The numbered name at Arat Kilo Plazza needs modifying. Better to spell out the name. Call it Arat Kilo, Amist Kilo, and Sidist Kilo. A tourist does not speak the local language. He is going to read 4Kilo as Four Kilo, 5Kilo as Five Kilo, and 6Kilo as Six Kilo. Would you like it in French, Italian, German, or Spanish? How about Chinese? Be mindful of what you put up in signage. It will create big confusion.
ፈጣሪ ሆይ ናልን
ክብርት ከንቲባ ቀበሌ ቤት የለውም ።ቀበሌ በግፍ የተወረሱ ቤቶችን የኔ ቤት ብሎ ያለፋበትን ያልደከመበትን የሚያስተዳድር በአለም ብቸኛ ተቋም ነው።
1ኛ አንድን አካባቢ ለማንሳት ሲታሰብ ለነዋሪዎች የሚነገራቸው መቼነው?ምንያህል ጊዜ ይሰጣቸዋል ?
The numbered name at Arat Kilo Plazza needs modifying. Better to spell out the name. Call it Arat Kilo, Amist Kilo, and Sidist Kilo. A tourist does not speak the local language. He is going to read 4Kilo as Four Kilo, 5Kilo as Five Kilo, and 6Kilo as Six Kilo. Would you like it in French, Italian, German, or Spanish? How about Chinese? Be mindful of what you put up in signage. It will create big confusion.