SoHo Walking Tour

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 200

  • @FionaEm
    @FionaEm 4 года назад +34

    As usual, I spent half the video laughing along with your self-deprecating humour, and the other half being impressed by your amazing NYC knowledge. Please post more vids to keep us entertained 👏 Cheers from Australia 🇦🇺

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +1

      Thanks, Fiona!

  • @realityblooms
    @realityblooms 4 года назад +13

    As the kids say. “This waking tour through the history to present day Soho was informative AF”
    I’m pretty sure the kids say that.

  • @judithhinton5784
    @judithhinton5784 4 года назад +21

    Hey Tom...great tour of SoHo. Love your walking tours, and hope to see more in the future!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Thanks a lot, Judith. I really appreciate your support!

  • @gillygill292
    @gillygill292 4 года назад +3

    👏👏👏👏🤗🤗🤗 more videos

  • @richt.4900
    @richt.4900 4 года назад +6

    🍻 Cheers Tom! Very informative in a light and humorous way. Much appreciated from across the pond here in Brexitland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿.

  • @anonymousjustice4357
    @anonymousjustice4357 4 года назад +8

    Tom you have soooo much knowledge, some network needs to pick you up ASAP!... they are missing out

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +4

      Thanks, I have sent a screenshot of your comment to Travel Channel!

    • @anonymousjustice4357
      @anonymousjustice4357 4 года назад

      tomdnyc awesome Tom👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 !!!! I hope they pick you my friend or the History Channel, me and my wife would be delighted to go on your NY TOUR once this craziness is over , take care and keep the awesome work !

  • @siberangel
    @siberangel 4 года назад +1

    Many years ago, the now named DeSalvio Playground was called the Spring St Park on Spring St and Mulberry in SoHo. Yay! Broome St! Where I was born and raised. Thank you, Tom for a walk down memory lane.

  • @caz85
    @caz85 4 года назад +3

    Another ace tour Tom, lovin the Tom Hanks castaway look. God only knows why Netflix haven’t given you your own show yet...

  • @mike141733
    @mike141733 4 года назад +3

    Great videos thanks!

  • @michaelchan8260
    @michaelchan8260 4 года назад +6

    Great content! More walking tours!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +1

      Thanks - more coming!

  • @keet3028
    @keet3028 4 года назад +3

    Tom is on a roll.. please continue and dont leave us hanging.. Great video by the way..

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +1

      Thanks, more coming!

  • @mano1971music
    @mano1971music 4 года назад +2

    Tom, you definetely know your New York history! Thank you for sharing! Greetings from Southern California

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Thanks! Surf a wave for me! (Is that how you guys say hello over there?)

  • @alexhindmarsh007
    @alexhindmarsh007 2 года назад +2

    Dude you’re awesome! Love your NY tours. Thank you!

  • @i.a.b4182
    @i.a.b4182 4 года назад +2

    nice to see you solo!

  • @PierreMarkuse
    @PierreMarkuse 4 года назад +11

    Once again, very much enjoyed this tour. Your knowledge of NYC history is bonkers. You should start a blog or write a book, would love to read more in-depth stuff in your style. Or maybe a little series of videos dedicated to one specific thing. Cheers!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Thanks, Pierre. We'll see!

  • @jpfloru8669
    @jpfloru8669 2 месяца назад

    I love your style (crossing while red) ! And this was during Covid Hysteria; well done! I just discovered your channel and I'm going to spend October in New York and I will watch all of your vids in advance.

  • @f.s.deernbsnmsccp8641
    @f.s.deernbsnmsccp8641 2 года назад

    You are a walking History Book , enjoy watching your guided tour of NYC

  • @decostaclinton8658
    @decostaclinton8658 4 года назад +2

    Well done tom enjoyed the video

  • @Irishmist1000
    @Irishmist1000 4 года назад +5

    So interesting, I always learn so much from your tours. Thanks Tom! 😊

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +1

      You're welcome. Thanks for watching!

  • @royston8044
    @royston8044 4 года назад +3

    Great to see you mate

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +1

      Thanks, Royston!

  • @1964kamran
    @1964kamran 4 года назад +2

    Like you sense of humour and mix of very good knowledge....people like you are very rare.....just just keep it up.. keep on posting and keep on blogging...

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Thanks, gonna keep creating and just see what happens!

  • @Conversations_with_QT
    @Conversations_with_QT Год назад

    Zabardast! I loved it! Great content! SoHo perfect example of urban renewal!!!

  • @nancyking9718
    @nancyking9718 4 года назад +2

    Tom ,Thanks as usual for a great tour ! 🏃✌ I have followed Ken AKA ,A.k. for over 2years so found you through him and Sarah .😉

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      They are the best! I plan to keep making stuff with them as well.

  • @brentsimpson317
    @brentsimpson317 4 года назад +3

    So great. My wife and I took one of your bus tours back in December. Enjoyed so much. Anybody know more NYC stuff than you? Ha! You win the prize!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Oh great! Thanks for watching!

  • @guillermomunoz7095
    @guillermomunoz7095 3 года назад are great I love your videos and your narrative the way you explain the facts about New York City 🌃 makes me more knowledgeable of the history of NYC... thanks for your awesome videos,sincerely Guillermo from Southern California. I love ❤️ NYC but is too expensive. But if I had ton of money 💰 sure I will buy me a place.

  • @maldo1969
    @maldo1969 4 года назад +5

    Love your channel brother. Always an insightful story on the rich history of New York. Thank you for uploading the video.

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Thanks, Nelson. More coming for sure! I really appreciate the support as well!

  • @RobertoLopezstudyis
    @RobertoLopezstudyis 4 года назад +2

    I love the Soho district a lot! It has a lot of history and culture all on it's own! I miss NYC a lot! Great video Tom!

  • @bigalanthewasp
    @bigalanthewasp 4 года назад +2

    Great video 👍

  • @shehanw9744
    @shehanw9744 3 года назад

    Hey Tom, from downunder this was great. Miss this place

  • @ceciliawilson6328
    @ceciliawilson6328 4 года назад +1

    Hi. Was planning to come back this year but know. Really enjoying your tours, can't wait to come back next year I hope.

  • @stephenjones8074
    @stephenjones8074 4 года назад +3

    Glad to see you out again Tom - great content as always Brother!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Thanks, Stephen, more coming!

  • @GlamGirlNextDoor07
    @GlamGirlNextDoor07 4 года назад +4

    Hi Dan! XOXO Gossip Girl 🤣🤣🤣 Another great video, thank you ❤️🗽

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +2

      Thanks! And yes, better to be compared to Dan from Gossip Girl than Joe the serial killer from You.

    • @raineyj560
      @raineyj560 4 года назад

      @@tomdnyc1 or Ted Bundy yikes

  • @Woods_Hiker
    @Woods_Hiker 2 года назад

    was that a phone bank/booth you walked by at 1:44 ? Also 5:00 🤣 Love your running commentary. Oh I subbed too 😉

  • @maribellopez6557
    @maribellopez6557 4 года назад +1

    You will be a great history teacher

  • @haasmanning
    @haasmanning 4 года назад +2

    Great job Tom!! I really enjoy your history of the city! Thanks!

  • @michelled4388
    @michelled4388 4 года назад +3

    Hi Tom when I finally get to NYC. I'll be paying you for this fyi. Your hilarious and smart as hell I love it.

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Ha, thanks Michelle! Yes, hopefully people will be able to travel here soon, although I have seen some people visiting here already actually. Weird.

  • @saraweiss4297
    @saraweiss4297 4 года назад

    He is the best guide.
    So smart and knows every inch of this City
    and the history and facts
    about each building,street and people. I am learning
    a lot even though I was
    born and raised here and
    lived and worked too.
    I thought I knew a lot -
    turns out there is a lot
    I learned thru these tours!!!

  • @PabloGomezNYCViews
    @PabloGomezNYCViews 4 года назад +4

    I like all your videos and your style!!!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +2

      Thanks, Pablo!

  • @worldtravelrafhat7886
    @worldtravelrafhat7886 4 года назад +1

    Hey Tom! Thanks for the tour!

  • @pizzareviewsonthego
    @pizzareviewsonthego 4 года назад +1

    Your knowledge of our city's history and culture is so vast and informative! Very interesting, I did not know about most of this, despite living in the city my whole life. I think we will see a huge drop in real estate prices in the near future, and New York City will be accessible to the working class once again!

  • @plumeretbonnet
    @plumeretbonnet 9 месяцев назад +1

    thank you

  • @larrygrasso6032
    @larrygrasso6032 4 года назад +3

    Tom you're the best !!!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Thanks for the support, Larry!

  • @pablosc1390
    @pablosc1390 4 года назад +2

    always learning from you. thanks!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +1

      Good, that's part of the idea of my videos! The other part is narcissism, I guess.

  • @crystals8693
    @crystals8693 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for another great video!

  • @anitakrezolek1000
    @anitakrezolek1000 2 года назад

    fantastic! Thanks for the tour!

  • @bezsie8518
    @bezsie8518 3 года назад +3

    In the early 90's I lived there. At that time I paid for an studio apt. $1,200.I wonder how much is now🙄 (I don't live in US anymore)

  • @mrsK1710
    @mrsK1710 4 года назад +2

    Love it 😍

  • @christopherm2552
    @christopherm2552 4 года назад +8

    TomD is a god of tourism. How you web the immigrant story and evolving of it all, perfect 👌!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +2

      Ha! Thanks, not sure if the God of Tourism gets a spot on Mount Olympus, but I'm looking for a better deal on rent, so I'll look into it!

    • @christopherm2552
      @christopherm2552 4 года назад

      When are u starting up comprehensive tour guides again? How much do they go for?

  • @10411702
    @10411702 4 года назад +1

    Thank you.
    Two words that are simple to say but not said enough.

  • @bluedogg138
    @bluedogg138 3 года назад

    Best thing on RUclips without a doubt. Informative, humorous and atypical. Keep on keepin’ on!

  • @ericdudley4169
    @ericdudley4169 4 года назад

    You are simply the best RUclips NYC blogger- tour guide out there! You’re fun and gifted with extraordinary knowledge, delivered with wit and a snappy succinct style... Thank you for your wonderful work!

  • @GlobalAdventurer
    @GlobalAdventurer Год назад

    Thank you so much! Your tour was very helpful.

  • @conniedelio
    @conniedelio 4 года назад +2

    Tom, you are gem that I found because of the pandemic. How I wish we could have appropriate-aged school kids watch some of your videos for their shortened, virtual, online classes. Stay well, and thank you!

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +2

      Ha, thanks, if there's one message kids can take away from my videos it is: don't go to law school!

  • @livingfree3907
    @livingfree3907 4 года назад

    Love all the history, humour & keeping us updated with what is happening presently with all THIS going on right now.

  • @josedelacruz1588
    @josedelacruz1588 4 года назад +1

    Tom you're the man! I appreciate the content my brother!!

  • @phwayne
    @phwayne 4 года назад +4

    Just watched “a Knights Tale” starring Heath Ledger yesterday. Timely that you pointed out where he died.

  • @darleneshriver3270
    @darleneshriver3270 4 года назад

    Great tour.....this is the way I would like to see NYC! I love the history and architecture!

  • @williamlee8672
    @williamlee8672 Год назад

    Love your educational video!

  • @AmsterdamBicycle
    @AmsterdamBicycle 4 года назад +2


  • @ernestshekldon4060
    @ernestshekldon4060 4 года назад +2

    The Instant Like was well spent. Thanks a lot for the great Content

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +1

      Here's an instant thank you! (not instant, 6 days later, but I'm trying)

  • @lucydemeo2658
    @lucydemeo2658 4 года назад

    Interesting info. Love it👍

  • @naziaparwez2911
    @naziaparwez2911 4 года назад

    Very detailed tour I am a new subscriber really like 👍 your videos.

  • @OrpheoActon
    @OrpheoActon 4 года назад

    As soon as New York is open for europeans I'll be back. I love this town. I might book a walking tour with you. Till then I enjoy your videos. Thanx

  • @annehcb
    @annehcb 4 года назад

    love your videos and love your beard! Also old enough to be your mother! Thanks for reminding me about Jane Jacobs and Robert Moses -- I read the biography by Robert Caro....

  • @brucesavage9929
    @brucesavage9929 4 года назад

    Great tour and great tour guide ! Love every one of your videos !

  • @calliopeband5573
    @calliopeband5573 4 года назад

    Love have influenced me to return for artist work

  • @vincentcariello9893
    @vincentcariello9893 4 года назад

    Hi Tom, at the end of the SoHo video you talked about Officer Petrosino. I remembered seeing a moving with Earnest Bourgnine about the same story. I looked it up on IMDB. The movie was called 'Pay or Die,' made in 1961. Just thought you'd like to know.

  • @davleie2999
    @davleie2999 4 года назад

    Love it

  • @nyc_shots
    @nyc_shots 4 года назад

    One of your best vids Tom!

  • @lorenzowere9433
    @lorenzowere9433 4 года назад

    This is exactly what I was looking for...greetings from SF

  • @rightsideupvt
    @rightsideupvt 4 года назад

    Try a light under your hat visor! I've never wanted to go to New York City until I watched your tour last weekend. Probably still won't go though. They renamed a city near me SoBu.

  • @elizabethhestevold1340
    @elizabethhestevold1340 3 года назад

    My favorite hangout as Artist, going to NYU, for Art Masters . 1980' great memories, then rivitalized by Artist , before fashionable...Shame on Landlords. It used to be a Mom and Pop eateries, sooo great.🇩🇰🇺🇸🖌️🎨📬

  • @plazaro100
    @plazaro100 4 года назад +2

    The best, el mejor! xo

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Gracias, Pedro! Quizas me atrevo a producir videos en español!

    • @plazaro100
      @plazaro100 4 года назад

      @@tomdnyc1 Tom, considéralo, acá le he mostrado tus videos a mucha gente y les gusta mucho. La información que ofreces es abarcadora, y toca puntos históricos, políticos, sociales, antropológicos, de arquitectura y todo en una onda de buen humor, algo que no es fácil de realizar. Confió q la pandemia pase y pueda regresar de paseo a NY y poderte contratar para una excursión dentro de la fascinante historia que encierra esa ciudad. Te deseo continuos éxitos.

  • @PN.mod20
    @PN.mod20 3 года назад

    Just found your channel. Great stuff. Looked at older seem to be more confident and authoritative with your covid beard! Keep it. It'll be good for business!

  • @61kimmarie
    @61kimmarie 4 года назад

    The immigrants learned how to take a huge chunk out of the 🍎. They did absolutely well for themselves. What an inspiring story of SouthHoustoun. Tomas, you are the coolest tour guide. 💡📚👍🏾👍🏾

  • @vickident6690
    @vickident6690 4 года назад

    Thanks Tom loved your tour, I live in the bush in Australia, my question is, how do you support yourself when in covid? P.s. I hit the like button!!

  • @evelynrodriguez5974
    @evelynrodriguez5974 3 года назад

    You rock buddy

  • @sammaxwell7812
    @sammaxwell7812 4 года назад +1

    good luck sir

  • @SailingXanadu
    @SailingXanadu 4 года назад

    👋🏼 Tom, thanks for fast talkin' tour.

  • @RyanMatthewsSounds
    @RyanMatthewsSounds 2 года назад

    Portland, Oregon has the second most concentrated number of cast iron buildings. Portland was also the first city to host a fair or festival lit with electricity in the world. Portland General Electric. Pretty interesting what they helped to do at Willamette Falls.

  • @johngiltzow4764
    @johngiltzow4764 3 года назад

    Love that man Tom. How do you know so mucuch?

  • @rekrap1369
    @rekrap1369 4 года назад +1

    Appreciate this tour video. Also, is there a story behind your cameo on Joe Pera’s show?

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +1

      Ha, yeah. Joe is a good friend of mine and my former roommate here in NYC... and I am one of the best actors alive!!

    • @rekrap1369
      @rekrap1369 4 года назад

      tomdnyc 🌵

  • @johannsmithe2570
    @johannsmithe2570 4 года назад +1

    Ya' done good and held your composure well in the video with boss-lady.
    Btw: the song "Angie" also refers to Andy Warhola. Listen to the song, "Angie-Andy ... Andy ... there ain't a woman that comes close to you." Not, " ... any other woman.".

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Love the song Angie! Thanks for watching!

  • @SimplyDeeBeauty
    @SimplyDeeBeauty 4 года назад +3

    I havent seen it but I know I'm going to like it.

    • @ernestshekldon4060
      @ernestshekldon4060 4 года назад +1

      Same here. Greetings from Hamburg

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +1

      Thanks! Hope you get a chance to watch it, ha!

    • @SimplyDeeBeauty
      @SimplyDeeBeauty 4 года назад

      Of course, wouldnt miss it for anything.

  • @RAID0072
    @RAID0072 4 года назад


  •  4 года назад +1

    15:47 This architecture is so similar to the inner city of Zagreb, Croatia, it’s spooky.

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Man, I would love to visit Croatia!

  • @janasteele4279
    @janasteele4279 4 года назад

    Love you so interesting I’m homesick thanks

  • @VeryStrict
    @VeryStrict 4 года назад +21

    It's a travesty you're not on discovery doing your own show. Really wish they would sign you on.

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад +10

      Thanks! I just laser-printed this onto a couch cushion and am going to leave it behind in the Discovery Channel offices!

    • @royston8044
      @royston8044 4 года назад +2

      Defo agree, hes compulsive watching.

  • @rexlex1736
    @rexlex1736 4 года назад +2

    Any chance you can sing and dance while meandering thru Manhattan? You know the song, "New York, New York, a helluva town........."

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      If I was to sing while walking around, it would probably be more Jim Croce than most people realize is possible!

  • @prestonradtke222
    @prestonradtke222 2 года назад +1

    … I love the subtle implication that the upper east and upper West sides are affordable…

  • @mikeherschhersch82
    @mikeherschhersch82 4 года назад +3

    Anyways, whenever we get to NYC again were gonna look you up for a tour. Also, you never said anyways, not once. Kudos.

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Please get in touch when you visit. And I am pretty sure I said "anyways" a few times, but I have been more conscious of it, so I owe it all to you!

  • @michelled4388
    @michelled4388 4 года назад +1

    Once upon a time The main library used to have a apartment on the top for like a over night guard and his family to live in. Does the library still do that? It would be cool to see that apartment even if it's not in use now.

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Wow, you know your stuff. No, they actually stopped doing that. The library is one of my favorite buildings in the world.

    • @michelled4388
      @michelled4388 4 года назад

      Yep PBS and similar sources like short stories. It will probably be year's before I get there sad to say but dude it's awesome you know so much and I love all that crap all the stuff quote un quote normal people could care less about. I like to understand shit so when I finally come it's because my inheritance kicked in sad to say but hopefully it WONT BE SOON. You understand the normal reasons one gets inheritance and that will be a sad day for me so I'm not looking forward to that but I am realistic about life and coming to explore N.Y. is going to be awesome. I'm Irish so of course during the daytime to eat food and drinks the most expensive and best Irish pub and at night; "because there will be no eating of food at these places;" the shadiest most notorious mobed up Irish pub you know of. Dude I'm crazy like that I like to live and experience the best of life and see all of it. I think your the type of friend that differently would be a blast to do these things with and I'm glad you know so much about the city. Dude we differently will have fun and I want to go everywhere. I swear if covid doesn't kill us and Hamilton goes back on stage we are going and I got you bro premium seats too I want front row the spit section. I will figure out how to get backstage to meet the cast I'm also weird like that. I walk around like I owe everything and people are not used to that, so I get into places no one should have ever let me be in. It's my imaginary balls that helps me accomplish that task. But for right now I'm broke like everyone else. Just keep up with me and when I know I can come I'll hit you up to make some plans.

  • @u.s_nyc8513
    @u.s_nyc8513 4 года назад

    Born and raised, still living in NYC. I love his knowledge about the City. There's the other guy, called Action Kid. Walking around with no knowledge at all talking shit like oh there's Armani, oh look aMc Donalds! What books do recommend about NY History?

  • @carlosripari7162
    @carlosripari7162 3 года назад

    Culture club.... Amazing

  • @todayisagreatday9712
    @todayisagreatday9712 4 года назад +1

    hey your videos,can you direct me to the LA version of you?thanks

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Ha, the LA version of me??? I don't know if there is one, but I already hate him!

    • @todayisagreatday9712
      @todayisagreatday9712 4 года назад

      @@tomdnyc1 lol u're right..there isn't. I look forward to the day ure giving me humourous walking tours of L.A fingers are crossed ❤❤

  • @chansokhour4533
    @chansokhour4533 4 года назад +1

    Can you like make a videos about reviewing dorm in Nolita and NoHo

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      I covered a little of NoLita in my Little Italy tour but NoHo would be good. Thanks!

  • @paulmcdonough1093
    @paulmcdonough1093 4 года назад

    Tenemant museum was great i went there

  • @klmiller333
    @klmiller333 4 года назад +2

    The rent there is insane. I could afford one brick in that place and half a slice of cheesecake 🍰 Very interesting! You should have your own tv show.

    • @tomdnyc1
      @tomdnyc1  4 года назад

      Thanks, Karen. And yeah, SoHo is wild on rent. We'll see what happens to rents in the coming months though. It's a pretty empty neighborhood right now.

  • @maddienewo2228
    @maddienewo2228 4 года назад

    Cool video.
    Are barbers still closed 😱😆

  • @a3igner
    @a3igner 4 года назад

    The thing I always asked myself is many buildings have these fire escape stairways outside with a ladder. What was the point of that? Didn’t the fire engines have ladders to rescue people? Or was it built for people who kept losing their keys so they could get into their flats through the fire escape?