Would you rather find yourself in the woods with a man or a bear?

  • Опубликовано: 22 апр 2024

Комментарии • 115

  • @drgnearth
    @drgnearth 3 месяца назад +28

    anyone who says bear over man grossly overestimates the malevolence of the average man and the benevolence of the average bear. don't take my word for it; go ask the bear.

    • @nopenope4123
      @nopenope4123 3 месяца назад +1

      male bear or female bear

    • @raze956
      @raze956 3 месяца назад +2

      @@nopenope4123 both. easily.

    • @nopenope4123
      @nopenope4123 3 месяца назад +3

      @poriticul-tk7kj i know at this point i am just shitposting, they wont get it, they cant, shit has to kick the bucket first.

    • @AvoidsPikes-
      @AvoidsPikes- 2 месяца назад +1


  • @ryanwestfall1294
    @ryanwestfall1294 3 месяца назад +21

    It's amusing how she accuses a man I'm completely disregarding the thoughts and feelings of women.
    But here she's a woman, completely disregarding the thoughts and feelings of men.
    Projection much?

    • @siunami6432
      @siunami6432 3 месяца назад

      We're not allowed to have opinions or speak out against these stupid random scenarios or we're "incels," "manspaning," "small pp energy" ... we as men have been making society better for decades giving more and more. But it's still not enough.

    • @redbaron07
      @redbaron07 2 месяца назад +5

      She regards men as sub-human, and even sub-bear. She will care more about the bear's feelings right up until one dismembers her.

  • @billsantospianomore678
    @billsantospianomore678 2 месяца назад +5

    It's amazing how absolutely wrong this woman is.

  • @siunami6432
    @siunami6432 2 месяца назад +7

    All I've heard is, "if a man stepped outside of the patriarchy, treated women with actual equality and respect, things would be different" All my life I've done this, and it still gets me labeled a "creep," "incel," "small pp energy" for what? Because i question this so called "logic" from women? Nah, grizzle grizzle.

    • @redbaron07
      @redbaron07 2 месяца назад

      Treating a woman like a man is the last thing they want. When it does happensto a woman she is often horrified.

    • @michaelmitchel3471
      @michaelmitchel3471 Месяц назад +1

      Nah grizzle grizzle is crazy

  • @elinars5638
    @elinars5638 3 месяца назад +6

    Yeah, nowadays if a man talks to a woman unexpectedly or on the street or whatever, it is harassment and assault even if the man wanted to ask for directions.

    • @redbaron07
      @redbaron07 2 месяца назад +1

      "Excuse me ma'am, is the library down this street?". "I have a boyfriend!"

  • @ReaderViaNil
    @ReaderViaNil 3 месяца назад +8

    There are different kinds of wrong. You can say the sky is green, and that is objectively wrong. You can say the sky is green TO YOU, and while that is impossible to say it is factually wrong, it does imply you are an unreliable point of reference. If you say the sky is green RIGHT NOW for you, now you are asserting an observation, and depending on the context may be an accurate observation. What you can't say and expect to be taken seriously is, that the sky is green now and always, and when others tell you that it's usually not green,you reply by telling them they have culturally constructed eyes and that your experience of green skyes is informed by the green sky statistical report, and although you ahve never seen a green sky yourself, you have absolute certainty the sky is indeed green.

  • @fpspoland6051
    @fpspoland6051 3 месяца назад +8

    Interesting take, definitely that could be the case, that the women in the video are thinking it’s more of a philosophical question rather than an actual question. More on that, the interviews took place in an inter urban area, I can guarantee you most of those interviewed have never been in the woods let alone encountered a bear, I’ve been hunting before and made eye contact with a bear once, this wasn’t like a “can I eat you?” This was a
    “I am GOING to eat you.” Either way my perspective is that a man is a lot easier to kill than a bear. I think you’re way too paranoid if you assume any random person you encounter is going to kill you. If that’s the case, I would look into seeing a therapist.

    • @paulinamckay9018
      @paulinamckay9018 2 месяца назад +1

      Something to consider about the phrase you said “a man is a lot easier to kill than a bear”:
      To use a similar word of this videographer, women are “socialized” to bend, accommodate, submit and this translates to morality as well as legality. It is philosophically immoral to kill a person, but more importantly and rooted in reality is that it is illegal to kill a person. The real life long term consequences of going against the law or other mightier authority is a constant in the mind of a woman.
      Generally, men don’t think too much about the long term consequences of their actions - if they find a need to kill they will do it with less hesitation than a woman. (Generally speaking of course.) Women are more likely to try to run to survive a man attack rather than “kill or be killed”. It is unfathomable to outrun a bear and it’s not illegal to kill it.
      Also another point of contention is you said “you’re way too paranoid if you assume any random person you encounter is going to kill you”. Again it comes from a place of necessary perception. Women are, generally, physically weaker than men. It’s a necessary function to be hyper alert and not at ease around strangers and especially stranger men because if you, as a woman, try to exert power to defend yourself or whatever you might find yourself in a losing position very fast.
      And this is also a learned behaviour because women and girls have been affected and conditioned from young ages (it is usually when these assaults start to happen). So not only are you physically weaker as a female versus male, you are also physically weaker as a child and/or adolescent versus an adult. And that conditions you into your adult years.
      Unfortunately, predatory actions are a daily encounter for women if we step into a public space (meaning not our own safe homes). A general lower ranking assault but higher frequency is stalking which is a precursor to other assaults. Another one is molesting. Physically encroaching the bodily boundaries. When I was 15 a boy who was 14 and 1.5x my height and 2-3x my weight forced my hand open and put it in his pants around his hard penis. We were driving home with what I thought was a group of friends after a hang out.
      This brings me to another point. Women usually socialize in circles. And we expect the men in our circles to be safe from predatory actions. Which is why a lot of men think they get something called “friend zoned”.
      Men on the other hand do not socialize in these ways. They think that any woman is a potential conquest. And they have less care about the social setting of reputation for example (I am obviously speaking generally whenever I say men and women in the plural.) I was shocked when this happened to me but my first instinct was wtf do I do all of these people are friends with each other if I say or do anything to alert them that something is wrong it will be 3 against 1- who knows who will come to my aid, etc.
      There are so many factors that go into why we are hearing a lot of women choose bear over man. But these are a few factors of the psychology behind it.
      Yes the majority of men and women are good. But what a lot of people these days forget is that we don’t live in a hypothetical world of statistics or percentages. “xx% of men are safe, that should make you feel comfortable”. The reality is we live in a world of experience. If I encounter 100 strange men every day in my ride to work or home, and everyday 1 of the 100 exerts aforementioned predatory behaviour towards me, me experience is coloured with the factors that EVERYDAY I have to worry about some random stranger assaulting me. ( I am just giving an example for context of course).
      If I encounter a bear in the woods it won’t be everyday. If I do encounter one on that one day, they will either be starving and want to eat me or scared and therefore vicious towards me and we would come to a physical agreement to go our separate ways. I don’t have to go hiking when bears come out of hibernation. But I do want and have to live and experience public space everyday.
      Therefore I have to be in the alert every single day for any strange men I encounter. This goes for women too but we have more equal footing - less predatory behaviour, more chances of equal strength to fight off an attack alone, etc.
      I can literally go on and on into the deep factors and reasonings.
      I don’t believe people (men and women who are demeaning all these responses) actually want or care to go into the reasons behind it. But just in case someone genuinely wants to know. I hope my insight helped a little.
      Good luck men and women of the world! Life is good for the majority of the time! Find peace and love and make sure you stay safe out there!

    • @fpspoland6051
      @fpspoland6051 2 месяца назад +1

      Im very sorry such an instance happened to you at a young age. My mother was assaulted by a close family member at a young age, and she still has nightmares from it. Taking from that, she does not view every random man she sees as a possible threat. As a man I can tell you Ive been jumped a number of times and understand where people can come from on viewing strangers as possible threats, but to be in constant fear of getting jumped is paranoia and should be treated by a professional in psychology. The basic instincts of a man to protect and defend women, if you are a man in the woods and you see a lost child or woman you’re immediate instinct is to look after them and help them find their way home, not take advantage of, those who participate in acts of sexual assault have no conscience or moral compass, most likely a clinical sociopath. No fear of consequence or regard to others, if you have to force someone into something that should be a turn off. In my eyes what’s more attractive is when the other person actually wants to partake in something with you. That’s how most men view it, as far as “predatory behavior” goes no most men do not view you as something to conquer, they view you as someone who could love them, and someone who they could make happy, providing and caring for. The psychology of the modern man is fascinating, most of them try to enter a relationship with almost every woman that gives them the slightest bit of attention because they simply don’t any get attention at all, the dating market for young men is kinda fucked right now, so the “predatory behavior” is more akin to desperation than predatory. Basically most modern day young men have a low self esteem and will cling to anything that floats believing they have a very limited number of options. Most of my experience with men talking about the “friendzone” is basically them referencing being led on, the way a lot of modern dating works is situationships, “plausible deniability.” You can have a bunch of guys in the friendzone to pick from and when one comes along you actually want to enter into a relationship with “oh he’s just a friend.” I hate to say I have been a victim of this a number of times. Lol
      There is a point where I view most this a psychological warfare from an outside party, think about it, create a divide between sexes by creating conspiracies about the other, making it difficult if not impossible to create a healthy society, demoralizing an enemies fighting force by causing young men to feel isolated alone believing they have no chances of dating, having a family, or even someone to love. Essentially giving them nothing to fight for, spread propaganda against them in media and movies, telling them they’re stupid, unlovable, evil, rapists, and should go kill themselves. Causing the current number of suicides “I myself was almost a victim of suicide” I could not take being depressed and alone anymore, I sought therapy and it saved my life, apparently I had dopamine deficiency so antidepressants helped as well.
      “If you take a minute to think about what’s currently going on, it very much resembles psychological warfare.”
      If you can brainwash someone into believing they would be safer alone in the woods with an apex predator than another human being… then you’ve successfully brainwashed them.

    • @michaelmitchel3471
      @michaelmitchel3471 Месяц назад

      ​@@paulinamckay9018I understand the knee jerk reaction, until you realize that any normal persons knee jerk reaction would be to avoid the bear, not because of statistics (even though they support avoiding the bear) but because we fear the unknown, and naturally feel more comfortable around things that look like us. So the only way to in good faith come up with the man answer in the SHORT TERM, so the people answering random questions on the street, is if you have bad/good experience(which is biased and therefore uncredible, but at least understandable), or are an anomaly in the mental department.
      That brings us to the people making videos who have had time to think about it, or even do research. Aka, rage baiters, people trying to insult men, virtue signallers, and idiots.
      Again, everything your listing are indeed reasons, just not good ones

  • @kev695
    @kev695 3 месяца назад +6

    I don’t get it. Why would you want to be in the woods with a bear?

    • @redbaron07
      @redbaron07 2 месяца назад

      Feminists imagine that if it is a mama bear they can bond with it in sisterhood and the bear will protect them from the men and take them back to their cave and she will play with the cubs and tell them stories and when she returns to the city she will be hailed as the Bear Whisperer and call the bears to chase away the nasty men so that women and bears, and their children and cubs, can live together in harmony and feel safe forever. Or something.

  • @niarlatotepbasset
    @niarlatotepbasset 3 месяца назад +14

    Well, it's logical to pick the bear. I would always pick a bear over a woman. Grizzle, grizzle.

    • @redbaron07
      @redbaron07 2 месяца назад +2

      At least it's a relatively quick death as opposed to the slow strip-mining of your energy and resources.

  • @bluehorizon9547
    @bluehorizon9547 3 месяца назад +5

    How would anyone choose Bear?

    • @nopenope4123
      @nopenope4123 3 месяца назад

      male or female bear btw ?

    • @redbaron07
      @redbaron07 2 месяца назад

      @@nopenope4123 Let them try to check!

    • @MOGHI66
      @MOGHI66 2 месяца назад

      Dumb people

  • @brianclark4040
    @brianclark4040 3 месяца назад +5

    Emotions like birds aren’t real.

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад +3

      Things can be real without being true. Validation vs verification!

    • @chaz000006
      @chaz000006 3 месяца назад +3

      @@brightblackhoney How heavy is green?

  • @kalasatwater2224
    @kalasatwater2224 3 месяца назад +7

    Let's put the answers to the test 😅

  • @bennycaustic5102
    @bennycaustic5102 3 месяца назад +9

    That's just being overdramatic.
    You'll be wanting to take that answer back when the bear is digging its snoot through your entrails while you're still alive.
    Even if the male was going to be physically or sexually violent, it'd be a lot less painful then being eaten alive by a bear. There are videos of that online, look it up. You do not want that to be you.

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад +3

      Most times, you just wear bells or make noise as you hike and bears leave you alone.

    • @redbaron07
      @redbaron07 2 месяца назад +3

      @@brightblackhoney _Most_ times? Reminds me of my friend's teenage son who proclaimed "I could probably wrestle a crocodile and win." _Probably_ ???

    • @gokutvraw2236
      @gokutvraw2236 2 месяца назад


  • @redbaron07
    @redbaron07 2 месяца назад +2

    At 0:40 You had better "believe" than man-splaining is a _lot_ more tolerable to you than bear-splaining. This whole thing is just more anti-male propaganda, and its purpose is not to inform, but to humiliate both men _and_ women, by making the latter parrot blatant untruths in a vain attempt to claim some kind of moral superiority.

  • @Ancient_Hoplite
    @Ancient_Hoplite 3 месяца назад +9

    If you have a problem with a man explaining a male point of view then just skip everything below. Don't worry I wont ask you to quote any of your sources. I speak about the 'good' man. The archetype that a good man would aspire to emulate.
    Men don't view femininity as artificial. It's innate and authentic the same way masculinity is innate and authentic.
    Your beliefs about masculinity are a fallacy based on your misunderstanding and mischaracterisation of the male psyche due to your mistaken belief that masculinity is fundamentally bad.
    We don't see femininity as false or deceptive. Some female behaviours appear superficial rather than femininity itself however that is attributed to differences in psychology and the differences in what men and women value.
    Heterosexual men find femininity to be beautiful, hence they are attracted to feminine women. This type of man does not denigrate a woman's femininity but celebrates it, nurtures and protects it.
    Many men have experienced manipulation and deceit in relationships with women so that is one reason a man would be unwilling to trust, because a woman's word might have been one thing but her actions were contrary to her words. And I'm sure the same thing has happened to many women.
    Also you're wrong about how and why men don't express emotion, it has more to do with how men are socialised and the perceived expectations of society placed upon men. Men experience the full gamut of human emotions, they show their emotions differently because that's what they've been taught is expected of them. Societal and familial conditioning plays a major role here.
    It's not that men don't trust what a woman says about her lived experience but more that they are shocked by it. Again this is due to the difference between male and female psychology. The bear vs man is an example of that.
    Traditional masculinity does allow for flexibility but for ideas that warrant merit and enhance strength, virtue or rationality in the masculine sense. Men have been adopting new ideas for thousands of years and incrementally improving society because of it. If masculine men were inflexible and non receptive to new ideas we would still be in the pre stone age.
    Masculinity does prioritise self reflection. You simply have to read someone like Marcus Aurelius. His meditations are a self reflection of his entire life.
    If a man was raised well, he will will know when to say sorry and when not to.
    I'm sorry that you've never seen that as a woman.
    Im sorry that you think men don't value women's opinions or thoughts. There are plenty of masculine men that do.
    I think you have been fed a lot of BS about patriarchy, masculinity, feminism and you have entwined that with your sense of identity so that you cannot see outside the water just like that fish.
    I wish you happiness and positivity in your life.
    Yours sincerely,
    A masculine man.

    • @niarlatotepbasset
      @niarlatotepbasset 3 месяца назад

      You really think she or any other woman gonna read all that? In their mind ''You're a man? Then, you're wrong.'' 😏

    • @raze956
      @raze956 3 месяца назад +3

      what a great response.
      its a shame that its merit will be lost to a person who very likely has her mind poisened and went through bad experiences, as it goes so often in our time.
      regardless of that i wish you the best of luck on your way further, your way of thinking seems on point to achieve worthwhile goals.
      much respect to you

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад +1

      I don't think masculinity is inherently bad. Where did I say that?

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад +1

      I also like 90% of what you've said here. I wish more men had good models for masculinity and identity, less trauma, and more space to embody themselves healthily and authentically.

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад

      @@raze956 I liked this comment.

  • @anartisticgent5867
    @anartisticgent5867 2 месяца назад +1

    4:59 I've never seen a mine blow up and kill people, so clearly that doesnt happen either

  • @goliathsteinbeisser3547
    @goliathsteinbeisser3547 3 месяца назад +6

    Sorry for the negativity in these comments.
    I think you worded a few things very poorly: 'Men view...' I think it is a dialectical error to phrase critique in such broad terms that it becomes imprecise. Especially feminists should be very aware that there is no such thing as a monolithic group of 'men'. I always cringe a bit when I hear men talk about 'women, amirite?' like that, but I doubly cringe when feminists do the same, because they definitely (should) know better and usually are eager to point this mistake out in others. The way you generalize statements and assumptions about men is a bit sexist, actually. Listening to you phrase your arguments this way makes it hard to engage in good faith and maybe that is where those other negative comments are coming from: You argued that men are basically incapable of self reflection without pressure from other men. That is certainly not true and there is a streak of misandry in this argument. All it tells us (and you) is where your bias is at. You might take offense that I call your arguments sexist and misandrist, but what would you call a man speaking like that about women? Anyhow, I do not mean to be mean. It sucks to put oneself out there and be attacked by anonymous people. Have good one.

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад +1

      For sure. I'm moving content from Tiktok, where there's a lot more context used i.e. videos unpacking when i use generalization as a device, and what I mean when I say "men" or specifically refer to their socialization. I agree with you and really appreciate how you've approached this and me so thoughtfully, in such obvious good faith and with such an ease in expressing and understanding nuance.

    • @redbaron07
      @redbaron07 2 месяца назад +1

      Many women video makers proclaim themselves experts on male psychology - many more do it in relationships, e.g. "You're just saying that because you think...." (and they will imitate a deep male voice mockingly). It is annoying. Perhaps it is due to a combination of the tropes that "Men are simple and easy to understand" and "I really am an expert because I feel like one and all my friends and simps validate me." There are smarter women out there, just not making videos about stuff they don't know about!

  • @maicoxmauler2825
    @maicoxmauler2825 3 месяца назад +2

    Maybe they were Baldur's Gate fans?
    If it's brown, lay down.

  • @MuhammadImHardBruceLee
    @MuhammadImHardBruceLee 3 месяца назад +8

    This is what used to be called a loaded question, but is now considered intellectual debate.
    The woods simply represents an isolated public space, so if we substituted 'woods' for 'empty train carriage' then most women would answer that they have already encountered a random homosapien man when alone on a train carriage and nothing happened.
    The question is stretching to compare a random homosapien man to a wild bear... The irony is lost, that it was once the role of homosapien men to defend homosapien women from wild bears and other wild animals...
    Fast forward to the present day, and there are no wild bears to fear in the cities and societies built by civilised, homosapien men... Now the homosapien women fear homosapien men as if a random homosapien man is now equally as dangerous as wild bears, rather than the next builder of cities and societies...or day I say, someone's son, husband or father.
    Sad times we live, I can't bear it.

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад

      I can’t over express how perfect this comment is. I uploaded a part two that speaks to the point you’ve articulated about the role as men as protector from threat and how that’s shifted to #1 threat in the eyes of women. Bravo

    • @MuhammadImHardBruceLee
      @MuhammadImHardBruceLee 3 месяца назад

      Respect and love from England...
      It's after 1am here, but I will check out Part 2 tomorrow.

    • @paulinamckay9018
      @paulinamckay9018 2 месяца назад

      Hmm… there is a good reason why it is an trending conversation though. While you make an interesting point, and so true that men have now become the #1 threat, I want to point out one thing in your post.
      I don’t think that’s the reality that the women are saying when they choose a bear.
      Being in an isolated space with a strange man does not always result in “nothing happening”. First of all, it’s more likely that some nefarious situation will present itself in the isolated public space with a woman and a strange man. And as I mentioned in another reply on one of these comments, public spaces, isolated or not, are used everyday. (Also speaking of which, just an anecdote: I have been jam packed with many people in public spaces and was still assaulted, isolation really isn’t the key point in why women are choosing bear over man.) if everyday I take the train to get to work and I meet 100 men and only 1 of them exerts predatory behaviour (stalking, molesting, assaulting, threats, rape, murder, etc) I still have to experience that everyday.
      Especially living in a major city where we cross paths with thousands if not more people every day in public spaces. Millions of people take public transit everyday for example.
      A bear seems more safe because we are assaulted daily by men. A bear encounter is less likely to happen in the first place and when it does we are able to assess if the bear is predatory (I mean if you have knowledge of that sort of thing), defensive, or just wanting to go their way and you go yours.
      A man is a human and we have laws over human lives. We have social expectations over human encounters. Women are socialized to adhere to societal expectations including the law. Men are more likely to disregard it in favour of a predatory action because they likely won’t get reprimanded for it. They also take more risks in their actions towards whatever goal they have (in this case being a predator).
      We choose bear because our experiences have been that even if 1% of men and women are bad apples, we experience that 1% often. It’s a reality we are forced to endure when living in the type of society we do now.
      My first experience of “being prey”is hard to even recall because there have been so many even at a young age.
      We are taught that our private parts are private and sacred. Yet boys continuously assault us (nurture or nature, or both, who knows?)But the point is we have expectations that we won’t be assaulted - that there is such thing as consent- that there is such thing as respect and honour- because we are human beings).
      If we don’t have that then let us all debase to lawlessness. Law is a code that humans agree to abide by. That is one thing what separates us from other animals. We all want freedoms and peace.
      But to get back to my point, a boy who I trusted , close family friend, pulled down my shirt and exposed my budding breasts at 12. That is indecent to say the least but at the most that boy did not even acknowledge or respect our family friendship, and on an individual level did not respect that I was a person! We are individual beings we require communication and consent to allow people in our personal spaces. we have bodily autonomy!
      At 10 a group of boys (9-12) in my school ganged up on me and dragged me down to the ground where they all jumped on me and tried to sexually assault me. I was saved by a friend and it was broad daylight in a public park!
      You have to understand I thought these were my respected peers, social circle, my friends, trustworthy people. (Women have a higher regard for this type of defining relationship and also are quicker to mature towards understanding this type of social relationship) Do you understand what happens when such an event occurs? it breaks down the trust of a person towards the outer world.
      There are so many encounters that I and many others have experienced daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, at some point in our lives.. When I was 13 a boy in my school who I thought was a friend physically held me so that I could not escape and put his hand up my skirt to do something. Luckily I didn’t find out what as I was able to donkey/horse kick them in their private area which got them to let me go and I was able to run away.
      As we grow older the type of encounters get worse and worse. and now not just from boys but also from men even though we are still girls!
      Personally, my assaults have accumulated and they got progressively worse including rape.
      Anyways, it js appalling to me that this is even a debate in anyone's eyes. it js not a debate. it is an accumulation of the horrors and realities that the vulnerable of our society have to face.

    • @MuhammadImHardBruceLee
      @MuhammadImHardBruceLee 2 месяца назад

      Let's start with this: In the USA 0.0026% of women are sexually assaulted or raped each year... In the UK it's 0.0020%...
      With all due respect, the debate is ridiculous... Please, go ahead and choose the bear.
      This desperation to split women into 'good' and men as 'bad' is also ridiculous... A man is also statistically more likely to die at the hands of a woman than a bear, but that doesn't mean I would choose to encounter a bear.
      The difference here is emotional rationale vs logical thinking... Your personal (anecdotal) argument can be boiled down to "No bear has ever hurt me, so I choose the bear..." Whilst your fear can be rationalised, it still biases your thinking.
      Remember, the question is 'a man' or 'a bear'... And the ridiculous conclusion of a surprising number of women is that a random man is more likely to be a threat than he likely to be a good man (this is statistically ridiculous)...
      It is telling that your comment is largely your own experience, and ignores the negative impact of a debate that labels **all** men as the #1 threat.
      Your view also ignores and millions of men gave for lives for society to reach this point where you can ride a train and not walk through woods filled with dangerous wild animals... Your view also ignores the millions of men who helped society arrive at a point where the #1 threat to any person is another person (and in a myriad of ways)...
      Would a man in the woods rather bump into his wife or a bear? The bear might attack, but his wife is definitely taking half...can have another man's kids, leave him if/when he runs out of money...etc. etc.
      I do not condone any violence you have experienced, neither can I condone you extrapolating anecdotal evidence into an argument that disregards factually statistics, probability and empirical data.
      If a woman was being chased by a bear, would she rather bump into a man or another bear?

  • @AvitaBeckling
    @AvitaBeckling 2 месяца назад

    Is the man single, loyal and want an actual relationship?? if not ill take the bear too heh

  • @ljeans531
    @ljeans531 2 месяца назад

    They are still not listening...

  • @redbaron07
    @redbaron07 Месяц назад

    Would you rather be locked in a windowless room with a woman or a venomous snake? Same energy.

  • @TomassHole
    @TomassHole 3 месяца назад +10

    Just because you have a gender studies degree and can romantically spin a bunch of big impressive academia words into a string of thesus-speak, doesn't mean what you say isn't completely incorrect. Just because somebody ask a group something, and they answer incorrectly, doesn't 1) make the group's collective answer less incorrect and 2) make the question asker hate that group of people; in this case women . Yes. It is objectively stupid if you'd rather encounter a bear than a man in the wild, in every permutation of the thought experiment, which is why it was asked. If you argument is "most bears are completely safe" -yes you are correct. But I didn't specify the bear. YOU are rolling the dice that the bear that it winds up being is a young black bear instead of a mother grizzly bear or even a polar bear, which HAPPILY eat humans. Yet you fail to acknowledge you might roll the dice on the man in the wild an encounter, say, a father 75% of the time, an old man 50% of the time, or a completely rational normal man that doesn't rape the INSTANT woman is alone 99.999% of the time. No instead your fear concluded the conclusion for you, instead of your rational risk assessment machine in your brain. If we took every human and every bear on the planet, and put them in a gumball machine and randomly spat out 1 of each until either a human man raped/killed you or a bear killed you, you hit bear first 99.9% of the time. In addition, the argument "not all bears" is the same parallel as "not all men, so you're making a cancel-out equivalency. Just because you as a woman have been socially conditioned to be terrified of men doesn't make the REALITY that men on mass are to be terrified of. Bears AND men rarely attack humans. Though there's usually a thousand man to woman interactions every second of every day with no incidence whereas bear to man interactions are 1/10000th of that, so of course bear attacks "seem" rare. If there was 8 billion bears though, bear attacks would FAR outspeed rape and murders. And you know what, let's go hard on this. Let's even take it to the most absurd extreme and say, you will get an angry mother grizzly bear or a hungry polar bear, and you WILL get a rapist. Well I don't know about you but I'd still rather be raped than fucking killed and eaten. I don't know when rape became a worse fate than murder in the social zeitgeist but I suspect it's because it's a fate women exclusively suffer, and because men are murdered far far more than women and caring about murder would mean caring about men, which women don't so "rape" just even sounds more skin crawling to read and type than murdered to killed. To conclude my point, calling an illogical conclusion illogical is not misogyny or a deep seated toxically masculine upbringing prioritizing the male perspective and not seeing women's opinions as valid, or whatever feminist spin you need to put on women being objectively wrong, or better yet being allowed to be objected to as objectively wrong; after all if women are equal to men, then they should be able to substantiate arguments just like men, and have equal right to be called out for having stupid opinions, and have equal opportunity to be the clearer dumber opinion in any argument, which in this case, it is. But hey maybe tell the bear that and she'll bearly rip you to shreds. Be reflective of her emotions than you must die now, I'm sure that'll work on the wild animal instead of a regular old human in the forest

    • @nozone2k6
      @nozone2k6 3 месяца назад


    • @1Plebeian
      @1Plebeian 3 месяца назад

      Idk man, I'd bet you are talking to a brick wall. Let these girls be. Let them spin up their hatred and suffer on their poison that they mean for us. These types of demented pov's are rarely the result of an earnest individual's efforts. They need reality to check them. Any "mansplaining", even if effective, I think is just delaying their confrontation with their root disease.

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад

      How can you answer an opinion focused question incorrectly? It’s an opinion. Opinions are subjective, not factual

    • @fuckamericanidiot
      @fuckamericanidiot 3 месяца назад

      ​@@brightblackhoneyOpinions can be objectively irrational and ill-founded.
      They aren't equal.
      People have ignorant opinions.
      Like 100% of modern feminists.

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад

      @@fuckamericanidiot only a Sith deals in absolutes

  • @rabiadoker1398
    @rabiadoker1398 3 месяца назад +6

    I was here just for the title, but I actually like the content.

  • @jonjonas9020
    @jonjonas9020 2 месяца назад


  • @user-ey7mu2dz9c
    @user-ey7mu2dz9c 3 месяца назад +1

    Cite sources!!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist

  • @byronwilliams7977
    @byronwilliams7977 3 месяца назад +10

    Your response was remarkably poor.

    • @byronwilliams7977
      @byronwilliams7977 3 месяца назад +3

      @poriticul-tk7kj it's like wow. Man or woman in the woods, the bear is going to EAT YOU!

    • @nopenope4123
      @nopenope4123 3 месяца назад

      is it a male or a female bear ?

  • @brianclark4040
    @brianclark4040 3 месяца назад +2

    This guy’s fake question is pointless. That said, (1) most men encounter situations where women say things that are vague, purposefully deceptive, or plausibly deniable. As a result many men have difficulty believing things that women say. (But, yeah men flat out lie all the time). (2) men usually experience negative reactions at an early age when they are expressive with their emotions - often from other females in care giving positions like mothers and teachers.

    • @raze956
      @raze956 3 месяца назад

      "But, yeah men flat out lie all the time"
      what kind of males do you have around? where tf did i end up on this channel, only lost souls wtf

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад

      This totally makes sense to be. I think this is important insight, thanks for adding it

  • @Duloooo
    @Duloooo 3 месяца назад

    Don't take this wrong but I already like you. Like in terms of respect, I like and respect the fact that you're able to voice your stance and observations with total respect.
    I agree with some points, disagree with some and I'd actually love to have a conversation with this with someone like you.
    I love seeing people being into things like this (gender differences) AND being so down to earth, civil and curious.
    Keep posting, I've just subscribed.
    Also, if you ever want and are able to I'd love to have a discussion about this, maybe both of us can learn something from each other.

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much. I work really hard to speak from the "I" and name when I'm using generalisation and state the intent/purpose. I'd love to discuss. I really appreciate your openness and your willingness to engage in the nuance.

    • @Duloooo
      @Duloooo 3 месяца назад

      @@brightblackhoney thanks for reply! Same goes for you. Where can we discuss? I'd love to have a video or audio discussion because as you've noticed voicing your opinion on stiuff like that would be a huge wall of text that'd be pretty hard to read and easy to missinterperet.

  • @aronedmondz3689
    @aronedmondz3689 3 месяца назад +2

    I hope you see the bear 😂

  • @sawyerk641
    @sawyerk641 3 месяца назад +5

    The other thing I would add to this question is that it's also men just assuming that women couldn't possibly know what to do when approached by a bear. I feel like those kind of "camping/survivalist skills" are heavily masculinized, but the fact is that there's very clear procedures for how to get out of a bear encounter without conflict. It's a risk, but my guess would be that most women are weighing that against the comparative unpredictability of a strange man, because you know what a bear wants from you; it wants food, and it wants to feel safe, and it might want to protect it's kids. It's clearcut in a way that people aren't.

  • @Gettothegone
    @Gettothegone 3 месяца назад

    Is this the Rachel woman from Washington state?

  • @kerw321
    @kerw321 3 месяца назад +1

    Im a man and picked bear cause ive never seen one in the Wild you picked bear because you are probably thinking the worse from such man you meet in the forest get some help

  • @TLW369
    @TLW369 3 месяца назад +1

    Well, preferably neither! 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад +3

      Excellent answer😂 also maybe we don’t need to have so many analogies comparing men to animals or predators in general

    • @TLW369
      @TLW369 3 месяца назад

      …that part. 🙃

  • @nopenope4123
    @nopenope4123 3 месяца назад +5

    dont u have anything better to do

  • @chelsea7755
    @chelsea7755 3 месяца назад

    Bear bear bear

    • @raze956
      @raze956 3 месяца назад +2

      so you like a dangerous wild animal over someone that 99,99999% gives you a short look and then goes away. good luck with your bear 😂

  • @tofu_golem
    @tofu_golem 3 месяца назад +2

    Women: "I would rather be startled by a bear."
    Male response 1: "Obviously, women feel threatened. What can I do to make women feel safer?"
    Spoiled prince response 2: "Obviously, those women are wrong about what they feel and what they want."

    • @brightblackhoney
      @brightblackhoney  3 месяца назад

      You ran head first into the point and got it!! 🎯🎯🎯

    • @fuckamericanidiot
      @fuckamericanidiot 3 месяца назад

      I would rather be startled by a bear than attacked by a man too.

    • @fuckamericanidiot
      @fuckamericanidiot 3 месяца назад

      Spoiled prince? 🤨
      You're a very silly goose.

  • @A_Womans_Worth
    @A_Womans_Worth 3 месяца назад

    I just know for a fact that a bear wouldn’t have enough in common with me to try and outsmart me and take advantage of the fact that that no one can hear me scream in the woods, the worst they’ll do is kill me and eat my body to continue living. A man on the other hand, wants to take my free agency and violently use my vessel for his pleasure taking and I know that just from personal experience of living my life; that is indisputable. While I’d say physically, a bear is more dangerous, a man is more dangerous yet in that his intellectuality is aimed at getting what he wants from me, a smaller being whom he’s convinced he can coerce and take advantage of. No cap.

    • @darkraft1020
      @darkraft1020 3 месяца назад +4

      Or it was just a friendly hiker, enjoying nature...

    • @A_Womans_Worth
      @A_Womans_Worth 3 месяца назад

      @@darkraft1020 if that’s what you call it

    • @darkraft1020
      @darkraft1020 3 месяца назад

      @@A_Womans_Worth Wow.. Yes every man is a murderer trying to get you.. It's all about you! we cannot keep our hands off you! .... How do you even function in the world?

    • @raze956
      @raze956 3 месяца назад +5

      "A man on the other hand, wants to take my free agency"
      sure, all we think when we see a woman is to take advantake of her and take away her freedom. things like sympathy, joy, genuine interest / desinterest etc dont exist in your world do they? maybe dont confuse your own experience with the majority of males, thank you.
      "that is indisputable"
      if that was the case than you would not be able to walk the streets even a few metres.

    • @A_Womans_Worth
      @A_Womans_Worth 3 месяца назад

      @@raze956 I don’t go anywhere feeling safe, and that is an undisputably direct result of my experience of EVERY man I’ve been with. They rarely have the emotional capacity for me to be more than a slave helper in their eyes. They have never given me the impression that their romantic advances were for anything other than to lie and gain access to my body. If you can’t hear my experience, you’re likely part of the problem.