Hahahahaha exactly. That reminds me of 3 seasons ago when I started at Bronze 3 (I had no idea, I mained support at that time and went 8/2 out of provisional). Thought it's gon be ez to get out of Bronze coz my friends are mostly plat/gold players and we play together alot. Turns out it's not since my friends are at least Gold, they can't queue with me. I had to solo my way out and in the end it took me over 70 games to get to Silver 5 and I was forced to become a Mid laner since Support is really just useless in Bronze with at least either 1 afk/1 toxic&trolling EVERY FUKING GAME. Then 50 more games I reached Gold, playing support. I stop there since Gold5 is enough to get the season reward. And that's the only season I played more than 100 ranked games (~140 if I didn't remember wrong). After that season I would normally start at Silver 1-3, and it usually took less than 40 games to get to Gold and no need to touch Solo queue anymore. TLDR: FUK BRONZE TIER
A challenger saying "This is why bronze is easy, I am not even playing my champs"... Bro, thats like a MMA fighter beating up a 3 year old girl and saying "this is why beating up a 3 year old girl is easy, I am not even throwing my hardest punches"
players in bronze and silver are very easily tiltable and they are most of the time giving up so if 1 mistake happen they throw the game and stop trying once this jg bannned yasuo swain throwed the game and started thinking that poppy doesnt want to win and the game isnt winnable u got me?
@@rishijoshi6096 he could've done many things differently to win the game, a true challenger has 1% chance to lose against bronze 5, unless his teammates went afk. But for jaysea, he can reach diamond mid or low in NA and perhaps EUW. Cuz he seems like a diamond player not a challenger, cuz if that is challenger then EUW diamonds r all challenger now lel
@@finnschmidt861 I was talking about inting and trolling teamates. 2 games ago, I had a sion jungle that stayed toplane and ran it down all game. Ended 0/21.
Swain is trolling because he doesn't like poppy, Poppy is trolling because swain is inting, Vayne isn't trying because they're trolling, and blitz was following the hyper carry all game. Bronze.
because is the shitty world of low level players, just look at that "players" a guy dying again and again x-x man! you can´t rescue that kind of people...
Remember I still got some accounts in b5 from when I was terrible myself. I went from b5 to gold 5 on auto fill. Time to do something called a "Pro gamer move"
@ Well u also called them a piece of garbage and had a toxic attitude in general. But i still find a perma ban harsh for this, but you probably had bans before that perma ban?
Kamień Wodny Sorry to say, but the ban was deserved. I’d hate to play with you if that’s that’s the way you talk to people. Perhaps you should take a break from the game and put things in perspective.
@@alexyoung245 I can tell you that in my promo's from Silver I to Gold V I had an inting cleanse clarity Mundo top, then the next following match had cleanse clarity Teemo top which was the same person. Then the third game in the promos was an AFK Shaco. Silver isn't even any better.
@@christophertstone I literally have played in B5, and it isn't. Players suck sure, but inters are not that common, definitely not 2 on one team... Anyone who is saying they are is just making excuses for why they can't get out of B5. The real excuse is that you suck...
This challenger is bad ... You don't win games if you don't play agro, even in challenger. Fine, now he has the challenger lvl, but he will never climb if he doesn't play more agro than that, he is a pussy
I think this is a great video and is completely representative of Bronze 5. I tracked 30+ games in B5 and 25% of the games had an AFK on your side. Basically B5 has everything lower than B5 as well. They just can't go lower (next season is adding Iron). The other thing that was typical was the fact the team mates did not go past river. There is a magical barrier that disallows pushing. And finally there is no concept of lane pressure. It is very cool to have posted this.
Well its all about mmr. I got from gold 3 to p3 for the first time in 3-4 days, playing jungle only, and my mmr is like plat 1 and I keep getting 26 LP per win.
Manfred Zwick some days I go without one troll while playing 10+ games that day then other days I get back to back, it’s literally all luck and rng, that’s basically what league is
@@hi_im_griff, almost every silver/gold game I play this shit happens. 1-2 people inting/trolling, maybe not AS obvious as this, but 100% intentionally trying to lose by 1v5ing or similar.
Yeah wtf ! the poppy and the swain need to be ban for life juste for this game !! it's like 50% games of low elo ! Riot need to be rough ! the experience for a new player is so bad with this kind of people !!
As a test, I created a new account and trolled every game to see how long it would take me to get banned. It took me heavy use of vulgarity, flaming, as well as use of racial slurs. And I didn't even get permanently banned, either. honestly, there should be a zero tolerance rule. It's ridiculous how much people can get away with.
people think that you get stuck in bronze because you are bad .. no you get stuck in bronze because you "were" bad when you first reached lvl 30 .. but then you cant get past the best of 3s or best of 5s .. its nearly impossible and its an achievement equal to reaching challenger .. you can get 3 win streaks .. 5 win streaks .. then you get matched with the lowest people in the best ofs .. those who troll and quit .. once i got out of bronze i shooted to plat 5 .. im not saying that bronze players are good .. im saying alot of them are not retards .. they have the ability to learn and become good .. they are just stuck .. real hard stuck beyond what you can imagine .
The thing is - you still play the game as if youre playing against good players. In low elo you just have to simply DO things. You werent engaging into 2 people for example and waited like 10 seconds to do so. Nobody rotates in bronze - you dont have to be afraid of that. You couldve won this game so easily.
It's interesting to learn that a near pro level player comes to lead us through a game, only finding that the biggest issue causing a loss isn't a lack of skill, mechanics, positioning, but decision making - to play the game at all with a unified goal to succeed. This puts into perspective to what players as a community are lacking.
thought the same, it's like a 50/50 russian roulette, you either get shot with int/afk trolls or you get those that atleast tries even though they suck but just the trying ones is the ones that will eventually win :P I prefer to skip bronze by going premade, cuz fk dat :P
This swain trying to justify being bad and inting by end of season coming up it's 12 year olds like that why I don't play anymore and just watch. In his mind though he thinks he's right. There will never be a tier low enough for people like that haha
lmao he said go next and that he doesn't wanna waste his time but inting is wasting so much more time if he just played he would have at least had more fun and they would have won earlier than they did smh
@@CryptoLightskin thats was a stupid play thats all no one said they were better than him he was just overconfident and then built up this excuse to compensate he just should have admitted it
That guy you think he can predict when does a bad player flash? He does not even belong to that elo he cannot tell when will these weird ass players are gonna flash. You’re actually stupid.
2 people, hard inting is actually very common. I'm a booster and about half of my clients are in bronze 5. 90-95% of the time at least 1 of the 9 others is afk or inting. Over 50% of the time it is multiple people (2 or 3). I've even encountered inters on opposite teams walking right past each other to dive the other's turret.
I have boosted accounts on all elos and this happens even in challenger xD. I guess it start to happen less frecuently after diamond 3 because all the boosteds keeps around D3 or D4 to play one game weekly and get the end seasson reward without drop to Plat and they finish the seasson at D5. You can easily get over 70 kills at B5. The only problem it's the highQ time. I have been waited 1:45 mins to get into game and they still leave, disconect at load screen etc. My clients where 90% from bronce 3 to silver 3. They usually want to get gold for the skin, plat to play with friends or diamond to improve playing against better players.
It's possible to 1 vs 5 in that elo, but u can't 1 vs 9. If your mates are bad, but atleast they try to play passive and die as less as possible, that's good, It means you will be the attention so by pressuring lanes you will create space for them cuz the enemy will chase you, even if they can't kill u.
and? the ult can be still importend in a fight it could be crucial . The enemys dont wait 20 sec cause blizt wasted his ult but u dont understand cause u fk silver
all these salty bronze players saying a challenger is wrong, that's why you guys are hard stuck and he consistently makes challenger. Game knowledge and macro, figure it out hahahahahaha
You know, this is probably the same type of guy whos advice to bronze players to get out of bronze is "There is no such thing as elo hell just carry your team its easy." Meanwhile, a literal Challenger is going against a bronze top laner. "Git gud haha this game is easy."
this is a rare occurance, the number of smurfs as appose to non smurfs is so low that a game like this makes little to zero difference. If youre stuck in bronze its your own problem. I was literally placed in bronze at the start of S8 (my first season btw) and ended diamond. So yes there is no such thing as elo hell.
If some one is just hard stuck bronze while actually trying to rank up, be very honest I don’t think league is their type of game. You actually need to try really really hard to lose a lane in Bronze, and by saying “carrying your team” is pretty much convincing your team to try not to feed and stay in group while u go split push.
@@GGWP-gm5cq Yeah and after 10 games youll find 1 team that will actually not int. Everyone else in Bronze ints and doesn't even know what that means. Literally Ill type "stop inting top" and I've gotten responses many times of "What does that mean????"
I don't mind when people give up in ARAM or Normal, but in Ranked - that kind of pisses me off. I think of ARAMs and Norms as practice - try different builds, go off-meta, no when to fold em so you don't waste time. But Ranked is when you take all of that practice and make it as perfect as you can. It's ok if you lose, but don't purposefully lose. There is a difference. Just learn from your mistakes and make a conscious effort to do better. ("Losing is just an opportunity to shine even brighter" - Lux)
@@rafaelmaynezgonzalez8524 lol I can see your league tier by saying support is most lazy roll in the game. jg/spt has to do lot more than just take cs . literally vision control and objective control is all on those two roles
Lol yall act like challengers get extra bonuses or something. He should have 1v5'd easily LOL. Ya right. Hes still just a darius. He doesnt have extra mobility or damage or health just cuz hes challenger.
Yea this challenger plays pretty badly... He doesn't roam enough early and take kills and just push for fast win... He plays this so wrong. In bronze it's easy to win even 2v5 games. They feed you so hard that you just go alone against everyone and penta them easily, then push lanes.. Like .. the fuck
@@NeroKoso but 1v9... i mean thats tricky... and darius isnt the best champ for that, as me mentioned trynda would be much easier and better or sth like kayle
This was my first season playing ranked, since I started league mid season 2017, I started at silver 3, ended up gold 3, played about 500 games. More than 400 of them was just to get out of silver because I got games like this one. Not with actual trolls in team but with people who don't have a clue they have an advantage as a team, let alone use it to win. They don't int, but they literally don't want to win, as you said.
You don't need 400 games to get from silver 3 to gold 5 if you are playing well. I am not saying, silver elo is not an afk and int fiesta but still, a platin/diamond tier player needs way less than 100 games to get out of silver. If you need 400 games to get from silver 3 to gold 5, you are currently just a little bit better than your teammates.
I was placed in Iron 4 recently, and im passing through the lower ranks (currently Silver 4), so this is a very familiar sight to me. I swear, half of the guys stuck in bronze/Iron are just toxic dudes that rage / give up consistently. So many times they just go "gg go next" when the game is still clearly winnable. Like guys, this is low elo - the game doesn't become unwinnable until the enemy have an INSANE lead, like 50 kills ahead with every dragon, baron etc. Until then, theres always a chance. Also another annoying thing is, i'm a Twisted Fate main, and the amount of times I get an great ult off on a side lane and they don't react is ridiculous.
Sometimes Jay plays so bad on other champs than trynd I feel he deserves silver/ low gold. He makes many rookie mistakes despite the long time he has played.
@@kalbz9081 How can you even comment if its the first video you've seen. Its not because of macro. His macro is good. But his laning is very bad from time to time and his champion knowledge is the same. I must have seen 50+ of his videos.
It is actually harder to win games in bronze tho. Im Mid plat but to carry a feeding team is always hard. Doesnt matter if its a bronze vayne that got fed. A full build adc at 26 min is always hard to win against. Just beacuse you are high elo doesnt mean you can 1v5 everyone all the time with item dissadvantage. If you want to get out of bronze then just pick a hardpusher and ignore team (jax,trynda,yorick,sion etc)
says "you wont get this unlucky in your bronze games" . hes clearly never been in bronze. this is literally the reason its hard to get out of bronze, because this happens literally every game. even a challenger couldnt win. smh.
@@Bnguyen276 I agree. ive gotten my account, as well as 3 of my friends' accounts out of bronze. and I'm only gold elo. It isn't that hard. It was actually fun TBH.
It's easy. You get a lot of stuff like this, so does the enemy. If you are good enough you should get out easily with 60 to 80% winrate or you do belong there. Or stop thinking you can climb with a champs that gives you 30% win rate. Try to improve, learn OP champions, etc
It goes like this all the way up to Gold 3 and I haven't been ranked higher yet, so I don't know more about it. It only happens on fewer occasions the higher the elo is.
@@peterderpanda2922 im also gold 3...started like silver 4....but ive never had games were my mates or my enemys were this bad. bronze 5 is something else
the diffrence is in silver the player don't know how to play in bronze they don't even wan't to know how to play in gold they now, but forget a lot, like for example forget to buy magic ressistance boot instead of ninja tabis, if there up against somthing else than yasuo.
Most Bronze even some silver player wants to lose. why? I don't know. All they do is try hard to lose or waste 45 min of the game. they say this is normal so have the right to lose.
@@lapersonneanonime4369 so basically a silver can carry bronze cuz he got out of bronze? geez kid i sayed who can carry bronze not who can make it out of bronze. BTW YOURE JUST TRASH
@@lapersonneanonime4369 and u dont even get the joke so dont write a comment when u dont get it :D this guy was challenger and the bronzes literally kept him down from winning the game
@@ethans1375 D4 buddy aswell does ure answer doesnt give much sense a bunch of mad bronze or wannabe master challenger players here. Ure probably on of them who disliked cuz u felt ofended against ure elo
@@thelastshinobi5002 yeah no I've had so many games in dota with trolling and greifing pudges who keep hooking you back. At least in league you can carry. I'm never going back to that game
I wouldn't say its salty people disliking, just *I struggle to enjoy watching someone beat a player who hasn't got a chance.* If I wanted to learn I'd watch high-level play and see what they're doing If you wanted to show us you could watch a game or guide someone. Instead, this just comes off as you doing extremely well and explaining one or two tips as to why, or you getting frustrated by the inting/failing of either team and I don't personally find that entertaining when there are other channels that either teach more in-depth, or play at a high level and entertain with comedy whilst they do so. I'm sure your other videos are different to this, just this particular style tends to get dislikes unless it's done in a weird way since the whole bronze-diamond/diamond player in bronze video has been done since the start of league but I'm interested in seeing how you'll choose to make it unique
I don't understand the negative replies here. You're offering extremely valuable constructive criticism, and regardless how I feel about it, it's a valid criticism to make. Ignore the assholes.
Is annoying when you have literally no change agains someone implying that challenger vs bronce also recording in porpuse to be the one who rekt someone. "If I wanted to learn I'd watch high-level play and see what they're doing" Then this is not your video. This statement only applies when both of them are similar skill/elo or any kind of referente that both needs to bring some focus. Not an ass plays "im better than you so fk you i'll play like a bot i'll still rekt you".
@@HeavyClaw that's why I made the comment on it, there are bits where he does frame it like teaching like saying why he's going back after an exchange to avoid minion damage etc, yet its not fully a teaching video. By comparing it to being able to watch proper tutorials, or gameplay purely made to be comedic, I was trying to show how it wasn't a video for me and why. That way Jae could understand where some of the viewers are coming from and either choose to take his content in a different direction depending on how he feels about some of the points brought up, or continue because it is content he personally enjoys
@@proudhellene5874 hahaha so *I* am a bronze noob, but you don't even know what a bo5 is?? A bo5 is a best of 5, a promotion series to promote from one rank to another (bronze I to silver IV, silver I to gold IV, etc.)
There is a difference between blaming in your head or voice because your team is shitty but still staying focus in order to win and blaming in the game chat in which you just throw the positivity of your team as well as wasting your time. Of course you can blame your team, especially in this elo where you can see a lot of mistakes, just stay chill enough to realize how you personnally fucked, because it's this reflexion that will get you out of Bronze. In this case, Darius couldn't anything better, which is not the case of 100% of classic Bronze players.
Honestly, I don't care about Bronze 5 players, because they don't care about themselves. You have 3 ppl just hard inting and gave up from the first minute too. Sad really. I'm glad Iron is coming, makes it so that these people will be stuck where they belong.
@@xanshen9011 212,933 Players in ranked on OCE as of typing this to be exact. With 200 of them in Challenger giving me 5 to 10 min queue times. While 20% of the 212,933 are in Bronze giving me a 20+minute queue time among an estimate base of 40, 000 Bronze players.
Reason why I stopped playing the game 2+ years now. I was Plat 2 and when someone could not do anything else they just rage afk or troll. The worst thing, is that riot thinks the framers are the problem. The real problem is the bad players that inspire someone to flame and get angry. For example, you can't be in platinum and not know the basics of mechanics.
Wow 3.6m views man. Even though you going through a rough patch man. You have done so well for yourself... it is hard to not be down. I do not even expect you to try and act happy. But I still remember first watching your tryndamere years ago. I hope you have better luck next year and I am sure you will have man. Keep up the good work
Why i don't play ranked anymore even with 30-0 it is impossible to win up to 100 points + promo every rank. And he says this usually doesn't happen.. this happens 5 or 6 times out of 10 games.
When you cant get out of the lowest elo in the game and still dont realise you are trash... You dont play ranked because you have no skill or willpower pussy.
Right... Because everyone thats creating a smurf now starts in Iron 4. Do u actually believe they are gonna be stuck in there? No hate but people in Iron/Bronze/Silver are so bad its easy to carry 2v8 and most of the time even 1v9 with the right champ.
Darius doesn't use that much of mana, so he can save those seconds to get faster to lane and not lose both farm nor exp. If ur champ uses a good amount of mana u should stay till like 90-95% depending on how much you need.
imagine Christiano Ronaldo playing football against your local 3rd league shitty team, just for fun, see what happens, ends up loosing the game and breaks a leg, says these people can't play football, blames the enemy team for kicking his legs instead of the ball. :)
Imagine being able to 1v5 in league, if this was global elite in csgo they would 1v5 every round since it’s easier to 1v5 compared to league in which skill doesn’t always dictate the winner and 1v5 are virtually impossible
bad reference. You dont have your defenders scoring own goal, FW that just stay outside of the field all game and MF who just waves at the fan all game long. I'm pretty sure CR7 cant win those games even in local 3rd league team.
You people are missing the point. You are delusional if you think you're gonna be hardstuck Iron, Bronze, Silver if you play like this. This guy played Darius phenomenally, and not because of his skill but because of his attitude. He literally almost won a 1v9 in an impossible scenario. If any or you played like this 24/7 aka untiltable, then you'd climb for sure. Yeah he lost this game big deal, but he wont lose the next 10 for sure. Btw this is coming from a trash plat player who was hardstuck silver for 3 seasons until I changed my attitude.
"He played Darius phenomenally" lmao for the "mentality is everything" part ur wrong. There are SO many toxic players higher than Diamond. They tilt, Ragequit and flame and i have it every game. While id consider actually quitting "rare" means every 5th game probably flaming happens 95% of the time. Obviously if ur mentally that weak that u quit every game sure u cant climb since ur not even playing but if theres a certain standard like: Mute all and just play or "only" flame u will still win but only if you have the necesarry Skill to do so. If ur trying to tell me that 5 Challengers who constantly flame in chat wouldnt beat 5 Iron ppl which have a positive attitude then idk man. Play better than the enemy and u will start climbing especially since I would gain 30+ lp per game in bronze and skip most leagues because of a high winrate in those elos.
It's so cool to have this video recommended 5 years later. I know you are doing well with photography, but boy do I miss your relaxed nature and great attitude.
true, in season 10 I had unranked people in their FIRST EVER PROMOS getting queued in my gold 3 account... like I'm not even a smurf, my highest elo was gold 2, why was I getting unrankeds?? it also happened like 4 times when I was gold 4 as well... then you check the teams: enemy team has gold 2, gold 4, silver 1, gold 2 and silver 1... your team? yeah: silver 1, silver 4, gold 2 (me), gold 4, BRONZE 1... so much inconsistency... if you win a couple of games in a row you start getting people with less than 45% winrate on your team, just why?
maybe being more friendly in the beginning and giving helpful pings and chat commands from the very beginning and the people would not tilt like "Blitzcrank, i need you. Come with me. Ult, when there are more than 2 people on you". Poppy and Swain, i really just need you to defend mid. just stay under turret, take no risks thanks." But you didnt. They made really many mistakes and then inted after you ?-pinged them and told them to "play". Like for sure they were trying, but they are just bad. so help them. I really hate smurfs like you. It doesnt matter that you make a video or not, but there are people actually learning the game or being just young kids and this is like their first week of having a pc. How can they ever learn the game, if all those youtubers and streamers come to their games and hard-carry or hard-crush them all the time. its like being a butterfly in a storm. to a certain degree, you actually make them stay in bronze there. their performance, whether they would have given 100% or inting hard, did matter so little. and thats why they just give up. Why would you even try to play when every match has at least one master smurf that rolls them all. its just luck, who gets more smurfs. Sure its just "one video". but Its this video, and then those 1000 of other guys with their just "one week" of bronze and another youtuber that does some sort of a bronze challenge and they probably just feel like the biggest losers in the whole world. why ruin the game for them?
21:25 actually it happens very often. Unless your play or high gold it’s very hard to get out of bronze. You will eventually climb but it takes forever because 1 in 3 games you get an ark because the support killed a siege or stole a kill or your top lane afk because you didn’t gank at lvl 2. Very very common
Classic bronze game, one troll, one toxic, one afk, one noob, one smurf :)
I just cried cuz i remember the bronze days😂😂😂😂
Hahahahaha exactly. That reminds me of 3 seasons ago when I started at Bronze 3 (I had no idea, I mained support at that time and went 8/2 out of provisional). Thought it's gon be ez to get out of Bronze coz my friends are mostly plat/gold players and we play together alot. Turns out it's not since my friends are at least Gold, they can't queue with me. I had to solo my way out and in the end it took me over 70 games to get to Silver 5 and I was forced to become a Mid laner since Support is really just useless in Bronze with at least either 1 afk/1 toxic&trolling EVERY FUKING GAME. Then 50 more games I reached Gold, playing support. I stop there since Gold5 is enough to get the season reward. And that's the only season I played more than 100 ranked games (~140 if I didn't remember wrong). After that season I would normally start at Silver 1-3, and it usually took less than 40 games to get to Gold and no need to touch Solo queue anymore.
Im the Noob
@@cinashi5261 you know what's up. Playing ranked is exhausting so it'd be pretty meh playing for more than the end of the season rewards.
very true
A challenger saying "This is why bronze is easy, I am not even playing my champs"... Bro, thats like a MMA fighter beating up a 3 year old girl and saying "this is why beating up a 3 year old girl is easy, I am not even throwing my hardest punches"
Beating a 3 year old girl is actually much harder than winning in bronze V
He also counterpicked Nasus lol.
Darius has the basic game mechanics nothing special just the q and the passive which gives 250 ad lategame seems balanced xd
DragonRider520 LOL YOU MADE MY DAY
"Why are they trolling?" Well, that's the million dollar question
I don't think anyone except swain was trolling they just didn't know what to do.
players in bronze and silver are very easily tiltable and they are most of the time giving up so if 1 mistake happen they throw the game and stop trying
once this jg bannned yasuo swain throwed the game and started thinking that poppy doesnt want to win and the game isnt winnable u got me?
Bronze players are retardeds
mqnu darius dude that is so true. Im glad to see someone actually understands something
Everyone wonders about this :))
Challenger bronze tactics :
“This is actually good, swain is inting and I can keep getting shut downs”
sathyaman bog brain
Challenger bronze tactics:
Misses out on kills
Wastes flash
Gets crab stolen
And I'm only 8mins in 🤣
Post season 6 players are truly dogsht
Imagine waiting 20 Mins in queue just to get clapped.
Daaayum sun wdym, you can’t carry that well as Darius, even Garen scales better
@@rishijoshi6096 he could've done many things differently to win the game, a true challenger has 1% chance to lose against bronze 5, unless his teammates went afk.
But for jaysea, he can reach diamond mid or low in NA and perhaps EUW.
Cuz he seems like a diamond player not a challenger, cuz if that is challenger then EUW diamonds r all challenger now lel
Daaayum sun he was Challenger in OCE. So yeah, around mid diamond or masters in Euw or NA as a trynd 1-trick
Wait hold up he had intentionally throwers in his team
"You wont get this unlucky in your bronze games"
Ooooh my sweet summer child :)
"You won't get this every game, yo'll get this once every blue moon." Well hot damn it's rainin' blue moons every match.
@@silverlite_wolf yeah, im glad im not in bronze anymore. Then again, gold is honestly just barely better.
@@KayOScode gold is much better than bronze. In bronze you can win almost every game when you play jungle (jgl is the easiest in my opinion)
@@finnschmidt861 I was talking about inting and trolling teamates. 2 games ago, I had a sion jungle that stayed toplane and ran it down all game. Ended 0/21.
@@KayOScode inting teammates dont have anything to do with the elo, they can be anywhere
That swain is a perfect example of someone who will never escape bronze
Lol to espace hell elo from iron to plat 2, just play with team... I mean premade is best thing
@@stefanjevtichh3294 bold of you to assume I have so many friends who play this game too.... Or even friends ...
Fortunately for you guys in OCE server, this Swain hasn't played LoL at all after s8 (he ended at B4 100LP).
impossible, cause if you play this game you have no friends
That swain and poppy are Iron 4 this season for sure.
Swain is trolling because he doesn't like poppy, Poppy is trolling because swain is inting, Vayne isn't trying because they're trolling, and blitz was following the hyper carry all game. Bronze.
Challenger guy plays in Bronze 5: "EASIEST GAME OF MY LIFE".
because is the shitty world of low level players, just look at that "players" a guy dying again and again x-x man! you can´t rescue that kind of people...
Exactly. This dude is silly
Yep. Too busy soloing instead of teamfighting
@@keithputz918 Teamfighting?? WHAT TEAM? LOL Poppy and swain are feeding, Vayne isn't communicating, and blitz is blitz.
Can you even 1v5? Lol
"Bronze is worst than bots, the bots dont die to the towers"
Bronze players Don die like that either
They're new players, This fucking asshole is abusing them and he's flaming them ? That's more like egoism
Random Weeb “abusing” LMAO
@@erenv4371 Who? Darius? The others started trolling before he started killing. Pls dont cry just bc you dont know how to play
@@erenv4371 you think bronze players = new ?
dawg, do you even play league ?
Challenger winrate in bronze: 99%
Plat winrate in bronze: 90%
Silver winrate in bronze: 65%
Bronze winrate in bronze: 0% cuz they always unlucky
you figured it out :D
QuantumPhysics showed the world that 100% WR in iron and bronze is very much possible even in over 100 games
@@geniumme2502 ...
im silver but when i climb in bronze my winrate is 90% at least therefore i must be plat +
I'm silver and I had a 100% WR from bronze 1 to silver 4
not really LOL
Me: choose Top and Mid
Riot: Ah, you've chosen support
@Aaron Yoon same
Elijah Beukers well be prepared to get „jg diff“ everytime you loose :> ( allthough it‘s just better to mute all anyway)
@@obamaprism1277 oh you get used to jg diff and shit like that
Me:chooses support and top
Riot: jungle thats all i can give you
jay: its hard to get to bronze 5
me: *cries in iron 4*
Revenant that’s just sad.
Are you actually iron 4?
@@sully770 of course not
Revenant aw:( I’m looking for iron accounts to buy
Remember I still got some accounts in b5 from when I was terrible myself. I went from b5 to gold 5 on auto fill.
Time to do something called a "Pro gamer move"
Even a challenger can't win in Bronze V .
Riot system is bad.
It's not riot lol, it's the player.
haters gon hate
@@creamqueen27 Suuuuurrrrrreeeeeee
he is a trynd one trick. I am sure he could carry if he was actually trying.
Its 5v5 ....sooo 1v5 is hard even if challinger goes vs 5 bronzes
They even blame the smurf who carries them..
Thats bronze. They will find someone to blame even if they are 0/16
Story time . I was permabanned when i did 20/3 and all i said was you wont get higher than silver
@ sure^^
@ Well u also called them a piece of garbage and had a toxic attitude in general. But i still find a perma ban harsh for this, but you probably had bans before that perma ban?
Kamień Wodny Sorry to say, but the ban was deserved. I’d hate to play with you if that’s that’s the way you talk to people. Perhaps you should take a break from the game and put things in perspective.
this swain talks like he knows what ranking up actually is... LOL
'You're not going to get this unlucky in Bronze.' Lol. You cray. It's literally every game.
It just isn't though, you get idiots who suck at the game sure, you don't get multiple people inting and then hiding from the enemy every game.
@@alexyoung245 You haven't played B5, because it's exactly this every time.
@@alexyoung245 I can tell you that in my promo's from Silver I to Gold V I had an inting cleanse clarity Mundo top, then the next following match had cleanse clarity Teemo top which was the same person. Then the third game in the promos was an AFK Shaco. Silver isn't even any better.
It's not, i play on different bronze accounts and it's just not.
@@christophertstone I literally have played in B5, and it isn't. Players suck sure, but inters are not that common, definitely not 2 on one team... Anyone who is saying they are is just making excuses for why they can't get out of B5. The real excuse is that you suck...
“Challenger player finds out why it is so hard to get out of low elo”
Edit: oh my god thank you guys for all the likes 😱
This deserve a thousand likes xd
easiest game of his life, but everyone bitching you see so hard to get out of bronze LOL
@@MiGvEl060193 As a Darius main myself I'd say I could've won that hes just so used to not taking risks because hes been playing in challenger.
This challenger is bad ... You don't win games if you don't play agro, even in challenger. Fine, now he has the challenger lvl, but he will never climb if he doesn't play more agro than that, he is a pussy
I think this is a great video and is completely representative of Bronze 5. I tracked 30+ games in B5 and 25% of the games had an AFK on your side. Basically B5 has everything lower than B5 as well. They just can't go lower (next season is adding Iron). The other thing that was typical was the fact the team mates did not go past river. There is a magical barrier that disallows pushing. And finally there is no concept of lane pressure. It is very cool to have posted this.
This proves that no matter how hard you fight to WIN, if your team doesn't wanna fight it's a DEFEAT... I love your patience!!! Great video
"You wont get games like these"
I get this stuff in Silver I still...
This happens one in 50 games in silver. Your MMR is either painfully low, you're unlucky as fuck, or you just are overexaggerating,
Well its all about mmr. I got from gold 3 to p3 for the first time in 3-4 days, playing jungle only, and my mmr is like plat 1 and I keep getting 26 LP per win.
Manfred Zwick some days I go without one troll while playing 10+ games that day then other days I get back to back, it’s literally all luck and rng, that’s basically what league is
@@hi_im_griff, almost every silver/gold game I play this shit happens. 1-2 people inting/trolling, maybe not AS obvious as this, but 100% intentionally trying to lose by 1v5ing or similar.
@@GalaxyGeassS2 give us your op.gg and we'll check
This is literally all Bronze games and 30% of silver games. Riot needs to Ban trolls from ranked
Jarid Gaming I concur 100% lmfao
gold too broo..
Yeah wtf ! the poppy and the swain need to be ban for life juste for this game !! it's like 50% games of low elo ! Riot need to be rough ! the experience for a new player is so bad with this kind of people !!
As a test, I created a new account and trolled every game to see how long it would take me to get banned. It took me heavy use of vulgarity, flaming, as well as use of racial slurs. And I didn't even get permanently banned, either. honestly, there should be a zero tolerance rule. It's ridiculous how much people can get away with.
people think that you get stuck in bronze because you are bad .. no you get stuck in bronze because you "were" bad when you first reached lvl 30 .. but then you cant get past the best of 3s or best of 5s .. its nearly impossible and its an achievement equal to reaching challenger .. you can get 3 win streaks .. 5 win streaks .. then you get matched with the lowest people in the best ofs .. those who troll and quit .. once i got out of bronze i shooted to plat 5 .. im not saying that bronze players are good .. im saying alot of them are not retards .. they have the ability to learn and become good .. they are just stuck .. real hard stuck beyond what you can imagine .
The thing is - you still play the game as if youre playing against good players. In low elo you just have to simply DO things. You werent engaging into 2 people for example and waited like 10 seconds to do so. Nobody rotates in bronze - you dont have to be afraid of that. You couldve won this game so easily.
Actually he didnt respect them at all, he thought he can win it without trying so he just gone lazy mode
Sinyster Hughes LOL he was winning in ez mode. It was a 3v7, open ur damn salty eyes
@@Zawoalowany exactly like 6:17 he tried to save his ult causing him to waste his flash
"its harder to get to bronze than chellenger" well. im bronze V and i feel honored.
Haha same
And this is rare footage of a challenger being stuck in Elo hell Bronce V.
"Rito believe me, I'm challenger, I'm just stuck here with noob teams"
It's interesting to learn that a near pro level player comes to lead us through a game, only finding that the biggest issue causing a loss isn't a lack of skill, mechanics, positioning, but decision making - to play the game at all with a unified goal to succeed. This puts into perspective to what players as a community are lacking.
Probably should include "OCE Challenger" in the title so you don't mislead people looking for actual challenger players
Savage but true lol
Oh wtf, i was wondering cause he was just so mediochore. Knew he wasn't challenger
Daaaamn... there it is guys
cant be more pitty, doesn't matter what server u are jesus fuck
lol you dont play much bronze then if you think that's an uncommon game
thought the same, it's like a 50/50 russian roulette, you either get shot with int/afk trolls or you get those that atleast tries even though they suck but just the trying ones is the ones that will eventually win :P
I prefer to skip bronze by going premade, cuz fk dat :P
dude he is a challanger player not a bronze 5 like you and he plays a lot games from bronze to diamond check his playlist dumbass
anhli lol you are getting defensive. Learn to read what he’s saying lmao
@@Legend-ry9iu My dude. Fuck you.
This swain trying to justify being bad and inting by end of season coming up it's 12 year olds like that why I don't play anymore and just watch. In his mind though he thinks he's right. There will never be a tier low enough for people like that haha
Iron division should help weed out those neanderthals
lmao he said go next and that he doesn't wanna waste his time but inting is wasting so much more time if he just played he would have at least had more fun and they would have won earlier than they did smh
in next season they will add Iron rank
the best part was that he was bashing him for trying to rank this late in the season while the swain himself is playing ranked
banned tier should do
"I didn't need to ult, I just needed to flash" LMAO
Jason7128 this guy highkey be doing stupid ass plays sometimes
@@haisers1284 ye fr i do that shit in silver
@@hdkfshkskfe5186 do u think your better than him? i never even watch this guy first video but its crazy how u think he is ass.
@@CryptoLightskin thats was a stupid play thats all no one said they were better than him he was just overconfident and then built up this excuse to compensate he just should have admitted it
That guy you think he can predict when does a bad player flash? He does not even belong to that elo he cannot tell when will these weird ass players are gonna flash. You’re actually stupid.
I actually regret clicking on this video.
@@tauzena6717 walter
Couldn't agree with you more, this was insanely frustrating...
Me too... damn :(
Actually that was intersting that even chalnger cant win in B5
pessimist: damn, my Swain is inting
2 people, hard inting is actually very common. I'm a booster and about half of my clients are in bronze 5. 90-95% of the time at least 1 of the 9 others is afk or inting. Over 50% of the time it is multiple people (2 or 3). I've even encountered inters on opposite teams walking right past each other to dive the other's turret.
And that's on a good day XD
Purin are u like a silver player boosting others out of bronze or what
"what cha doin brotha?"
"nothing mate, just inting ftw"
I have boosted accounts on all elos and this happens even in challenger xD.
I guess it start to happen less frecuently after diamond 3 because all the boosteds keeps around D3 or D4 to play one game weekly and get the end seasson reward without drop to Plat and they finish the seasson at D5.
You can easily get over 70 kills at B5. The only problem it's the highQ time. I have been waited 1:45 mins to get into game and they still leave, disconect at load screen etc.
My clients where 90% from bronce 3 to silver 3. They usually want to get gold for the skin, plat to play with friends or diamond to improve playing against better players.
@@shadowcraftplayer9075 "Diamond to improve playing against better players". It doesn't work like that, sadly for them ^^'
"It's harder to get to bronze than to get to challenger" - Ouch bronze viewers
Or is it a compliment though?
jordan pardi he means bronze 5, upper bronze to silver is avg for most league players
Clouty Boi haha yeah man all good just taking the piss
@@Treycarello Most are in silver/gold actually. Like 75% and then about 10+% is in bronze.
Silver 4 is the average mmr overall, and out of those who play ranked it is silver 2 or so. About 40% are gold or above.
jordan pardi i was actually surprised at how decent the players that werent inting played, i heard bronze was worse mechanically
"This game is easy" *ten minutes later " oh, this game is so hard, lost cause of my team" I see what you did there
Matheus Alcantara I liked your said
He literally had 2 players on his team feeding the enemy team lol
@@SilvoNathan That's what you typically get in bronze and that's why you can't barely get out from there. Better make a new acc
It's possible to 1 vs 5 in that elo, but u can't 1 vs 9. If your mates are bad, but atleast they try to play passive and die as less as possible, that's good, It means you will be the attention so by pressuring lanes you will create space for them cuz the enemy will chase you, even if they can't kill u.
I love how he keeps freaking out about the blitz using his ult to wave clear. Blitz ult late game is like 20 secs...chill out bro. LOL
and? the ult can be still importend in a fight it could be crucial . The enemys dont wait 20 sec cause blizt wasted his ult but u dont understand cause u fk silver
@@Legend-ry9iu pretty sure u r in LOW ELO
anhli it’s late game. Just don’t fight. Lmao 20 seconds isn’t long.
@@Legend-ry9iu My dude. Fuck you.
all these salty bronze players saying a challenger is wrong, that's why you guys are hard stuck and he consistently makes challenger. Game knowledge and macro, figure it out hahahahahaha
You know, this is probably the same type of guy whos advice to bronze players to get out of bronze is "There is no such thing as elo hell just carry your team its easy."
Meanwhile, a literal Challenger is going against a bronze top laner. "Git gud haha this game is easy."
this is a rare occurance, the number of smurfs as appose to non smurfs is so low that a game like this makes little to zero difference. If youre stuck in bronze its your own problem. I was literally placed in bronze at the start of S8 (my first season btw) and ended diamond. So yes there is no such thing as elo hell.
If some one is just hard stuck bronze while actually trying to rank up, be very honest I don’t think league is their type of game. You actually need to try really really hard to lose a lane in Bronze, and by saying “carrying your team” is pretty much convincing your team to try not to feed and stay in group while u go split push.
@@insomniackiller1 Its a rare occurrence enough for there to be over a million videos on youtube of "Bronze Smurf League of Legends."
@@GGWP-gm5cq Yeah and after 10 games youll find 1 team that will actually not int. Everyone else in Bronze ints and doesn't even know what that means. Literally Ill type "stop inting top" and I've gotten responses many times of "What does that mean????"
He litteraly made series going from bronze 3 with terrible mmr to diamond
What suprised me the most was that some of these players had over 1k games and still were bronze 5
willyamacaronie just shows some people’s lack of ability to learn
Challlenger Player goes to Bronze V, is confused.
Imagine playing a game where everyone is a smurf
thats called high elo
league of legends, everyone is smurfing
You sure this is Bronze it seems like Diamond V for me...
D5 and Bronze are one and the same xD
@@JaySea I was not joking without the title of the video it would be literally impossible to differentiated :D
have been in every Elo from Bronze IV to Diamond V and can confirm that it's the same bullshit lmao
this is Diamond in NA accually
@@TheBossDiavolo That is why the commenters saying it's the same saying that shit. Because they know EU Bronze > NA Diamond
I don't mind when people give up in ARAM or Normal, but in Ranked - that kind of pisses me off.
I think of ARAMs and Norms as practice - try different builds, go off-meta, no when to fold em so you don't waste time.
But Ranked is when you take all of that practice and make it as perfect as you can. It's ok if you lose, but don't purposefully lose. There is a difference.
Just learn from your mistakes and make a conscious effort to do better. ("Losing is just an opportunity to shine even brighter" - Lux)
Of course you dont care, you are a women, your destiny is play supp, the most lazy roll in the game xD you depends of your team
@@rafaelmaynezgonzalez8524 lol I can see your league tier by saying support is most lazy roll in the game. jg/spt has to do lot more than just take cs . literally vision control and objective control is all on those two roles
Lol yall act like challengers get extra bonuses or something. He should have 1v5'd easily LOL. Ya right. Hes still just a darius. He doesnt have extra mobility or damage or health just cuz hes challenger.
Pixii Bomb girls don’t know to play lol with all due respect
Pixi why is ur comment so cute lol
11:33 "Maybe the enemy team will afk, too" 😂😂
so can we just take a moment to appreciate that when he was explaining u.gg you could see Tarzan's six tear build LOL
Challenger loses in Bronze 5 and says to Low Elo ppl: its so easy lmfao
it was literraly 1v5 xD or even 1v9 ^^ so the best player cant solo that :( in normal bronze games, he would win all games
@@froznfire9531 no shit sherlock its not about fucking him
@@feelsokayman3959 ?
Yea this challenger plays pretty badly... He doesn't roam enough early and take kills and just push for fast win... He plays this so wrong. In bronze it's easy to win even 2v5 games. They feed you so hard that you just go alone against everyone and penta them easily, then push lanes.. Like .. the fuck
@@NeroKoso but 1v9... i mean thats tricky... and darius isnt the best champ for that, as me mentioned trynda would be much easier and better or sth like kayle
All the questions you asked to yourself throughout the video, have one answer and is always the same:
"Because they're bronze"
This was my first season playing ranked, since I started league mid season 2017, I started at silver 3, ended up gold 3, played about 500 games. More than 400 of them was just to get out of silver because I got games like this one. Not with actual trolls in team but with people who don't have a clue they have an advantage as a team, let alone use it to win. They don't int, but they literally don't want to win, as you said.
You don't need 400 games to get from silver 3 to gold 5 if you are playing well. I am not saying, silver elo is not an afk and int fiesta but still, a platin/diamond tier player needs way less than 100 games to get out of silver. If you need 400 games to get from silver 3 to gold 5, you are currently just a little bit better than your teammates.
bwahahahahaha i got from bronze 5 to gold I in 50-80 games the fuck did you smoke, or you play while drunk ?
I was placed in Iron 4 recently, and im passing through the lower ranks (currently Silver 4), so this is a very familiar sight to me. I swear, half of the guys stuck in bronze/Iron are just toxic dudes that rage / give up consistently. So many times they just go "gg go next" when the game is still clearly winnable. Like guys, this is low elo - the game doesn't become unwinnable until the enemy have an INSANE lead, like 50 kills ahead with every dragon, baron etc. Until then, theres always a chance.
Also another annoying thing is, i'm a Twisted Fate main, and the amount of times I get an great ult off on a side lane and they don't react is ridiculous.
the 'gg go next' mentality exists in every elo, you will always find those types of players with weak mentalities
“I don’t smurf”
Literally the title: Hard snurfing in bronze V
"Oh, I canceled my auto, that's bronze right there" "Oh, I don't need to ult, I needed to flash, I wasn't thinking about his ult, my bad"
The bronze elo is contagious
Sometimes Jay plays so bad on other champs than trynd I feel he deserves silver/ low gold. He makes many rookie mistakes despite the long time he has played.
@@MelbourneMaster i feel the same way
@@kalbz9081 How can you even comment if its the first video you've seen. Its not because of macro. His macro is good. But his laning is very bad from time to time and his champion knowledge is the same. I must have seen 50+ of his videos.
It is actually harder to win games in bronze tho. Im Mid plat but to carry a feeding team is always hard. Doesnt matter if its a bronze vayne that got fed. A full build adc at 26 min is always hard to win against. Just beacuse you are high elo doesnt mean you can 1v5 everyone all the time with item dissadvantage. If you want to get out of bronze then just pick a hardpusher and ignore team (jax,trynda,yorick,sion etc)
says "you wont get this unlucky in your bronze games" . hes clearly never been in bronze. this is literally the reason its hard to get out of bronze, because this happens literally every game. even a challenger couldnt win. smh.
took me 3 days get out of bronze solo. easy man. you just gotta go heavy dmg champs and carry.
fr tho im not in bronze but happen alot in silver too.
I agree. ive gotten my account, as well as 3 of my friends' accounts out of bronze. and I'm only gold elo. It isn't that hard. It was actually fun TBH.
@@filipcresco495 yeah im only silver 1 highest ive ever got. You guys stay bronze cause you guys rage too much.
It's easy. You get a lot of stuff like this, so does the enemy. If you are good enough you should get out easily with 60 to 80% winrate or you do belong there. Or stop thinking you can climb with a champs that gives you 30% win rate. Try to improve, learn OP champions, etc
Blitzcrank: me vayne and dar are the only ones with brains here
Blitzcrank one second later: ults for minions
Blit'z ult has no CD so yeah that's why he's using it on minions
"ok right now its 2 and 9 so it is pretty good" when you are positive XD
He says that these kind of teams are really rare even in low elo, trust me ma boi, not in Bronze V
It goes like this all the way up to Gold 3 and I haven't been ranked higher yet, so I don't know more about it. It only happens on fewer occasions the higher the elo is.
@@peterderpanda2922 im also gold 3...started like silver 4....but ive never had games were my mates or my enemys were this bad. bronze 5 is something else
It is like this in plat 1 too my friend, it doesnt seem to end haha
the diffrence is in silver the player don't know how to play
in bronze they don't even wan't to know how to play
in gold they now, but forget a lot, like for example forget to buy magic ressistance boot instead of ninja tabis, if there up against somthing else than yasuo.
They didnt even want to win
They wanted to loose
i think they're tired of smurfs and dont want them anymore, i can understand
Most Bronze even some silver player wants to lose. why? I don't know. All they do is try hard to lose or waste 45 min of the game. they say this is normal so have the right to lose.
“You won’t get this unlucky in your bronze games”
Legend says that korean level hair also comes with korean level league skills
*deep dubstep voice* "the legends...are true"
@Vašek Vičík korean sized penis? lol... all modern studies on penis size have proved that race is not associated to it.
@@mcestabon Nice try, korean
So then why does he play on OCE?
This is almost as triggering as a low elo blind pick match
if a challenger player cant carry bronze who can?
literally any elo higher than bronze can, you know why ? because they all got out of it, you're just trash
@@lapersonneanonime4369 so basically a silver can carry bronze cuz he got out of bronze? geez kid i sayed who can carry bronze not who can make it out of bronze. BTW YOURE JUST TRASH
@@lapersonneanonime4369 and u dont even get the joke so dont write a comment when u dont get it :D this guy was challenger and the bronzes literally kept him down from winning the game
@@Shidouh are you a mad bronzie or did you just get silver 5?
@@ethans1375 D4 buddy aswell does ure answer doesnt give much sense a bunch of mad bronze or wannabe master challenger players here. Ure probably on of them who disliked cuz u felt ofended against ure elo
"I don't Smurf" "one game doesn't hurt" dude it isn't one game you're doing this like crazy for videos
2 years later, hahaha stupid.
you said 1 v 9 but blitzcrank was trying his best thats a little unfair towards him dont ya think
ricardo wekema ikr and he was giving compliments to darius
and? he still do 1v9 blitzcrank dont int or trolling like other but he was still useless
guys its a fucking bronze game xD
that makes it 1 v 8 then :P
that blitz was like Yorick's ulti on Darius
Tried getting back into the game after some years of absence. Players are as toxic as they used to be reason I left.
try dota 2..yes they have toxic players but not toxic kidos ...cuz lol is easy..dota 2 is strategy
@@thelastshinobi5002 yeah no I've had so many games in dota with trolling and greifing pudges who keep hooking you back. At least in league you can carry. I'm never going back to that game
THE LAST SHINOBI haha lol. Dota fanboys smh. If LoL is easy, prove it and get to Challenger
"Why would you come here? IT'S ZERO MANA" lmfao i'm dead
He thought he would waste 100 mana
if bronze had less people like you, they might EVENTUALLY get a chance to get out from that elo.
this is like the most picture perfect bronze match you could ask for a youtube video! omfg LOL!
when you think that it can´t get any worst in bronze V they surprised you with a full troll team lol good video I loved it so much, keep it up Jay!
I wouldn't say its salty people disliking, just *I struggle to enjoy watching someone beat a player who hasn't got a chance.*
If I wanted to learn I'd watch high-level play and see what they're doing
If you wanted to show us you could watch a game or guide someone.
Instead, this just comes off as you doing extremely well and explaining one or two tips as to why, or you getting frustrated by the inting/failing of either team and I don't personally find that entertaining when there are other channels that either teach more in-depth, or play at a high level and entertain with comedy whilst they do so.
I'm sure your other videos are different to this, just this particular style tends to get dislikes unless it's done in a weird way since the whole bronze-diamond/diamond player in bronze video has been done since the start of league but I'm interested in seeing how you'll choose to make it unique
Then don't comment lol
Then don't watch this. You just waste your time writing your own opinion about u.
I don't understand the negative replies here. You're offering extremely valuable constructive criticism, and regardless how I feel about it, it's a valid criticism to make. Ignore the assholes.
Is annoying when you have literally no change agains someone implying that challenger vs bronce also recording in porpuse to be the one who rekt someone.
"If I wanted to learn I'd watch high-level play and see what they're doing"
Then this is not your video.
This statement only applies when both of them are similar skill/elo or any kind of referente that both needs to bring some focus. Not an ass plays "im better than you so fk you i'll play like a bot i'll still rekt you".
@@HeavyClaw that's why I made the comment on it, there are bits where he does frame it like teaching like saying why he's going back after an exchange to avoid minion damage etc, yet its not fully a teaching video. By comparing it to being able to watch proper tutorials, or gameplay purely made to be comedic, I was trying to show how it wasn't a video for me and why. That way Jae could understand where some of the viewers are coming from and either choose to take his content in a different direction depending on how he feels about some of the points brought up, or continue because it is content he personally enjoys
This shows that this is literally imposible to win
Nah, I think it’s more like « this shows that this guy absolutely isn’t a challenger level player »
Minotorusuis He is are you mad or jealous that you stuck in bronze?
@@proudhellene5874 I'm not? been playing for just 3 months and I won my bo5 yesterday.
Raphaël Poitou what does bo5 mean
@@proudhellene5874 hahaha so *I* am a bronze noob, but you don't even know what a bo5 is??
A bo5 is a best of 5, a promotion series to promote from one rank to another (bronze I to silver IV, silver I to gold IV, etc.)
Challenger players: Don't blame your team mates you can always do more
Challenger players: I was unlucky
There is a difference between blaming in your head or voice because your team is shitty but still staying focus in order to win and blaming in the game chat in which you just throw the positivity of your team as well as wasting your time.
Of course you can blame your team, especially in this elo where you can see a lot of mistakes, just stay chill enough to realize how you personnally fucked, because it's this reflexion that will get you out of Bronze. In this case, Darius couldn't anything better, which is not the case of 100% of classic Bronze players.
There is a difference when you flame an ally who is doing a bad game, or when you are angry because you have 3 AFK/int ^^
Honestly, I don't care about Bronze 5 players, because they don't care about themselves. You have 3 ppl just hard inting and gave up from the first minute too. Sad really. I'm glad Iron is coming, makes it so that these people will be stuck where they belong.
It's the same in plat you know, early kills -> ff 15
Alex J. Qeblawi tbh it’s all elos till d5, don’t eorry
What iron are you talking about?
respect for inters, not everyone plays to win
I used to be bronze 5 it's not hard to climb once you know how to play decently
How come the queue times are so high? Is it because of your region? In NA bronze queues are really fast.
Its OCE, there is like only 100k players there lol
@@xanshen9011 212,933 Players in ranked on OCE as of typing this to be exact. With 200 of them in Challenger giving me 5 to 10 min queue times. While 20% of the 212,933 are in Bronze giving me a 20+minute queue time among an estimate base of 40, 000 Bronze players.
@@JaySea It's probably because the mmr of the account was so low it tried to match you with the "top" 100 lowest bronze players or something
@@may21s B5 is rare
Reason why I stopped playing the game 2+ years now. I was Plat 2 and when someone could not do anything else they just rage afk or troll. The worst thing, is that riot thinks the framers are the problem. The real problem is the bad players that inspire someone to flame and get angry. For example, you can't be in platinum and not know the basics of mechanics.
Wow 3.6m views man. Even though you going through a rough patch man. You have done so well for yourself... it is hard to not be down. I do not even expect you to try and act happy. But I still remember first watching your tryndamere years ago. I hope you have better luck next year and I am sure you will have man. Keep up the good work
22:52 iam just gonna stick with darius! the smurf!!!....Blitzcrank.
Everyone - "tHeRe iS nO ElO hEll"
there isn't... if you get stuck in an elo its 100% your fault
@@iforgot383 exactly, there are SOME entirely unwinnable games, but most can be carried
"It's harder to get to bronze than challenger". OKAY my guy. I, too, am EXTREMELY humble
my brain cant handle that int, I think I was having a breakdown
Why i don't play ranked anymore even with 30-0 it is impossible to win up to 100 points + promo every rank. And he says this usually doesn't happen.. this happens 5 or 6 times out of 10 games.
Kevin Ofori I’ve climbed out of bronze multiple times, it’s not that hard.
When you cant get out of the lowest elo in the game and still dont realise you are trash...
You dont play ranked because you have no skill or willpower pussy.
Right... Because everyone thats creating a smurf now starts in Iron 4. Do u actually believe they are gonna be stuck in there? No hate but people in Iron/Bronze/Silver are so bad its easy to carry 2v8 and most of the time even 1v9 with the right champ.
14:40 idk im silver but always when i watch challengers it so freakin tilts me when they like leave the spawn with 60% mana lol
Darius doesn't use that much of mana, so he can save those seconds to get faster to lane and not lose both farm nor exp. If ur champ uses a good amount of mana u should stay till like 90-95% depending on how much you need.
jay sea....for the sake of your brain cells...if youre going to play in bronze atleast play in b1/b2
Is it because you are there? Xd
Naruto Hunter opgg "ekko cat" boi
@@juicecan6450 lol take it easy ma dude,that was just a classic joke.
@@Nekroz05 League players have no chill when it comes to insulting your rank xD
do you actually think there is a difference between b5 and b1? lol
I hope every single bronze player sees this
3 feeds and the one left wastes ult.
although he verbally blame them, he still motivates them in chat.
what else can he do.
and the rest of the team is not even trying to defend, he can't be at two places at the same time :'D
gank since he made nasus useless. A challenger smurf should be able to 5v1
Not smurfing?
Feels good comming back to this 2 years later :)
imagine Christiano Ronaldo playing football against your local 3rd league shitty team, just for fun, see what happens, ends up loosing the game and breaks a leg, says these people can't play football, blames the enemy team for kicking his legs instead of the ball. :)
tolisthekid more like his own goalkeeper scoring own goals lol
@@trashtiermemester4971 he could easily lose if part of his team (especially including the keeper) were trying to score own goals on purpose.
Imagine being able to 1v5 in league, if this was global elite in csgo they would 1v5 every round since it’s easier to 1v5 compared to league in which skill doesn’t always dictate the winner and 1v5 are virtually impossible
bad reference. You dont have your defenders scoring own goal, FW that just stay outside of the field all game and MF who just waves at the fan all game long. I'm pretty sure CR7 cant win those games even in local 3rd league team.
boyss its cristiano not christiano
I am portuguese xd
You people are missing the point. You are delusional if you think you're gonna be hardstuck Iron, Bronze, Silver if you play like this. This guy played Darius phenomenally, and not because of his skill but because of his attitude. He literally almost won a 1v9 in an impossible scenario. If any or you played like this 24/7 aka untiltable, then you'd climb for sure. Yeah he lost this game big deal, but he wont lose the next 10 for sure. Btw this is coming from a trash plat player who was hardstuck silver for 3 seasons until I changed my attitude.
@take dat axe lol being mental strong is the key to climb 😂
take dat axe I don’t ever want to be in your games. You seem very toxic. Have fun getting to diamond.
"He played Darius phenomenally" lmao for the "mentality is everything" part ur wrong. There are SO many toxic players higher than Diamond. They tilt, Ragequit and flame and i have it every game. While id consider actually quitting "rare" means every 5th game probably flaming happens 95% of the time. Obviously if ur mentally that weak that u quit every game sure u cant climb since ur not even playing but if theres a certain standard like: Mute all and just play or "only" flame u will still win but only if you have the necesarry Skill to do so. If ur trying to tell me that 5 Challengers who constantly flame in chat wouldnt beat 5 Iron ppl which have a positive attitude then idk man. Play better than the enemy and u will start climbing especially since I would gain 30+ lp per game in bronze and skip most leagues because of a high winrate in those elos.
I really like how you state "in my opinion" instead of staying it as a fact. Humble
It's so cool to have this video recommended 5 years later. I know you are doing well with photography, but boy do I miss your relaxed nature and great attitude.
They're just waiting 20 minutes to troll?? xD LMAO
Trinity force would probably have been a better buy
I agree Sir
yeh because he struggled killing people.
Benji banjo haha, pd removes need for triforce
@@AlfredMD you go tri then pd, the attack speed and dmg feels so nice
@@AngelSonevski you dont need tri and pd, tri and steraks is enough
Desbalanced games makes toxicity, smurfs desbalance the game, enemy team has ppl better than ally team beacuse jay winrate
true, in season 10 I had unranked people in their FIRST EVER PROMOS getting queued in my gold 3 account... like I'm not even a smurf, my highest elo was gold 2, why was I getting unrankeds?? it also happened like 4 times when I was gold 4 as well... then you check the teams: enemy team has gold 2, gold 4, silver 1, gold 2 and silver 1... your team? yeah: silver 1, silver 4, gold 2 (me), gold 4, BRONZE 1... so much inconsistency... if you win a couple of games in a row you start getting people with less than 45% winrate on your team, just why?
To non-existent team: "Uh-oh I need my team." 😂😂
Imagine the potential if league had friendly fire
More darius R resets ♥
it's gonna be unplayable
Hey man i really like how you say everytime what the enemy SHOULD be doing. Very helpful
because he needs to teach bronze players like you. How else could you climb to silver?
IGN: MasterPoopr
Darius walks into a bar.
There is no counter.
@@samnorman2307 yi can solo him once he builds botrk, guinsoo and the 800 gold thing that cuts healing... also needs ult but yeah
@@findout-YGO try Darius Crit Build and Use W IT WILL ONE SHOT Anyone XD But if it's yi you better use E First Before he One shot ya XD..
@@GachaCafes I dont play darius cus I find him pretty aids
Dude bronze queue timers are insane even still. It was like 15 minutes when I was playing earlier today
maybe being more friendly in the beginning and giving helpful pings and chat commands from the very beginning and the people would not tilt
like "Blitzcrank, i need you. Come with me. Ult, when there are more than 2 people on you".
Poppy and Swain, i really just need you to defend mid. just stay under turret, take no risks thanks."
But you didnt. They made really many mistakes and then inted after you ?-pinged them and told them to "play". Like for sure they were trying, but they are just bad. so help them.
I really hate smurfs like you. It doesnt matter that you make a video or not, but there are people actually learning the game or being just young kids and this is like their first week of having a pc. How can they ever learn the game, if all those youtubers and streamers come to their games and hard-carry or hard-crush them all the time. its like being a butterfly in a storm. to a certain degree, you actually make them stay in bronze there. their performance, whether they would have given 100% or inting hard, did matter so little. and thats why they just give up. Why would you even try to play when every match has at least one master smurf that rolls them all. its just luck, who gets more smurfs. Sure its just "one video". but Its this video, and then those 1000 of other guys with their just "one week" of bronze and another youtuber that does some sort of a bronze challenge and they probably just feel like the biggest losers in the whole world. why ruin the game for them?
if they didnt have the darius u think it wouldve went any better?
21:25 actually it happens very often. Unless your play or high gold it’s very hard to get out of bronze. You will eventually climb but it takes forever because 1 in 3 games you get an ark because the support killed a siege or stole a kill or your top lane afk because you didn’t gank at lvl 2. Very very common
this proves that you need most of your team to actually help and play well to win.
Better to have a 0/3 ahri/xerath waveclearing or helping push than someone 4/2 running solo into enemy jungle to die
“You won’t get this unlucky in your bronze game” = Me out here playing in bronze with irons, trolls, afks, tilted, sack-of-meat, magikarp, etc.