Oh my gosh, I am right there with you! My journey started for plus years ago in June 2020. Diagnosed in February 2021. Had to stop driving, quit my job, walking outside, using any kind of Technology because the screens make me so dizzy. I basically have no life now. Did all the MRIs and scans, Botox and medical treatments, medication, nothing helps. I totally relate I'm so sorry. I know what you mean, we have no choice but to be strong. Some days I don't know how much longer I can take of this. Tired of pushing myself to do the next thing. I hate exercise now and I used to love it. My name is Rose and I will be keeping you in my prayers.
Oh my heart is with you, Rose. Thank you for sharing your journey so far - it means a lot to me. So much loss and challenge and much to grieve. I see/here you. This is hard. I'm thinking of you and will be praying for you. You're not alone (((hugs)))
I can relate definitely. I began watching your story when I was diagnosed with vestibular migraines and it’s been a little rough. I had a spinal injury in 2010 and had to stop working. I have been through the school of hard knocks. I wanted to mention something and it has taken a little courage. I have commented before and live in Australia. I turn 64yrs old soon and 4 weeks ago I was diagnosed with Level 2 Autism. I always thought in Australia that only children were diagnosed with autism. I guess what I want to say is that somehow some of us have been given some type of gift to help others and the best way to do that is to let others see our life experiences. Listening to what you said about exercising is how I feel about showering and I battle to have a shower due to chronic pain but nothing beats the feeling of warm water on my back. I am discovering so many things and understand for me it is like I have a child inside that at times wants to help me to be childlike and just enjoy my gift and share it with others. I watch all your videos and it’s great to know that this is a safe place to share and encourage so many others. Cheers from Melbourne Australia.🇦🇺🙏
Oh wow you hvae really been through it. Thank you so much for your courage adn for sharing your story and especially with Autism. I'm so honored that you would share your experience here. I hope more and more people will learn that adults can be diagnosed with autism. I know of other people who have been diagnosed as adults and it was life changing and helped htem to understadn themselves better and also accept themselves when society did not. I understand what you are saying about the shower being such a challenge. I'm so glad that you feel this is a safe place to share - that is one of the best thigns yuo could say to me. I try really hard to make it that way. I hope others who have read and will read your commend will be encouraged. It is so important to share our stories because there is someone out there who has gone through similar things as you and needs to hear what you have to say. I'm so very glad that you are here. You've made my day!!
Thank you so much for sharing, I will be praying for you. Laying here in chronic pain from a neck fusion last summer and muscle spasms among other conditions. You give me hope because you keep going!
hi!! Thank you for your prayers. I hate that you are having such significant chronic pain and muscle spasms. That sounds so very rough. I'm sorry the neck fusion recovery has been so rough on top of other things. I still have severe muscle pain from muscles not healing properly post-surgery that I had last year, so I hear you. This is hard. Send virutal hugs. Know your not alone today and I'm saying a prayer for you.
I can totally relate Kelly. Some days it feels like a scourge and some others it is like a heavy burden keeping us from doing things. We did not choose to be ill stricken but we have to endure it. You are very strong Kelly, I know you'll figure it out. Have a great week!
Hello, I previously watched your channel and the last 6 months ive been busy working from home doing prior auths for medical company. I saw your video on your prior auth experience and OMG i felt so bad for you. Happy to see you got your treatment and hope its working for you. I had a migraine vertigo attack allday yesterday and its been a while. I used to think it was meiners disease but turns out mine is perimenopause/menopause related. Im FINALLY giving HRT a try. I used to pray for my menopause to come. Boy was i wrong. Its more than hot flashes. BUT Bioidentical HRT is safe and i, like you will try anything atleast once to see if it helps. I wish you well and a successful treatment that works! God Bless❤
Hello!! I'm so glad you are back! Thank you for validating my hellish experience about the prior auth! It was a nightmare. I did get the treatment adn I am so so glad. I'm so glad it had been a while since yoru last migraine/vertigo attack. Oh wow that it is perimenopause/menopause related. Thank you so much for sharing that with me! I talk to so many people and being able to pass that along is so helpful. I hate that menopause has been so horrible for you. I hope that the bioidentical HRT is helpful for you. Please keep me updated on how it goes. Sending hugs.
I sure do know how you feel. I’ve had diabetes for about 30 years now and every day I have to think of what I have to eat to keep my blood sugars down and take insulin injections every day, ozempic injection every week and Metformin pills twice a day. I also have arthritis all over my body but I am unable to take meds for it because if I do I will mess up my kidneys. Now in the past two years I have a vestibular issue. I went to an ENT because of ringing in my right ear. No dizziness at that time. Dr said it was Ménière’s disease. So I got 8 steroid injections and went through 2 surgeries which after 2 surgery I started having dizziness 24/7 - not vertigo. The ENT wanted to cut my balance and hearing nerve. I’ve been going to vestibular physical therapy and doing lots of home work. I have not been able to work since May. I don’t understand how this ENT could diagnose me and do surgery on me without doing a MRI or CT scan. I’m going to a 2nd opinion ENT and a Neurologist. I also get migraines. But I am so so tired of being sick and hurting every day and wondering if I’m ever going to get better. I do enjoy your videos.
Hi Judy - I am sorry to hear that the vestibular issue is so challenging. I highly support your choice to get a second opinion from a neurotologist. They are truly the best doctors to go forward with treatment for Meniere’s because they specialize in treating the ear above and beyond a general ENT. I read through everything you tried, but you did not mention trying Gentamicin injections. Those tend to be very successful for people and are MUCH less invasive than The surgery to cut the balance nerve, which is what I had. THe recovery is night and day. Any good neurotologist would recommend hose before that surgery. The surgery is actually rarely done and the recovery is extensive. Way to go in doing the vestibular physical therapy. I am very disturrbed that the ENT did not do an MRI before treating you. Vertigo has many causes and diagnosing Meniere’s is usually a diagnosis that comes after ruling other things out. THe FIRST thing that the ENT did when I first had vertigo was to order an MRI. I am guessing your 2nd opinion will do that. And if they don’t, I think it would make sense to ask for one. I’m so glad you are here. I understand being tired of being sick. Keep going - one day at a time. I’m rooting for you. Please keep me updated on how things go. Thanks for reaching out!
YES, you explained perfectly, my day to day life. i never know which day I will be able to get up and actually do a few small things VS the days when I have to be careful of the slightest movement of my head because if I'm not, and I move wrong, the spinning starts, then the profuse sweating, on the floor and projectile vomiting quickly follows! the problem I am having is not knowing how to explain this stupid illness to my fairly new, boyfriend. we have only been together 6 months so he's not yet witnessed a full blown meniere's attack so its impossible to wrap your brain around!! i know me and I know my body so I know it is coming...i say that because a few mornings ago, I woke with the fullness and pressure in my affected ear! it only goes down hill from the time I wake with the fullness. How do you guys explain that your deaf but noises are also piercing at times? it makes no sense to the outsider. our relationship is almost over because he has no understanding that when I ask him to stop raising his voice because I cant jump up out of bed and start a full day of house cleaning when I'm like this NOT TO MENTION the yelling does not help my deafness, yet it pierces my eaerdrum! anyone dealt with similar? in any way? how are we suppose to have understanding when most have no clue what we even have? I'm in a bad spot because I just lost my home in a very unfair situation as a person with disabilities! i was a nurse. I worked 16 years in OB/GYN and INFERTILITY! i worked for everything I've had and now my world is in a terrible spin, no pun intended, and I cant firmly stand still to fix anything!! anyone's words are welcomed. anything will help. I'm so alone.
I hate that is how things are for you with your health issues. I totally get what you mean about knowing your body and that a full blown attack is coming. I explain that noises are piercing even though I have hearing loss in that I say that during an attack, my body gets very very sensitive. ANd sensitivity to sound is one of the many things I'm sensitive to - doesn't matter how much hearing loss I have. Even if it doesn't make sense to an outsider, someone who cares about you will respect what you say is true for youand not doubt it. SOmeone who cares about you should respect what you say is true about anything about your body or your health. No matter if it makes sense to them or not. No matter if they can see it or not. If you can't do something - you can't do something - period - there should be no argument. There should be respect. Unfortunately, in my experience, sometimes, we can explain it til we are blue in the face and some people just won't change/wont be respectful. IMO, your boyfriend doesn't sound like someone who is supporting you in this. And you absolutely deserve someone who is - no matter what. I'm so sorry to hear you've lost your home. That is horrible. And I hear that you worked so hard for it. what a loss on top of losing your ability to work! I have so much empathy for you and I can see why your world would feel like it is in a spin. I was in a situation with a significant other where I should've left, but didn't because I couldn't work and was so ill. They paid the bills adn I couldn't pack a bag much less walk out of the house. So I felt I couldn't leave. I wish I had reached out to my friends/family and told them what was goign on and asked for support to leave. I was so embarrassed what they would say/what they would think, so I didn't and I stayed in a situatino that was bad for me. Later, when that relationship was over, they were upset with me that I didn't reach out to them. I'm not saying our situatinos are similar cause Idk, I just want to encourage you, that if you aren't, please reach out to your friends or family for support. You never know what help they could be. I want to remind you that you are worth havign the best kind of partner/boyfriend. And if he isn't giving that to you, its time to move on and find someone who will treat you well. I understand how complicated it is to end a relationship when you're not doign well and the world is spinning. But, it sounds like this relationship might be making things worse because he isn't being supportive when you aren't doing well? Idk. Only you know that and these are just my two cents. Throw them out the window if not helpful. I support you and I'm rooting for you. When my relationship ended and I was completely freaked out and overhwelmed, someone said, "just do the next thing and once that is done, no matter how long, then do the next." And it really helped. Take care of you. You matter sooooo much. (((hugs)))
@@IncredibleAnyway thank you for all of your kind words and wisdom. See, I had just got out of am emotionally abusive relationship of 7 years. Why did I stay for so long if I felt emotionally abused? Because he was there when I had my first meniere's attack, he went through all of the Dr visits with me, the process of getting on disability, the death of my mother, and would ALWAYS take care of me during each attack from then on. Never down sizing the severity. He held the trash can for me to throw up in. He physically carried me and sat me on the toilet...and held me up. He wouldn't leave my side until it was over. He then would put me in the shower and bathe the previous days sweat, tears and vomit off of me! Sounds too good to be true huh? It was. All of that care giving by him went from love to conditioning me to depend on him for EVERYTHING! I was putting up with an alcoholic all because I thought I would not ever be taken care of like that again. And honestly, I haven't. BUT, I've learned that as long as I have everything in place, readily available for an attack to happen, its possible I can do it on my own. Its hard, bit doable. The person I'm with now, for the past 6 months, just don't get the severity because he's not witnessed me at my absolute worst. Words can't explain this disease in the correct magnitude. Family: I have a 28 year old son that I try not to put the burden on that would make him think he HAS to be under me constantly. He worries about me enough. My mom past in 2018. At 76 from C-diff. My step dad in 2015 from pulmonary fibrosis. My brother in 2000 at the age of 35 from hep C being unknown and untreated. My dad in 96 from a massive stroke. That's why I can't contact family. There gone. It makes doing life scary. It makes doing life with unseen disability's scarier! Hugss. Steph
Wow - you hvae been through a lot and gained wisdom yoruself. I can see why it wouldve been really hard to leave an abusive relationship where he was such a good caregiver. Its so true - no one can truly understand how severe it is unless they have witnessed it. The level of disability adn suffering is hard to imagine. Gosh you have had so much loss. I’m so sorry. I can see why not having famiy except your son would make doing life - especially with a disability, scary. I don’t have a partner or children, and I often wonder what I’m going ot do when my parents pass. But one thing at a time. One day at a time. You are such a warrior. Rooting for you. Im thinking of you.
I understand in my own way. I have suffered with debilitating vertigo since 2010. My quality of life is low. It is very hard to keep trying new things- meds, procedures, alternative therapies. I am so so so fed up. Thank you for sharing your journey. My heart goes out to you!
Debilitating vertigo is rough. Hurts my heart that your quality of life is low, but I can understand why. Vertigo is unbelievably hard. Oh yes! I agree- its hard to keep trying new things and sometimes to have the hope that they will work bc we've tried so many. Feels like banging my head against an unmovable wall. Thank *you* for sharing your journey as well. It helps me to know I'm not alone too. (((hugs)))
Oh my gosh, I am right there with you! My journey started for plus years ago in June 2020. Diagnosed in February 2021. Had to stop driving, quit my job, walking outside, using any kind of Technology because the screens make me so dizzy. I basically have no life now. Did all the MRIs and scans, Botox and medical treatments, medication, nothing helps. I totally relate I'm so sorry. I know what you mean, we have no choice but to be strong. Some days I don't know how much longer I can take of this. Tired of pushing myself to do the next thing. I hate exercise now and I used to love it. My name is Rose and I will be keeping you in my prayers.
Oh my heart is with you, Rose. Thank you for sharing your journey so far - it means a lot to me. So much loss and challenge and much to grieve. I see/here you. This is hard. I'm thinking of you and will be praying for you. You're not alone (((hugs)))
Yes Kelly I can relate. But you're doing amazing and you have an amazing channel. 💗
Its so good to know I'm not alone though I hate you experience this too. Thank you - that means so much to me!
@@IncredibleAnyway you’re never alone ❤️
I'm so sorry you're not feeling well Kelly. It's one day at a time with these disorders. Thank you for your channel!
Thank you *so* much for your encouragment. It is one day at a time - and at times even one moment at a time. I am so glad you are here.
I can relate definitely. I began watching your story when I was diagnosed with vestibular migraines and it’s been a little rough. I had a spinal injury in 2010 and had to stop working. I have been through the school of hard knocks. I wanted to mention something and it has taken a little courage. I have commented before and live in Australia. I turn 64yrs old soon and 4 weeks ago I was diagnosed with Level 2 Autism. I always thought in Australia that only children were diagnosed with autism. I guess what I want to say is that somehow some of us have been given some type of gift to help others and the best way to do that is to let others see our life experiences. Listening to what you said about exercising is how I feel about showering and I battle to have a shower due to chronic pain but nothing beats the feeling of warm water on my back. I am discovering so many things and understand for me it is like I have a child inside that at times wants to help me to be childlike and just enjoy my gift and share it with others. I watch all your videos and it’s great to know that this is a safe place to share and encourage so many others. Cheers from Melbourne Australia.🇦🇺🙏
Oh wow you hvae really been through it. Thank you so much for your courage adn for sharing your story and especially with Autism. I'm so honored that you would share your experience here. I hope more and more people will learn that adults can be diagnosed with autism. I know of other people who have been diagnosed as adults and it was life changing and helped htem to understadn themselves better and also accept themselves when society did not. I understand what you are saying about the shower being such a challenge. I'm so glad that you feel this is a safe place to share - that is one of the best thigns yuo could say to me. I try really hard to make it that way. I hope others who have read and will read your commend will be encouraged. It is so important to share our stories because there is someone out there who has gone through similar things as you and needs to hear what you have to say. I'm so very glad that you are here. You've made my day!!
Thank you so much for sharing, I will be praying for you. Laying here in chronic pain from a neck fusion last summer and muscle spasms among other conditions. You give me hope because you keep going!
hi!! Thank you for your prayers. I hate that you are having such significant chronic pain and muscle spasms. That sounds so very rough. I'm sorry the neck fusion recovery has been so rough on top of other things. I still have severe muscle pain from muscles not healing properly post-surgery that I had last year, so I hear you. This is hard. Send virutal hugs. Know your not alone today and I'm saying a prayer for you.
I can totally relate Kelly. Some days it feels like a scourge and some others it is like a heavy burden keeping us from doing things. We did not choose to be ill stricken but we have to endure it. You are very strong Kelly, I know you'll figure it out.
Have a great week!
Oh I like that word 'scourge' as a descriptor. Very approrpiate. I hate that you can relate. You are so strong!
@@IncredibleAnyway Thanks Kelly! Your support means a lot, have a great week!
I so relate. It feels like when you get 3 seconds to celebrate a victory, it’s like ok on to the next line item on the list
Yessss. This exactly!! I couldn't have said it better.
Hello, I previously watched your channel and the last 6 months ive been busy working from home doing prior auths for medical company. I saw your video on your prior auth experience and OMG i felt so bad for you.
Happy to see you got your treatment and hope its working for you.
I had a migraine vertigo attack allday yesterday and its been a while.
I used to think it was meiners disease but turns out mine is perimenopause/menopause related.
Im FINALLY giving HRT a try. I used to pray for my menopause to come. Boy was i wrong. Its more than hot flashes. BUT Bioidentical HRT is safe and i, like you will try anything atleast once to see if it helps.
I wish you well and a successful treatment that works!
God Bless❤
Hello!! I'm so glad you are back! Thank you for validating my hellish experience about the prior auth! It was a nightmare. I did get the treatment adn I am so so glad.
I'm so glad it had been a while since yoru last migraine/vertigo attack. Oh wow that it is perimenopause/menopause related. Thank you so much for sharing that with me! I talk to so many people and being able to pass that along is so helpful. I hate that menopause has been so horrible for you. I hope that the bioidentical HRT is helpful for you. Please keep me updated on how it goes. Sending hugs.
I sure do know how you feel. I’ve had diabetes for about 30 years now and every day I have to think of what I have to eat to keep my blood sugars down and take insulin injections every day, ozempic injection every week and Metformin pills twice a day. I also have arthritis all over my body but I am unable to take meds for it because if I do I will mess up my kidneys. Now in the past two years I have a vestibular issue. I went to an ENT because of ringing in my right ear. No dizziness at that time. Dr said it was Ménière’s disease. So I got 8 steroid injections and went through 2 surgeries which after 2 surgery I started having dizziness 24/7 - not vertigo. The ENT wanted to cut my balance and hearing nerve. I’ve been going to vestibular physical therapy and doing lots of home work. I have not been able to work since May. I don’t understand how this ENT could diagnose me and do surgery on me without doing a MRI or CT scan. I’m going to a 2nd opinion ENT and a Neurologist. I also get migraines. But I am so so tired of being sick and hurting every day and wondering if I’m ever going to get better. I do enjoy your videos.
Hi Judy - I am sorry to hear that the vestibular issue is so challenging. I highly support your choice to get a second opinion from a neurotologist. They are truly the best doctors to go forward with treatment for Meniere’s because they specialize in treating the ear above and beyond a general ENT. I read through everything you tried, but you did not mention trying Gentamicin injections. Those tend to be very successful for people and are MUCH less invasive than The surgery to cut the balance nerve, which is what I had. THe recovery is night and day. Any good neurotologist would recommend hose before that surgery. The surgery is actually rarely done and the recovery is extensive. Way to go in doing the vestibular physical therapy. I am very disturrbed that the ENT did not do an MRI before treating you. Vertigo has many causes and diagnosing Meniere’s is usually a diagnosis that comes after ruling other things out. THe FIRST thing that the ENT did when I first had vertigo was to order an MRI. I am guessing your 2nd opinion will do that. And if they don’t, I think it would make sense to ask for one. I’m so glad you are here. I understand being tired of being sick. Keep going - one day at a time. I’m rooting for you. Please keep me updated on how things go. Thanks for reaching out!
YES, you explained perfectly, my day to day life. i never know which day I will be able to get up and actually do a few small things VS the days when I have to be careful of the slightest movement of my head because if I'm not, and I move wrong, the spinning starts, then the profuse sweating, on the floor and projectile vomiting quickly follows!
the problem I am having is not knowing how to explain this stupid illness to my fairly new, boyfriend. we have only been together 6 months so he's not yet witnessed a full blown meniere's attack so its impossible to wrap your brain around!! i know me and I know my body so I know it is coming...i say that because a few mornings ago, I woke with the fullness and pressure in my affected ear! it only goes down hill from the time I wake with the fullness. How do you guys explain that your deaf but noises are also piercing at times? it makes no sense to the outsider.
our relationship is almost over because he has no understanding that when I ask him to stop raising his voice because I cant jump up out of bed and start a full day of house cleaning when I'm like this NOT TO MENTION the yelling does not help my deafness, yet it pierces my eaerdrum!
anyone dealt with similar? in any way? how are we suppose to have understanding when most have no clue what we even have? I'm in a bad spot because I just lost my home in a very unfair situation as a person with disabilities! i was a nurse. I worked 16 years in OB/GYN and INFERTILITY! i worked for everything I've had and now my world is in a terrible spin, no pun intended, and I cant firmly stand still to fix anything!! anyone's words are welcomed. anything will help. I'm so alone.
I hate that is how things are for you with your health issues. I totally get what you mean about knowing your body and that a full blown attack is coming. I explain that noises are piercing even though I have hearing loss in that I say that during an attack, my body gets very very sensitive. ANd sensitivity to sound is one of the many things I'm sensitive to - doesn't matter how much hearing loss I have.
Even if it doesn't make sense to an outsider, someone who cares about you will respect what you say is true for youand not doubt it. SOmeone who cares about you should respect what you say is true about anything about your body or your health. No matter if it makes sense to them or not. No matter if they can see it or not. If you can't do something - you can't do something - period - there should be no argument. There should be respect.
Unfortunately, in my experience, sometimes, we can explain it til we are blue in the face and some people just won't change/wont be respectful. IMO, your boyfriend doesn't sound like someone who is supporting you in this. And you absolutely deserve someone who is - no matter what.
I'm so sorry to hear you've lost your home. That is horrible. And I hear that you worked so hard for it. what a loss on top of losing your ability to work! I have so much empathy for you and I can see why your world would feel like it is in a spin.
I was in a situation with a significant other where I should've left, but didn't because I couldn't work and was so ill. They paid the bills adn I couldn't pack a bag much less walk out of the house. So I felt I couldn't leave. I wish I had reached out to my friends/family and told them what was goign on and asked for support to leave. I was so embarrassed what they would say/what they would think, so I didn't and I stayed in a situatino that was bad for me. Later, when that relationship was over, they were upset with me that I didn't reach out to them. I'm not saying our situatinos are similar cause Idk, I just want to encourage you, that if you aren't, please reach out to your friends or family for support. You never know what help they could be.
I want to remind you that you are worth havign the best kind of partner/boyfriend. And if he isn't giving that to you, its time to move on and find someone who will treat you well. I understand how complicated it is to end a relationship when you're not doign well and the world is spinning. But, it sounds like this relationship might be making things worse because he isn't being supportive when you aren't doing well? Idk. Only you know that and these are just my two cents. Throw them out the window if not helpful.
I support you and I'm rooting for you. When my relationship ended and I was completely freaked out and overhwelmed, someone said, "just do the next thing and once that is done, no matter how long, then do the next." And it really helped. Take care of you. You matter sooooo much. (((hugs)))
@@IncredibleAnyway thank you for all of your kind words and wisdom. See, I had just got out of am emotionally abusive relationship of 7 years. Why did I stay for so long if I felt emotionally abused? Because he was there when I had my first meniere's attack, he went through all of the Dr visits with me, the process of getting on disability, the death of my mother, and would ALWAYS take care of me during each attack from then on. Never down sizing the severity. He held the trash can for me to throw up in. He physically carried me and sat me on the toilet...and held me up. He wouldn't leave my side until it was over. He then would put me in the shower and bathe the previous days sweat, tears and vomit off of me! Sounds too good to be true huh? It was.
All of that care giving by him went from love to conditioning me to depend on him for EVERYTHING!
I was putting up with an alcoholic all because I thought I would not ever be taken care of like that again. And honestly, I haven't. BUT, I've learned that as long as I have everything in place, readily available for an attack to happen, its possible I can do it on my own. Its hard, bit doable.
The person I'm with now, for the past 6 months, just don't get the severity because he's not witnessed me at my absolute worst. Words can't explain this disease in the correct magnitude.
Family: I have a 28 year old son that I try not to put the burden on that would make him think he HAS to be under me constantly. He worries about me enough.
My mom past in 2018. At 76 from C-diff.
My step dad in 2015 from pulmonary fibrosis.
My brother in 2000 at the age of 35 from hep C being unknown and untreated.
My dad in 96 from a massive stroke.
That's why I can't contact family. There gone.
It makes doing life scary. It makes doing life with unseen disability's scarier!
Wow - you hvae been through a lot and gained wisdom yoruself. I can see why it wouldve been really hard to leave an abusive relationship where he was such a good caregiver. Its so true - no one can truly understand how severe it is unless they have witnessed it. The level of disability adn suffering is hard to imagine. Gosh you have had so much loss. I’m so sorry. I can see why not having famiy except your son would make doing life - especially with a disability, scary. I don’t have a partner or children, and I often wonder what I’m going ot do when my parents pass. But one thing at a time. One day at a time. You are such a warrior. Rooting for you. Im thinking of you.
@@IncredibleAnyway thank you. I hear those words often. 'You are a warrior' I just wish I felt them.
I understand in my own way. I have suffered with debilitating vertigo since 2010. My quality of life is low. It is very hard to keep trying new things- meds, procedures, alternative therapies. I am so so so fed up. Thank you for sharing your journey. My heart goes out to you!
Debilitating vertigo is rough. Hurts my heart that your quality of life is low, but I can understand why. Vertigo is unbelievably hard. Oh yes! I agree- its hard to keep trying new things and sometimes to have the hope that they will work bc we've tried so many. Feels like banging my head against an unmovable wall. Thank *you* for sharing your journey as well. It helps me to know I'm not alone too. (((hugs)))