कस्तुरी तिलकम ललाटपटले, वक्षस्थले कौस्तुभम। नासाग्रे वरमौक्तिकम करतले, वेणु करे कंकणम॥ सर्वांगे हरिचन्दनम सुललितम, कंठे च मुक्तावलि। गोपस्त्री परिवेश्तिथो विजयते, गोपाल चूडामणी॥ Kastuurii-Tilakam Lalaatta-Pattale Vakssah-Sthale Kaustubham Naasa-Agre Nava-Mauktikam Karatale Vennum Kare Kangkannam | Sarva-Angge Haricandanam Sulalitam Kanntthe Ca Muktaavalim Gopa-Strii Parivessttito Vijayate Gopaala Cuuddaamannih || हे श्रीकृष्ण! आपके मस्तक पर कस्तूरी तिलक सुशोभित है। आपके वक्ष पर देदीप्यमान कौस्तुभ मणि विराजित है। आपने नाक में सुंदर मोती पहना हुआ है। आपके हाथ में बांसुरी है और कलाई में आपने कंगन धारण किया हुआ है। हे हरि! आपकी सम्पूर्ण देह पर सुगन्धित चंदन लगा हुआ है| और सुंदर कंठ मुक्ताहार से विभूषित है। आप सेवारत गोपियों के मुक्ति प्रदाता हैं। हे ईश्वर! आपकी जय हो। आप सर्वसौंदर्यपूर्ण हैं। O Sri Krishna ! The Kasturi (Musk) Tilak, a red ritual mark decorates your forehead and the Kaustubha jewel ornaments your chest. The Nava mouktika, a pearl ornament on your nose, your fingertips graced by a flute, while your wrist is ornamented with a bracelet. O Sri Hari! Your entire body is bedecked with fragrant sandalwood paste, your neck has a beautiful garland. You gave Mukti (salvation) to the Gopis (lady-cowherds) who followed you. Victory be to that Lord who proved to be the choodamani (crest jewel - singular ornament of all ornaments) for even a commoner like a cowherd. "Kasturi Tilakam" is the 2.108 Slokam of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham, a string of Bhakthi laden poems offered at the sacred feet of the Lord . The author of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham is Bilva Mangalar (AD 1220-1300). He was a contemproary of Swami Desikan (AD 1268-1369). Since he described with great joy the leelas of Krishna like Sukha Brahmam, the author of Srimad Bhagavatham, he came to be known as Leela Sukhar. He belongs to the tradition of great devotees of Krishna of Kerala such as Narayana Bhattadhiri, the author of Sri NarayaNeeyam, Poonthaanma and Vasudeva Nambhhodhri and other great scholars of Dasama Skhandham of Srimad Bhagavatham. Meaning of this beautiful Shloka which has a contrast between ornamented god and god as the supreme ornament.
Meaning: 1: Salutations to Gopala Who is adorned with the Sacred Marks of Kasturi (Musk) on His Forehead and Kaustubha Jewel on His Chest, 2: His Nose is decorated with a Shining Pearl, the Palms of His Hands are gently holding a Flute, the Hands themselves are beautifully decorated with Bracelets, 3: His Whole Body is Smeared with Sandal Paste, as if Playfully anointed, and His Neck is decorated with a Necklace of Pearls, 4: Surrounded by the Cowherd Woman, Gopala is Shining in their middle in Celebration like a Jewel on the Head.
कस्तूरीतिलकं ललाटपटले वक्षःस्थले कौस्तुभं नासाग्रे वरमौक्तिकं करतले वेणुं करे कङ्कणम् । सर्वाङ्गे हरिचन्दनं सुललितं कण्ठे च मुक्तावलिं गोपस्त्री परिवेष्टितो विजयते गोपाल चूडामणिः ॥ Kastuurii-Tilakam Lalaatta-Pattale Vakssah-Sthale Kaustubham Naasa-Agre Nava-Mauktikam Karatale Vennum Kare Kangkannam | Sarva-Angge Haricandanam Sulalitam Kanntthe Ca Muktaavalim Gopa-Strii Parivessttito Vijayate Gopaala Cuuddaamannih || Meaning: 1: Salutations to Gopala Who is adorned with the Sacred Marks of Kasturi (Musk) on His Forehead and Kaustubha Jewel on His Chest, 2: His Nose is decorated with a Shining Pearl, the Palms of His Hands are gently holding a Flute, the Hands themselves are beautifully decorated with Bracelets, 3: His Whole Body is Smeared with Sandal Paste, as if Playfully anointed, and His Neck is decorated with a Necklace of Pearls, 4: Surrounded by the Cowherd Woman, Gopala is Shining in their middle in Celebration like a Jewel on the Head.
Nav varsh ka sankalp len,matdan mai bhageedar bane Bhartiya Janata party leader Raja Kanhaiya Chand Rajan jee from Sailaneegoth Tanakpur Champavt District Shri Shivay Namastubhyam
कस्तुरी तिलकम ललाटपटले, वक्षस्थले कौस्तुभम।
नासाग्रे वरमौक्तिकम करतले, वेणु करे कंकणम॥
सर्वांगे हरिचन्दनम सुललितम, कंठे च मुक्तावलि।
गोपस्त्री परिवेश्तिथो विजयते, गोपाल चूडामणी॥
Kastuurii-Tilakam Lalaatta-Pattale Vakssah-Sthale Kaustubham
Naasa-Agre Nava-Mauktikam Karatale Vennum Kare Kangkannam |
Sarva-Angge Haricandanam Sulalitam Kanntthe Ca Muktaavalim
Gopa-Strii Parivessttito Vijayate Gopaala Cuuddaamannih ||
हे श्रीकृष्ण!
आपके मस्तक पर कस्तूरी तिलक सुशोभित है। आपके वक्ष पर देदीप्यमान कौस्तुभ मणि विराजित है।
आपने नाक में सुंदर मोती पहना हुआ है। आपके हाथ में बांसुरी है और कलाई में आपने कंगन धारण किया हुआ है।
हे हरि!
आपकी सम्पूर्ण देह पर सुगन्धित चंदन लगा हुआ है| और सुंदर कंठ मुक्ताहार से विभूषित है।
आप सेवारत गोपियों के मुक्ति प्रदाता हैं।
हे ईश्वर! आपकी जय हो। आप सर्वसौंदर्यपूर्ण हैं।
O Sri Krishna ! The Kasturi (Musk) Tilak, a red ritual mark decorates your forehead and the Kaustubha jewel ornaments your chest. The Nava mouktika, a pearl ornament on your nose, your fingertips graced by a flute, while your wrist is ornamented with a bracelet. O Sri Hari! Your entire body is bedecked with fragrant sandalwood paste, your neck has a beautiful garland. You gave Mukti (salvation) to the Gopis (lady-cowherds) who followed you. Victory be to that Lord who proved to be the choodamani (crest jewel - singular ornament of all ornaments) for even a commoner like a cowherd.
"Kasturi Tilakam" is the 2.108 Slokam of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham, a string of Bhakthi laden poems offered at the sacred feet of the Lord . The author of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham is Bilva Mangalar (AD 1220-1300). He was a contemproary of Swami Desikan (AD 1268-1369). Since he described with great joy the leelas of Krishna like Sukha Brahmam, the author of Srimad Bhagavatham, he came to be known as Leela Sukhar. He belongs to the tradition of great devotees of Krishna of Kerala such as Narayana Bhattadhiri, the author of Sri NarayaNeeyam, Poonthaanma and Vasudeva Nambhhodhri and other great scholars of Dasama Skhandham of Srimad Bhagavatham. Meaning of this beautiful Shloka which has a contrast between ornamented god and god as the supreme ornament.
Nice ji Jai shree Krishna
Thank you so much for this information. Hare Krishna🙏🏻
Many thanks for the explanation and all the details 🙏🏻
Thank you for the lyrics and the interpretation. 🙏
कस्तूरी तिलकं ललाट पटले वक्ष: स्थले कौस्तुभं।
नासाग्रे वरमौक्तिकं करतले वेणु: करे कंकणं॥
सर्वांगे हरि चन्दनं सुललितं कंठे च मुक्तावली।
गोपस्त्रीपरिवेष्टितो विजयते गोपाल चूडामणि:॥
Who missing pt Jasraj😥👇👍
I am
All who loved him, knew him, were blessed by him
Me too
I really miss Pandit ji
कस्तूरीतिलकं ललाटपटले वक्षःस्थले कौस्तुभं
नासाग्रे नवमौक्तिकं करतले वेणुं करे कङ्कणम् ।
सर्वाङ्गे हरिचन्दनं सुललितं कण्ठे च मुक्तावलिं
गोपस्त्री परिवेष्टितो विजयते गोपाल चूडामणिः ॥
Kastuurii-Tilakam Lalaatta-Pattale Vakssah-Sthale Kaustubham
Naasa-Agre Nava-Mauktikam Karatale Vennum Kare Kangkannam |
Sarva-Angge Haricandanam Sulalitam Kanntthe Ca Muktaavalim
Gopa-Strii Parivessttito Vijayate Gopaala Cuuddaamannih ||
jeevanresh ps
I have no words 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Tu un by bhid
so peaceful
जब पखवाज पर धा बजता हैं तो शरीर रोमांचित हो रहा है....✨
राग मधुवंती
1: Salutations to Gopala Who is adorned with the Sacred Marks of Kasturi (Musk) on His Forehead and Kaustubha Jewel on His Chest,
2: His Nose is decorated with a Shining Pearl, the Palms of His Hands are gently holding a Flute, the Hands themselves are beautifully decorated with Bracelets,
3: His Whole Body is Smeared with Sandal Paste, as if Playfully anointed, and His Neck is decorated with a Necklace of Pearls,
4: Surrounded by the Cowherd Woman, Gopala is Shining in their middle in Celebration like a Jewel on the Head.
jeevanresh ps c
Love this.... Goosebumps every single time.
Thank you very much! BEAUTIFUL SONG!
Sir thank you soooo much for listing the meaning. I love Indian music and listen to it all the time but it is so great to have the meaning! Pranams.
हरि ॐ तत् सत्
ॐ नमो पार्वती पतये हर हर महादेव ❤
पण्डित जसरज: महान गायक: अस्ति।🙏🙏🙏🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
कस्तूरीतिलकं ललाटपटले वक्षःस्थले कौस्तुभं
नासाग्रे नवमौक्तिकं करतले वेणुं करे कङ्कणम् ।
सर्वाङ्गे हरिचन्दनं सुललितं कण्ठे च मुक्तावलिं
गोपस्त्री परिवेष्टितो विजयते गोपाल चूडामणिः ॥
जय श्री गणेश
ॐ नमो पार्वतीपते हर हर महादेव ❤
कस्तूरी तिलकम
ललाट पटले
कस्तूरी तिलकम
ललाट पटले
नासाग्रे वरमौक्तिकम
नासाग्रे वरमौक्तिकम
वेणु करे कंकणम
कस्तूरी तिलकम
ललाट पटले
सर्वांगे हरिचंदनं
सर्वांगे हरिचंदनं
कंठे च मुक्तावलि
सर्वांगे हरिचंदनं
कंठे च मुक्तावलि
गोपस्त्री परिवेष्ठितो
गोपस्त्री परिवेष्ठितो
विजयते गोपाल चूड़ामणि
कस्तूरी तिलकम
ललाट पटले
कस्तूरी तिलकम
ललाट पटले
नासाग्रे वरमौक्तिकम
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्णं कृष्ण हरे हरे ❤
हरी ओम तत् सत्
ॐ नमो लक्ष्मी नारायणा ❤
Mera Dil le liya apne....mai pandit shri jasraj ki ka diwana hu...GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND YOUR PRECIOUS FAMILY.
Its been two years and i open this song right after i wake up and listen this madhur geet to have a great start of the day.
I too what a coincidence
@@drtanmaygoswami same with me
आ हा हा हा हा, अतुलनीय, अति सुंदर एवम् दैवीय।
Beautiful Sri Krishna stuti composed in equally beautiful Raag Madhuvanti
Out of this world.. thank God I listened to this stuti. Now it's my favourite
Mridangam and veena on this bhajan are way too awesome to describe in words..
Pandit Jasraj ji ko mera dandwat pranam.... Aap humare liye anmol dharohar chhor kar gaye hain🙏🙏🙏🙏
We will miss you Jasraj ji..
Always in our Hearts :( :(
Any one pls tell what happened to Ji? I started listening his songs now only. Feeling very good nd soulful rendition. 🙏🙏
🕉️ परब्रम्ह कृष्ण परमात्मा नमो नमः ❣️❣️❣️
हरि ॐ तत् सत्
ॐ नमो लक्ष्मी नारायणा
this is from another world. hearing this makes you rise above this world.
The bhajan transports one at the feet of Shri Krishna 🙏
Listening to this bhajan itself is a divine experience.
Thank you, Pandit Jasraj ji🙏
Pandit ji ki voice sunke rona ajatahai
कस्तूरी तिलकं ललाटपटले वक्षःस्थले कौस्तुभं ।
अद्भुत ! पंडित जसराज की स्मृतियों को नमन 💐
आत्मा को मंत्र मुग्ध करने वाला भजन......
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
🌹🌹ॐ नमो बजरंग बली जी 🌹🌹 ❤
ॐ नमो पार्वतीपते हर हर महादेव
अदभुत , आत्मा का परमात्मा से मिलने का अनुभव
ॐ नमो लक्ष्मी नारायणाय
Anand aa gaya madhur vaani
Krishna bhajan aisa koi nahi gaa sakta.....
Pranam guru g
Cannot punctuate my admiration for this composition and the singing finesse of Pt. Jasraj
Jitni bar bhi suney, har bar Naya anubhav, unique composition n gayki kamal ke ,Pt. Ji ko koti koti parnam, a Legend gone 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Shri Hari ki chabi aankhon ke saamne aajati hai.🙏
हरि ॐ तत् सत्❤
असा रसराज होणे नाही, पंडित जसराजींना भावपूर्ण निरोप🙏
स्वर्गीय स्वर, ... Speechless.
हरि ओम तत्सत ❣️
ॐ नमो पार्वतीपते हर हर महादेव जी
May you are reborn again & sing in his praise.🙏
Just listening again & again
Bahut hi sundar shlok in raag madhuvanti!
Adbhut, krushna prabu samne kadhe he esa aabhaas hota he ye mangla charan sun te he to🙏🙏
the sitar is beautiful beyond words
What a divine rendition!!
Wow wow so awesome bhajan shri pandit Jasraj Joshi Sahib we love you very much sir I am very appreciate that's Bhajan
Jai shree krishna . Pranam .
महान विभूतीस विनम्र अभिवादन.
Freshens our minds completely
जय श्री गणेश जी
ॐ नमो लक्ष्मी नारायणाय ❤
gives peace all the time i listen to this song
Hare Krishna. Jai 🙏🏼. Beautiful. 🌺
जय श्री राधे कृष्णा
🕉️ जय श्री गणेशा ❤❤❤
I am a depressed man, but still I like the song and listen repeatedly
Jay Shree Krishn..💛🙏💛🙏💛🙏😊
soothing and very helpful song as it actually stills your mind
Very nice song.. Felt by heart ♥..JSK..🙏
ना भूतो न भविष्य पंडित जसराज जी
ॐ नमो बजरंग बली जी ❤
wonderful and mind glowing song kasturi tilakam kalayan palake
वाह ! अद्भुत।
Jitni bar bhi sun lo MN nhi bhrta sunte rho Great
beautiful shlok in rag madhuvanthi.
jai pt jasraj ji maharaj 😘
Kastuurii-Tilakam Lalaatta-Pattale Vakssah-Sthale Kaustubham
Naasa-Agre Nava-Mauktikam Karatale Vennum Kare Kangkannam |
Sarva-Angge Haricandanam Sulalitam Kanntthe Ca Muktaavalim
Gopa-Strii Parivessttito Vijayate Gopaala Cuuddaamannih ||
Is the lyrics available in google
@@deekshanaravishankar5270 yes
कस्तूरीतिलकं ललाटपटले वक्षःस्थले कौस्तुभं
नासाग्रे वरमौक्तिकं करतले वेणुं करे कङ्कणम् ।
सर्वाङ्गे हरिचन्दनं सुललितं कण्ठे च मुक्तावलिं
गोपस्त्री परिवेष्टितो विजयते गोपाल चूडामणिः ॥
Kastuurii-Tilakam Lalaatta-Pattale Vakssah-Sthale Kaustubham
Naasa-Agre Nava-Mauktikam Karatale Vennum Kare Kangkannam |
Sarva-Angge Haricandanam Sulalitam Kanntthe Ca Muktaavalim
Gopa-Strii Parivessttito Vijayate Gopaala Cuuddaamannih ||
1: Salutations to Gopala Who is adorned with the Sacred Marks of Kasturi (Musk) on His Forehead and Kaustubha Jewel on His Chest,
2: His Nose is decorated with a Shining Pearl, the Palms of His Hands are gently holding a Flute, the Hands themselves are beautifully decorated with Bracelets,
3: His Whole Body is Smeared with Sandal Paste, as if Playfully anointed, and His Neck is decorated with a Necklace of Pearls,
4: Surrounded by the Cowherd Woman, Gopala is Shining in their middle in Celebration like a Jewel on the Head.
Awesome, it's great sir!!!!!
Panditji pranam hare sri krishna 🙏🙏🙏
🕉️ नारायण ❤❤❤
Jai Shri Krishna
मंत्रो द्वारा भगवान श्री हरि के दर्शन
Superb rendering. 👍👍👍🙏
Ati uttam prastuti ❤🎉😊
Divine ..
जय श्री गणेश जी
Nav varsh ka sankalp len,matdan mai bhageedar bane Bhartiya Janata party leader Raja Kanhaiya Chand Rajan jee from Sailaneegoth Tanakpur Champavt District Shri Shivay Namastubhyam
Awesome ❤
Om Shanti !!
हरिहर हरिहर
साक्षात मां सरस्वती का आशीर्वाद
Saheb hai thumhi 🤲🏻
Shat Shat Naman
I miss badly
pandit ji
Bahut acchha
Jai bhole nath
Missing sir pranam
Hey govind🙏🙏🙏
Very nice voice, composition and lyrics.
Shat shat pranam
Superb music.