Trump protesters attack a Trump supporter in San Jose.


Комментарии • 451

  • @johnmalcavitch1466
    @johnmalcavitch1466 8 лет назад +8

    An example of behavior when a person never has had negative consequences for their actions.

  • @MsCordially
    @MsCordially 8 лет назад +32

    '' Mexico is not sending their best'' - Donald Trump

    • @MsCordially
      @MsCordially 8 лет назад

      Eric Huddleston , that's why i wrote it son

    • @chuckmalmsteen
      @chuckmalmsteen 8 лет назад

  • @KotaroInu510
    @KotaroInu510 8 лет назад +15

    The blow back is gonna fucking rock.

    • @PhilipReeder
      @PhilipReeder 8 лет назад +2

      This (video) image of a young woman LITERALLY backed into a corner surrounded by what appears to be mostly young men harassing her throwing eggs, etc. with the Mexican flag in the background, may be the 'Potimkin moment of this election.

    • @Gamerafighter76
      @Gamerafighter76 8 лет назад +2

      +CarlTheCuck I think people are waking up to what the liberals are trying to do, and have been trying to do for years.

  • @NurFaCeFoo
    @NurFaCeFoo 8 лет назад +4

    we should all ban together and boycott Marriott hotels. Start by slamming the Facebook site and email their corporate office.

  • @them3ssageman748
    @them3ssageman748 8 лет назад +7

    Isn't America great? Beginning to look like a fucking joke now 😂😂😂

  • @WaveofJaredness
    @WaveofJaredness 8 лет назад +9

    what's funny is that there's a sign that says "stop the hate".

  • @TheWhiteGuy82
    @TheWhiteGuy82 8 лет назад +11


  • @newmannewmanz7110
    @newmannewmanz7110 8 лет назад +9

    Nice representation of their race and how bad their parents brought them up.

  • @YuukitheMighty1
    @YuukitheMighty1 8 лет назад +8

    That blond chick has balls of steel o.o

    • @MsCordially
      @MsCordially 8 лет назад +2

      She''s a hero

    • @CydnotCharrise1
      @CydnotCharrise1 8 лет назад +2

      She had the right to protest and call out the anti American illegals who were there taunting HER. She had the legal right to disagree with them. More power to her for standing up to that racist, hateful crowd. And I am voting for NOBODY for President. But if whomever is beyond this violence continues with it then they can guarantee a Trump landslide. Why? Americans REALLY dislike it when something like this happens, when acts of violence are committed against Americans from those who are against America. If these morons are so proud of their Mexican flags they need to go back to Mexico. The ones who come here illegals are SCABS ( good old union word for those who work for subpar wages ) and cowards. They don't have the cojones to stay in their own country and try and make it better so they have to basically invade OUR country and make it worse. One need only look at the situation in Europe right now with the so called "refugees" who are flooding into it and causing all kinds of havoc, rape and violence. Most of them are what most of this crowd were: mobs of foreign young men.

    • @DrDaggerSwagger
      @DrDaggerSwagger 8 лет назад

      +CydnotCharrise1 hence, trumps stance on muslims coming over. Smh. He was saying that referring to the syrian refugees. Right after we agreed to take in 10,000 from the terrorist capital of the world. Through a vetting system that doesnt work. Trump doesnt want to turn our country into a giant mos eisley. Fuck, i hate the left. Hate them soooo much.

  • @detlefius1
    @detlefius1 8 лет назад +8

    what kind of men leave a woman outside to be attacked. I'm ashamed of them

    • @alexlavey3773
      @alexlavey3773 8 лет назад +1

      Trump supporters.

    • @bayyareha
      @bayyareha 8 лет назад

      What kind a woman would agitate an angry mob and yell out racist slurs knowing very well what reaction she'll receive? Not a very smart one and a big bigoted one.
      Stop white knighting. It's 2016 equal rights and equal judgement.

    • @detlefius1
      @detlefius1 8 лет назад +2

      +bayyareha i didn't hear any racial slurs. I think you're trying to say she was asking for it because of what she was wearing.

    • @bayyareha
      @bayyareha 8 лет назад

      +detlefius1 I think your just putting words in my mouth. Where did I say she asked for it because of her attire? You were not there and I was not as well. But, I was born and raised in San Jose and I had many friends that were present and they stated that violence came from both sides. Trump supporters like the one on the video was one of many Trump supporters that were being just as racist and bigoted as their attackers. Like I said before, why play with fire when you know you'll get burn. Two idiots don't make a right and that trump supported could have easily trumped this situation by walking away rational as the bigger person.

    • @detlefius1
      @detlefius1 8 лет назад

      +bayyareha just like you put words in her mouth i.e. "racist slurs" didn't bother to read the rest of your drivel

  • @ebp1234
    @ebp1234 8 лет назад +1

    If these men had any balls they would have protected this woman.

  • @randywray8770
    @randywray8770 8 лет назад +7


  • @stvanhise
    @stvanhise 8 лет назад +5

    She has guts I am so proud of her

  • @leonesaili2227
    @leonesaili2227 8 лет назад +15

    Don't let the Globalist and the corrupt politicians win. The people need to take responsibility for what has been happening all over. We need change. The revolution has already started with our vote. Don't give in to the violence. Don't give up. Trump 2016.

  • @youngcat4760
    @youngcat4760 8 лет назад

    This is art, Thanks for the upload ☺

  • @JS-kn8xi
    @JS-kn8xi 8 лет назад +2

    I have served in the U.S. Army. This makes me so sick to think my friends lost their life in Afghanistan fighting for this country and our way life. Now we have a bunch of punk ass kids who think they can shit on what we fought for. I don't think so. The U.S. Government needs to take action. News flash protesters no one knows why you are doing what you are doing. Everyone sees you as home grown terrorists. That is not fighting for a cause. It is inspiring violence across our great country. You will be held accountable soon enough and the consequences will be to much for you to handle.

  • @GreenApple300
    @GreenApple300 8 лет назад +1

    This is absolutely terrible this should not be going on at all. this is like children throwing a fit by not getting what they want

  • @itillbeme1
    @itillbeme1 8 лет назад +6

    Egging them on, its called FREE SPEECH mr and mrs coward.

    • @SuperDuperSentinel
      @SuperDuperSentinel 8 лет назад

      Are you slow? At a certain point it had nothing to do with free speech, it was about common sense. If you are CORNERED and SURROUNDED by a group of aggressive, barbaric imbeciles you shouldn't aggravate the situation. Yes, the anti-trump supporters are clearly wrong 100%, but natural selection/evolution doesn't give a shit about that.

    • @Mark_Cook
      @Mark_Cook 8 лет назад

      +SuperDuperSentinel I agree, common sense does tell you to get out of there. But the first amendment doesn't give a rats ass about common sense. Also a large part of me really admires her resolve there. I don't think many people could have kept that facade up.

  • @SignedOff402
    @SignedOff402 8 лет назад +1

    Sue Bernie Sanders, Jerry Brown and Hilary for being silent on this fiasco.

  • @LeiKultur
    @LeiKultur 8 лет назад +12

    @2:10 you can see a "stop the hate" sign - as the crowd closes in on the woman. America, you need that damn wall pronto.

  • @gmpick9793
    @gmpick9793 8 лет назад +7

    that is my kind of woman right there she's brave and hott

    • @tuttitutti6986
      @tuttitutti6986 8 лет назад

      ok, so you're blind AND stupid. watch out in life, kid.

    • @kill3r5000
      @kill3r5000 8 лет назад

      She's definitley not hot wtf is wrong with u

    • @tomryannova
      @tomryannova 8 лет назад

      She's got balls though

    • @gmpick9793
      @gmpick9793 8 лет назад

      +kill3r5000 WTF is wrong with y'all see the problem with boys these days y'all are too picky then before you know it you're dressing up in women clothes and cutting your dicks off

  • @bachelorvan764
    @bachelorvan764 8 лет назад +1

    She was absolutely nothing but stumping for Trump ! These people are flat out animals!

  • @shinypokeAce
    @shinypokeAce 8 лет назад

    This is why there is such thing as mustard gas.

  • @alexlavey3773
    @alexlavey3773 8 лет назад +1

    And this is the problem. That lady is so mad and vocal against these Trump protesters, but I bet she couldn't explain one of Trump's proposed policies.

  • @nicholasmallard2926
    @nicholasmallard2926 8 лет назад

    I wonder will they will use clips of this for the new Purge movie.

  • @gospeltvea
    @gospeltvea 7 лет назад

    Mobs have no consciousness, here life was in real danger there.

  • @nizzlearbizzle
    @nizzlearbizzle 8 лет назад +2

    I think it's time to start cleansing San Jose. A nice hundred round clip to the crowd would have them scrambling to find ways back to Mexico.

    • @terenceboris851
      @terenceboris851 8 лет назад +1

      Yeah Bro! That's what I wanna hear!

    • @Ncobb2334
      @Ncobb2334 4 года назад

      Is there a way to send you back to Uranus?

  • @GreenApple300
    @GreenApple300 8 лет назад +5

    What are they even chanting in Spanish

    • @TheseRightHereBitch
      @TheseRightHereBitch 8 лет назад +1

      Fuck Donald Trump

    • @GreenApple300
      @GreenApple300 8 лет назад

      +TheseRightHereBitch 👌🏻

    • @MegaHatLady
      @MegaHatLady 8 лет назад +2

      More tacos

    • @fleiva30
      @fleiva30 8 лет назад +2

      oh shut the fuck up u fucking coconut.. if u were called a criminal, rapist and a drug dealer wouldn't you.. and trust me he didn't throw that just for illegals he said it to all Mexicans living in the US so they have a right to be mad as hell and mad to the people that support evil.. u my friend will get deported as well if trump wins

    • @fleiva30
      @fleiva30 8 лет назад

      Luis Hernandez ok fucking coconut continue being the 10%

  • @jenniferannekallio
    @jenniferannekallio 8 лет назад +2

    I hear some witnesses blaming this woman for so-called "egging the on" and I have to say that it does not matter. She was peacefully protesting these "protesters." For her own safety there may have been a better way to do that but she was brave enough to stand up for our eroding 1st amendment right to free speech. We only embolden these animals, yes I said animals, by acquiescing to their illegal civil right violating behavior. If the mayor actually instructed the police to not stop this mob then the mayor should be criminally liable for the assaults on innocent people. Of course simply neglecting to end this by implementing the rule of law then they need to be removed fro office for gross incompetence.

    • @5277088
      @5277088 8 лет назад

      That was the Lyin Media the Worst People in the World ... holding cameras etc and saying she was egging them on.

    • @jenniferannekallio
      @jenniferannekallio 8 лет назад +1

      You're right about the media for sure. These rioters really are idiots and I am always reticent to criticize people. When it comes to America, liberty, and equality they are more than clueless. Clearly they are dangerously ignorant.

  • @resetbuttondotcom1512
    @resetbuttondotcom1512 8 лет назад +1

    They would be cleared out so fast under Trump. Might not even be there to begin with.

  • @thirstypilgrim97
    @thirstypilgrim97 8 лет назад +26

    F this guy telling her "don't do that". What she was doing wasn't violent. She was based af and has every right to express her preferences. This beta dad is the reason why those animals think they can get away with that behavior.

    • @MrPRow007
      @MrPRow007 8 лет назад

      She got egg in her face lol.

    • @bayyareha
      @bayyareha 8 лет назад +1

      That woman was looking for trouble and was being just as bigoted as all those other bigots protesting violently. She was too yelling out racist slurs and agitating them. What did she expect the outcome to be?

    • @bayyareha
      @bayyareha 8 лет назад +1

      +Tony Stark "real men in California who will have her back". Have her back on what? Supporting a bigot for a president and yelling racist slurs and knowing very well it will agitate an angry mob? I consider myself a man from California and I for one would not help a irrational woman being just as bigoted as her attackers. Sorry, was not raised that way.

    • @bayyareha
      @bayyareha 8 лет назад +1

      +Tony Stark irrelevant comment that gives no substance to this discussion. But what ever helps you sleep at night, I'm glad I can help.

  • @tonytorres3904
    @tonytorres3904 8 лет назад

    wow!!! this is a shame!!!! sad sad sad!!!!....

  •  8 лет назад +3

    If they are so pro mexico why they dont leave Usa and go live in mexico ? :P

  • @49heru
    @49heru 8 лет назад +1

    I don't really care about politics but why always protesting with violence?

  • @cerii5943
    @cerii5943 8 лет назад

    We humans need to learn to respect each other opinion without violence.

  • @Cinnabarcorp
    @Cinnabarcorp 8 лет назад +3

    I don't approve of the violence but she actually provoked it, it's her fault.

    • @PhilipReeder
      @PhilipReeder 8 лет назад +1

      Rape much?...

    • @cindylove5437
      @cindylove5437 8 лет назад +3

      She just non-violently supported her candidate under crowd harassment and then was attacked. Who does that and corner a defenseless woman? Where's the common decency of any mankind to not help her? The building security holding the door was probably instructed to hold the doors but I would have done something about it sooner.

  • @MrZePHYRizms
    @MrZePHYRizms 8 лет назад +2

    She totally deserved that for egging them on #FeeltheBern

    • @bobbygnosis
      @bobbygnosis 8 лет назад +6

      Yeah, shouting Trump makes it okay to physically assault people.
      You're an animal.

    • @MrZePHYRizms
      @MrZePHYRizms 8 лет назад

      Trumps words incited this violence, she had it coming #FeelTheBern

    • @Neonagi
      @Neonagi 8 лет назад

      I also agree with you fellow Bernie supporter, she had it coming, as do all women that are raped, totally deserved it.

    • @MrZePHYRizms
      @MrZePHYRizms 8 лет назад +1

      DRajtify Exactly, she should didn't even have her hijab on, she has bought disrespect on her familys name, inshallah

  • @carloscastillo-fk8wr
    @carloscastillo-fk8wr 8 лет назад +3

    where is the F%*%ING Police

    • @kma5699
      @kma5699 8 лет назад

      holding the doors shut and blocking the girl getting pelted with eggs to escape the mob that was attacking her.

  • @kthurston2003
    @kthurston2003 8 лет назад +2

    WTF..... why didn't the Marriott let her inside?

    • @KalEl7802
      @KalEl7802 8 лет назад

      2:29 They did let her inside the building.

    • @kthurston2003
      @kthurston2003 8 лет назад

      +Kal El not until after they chucked eggs at her.

    • @KalEl7802
      @KalEl7802 8 лет назад

      kthurston2003 Maybe security was afraid that protesters would rush into the building if they let her into the building.

    • @kthurston2003
      @kthurston2003 8 лет назад

      +Kal El and that is the problem. there is only 1 female and 50+ men surrounding her.

    • @nerthus4685
      @nerthus4685 8 лет назад

      Everyone is terrified to stand against the leftists. They may lose their jobs.

  • @blockparty009
    @blockparty009 8 лет назад

    aggrivates crowd, gets attacked, runs from crowd

  • @obamabuster1
    @obamabuster1 8 лет назад

    I would have been like Clint Eastwood with my homemade pepper spray. I would had plenty for the crowd in the front, with extras to give em second doses. I would have walked out of that crowd.

    • @chuckmalmsteen
      @chuckmalmsteen 8 лет назад

      dont worry. a protest will be coming to your city soon. bet you wont do a god damn thing

  • @synergy79
    @synergy79 8 лет назад

    I can't imagine 8+ more years of this. Brave lady looked as if they were going to crush / stomp on her. Share this video before its to late.

  • @hersheyti
    @hersheyti 7 лет назад

    assaulting a lone woman... COWARDS.

  • @drunkagain2
    @drunkagain2 8 лет назад

    Holding stop the hate signs while attacking a small woman 1v100 sad sad stuff...

  • @SatanenPerkele
    @SatanenPerkele 8 лет назад

    The Day of the Walking Dead

  • @roberthaines8951
    @roberthaines8951 8 лет назад

    supporting something and being verbal is not a reason to be met with violence. people need to stop putting the blame at the feet of the one using words, we have the freedom to say what we want, we do not have the freedom to assault people we disagree with.

  • @AneesaHa
    @AneesaHa 8 лет назад

    Lol she is not safe

  • @GPBraaten
    @GPBraaten 8 лет назад

    God bless her soul.

  • @JohnDoe-ic1nn
    @JohnDoe-ic1nn 8 лет назад

    This is fucking crazy

  • @goldlenz1375
    @goldlenz1375 8 лет назад +1

    mexican flag??????

  • @kingdza
    @kingdza 8 лет назад

    She's walked on purpose thru a charged up crowd and incited did she think was gonna happen?

    • @ebp1234
      @ebp1234 8 лет назад

      Women who wear short skirts deserve rape, what do they think is going to happen?

    • @5277088
      @5277088 8 лет назад

      Every American knows to give a wide berth to political speech. Wait -- these arent Americans...

  • @c23brantonj81
    @c23brantonj81 8 лет назад

    He might start war

  • @johnculley5852
    @johnculley5852 8 лет назад

    The La Raza Mexican flag waiving Democrat party street theater performers are practicing for their shot at recreating 1968 in Philadelphia. The brave young lady standing up for her first amendment rights is 29 year old Rachel Casey, a body builder.

  • @angelapyle2682
    @angelapyle2682 8 лет назад

    Women looking out for women ??? "She can handle it, "look she egging them on ! "

  • @5277088
    @5277088 8 лет назад

    Correct. swagger

    @LAKEZHOW 8 лет назад

    "fuck donald trump,build that wall"...ridiculous.

  • @tomryannova
    @tomryannova 8 лет назад

    Love the Mexican flag in the background.

  • @painfool11
    @painfool11 8 лет назад

    Mexico is full of awesome people, they loved my US dollars when I was in Tijuana!!!

  • @sventribs6566
    @sventribs6566 8 лет назад +1

    This really shows how Mexican's feel about Americans.

    • @andyaguilar2902
      @andyaguilar2902 8 лет назад +1

      Actually this is how Mexicans feel about people who want to push them out of their home they worked hard to get

    • @chuckmalmsteen
      @chuckmalmsteen 8 лет назад

      says the trailer trash whos ancestors destroyed the world... ignorance is bliss. boy

    • @chuckmalmsteen
      @chuckmalmsteen 8 лет назад

      +Seven Trips what ever you say trailer thrash

    • @sventribs6566
      @sventribs6566 8 лет назад

      I feel sorry for the burden your family must carry for you. I'll keep you in my prayers and have a safe trip back to Mexico.

    • @chuckmalmsteen
      @chuckmalmsteen 8 лет назад

      +Seven Trips getter done. what ever makes you sleep at night Beuford.

  • @Kenne5antione
    @Kenne5antione 8 лет назад

    WHooop that trick

  • @johnmaddenjr6382
    @johnmaddenjr6382 8 лет назад

    All hell is breaking loose now crash the stock market already

  • @fordracing331
    @fordracing331 8 лет назад +1

    Build the wall.

    • @portapotty69
      @portapotty69 8 лет назад

      So what? Mexicans are making my life worse, and everyone I know. Why should I care about improving the lives of shitty Mexicans, when they don't care about my life or my loved ones? They have to go back.

    • @fordracing331
      @fordracing331 8 лет назад

      Ana B. Tesfaye - What don't you understand????? LETS BUILD THE WALL and let them immigrate legally, just like my ancestors did. Why does the left not understand this concept?? It's baffling to me. We are a country of laws. Get it? No, I know you don't, nor does any other liberal.

    • @portapotty69
      @portapotty69 8 лет назад

      ***** Yeah, my great grandfather came here when he was 13 to escape war in Europe. None of his descendents became gang members. Polish neighborhoods are peaceful places with hard working, friendly people. My particular Polish neighborhood was invaded by Mexicans about 20 years ago, and it turned to shit. They bring gangs, drugs, shootings, stabbings, rape. NOT GOOD. They don't want to be a part of America, they want to take America for themselves. Google "Aztlan", and Google "La Raza". They have to go back.

  • @dynamicsamurai3803
    @dynamicsamurai3803 8 лет назад

    Why arent these Trump supporters Larry not helping out each other ? Instead yall record this ?

    • @dynamicsamurai3803
      @dynamicsamurai3803 8 лет назад

      I don't know what's a AO mob but that sucks. Fucking mob, half them ain't going to vote.

  • @tinalewinsky9727
    @tinalewinsky9727 8 лет назад

    she shouldnt have egged them on like that but still i saw a bunch of men bullying a woman..not cool..

  • @edwardtoscano
    @edwardtoscano 8 лет назад

    It is legal to use deadly force to defend yourself if you fell threatened. I urge all supporters of the Right to Assemble. If the Police will not do their job, I would urge all Trump supporters who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon to attend the rallies.

  • @xp7864
    @xp7864 8 лет назад +1

    Go Trump!!!!

  • @resetbuttondotcom1512
    @resetbuttondotcom1512 8 лет назад

    non human

  • @fukyourselves
    @fukyourselves 8 лет назад

    If that women was transgendered, this would get attention from the media.

    • @DrDaggerSwagger
      @DrDaggerSwagger 8 лет назад

      No it wouldnt. If its against the liberal agenda, or outside their leftist doctrine, they would be totally cool with it. Take caitlyn jenner. Man wins woman of the year, did more for the gltb community than any other person in history and as soon as he says hes republican and voting for cruz, they turn on him like thr jackals they are.

  • @kiltedlion5595
    @kiltedlion5595 8 лет назад

    San Jose Police dept Fail to protect it's citizens........................................................................

  • @locknloadvideo
    @locknloadvideo 8 лет назад

    Come to america...wave mexican flag...makes sense.

  • @_sga_0244
    @_sga_0244 8 лет назад

    She deserved that

  • @karlpugh4531
    @karlpugh4531 8 лет назад +1

    recreate "68

  • @cheapcomedy130
    @cheapcomedy130 8 лет назад

    Its ok...all these people will "forget' to vote anyway...

  • @vforvendetta2873
    @vforvendetta2873 8 лет назад

    this is why trump get so many supporters

  • @nicholasquinn4835
    @nicholasquinn4835 8 лет назад

    This is our future with Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton

  • @scrappy42004
    @scrappy42004 8 лет назад

    staged she dated him its a domestic issue

  • @TFfolkes
    @TFfolkes 6 лет назад

    sorry there were no men to help her just whiners

  • @LHudsonARTLIFTS
    @LHudsonARTLIFTS 8 лет назад +6

    Despicable human beings

  • @irclaw42
    @irclaw42 8 лет назад +5

    Maybe Donald Trump was right. This convinces me that we do need a wall.

  • @samaracoleman9175
    @samaracoleman9175 8 лет назад +1

    I am personally not a supporter of Trump, but I do not agree with attacking and humiliating someone for what they believe in. This is very sad.

    • @samaracoleman9175
      @samaracoleman9175 8 лет назад

      +Jabba DaHutt That's true but she did nothing to provoke them

    • @erichuddleston4611
      @erichuddleston4611 8 лет назад +2

      +Jabba DaHutt No not at all you liberal fool. Just because someone like Trump makes sensitive people angry doesn't give them the right to attack people who support said person, or for their beliefs being different and a little stark. This is hypocrisy at its finest, people fighting against "racism" (which they foolishly misconstrue as racism) and being discriminatory and violent towards those who support trump- who they hate so much for the wrong reasons.

    • @erichuddleston4611
      @erichuddleston4611 8 лет назад

      +Jabba DaHutt Get your facts straight.

    • @erichuddleston4611
      @erichuddleston4611 8 лет назад

      +Jabba DaHutt Even if he is racist , most of his haters accuse him of being racist against Muslims (which btw isn't a race) and Mexicans (also not a race), which he isnt; the media blows his statements out of proportion. Don't try to downplay me either, I understood what you meant, but I disagreed-which I have a right to do without some libtard (not you, just a liberal in general) screaming at me for supporting a "racist". Therefore I shouldn't need to "expect to get assualted" for supporting Trump. It's my opinion.

    • @erichuddleston4611
      @erichuddleston4611 8 лет назад

      +Jabba DaHutt How does he "incite violence against peaceful protesters"? It's their fault for getting so worked up over something so small. Just because he doesn't sugarcoat everything he says doesn't mean people should get so offended. It's the truth. It's just people have grown so sensitive in today's society. They need thicker skin. It's probably because most of this generation are bottle fed and sheltered by their parents and because they've learned to be susceptible to anything that strays past the line of political correctness which the media engraved in their mind.

  • @marinettedupanchain0939
    @marinettedupanchain0939 7 лет назад

    This is video that help me vote for Donald Trump

  • @ZiroWatt
    @ZiroWatt 8 лет назад

    Hey theres 420 comments!
    But i ruined it...sorry

  • @aaronquartey1613
    @aaronquartey1613 8 лет назад

    Team Bernie :)

  • @blamethemonkey784
    @blamethemonkey784 8 лет назад

    i mean this makes all Mexicans look bad for rioting like idiots but u got to agree that she was also aggravating them even more. of course it was going to go to that extent she starting provoking them. instead of all the ppl inside just recording how about they help her out and bring her inside. where the police at tho?

    • @Mark_Cook
      @Mark_Cook 8 лет назад

      Sure, maybe a little, but weren't the protesters aggravating the trump supporters? Where were the punches and eggs from them? See thats what mostly civilized people do when confronted by words.

    • @5277088
      @5277088 8 лет назад

      If someone has to "help her out" .. she was the victim, duh

    • @5277088
      @5277088 8 лет назад

      And who just happens to have eggs and tomatoes on their person?

    • @DrDaggerSwagger
      @DrDaggerSwagger 8 лет назад +1

      This wasnt a bernie rally. They are there to terrorize trump supporters. By definition, they are terrorist. By classical definition. This is legit terrorism. Not jihad, of course. But this is also considered terrorism.

  • @wedgemahalo640
    @wedgemahalo640 8 лет назад

    waving American flags at a US political rally will give a lot more support To Trump

  • @RosinGoblin
    @RosinGoblin 8 лет назад

    typical Bernie supporters

  • @amalf_10
    @amalf_10 8 лет назад

    She stand for hate and racism and she deserves that

    • @amalf_10
      @amalf_10 8 лет назад

      +Terence Boris it's a free country com'on

    • @terenceboris851
      @terenceboris851 8 лет назад

      Trump was totally right when he said "rapists and murderers" : these people are trash. TRUMP 2016🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • @terenceboris851
      @terenceboris851 8 лет назад

      Trump will help me. You'll see, in a few years, after your idealistic college days are over and you're paying taxes and working for a living, what life's about. Give your shit away to strangers and for what? Social justice? Bullshit.

    • @amalf_10
      @amalf_10 8 лет назад

      +Terence Boris boyyyy i live in dubai and i can feed your entire family!! Please make America white again see the world is seeing u as a joke like trump !!

    • @amalf_10
      @amalf_10 8 лет назад

      +SecretHobbies i'm an American and i want justice for everyone !! He call us rapist and drug dealers and he wants to band my muslim friends and u want me to clap for him and support him hell no

  • @xxnightcorexxyt3274
    @xxnightcorexxyt3274 8 лет назад

    I like this vid

  • @jerardovasquez1471
    @jerardovasquez1471 8 лет назад

    the 🎃 are coming

  • @gnarlyneurosis6351
    @gnarlyneurosis6351 8 лет назад


  • @yurHighhNess408
    @yurHighhNess408 8 лет назад

    Remember Trump was the one who started the violence egging his supporters on to punch and kick people who disagreed so what do you think the Protesters are going to do?
    There needs to be a Double standard here stop making poor excuse for trumpet

    • @caseyshort4508
      @caseyshort4508 8 лет назад +3

      Stop making excuses for your side. You are the ones who have been continuously bullying and assaulting those who have dissenting opinions. You are no better than the "Nazi fascists" you think you're protesting against. When a Trump supporter has thrown a punch it has been because we're tired of being constantly battered by protesters like these.
      Also, if Trump is the one encouraging violence, why hasn't the Democratic side tried to take a stand against the violence their supporters are perpetuating?

    • @yurHighhNess408
      @yurHighhNess408 8 лет назад

      +Casey Short lady you make no sense You are straight Delusional just like the rest of trump followers There Is no more White American Keep dreaming

    • @caseyshort4508
      @caseyshort4508 8 лет назад +1

      +yurHighhNess♥ I'm making perfect sense. You just don't know how to read.

    • @yurHighhNess408
      @yurHighhNess408 8 лет назад

      +Casey Short no You're just making excuses for a Hatful person spreading more and more hatful messages causing people to fight one another your delusional and obviously there is no point in explaining when u support a evil man

    • @caseyshort4508
      @caseyshort4508 8 лет назад +1

      +yurHighhNess♥ The "Hatful" person you are referring to doesn't have his supporters constantly assaulting people who disagree with him. You're the one making excuses. Also, if you want people to take your opinions seriously and look like you're not 8 years old, type coherently.