Для меня - это наиболее увлекательное исполнение 11-го концерта. Часто его играют в стиле "хрусталя и воды", но тут это - бурный и энергичный барочный фонтан, полный силы и света.
thanks for uploading! He was a marvelous musician and has meant very much to me since I first heard him in the early seventies. Was so sad to hear of his premature death last week.
Для меня - это наиболее увлекательное исполнение 11-го концерта. Часто его играют в стиле "хрусталя и воды", но тут это - бурный и энергичный барочный фонтан, полный силы и света.
thanks for uploading! He was a marvelous musician and has meant very much to me since I first heard him in the early seventies.
Was so sad to hear of his premature death last week.
Excelente. Muchas gracias./ Wonderful , thank you very much.
my beloved 3rd :) - 16:24
Basso continuo!
The sound skips on 13:49. Anything wrong with the sound source? That skipping is a pity while his and orchestra's performance is perfect.