What is Salvation? (In 2 Minutes) - Paul Washer

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • In two minutes Paul Washer says what repentance is and what is salvation... nothing is more important then having this correct, your eternity depends upon it.
    MP3: illbehonest.com...
    Captions Available in: Bulgarian, French, Romanian, Spanish, Chinese
    HeartCry Missionary Society

Комментарии • 259

  • @madelynbrown9129
    @madelynbrown9129 Год назад +30

    Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling❤

    • @TheFightingSheep
      @TheFightingSheep Год назад +1

      Amen! And continue to cling to the cross every step of the way, to be saved completely!

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  15 лет назад +8

    Yep, the pride of man... oh what a sad story, and anyone who has been truly saved can look back and see that massive pride that we had keeping us from coming to Christ with nothing in our hands! Praise God for HIS GRACE to SAVE US! Psalm 116:6... the Lord preserves the simple, when I was brought low HE SAVED ME!!

    • @elunico13
      @elunico13 Год назад

      The gospel was never preached in this video.

  • @chobothx
    @chobothx 15 лет назад +19

    Do not rely upon feeling.
    Repent, and believe the gospel.

    • @elunico13
      @elunico13 Год назад +1

      True, but he never shared the gospel

    • @RealLadyG
      @RealLadyG Год назад +3

      Believing comes from feeling the Holy Ghost bearing witness of Truth. Don’t be deceived by incorrect teachings.

    • @user-Am0r2608
      @user-Am0r2608 6 месяцев назад

      Yes, we must trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and his resurrection.

    • @nightsky5882
      @nightsky5882 6 месяцев назад

      Amen 🙏

    • @9drian
      @9drian 4 месяца назад


  • @sumarbiangsyiemlieh79
    @sumarbiangsyiemlieh79 Год назад +8

    Very very clearly about salvation through this preaching , so thank you sir may God continue to blessed you 🙏

  • @Qmedjoe
    @Qmedjoe 15 лет назад +1

    I am very thankful for this style of preaching. My heart has been so greatly stirred By the Holy Spirit through the preaching of Paul Washer and Mark Driscoll, John Piper and so many others. I have been truly captivated by Christ when I realized that I have been chosen by God by His sovereign grace it revolutionized my walk. from a modern stale christianity where my happiness was the center. no longer is my salvation hinged upon my emotions But simply it is centered on the sovereignty of God. =)

  • @user-ludami7
    @user-ludami7 5 месяцев назад +1

    🙌 This person is like the Apostle Paul of our time! He's carrying on Apostel Pauls legacy and spreading his teachings with such passion and conviction. It's amazing to see someone embodying Apostel Paul's spirit in this era. His messages are and have a powerful impact, just like Paul did in his day. 🌟 Truly inspiring! Keep shining your light! ⚡✨

  • @MustardSeedish
    @MustardSeedish 15 лет назад

    The cross I cling too. Praise God. I'm passing this along in hopes many people will "come to Him". Love you Brothers.

  • @Viiick1
    @Viiick1 14 лет назад

    Que la grâce du Seigneur Jésus-Christ soit avec tous les Saints!
    God bless you!

  • @savana906
    @savana906 13 лет назад

    From Sava

  • @Widmark33
    @Widmark33 14 лет назад

    Oh Thank God! I was beginning to wonder if there was preachers who still preached the Gospel for the past years, I've only been hearing, prosperity, preaching.
    God Bless those whp still preach the Gospel that saves and calls out for repentence.

  • @Fanatic4One
    @Fanatic4One 15 лет назад

    Lord Lord? I Never Knew You - Paul Washer
    May you allow God to use you brother....be blessed, encouraged, and above all passionate for Jesus.

  • @joejar5
    @joejar5 15 лет назад

    Dude, I don't think that I'm going to be changed yet, because this message, even though I listened to it, didn't penetrate me at all. I hope I can still be saved and changed.

  • @GaspiThrilla
    @GaspiThrilla 15 лет назад

    Bless the Lord.

  • @portaltestemunho
    @portaltestemunho 14 лет назад

    Thank GOD! for Espirit Santo and for Paul Washer.
    God Bless you!
    Agradeço a Deus por levantar homens como o nosso irmão, Paul Washer.
    Obrigada, Espírito Santo, pela Tua obra em nós e pelo poder da Palavra que opera nos nossos corações, um novo nascimento, produzindo um novo homem para a glória do Pai, o Deus Eterno.

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  15 лет назад

    "Simple" amen, and that is the rock of stumbling for so many... oh the pride of mankind is going to trip so many over to eternity without Christ. May the Lord have mercy.

  • @k0smon
    @k0smon 14 лет назад

    "Vain is that hope that rests upon another's merits. Cultivate the purity of your own mortal spirit, and rely upon nothing but a determination to do right." - Cyrillus Luchar, Patriarch of Constantinople

  • @jataylor7
    @jataylor7 13 лет назад

    @vdizhoor I agree, we must not follow blindly. I do agree with Washer on many things. I also like John MacArthur, Tim Conway, Ravi Zacharias, Leonard Ravenhill, and more. I have joined Washers ministry. And i am 25 yrs old. Male from Maine. The LORD has changed my heart and is gracious to me, And i enjoy talking scripture with anyone. We all must have fellowship, being the body of CHRIST. It's been my experience that 90% of "Christians" have scripture de-fanged. Lovingly we must change that!!

  • @BenPeckover
    @BenPeckover 15 лет назад

    good one. simple and to the point. If we miss this, we've missed it all

  • @bambuskaktusa
    @bambuskaktusa 15 лет назад

    To you who make this videos:
    They look great! Not too long, and tell the heart of the Gospel...
    KEEP ON MAKING THIS KIND OF VIDEO! (I send them to non christian friends)

  • @MercyGraceLove
    @MercyGraceLove 13 лет назад

    Praise the Lord for His great mercy!!!!!!

  • @phantomwheeler81
    @phantomwheeler81 15 лет назад

    powerful video God bless you keep up the good work for God's kingdom and glory Jesus Christ is Lord Amen

  • @mpowellmpowellmpowel
    @mpowellmpowellmpowel 15 лет назад

    Amen! We all need Christ in our lives. ~God Bless "All Glory to Jesus Christ - Our Lord and Saviour".

  • @cp3814
    @cp3814 14 лет назад

    Praise God! It's so sad to see today, many preachers are not emphasizing the doctrine of salvation. I think that every sermon, every sunday should have a preaching of this vital doctrine. There are many in church who are not truly saved, simply becoz they haven't been taught Bible doctrines like this. I pray that God will give every true preacher sound doctrines and every true believer a desire to tell the dying world about JESUS, Who is God in the flesh! Amen!

  • @ponkadolz
    @ponkadolz 13 лет назад

    some day beyond the "now"... some place beyond the "here"... it must be there... something wonderful. and seeking that, we will wander eternally on the path of blood, won't we? all of us... it's tragic.

  • @ThePhnxman1
    @ThePhnxman1 13 лет назад

    @atgblue1 -- That is a good rule to follow. "Speak where the Bible speak; be silent where the Bible is silent."
    Another rule is to "...establish every word (doctrine) by the mouth of two witnesses or three." But we must assure ourselves that those witnesses are the apostles and prophets that our Lord has chosen and are found within the scriptures.

  • @1961UK
    @1961UK Год назад +3

    Repentance is simply a change of direction or mind. Repentance is NOT fighting God that's a lie.

    • @connormaxwell4995
      @connormaxwell4995 Год назад +1

      0:29 Hello brother Gary, he’s not saying repentance is fighting God, he’s saying to that sin is fighting God and that repentance means to STOP fighting God, to stop rebelling against Him and to surrender. Hope that helps

  • @atgblue1
    @atgblue1 14 лет назад

    @Vikuulin 1 Timothy 4:16 (and the whole chapter if you want). We have to continue in the doctrine, taking heed, for ". . .in so doing thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." The Bible teaches that salvation is of faith, but not faith alone. James 2:24 (again, whole chapter is perfectly in harmony with it). "Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only."

  • @Bug731
    @Bug731 14 лет назад

    Even though I'm not religious, I kind of liked this. A lot better than Fire and Brimstone speeches.

  • @TaylorKern
    @TaylorKern 15 лет назад

    It is by his sovereign "free" and "righteous" will that God passes over some for His glory (Romans 9:18), and has mercy on whom he has mercy on. The key thing is that none deserve his mercy, therefore had He chosen to save none He would have remained just as Holy and just as loving. No sinner "deserves" God's love, and neither is He in some way "obligated" to show love to humans although He does. He is to be praised regardless of whether all or none are chosen for salvation.

  • @n0blie
    @n0blie 15 лет назад

    it is bc people rely on themselves too much and try to gain salvation from their works. this is by no mean that we shouldnt obey His laws but people need to understand that "nothing to the hand i bring but simply to the cross i cling" as Brother Paul said

  • @FreeinChristForever
    @FreeinChristForever 11 месяцев назад +2

    Hello everyone. How to be saved is outlined very well and simply in the Bible. One verse sums it up. Not in any of the letters written by Paul to those already saved, but in the book of Acts where the very first people who believed got saved.
    Acts 2:38 says this:
    “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Yehoshua HaMaShiach for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭38‬
    Some of you might say well I believe so I’m already saved and I’ve repented. Have you really ? Do you have the correct definition of repentance?
    Some people mistakenly go to other avenues for the definition but to understand it truly we must get our information from the people Whom GOD Almighty came down as one of which is the Hebrews.
    The Hebrew definition of repentance is to turn from, to turn away from sin and to turn to Yehoshua HaMaShiach to save you.
    Why? Because in order to make it into the kingdom of Yehoshua you MUST be born again. As the old mother’s used to say, you can’t join in, you’ve got to be born in. Into what? The Kingdom of GOD.
    Why do you need to be born again you might ask?
    I’ll give an example of a frog. A frog could be sorry all day that it’s a frog. But after apologising to GOD for his frog ways and confessing all of his frog ways, at the end of it he’d still be a frog.
    In the same way sinners can’t help but be a sinner because they were born that way.
    So GOD in His Infinite Wisdom provided a way to become not a sinner, to be BORN AGAIN.
    What am I saying? A sinner isn’t just a sinner because they commit sins. They are a sinner because they truly were born that way.
    That is why like I said Yehoshua HAMaSHIACH told Nicodemus in John 3:5-7 that he MUST be born again in order to enter His, ( Yehoshua’s) heavenly kingdom.
    Every person born into this world was born with a nature to sin, they can’t help it. It’s written in their very dna code to sin. They really and truly CAN NOT be anything else but a sinner. So the only way to not be a sinner is to be BORN AGAIN.
    Now how does one become born again? What does the Bible say? I’ll quote Acts 2:38 again:
    “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Yehoshua HaMaShiach for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

    Some people say they have repented of their sins, but to truly repent you have to stop doing it. Like the example I gave you. That frog will always be a frog no matter how much he tries to turn away from it because he really and truly was born that way. That frog can never stop being a frog, a sinner can never stop being a sinner unless they are born again with no sin in their genetics. So you can apologize profusely to Yehoshua and try to stop doing sin with your body but unless you can replace your dna with a sinless one you’ll always be a sinner.
    There’s good news though, there’s only One Being Who can change your genetics and you’d still be you and you’d now be sinLESS and that is The True And Living GOD Yehoshua HaMaShiach.
    So what do you do to become born again. First you repent, now what? The scripture I quoted above says you need to be baptized in The Name of Yehoshua HaMaShiach (Jesus Christ’s original Hebrew Name). Once you have been baptized this was you being born again of the water as Yehoshua commanded in John 3:5.
    Some people will tell you that baptism doesn’t save you. Well besides Yehoshua HIMSELF saying we need to be born AGAIN of the water, ( obviously not speaking of water from our natural birth from our mothers because He said we need to be born AGAIN as in a second time), the Bible says plainly that baptism does save us:
    “The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us …”
    ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭21‬ ‭
    Now what? Yehoshua also said in that same scripture that you must also be born again of the Spirit. That happens once you receive The Gift of The Holy Ghost as was told in Acts 2:38.
    Now how will you know that you have been born again of the Spirit(aka received The Holy Ghost)? The same way the Jews who came with Peter to the house of Cornelius did when Cornelius and his house received The Holy Ghost:
    “While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    For they heard them speak with tongues...”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭10‬:‭44‬-‭46‬ ‭
    This is how you’ll know that you have been born again of the Spirit and are now officially a member of the Kingdom of Heaven.
    You will now no longer be a sinner from birth but a saved born again Christian.
    Beyt HaShem Ha Yehoshua HAMaSHIACH, (in the Name o Jesus Christ in original Hebrew), I pray that I said this in a way that all who read it will understand this and prayerfully also become truly born again and a true citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven Beyt HaShem Ha Yehoshua HaMaShiach I pray Amen.

  • @mrsgmason
    @mrsgmason 13 лет назад

    I love this, Amen, Amen, continue to do the work for The LORD, GOD Speed

  • @hottamale02
    @hottamale02 14 лет назад

    Great Video. May people humble themselves. The Free (under Law of Christ & Spirit) shall not live with the bondservents (Law of Moses)-Joh 8:35, Gal Ch 4. "Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith."- Hab 2:4 The proud believe that they must do instead of having faith that God came in the flesh to redeem them from bondage. With their lips they honor Him, but sadly don't understand His power. It is ALL about Christ &100% Faith in Him. God Bless You

  • @valambiguous
    @valambiguous 15 лет назад

    When coming before YAH we want to make him sneeze "ATCHOO"...because we are merely dust....No works of our own will account for our salvation....but for rewards...Salvation comes from Christ and Him alone....unto Him we owe.

  • @HermitintheRain
    @HermitintheRain 14 лет назад

    Perhaps the best passage to define repentance: Psalm 119:59-60 I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.
    What is the first step in keeping his commandments? Jesus answered it in John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
    That first step and all others following will be the work of grace on your soul by Jesus the Author and Perfector of faith.

  • @illbehonest
    @illbehonest  15 лет назад

    My friend, it is about what the Word of God says, if your reliance is because you were baptised, that is no place to rest your faith in at all. If its not in Christ, you are lost.

  • @bornfromabove
    @bornfromabove 14 лет назад

    Great comment! I couldnt have said it better! The Lord bless you! : )

  • @All4ChristNone4me
    @All4ChristNone4me 15 лет назад

    Mar 1:15 and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel."
    Luk 24:47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
    2Co 7:10 For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.
    Don't forget repentance. If ppl are in Christ their sins are forgiven. If not the wrath of God remains on them

  • @joejar5
    @joejar5 14 лет назад

    @MasterPhil175 enough you'll get it. I meant no harm writing this message, and I wasn't scolding you, I was just helping you out. I hope this helped. God bless you Master.

  • @nopi98
    @nopi98 14 лет назад

    Jesus said narrow is the path & gate that lead to life. Many of us think we are on that narrow path b/c we "prayed asking for forgiveness". Without biblical repentance of sin (transgression of the 10 commandments) we are not on that narrow path. Repentance is more than a sorrow for sin; it's a determination to abandon it. Sorrow is NOT repentance, but Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation (2 Cor 7:10)

  • @NickOtis0707
    @NickOtis0707 Год назад

    I came across another brother Christ that made a video about pastor Paul washer that he preaches a works salvation and when I listened to the short video it didn't show alive sermon of pastor Paul washer but hearing a voice of Paul washer. And when I listen to the video it didn't sound like pastor Paul washer. So I left the short comment and I was nice I didn't say anything rude because as Christians were supposed to love one another support each other build each other up in love and truthfulness and honesty. The first time I heard pastor Paul washer preach the Lord's word it was different from what I watch a preacher preaching the Lord's word because Paul washer preached the Lord's word with a lot of firmness. But I hear from other brothers and Christ say that Paul washer believes that heaven will rejoice and clap when a sinner gets sent to hell or that the Lord only chooses Pacific people to get saved.

    • @ojayjosh5322
      @ojayjosh5322 Год назад +4

      People who say that just say it because they want to enjoy their sins and still make heaven .. Paul washer says if you’re a Christian , your life should bear fruit ..

  • @AmericanConcrete
    @AmericanConcrete 15 лет назад

    Deuteronomy 4:29
    But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.

  • @Myhopeisinhim
    @Myhopeisinhim 14 лет назад

    Faith is something that exists with or without religion. When you sit on a chair you have faith that it will hold you. When you get an airplane you have faith it won't crash. When you pick up your phone, you have faith it will have a dial tone. When you drive, you have faith that your car will start when you turn the key, unless you have a lemon, then you never know;)*lol*
    But faith is very much a part of life regardless whether you believe in God or not.

  • @joejar5
    @joejar5 15 лет назад

    I've been baptized, but I don't know if it was from a true minister or not and I've not had the Word of God penetrate my heart. I don't know what to do, I feel hopeless or like praying is pointless for me.

  • @AlmasiProductions
    @AlmasiProductions 14 лет назад

    "This Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander, Caesar, Mohammed, and Napoleon; without science...he shed more light on things human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined; without the eloquence of schools, he spoke such words of life as were never spoken before or since... " (shortened version) -- full version by Phil Schaff

  • @HermitintheRain
    @HermitintheRain 14 лет назад

    One of, if not the very first, revelation of the gospel is found in the Garden of Eden. When Adam had fallen, his first reaction was to try to save himself by covering his own shame, and then trying to hide from God. What all religion does, and what all accursed gospels teach, how man must do something to find salvation. But God shows the answer: he first confronts Adam for a confession and ultimately it is God who provides the covering for his shame. Salvation is all of God through Jesus Christ

  • @saritapaloma8426
    @saritapaloma8426 8 месяцев назад +1

    I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    And finally, I just can't make sense out of what Jesus said that his mission was to die. It was to help us. Because despite all of our imperfections and weaknesses, there is something worth reaching even to the point of death. Its that devotion and compassion for that whithin us which is good and worth saving that redeems us in his eyes. Not our lust or self-centerdness, but our desire to help others which Jesus pleads us to embrace and turn away from selfishness. He stuck with us till the end.

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    our sins are killing us. Perhaps the point of the Biblical story are that God hates sin, because the spark of God is in us, and sin is what hurts our lives. God hates the sin, and pitties the sinner, but it is the sinner, who must realize to let go of sin, and see the Kingdom of Heaven, which is within us. Letting go of material obsessions (uses are good, as long as they are in moderation) is the key. Letting go of pride, of vanity. God helps us, but we must make that initial leap.

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    My only advice to you is to read entire chapters of the Bible. When someone says read Psalm 95:10, read Psalm 95 instead, or better yet all of Psalm. That way you get the context in which that verse appears. The reason for this is that the Bible is written often in a very poetic and metaphorical, parabolic way, and if taken out of context, and taken literally, its meaning gets twisted. Don't just read passages, read the whole thing. You will know the truth when you are clam.

  • @Rhuanjl
    @Rhuanjl 14 лет назад

    WitnessoftheTruth: I do not argue with the truth of election, it is very clearly taught in scripture. God chose before the beggining of time a specific people who he would save, and only those people will be saved, and all of those people will be saved. However, we are still commanded to take the gospel we can honestly say to all that if they truly repent and believe, they will be saved, it is a genuine offer we can make to all though only the elect will accept it.

  • @Theology_Matters
    @Theology_Matters 15 лет назад

    Praise Jesus!

  • @GregoryD57
    @GregoryD57 14 лет назад

    @ravingthundergod Speaking of the blind, not only of eyes and ears that refuse to hear, but a closed and confused mind that has joy in it's sin. It's not that these Godly men can not reach some maybe most it's because of the joy you have for sin, self salvation is your reckoning and sad at that.You sir shall stand before God soon enough, are you so blind that fear has no place in you for what judgment is ahead of you? Why are you here, to show off? Or you really like it? God loves even you.

  • @theheat151
    @theheat151 15 лет назад

    From 0:20 to 0:27, that is true definition of repentance. The same repentance Christ spoke of to the Jews.

  • @StandForScience
    @StandForScience 15 лет назад

    What about those people who have never heard of Jesus or God, and thus cannot really have a chance to "come to him". What's their road to salvation? Or will they all perish?

  • @joejar5
    @joejar5 14 лет назад

    @MasterPhil175, I don't think he meant by your own works, he was saying that it's a change of mind because you stop relying on yourself and thinking that you can save yourself by trying to read the Word and living a holy lifestyle all on your own and not by the work of God, and also having a change of mind by turning away from yourself and the MINDSET of self and turning to the only one who can save you and the fact that CHRIST is the only one who can save you. If you listen to him closely-

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 2 месяца назад

    what about the verse....not everyone who calls me Lord, but the ones that does the will, of the Father..

  • @TheCross888
    @TheCross888 14 лет назад

    God's will is that none perrish but that all accept HIS gift of HIS only begotten SON so that each of us may escape the Fierce and Holy Wrath of GOD that awaits all that reject HIS Love. We all have been given the fredom to chose to serve the One True Living God or we can chose to be our own god. The Bible says that, "there is a wat that seems right unto man that leads to destruction". So chose this day whom you will serve.
    Agape, david

  • @aimi360
    @aimi360 13 лет назад

    This is awesome... God is awesome. :)

  • @atgblue1
    @atgblue1 14 лет назад

    @Vikuulin Dont be mistaken, enduring is not living a perfect life. I John 2:1, "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:" We cant live a perfect life to earn salvation, but we need to walk worthy of the gift we have been given. Phillipians 2:12, ". . .work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    @GhostWolf556 And Joe, imho, Taking God's name in vain, isn't saying "oh my God" or "oh shit". It isn't using the word "God". Its using it for your advantage. To prop up yourself over another. For your self. Hence vanity. Hence it is hollow. To command or condemn or judge someone in the name of God. To pray with false humility in front of others, to elevate one's sense of devotion to God before others.
    It harms one's spirit, taints it with the shortcomings of the ego. It leads us into darkness.

  • @1979Aron
    @1979Aron 13 лет назад

    Nice words. But how make it my life? I cannot be happy, though want. I cannot be cheerful, though want. I cannot do it.

  • @gibson7654
    @gibson7654 15 лет назад +1

    So you're saying that we should disregard the 10 commandments set by God?

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    Has anyone read the book of Proverbs or Ecclesiastes ? What is the difference between what Jesus says and what is written in those books? There is a message stumbled on by Amenemope, Solomon, Jesus that captures the truth about the way of a happy and meaningful life. If Jesus said that peacemakers shall be called sons of God, why single Jesus out and turn him into God? Does that not distract from his preaching about how to pray, how to live, how to forgive, how to hope?

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    @GhostWolf556 Joe, I am afraid that neither of us is terribly original. I am very familiar with your point of view. I can practically see Ray Comfort as I am answering you :)
    But here is my take. We each interpret the Bible. Different perspectives is not graven images. Its worshiping worldly things, like money, power, sex, booze, whatever, making them paramount in our lives. The call is to worship the Mystery, the Intangible, the Eternal, the Good. The call is for our benefit.

  • @theTRUTHgroup
    @theTRUTHgroup 14 лет назад


  • @Osirisrules
    @Osirisrules 13 лет назад

    @Jmeez69 is a book truly written by the person who writes down the words or the one whose thoughts are on the paper? Printers do not write books, merely the words; so it is with the Bible.

  • @RevGary
    @RevGary 14 лет назад

    not sure I'm in 100% agreement with Washer again here!

  • @Rhuanjl
    @Rhuanjl 14 лет назад

    True, yet we are commanded to preach the gospel to all men and call all men to repent and believe.

  • @DreamsofMajesty
    @DreamsofMajesty 13 лет назад

    For anyone who desires a biblical understanding of the gospel and salvation, I would highly recommend checking out the scribd website that is listed on my channel.

  • @savana906
    @savana906 13 лет назад

    @barrychristianson TRUE!
    May Jesus bless you.

  • @jm7578
    @jm7578 Год назад +1

    Why should you enter Heaven?
    It is because of the finished and perfect work of Christ allows it.
    Not of your own effort, think of the thief on the cross next to Jesus ☦️

  • @atgblue1
    @atgblue1 14 лет назад

    @Vikuulin ANd just one note. I wont waste time arguing over words made by men, if you still feel there is some heresy, I will glady talk about it on here or PM, but only if you go through Scripture, if any "theories" or human logic is invovled over scripture, I wont pay heed. Its as simple as That, the BIble is infallible and inspired by God, He does not contradict his own divine plan.

  • @ThePhnxman1
    @ThePhnxman1 13 лет назад

    @atgblue1 -- "...shall be saved..." is the promise to those who "...believed AND are baptized...".
    Repentance leads us to believe; if we believe we will desire to unburden ourselves of sins in the waters of baptism; and if we believe AND are baptized, we shall "...receive the gift of the Holy Spirit...", which can raise us up from the dead.

  • @gibson7654
    @gibson7654 15 лет назад

    why does Paul Washes say to flee from the law of Moses?

  • @BaptistPrayer
    @BaptistPrayer 14 лет назад

    Amen! Powerful

  • @Rhuanjl
    @Rhuanjl 14 лет назад

    @JRMAN65 No, you are the one who limits it, you suggest that the gospel is only for those who are good enough to turn to Christ, I instead say that no one is good enough and hence it is down not to man's actions but down to God having mercy.

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    Its fine, I am not saying you should not do it. By all means do. It just seems that the more we think about stuff on our own the less likely we are to follow the dogmas of others blindly. And when we are in agreement with others, we can express ideas in our words, for they are also our ideas. It seems to me that Paul Washer is a major (if not the only) authority on how to interpret scripture. I am curious, have you joined his ministry? Also, how old/who are you?

  • @joejar5
    @joejar5 15 лет назад

    So true, thanks.

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    @jataylor7 Dude, I get what you mean by de-fanged. I meant what do you mean by de-fanged scritpure - what gives scripture "fangs", and what are they for?

  • @Nightmeare
    @Nightmeare 14 лет назад

    @coffinperson I wasnt sarcastic or mean or anything.I just said that the more knowledge you have you answers could be different.

  • @TaylorKern
    @TaylorKern 15 лет назад

    In brief, when Adam, and us in him, fell into sin and depravity in the Garden of Eden mankind became completely and utterly evil in our entirety. Now, that is not to say that men are as evil as they possibly can be, but each of us were born with every potential to be more evil than Hitler. However, God restrains us by his grace. The reason I mentioned this is because in relation to the "qadosh" (Hebrew for holiness) of YHWH/LORD no human is deserving of a "chance," so to speak.

  • @Medafoure
    @Medafoure 13 лет назад

    Because people who disagree with this and things like this get convicted and the Holy Spirit and there conscience tell them the truth. But because there so rooted in selfishness (SIN) they hate the truth. and start name calling and such.
    eyes but cant see ears but cant hear. This vs sums up what i just said and how they are.

  • @Rhuanjl
    @Rhuanjl 14 лет назад

    I think we may be on the same page. I was intially worried that you may be one of those who in the name of the doctrine of election say that we should not speak of the gospel to non-christians.
    I agree that many "Churches" have wondered far from the truth, just as 2 timothy 4:3 said would happen.

  • @chuckiachuckia
    @chuckiachuckia 14 лет назад

    @DivinelyGifted Are you saying John, Mark, Peter and all the deciples that walked with Jesus were catholic?

  • @bam5angels
    @bam5angels 14 лет назад

    @RozyczkaProAna18 you pray to Him and tell him that you believe that he is the son of god that you believe that he died for you, you ask him to come into your life and to save you and ask him to be your lord. then you live your life for Him. life is short do it today

  • @formerutuber
    @formerutuber 15 лет назад

    so you rely your salvation on a ritual that you were baptized once and then your saved?
    salvation comes from the Spirit.

  • @StandForScience
    @StandForScience 15 лет назад

    If God reveals himself to everyone through nature, why would you need to preach about him then? Why not let him do the job? Or is the chance to salvation somehow better for those who hear about Jesus? If that is the case, that doesn't make the situation whole lot better, since some people have better chances to salvation then others, merely by where they happen to born and when.

  • @mrmaxdunn
    @mrmaxdunn 14 лет назад

    Thats the funny thing right. After all our works, our ministries, jobs, degrees, sermons, bitter youtube arguments, judgements, expectations , coffee's, whatever; The only thing thing that matters is whether or not you know Jesus. Thats it. haha - thankfully he is pretty interested in getting to know us as well.

  • @TaylorKern
    @TaylorKern 15 лет назад

    "StandForScience," I can understand your frustration with Romans 1:20. However, your disliking of the verse is built on the fact that you have too high a view of man and you don't understand the holiness of God, which is reasonable because it takes a divine work of sovereign grace to grow in the knowledge of these two theological topics. However, you and are are still responsible to think right thoughts about God and it is a sin to do otherwise.

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    I know, I know. All will be well.
    Who are you? What do you do for living? Any beautiful parks in your area?
    Take it easy.

  • @mariaceciliapara
    @mariaceciliapara 15 лет назад

    Yes God want us to repent for our salvation.

    • @RealLadyG
      @RealLadyG Год назад

      To Repent is works which we must do. Faith Without Works is dead. When a pastor preaches Faith only he is preaching falsely.

  • @loveryplease
    @loveryplease 14 лет назад

    @Vikuulin First of all, you didn't answer my question. And he teachers all grace... but if you read 1st john and james, you'll see that you cannot truly accept Christ unless you produce works.. of course, only a true Christian will endure to the end. Paul preaches straight from the book.

  • @ebsc
    @ebsc 14 лет назад

    @MrGame20 Oh..I've never used that program but thank you :)

  • @darealteflon
    @darealteflon 14 лет назад

    Why are yall going at each other when all of you are saying the same thing that we believe & our faith in our father in heaven ,and we are here for a purpose its not a coincidence that we are here experiencing what our brothers/sisters in the past felt & went through,and remember theres nothing new under the sun,the same game is being play on us the deception to make us not to believe by force using mindcontrol(MK/t.v/music/sports/etc.)& not mention stages rituals in plain sight .

  • @jataylor7
    @jataylor7 13 лет назад

    @vdizhoor You are right! Washers book! Great reference guide to collecting related verses to a certain topic! used as a reference guide for SCRIPTURE! I replied to the original message using scripture as proof, no opinions here. Our thinking must be parallel to scripture, it wasn't Washer's opinion which i posted, the verses weren't Washer's opinion, i'm confused why reciting a group of verses related to a serious topic from a book that shows these truths condemns me to not thinking on my own?

  • @atgblue1
    @atgblue1 14 лет назад

    @Vikuulin I rest my case in the Holy God and His word, you can argue with or against it to fit your own beliefs and desires, but I believe the Bible. I agree that I cannot understand the Bible perfectly, and human error happens. But since the Bible speaks of faith AND works in regards to salvation, then there is a way to have both. salvation is only of faith, but if no works are present, then the faith is void and worthless. again, if you cant use the Bible to reply, then I wont pay you heed.

  • @ebsc
    @ebsc 14 лет назад

    this is really off the subject but...I am making videos about the Bible as well and I would like to know if anyone knows how or what program they use to make these videos? like the smoke and all that? thank you

  • @jataylor7
    @jataylor7 13 лет назад

    @vdizhoor " de-fanged' as in the removal of the fangs(sharp teeth) of a animal or creature or thing.

  • @vdizhoor
    @vdizhoor 13 лет назад

    So, scripture has fangs? It is a beast?