♱ 100 SPECIAL: DOLL-FACED. [1/3]

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024

Комментарии • 141

    @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +265

    Benefits, (not affs); have utmost neoteny, circular, round eye sockets and high set supraorbitals, Ideal eye-set-ness, high, symmetrical cranial top, thinner masseter muscles, symmetrical, equal horizontal thirds except the upper third is slightly larger in comparison to the rest, forward grown, projected outwards anterior nasal spine, round skull vault, symmetrically positioned inward gonions, flat supraorbital arches, arched supraorbital margins, the most optimal frankfort mandibular plane angle and have the perfect mandibular plane angle, zygomatic bones grown in all directions, zygomatic bones are positioned higher than the lateral canthis, have the perfect maxillary dental midline, 1.2 midface ratio, 2.2 fwhr, infraorbital region aggravately forward grown, upwards and forwards projected infraorbital rims, well developed lateral and inferior orbital rims, smooth brow bridge, round and convex forehead, nasal wings and alar base don't go further than the inner canthis, concave nasal bridge, undeveloped nasal bridge akin to those of infants, palpebral fissure length is increased by a graham's number multiplied 999 vigintillion times, ideal palpebral fissure height, ideal palpebral slant, ideal palpebral axis, ideal palpebral inclination, proportionally forward grown, short chin, eyes are enlarged and doll-like, eyes have a natural, dolly gloss to them, ideal eyelids, ideal upper eyelid exposure, ideal eyelid creases and canthal tilt, eye separation ranges from 46.3% to 49% (ideal), ideal interpupillary distance, ideal intercanthal distance, ideal outercanthal distance, (no specific nose affs; just affs for the nose to stay within harmonious ranges and to have a baby-like, concave nasal bridge), proper upper and lower jaw alignment, sphenoid bone expanded vigorously till you reach the utmost best facial development and dentofacial growth, correctly aligned sphenoid and ethmoid bone,
    expanded palatine bones, retain utmost neoteny and femininity, have an increased, safe production of prostaglandin for eyebrow hairs growth, have a normal nasal aperture, cheek line is parallel to the nose bridge, have the perfect frankfort horizontal plane, have a less obstructed nasopharnyx, eyelashes are layered by a graham's number multiplied infinitely, eyelashes in vertical height/length are truly comparable to a graham's number multiplied 999 vigintillion times, have a widened, shortened and rounded midface, maxilla is shortened proportionally and correctly and is upswung and projected forwards, posterior borders of ramis are straightened perfectly, have the perfect class 1 occlusion, have the best, dentofacially correct occlusal plane, forward grown mandible, defined ramis that are still in harmony with the rest of the face, befitting nasal length, high set hyoid bone and high set and backwards positioned hyoid muscles, symmetrical philtrum that is vigorously shortened and concave, lips are plump, enormous, inflated, fat and perfect, have your ideal cupid's bow, vermillion borders and oral commissures, have an exact 90 degrees angle between the submental region and neck, widened nasal airways, symmetrical face (skeletal, muscle, skin, etc),
    Maxilla is expanded and forward grown in all directions (sagittal, anterior, lateral, posterior), midface is shortened, widened and rounded perfectly, mandible is forwards projected and perfectly positioned, have the best maxillary rotation, have the perfect rickett's E-line, have plump, uplifted, youthful cheeks (doesn't increase cheek fat), have ideal eyebrows positioning, placement, tilt and definition, mandibular plane angle is in the ideal female ranges, increased intermolar width, increased width of the dental arches, the upper palate and lower palate is wider than a graham's number multiplied 999 vigintillion times and is perfectly aligned, facial index is 1.26, have your ideal face shape and have your ideal eye-set-ness, ideal chin and perfect tongue posture and increased intercanine width

    • @nancy729-j2c
      @nancy729-j2c 7 месяцев назад +4

      Idk what most of these are but will it not affect me if I don't know...?

    • @Mano_heschi5
      @Mano_heschi5 6 месяцев назад +4

      I have a question, how do you search these informations and be detail as possible for the entire face. I tried but it didn't give me the exact result

    • @Jana_477
      @Jana_477 6 месяцев назад

      Im sorry but what is Graham is numbers ?i have searched on it but still dont get it ,what do that has to do with all of this

    • @MissLady-Sugar
      @MissLady-Sugar 5 месяцев назад

      What is this? To have a "chubby" face?

    • @MissLady-Sugar
      @MissLady-Sugar 5 месяцев назад

      What is this? To have a "chubby" face?

  • @nwshinanzum
    @nwshinanzum 3 месяца назад +76

    It's si beautiful subliminal but I saw the affs and it's looks like I have to study to understand those words 😭💀

    • @Valentina-Manifests
      @Valentina-Manifests Месяц назад +11

      Your brain understands everything even if you don't research the meaning of those words! ❤ You will still get great results

  • @Sneagurung
    @Sneagurung 3 месяца назад +20

    I wish i look like doll like this pretty doll forever permanent

  • @orphicandangelic
    @orphicandangelic Год назад +91

    ?? this is so detailed omg. even tho i don’t particularly want to look like a doll i’m tempted to use lmao

  • @nyewn2158
    @nyewn2158 3 месяца назад +24

    Random affirmations
    🎀 - I am the epitome of a doll
    🎀 - I embody dolls to the max
    🎀 - My visionary is akin to a doll
    🎀 - My features are commentary and upmost dolly
    🎀 - I win at being the dolliest girl alive
    🎀 - I feel like a doll
    🎀 - I naturally look like a doll
    🎀 - All dolls look like ME, actually
    🎀 - I'm literally the most dolly looking girl in the world

  • @OneSide-e9b
    @OneSide-e9b 4 месяца назад +32

    I used this a while ago and i saw wonders, this is hella powerful. U all this is the right one. UNFORGIVEN SAINT is an angel❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @DoIlface
      @DoIlface 3 месяца назад

      hey friend if you get notified can you please tell me what changed and how others reacted to your changes?

  • @williamshakespear
    @williamshakespear Год назад +71

    holy shit this is my first time checking out your channel and everything is so DETAILED imma need to be seated 😫

  • @vanessaamaya93
    @vanessaamaya93 7 месяцев назад +65

    I want to have permanent porcelain doll look, with no exposed acne, or other shitty gunks on our skin, no grease no pimples, no huge pores, only glass doll skin look, just like the other porcelain dolls ❤

  • @ex.coraline9750
    @ex.coraline9750 Год назад +25

    Omggg , this is perfect and so detailed !!

  • @sweetfawnn
    @sweetfawnn 8 месяцев назад +15

    it's my whole playlist 💗!!

  • @undead-ztj43
    @undead-ztj43 Год назад +20

    U are like the best submaker ever !!

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +4


  • @nada.11111
    @nada.11111 3 месяца назад +12

    - pretty glittery shiny eyes
    - petite small upturned button nose
    - small oval v shaped face
    - pretty kissable lips
    - long manga lashes
    - dark thick lashes
    - perfect symmetrical eyebrows
    - well groomed clean eyebrows
    - clear dewy blurred skin
    - perfect flawless skin
    - prettiest doll face ever
    - most beautiful, prettiest face to exist
    - face like a doll
    - self love

  • @ashley_6667
    @ashley_6667 Год назад +16

    Omg this is perfect thank you ✨✨

  • @bambi_bby
    @bambi_bby Год назад +18

    Omggg you definitely understood the assignment 🤩🤩

  • @mehimehr
    @mehimehr Год назад +63

    wow the benefits are really detailed i’m amazed by how long it probably took you to learn and write… just wow
    btw do you personally think that it’s better to know all the anatomical names in the benefits? like your personal experience maybe?

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +32

      thank you !! and no you don't need to know the anatomical names, your subconscious mind understands everything !!

    • @mehimehr
      @mehimehr Год назад +1

      @@B0YF4NTASY got it!! thank you

  • @purpure3033
    @purpure3033 4 месяца назад +15

    Beneficios (no afirmaciones); tienen máxima neotenia, cuencas oculares circulares y redondas y supraorbitarios de implantación alta, posición ocular ideal, parte superior del cráneo simétrica y alta, músculos maseteros más delgados, tercios horizontales simétricos e iguales, excepto que el tercio superior es ligeramente más grande en comparación con el resto, hacia adelante espina nasal anterior proyectada hacia afuera, bóveda craneal redonda, goniones colocados simétricamente hacia adentro, arcos supraorbitarios planos, márgenes supraorbitarios arqueados, el ángulo del plano mandibular de Frankfort más óptimo y tienen el ángulo del plano mandibular perfecto, los huesos cigomáticos crecen en todas las direcciones, los huesos cigomáticos son posicionado más alto que el cantis lateral, tiene la línea media dental maxilar perfecta, relación media facial de 1,2, 2,2 fwhr, región infraorbitaria con un crecimiento agravado hacia adelante, bordes infraorbitarios proyectados hacia arriba y hacia adelante, bordes orbitarios laterales e inferiores bien desarrollados, puente superciliar liso, frente redonda y convexa , las alas nasales y la base alar no van más allá del cantis interno, puente nasal cóncavo, puente nasal poco desarrollado similar al de los bebés, la longitud de la fisura palpebral aumenta en un número de Graham multiplicado 999 vigintillones de veces, altura ideal de la fisura palpebral, altura palpebral ideal inclinado, eje palpebral ideal, inclinación palpebral ideal, crecimiento proporcional hacia adelante, mentón corto, ojos agrandados y como de muñeca, ojos con un brillo natural de muñeca, párpados ideales, exposición ideal del párpado superior, pliegues de párpado ideales e inclinación cantal, la separación de los ojos varía del 46,3% al 49% (ideal), distancia interpupilar ideal, distancia intercantal ideal, distancia cantal exterior ideal (sin aletas nasales específicas; Sólo es importante que la nariz se mantenga dentro de rangos armoniosos y tenga una apariencia similar a la de un bebé.dentro de rangos armoniosos y para tener un puente nasal cóncavo similar al de un bebé), alineación adecuada de la mandíbula superior e inferior, hueso esfenoides expandido vigorosamente hasta alcanzar el mejor desarrollo facial y crecimiento dentofacial, hueso esfenoides y etmoides correctamente alineados, huesos palatinos expandidos, conservan la máxima neotenia y feminidad, tienen una producción aumentada y segura de prostaglandinas para el crecimiento del vello de las cejas, tienen una apertura nasal normal, la línea de las mejillas es paralela al puente de la nariz, tienen el plano horizontal frankfort perfecto, tienen una nasofaringe menos obstruida, las pestañas están en capas por un número de Graham multiplicado infinitamente, las pestañas en altura/longitud vertical son verdaderamente comparables al número de Graham multiplicado 999 vigintillones de veces, tienen una cara media ensanchada, acortada y redondeada, el maxilar se acorta proporcional y correctamente y está hacia arriba y proyectado hacia adelante, los bordes posteriores de las ramas están perfectamente enderezadas, tienen la oclusión perfecta de clase 1, tienen el mejor plano oclusal dentofacialmente correcto, mandíbula desarrollada hacia adelante, ramas definidas que aún están en armonía con el resto de la cara, longitud nasal adecuada, hueso hioides de inserción alta y y músculos hioides posicionados hacia atrás, filtro simétrico vigorosamente acortado y cóncavo, labios carnosos, enormes, inflados, gordos y perfectos, tienen su arco de cupido ideal, bordes y comisuras orales bermellón, tienen un ángulo exacto de 90 grados entre la región submentoniana y cuello, vías respiratorias nasales ensanchadas, cara simétrica (esquelética, muscular, piel, etc.), el maxilar está expandido y crecido hacia adelante en todas las direcciones (sagital, anterior, lateral, posterior), la parte media de la cara está acortada, ensanchada y redondeada perfectamente, la mandíbula está proyectada hacia adelante y perfectamente posicionado, tener la mejor rotación maxilar, tener la línea E de Rickett perfecta, tener mejillas regordetas, levantadas y jóvenes (no aumenta la grasa de las mejillas), tener cejas en posición, ubicación, inclinación y definición ideales, el ángulo del plano mandibular está en los rangos femeninos ideales, mayor ancho intermolar, mayor ancho de las arcadas dentarias, el paladar superior y el paladar inferior es más ancho que el número de graham multiplicado 999 vigintillones de veces y está perfectamente alineado, el índice facial es 1.26, ten tu forma de cara ideal y ten tu Posición ideal de los ojos, mentón ideal y postura perfecta de la lengua y mayor ancho intercanino.

  • @pandorasbox777
    @pandorasbox777 Год назад +14

    beautiful 💗

  • @rosaoccupy
    @rosaoccupy Год назад +24

    I want god's perfection

  • @Lotusdollhouse
    @Lotusdollhouse Год назад +14

    ur so smart ♡

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +2

      thank you angel 🖤🖤 love you ! /p

  • @YVJ1R0
    @YVJ1R0 11 месяцев назад +14

    im sorry if this is a stupid question but would this fix protruding cheekbones?

    • @momentostristes5552
      @momentostristes5552 Месяц назад

      Nikita tiene uno de muñequita y corrige eso... supongo que esto tambien .

  • @aiyun
    @aiyun Год назад +7

    omg ty so so so so much!! ❤❤❤

  • @EitaaHm
    @EitaaHm 7 месяцев назад +7

    Can i have this type of face with high cheekbones?

  • @aeryn.3558
    @aeryn.3558 7 месяцев назад +13

    can u interpret the benefits in the way a 5th grade would understand 😭

  • @gynaeco1ogist
    @gynaeco1ogist 11 месяцев назад +11

    Can i use this if i don’t want low nasal bridge 😭😭😭 my df is tomie tysm xxxx

  • @y2kharukaqueen
    @y2kharukaqueen 5 месяцев назад +8

    Will my eyes be REALLY huge or just large? Their current size is small/medium, and I don't want to have those gigantic eyes.

  • @Thebrightest_ofstars
    @Thebrightest_ofstars Год назад +29

    A girl said I was really pretty today 💕😼

  • @frangeewong6215
    @frangeewong6215 6 месяцев назад +6

    Wow! You are very scientific, which is very impressive, but what I like are the dollies. I feel I have to play with my dollies. My mother wouldn't let me have them.I got a Barbie from another lady.😅

  • @emiimg_
    @emiimg_ 6 месяцев назад +14

    beneficioss. 👼🏻👼🏻
    tienen máxima neotenia, cuencas oculares circulares y redondas y supraorbitarios de implantación alta, posición ocular ideal, parte superior del cráneo alta y simétrica, músculos maseteros más delgados, tercios horizontales simétricos e iguales, excepto que el tercio superior es ligeramente más grande en comparación con el resto, hacia adelante espina nasal anterior proyectada hacia afuera, bóveda craneal redonda, goniones colocados simétricamente hacia adentro, arcos supraorbitarios planos, márgenes supraorbitarios arqueados, el ángulo del plano mandibular de Frankfort más óptimo y tienen el ángulo del plano mandibular perfecto, los huesos cigomáticos crecen en todas las direcciones, los huesos cigomáticos son posicionado más alto que el cantis lateral, tiene la línea media dental maxilar perfecta, relación media facial de 1,2, 2,2 fwhr, región infraorbitaria con crecimiento agravado hacia adelante, bordes infraorbitarios proyectados hacia arriba y hacia adelante, bordes orbitarios laterales e inferiores bien desarrollados, puente superciliar liso, frente redonda y convexa , las alas nasales y la base alar no van más allá del cantis interno, puente nasal cóncavo, puente nasal poco desarrollado similar al de los bebés, la longitud de la fisura palpebral aumenta en un número de Graham multiplicado 999 vigintillones de veces, altura ideal de la fisura palpebral, altura palpebral ideal inclinado, eje palpebral ideal, inclinación palpebral ideal, crecimiento proporcional hacia adelante, barbilla corta, ojos agrandados y como de muñeca, ojos con un brillo natural de muñeca, párpados ideales, exposición ideal del párpado superior, pliegues de párpado ideales e inclinación cantal, la separación de los ojos varía del 46,3% al 49% (ideal), distancia interpupilar ideal, distancia intercantal ideal, distancia cantal exterior ideal (sin aletas nasales específicas; solo es necesario que la nariz se mantenga dentro de rangos armoniosos y tenga un puente nasal cóncavo similar al de un bebé), alineación adecuada de la mandíbula superior e inferior, hueso esfenoides expandido vigorosamente hasta alcanzar el máximo desarrollo facial y crecimiento dentofacial, esfenoides correctamente alineados y hueso etmoides, huesos palatinos expandidos, conservan la máxima neotenia y feminidad, tienen una producción aumentada y segura de prostaglandinas para el crecimiento del vello de las cejas, tienen una apertura nasal normal, la línea de las mejillas es paralela al puente de la nariz, tienen el plano horizontal perfecto de frankfort, tienen una nasofaringe menos obstruida, las pestañas están superpuestas por el número de Graham multiplicado infinitamente, las pestañas en altura/longitud vertical son verdaderamente comparables al número de Graham multiplicado 999 vigintillones de veces, tienen la parte media de la cara ensanchada, acortada y redondeada, el maxilar se acorta proporcional y correctamente y está hacia arriba y proyectados hacia adelante, los bordes posteriores de las ramas se enderezan
    perfectamente, tener la oclusión perfecta clase 1, tener la mejor, dentofacialmente perfectamente, tener la oclusión perfecta de clase 1, tener el mejor plano oclusal dentofacialmente correcto, mandíbula desarrollada hacia adelante, ramas definidas que todavía están en armonía con el resto de la cara, longitud nasal adecuada, hueso hioides de inserción alta y posición alta y hacia atrás. músculos hioides, filtro simétrico vigorosamente acortado y cóncavo, labios carnosos, enormes, inflados, gordos y perfectos, tienen su arco de cupido ideal, bordes bermellones y comisuras orales, tienen un ángulo exacto de 90 grados entre la región submentoniana y el cuello, ensanchados vías respiratorias nasales, cara simétrica (esquelética, muscular, cutánea, etc.),
    El maxilar está expandido y crecido hacia adelante en todas las direcciones (sagital, anterior, lateral, posterior), la parte media de la cara está acortada, ensanchada y redondeada perfectamente, la mandíbula está proyectada hacia adelante y perfectamente posicionada, tiene la mejor rotación maxilar, tiene la línea E de Rickett perfecta. tener mejillas regordetas, levantadas y jóvenes (no aumenta la grasa de las mejillas), tener cejas en posición, ubicación, inclinación y definición ideales, el ángulo del plano mandibular está en los rangos femeninos ideales, mayor ancho intermolar, mayor ancho de los arcos dentales, la parte superior el paladar y el paladar inferior son más anchos que el número de Graham multiplicado 999 vigintillones de veces y están perfectamente alineados, el índice facial es 1,26, tienen la forma de su cara ideal y su posición ideal de los ojos, la barbilla ideal y la postura perfecta de la lengua y el ancho intercanino aumentado

  • @TaylorElizabethSwift
    @TaylorElizabethSwift 2 месяца назад +3

    I am the most beautiful woman alive periodt ⚖️⚖️⚖️✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻🗣️🗣️🗣️🗡️🗡️🗡️✔️✔️✔️

  • @etherealnextdoor
    @etherealnextdoor 7 месяцев назад +15

    I want a thin face, will this give me a wide face?

    • @riiscilla
      @riiscilla 5 месяцев назад +17

      yes, but wide isnt the same as fat and thin isnt the same as narrow

  • @datura102
    @datura102 Год назад +6


  • @nada.11111
    @nada.11111 3 месяца назад +4

    Can I block widening Affs?

  • @misoso11
    @misoso11 9 месяцев назад +8

    Can i get an small oval face with this? Sorry i didn't undertanded very well

  • @ilove_phoebe
    @ilove_phoebe 8 месяцев назад +7

    Idk what the benefits are saying so I'll just use it. 😌

  • @baileymoe
    @baileymoe Год назад +7

    if you don't mind me asking. can I still use this with a feline beauty sub? cuz I'm trying to achieve that feline dolly look :))

  • @Dolliewonnie
    @Dolliewonnie Год назад +16

    On my way to look like a cgi doll!!

  • @Qqqpppuyt
    @Qqqpppuyt Год назад +4

    Not this having everythint i want 😩

  • @FarheenSaba-kv4cm
    @FarheenSaba-kv4cm 11 месяцев назад +9

    Can i use this if i want similar face like Aishwarya rai or the angel skull one would be better

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  11 месяцев назад +4

      use both !

    • @FarheenSaba-kv4cm
      @FarheenSaba-kv4cm 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@B0YF4NTASY okay thx for replying. One question tho do u know if aish have deep set eyes or shallow set.

  • @antisocialbarbie1587
    @antisocialbarbie1587 2 месяца назад +2

    Does this makes iris of the eyes large?

  • @Jana_477
    @Jana_477 6 месяцев назад +4

    If this gonna make my face and chin shorter and smaller ,cuz i have like this long saggy face and midface yk😭😭 I don’t look really pretty with that,

  • @shinchan3137
    @shinchan3137 Год назад +5

    Can u post one version wuthout widening affs. Btw is this unisex ? And do u know any male who have this features

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +5

      If anyone wants to look like a doll then they can use this, and I'll post the version about widening affs soon and let you know! and no I don't know any male models with these features sorry 😭🖤

  • @earthangelbambi
    @earthangelbambi Год назад +11

    are the affs more simple cause I don’t know any of those words 😭

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +29

      you'll get wider dental arches, increased intermolar width, increased intercanine width, a facial index of 1.26, equal facial thirds with the forehead/upper third being slightly bigger as that's a neotenous feature and equal vertical fifths, your nose won't go further than your inner corners (harmonising feature) you'll get a low nasal bridge and a forward grown nasal spine, high set cheekbones, horizontally wide eyes and eyes that you want in your ideal vertical height (e.g. vertically narrow eyes, vertically long eyes), ideal eyebrow positioning, shape, etc, forward grown maxilla and mandible, sphenoid bone expansion and ethmoid bone alignment, + vomer bone alignment, high cranial top, long and extremely layered eyelashes, perfect, pouty lips, short midface, harmonious and most optimal frankfort horizontal plane, plump, enlarged lips, utmost symmetry + affs for under eye support, round eye sockets for larger eyes, high fwhr and a short, uplifted, concave philtrum, an exact 90 degrees angle between the submental region and neck, ideal canthal tilt, eyelids, and eye shape, enlarged eyes akin to those of dolls and that you have a mix of neoteny and femininity while having a defined jawline that isn't out of harmony + ideal eye spacing

    • @earthangelbambi
      @earthangelbambi Год назад +5

      @@B0YF4NTASY Omg thank you for this and thanks for explaining those things lol 😭 ur the bestest

  • @ria0jxp
    @ria0jxp 7 месяцев назад +8

    Can I have big, slanted eyes? If I want it?

  • @Yew_Wonyoung
    @Yew_Wonyoung 3 месяца назад +2

    can i speed up 2x?

  • @esotericdoe
    @esotericdoe Год назад +7

    With the orbitals, flat orbitals give off the soft eye appearance like babies as well, so is it something similar to that?

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +2

      are you talking about the orbital vectors or supraorbital region?

    • @esotericdoe
      @esotericdoe Год назад +1

      @@B0YF4NTASY supraorbital!

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +13

      ​@@esotericdoesorry yt put your comment held for review for days and I didn't notice it 😭 and the supraorbitals being flatter and high set is a neotenous and feminine trait!

  • @momomomomomomomomoooooo
    @momomomomomomomomoooooo Год назад +6

    [1/3] does that mean there will be 2 more? 😻😻😻

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +2

      two more for the 100 subscribers special yes !!

  • @MonsterHigh456-zb4vk
    @MonsterHigh456-zb4vk 4 месяца назад +3

    Can you listen more than three times

  • @honoka4994
    @honoka4994 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @skincareloverawakener
    @skincareloverawakener Год назад +5

    Is 1:2 midface ratio short or long?

  • @nobitachan8819
    @nobitachan8819 Год назад +2

    Does this has any affs that can widen the face?
    Also if a guy wants a feminine can he use this?

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +2

      It has affs for a wide midface! and if you want a feminine face then use my angel skull sub and combine it with something else of your liking 🖤

    • @nobitachan8819
      @nobitachan8819 Год назад

      @@B0YF4NTASYso this isn't ideal for a boy right and like does ur angel skull has affs for wife face too I mean I ve been listening to narrow face subs all this time and I m going a pretty boy look and my major concerns are eye and nose area I want them to be much more bigger and look pretty in general.

    • @ad8ration
      @ad8ration 11 месяцев назад +7

      @@nobitachan8819a narrow face isn't proper facial development,so i think this channel doesn't have any narrow face subs. a wide but short face is feminine as well and is a feature of many models. wide doesn't always mean EXTREMELY wide,some faces might be "wide" that appear short and small.

  • @karminalouch7601
    @karminalouch7601 11 месяцев назад +2

    Widened nasal airways is it gonna make the nose wide

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  11 месяцев назад +9

      no it doesn't affect your appearance, it makes it so that you can breathe easily 🖤

  • @Sedatedbambi
    @Sedatedbambi Год назад +5

    My subconscious doesn't need to understand all the terms right?😅

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +8

      ofc!! your subconscious mind understands everything and anything so learning anatomical terms to use this sub is unnecessary ! I personally use them to ensure precision

    • @Sedatedbambi
      @Sedatedbambi Год назад +2

      @@B0YF4NTASY Thanks a lot I'll be using this sub!💕

  • @tertbutyl8436
    @tertbutyl8436 Год назад +8

    If it's not bothersome can you please upload this sub without the following benefits/ affirmations -
    -circular/round eye sockets
    -high set supraorbitals
    -big eyes
    -wide midface/maxilla

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +1

      I'll let you know when I do!

    • @tertbutyl8436
      @tertbutyl8436 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@B0YF4NTASY okay ty

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  11 месяцев назад +1

      @@tertbutyl8436 hi please dm me on Instagram as yt doesn't send me notifs !

  • @silk89
    @silk89 Год назад +4

    Would this clash with your model structure sub?

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  Год назад +1

      yeah unless you want to look like a mix of both the doll sub and model sub !

    • @silk89
      @silk89 Год назад +1

      @@B0YF4NTASY thank youu 💕

  • @riiscilla
    @riiscilla 9 месяцев назад +2

    i don't understand why is it that u put such a high fwhr pls explain bc i think the ideal fwhr is around 1.9

    • @riiscilla
      @riiscilla 9 месяцев назад +2

      okay i think i get it it's bc some type of dolls have short but wide faces right?

    • @riiscilla
      @riiscilla 9 месяцев назад +2

      why did u put 1.2 midface ratio and not 1.1? since thats the ideal and not the other one
      I'm not trying to be rude but if it's just one point why not simply put 1 instead of 2?

    • @tiredofwaitingforyou
      @tiredofwaitingforyou 7 месяцев назад +4

      because this is for a short small nose wide midface small face. i have a 1.1 midface ratio as a guy and it's not even that short@@riiscilla

    • @riiscilla
      @riiscilla 7 месяцев назад

      i get the objective of the sub but it's exactly what u mean, 1.1 it's not even that short but at the same time ​youre saying the sub is for a small short wide face @@tiredofwaitingforyou

    • @tiredofwaitingforyou
      @tiredofwaitingforyou 7 месяцев назад

      @@riiscilla 1.2 is shorter!!! 0.9 is usually long midface, 1.0 is about medium, 1.1 shortish and 1.2 def short

  • @alluvfortoria
    @alluvfortoria 5 месяцев назад +2

    sullyoon from nmixx has these characteristics???

  • @lesscaffienelessanxietea
    @lesscaffienelessanxietea Год назад +2

    hii can i use this to achieve a facial structure like haerin from new jeans?

  • @cyffin
    @cyffin 11 месяцев назад +1

    Could I use this if my df is young Olivia Hussey?

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  11 месяцев назад +9

      this and the angel skull sub! I have plans to make a sub inspired by hussey's beauty but don't know when

  • @offeibea4996
    @offeibea4996 5 месяцев назад

    Ive never ever tried subliminals before and i hope it works. But does it???

  • @shoujoprotag
    @shoujoprotag 11 месяцев назад +1

    is this sped up a lot? also will this give me downturned eyes?

    • @B0YF4NTASY
      @B0YF4NTASY  11 месяцев назад +3

      It's not sped a lot and no it won't give you downturned eyes, it'll give you your desired eyes

  • @Qqqpppuyt
    @Qqqpppuyt 10 месяцев назад

    Whats facial index

  • @Selen564
    @Selen564 6 месяцев назад +1

    111 it is working🩵

  • @y.umm_
    @y.umm_ 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @lunaticlove8959
    @lunaticlove8959 8 месяцев назад

    I love dolls subs thx

  • @ex.coraline9750
    @ex.coraline9750 Год назад +1


    @STARRZ_XOXO 6 месяцев назад +1

    I cant tell if these comments are sarcastic or fr 😟

  • @lionheartedgirI
    @lionheartedgirI 11 месяцев назад +3

    can i use this w i7craved irl babydoll sub?