Enhance Your Research with Ancestry's New LifeStory | Ancestry

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 109

  • @williamteysko6207
    @williamteysko6207 9 лет назад

    Crista, I am impressed with the New Ancestry! As good fortune would have it, I discovered the newness while attending a family reunion in Louisiana. We stayed with cousins, so after everyone else was asleep, I taught myself to use the new site. At first I didn't know how to search for an individual. I soon figured that out and most of the other views on the site. Now I am totally aboard. Thanks SO Much for the information and the "juicy newness".

  • @reginamadlem791
    @reginamadlem791 9 лет назад

    There is just so much I love about the new site that I cannot begin to list them all here! It is visually beautiful, and so concise! Everything is just easier to access and readily available.
    I especially enjoy the LifeStory with Historical Insights. It really helps to put my mind in the timeframe that my ancestor was dealing with, so it answers some questions about why changes in their lives occurred. It also serves to remind me there may be some avenues of research I might want to check for further information.
    On the Facts view, I really enjoy having the family events data of children and siblings in the timeline. I used to add that myself by creating a Custom Fact, and now I don't have to!
    I love, love, love, that the relationship is permanently visible! Sometimes I run across an individual who was added to my tree many years ago, and I realize that individual is such a distance cousin, I don't want to spend my time researching them any more!
    Another great addition I love is the connection of the Sources to the timeline items. I hate when I look at an individual's page and I see facts in the timeline, but cannot determine how I arrived at that information! Having the Facts connect with the Sources (via the purple lines!) is just wonderful!
    The only question I have is: Where is the Member Connect? I loved that option, as I have been able to connect with 'cousins' who are able to share photos, stories, or more information about one branch of my family that little was known about before. I have been able to meet many of them in person, so it really made my experience three-dimensional!
    I have been a member of Ancestry.com for over 15 years, watched it evolve, and just love that you guys work tirelessly to make everyone's experience (at least mine!) a better one. Keep up the good work!

  • @joycelambert1483
    @joycelambert1483 9 лет назад +1

    Crista -New Ancestry has complicated researching for me, by eliminating media photos from the fact boxes. Every fact I completed was backed with media, proving to me that my information was correct and done. Such as - photos of buildings listed in census where my ancestors lived; birth certificate copies, baptismal copies, graduation certificates, photos of tombstones etc. All my past research was immediately transparent. I would scroll down the ancestor's fact page for missing media. Immediately, I would know what and where to continue my research. Sometimes I had photos already in my computer, but did not realize I had not yet attached it to my tree. Now I have no way of verifying my research is complete for a particular fact. Everything is scattered throughout the different pages of my tree.
    In addition, I found your comment condescending when you stated; a true genealogist puts their media under a source not in a fact. Am I now supposed to change my way of organizing my research to suit you? I am an individual with a different way of researching and organizing. Ancestry has taken that choice away from me.

  • @bettypollack9473
    @bettypollack9473 9 лет назад +6

    I too am dismayed, even appalled, by the new format. I find it very cumbersome to locate relevant information in my own well documented files. It now takes at least two strokes longer to find or add information than the older, very efficient format. I do not find the new format to be user friendly. I can't even find pedigrees on pages on which I am a guest. I can no longer easily transition from one record to the next one--even people on the same census record. It is taking me about three times as long to record a documented record as previously. I am a very serious researcher who has been at this for well over a decade and I spend many many hours each week conducting research, primarily on ancestry.com. It the site doesn't improve and become user friendly for us older folks who are not computer cutsey nerds I will have to reconsider whether or not to continue my subscription. Right now I am one very frustrated customer.

    • @joycelambert1483
      @joycelambert1483 9 лет назад +1

      Betty Pollack Hi Betty, I see you have not received a response from Crista. I am not sure if she is replying to complaints. I agree with all you have mentioned above, and I too am looking to end my subscription. I am an older researcher and not a computer cutsey nerd. I found the old ancestry a user friendly site and loved everything about the database that contained all my research info. Their search engine is OK nothing great but that didn't bother me since I was able to search through other sites. Now I hate the new ancestry as you explained. Very upsetting and my complaints and concerns seem to go into a huge black hole of "FEEDBACK" . I am already searching for a new site where I can move my tree and my money.

  • @janolsen8679
    @janolsen8679 9 лет назад +6

    Although many of the changes you've highlighted are nice (once you understand them and get used to the changes from the old Ancestry), you still have features you seem to have deleted, or at least moved so they are not easy to find, or they no longer function as well. (1) It takes the gallery forever to load if you have more than a couple items. I have a fast internet connection and this was never a problem with the old Ancestry. (2) Many of your functions are no longer obvious, like how to attach media from one person to someone else (you may think it's "functional" to group everything under drop-downs, but having it right there next to the item is so much better). (3) Why can't PDFs in the gallery be viewed from within the website? They have to be downloaded to look at. If you are going to improve esthetics, improve that. (4) WHAT were you thinking when you decided to put photos in round frames? Most photos are square or rectangular. Maybe round is pretty, but having your solution to having the user need to crop their non-circular photos is crazy. You seem to have put esthetics above function, and forgotten that not everyone frequents Ancestry every day. Remember that many Ancestry users only visit occasionally once their tree is set up, so to have to search in drop-downs for functions that used to be in the open only works for people who frequent the site enough to remember where you have hidden everything.

  • @itspres
    @itspres 9 лет назад +2

    Crista, thank you for the great video. I have been finding my way thru my tree and I have found several errors, (just as you said). I never noticed them before. This has made things much easier for me. Again, thank all of you for your hard work.

  • @Gonzhou
    @Gonzhou 9 лет назад +3

    Have read multiple negative comments about the New Ancestry, but I'm with Crista; I love it. I think it is geared to make us better researchers, and perhaps highlight better to newbie users how to develop better trees. (We can only hope.) Looking forward to the new gallery features. Sure it's a little buggy now, but I can tell they continue to optimize it.

  • @susanstromgren9624
    @susanstromgren9624 9 лет назад +2

    I love the newly designed website! Thanks so much.....

  • @aarontassin7621
    @aarontassin7621 9 лет назад +2

    As with anything New...our natural tendency is to step back. I've toggled back and fourth in both views and can now see (as Crista has pointed out) the added benefit of having the Sources in view with lines to supporting Facts. I spend most of my time on 'research mode', so I like to have Facts open when I open a person view. The Life Story view is nice, but I wouldn't kick and scream if it wasn't there. I'd scan it for issues, that's about it. SUGGESTION for Ancestry. Items I've linked from Fold3 and Newspapers are not showing in the Gallery view. It would be nice to see them as well.

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад

      Aaron Tassin Thanks for the feedback, Aaron. I will pass that along.

  • @lindabernin986
    @lindabernin986 9 лет назад +2

    Thanks for the video about the new Ancestry! I've been figuring it out a bit, and now learned some new tips. It would be valuable to have this video pinned to Ancestry's front page and/or at the help tab during the rollout so people could more easily see how the info flows together.

  • @marthastevensonwright6262
    @marthastevensonwright6262 9 лет назад +2

    Once again, thank you Crista, for making everything so much more understandable. I always feel like I am sitting right beside you getting a personal lesson! I am so excited to have this new opportunity to weave facts into story. Having the sources right there, and attached to the facts that they support is awesome. I still have a couple of questions.
    I now understand that I cannot edit a fact from the LifeStory but need to edit it in the facts view, but I think that some things cannot be changed. For instance, my tree contains the names of my daughter's four sons already but in her LifeStory each baby's birth is listed as "Mr. Doe." That's weird. Can I change it? Also, my husband lived most of his life in California, plus Utah, Georgia, and Colorado. The map on his LifeStory page is a map of Canada. Again, weird. Can I change that?

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад +1

      Martha Stevenson Wright Do you have your daughter's son listed in your tree by name or are they listed as PRIVATE? If they are listed as PRIVATE, that is why you are seeing Mr. Doe. The system doesn't know what their names are. As for your husband, my guess is that you have a location on one of his facts/events listed as CA instead of spelling out California. The computer is translating that as Canada since that is the country abbreviation. Standardize the spelling of the state out fully and it should resolve.

  • @barbarajgallagher
    @barbarajgallagher 9 лет назад +1

    We were previously able to print a page showing the info on the profile page of any individual. This was valuable to me. Is it still possible or was this removed?

  • @coffeemom55
    @coffeemom55 9 лет назад +2

    Here is my specific problem with the New Ancestry. The first time I saw it I was looking at the Home person-me. In both my facts and my life story I was shocked to find my father's death. My father hadn't been dead a year and here it was hitting me like a ton of bricks. It was heartless and cruel and I have hated the New ever since.
    I understand there is a way to hide his death on my line but I would also have to hide his death on my mother's and siblings lines. A lot of work I don't care to deal with at this point.
    We have lost a lot of family members from the Greatest Generation and Silent Generation lately. None of my Boomer relations want to have this thrown in their face on Ancestry. Maybe you should have thought about how the new changes would affect the Living.

  • @coti606
    @coti606 9 лет назад

    I love the new look on Ancestry.It just a wonderful job on the design of the profile page Thanks you and good job.

  • @sherridemuro9913
    @sherridemuro9913 9 лет назад +2

    I have one major concern over how the new Profile/Timeline/Facts page looks. On the old Timeline view of each person, I could attach a photo of a particular event and it would display on the left of the particular event/fact. Now it is not displayed, you have to click on "media" within the event/fact and it brings you to the gallery & the photos that are attached are brought to the top. Extra steps need to be taken to see a photo which takes away from scrolling through a loved one's profile. Now, the Profile page is very impersonable and not very interesting to look at without the photos. Photos bring "life" to the facts that are displayed, and to me, creates more interest for the person's page. I love pictures and would use quite a few on my families pages. PLEASE bring back the ability to have a photo be seen next to the fact that it represents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @joycelambert1483
      @joycelambert1483 9 лет назад +2

      Sherri DeMuro
      Sherri I feel the same way
      - below is my response to Crista Cowan on that exact problem with New Ancestry. Thanks for your input on this.
      New Ancestry has complicated researching for me, by eliminating media photos from the fact boxes. Every fact I completed was backed with media, proving to me that my information was correct and done. Such as - photos of buildings listed in census where my ancestors lived; birth certificate copies, baptismal copies, graduation certificates, photos of tombstones etc. All my past research was immediately transparent. I would scroll down the ancestor's fact page for missing media. Immediately, I would know what and where to continue my research. Sometimes I had photos already in my computer, but did not realize I had not yet attached it to my tree. Now I have no way of verifying my research is complete for a particular fact. Everything is scattered throughout the different pages of my tree.
      In addition, I found your comment condescending when you stated; a true genealogist puts their media under a source not in a fact. Am I now supposed to change my way of organizing my research to suit you? I am an individual with a different way of researching and organizing. Ancestry has taken that choice away from me.

  • @fizzbomb3392
    @fizzbomb3392 9 лет назад +1

    Well, of course Crista "loves" it. As an employee of Ancestry, she's paid to "love" everything Ancestry does (or at least say she loves it). Perhaps Ancestry would consider publishing an UNbiased review of the new tree by someone whose primary interest is research and functionality rather than bells, whistles, glitz and glitter.

  • @beckip8472
    @beckip8472 9 лет назад +2

    Thanks for the great video. I'm having some serious issues with the New Ancestry. In your video at 5:25, it shows your New Ancestry profile page of 'Miriam Pendlton Howard', with a 'Search', 'Tools' and 'Edit' menu at the upper right corner. My New Ancestry profile pages only have a 'Tools' button, with the drop down only having 'View Comments' and 'View Tree'. It's very frustrating because I can't edit anything, not even from the Facts page. And there is also nowhere for me to switch back to the Classic Ancestry. Honestly, I don't like anything about the New Ancestry.

  • @robyna1287
    @robyna1287 9 лет назад +1

    Great job, Crista! I'm usually critical of all the constant changes on sites, but this has been a great jump forward. One quick question. In the Gallery, is there a way to drag and drop the images to rearrange/organize them? FYI, I would like to put the census records in date order to easily see gaps, etc. Thank you!!!

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад

      Robyn Ashton There is not currently a way to re-arrange the media gallery items. But, we are working on that very specific enhancement request.

  • @LarenOz
    @LarenOz 9 лет назад +4

    I would prefer the parents and children to retain the darker background colour as it makes it easier to see them on the screen. With all this sort of colour coding/highlighting being removed, it makes it hard to pick out different sections of the page. They all blend together. You have taken away the visual clues to the structure of the page and information.

  • @sandycockrell4665
    @sandycockrell4665 9 лет назад

    You videos are wonderful. I so enjoy and look forward to each one.
    I have found several errors on my families by looking at the new facts and life story views. This has helped me a lot. I have a lot of trouble when linking my corrections from Ancestry online to FTM and from FTM to Ancestory.com. When I correct items in the new view and link, I sometimes get duplicates and the corrections don’t feed to both the online and Desktop FTM software.
    Can you do a presentation on how to correctly fix duplicates, format addresses, omit several facts that are support by ancestry trees - not actual documented, etc. The notes feature duplicates any changes I make on FTM.
    I think further instruction’s on the linking FTM to Ancestory.com would help several people make the corrections they find on the new software and ensure they transfer over to FTM and vice versa. Thanks again for everything you do!

  • @susanpresident7640
    @susanpresident7640 9 лет назад +3

    PLease, Please put it back the way it was . I hAte it.

  • @dquintanaful
    @dquintanaful 9 лет назад

    Thank you Crista for answering so fast

  • @margepencebarilleaux2822
    @margepencebarilleaux2822 9 лет назад

    Thanks for the info - I recently found myself in the new Ancestry, didn't know how I got there. Now it makes more sense!

  • @jjpoir
    @jjpoir 9 лет назад

    Is there a reason the new videos are not showing up in the ancestry podcasts? I loved being able to download your videos to my iPad for viewing offline later, like when on a bus (I'm a cheer coach & have many games 2+ hours away, loved passing the time learning from you) or when away at our cottage without wi-fi, or when I'm at the park with my kids...don't have to worry about wind blowing magazine pages.
    Last podcast on the feed is May 5, what's new May 2015.
    Please bring them back to the podcast, I have a cross-country trip coming up & my husband will do all the driving (usually with sports radio on, to keep him awake, :( I will need podcasts, lol. thank you

    • @jeffreylee2784
      @jeffreylee2784 9 лет назад

      Jess I am having the exact same issue. I'd like to know what is going on!

  • @dorhelda58
    @dorhelda58 9 лет назад

    Ready to try it after viewing the video. I stopped working on genealogy for a while and now I am ready to restart with this new version. thanks for the video

  • @1Hoodle6
    @1Hoodle6 9 лет назад +2

    ooh, bummer, I agree with comments below. I am sure that it is EASIER for the website, but overall it is the dumbing down of design in general.

  • @garywaldron2226
    @garywaldron2226 9 лет назад +1

    I like a few provisions of the new look, but I do not like the tree page in gray. It is difficult to see the different people in my tree. Everything looks the same. For older people this new look is not good.

  • @joyford6480
    @joyford6480 9 лет назад

    Thank you for going thru this as you have....very helpful

  • @cmccloskey56
    @cmccloskey56 9 лет назад

    Very nice, Crista. You've convinced me to give New Ancestry a try.
    I'll be looking for MemberConnect... which was a feature I couldn't find last time I tried.

  • @carriesmith4665
    @carriesmith4665 9 лет назад

    Hi Crista, what happened to the family group page that they had in the old ancestry? I wish they would have kept that for the new one!

  • @tarascon85755
    @tarascon85755 9 лет назад

    Hey Crista -- I had been mentioning the source in the description field of an event, to help me see what I got from where. I don't have to do that any more. Thanks! - Michael

  • @lauramelton9271
    @lauramelton9271 9 лет назад

    I think you did a good job explaining but, still not sure of several things. I have given my feed back as to what and why of the items in question.

  • @Taxberg214
    @Taxberg214 9 лет назад

    Very helpful! Love the new Ancestry.com. Thank you!

  • @sashamcchey8048
    @sashamcchey8048 9 лет назад +2

    Does the new Ancestry still have a way to attach a person from Ancestry to the familysearch tree? I can't seem to find it. Help please as I am LDS so adding from my tree on Ancestry to my tree on familysearch helps.

    • @raquelt7723
      @raquelt7723 9 лет назад

      I just asked and they said this feature hasn't been added yet but soon will.

    • @sashamcchey8048
      @sashamcchey8048 9 лет назад

      Raquel Turner
      Thanks Raquel. By the way just curious, one of my aunts on my mom's side married a Joseph (Uncle Joe) Turner. Any relation as I am trying to find information about him? I know they had Jeff, Mark and Susan.

  • @CarolHardin611
    @CarolHardin611 9 лет назад +4

    Sorry, still haven't sold me on this. The colors are dark and depressing, everything is cluttered and pushed together on one page. It narrows everything to doing it your way and does not give me freedom to do it my way. So, my sub ends this month. I'll renew for another month to clear out all my trees, then I part ways with Ancestry. May I suggest a glass of water or a cough drop before filming your videos? I've never watched one where you didn't seem to have a problem with "dry throat". Not uncommon when speaking for long periods of time, but the water or drop might help a bit. If it's a medical condition than please forgive me and ignore my suggestions.

  • @brettclark2590
    @brettclark2590 9 лет назад

    Hi Crista. I noticed that one can take a look at the new site via the drop down box at the top sign in area. I live in Canada and that option is not available on ancestry.ca However, I signed into my account through the ancestry.com (US) site to take a test drive on the new ancestry. When will the new ancestry be available on ancestry.ca (Canada)?

  • @Linkeddataneedslinkedpeople
    @Linkeddataneedslinkedpeople 9 лет назад

    Thanks Crista you are the shining star of Ancestry.com Ancestry.se

  • @bm87w05
    @bm87w05 9 лет назад

    I wish there were a way to filter data better. IE: if I wished to see all of my ancestors who were born or buried in a certain location- this would be helpful for traveling to specific locations. Or all ancestors who had life events on a certain date, etc.

  • @christinafajardo
    @christinafajardo 9 лет назад +4

    Thanks for the video, it makes me feel better about the new format however the visual aspect is very important to me. The black bar at the top and BIG ugly gray bar at the top makes it look very outdated uninviting. I picked ancestry.com over all other sites because the website looked updated, colorful and friendly, now it doesn't. I don't want to work on my research anymore. The white background with the soft green and brown was so much better. I don't like the new round photo at the top left of each person. Having the parents and the spouse on a different colored background was better but mostly the huge, ugly gray bar at the top needs to go away as well as the black bar above it. I think I am going back to the original format for now.

  • @stingrayofcincinnati
    @stingrayofcincinnati 9 лет назад +1

    Is it possible that when it is rolled out that people have the option to use it or not or is it going to be the only option?

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад

      Jonathan Jacobs For now, users can switch back and forth between Classic Ancestry and New Ancestry. Once the rollout is completed, New Ancestry will be the only option.

  • @dquintanaful
    @dquintanaful 9 лет назад +1

    Hi Crista, Loved new video, I always enjoy them. BUT, you explained that the lifestory pulls from the facts so..............I FOUND AN ERROR. I hope you can help me. I tried it out and the US Public Records show a residence date but it picks up the first date (example 1935-1993) then shows in the Lifestory the date is 1935 which some of my people were not even born? HELP

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад +1

      David , Denise Quintana Hi there! This is a problem with the way the database is creating the source (and hence, the fact). It was a problem in Classic Ancestry as well. The problem is that this database spans 1935-1993, so our computers don't know which exact year the residence is for. If you do, you can go in and manually change the date on the fact.

  • @dianebunting
    @dianebunting 9 лет назад

    I love the new Ancestry! This technology is terrific. One thing I would like to see included in the LifeStory is the occupation of the subject person. If I want to know their occupation I have to go to the original census document and look it up. Or perhaps there is something that I do not know.......

  • @ruthgant7878
    @ruthgant7878 9 лет назад

    How do I print either the life story view or the facts view?

  • @jackiefritsch3690
    @jackiefritsch3690 9 лет назад +1

    I just returned from a trip to obtain death info and photos and was excited to add them. However, it opened as the new format. I have been working on the new format all day for 2 days and am very frustrated! I want to add media and finally figured out I can't add to the fact but must make a source. Went through entering all the info 3 times and it would not save! About an hour later one of the sources has popped up. So I try to add the media - double click and info box appears. It says No source specified!!! No repository!!! I did it 3 times! Okay so I try to add the photo, and story but it won't give me the option to choose the media that is already added to the gallery. It asks me to add media! I am going back to the old form and come Aug. when I have to renew I will need to have seen a great improvement or you have lost me. Too much wasted time in searching out how to do EVERYTHING. (There are some things I like, but too cumbersome at this point, often having to reload pages to get it to react, and I switched to Chrome like it asked, not any better than Safari)

    • @joycelambert1483
      @joycelambert1483 9 лет назад

      Jackie Fritsch I agree with what you have said and am so confused on Ancestry's remarks that this is easier and faster. How? My precious time of researching relatives has turned into researching for a new site. I really did try - as you did - with getting nothing but angry and frustrated. I still am so confused over a company that had a perfect user friendly site and changed to this mess.

  • @velidaford8555
    @velidaford8555 9 лет назад

    Hi Crista, I have watched and started the new Ancestry. I personally like to download to my computer, and then upload as a media to an fact/event. How do I connect them now? I would like to see them in my fact view. Do I still download to my computer? have tried to add as a media to fact view from my gallery, but can not connect the two as of yet. Any suggestions. Thanks for reading.

  • @RougemontJack
    @RougemontJack 9 лет назад

    time stamp 17:17 - 17:20 you say that you can edit COLOR. attempting to find this action without success. Did you miss speak, or how do you change the history section to add / modify color?

  • @donnamedica5695
    @donnamedica5695 9 лет назад

    I like the new features! Suggested improvement: easy fix I would think - when adding a spouse, have blanks for adding date and place of marriage rather than a 2 step process.
    Also, thanks for letting me know that I shouldn't attach to Facts but should make a new source. New sources are quite a process, I don't mind doing it but can they be reused? I am finding a number of records for my Ohio relatives on Family Search that are not at Ancestry. Is it possible to make something like a Family Search Ohio Births 1820- source that can be reused for additional members found in the same database? That would be very helpful.
    Need a session on writing stories in Gallery vs under the LifeStory. Seems it would be more accessible to non-genealogist family members to see the stories in the LifeStory view.
    Big thanks, its all great!

  • @judymiller8310
    @judymiller8310 9 лет назад

    I have tried to print the profile page from the new ancestry. First, there is no print button to click on. Second, when I right click to print, I do not get the sources or the parents, spouse and children columns to show. What's up

  • @tarascon85755
    @tarascon85755 9 лет назад

    Great improvements, especially family member & historical events in the individual timeline. One suggestion: I don't find a "Share" button on a Lifestory page. It's possible to copy the URL but one never knows if that will work for others. It would be nice to be able to share just a page without going through the machinery for sharing the whole tree. (Maybe you should take off the Edit buttons. Sounded like you don't really like them anyway!)

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад

      Michael Carroll That's a great suggestion, Michael. I'll check and see if we plan on adding that in the future.

  • @annetterawlings4549
    @annetterawlings4549 9 лет назад +1

    I can't for the life of me understand why you would attempt to "fix" something that isn't broken. I HATE this new version. Besides the fact that to me it appears to be way to "bulky" and "in your face", one of the things that is really annoying is the fact that you can't remove a media item (ie. picture) from one person as easily as you can with the old version. I like to attach one media item to everyone associated with it and sometimes I need to remove it from just one person and you can't in this new view. Another feature from the old version that I use a LOT is the "list all people" which I use to check everyone of a certain surname as I have a lot of repeated names within my tree - where on earth is this in the new version? - I can't find it and I have clicked on everything until I am suffering from RSI. My subscription is due in Dec 2015 and I will be very wary of renewing it if this new version doesn't improve

  • @eddysims156
    @eddysims156 9 лет назад +1

    The "improvements" aren't worth the decimation of your search engine, sync function and other functions which no longer or operational.

  • @rosieraymo6123
    @rosieraymo6123 9 лет назад

    Is there a printout of this?

  • @DebFiske
    @DebFiske 9 лет назад

    I like the new view and your explanation of the changes was very helpful. I do have a couple of issues though. On the first ancestor I checked, Facts view, it isn't showing the birth of his first daughter by first wife even though she is listed under family with a birthdate. This fact is particularly important since his wife died within two weeks of the birth of that daughter. Also, on the Lifestory view, his 2 spouses are showing with the wrong children. Who should I report this to? Or could there be something wrong in my tree? Thanks

    • @DebFiske
      @DebFiske 9 лет назад

      Debbie Fiske My bad on the lifestory view - I just wasn't understanding the format - not intuitive for me. I am still missing the birth of the first daughter though. Is it only showing the children of the preferred spouse on the timeline? Is there an option for me to change that?

  • @cougarpofl7499
    @cougarpofl7499 9 лет назад

    Question for you, One of my great, gteat grandfather someone before me has him in Tolland, Tolland England! Tolland in England is Sufford county. Tolland, Tolland is in Connecticut, How would I fix this? Thank You Jeffrey Corriveau

  • @peachiemom50
    @peachiemom50 9 лет назад

    so was look at the media so I have loaded census and birth papers to my page if they are putting photo of the records then I should delete mine or I will have it twice right

  • @stevetorda1523
    @stevetorda1523 9 лет назад

    When I went to Ancetry.com/NewAncestry to experence the product it came back page is no longer available. How do I convert over to the new Product?

  • @robertautobee7414
    @robertautobee7414 9 лет назад

    OK I am not deaf, but if I were and tried to watch the close captioning on this and other videos for Ancestry I would be so confused. Spelling is a must and SHOULD be reviewed before posting this video. On one example, the page is showing Fact View, or the word fact, is shown as "Fax" another place is the word Genealogy is "Jenny all" at 6:35 in the video and so on, it would be very hard to be trying to find out what is said without the sound. and so please You Tube Fairies, please look at the closed captioning and fix it before posting the video. That is my review of this posting. thank you

  • @SusanHowardNM
    @SusanHowardNM 9 лет назад

    Like the new interface, much cleaner. However, where can I find web links I added to some of the profiles? Also, what became of the member connect tab at the top of the profile?

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад

      Susan Howard Transition of Web Links over to the New Ancestry are coming soon. Visit the Ancestry blog to keep up to date on what's still to be implemented. blogs.ancestry.com/ancestry/2015/06/05/new-ancestry-feature-update/

    • @SusanHowardNM
      @SusanHowardNM 9 лет назад

      Thanks, Crista!

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад

      Susan Howard Web Links were moved over into the New Ancestry Facts View today.

    • @SusanHowardNM
      @SusanHowardNM 9 лет назад

      See them, thanks!

  • @RingByRingDesigns
    @RingByRingDesigns 9 лет назад

    When I go to www.ancestry.com/newancestry I get an error "We are sorry this page is no longer available." What did I miss? I would like to try the new version. Bev Carlson

  • @geniepiper
    @geniepiper 9 лет назад

    Of course Crista likes the New Ancestry. It's her job to like it! I am a computer nerd who has been using computers since '91 and into genealogy for almost that long. I find the New Ancestry flashy, but that's about it. Otherwise I don't see where it accomplishes anything that the old one didn't except destroy my thousands of hours of work. I have spent a lot of time on Ancestry researching and cropping photos to fit where they looked good and right on my tree. Now I find my square photos and icons are chopped up into circles and rectangles where it looks awful. Am I to go back and re-crop and re-position the thousands of photos on my 18,500 person tree? Is anyone listening to us? Probably not. There is a good chance that I will be leaving Ancestry as soon as the New Ancestry becomes mandatory.

  • @stevetorda1523
    @stevetorda1523 9 лет назад

    We’re sorry, this page is no longer available.
    Return to previous page
    Don't know where to go from here? You might find one of these links useful.
    Create a free online family tree
    Search for historical records
    Learn about AncestryDNA
    See how to get started in family history
    Ready to make a family history book?
    Looking for Family Tree Maker software?
    What do I do?

  • @BilHarris
    @BilHarris 9 лет назад

    Relationship feature does not display, I have a home person designated.
    Can you change home person on the new Ancestry?

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад

      Bill Harris Under your TREE SETTINGS, right under where you set the home person, that they "Who are you in this tree" is also set.

  • @bernicehovencamp5365
    @bernicehovencamp5365 9 лет назад

    How do I go back to the "classic" ancestry style? I do NOT like the new ancestry at all. It is more cumbersome to use; the classic style was much easier to use. And the comments about the picture need to be addressed. The round picture does not give enough of the major portion of the original picture. There are usually elements in the original picture that are important.

  • @alejocote
    @alejocote 9 лет назад

    Por favor una versión en español Urgente! muchas gracias.

  • @ruthgant7878
    @ruthgant7878 9 лет назад

    I hate change and wish we had options to use the Classic version!!!1

  • @garyesuehooper4391
    @garyesuehooper4391 9 лет назад

    i think new ancestry in not on the i pad so you could use that.

  • @msgreyrep
    @msgreyrep 9 лет назад +4

    Personally, I prefer the original version of Ancestry. If the changes become permanent, I will no longer subscribe. I'm with Patricia Peoples. I don't want stories because I'm the only one who ever sees my tree since my family is not interested.

  • @andrewmoore434
    @andrewmoore434 8 лет назад +1

    Really not happy with the new format. There's too much information displayed; Birth of Son, Birth of Brother, etc. I print the old format (usually a single page) and keep in a family tree binder. Imagine my Great Great Grandfather who had sixteen children (common in those days - no X Factor or Strictly). To print his profile would take up to ten pages . I have been an Ancestry subscriber since 2006. Sorry but I will be cancelling my subscription in 2016. "If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it". Looks like MyHeritage will be getting a few new members. Sorry Ancestry.

  • @joanaustin121
    @joanaustin121 9 лет назад

    I love Ancestry and know its focus has been a good one. However, as beautiful as it is I find it not user friendly, at least with this user :/.

  • @sylviagibson4639
    @sylviagibson4639 9 лет назад +1

    I just restarted my account and do not like it at all and will not be renewing at the end of 6 months. It is awful and not user friendly. I cannot correct when deaths are incorrectly entered, and other issues. I fill I wasted my money. I am not interested in the story portion.

    • @CristaCowan
      @CristaCowan 9 лет назад +1

      Sylvia Gibson You don't have to use the LifeStory view if you don't like it. The Facts View is much the same as always, with a greater emphasis placed on source citations and documentation of facts. You can edit any fact in your tree. Just move your mouse over the box containing the fact and an edit button pops up.

    • @sylviagibson4639
      @sylviagibson4639 9 лет назад

      With the new form, I cannot change a death that was incorrectly place back to living. I called the help line and the lady fixed it back to the old form. She also said that eventually all of ancestry will be the new way. I have vision problems and the colors are not user friendly for me, there are several things I do not like with the new forms. I will not be renewing in 6 months.

    • @PrinceChaloner
      @PrinceChaloner 9 лет назад

      Crista Cowan How about using classic ancestry as an option. I truly hate the gray background. The look of it looks likes a step backwards. Forcing us to use new ancestry is just wrong. I will not renew.

  • @scaredycatpro
    @scaredycatpro 9 лет назад +1

    From the UK NO, NO, NO!!! There has been to many changes already, this is the last straw, I will NOT be renewing my subscription. I liked the early versions of FTM I've been unhappy with 2014 version because of all the problems with it & don't like the look of the site now

  • @snowwolf7128
    @snowwolf7128 8 лет назад


  • @jeankoch2636
    @jeankoch2636 9 лет назад

    I have been an Ancestry subscriber and I DO NOT LIKE the NEW features. What is wrong with the old features which are easy to follow and to track family members. I guess after 15 years of ancestry, I am going to say good bye!!!!

  • @PrinceChaloner
    @PrinceChaloner 9 лет назад

    Looks like you made it to look like it's too much clutter. Scrolling is best. What if we prefer the classic ancestry. Forcing us to use the new version will make us stop using Ancestry! Give us classic ancestry as an option! If it ain't broken for God's sakes don't fix it! Gray background sucks!

  • @christinearmstrong1817
    @christinearmstrong1817 8 лет назад

    Dumbed down!! So sad that you have ruined the original clear site. We are adults, not kids, so please don't treat us like children. I will not be renewing my subscription.

  • @logcabinladyz
    @logcabinladyz 9 лет назад

    Please, No. I dislike the new ancestry immensely. I abhor what you've done to MY carefully edited photos. I have spent time cropping my photos to show exactly what I want to show but your redesign ruined my efforts. I dislike the new look of the system, the moving of sources, really all of the changes are awful. To say that I don't care for any of the changes & would prefer classic view back is an understatement. As my father used to say 'If it isn't broken, don't fix it!' Yes, I have watched the video, No, I do not find it helpful. I don't need or want a life story page.

  • @pitpoodles
    @pitpoodles 8 лет назад

    I dislike the "new" Ancestry far beyond my meager powers to communicate, without profanity.

  • @chrisedy9116
    @chrisedy9116 9 лет назад

    I hate the new format Why change when it was great

  • @stevea792
    @stevea792 9 лет назад

    The worst thing Ancestry came up with. They had a great site, but this new format is terrible.

  • @priscillapastimes
    @priscillapastimes 8 лет назад

    No one likes to read anything not broken into paragraphs. YUK

  • @bm87w05
    @bm87w05 9 лет назад

    I wish there were a way to filter data better. IE: if I wished to see all of my ancestors who were born or buried in a certain location- this would be helpful for traveling to specific locations. Or all ancestors who had life events on a certain date, etc