his normal swing and he's the best iron player today.
I am honestly thinking of just playing with a half swing punch shot for like 6 months or something. Wth do I have to lose? ha
@@BEBETTERGOLF Go in July and August, you’ll have the whole place to yourself 😎
if you are learning impact you are never playing golf, can you catch the ball and throw the ball same time?
Your hands are sneaking forward (away from toe line) ever so slightly. After rewatching the Milo video it looks like he (Keel) is getting into the bad position that you also got into. Please address these two visual oddities. Tried this yesterday on par 3 holes and hit green with normally used iron ball flight lower but no distance compromise. Impact really improves with this drill!
Great channel! I love what you do here. I do find it interesting when instructors give such contradictory information. Does this concern you with your game? Mike Malaska preaches so much about how important the hands are and seems to want them to be fairly active (which I’ve also heard tiger say) while in this video it is proposed that the hand movement is minimal in great players because of the position they get into. This video seemed good and it does seem to isolate an important move that many of us, certainly myself, struggles with. But when he talks about what the hands do in the golf swing he loses me a little...
I think different things work for different people. Tiger talked about hands a lot because his lower body was so strong that it had the tendency to get ahead too much. So by focusing on his hands, keeping them in front, the rest fell into place. This is what worked for him 🤷♂️ there’s a lot of things players do, but who knows what they’re ‘feeling’ when doing them. If you look really close at Rahms swing, it’s almost like he’s slinging his hands close to his body and then straight down. But I’ve also heard him talk about how he was taught to make a short swing and generate power using his hips. Who knows if he’s thinking ‘hands’ or ‘lower body’ or maybe a bit of both.
Great drill. It is impossible to early extend / flip doing this drill.
Believe me its doable to flip here as well. Seen it lots of time.
@@mangelarsson7774 the only way you can flip in this drill is to not actually do the drill correctly lol. If you’re leaving your hands and rotating with your body, the only way your flip is if you don’t let your body rotate through.. which would be doing the drill incorrectly. It’s impossible to do this drill correctly and flip.
@@Mscott1529 thats true, but I see a lot of players still flipping doing this.
Even though you think you're only swinging to waist high, you're actually swinging well past waist high. I guess the reason is that by the time it take the brain to say you're waist high it's already gone past it
very interesting . .
Is the drill different without the tee?
Drill? This is my swing.
Great drill and video. Whats this drill called?
7-3 o clock drill probably
Brendon, you said you feel like you're keeping your arms up when you start down does that mean you're starting down with your lower body while doing the drill?
Yeah. A little head start
good one B
What did he mean by the “press”? He said something like he wants to feel a press at impact so he starts with a press. Is it a forward or downward press? Or did close captioning select the wrong word. Thanks
He presses to get the feel of compressed impact or shaft lean an exaggerated version of this is Matthew Wolfe’s trigger before he swings
Just a slight forward press I’m guessing to get the swing started
Great video, B - this reminds me of a drill Milo had you doing a few weeks ago.
Very solid at but I struggle so much w the Milo one for some reason
@@BEBETTERGOLF From memory Milos is similar but harder because it doest have even a slight hinge on the backswing which this drill does
@@BEBETTERGOLF the Milo 1 drill is the exact same thing as Jays drill here. Milo 2 is with hinge (which you were struggling with because you were rolling your forearms in takeaway when trying to hinge (trail wrist extension as Milo demonstrates. Not radial deviation).
Seems the pro example clips show the clubface and hands rolling fast (even in slow-mo). The body is not doing that action.
The body cannot generate that speed. Looks like a good drill for punch /knockdown shots
jon rahm has one of the quickest actions i've ever seen.
That sound! Nice job Brendon!
Thanks Fred!
Your taking a full swing.?
Bobby Clampett.... impact zone.
No over the top slight move that is your swing.
Automatic shaft lean..
really good contacts...a drill for everyone.
What is the specific drill? Is there a video? Thanks.
The other guy was not doing the drill correctly and the video was so long because he stood over the ball for about 30 seconds before he hit. Love the drill though. Will definitely use it. Simple but effective
11:20 That's interesting. I ask my 8 year old son every weekend, play golf? Answer: YES. 🤣 But when he has two shots in row not good:💣💣💣🤬🤬🤬
What's the boring part? I've never found anything about hitting a golf ball boring. Having done this kind of drill in the past, I think there is a tendency to get too stiff and mechanical.
What’s the purpose of the alignment sticks?
To get you to buy a couple :D
I dont think I can ever get this drill down properly. I feel like i am really holding off on the club and there is no release, any ideas or tips?
You should feel in transition like you leave the club UP and then it is so short that u hand to really get the body moving to sling the arms and club through and it’s really a body release. Try it on a range with nice grass and use a PW at first.
I used 7 iron in this video and after I switched to PW AND it was way easier
@@BEBETTERGOLF Thanks, I will give it a shot
Choke down on the 7 iron until you build up more hand, and wrist strength. The weight of the club head feels much heavier with anything longer than a wedge. A lot of the pros even choke down on their irons. Makes a huge difference.
@@jamiesloan7259 Fleetwood
I’ve had frustrating range sessions trying to do this where I’ve realised the thing I’ve been lacking is rhythm. Trying new positions and movements can easily make you get too slow, and then it’s too easy for the “hands to overtake the hips”, resulting in, for me, fatting it, or hooking it, or both.
I’ve only managed to regain sanity on practising the movements without a ball, then ensuring I swing with good tempo when hitting a ball. There’s a fine line between too fast and too careful, and that’s the goldilocks zone you need to be in
Great video. In slow motion, some of those looked like full swings not half.
B, your takeaway is wide and on plane, you are maintaining head height (NOT raising up) in the backswing, and your hands are going LEFT. All of these things are great, but the best of all is that when you say you are, "leaving it up there" you are not pulling on the handle in transition.
#1 thing to take away from this drill is that your lower body goes first in transition. You simply can't get any speed or power without that on these short swings. This drill can even be exaggerated by slightly lifting your lead heel off the ground in BS and then slamming it in transition while letting arms come along for the ride.
It's the best Brendan's transition has looked imo.
Looks like a punch shot. What is the difference between the Golfstickpros with the red end, and those with two white ends?
Fleetwood built his entire swing off of a punch shot drill (his words).
Stronger grip no wrist hinge feeling would be great for many golfers
Exactly what JAY says.
Exactly what jay says. Malaska too
It’s been my focus recently and making huge strides in my game. Do you have videos on Malaska talking about this?
@@BEBETTERGOLF do you have a video with Malaska on this?
I have 2 words for you Zen Golf. Go to England and take a lesson! You will probably hit the ball so pure you will never need another lesson again!
now I really know the 'limit' of my swing... :-)
Go only to your belt....
Goes passed shoulder
This is very similar to the "stick drill"?
Will closure rate be the next big thing in instruction?
I don’t think so. There are good players with high and low ROC
If Mike Malaska was standing there, he’d tell Brendon that the way to do that drill is to use his left leg to push his left hip backward and everything he’s trying to do in this drill would happen: don’t use hands and arms, rotate. How do I initiate rotation? By using your left leg to push your left hip out of the way. IMO, the search in instruction is go backward along the causation chain to find “the first domino,” the move that causes the other things to happen correctly. Again, FWIW, on the downswing, it’s getting the lower body to move the right way, which is the left hip moving backward and out of the way. The other major part is releasing the club right from the top to get it catapulting-don’t drag the handle. It’s not a cast if the body is rotating correctly. So, IMO, two things: the correct initiation of the downswing with the lower body and an early release of the club to get that rotation, and the club whooshes by you.
Tipping the club early is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.. also don’t need to force your hips out the way, it’s a natural reaction of swinging the club.. the best players in the world will tell you this. But these damn instructors love to think they know more than the best golfers in the world. In fact the only way to get faster is literally by rotating and moving your hands as fast as possible through impact...
Has nothing to do with tipping the club. Now with technology you can see how the fastest golfers out there create speed. And it has nothing to do with the lower body but everything to do with the last and your upper back how fast you can pull the club through...
I get your point however the swing sequence is probably the hardest part of golf to develop to create effortless power.This is what the average amateur does when they hit the ball so much more pure and farther but they don't know why or how they did so.
@@nicholasdemetriades9154 💯 usually happens when they swing smoother lol smoother doesn’t mean longer though. And it doesn’t matter how hard you tip the club or push the left leg out the way. That is not going to create club head speed.
@@SwayPromo Yes, we’ve all read about Bryson and his lats. No question, strength is important: we only have to look at the long-drive contestants. But I was writing about technique. The driving range is full of guys who pull hard and deliver the club steeply with glancing blows. They pull the club straight down, narrowly, instead of a proper release that creates angular momentum and width. And they don’t get their lower bodies out of the way, that is, they don’t stay behind the ball and turn their left hips out of the way. They stand up-goat hump-and have to flip the club at the bottom to hit it at all. Swinging hard is no assurance of delivering the club correctly. Look at the posture of a pro at impact: how many guys on the range have that posture? One in ten?
@@bernardsamson2365 as someone who teaches. Most people on the range look the way they do because they haven’t simply been taught the motion of the golf swing. 100% you have to pull with your arms. But there’s a certain way to do it. The downswing it started with the lower leg correct, but that’s a reaction of pulling your hands down to try to hit the ball. Because you have to turn. There’s other drills to do. Like the step And swing Drill that will teach someone how to correctly start the swing naturally. Tipping and releasing the club early is absolutely an awful thing to tell anyone to do... as a matter of fact science shows that the swing is actually started with a pull down of the hands, and the elbow being tucked, (that motion shallows the swing)... then the extension will not releasing the club of the trail arm..... I could explain Alot more but It would take for ever. I’ve seen those videos of early release and I wanna slam my head into the wall. Golf swing is not complicated. I fix guys slices in less than 10 swings with just simple drills. No need to early release them there’s zero way you’re going to hit It far and straight consistently. It’s a FACT of when the release should happen. And it’s not hands start to enter the trail leg... it’s 100% proven fact and not up to debate thanks to technology and science.
What's the problem doing the drill off the mats?
I had the same question, what is the difference doing it on mats? Still working on sequence and building the swing, no?
Mats give you a false sense of contact. You can hit 10 slightly fat shots in a row, and not know the difference.
You can definitely do it off of mats. I’ve done it, but as someone said grass is the way to go
@@pbabs3389 Yeah, I think its probably fine off the mats but the grass give your hands a bit more give at slower swing speeds
Maybe use a towel behind the ball to expose fat impact. Or one of those plastic things that force you to stay in front of the ball.
600th Like.. Let's Gooooo! love the vids!
"waist high" sure looks like a full swing
That’s the key
I would argue that he wants the swing short in execution. Not “feeling” short but still having a fuller swing. All of these coaches, Milo included, are trying to get the student to make a short pivot based move with arms connected to pivot. Making a very shortened move requires you to use the lower body, use the ground properly and sequence pivot properly. It is WAY harder than making a long move that “feels” short. It’s not a perception drill. It’s teaching you to compress the ball with a shortened connected move
Probably. But a good teacher isn't going to stop his student if he's compressing the crap out of it (like Brendan was in this video). The reality is the ultimate goal with these drills is to improve your course swing. Jay Keel sorta just gave Brendan a course swing by trying to get him to do his short swing drill.
@@canefan17 I know what you’re getting at but I disagree. Short swing drills are to train your pivot to be the engine of your swing. You can still compress a ball with a handsy or armsy swing. If you can pivot from waist high to waist high - and arms and hands follow - your whole game gets better from wedges on up. A longer swing gives you more time to fix any compensations you may have. Most people overswing so I agree the idea of “thinking short” can lead to better strikes (less moving parts usually) but that is not the point of the drill he was putting him through. I went through this exact drill in an online lesson with Milo and it’s really difficult to do it correctly.
@@gjack2008 Gotcha. What was the difficulty with the drill? Just the simple fact that the club can only reach parallel, so you have to really rotate hard with lower body?
"searching for loft" accurate phrase B
Brenden still manages to get the club behind his hands. 😂
clubface wide open at impact???
It’s going 75% of your normal distance because you’re putting a 3/4 swing on it.
Very good, Ben. Now what would 50% of your swing be?
Short swing for 30 days, need to manage it for 10 swings in a row first! watch the videos back and be much more disciplined in practice.
good ole' 9to3 drill. Basically how I learned how to a golf ball.
What is the point of the sticks in this drill? They're alluded to but not explained...
Make sure shaft is parallel and over those sticks
@@BEBETTERGOLF Thanks - I should probably have figured that out for myself! Thanks for the channel - I've benefitted quite a bit from the segments with Mike, Jay and particularly Monte.
yet some of those golfers have their hands crossed over by waist high in the follow through
Yes, they do: they flip the club at impact to catch it up.
I’m not attacking this channel or any other gif channel at all. I’m subscribed to many. I have to be honest though, and I’m truly hoping this will help anyone who reads it.
There are too many golf tips trying to teach effects rather than what causes them. Also, too many golfers are scouring RUclips for tips to fix their game, not realizing that EVERY SINGLE TIP assumes that you have the basics down. Every single tip means absolutely nothing if you don’t have a good foundation.
Grip, stance, a solid backswing that sets you up for success, etc. To anyone reading this - Master these basic things first, or you’re going to be very frustrated for a very long time before you finally decide to go to a professional (who will tell you what I just said). Trust me, I’ve been golfing in the 80s for the last 5 out of 12 years of golfing and I JUST went to GolfTec last week and was told and SHOWN why RUclips has destroyed my swing.
1. No foundation.
2. Trying to learn effects rather than working on what causes them.
For instance - I was shown that I was massively over the top. Why? Because my backswing left me no choice. I couldn’t do anything other than come over the top, or I wouldn’t even hit the ball. I was even doing drills to try and “teach” coming from the inside, and it did absolutely nothing because my backswing set me up for failure.
My bad position in my backswing led to bad sequencing in my body to compensate for it. I was coming over the top because I’m 30 and an athlete of many sports. My body was working with what I was giving it.
So today, I’m not working of coming from the inside drills. I’m working on where I’m at in my backswing and setting myself up for success (for me, that’s coming from the inside and playing a draw). Now that my backswing is solid after a few days (I have very high work ethic and will grind until I meet my goals), it’s time to work on reteaching my body how to fire.
Hit the range today, and guess how long it took to start hitting draws? About 10 swings with my new backswing. Are there still things to improve? Of course. But I’m finally building a foundation that will be able to sustain anything I want to work on. Here my unsolicited advice. Do the same.
Didn’t mean for the comment to be so long lol
Interesting story. Mine is similar though over many decades, 30 years as a (poor) pro. Self taught with a bad swing, ott, I have only recently found a good swing, producing a draw at 70 years old. This drill is good to learn basic body and leg movement. Brendan is doing it wrong, overswinging and not enough leg/hip action so he still hits ott. Also, although the wrists don't do much, the left arm has to rotate clockwise to lay the club off (like Rahm) even on this very short swing. The swing should be restricted so the ball only flies about half distance. Only when you have a consistent draw do you increase the distance.
Every video you seem to have the same problem, to dam handsy and armsy. They fix your swing but the next video you are back to square one.
Didn't stay at half back too long did he?
His 9 to 3 turned into 11 to 1 by time he was done.
Brendon, do you have a face on view of this drill?
I should do it again
@@BEBETTERGOLF I asked because Jay said he does a forward press before he swings because that is where he is at impact. Why not start with your entire body in the impact position?
@@hbyrdut Like Wolff?
@@canefan17 I meant for the drill to start with the hips and shoulders open and the hands ahead like at impact.
Most people will swing above parallel in these drills. That's why people try to feel a 1/2 or 3/4 swing in their full swing.
Forcing body rotation and limiting hands and arms...what would Malaska think of this? 🤨
Just had a “aha moment” while watching video.
If you look at all the tour players you showed early in the video all of them are wrapping their right had over their left just past impact and nothing like this release pattern
core muscle swing.
Yeah...alot of your stuff is excellent. I don't find this to be very good IMO. I disagree that all players are the same in this window...maybe the club is the same, but their bodies are much different.
Not just the most boring drill but the most boring golf video, too! 2 for 1 day on RUclips
Waist of precious time. Just know on your backswing as your trail side pulls the head of the club back the head of the club pushes your trail hand back; and then on the downswing as you push the head of the club down and up and forward with the power from your trail hand and side; the head of the club will equally pull . Tracking and tracing a the bottom arch of the club is useless. Cheers
This is almost my swing lol
Unfortunately only good golfers will have the ability/patience/intelligence to practice this drill! Hackers just want to be wackers!
This is pretty much every be better golf video. "Here's this drill" and he proceeds to not do the drill.
haha....most boring...........looking for a low punch like shot...that bores through the wind......aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh boring...........
Seems more Fleetwood …
looks like malaskas' L to L .
completely worthless
Absolutely, not only is it worthless it is going to send people backwards.
This whole idea of just letting the body do the work is patent nonsense, it is proven by studies by Physicists that the golf swing is a double pendulum movement, therefore the wrists MUST be involved because they control the second pendulum, just slapping the ball by swinging the arms around is NOT what ANY competent Player does.
When Brendan does the 'drill' his wrists are CLEARLY cocking and active through impact !!!!
There is no one right way to hit a golf ball. Find a swing u like and repeat. The discrepancy between this method and that of “golf swing pro” Dan is mahoosive. Anyhoooo carry on 😁
It looks like a robot and is not cool👎