Hey to both of you! Re: water..... I swim at the Y for exercise and leave my aids in that container Brad displayed, locked in a locker. I don't worry about them there. And it is also SO true that when I go to my beloved beach alone, I don't go into the water because of fear of leaving my aids ("FOLMA" :). When I go to the beach (Cape, bayside) with my sister who is also hearing impaired, we go aids-less and warn everyone else that we won't be able to hear them. And then we read lips or books. We go into the water together and laugh every time one of us yells, "WHAT?"
Hey to both of you!
Re: water..... I swim at the Y for exercise and leave my aids in that container Brad displayed, locked in a locker. I don't worry about them there. And it is also SO true that when I go to my beloved beach alone, I don't go into the water because of fear of leaving my aids ("FOLMA" :). When I go to the beach (Cape, bayside) with my sister who is also hearing impaired, we go aids-less and warn everyone else that we won't be able to hear them. And then we read lips or books. We go into the water together and laugh every time one of us yells, "WHAT?"
Thanks for sharing. And I'm totally stealing FOLMA, I love it! That's great that you have someone to brave the water aidless with. ~Brad
You two are surf and turf 😅
I love it!