Dankon por la leciono! I started learning yesterday from another channel but I like this teaching style better. However, I couldn’t help but notice you often pronounce your i’s incorrectly. In “birdo” you say it right, but then in “kuracisto” you say it wrong. It should be kura-cee-sto, not kura-cih-sto.
I'm more bothered that for words like patro he doesn't point out how similar it is to the word "patron" but instead insists on making up some absurd image.
Excellent. These are the best lessons of Esperanto in my opinion.
Ĉi tio signifas, ke vi ne havas sperton kun Duolingo
Saluton geamikoj! Ĉu vi scias iojn belajn esperantajn kantojn
Vortoj ne facilas al mi=kanto
I don't understand the English conjugation!
It's no worse. This is a lesson I really need
Dankon por la leciono! I started learning yesterday from another channel but I like this teaching style better. However, I couldn’t help but notice you often pronounce your i’s incorrectly. In “birdo” you say it right, but then in “kuracisto” you say it wrong. It should be kura-cee-sto, not kura-cih-sto.
It's a difficulty with making a language lesson when literally no one is a native speaker and you are working alone.
I'm more bothered that for words like patro he doesn't point out how similar it is to the word "patron" but instead insists on making up some absurd image.
Why should we consider vowel length at all?
Saluton. Mi parolas iomete esperanto.
mi ne legas esparanto
Kiu alia estas lernanta la lingvo Esperanto la facila(ish) vojo en 2024?