Love your video! Can you tell me what emulator you are playing this on? For what version of the emulator you are playing it on because I can't get this game to work on my project 64 emulator and I need someone's help to set it up properly. Please help me when you can and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can because I don't always have internet service very often thanks for your video and actually , I remember playing this on the original N64 so thanks for the memory as well!
23:11 This bit is WAY funnier if you have the "Rainbow Blood" cheat enabled. Our pupper hero emerges amidst a rainbow spray of victory!
What's a dog doing all alone on an ominous volcanic world? It's virtually a fictional Planet Venus!
With GIANT WORMS AND MURDEROUS 20ft tall mantises.
It's a lot harder when you have to come back as Vela...
Meanwhile, Juno
_What a lovely stroll I'm having today..._
Love your video! Can you tell me what emulator you are playing this on? For what version of the emulator you are playing it on because I can't get this game to work on my project 64 emulator and I need someone's help to set it up properly. Please help me when you can and I'll try to get back with you as soon as I can because I don't always have internet service very often thanks for your video and actually , I remember playing this on the original N64 so thanks for the memory as well!
Based on the RT button at 30:10, it looks like he's playing this on Xbox's Rare Replay.
1969 Fiat 600 (Lupus) 🇮🇹
This emulator is BS and didn’t help at all cuz I’m playin w the actual 64 and when the arms go missing both bugs attack at u at the same time