When vehicles are as costly as homes, it has become ridiculously absurd to even entertain the thought of purchasing any of them. Car makers are asking us the consumer to pay for all of the vehicles they didn’t sell in previous years, by their hiking up the prices of new cars. In this way they guarantee themselves large paychecks, while providing the consumer with high debt at higher and higher interest rates. So wake up people and get the EV Vehicle that has set the standard everyone has been trying to beat: TESLA. While he is selling vehicles at $30k starting, others are selling at $50-$60k. After incentives, Tesla’s are even more affordable.
When vehicles are as costly as homes, it has become ridiculously absurd to even entertain the thought of purchasing any of them. Car makers are asking us the consumer to pay for all of the vehicles they didn’t sell in previous years, by their hiking up the prices of new cars. In this way they guarantee themselves large paychecks, while providing the consumer with high debt at higher and higher interest rates. So wake up people and get the EV Vehicle that has set the standard everyone has been trying to beat: TESLA. While he is selling vehicles at $30k starting, others are selling at $50-$60k. After incentives, Tesla’s are even more affordable.
No competition for the Chinese ones.
And nobody can afford it because it won't move 2 ft the minute it gets cold outside and you can't afford to replace none of the parts