Dear brothers and sisters currently I am in extreme physical pain due to health problems I have pain in my muscle pain in the lower back I can’t run and can barely walk I will be very grateful to you if you pray for me it will help me thank you very much and may Allah bless you all for your kindness
NEVER question what الله does. HE sees and knows everything that going on in this world. We have to be patient with whatever decision HE makes and at HIS time, not ours! victory for GAZA all who are suffering around the world will prevail soon by HIS mercy. Keep making sincere dua, dhikr and prayers. Please muslims, O you who believe! انا لله وانا اليه راجعون (from الله we come and to HIM we shall return).اللهم امين
Shaddad bin Aus narrates: The Prophet ﷺ, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “The most superior way of asking for forgiveness from Allah is: اللّٰهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّي، لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ، خَلَقْتَنِيْ وَأَنَا عَبْدُكَ، وَأَنَا عَلَى عَهْدِكَ وَوَعْدِكَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُ، أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا صَنَعْتُ، أَبُوءُ لَكَ بِنِعْمَتِكَ عَلَىَّ وَأَبُوءُ لَكَ بِذَنْبِيْ، فَاغْفِرْ لِيْ، فَإِنَّهُ لَا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوْبَ إِلَّاأَنْتَ Allahumma anta Rabbi la ilaha illa anta, Khalaqtani wa ana ‘abduka, wa ana ‘ala ‘ahdika wa wa‘dika mastata‘tu, a‘udhu bika min sharri ma sana‘tu, abu-u laka bini‘matika ‘alaiyya, wa abu‘u laka bidhanbi faghfirli, fa-innahu la yaghfirudh-dhunuba illa anta O Allah, You are my Lord; There is no Diety except You. You created me and I am Your servant. And I abide by Your oath and promise [that I may honour it] to the best of my ability. I seek refuge with You from every evil I have committed. I acknowledge Your favour upon me and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for surely there is no one who can forgive sins except You. (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Sub Han Allah, May Allah grant peace and unity between the umma and the family we have. May Allah reunite hearts ameen and unite good with good between husbands and wife’s and family that had unity in the past. May Allah keep away evil and grant us victory over the open enemy ameen. Glory be to our king Allah glory be to our king Allah that is our provider glory be to our king and master Allah sbt. I am grateful to you Allah that you are the power you are the might that I rely on glory be to you Allah for your mercy and love ❤️ 💕
“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:1-10
As long as it's not something I've done to earn Allah's anger, I'll firm my tests, inshaAllah... I just need confirmation that I haven't done anything wrong 🤲🏾 It's not the test itself.
We don't deserves Allah's forgiveness and yet he accepted us with open arms whenever we come back. 🇵🇸
I knew this well before Palestine was getting attack. We don't deserve 😢Allah love.
It’s so true
'When the world puts you to your knees,you are in a perfect position to pray.'
Dear brothers and sisters currently I am in extreme physical pain due to health problems I have pain in my muscle pain in the lower back I can’t run and can barely walk I will be very grateful to you if you pray for me it will help me thank you very much and may Allah bless you all for your kindness
May Allah give you ease Ameen Rabilalameen
May Allah heal you
May The Almighty ease your Pain and give you quick recovery 🙏
O my ALLAH(ﷻ) , protect the oppressed Palestinians 🇵🇸 and unite all Muslims against the devils, Ameen. 😭🕋🤲
.... .... ....
@@mercifuleyes.x1763 JazakALLAHﷻ khair🌹
*This channel has been instrumental in deepening my understanding of Allah and the mysteries surrounding our faith*
NEVER question what الله does. HE sees and knows everything that going on in this world. We have to be patient with whatever decision HE makes and at HIS time, not ours! victory for GAZA all who are suffering around the world will prevail soon by HIS mercy. Keep making sincere dua, dhikr and prayers. Please muslims, O you who believe! انا لله وانا اليه راجعون (from الله we come and to HIM we shall return).اللهم امين
Thanks brother, Alhammudulillah may Allah bless u
جزائی اللہ عنا محمد صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم ما ھوا اھلہ ❤
salla Allah alaihi wa salam
allahuma ameen
Allah bless you and your team good work 👍
Shaddad bin Aus narrates:
The Prophet ﷺ, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
“The most superior way of asking for forgiveness from Allah is:
اللّٰهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّي،
لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ،
خَلَقْتَنِيْ وَأَنَا عَبْدُكَ،
وَأَنَا عَلَى عَهْدِكَ وَوَعْدِكَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُ،
أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا صَنَعْتُ،
أَبُوءُ لَكَ بِنِعْمَتِكَ عَلَىَّ وَأَبُوءُ لَكَ بِذَنْبِيْ،
فَاغْفِرْ لِيْ،
فَإِنَّهُ لَا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوْبَ إِلَّاأَنْتَ
Allahumma anta Rabbi la ilaha illa anta, Khalaqtani wa ana ‘abduka,
wa ana ‘ala ‘ahdika wa wa‘dika mastata‘tu,
a‘udhu bika min sharri ma sana‘tu, abu-u laka bini‘matika ‘alaiyya,
wa abu‘u laka bidhanbi faghfirli,
fa-innahu la yaghfirudh-dhunuba illa anta
O Allah,
You are my Lord;
There is no Diety except You.
You created me and I am Your servant.
And I abide by Your oath and promise [that I may honour it] to the best of my ability.
I seek refuge with You from every evil I have committed.
I acknowledge Your favour upon me and I acknowledge my sin,
so forgive me,
for surely there is no one who can forgive sins except You.
(Sahih al-Bukhari)
-جزاك اللهُ خيرً.. .
-جزاك اللهُ خير.. .
Sub Han Allah,
May Allah grant peace and unity between the umma and the family we have. May Allah reunite hearts ameen and unite good with good between husbands and wife’s and family that had unity in the past. May Allah keep away evil and grant us victory over the open enemy ameen.
Glory be to our king Allah glory be to our king Allah that is our provider glory be to our king and master Allah sbt. I am grateful to you Allah that you are the power you are the might that I rely on glory be to you Allah for your mercy and love ❤️ 💕
Palestine can never be gone! Inshallah
*In the realm of certainty and hope, Insha Allah, the author's words echo promises of truth. Who's eager to see them materialize? 🌈📜*
❤❤❤❤.The Day of Judgment has begun. ❤❤❤.
Ring the alarm b4 the horn is blown, amen.
“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:1-10
No thanks we dont believe god came out of a human womb
Actually, I blame the satan not Allah. Cause the whisper is true. No lie
What's that gift?
A difficulty that brings you closer to Allah.
Don't worry Allah isn't real but JESUS GAVE THE ALTIMATE gift died and ROSE again for you That your sins may be forgiven that gift is for everyone
Barack'Allah oufik i know what i must do 🤍
As long as it's not something I've done to earn Allah's anger, I'll firm my tests, inshaAllah...
I just need confirmation that I haven't done anything wrong 🤲🏾
It's not the test itself.
salla Allah alaihi wa salam
allahuma ameen