Wow Amina when you say Nasielsk my heart start beating faster! Lot memories? My grand parents comes from Nasielsk ! I spend there all my childhood and every vacation from school in Nasielsk.They live not far from Nisielsk town ,close to station in place called Piescirogi Stare . They had beautiful house and all the street was covered with beautiful trees unfortunately cut off now ! My grand parents comes to Nasielsk before the war and my grand father was station master of Nasielsk. That time Nasielsk was very Jewish city . During the war my grandma saw the deportation of all Jews from Nasielsk as she was force cook food for German officers what live there during that time .Because of the work she was able to supply food to others residents! After war in 1960 they built one more house were they live until death and we’re I spend my every free time ! I use to live in Katowice so Nasielsk was paradise to me ! The house was very visible it was like dark pink I am sure is still there ! I remember I visited also the small beautiful town Pultusk they had castle there ! After the death of my grandparents the house was sold and I move to Australia but every time I am in Poland always visited my grandparents grave and put flowers This Independence Day In Nasielsk was absolutely beautiful this is haw should be celebrated Not like the nationalist marches in Warsaw ! I am happy to see this festive time and you having lots fun ! All the best to you and your partner ♥️♥️♥️
Wow. What a coincidence! I remember when I first came to Nasielsk and my polish was 0. I was saying stare pierogi lol. Unfortunately they cut more trees this year to make sidewalks. Sad reality. I really appreciate that you shares the story of your grandparents. Now I will be more aware and look for the pink house. If By any chance you come to Nasielsk for a visit; let me know. Best wishes
Dziękuję bardzo Amina for the content , i have fallowed you since the beginning of my journey when i was in Algeria , Now i'm living in Poland and really enjoying it . Small video from Amina a big jump for subscribers 🔥
Saw your comments on a Rich Roll podcast. Nice run. I enjoy watching how people live in other countries. I also follow Pavlo from Ukraine. Best of luck to you.
Jeśli pojadę do Algierii jako katolik z zamiarem wybudowania kościoła, prawdopodobnie ukamieniują mnie w 5 minut, tam to jest gościna. Pani Amina musi zrozumieć, że Polska w swojej historii nie kolonizowała na potęgę jak Francja, Hiszpania, Anglia i Portugalia , Polska zawsze była katolicka i zamieszkała przez Polaków, rasizm jest wszędzie, pokusiłbym się nawet o stwierdzenie ,że w krajach Europy zachodniej ,większy niż w Polsce.
Witaj Ken, doceniam Twoją opinię. Nie zaprzeczam, że rasizm istnieje w każdym zakątku. I nie przypominam sobie, żebym twierdził, że chcę zmienić kulturę, religię czy tradycje Polski. Kocham Polskę dokładnie taką, jaka jest. Nigdy nie chciałem, aby w Polsce wprowadzano moje ideologie (mimo, że sam nie jestem muzułmaninem). Pamiętam z moich wizyt w muzeach, że Polska miała również dużą populację Żydów zamieszkujących wzdłuż biegunów chrystusowych. Co do budowy kościoła w Algierii, to mamy ich tam niewielu ;) Życzę Ci miłego dnia jeśli w mojej wypowiedzi jest jakiś błąd, przepraszam, ale używam do tego translatora
Oj Polska zdecydowanie NIE ZAWSZE byla katolicka czy chrzescijańska.Powinnismy się wstydzic,ze zapomnielismy o swoim prawdziwym dziedzictwie naszych praojcow i pramatek.Chrzescijanie ukradli poganskie swięta i przerobili je na swoje,zmienili Biblię na swoją modłę,palili,gwalcili i zabijali mieczem narzucając swojego "boga".To tak gwoli przypomnienia.
@@TheEmpress185 Bzdury napisałaś. Chrześcijanie to nie katolicy. Katolicy to nie chrześcijanie. Jeżeli już to poganie katolicy przyjęli pogańskie rzymskie wierzenia tak więc nawet oni nic nie ukradli. Jeżeli już ktoś mordował, itp. to Eskimosi albo wyznawcy wszystkich pozostałych fałszywych religii a nie chrześcijanie. Jaki jest pierwowzór Starego Testamentu? Teksty sumeryjskie? Bo Nowy Testament został napisany przez chrześcijan. Zresztą Apokalipsa Jana zaczyna się powoli wypełniać. Prawdziwy Bóg ostrzega nas co najmniej od 2000 lat przed tym co właśnie się dzieje na naszych oczach. A jakie przepowiednie wypełniły się naszych praojców i pramatek?
Sad to say, there are many, many people of bad will, who are willing to harm Poland for whatever reason especially in the most significant and dearest day to our harts, the day related to the recent Polish history - The Independence Day. That people are somewhat connected to Poland but do not identify with this country and its history. Me, my friends, all my acquaintances esteem all the people of good will of all races and nationality. There is old Polish saying "A guest at home means God's coming your home" and this saying is still actual and widely used.
Words from gold. Andy! Thank you. And as you said . I really do not like attributing this beautiful day to something fearful. It hurts to see in foreigners group's when this day approaches all are advising against going out. Anyway. I love Poland ♡
My 11 of november memories - I watched with my boyfriend a show of aircraft and then we went to have our "national dish" - a turkish kebab ;) the line was huge and we celebrated it with baklava dessert nd then we went to my parent's house for coffee and more sweets :P We all know the media problems, but the everyday life is for people of good will ❤ I know you came from another country but life is life, people are people - most of us are welcoming just like wherever 🙃 we live together - we celebrate together ❤❤❤
according to Eurostat data from 2021, Poland is the 5th safest country in Europe, according to other data, we are even in 3rd or 2nd place, it is dangerous, for example, in France where there are riots and burning cars every now and then. In Poland, they wanted to preserve their culture and traditions, and for this the left-wing world calls us racists, I am convinced that every Arab / Muslim state is more racist than Poland ...
Hi Arkadiusz. Thanks for your feedback. As you saw in my video I was clear that Poland is NOT a racist country in my humble opinion. And I still admit that there are some people who are. Which is the case in every single country in the world. Regarding if Arab/Muslim countries are racist or not. I am not able to comment on this because I was not a foreigner there never experienced or saw a racist behaviour. Of my memory is good. Again thank you
I've been at Independence Day March in Warsaw this year and I've seen two black guys, most likely from Africa with Polish flags. there's even interview with them on yt
I have seen it too. I do not like that this day turns into a day where you are advised not to go out. That is why it was important for me to share this day.
@@imperatyw_kategoryczny I like to be funny. Hmm I will study history after. Because another comment told me to study sociology first. :) What are you studying at the moment?
Rzecz w tym, że polska idea narodowa była tak naprawdę kulturowa niż rasowa. Nie mamy własnej tradycji rasizmu. Dopiero musimy ją sobie wypracować. "Jestem Polakiem, bo myślę i czuję po polsku" - Roman Dmowski. To zdanie właściwie najważniejszego myśliciela polskiej myśli narodowej stanowi esencję definicji Polaka. Nie ma tam nic o kolorze skóry, pochodzeniu czy innych takich sprawach.
Algeria gained independence during the de Gaulle's presidency, and in Poland he is known, inter alia, from the fact that in the years 1919-21 he stayed in Poland as an instructor of a military mission and was awarded the order of Virtuti Militari during the Battle of Warsaw in 1920. This is a huge contrast, because while France occupied Algeria for many decades, in Poland, hopes for regaining independence were associated with France. Poland is also the only European country apart from France where Napoleon Bonaparte is still highly revered. Everywhere else he's rather considered a great war criminal :) What our countries have in common is, however, the struggle for independence in 19. century. Here there are many similiarities between imperial forms of occupations, only that instead of France we had mainly Prussia and Russia. To my knowledge, Polish soldiers along with the French didn't take part in the pacifications of Algeria, alas they took part in suppressing the rebellions of the local population in Haiti, e.g. in 1803. This rahter shameful episode was depicted in Żeromski's novel 'Ashes' and in its film adaptation. Until now, the descendants of these Polish legionnaires from the Dąbrowski Legions, mentioned in the Polish national anthem, live in Haiti. The same applies to the Napoleonic campaign in Spain and its pivotal Battle of Samossiera in 1808. At the National Museum in Warsaw, you can compare Suchodolski's romantic painting vision with how it was presented in the film 'Ashes' by Wajda.
Antek. Always bringing facts a information to the table. I appreciate the thorough explanation. I always learn from you. Regarding Napoleon I have felt the same when I visited The Museum of Romanticism in Opinogóra which was open, on the 150th anniversary of Napoleon's decree.
"Poland is also the only European country apart from France where Napoleon Bonaparte is still highly revered." Strangely enough, he is. Despite the fact that Napoleon treated Poles like a paper handkerchief - you use it and throw it out.
Awesome and warm video. It's made my day. As regards November, even on a gloomy November day you shouldn't shy away from taking a wander through the fields, into/in the woods (at best with the Polish Hound), around the city (at night too) ... might give you a thrill and recharge your batteries better than lounging about. Btw, I’d venture a guess that lovely May and gloomy November are the best months to run across the Polish Soul out in the open (pun intended). Here you are, "Listopady" ("Novembers") by Władysław Broniewski, a piece of the Polish soul.
@@AminaZalewska Hi Amina. I visited as a child with my parents in the 1960s three times in the communist era. Then again in the past couple of decades, most recently in 2019. I stayed with my cousin's family in Warsaw and in Gdańsk on my own. Always felt safe and always enjoyed interacting the Polish people.. But you did something further and experienced settling into a small community with your husband. This one vlog you produced (that I have seen, anyway) is heartwarming as you relate your experience to camera, and that shows nothing less than trust, community and love between you and those around you. Long may that continue and God bless you!
Hi Kenneth. I am not sure I totally agree. I do respect myself by not being loyal to my country and my culture (that is why I moved to Poland) I guess what you are referring to is to protect the cultural heritage of Poland. Which I totally support. But I do not think by discriminating foreigners is a way to do it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I do appreciate it.
Be honest, you moved to Poland because it was not Algeria but in the EU. You could just as easily gone to a sister Muslim country such as Libya. So now do not criticise and accuse Poland of racism. Poland has no need to change to accommodate foreigners who are not kept there by force.@@AminaZalewska
Ok Have you watched the video until the end? have I said that Poland is racist. Please be careful on such accusations; and I know people who came from Libya to Algeria and vice versa. I do not deny that many from Africa or middle east wish to go to Europe or north America in "hope" for a better life.
@@heniakonas9439 lets not pretend Poland is a number one destination for tourism/residency. Your country is littered with poverty lmao. All educated, rich Polish live in London so knock it off mate.
Ta orkiestra na końcu to ubaw po pachy. Nie przypuszczałem że takie "talenty" są w tych stronach. W Krakowie wygląda to trochę inaczej. Ale o wiele większe wrażenie chyba robią syreny alarmowe wyjące 1 sierpnia o godz. 17.00.
Well. On the 11th of November 50% of foreigners says yes. The other half says no. It is up to you to decide. You can ask in Arabs in Poland group and you will hear others' opinion on this. Thank you for asking.
No, it's safe for foreigners. Although you can sometimes meet a group of drunk football fans or hooligans in front of a club at 3 am, who are looking for harassment with anyone, it doesn't matter, with a foreigner, a native or a lantern.
@@AminaZalewska On November 11, Poles celebrate their independence, regaining the homeland after 100 years of partitions, and it is even safer than usual for foreigners. A lot of ordinary people with different views, including many foreigners, sometimes very clearly different from the average Pole, participate in the march organized by the nationalists in Warsaw. Such a Polish specificity. Nothing is black and white here. But again, you can always meet a drunk football fan who comes back from the march and looks for a tease. But these are very sporadic situations. There are a lot of other events in Warsaw on November 11, some of them much more interesting than the march. In turn, in other Polish cities, nationalists organize their marches on November 11 very rarely.
Hi thanks! I am aware of the shortening of jak się masz However I have always heard it and seen it used as hello. If someone tells me siema I will not answer I am fine thanks lol
Pierwszy raz słyszę to co zostało napisane o zwłaszcza nienawiści i tu podkreślę ludzi z Azji . Skąd taki pomysł?. Nigdy nie słyszałem złego słowa na Azjatów w Polsce raczej same pozytywne słowa . Wielu Polaków ma raczej bzika na temat takich krajów jak np. Korea czy Japonia . Zresztą z Japonią łączy nas sporo aspektów historycznych . Do Polski przyjeżdża wielu turystów z Japonii , mamy dni Japonii w Polsce , sporo z nich kupuje w Polsce ceramikę czy inne wyroby tradycyjne . Azjaci pod względem jak wyglądają są atrakcyjni i cenią sobie swoją kulturę co działa na Polaków pozytywnie . Według mnie jeszcze mało znasz Polskę jeżeli coś tak dziwnego piszesz . Raczej opierasz się na jakimś odosobnionym dziwnym przypadku . Jeżeli chodzi o kraje arabskie raczej niewielu Polaków wie które są to konkretnie kraje . Ten opis filmu według mnie jest najdziwniejszym jaki czytałem .
@@imperatyw_kategoryczny O co tobie chodzi ?. Uszczególnij swój wpis . Mam problem z sarkazmem jakoś mój mózg tak działa . Może twój wpis taki jest ?. Lubię jak ktoś wali prosto z mostu . Wybacz tak jakoś mam.
Dziękuje za komentarz; i oczywiście jest to dla Ciebie dziwne, bo nie jesteś obcokrajowcem i tego nie doświadczyłeś lub nie przebywałeś w kręgu obcokrajowców. jeśli nie słyszałeś o czymś wcześniej, nie oznacza to, że nie istnieje!
You're a very brave and wise girl! Mówisz świetne po Polsku, ale uważaj na końcówki w czasie przeszłym: -łem (przybiegłem) to rodzaj męski, -łam (przybiegłam) to rodzaj żeński. Pozdrawiam i wszystkiego najlepszego w Polsce. 🙂
Dzisiaj występujesz w naszej ukraińsko-polskiej grupie Учим польский язык. Речь Посполитая наших стран. Świetny i ciepły film. W Polsce każdy kto szanuje polską kulturę i uczy się polskiego języka jest szanowany. Bardzo ciepły film. Kocham bieganie, właśnie za chwile wychodzę na moją terenową trasę. Serdecznie pozdrawiam i dużo zdrowia. No i zapraszam do naszej grupy, może Ci się spodoba.
Lot of nationalists and fascists down there.. It must be true what they say in foreign media about Poland xD But seriously, it looks like you had a great day ;)
Not that much I feel. As you see in a town next to Warsaw it was the opposite experience. I have not checked the media about this topic yet. I will need to see Ps: the fly on the picture tricked me lol
Dear Amina idiots are everywhere but the majority of people are nice- this is the rule in most of the countries I found. I am so happy that you made this video.
Ok wow let me stop you their Muslim and Arab it’s a religious not color Polish people from outside Warszawa are darker in color it’s the way Muslim people treat their women
No not racist .remember that the minority ultra rightwing manipulate such days of national unity.the younger generation are extremely tolerant of race and sexual orientation
Sure, but it's a clickbait made with the responibility of tell just how it is :) XXI century is all about the clickbaits ;) all of us should know how to use it smart way :)
Lived I Poland for12 years. Learned the language and really loved the individuals I met there. However, sad to say after years of being a democratic beacon it is now irrefutably under PiS becoming racist and particularly anti-Semitic. Any country that tries so hard to edit its own narrative about the crimes committed by a small but significant number of its civilians, loading the courts and passing laws limiting true academic debate to maintain these lies is decidedly Porto-fascist, and this always requires at the very least condemnation of outsiders, and foreigners ( particularly non- European foreigners) are definitely that. PiS is destroying the true soul of Poland
Hi Andrew. I appreciate you stopped by and left a honest comment. Some of it is justified by being loyal to the cultural and not racisim.... which is unbelievable.
How PiS winning democratic election suddenly changed Poland into racist and antisemitic place? Im not supporter of ruling party but Polands spirit hasnt changed.
@@arturkowalicki5880 actually Poland is less racist since this year we had black folks on annual Independence Day march :) some leftists do believe that U.S. is nowadays more racist than in 60s. totally deluded individuals
@@antekp2965 We have never been racist, homophobic or anti semite. Our laws never punished people based on skin color, sexuality, religion. "West" colonized half of the world, whos actually racist here.
I am not sure if this is a common rule. But in my surrounding the people who have the flag of Poland in front of home were alright with me. To be honest now I am wondering if this is because I do not look very different or my personality. Or..... We cannot generalise anything . There is always the other side. Or nothing is just black and white Thanks piotr for sharing
@@AminaZalewska whoever I saw or know a little bit with polish or british flag dosen't seem for me noteworthy. They do not offer their beloved homeland too much that why they hang flags .With british flag I see brexiters or lower class. When I pass a house which there is a british flag i see broken glass and rowdy people .These all people have sth to do with being primitive .Keep away from....
Ja staram się z kolei unikać ludzi, którzy wstydzą się swojego pochodzenia... oznacza to, że są kiepsko wyedukowani, nie znają swojej historii, a wiedzę o świecie czerpią z TV
Wow Amina when you say Nasielsk my heart start beating faster! Lot memories? My grand parents comes from Nasielsk ! I spend there all my childhood and every vacation from school in Nasielsk.They live not far from Nisielsk town ,close to station in place called Piescirogi Stare . They had beautiful house and all the street was covered with beautiful trees unfortunately cut off now ! My grand parents comes to Nasielsk before the war and my grand father was station master of Nasielsk. That time Nasielsk was very Jewish city . During the war my grandma saw the deportation of all Jews from Nasielsk as she was force cook food for German officers what live there during that time .Because of the work she was able to supply food to others residents! After war in 1960 they built one more house were they live until death and we’re I spend my every free time ! I use to live in Katowice so Nasielsk was paradise to me ! The house was very visible it was like dark pink I am sure is still there ! I remember I visited also the small beautiful town Pultusk they had castle there ! After the death of my grandparents the house was sold and I move to Australia but every time I am in Poland always visited my grandparents grave and put flowers This Independence Day In Nasielsk was absolutely beautiful this is haw should be celebrated Not like the nationalist marches in Warsaw ! I am happy to see this festive time and you having lots fun ! All the best to you and your partner ♥️♥️♥️
Wow. What a coincidence!
I remember when I first came to Nasielsk and my polish was 0. I was saying stare pierogi lol.
Unfortunately they cut more trees this year to make sidewalks. Sad reality.
I really appreciate that you shares the story of your grandparents.
Now I will be more aware and look for the pink house.
If By any chance you come to Nasielsk for a visit; let me know.
Best wishes
Dziękuję bardzo Amina for the content , i have fallowed you since the beginning of my journey when i was in Algeria , Now i'm living in Poland and really enjoying it .
Small video from Amina a big jump for subscribers 🔥
Thanks a lot Walid. very encouraging
Saw your comments on a Rich Roll podcast. Nice run. I enjoy watching how people live in other countries. I also follow Pavlo from Ukraine. Best of luck to you.
Oh thanks. Have a nice day
Its very heart warming, Im glad you enjoy it here
Jeśli pojadę do Algierii jako katolik z zamiarem wybudowania kościoła, prawdopodobnie ukamieniują mnie w 5 minut, tam to jest gościna. Pani Amina musi zrozumieć, że Polska w swojej historii nie kolonizowała na potęgę jak Francja, Hiszpania, Anglia i Portugalia , Polska zawsze była katolicka i zamieszkała przez Polaków, rasizm jest wszędzie, pokusiłbym się nawet o stwierdzenie ,że w krajach Europy zachodniej ,większy niż w Polsce.
Witaj Ken, doceniam Twoją opinię.
Nie zaprzeczam, że rasizm istnieje w każdym zakątku.
I nie przypominam sobie, żebym twierdził, że chcę zmienić kulturę, religię czy tradycje Polski. Kocham Polskę dokładnie taką, jaka jest.
Nigdy nie chciałem, aby w Polsce wprowadzano moje ideologie (mimo, że sam nie jestem muzułmaninem).
Pamiętam z moich wizyt w muzeach, że Polska miała również dużą populację Żydów zamieszkujących wzdłuż biegunów chrystusowych.
Co do budowy kościoła w Algierii, to mamy ich tam niewielu ;)
Życzę Ci miłego dnia
jeśli w mojej wypowiedzi jest jakiś błąd, przepraszam, ale używam do tego translatora
"Angels on Earth -- Love Letter to Lily", Asra Nomani, YT. Recommended.
Oj Polska zdecydowanie NIE ZAWSZE byla katolicka czy chrzescijańska.Powinnismy się wstydzic,ze zapomnielismy o swoim prawdziwym dziedzictwie naszych praojcow i pramatek.Chrzescijanie ukradli poganskie swięta i przerobili je na swoje,zmienili Biblię na swoją modłę,palili,gwalcili i zabijali mieczem narzucając swojego "boga".To tak gwoli przypomnienia.
@@TheEmpress185 Bzdury napisałaś.
Chrześcijanie to nie katolicy. Katolicy to nie chrześcijanie. Jeżeli już to poganie katolicy przyjęli pogańskie rzymskie wierzenia tak więc nawet oni nic nie ukradli. Jeżeli już ktoś mordował, itp. to Eskimosi albo wyznawcy wszystkich pozostałych fałszywych religii a nie chrześcijanie.
Jaki jest pierwowzór Starego Testamentu? Teksty sumeryjskie?
Bo Nowy Testament został napisany przez chrześcijan. Zresztą Apokalipsa Jana zaczyna się powoli wypełniać. Prawdziwy Bóg ostrzega nas co najmniej od 2000 lat przed tym co właśnie się dzieje na naszych oczach.
A jakie przepowiednie wypełniły się naszych praojców i pramatek?
@@TheEmpress185 Dokładnie!
Brawo Poland.
Sad to say, there are many, many people of bad will, who are willing to harm Poland for whatever reason especially in the most significant and dearest day to our harts, the day related to the recent Polish history - The Independence Day. That people are somewhat connected to Poland but do not identify with this country and its history. Me, my friends, all my acquaintances esteem all the people of good will of all races and nationality. There is old Polish saying "A guest at home means God's coming your home" and this saying is still actual and widely used.
Words from gold. Andy! Thank you.
And as you said . I really do not like attributing this beautiful day to something fearful. It hurts to see in foreigners group's when this day approaches all are advising against going out.
Anyway. I love Poland ♡
That saying instantly ringed with me!
I'm from India where they preach the same thing - athithi devo bhava. Guest is like God.
Amina, thank you for a heartwarming video. You are a lovely person, inside and out.
Thank you so much! Your comment is very kind a flower for you 🌺🌻
My 11 of november memories - I watched with my boyfriend a show of aircraft and then we went to have our "national dish" - a turkish kebab ;) the line was huge and we celebrated it with baklava dessert nd then we went to my parent's house for coffee and more sweets :P
We all know the media problems, but the everyday life is for people of good will ❤
I know you came from another country but life is life, people are people - most of us are welcoming just like wherever 🙃 we live together - we celebrate together ❤❤❤
I am happy to hear that you enjoy that day. And I do as well each year /except for the first one lol/
according to Eurostat data from 2021, Poland is the 5th safest country in Europe, according to other data, we are even in 3rd or 2nd place, it is dangerous, for example, in France where there are riots and burning cars every now and then. In Poland, they wanted to preserve their culture and traditions, and for this the left-wing world calls us racists, I am convinced that every Arab / Muslim state is more racist than Poland ...
Hi Arkadiusz.
Thanks for your feedback. As you saw in my video I was clear that Poland is NOT a racist country in my humble opinion. And I still admit that there are some people who are. Which is the case in every single country in the world.
Regarding if Arab/Muslim countries are racist or not. I am not able to comment on this because I was not a foreigner there never experienced or saw a racist behaviour. Of my memory is good.
Again thank you
I've been at Independence Day March in Warsaw this year and I've seen two black guys, most likely from Africa with Polish flags. there's even interview with them on yt
I have seen it too. I do not like that this day turns into a day where you are advised not to go out. That is why it was important for me to share this day.
Najbardziej rasistowska jest Europa żachodnia.!
@@boguslawgorgon8162 I cannot say as I did not check testimonies on west of Europe
@@imperatyw_kategoryczny I like to be funny. Hmm I will study history after. Because another comment told me to study sociology first. :)
What are you studying at the moment?
Rzecz w tym, że polska idea narodowa była tak naprawdę kulturowa niż rasowa. Nie mamy własnej tradycji rasizmu. Dopiero musimy ją sobie wypracować. "Jestem Polakiem, bo myślę i czuję po polsku" - Roman Dmowski. To zdanie właściwie najważniejszego myśliciela polskiej myśli narodowej stanowi esencję definicji Polaka. Nie ma tam nic o kolorze skóry, pochodzeniu czy innych takich sprawach.
Zgadzam się
Z czym? Z tym, że musimy wypracować własną tradycję rasizmu?
Algeria gained independence during the de Gaulle's presidency, and in Poland he is known, inter alia, from the fact that in the years 1919-21 he stayed in Poland as an instructor of a military mission and was awarded the order of Virtuti Militari during the Battle of Warsaw in 1920. This is a huge contrast, because while France occupied Algeria for many decades, in Poland, hopes for regaining independence were associated with France. Poland is also the only European country apart from France where Napoleon Bonaparte is still highly revered. Everywhere else he's rather considered a great war criminal :) What our countries have in common is, however, the struggle for independence in 19. century. Here there are many similiarities between imperial forms of occupations, only that instead of France we had mainly Prussia and Russia. To my knowledge, Polish soldiers along with the French didn't take part in the pacifications of Algeria, alas they took part in suppressing the rebellions of the local population in Haiti, e.g. in 1803. This rahter shameful episode was depicted in Żeromski's novel 'Ashes' and in its film adaptation. Until now, the descendants of these Polish legionnaires from the Dąbrowski Legions, mentioned in the Polish national anthem, live in Haiti. The same applies to the Napoleonic campaign in Spain and its pivotal Battle of Samossiera in 1808. At the National Museum in Warsaw, you can compare Suchodolski's romantic painting vision with how it was presented in the film 'Ashes' by Wajda.
Antek. Always bringing facts a information to the table.
I appreciate the thorough explanation. I always learn from you.
Regarding Napoleon I have felt the same when I visited The Museum of Romanticism in Opinogóra which was open, on the 150th anniversary of Napoleon's decree.
"Poland is also the only European country apart from France where Napoleon Bonaparte is still highly revered." Strangely enough, he is. Despite the fact that Napoleon treated Poles like a paper handkerchief - you use it and throw it out.
@@varsoviaklimat2880 I will need to educate myself more about this subject. I cannot comment on this regard.
Awesome and warm video. It's made my day.
As regards November, even on a gloomy November day you shouldn't shy away from taking a wander through the fields, into/in the woods (at best with the Polish Hound), around the city (at night too) ... might give you a thrill and recharge your batteries better than lounging about. Btw, I’d venture a guess that lovely May and gloomy November are the best months to run across the Polish Soul out in the open (pun intended).
Here you are, "Listopady" ("Novembers") by Władysław Broniewski, a piece of the Polish soul.
Frank, THANK YOU ; I listened to this song Strach przed latem "Listopady" (W. Broniewski)
powerful song.
A beautiful video, Amina! I don't know what the fuss is about in the comments. Best wishes...from an English-born Australian of Polish parentage.
Hi Andy! Thanks for passing by.
Did you visit Poland?
Best wishes for you too.
@@AminaZalewska Hi Amina. I visited as a child with my parents in the 1960s three times in the communist era. Then again in the past couple of decades, most recently in 2019.
I stayed with my cousin's family in Warsaw and in Gdańsk on my own. Always felt safe and always enjoyed interacting the Polish people..
But you did something further and experienced settling into a small community with your husband. This one vlog you produced (that I have seen, anyway) is heartwarming as you relate your experience to camera, and that shows nothing less than trust, community and love between you and those around you. Long may that continue and God bless you!
What's does "English-born Australian" mean?
@@filipkogut8533 Born in England. Migrsted to Australia. Now an Australian citizen.
Loyalty to your own kind is not racism. It is self respect.
Hi Kenneth.
I am not sure I totally agree.
I do respect myself by not being loyal to my country and my culture (that is why I moved to Poland)
I guess what you are referring to is to protect the cultural heritage of Poland. Which I totally support.
But I do not think by discriminating foreigners is a way to do it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I do appreciate it.
Be honest, you moved to Poland because it was not Algeria but in the EU. You could just as easily gone to a sister Muslim country such as Libya. So now do not criticise and accuse Poland of racism. Poland has no need to change to accommodate foreigners who are not kept there by force.@@AminaZalewska
Ok Have you watched the video until the end? have I said that Poland is racist. Please be careful on such accusations; and I know people who came from Libya to Algeria and vice versa.
I do not deny that many from Africa or middle east wish to go to Europe or north America in "hope" for a better life.
@@AminaZalewska ignore them, they didn’t watch the actual video. :)
@@heniakonas9439 lets not pretend Poland is a number one destination for tourism/residency. Your country is littered with poverty lmao. All educated, rich Polish live in London so knock it off mate.
what kinda camera ur using?
In that one Canon m50
what kinda camera do you use?
In that one Canon m50
Ta orkiestra na końcu to ubaw po pachy. Nie przypuszczałem że takie "talenty" są w tych stronach. W Krakowie wygląda to trochę inaczej. Ale o wiele większe wrażenie chyba robią syreny alarmowe wyjące 1 sierpnia o godz. 17.00.
W całej Polsce są talenty. syreny są dla Powstania Warszawskiego, prawda?
@@AminaZalewska Dokładnie
Ty sam jesteś ubaw po pachy . Bardzo dobrze że zwykli ludzie śpiewali Polskie piosenki ale taki jak ty zawsze się do czegoś przyczepi.
Nie rozumiem, o co ci chodzi
Is it really unsafe to go out in Poland for foreigners?
Well. On the 11th of November 50% of foreigners says yes. The other half says no.
It is up to you to decide. You can ask in Arabs in Poland group and you will hear others' opinion on this.
Thank you for asking.
@@AminaZalewska Thank you sis for your immediate reply
Greetings from Tunisia
No, it's safe for foreigners. Although you can sometimes meet a group of drunk football fans or hooligans in front of a club at 3 am, who are looking for harassment with anyone, it doesn't matter, with a foreigner, a native or a lantern.
@@alh6255 That's obvious. thanks for highlighting that. I thought that he was meaning more about Nove,ber 11th
@@AminaZalewska On November 11, Poles celebrate their independence, regaining the homeland after 100 years of partitions, and it is even safer than usual for foreigners. A lot of ordinary people with different views, including many foreigners, sometimes very clearly different from the average Pole, participate in the march organized by the nationalists in Warsaw. Such a Polish specificity. Nothing is black and white here. But again, you can always meet a drunk football fan who comes back from the march and looks for a tease. But these are very sporadic situations. There are a lot of other events in Warsaw on November 11, some of them much more interesting than the march. In turn, in other Polish cities, nationalists organize their marches on November 11 very rarely.
Wszystkiego dobrego.
Nawzajem Dziękuję Ci.🌺
Siema - its from US "how are you" which translates into "jak SIE MAsz?"
Hi thanks!
I am aware of the shortening of jak się masz
However I have always heard it and seen it used as hello.
If someone tells me siema I will not answer I am fine thanks lol
What the name of this polish teacher was?
Hi kamil. I will not share any names. and I do not think it is of any use for any of us
@@AminaZalewska who paid for his education
@con what do you mean?
Dzielna dziewczyno, ja do nikogo nie żywię nienawiści; nawet do jawnych i ukrytych wrogów Mojej Ojczyzny!
Modlę się za nich...
Dziękuję za miły komentarz. Nienawiść do innych jest odzwierciedleniem nienawiści do samego siebie.
Pierwszy raz słyszę to co zostało napisane o zwłaszcza nienawiści i tu podkreślę ludzi z Azji . Skąd taki pomysł?. Nigdy nie słyszałem złego słowa na Azjatów w Polsce raczej same pozytywne słowa . Wielu Polaków ma raczej bzika na temat takich krajów jak np. Korea czy Japonia . Zresztą z Japonią łączy nas sporo aspektów historycznych . Do Polski przyjeżdża wielu turystów z Japonii , mamy dni Japonii w Polsce , sporo z nich kupuje w Polsce ceramikę czy inne wyroby tradycyjne . Azjaci pod względem jak wyglądają są atrakcyjni i cenią sobie swoją kulturę co działa na Polaków pozytywnie . Według mnie jeszcze mało znasz Polskę jeżeli coś tak dziwnego piszesz . Raczej opierasz się na jakimś odosobnionym dziwnym przypadku . Jeżeli chodzi o kraje arabskie raczej niewielu Polaków wie które są to konkretnie kraje . Ten opis filmu według mnie jest najdziwniejszym jaki czytałem .
@@imperatyw_kategoryczny O co tobie chodzi ?. Uszczególnij swój wpis . Mam problem z sarkazmem jakoś mój mózg tak działa . Może twój wpis taki jest ?. Lubię jak ktoś wali prosto z mostu . Wybacz tak jakoś mam.
@@imperatyw_kategoryczny Ok chyba 🙂.
@@imperatyw_kategoryczny 🙂
Dziękuje za komentarz; i oczywiście jest to dla Ciebie dziwne, bo nie jesteś obcokrajowcem i tego nie doświadczyłeś lub nie przebywałeś w kręgu obcokrajowców. jeśli nie słyszałeś o czymś wcześniej, nie oznacza to, że nie istnieje!
You're a very brave and wise girl!
Mówisz świetne po Polsku, ale uważaj na końcówki w czasie przeszłym: -łem (przybiegłem) to rodzaj męski, -łam (przybiegłam) to rodzaj żeński.
Pozdrawiam i wszystkiego najlepszego w Polsce. 🙂
Hihi. Dziękuję. Będę uważać
cool video thanks
I appreciate it
J’ai croiser beaucoup de Polonais en République tchèque , je les ai trouvé plutôt sympa , mais bien Alcoolique par contre
Dzisiaj występujesz w naszej ukraińsko-polskiej grupie Учим польский язык. Речь Посполитая наших стран.
Świetny i ciepły film. W Polsce każdy kto szanuje polską kulturę i uczy się polskiego języka jest szanowany. Bardzo ciepły film. Kocham bieganie, właśnie za chwile wychodzę na moją terenową trasę. Serdecznie pozdrawiam i dużo zdrowia. No i zapraszam do naszej grupy, może Ci się spodoba.
Właśnie dołączyłem. Może pewnego dnia spotkamy się na wyścigu hiih. Dziękuję Ci 🌺
@@AminaZalewska świat jest mały :) Pewnie się spotkamy
I had a great time with You. Thanks.
Thanks for coming virtually hihi
Lot of nationalists and fascists down there.. It must be true what they say in foreign media about Poland xD But seriously, it looks like you had a great day ;)
Not that much I feel.
As you see in a town next to Warsaw it was the opposite experience.
I have not checked the media about this topic yet. I will need to see
Ps: the fly on the picture tricked me lol
Useless nothing. It was sugarcoating the real problem. In fairness, you should have shown the other racist side too to keep it balanced
Which side?
Dear Amina idiots are everywhere but the majority of people are nice- this is the rule in most of the countries I found. I am so happy that you made this video.
Sure thing. thanks!
What s her point ?
Well. My point is that regardless of the saying for foreigners to stay at home during the independence day. Poland is a welcoming country. ;)
Ok wow let me stop you their Muslim and Arab it’s a religious not color Polish people from outside Warszawa are darker in color it’s the way Muslim people treat their women
Sorry I did not understand. maybe you translated from Polish, and it does not make sense. You can write in Polish if you want
J’ai toujours pensez que les Polonais etais les Dz , d’Europe du Nord 😂🤣 on en rigole souvent avec un pote Polonais
6:44 Oł, łał. Mniam, mniam.
I love it hihih
No not racist .remember that the minority ultra rightwing manipulate such days of national unity.the younger generation are extremely tolerant of race and sexual orientation
Thank you Stefan for your feedback
No, the poles are not against foreigners. Nothing to fear, at least when you are white(ish) and christian
Well. When you are white of course you blend.
But I do not this we should fear at all.
Thank you for passing by
@@AminaZalewska Well ok, strange that you have this self image. Imho you can be mistaken for a south european easily....
@@BughunterX I was told many times I look like from Israel or Spain haha
@@AminaZalewska Thats what i would have said as well 😄
Hell yeah!!! we are racist!!!!!
It is very sad to see compulsive comments, without making the effort to watch and understand the video
I wish you a good day
@@AminaZalewska that’s because I live in states so I can tell Who is who 🤐
Clickbait! ;)
Very. I need to increase my click through rate lol
But it is not deceptive :p
Sure, but it's a clickbait made with the responibility of tell just how it is :) XXI century is all about the clickbaits ;) all of us should know how to use it smart way :)
🌺 I appreciate it
Lived I Poland for12 years. Learned the language and really loved the individuals I met there. However, sad to say after years of being a democratic beacon it is now irrefutably under PiS becoming racist and particularly anti-Semitic. Any country that tries so hard to edit its own narrative about the crimes committed by a small but significant number of its civilians, loading the courts and passing laws limiting true academic debate to maintain these lies is decidedly Porto-fascist, and this always requires at the very least condemnation of outsiders, and foreigners ( particularly non- European foreigners) are definitely that. PiS is destroying the true soul of Poland
Hi Andrew. I appreciate you stopped by and left a honest comment.
Some of it is justified by being loyal to the cultural and not racisim.... which is unbelievable.
bzdury :)
How PiS winning democratic election suddenly changed Poland into racist and antisemitic place? Im not supporter of ruling party but Polands spirit hasnt changed.
@@arturkowalicki5880 actually Poland is less racist since this year we had black folks on annual Independence Day march :) some leftists do believe that U.S. is nowadays more racist than in 60s. totally deluded individuals
@@antekp2965 We have never been racist, homophobic or anti semite. Our laws never punished people based on skin color, sexuality, religion. "West" colonized half of the world, whos actually racist here.
when i see polish flag in front of someone house i try to avoid such careful of nationalism .I prefer the Eu flag
I am not sure if this is a common rule. But in my surrounding the people who have the flag of Poland in front of home were alright with me.
To be honest now I am wondering if this is because I do not look very different or my personality. Or.....
We cannot generalise anything . There is always the other side.
Or nothing is just black and white
Thanks piotr for sharing
@@AminaZalewska whoever I saw or know a little bit with polish or british flag dosen't seem for me noteworthy. They do not offer their beloved homeland too much that why they hang flags .With british flag I see brexiters or lower class. When I pass a house which there is a british flag i see broken glass and rowdy people .These all people have sth to do with being primitive .Keep away from....
Ja staram się z kolei unikać ludzi, którzy wstydzą się swojego pochodzenia... oznacza to, że są kiepsko wyedukowani, nie znają swojej historii, a wiedzę o świecie czerpią z TV
@@robertg1407 z "Tefaenu" będąc bardziej precyzyjnym xD
Nationalism Is dangerous.