I just think this is his own way of conveying his belief through a form of art that he thinks is beautiful as well. Everyone is different I just don't think anyone can judge.
I have not seen this movie but I just want to comment on this specific scene: I find it really beautiful. When you appreciate anything in this world, including music, then you appreciate God. The Qur'an itself asks people to notice the daily wonders of the world including man-made objects as evidence of a higher Power that is constantly watching over the universe.
To those of you who criticize this: are you doing everything you can to be a good Muslim? Anybody can pray five times a day, anybody can avoid pork and alcohol, but do you avoid the serious sins nobody talks about like gossip? Are you honest with your employees and customers? Do you help single brothers and sisters get married? Muslims really have their priorities out of order.
+Alex Hill Besides asking that, why not ask if we can help ourselves and others at the same time. This sort of question is an excuse. Just because another person wants to advise some one(maybe they are not good at it) does not mean they are not worried about their own issues and trying to fix themselves.
QLaudeMusic That is not the point in this video though. He said "its a Muslim thing to talk about innovation in a bad way" meaning basically, why not innovate? This isn't about judging some one, it is about innovation in Islam. Islam is perfect, there is no need for change.
As I recall there was a orchestrated version of the Adhan played in the film "The Message". I don't see how this guy playing the same song on an electric guitar any different. What I don't like though is the guy reading quran while smoking. One must be in a state of purity when reading directly reading the words of God. reciting the words of God while putting something filthy in your mouth is disrespectful.
"It's only Muslims who use the term 'innovation' to mean something bad". He hit the nail on the head. Surely Islam should be 'innovating' past punishments such as death for apostates..
+Manly O'Beeferton well, here we see the difference between Islam and Muslims. Islam does not need innovation as such, but you would be right to say that Muslims need to re-examine and question some of their beliefs, asking themselves whether things like executing apostates is really part of their faith.
+Alex Hill I wholly disagree that Islam doesn't need innovation, but yeah, that'd be a nice start. Will enough Muslims have sufficient courage to have that conversation though, is another story.
the question asked by the video is pretty simple : would you pray with someone who doesn't have the same view of islam as you do? If yes, why your vision would be better to theirs? If no, are you a muslim inside the Oumma, or a kind of straight edge who worships God? Because what makes us muslims is to worship God and to be part of a bigger community. The Adhan is a part of the Sunna, it's tradition, as a tradition, it's not a bad thing to not respect it, what counts is its efficiency, because this is what Islam has always been about : practicality.
so basically a half naked dude played azan with his guitar and gave attitude to dude who said its wrong and i reckon he prayed half naked too, subhanallah what a world we live in, azan should be performed in its original form , at least this guy woke up to offer fajr prayer i really bet almost half of the people who gave negative comments wont even wake for fajr prayer
@@cronaldo7portugal ade armando update gmn? Sekebetulan ini serandom ini. Saya lg skripsi ttg sejarah pertelevisian dan salah satu bahannya bukunya ade armando
@DarkDelaqroux Umar said using a guitar to make the call to prayer was "bidah", which means "innovation" in Arabic. Jehangir agrees with him and says "so it's bidah", but in a way which shows that he doesn't care whether it is an "innovation" or not, but simply to avoid an argument. Jehangir then says, "you know, it's only Muslims who use the word 'innovation' as if it were a bad thing", because many conservative Muslims view any innovation in terms of religion as evil and forbidden.
Just finished the book, Michael Muhammad Knight helped me find Islam. I’m a burnt out punk from upstate NY, but the Masjid in Amsterdam took my Shahada and the Taqwacores taught me to pray. Alhamdulillah.
being Islam and being punk, you can be both, enjoy your freedom as a punk, that's your choice, but accept it if you don't find a unidirectional way because it's two different things. and must be understood differently
This is art, dear brother. It is getting you to think about certain things that you may not have thought about before. If you don't understand metaphor and symbolism, then you can't possibly understand the Quran.
bidah as innovation is missing most of the meaning when one shortens it from "that without base in what existed before" Innovation is halal when supported by God's word or the words of the prophet of the age
I got here actually because I was trying to play the Adhan on my guitar (got a good result while playing with the tuning of low E string, fretting on case 3 and 6)... I think it's just sounds great... I don't think it's Haram , can you tell me why it could be haram ?? Thank you and peace be upon you
betrand yoi All the four madhabs are agree: every musical instrument is haram. The duff is the only one allowed. Here are the aḥadīth: dailyhadith.adaptivesolutionsinc.com/hadith/Musical-Instruments.htm
the mohawk guy is maybe not a muslim but helps wake muslim up to solat using the guitar...since there is no azan in US he uses the guitar to make an azan...im not sure whether it is forbidden or not but in my opinion he did a good thing 2 help wake muslims up :)
Yes I have watched this movie. You need to read between the lines, my friend. MM Knight wrote this as a way of expressing his frustration at the stupidity and arrogance of certain groups of Muslims. The book/film "Taqwacores" is a way of making a statement to those people, a statement that they will take notice of because they will be shocked.
So they simply follow the simple oxymoron rule of punk: Punk is whatever you make it out to be. Therefore Islam is ALSO whatever you make it out to be. Your own rules. Your own interpretation. Thus no more contradictions... Whether it is right or wrong is up to the individual. They do not have answer to us in the end. They only need to answer to God.
Respond to this video... The prophet and his friends sang out with their voices for athan. That is the most beautiful sound in their opinion. This is the most beautiful sound to him as a guitarist and so he reflects his love for Allah through his preferred instrument.
@TheVlogSister Its sinful to do that. if you read the history of adhan the early Muslims in medina needed a way to call people to prayer. Initially they thought of bell/ horn similar to the people of the book. One man had a dream in which the words of what would be todays adhans be narrated to him, he narrated to the Prophet and muslims started using to this day. Were was the electric guitars, acoustics, lute, etc?
@MatthewMuhammad As'salaamu alaykum I agree with you. This video displays a lot more than just Gene playing the Adhan on his guitar. It's sad that some conservative Muslims look down on people and other Muslims. But will NEVER lift a finger or give time to pray together. Did anyone catch that Gene stated that the Adhan has been called if we're going to pray, let's pray! No matter how we look, or what fitnah we're going through, our occupation, creative backgrounds...PRAY TOGETHER! Imaan Magazine
im a muslim and i want to do research about this movie but i cant find this movie . where can i find this movie ? can some one help me ? give a link or something for a full movie ?
The ironic part is, with how aggressive secular/leftist culture is in 2022, being a traditionalist Muslim is by far more counter-cultural than conforming to Punk Rockism.
Punk, to many who believe in it, isn't just music. It is also a whole way of living. This then becomes a bit of a problem when Islam itself is a way of life, not just your religion.
This is actually beautiful. This is showing how he can incorporate something from islam into his own interests in his own way. Islam is in fact a religion that is about application. It is not against Islam to do this and you should all be happy that he even prays or that he even cares about the athan because I know some self righteous people posting here probably don't pray themselves and thus have no right to judge. Play on brothers play on.
This is exactly what Islam needs: Modernization. Anything that can move that religion in a more pluralistic direction should only be considered a GOOD thing.
@mydollcommunity No. What I'm saying is that you can't judge him because he likes to play his guitar to the tune of an athan to wake up his brothers to pray. The way he expresses his creativity and the way he expresses his love for Allah is not something that you can judge him by. This fact alone only shows his love for Allah more because he thinks about Allah in every aspect of his life. Including in his music. That shows how much he loves Allah.
Thanks, maybe I look out for some of those music later. And by the way, why is that song (correct me if Im wrong but I though he was praying) forbidden?
I have seen the movie and I'm not saying that he was the most traditionally pious person but I'm not saying that you can judge his faith because you have no idea what goes on in his head. I do know that he doesn't act muslim but what goes on in his head only Allah knows. I didn't say it was the traditional form of the athan i said it was his form. You can't just go around judging, it's how he called his friends to prayer.
This story is not for any of you crazy right wing nuts, whatever your religion. This film is for those that have felt pushed aside and marginalised by both their Eastern traditions and their modern philosophies. If you can't identify with it then you are not supposed to. Born to a Catholic mother and Muslim father and now an outspoken Atheist. This film is important because it symbolises the triumph of identity and human spirit and trying to come together and find unity in a world that has none.
As Salam Alaykom, My humble belief and hope is that Allah Almighty will judge us by His love and our intentions. Anyone praises God by what he can do best. Best greetings to all Muslims of good will
idk why people say dat music is not allowed in Islam? wtf music is peace man:) . m muslim and m musician and my parents never stop me also because dey also think music is no haram :) m proud to muslim and punk\m/ punk all the way\m/
doing something that our prophet never say to do such as this act will be wrong. whether you are true muslim or not, you still cant promote "negative way of life"..islam is a way of life and its covering all fundamental. behave like true muslim that's what our prophet want.
@jstsurreal It's much better than not waking up in the morning and letting everyone sleep in. It's like if I programmed my alarm to go off in time for prayer. It doesn't make me a bad person, he's just doing his own athan. and while I respect your right to disagree, I still think I'm right and I think you don't truly understand what I think about the issue. And thus you are right in saying that you cannot say anything about my beliefs. Because you have no right to do so.
when i first heard of taqwacore, i remembered the krihsnacore and christian metal movements in music.. even after i read the book, i see no difference, simply people who tries to find some sort of inclusion of their respective religion to the music they already love in the first place (despite the fact that there is a mighty contradiction between their religious and musical beliefs). During the mid-90's in Malaysia, there were bands that went by the term Muslimcore (or "Positive Core")
As'salaamu alaykum to everyone. I am not one to judge that is Allah's job. I enjoyed the video because it brought people (Muslims) together. We should not pretend that EVERY Muslim is perfect or does not have their own fitnah to go through..but we should not look down on each other. We should encourage praying together. Praying builds, helps, & brings about change.
postive to be the best . gausah mikir yang aneh-aneh . kalo kita berpikir positif semua berbuah positif , tapi kalo dari lisan kita udah negatif , pastinya otak kita negatif !! ingat kata-katamu adalah cerminan dirimu . jangan termakan provokasi dan jangan menjadi seorang provokator !!
As long as they come up and clean up that negative feedback and say it's just (for fun) And to not take those negative feedbacks serious...The message of the song is more important
@mzmoo555 The purity of your intention doesn't give you a free licence to go about doing what you want. Is it ok for an Imam to remove the violent verses in the Quran if his intentions are pure? Or maybe he can add beautiful peaceful ones to appease Obama and Cameron, his intentions are good... so is this ok?
@haiqal08 Unless you've seen the movie, you're either unable or unwilling to engage in its brand of Islamic discourse. Come back once you've seen "The Taqwacores." Then we'll talk.
How can you "play" the adhaan on guitar? The whole point is the words... and there is no specific melody, so without words it's nothing. This has nothing to do with being a "proper" Muslim or not, but rather understanding: one is meant to hear the WORD.
@est623ce Trolling pro tip: Once discovered and exposed by your mark, it is generally advisable to move on to more fertile trolling grounds lest you create more obvious evidence of your humiliating defeat. Addendum: the above recommendation is also applicable to those less skilled trolls who have obviously been outwitted and verbally out-maneuvered by their mark. Repeated attempts at re-baiting your mark after you have adequately made a buffoon of yourself should be avoided at costs.
@TheVlogSister. I had no attentions on backbitting or attacking other muslims. My only warning is that we as Muslims have to careful into falling into traps like these. Before I saw any video on them i was familiar with the book by Muhammad Knight. As for being mislead, its not a belief but a fact. I play the guitar/bass occasionally. After watching this i will make an effort to protect myself from becoming like this. we are all sinners but those who repent are the best.
I don't like Religion, but I respect people like him.
Y porque no te gusta la religión?
We dont care that you don't like religion bruh you're not special for not liking religion you're just empty and hollow
we should discuss a real problem here, whats the tab for it?
Ha ha! That, my friend, is the real question.
I managed to figure out the starting bit.
I just think this is his own way of conveying his belief through a form of art that he thinks is beautiful as well. Everyone is different I just don't think anyone can judge.
@mydollcommunity last time i checked this was a version of the athan. This is what I'm saying. His intentions were pure. He just did it his own way.
I have not seen this movie but I just want to comment on this specific scene: I find it really beautiful. When you appreciate anything in this world, including music, then you appreciate God. The Qur'an itself asks people to notice the daily wonders of the world including man-made objects as evidence of a higher Power that is constantly watching over the universe.
I'm proud to be a Muslim.
And I'm proud to be a punk.
To those of you who criticize this: are you doing everything you can to be a good Muslim? Anybody can pray five times a day, anybody can avoid pork and alcohol, but do you avoid the serious sins nobody talks about like gossip? Are you honest with your employees and customers? Do you help single brothers and sisters get married? Muslims really have their priorities out of order.
I agree...i'm a muslim myself and i dont think anyone should judge someone else before judging themselves
+Alex Hill Besides asking that, why not ask if we can help ourselves and others at the same time. This sort of question is an excuse. Just because another person wants to advise some one(maybe they are not good at it) does not mean they are not worried about their own issues and trying to fix themselves.
Muay Thai'er Actually you said it the opposite way. The sins we do in private are worse than those we do in public.
Muay Thai'er Depends which context you are speaking. What are you referring to as sinning in public?
QLaudeMusic That is not the point in this video though. He said "its a Muslim thing to talk about innovation in a bad way" meaning basically, why not innovate? This isn't about judging some one, it is about innovation in Islam.
Islam is perfect, there is no need for change.
As I recall there was a orchestrated version of the Adhan played in the film "The Message". I don't see how this guy playing the same song on an electric guitar any different. What I don't like though is the guy reading quran while smoking. One must be in a state of purity when reading directly reading the words of God. reciting the words of God while putting something filthy in your mouth is disrespectful.
Some boundaries are not to be pushed.
He is smoking cannabis
"It's only Muslims who use the term 'innovation' to mean something bad".
He hit the nail on the head. Surely Islam should be 'innovating' past punishments such as death for apostates..
Executing apostates is itself an innovation- "scholars" making shit up and trying to pass it off as the word of God. It's not in the Qur'an.
+Alex Hill I wish the Sunni and Shia schools of fiqh held your viewpoint.
+Manly O'Beeferton well, here we see the difference between Islam and Muslims. Islam does not need innovation as such, but you would be right to say that Muslims need to re-examine and question some of their beliefs, asking themselves whether things like executing apostates is really part of their faith.
+Alex Hill I wholly disagree that Islam doesn't need innovation, but yeah, that'd be a nice start. Will enough Muslims have sufficient courage to have that conversation though, is another story.
+Manly O'Beeferton Islam needs no innovation.
the question asked by the video is pretty simple : would you pray with someone who doesn't have the same view of islam as you do?
If yes, why your vision would be better to theirs?
If no, are you a muslim inside the Oumma, or a kind of straight edge who worships God?
Because what makes us muslims is to worship God and to be part of a bigger community.
The Adhan is a part of the Sunna, it's tradition, as a tradition, it's not a bad thing to not respect it, what counts is its efficiency, because this is what Islam has always been about : practicality.
Aman borther am a metalhwad and muslim.
so basically a half naked dude played azan with his guitar and gave attitude to dude who said its wrong and i reckon he prayed half naked too,
subhanallah what a world we live in,
azan should be performed in its original form ,
at least this guy woke up to offer fajr prayer i really bet almost half of the people who gave negative comments wont even wake for fajr prayer
Siapa kesini gara2 status fb Ade Armando? Ayo ngaceng
. '
Jehangir mention that they had party last night,i think he wasnt sleeping all night in the first place
@@cronaldo7portugal ade armando update gmn? Sekebetulan ini serandom ini. Saya lg skripsi ttg sejarah pertelevisian dan salah satu bahannya bukunya ade armando
@DarkDelaqroux Umar said using a guitar to make the call to prayer was "bidah", which means "innovation" in Arabic. Jehangir agrees with him and says "so it's bidah", but in a way which shows that he doesn't care whether it is an "innovation" or not, but simply to avoid an argument. Jehangir then says, "you know, it's only Muslims who use the word 'innovation' as if it were a bad thing", because many conservative Muslims view any innovation in terms of religion as evil and forbidden.
Just finished the book, Michael Muhammad Knight helped me find Islam. I’m a burnt out punk from upstate NY, but the Masjid in Amsterdam took my Shahada and the Taqwacores taught me to pray. Alhamdulillah.
being Islam and being punk, you can be both, enjoy your freedom as a punk, that's your choice, but accept it if you don't find a unidirectional way because it's two different things. and must be understood differently
Cool, music is Allah's greatest gift to our human abilities...
We really need the tabs of this ! :D I want to play it... :(
It's easy, learn it by ear..
I sat and made a powerchord version. Working on the lead now. I'll post them on guitar tabs
This is art, dear brother. It is getting you to think about certain things that you may not have thought about before. If you don't understand metaphor and symbolism, then you can't possibly understand the Quran.
This was one of my most favorite scenes from the movie!
bidah as innovation is missing most of the meaning when one shortens it from "that without base in what existed before" Innovation is halal when supported by God's word or the words of the prophet of the age
wow, didn't realise this would create so much discussion! I think its moving, this movie pretty much sums up half of my life.
That was pretty interesting. Those guys may be unconventional but we shouldn't judge
I got here actually because I was trying to play the Adhan on my guitar (got a good result while playing with the tuning of low E string, fretting on case 3 and 6)... I think it's just sounds great... I don't think it's Haram , can you tell me why it could be haram ?? Thank you and peace be upon you
how can you play adhan on guitar?adhan has no "standard" tune CMIIW,
Destiny108☆ every musical instrument is haram. Guitar too.
Merluzz can you mentioned which hadist that say every musical instrument is haram?
betrand yoi
All the four madhabs are agree: every musical instrument is haram. The duff is the only one allowed. Here are the aḥadīth:
betrand yoi
some other aḥadīth
Even though I am not a Musulman, this was SAVAGE
the mohawk guy is maybe not a muslim but helps wake muslim up to solat using the guitar...since there is no azan in US he uses the guitar to make an azan...im not sure whether it is forbidden or not but in my opinion he did a good thing 2 help wake muslims up :)
I like this. Very nice. Short film with powerful message and the riff is excellent.
Not a short film. Clip from feature film
Taqwacore is so punk at its root its tough not to like. Breaking some many rules in both sub-cultures.
This is beautiful, and it shows how the words of Allah are musically perfect.
Yes I have watched this movie. You need to read between the lines, my friend. MM Knight wrote this as a way of expressing his frustration at the stupidity and arrogance of certain groups of Muslims. The book/film "Taqwacores" is a way of making a statement to those people, a statement that they will take notice of because they will be shocked.
So they simply follow the simple oxymoron rule of punk: Punk is whatever you make it out to be. Therefore Islam is ALSO whatever you make it out to be. Your own rules. Your own interpretation. Thus no more contradictions... Whether it is right or wrong is up to the individual. They do not have answer to us in the end. They only need to answer to God.
Respond to this video... The prophet and his friends sang out with their voices for athan. That is the most beautiful sound in their opinion. This is the most beautiful sound to him as a guitarist and so he reflects his love for Allah through his preferred instrument.
@TheVlogSister Its sinful to do that. if you read the history of adhan the early Muslims in medina needed a way to call people to prayer. Initially they thought of bell/ horn similar to the people of the book. One man had a dream in which the words of what would be todays adhans be narrated to him, he narrated to the Prophet and muslims started using to this day. Were was the electric guitars, acoustics, lute, etc?
Godbless you all, my brother in Islam!
@MatthewMuhammad As'salaamu alaykum I agree with you. This video displays a lot more than just Gene playing the Adhan on his guitar. It's sad that some conservative Muslims look down on people and other Muslims. But will NEVER lift a finger or give time to pray together. Did anyone catch that Gene stated that the Adhan has been called if we're going to pray, let's pray! No matter how we look, or what fitnah we're going through, our occupation, creative backgrounds...PRAY TOGETHER!
Imaan Magazine
im a muslim and i want to do research about this movie but i cant find this movie . where can i find this movie ? can some one help me ? give a link or something for a full movie ?
Faith doesn't mean you must be stuck in another century
The ironic part is, with how aggressive secular/leftist culture is in 2022, being a traditionalist Muslim is by far more counter-cultural than conforming to Punk Rockism.
Punk, to many who believe in it, isn't just music. It is also a whole way of living. This then becomes a bit of a problem when Islam itself is a way of life, not just your religion.
Who's version of Adhan is this based on? I'd like to hear it.
This is actually beautiful. This is showing how he can incorporate something from islam into his own interests in his own way. Islam is in fact a religion that is about application. It is not against Islam to do this and you should all be happy that he even prays or that he even cares about the athan because I know some self righteous people posting here probably don't pray themselves and thus have no right to judge. Play on brothers play on.
This is exactly what Islam needs: Modernization. Anything that can move that religion in a more pluralistic direction should only be considered a GOOD thing.
@mydollcommunity No. What I'm saying is that you can't judge him because he likes to play his guitar to the tune of an athan to wake up his brothers to pray. The way he expresses his creativity and the way he expresses his love for Allah is not something that you can judge him by. This fact alone only shows his love for Allah more because he thinks about Allah in every aspect of his life. Including in his music. That shows how much he loves Allah.
where does it say in Al-Quran that the call to prayer can't be "played with"?
Thanks, maybe I look out for some of those music later. And by the way, why is that song (correct me if Im wrong but I though he was praying) forbidden?
Jehangir is my hero.
Saw this way back when it's actually good I recommend watching it
What movie is this??
I have seen the movie and I'm not saying that he was the most traditionally pious person but I'm not saying that you can judge his faith because you have no idea what goes on in his head. I do know that he doesn't act muslim but what goes on in his head only Allah knows.
I didn't say it was the traditional form of the athan i said it was his form. You can't just go around judging, it's how he called his friends to prayer.
This story is not for any of you crazy right wing nuts, whatever your religion. This film is for those that have felt pushed aside and marginalised by both their Eastern traditions and their modern philosophies. If you can't identify with it then you are not supposed to. Born to a Catholic mother and Muslim father and now an outspoken Atheist. This film is important because it symbolises the triumph of identity and human spirit and trying to come together and find unity in a world that has none.
As Salam Alaykom, My humble belief and hope is that Allah Almighty will judge us by His love and our intentions. Anyone praises God by what he can do best. Best greetings to all Muslims of good will
Assalam mualaikum you doughnut not alaykoklm
can give link for this movies?
Is there a guitar tab to this???!!
idk why people say dat music is not allowed in Islam? wtf music is peace man:) . m muslim and m musician and my parents never stop me also because dey also think music is no haram :) m proud to muslim and punk\m/ punk all the way\m/
The point of this movie is we cant make athan with any instrument,it just can with voice
can i ask some ques ? , apa islam liberal ek ?
I didn´t truly know that music was forbidden. Can you explain it to me, that and why do shia or sunnih people can play it? I wanna learn.
doing something that our prophet never say to do such as this act will be wrong. whether you are true muslim or not, you still cant promote "negative way of life"..islam is a way of life and its covering all fundamental. behave like true muslim that's what our prophet want.
And the cigarret?
Well as long as you state that the song is only for fun (let's say) And not to be taken serious
@jstsurreal It's much better than not waking up in the morning and letting everyone sleep in. It's like if I programmed my alarm to go off in time for prayer. It doesn't make me a bad person, he's just doing his own athan.
and while I respect your right to disagree, I still think I'm right and I think you don't truly understand what I think about the issue. And thus you are right in saying that you cannot say anything about my beliefs. Because you have no right to do so.
I'm not a Muslim, but this goes HARD!
Taqwacore - The Birth of Punk Islam
And as Jehangir says it, I think Punk is about being ugly. This film is about being ugly but standing tall
name me one ayaa that say we can't play on instrument?
when i first heard of taqwacore, i remembered the krihsnacore and christian metal movements in music.. even after i read the book, i see no difference, simply people who tries to find some sort of inclusion of their respective religion to the music they already love in the first place (despite the fact that there is a mighty contradiction between their religious and musical beliefs). During the mid-90's in Malaysia, there were bands that went by the term Muslimcore (or "Positive Core")
As'salaamu alaykum to everyone. I am not one to judge that is Allah's job. I enjoyed the video because it brought people (Muslims) together. We should not pretend that EVERY Muslim is perfect or does not have their own fitnah to go through..but we should not look down on each other. We should encourage praying together. Praying builds, helps, & brings about change.
Nice video 👍
Legend video kllip bhai
Everyone sins differently, lets not judge. But some break barriers and go too far. But how far is too far?!
great movie
@NWONoWorldOrderNWO Music is A necessity, so it is not haram unless the music can make a person to go astray, wallahualam
postive to be the best . gausah mikir yang aneh-aneh . kalo kita berpikir positif semua berbuah positif , tapi kalo dari lisan kita udah negatif , pastinya otak kita negatif !! ingat kata-katamu adalah cerminan dirimu . jangan termakan provokasi dan jangan menjadi seorang provokator !!
Where is the tabs for this?
I want the tabs too !!
Soban Said:
I managed to figure out the starting bit.
As long as they come up and clean up that negative feedback and say it's just (for fun) And to not take those negative feedbacks serious...The message of the song is more important
@mzmoo555 The purity of your intention doesn't give you a free licence to go about doing what you want.
Is it ok for an Imam to remove the violent verses in the Quran if his intentions are pure? Or maybe he can add beautiful peaceful ones to appease Obama and Cameron, his intentions are good... so is this ok?
@haiqal08 Unless you've seen the movie, you're either unable or unwilling to engage in its brand of Islamic discourse. Come back once you've seen "The Taqwacores." Then we'll talk.
If you want to be a muslim be 100% if you don't want it just don't touch my religion.
my religion is mine, and yours is yours
Dh cari byk tmpat dh dlm Internet ni xde pun film ni.. mesti ada ?????????
Even adzan is from human. Its bilal. So why adzan played in a guitar?
you may right
And I listend all music including punk
because its taqwacore... they're punk but they still want to be islam.they find their own way to express themself... anak punk tapi kita bertaqwa..
our Muslim brothers are so different, yet so similar
How can you "play" the adhaan on guitar? The whole point is the words... and there is no specific melody, so without words it's nothing. This has nothing to do with being a "proper" Muslim or not, but rather understanding: one is meant to hear the WORD.
Cool, what's the name of the band? Bombs'n'Roses? The Throwing Stones? Rape Against the Machine?
I think it's Quran Quran.
Bomb ? Really?..actually who bomb the middle east..wtf
any one know what song her plying
But of course they always probably do the adhaan, This video was just a message
I like the symbolicism of this video,
you might not know tht they are going to change to be a better person. allah S.A.W . the most merciful and forgiving
Love it!!!
Trolling pro tip: Once discovered and exposed by your mark, it is generally advisable to move on to more fertile trolling grounds lest you create more obvious evidence of your humiliating defeat. Addendum: the above recommendation is also applicable to those less skilled trolls who have obviously been outwitted and verbally out-maneuvered by their mark. Repeated attempts at re-baiting your mark after you have adequately made a buffoon of yourself should be avoided at costs.
im so confuse..
batu Feringghi sure got this movie
*jams along* ... ;)
@TheVlogSister. I had no attentions on backbitting or attacking other muslims. My only warning is that we as Muslims have to careful into falling into traps like these. Before I saw any video on them i was familiar with the book by Muhammad Knight. As for being mislead, its not a belief but a fact. I play the guitar/bass occasionally. After watching this i will make an effort to protect myself from becoming like this. we are all sinners but those who repent are the best.
This is true Islam.
I watch an enourmous growth of punk in Indonesia, the biggest Muslim country of the world. Of course, they don't follow Islam the Saudi Arabia way....
"Ok... it's bidah" what a mujahid