Yup definitely a fake cactus in my gecko’s enclosure! She’s a bit special needs so nothing organic, needs to be easy to keep clean but still enough to give her enrichment, she loves to climb. Thank you for the rating!
@@LostDog7 I am using cork for the whole backside wall withoguht any ledges, my Leopardgecko loves hanging on it for hours sometimes. Or what is the meaning of back drop
I’m you’re age and a vet tech in college actually and I love everything about dogs, cats, horses, and other mammals but I don’t know much at all about reptiles, but I find your videos so entertaining and informative. I also have the same sense of humor and think some of your comments are just hysterical! Keep making videos, they’re awesome and so many people love them!
You'll be an awesome vet tech! Passionate caregivers are really important, and you getting joy from learning this stuff will make you a better more well rounded tech. Makes me wish they taught this kind of thing in schools, how to fall in love with a subject and let your interest guide your learning. Instead we're obsessed about good grades on test scores that'll make us look good by some international criteria... Caring about what you do is, in my opinion, more important than test grades. Cultivating learning and a desire to keep learning after school will make society and us as individuals better as a whole.
Thank you so much for featuring my Leo enclosure!! It was the last one - I am so glad you like it and am genuinely honored to have my work featured in your video!
My dad who was already a successful reptile breeder cohabbed two green iguanas for over 18 years, they lived a happy, healthy life but their enclosure was custom and took up the entire garage with multiple basking spots. They were a breeding pair as well so I don't think it's something the average keeper should do at all.
I’m a new beardie owner! Why no red light? I rescued a beardie from Facebook who was neglected. I bought him his heat lamp and uvb light (which he hates, he gets stressed when it’s on) and a ceramic night heat lamp. I was going to buy a red light for night.
@@cfarris27 no red lights make them have bone desease and makes them blind trust me ive been a dragon owner for 3 months now and when i got him the person told me about it
Deep heat projectors, UVB bulbs, heating pads, ceramic heaters... it's all such undertaught and vital info that's sadly left out. I wish the reptile community taught 3 basic rules, know your reptiles humidity and temperature, their lighting requirements, and their feeding needs. I've only been in the hobby a few years but so much advice comes from say a ball python point of view, or a BCI point of view, or a leopard gecko point if view. All that info is valuable... unless you've got a king snake lol. If we taught hobbyists to seek out info specifically for their species we'd have healthier pets and more enriched lives overall! Thanks for pointing out the UVB info, it's sorely underlooked in the hobby.
You can get a dimming thermostat for 30 bucks these days and a deep heat projector bulb for the same, so 60 in total or so, totally worth it and great for beardies. Wish more people knew about them.
Hey Alex, that’s my bci enclosure :D It’s half of my garage. It’s about 8 foot x 8 foot x 7 foot high :) there’s two windows an ac unit, and a pond. Sorry for the scale confusion 😂
@@wyaspence no. I insulated the walls with 10mm thick slab insulation then put plasterboard on top - I put Perspex over the existing windows so there is a good double glazed effect about 10cm thick. The floor is also insulated with slab insulation, and the roof has loft insulation. It’s toasty in there and when the door is kept closed the heating barely has to come on :)
What is happening in the 2nd enclosure… why are they in a bird cage?? Why are there two of them?? Are they okay? How does it retain moisture?? I’m so confused and have so many questions
Baby iguanas can be kept together for the first few weeks of life. In the wild they often band together in baby groups to protect themselves from predators but afterwards they should be separated. My green iguana is super territorial with other reptiles and with people who aren't me or one of the people i've hired to help me care for my animals and she's a female. I have no doubt that if I brought in another iguana into her room, she would try to kill it. Tegus imo should never be housed together. My gold tegu is a sweetie but accidents can happen when more than one tegu is forced in a finite area
I'm so happy you're uploading so regularly, you're very funny and I love your videos so much!! Don't stop this series until YOU get tired of it. I'm certain we all love them, though!!
Thank you for reviewing my set up! I’m looking forward to my cage growing in a bit. The pathos and the big leafed plant in the back are supposed to grow big!
Please keep it going thanks, will always watch this series ☺️ Edit: I don’t even have any reptiles or pets other than a cat, so even if I’m not your target demographic, you are so entertaining!! I hope others enjoy your reviews too.
The bearded dragon you couldn't see the substrate was on a new calcium sand that is light yellow and is worse than the rest....I dumped a bag of it next to a bag of the regular calcium sand in my backyard almost a year later it's still there hasn't washed away 😳
The octopus fact was almost correct. They have a brain in their mantle (head) that is wrapped around their esophagus, and each tentacle contains neurons so they can operate autonomously.
I wonder if at this point Alex's editor has some random txt with notes on what sounds to play for each star number. "Oh man time to find that sfx for the 5.67195 stars"
Tegus are just a vibe lizard. My local reptile shop has a whole room enclosure for a tortoise and a tegu that live together, beautifully might I add. They are rescues the shop decided to keep and take care of.
13:25 that’s an octopus. The brain is in its head and is shaped like a donut, but there are also a lot of neurons in the arms that can function as a series of brains. Also I would have like to see how big the aquarium is and whether or not they got any toys or any hides because these are like own a parrot but instead of an aviary it’s a saltwater tank.
1st savannah enclosure - it's ugly but it's nicely squared up, well decorated, and generally nicely put together. Probably one of someone's very few DIY projects (and I'd bet the biggest one they've ever done). 'A' for effort, I'd say 3.5 stars (4 for interior, 3 for exterior) 2nd savannah monitor - sadly typical for savannahs that new keepers pick up :/ that baby needs an intervention.
Also thanks for featuring Athena, Hera and Aphrodite. (the mourning geckos) {Im kinda a bit to lazy to make and find an enclosure that has really really small gaps for the geckos because of how small of spaces they can fit through}
I don’t know how you’re feeling about the pine litter so far, but I just wanted to mention that we’ve been using beans (just any bulk dried beans) as kitty litter for a few years now and it’s so much nicer than any commercial brand we’ve ever tried out! The cats love…using it, and personally I’ve never been a fan of finding cat litter anywhere around my house outside their actual box lol, so the main reason we use it (besides it being safe and unscented) is because there’s basically no tracking and the s m o o t h beans don’t stick to cat toe-beans. Plus, zero dust! It’s generally cheaper and easier to dispose of too. I can’t really speak to its odor trapping abilities because all three of our cats are raw fed and subsequently have really small, inoffensive deposits haha. And it gets scooped whenever someone uses it. But I think you actually fresh feed too, if I’m remembering right so you may be able to smell what I’m stepping in 😏 We call it the ~forbidden chili~ The only thing is it doesn’t clump with pee the way it would with conventional litter so we use it with the litter breeze box that comes with a replaceable pad underneath. I hate dealing with the pads but it’s really the only con.
In response to the first bearded enclosure, the uvb has to be a certain distance from the basking point for an animal to be able to receive a certain the benefits from the UVB(measured with a solar meter and determined using the Ferguson zone method) also, the red lights have been determined to be bad for at least bearded dragons eyes(can’t speak for all reptiles cus I’m not sure) hope that helps at all!
Seeing these lizard enclosures makes me want to have a lizard so bad 🥺 I had a bearded dragon when I was younger but since then we’ve only kept snakes (in terms of reptiles.) Don’t get me wrong, I do love all reptiles…. But lizards definitely have more of a personality than snakes from my experience 😅
Pls do more, I’m making a post right now of some very bad enclosures I saw at my local zoo. And I don’t know what to do about it. I’m talking cohabitation, ball pythons with boas. No humidity, stuck sheds, underweight snakes. It’s a nightmare at this ZOOs reptile house. How can I make a difference for those animals?
My experience: Flat roofs are hellish. Water will pool on it, and water rots the underlying substrate (though shingles worse than the pool-liner-like plastic sheet type), and water damage is horrible for a home, for repair and mold issues. Also, leaves build up and have to be removed, and they trap water. Also, if you *do* get a freak snowstorm or ice storm, that weight sits and sits. Also, an attic provides space to run wires and pipes and such, and to fix them. I have a flat roof: there's no ceiling space and no basement, jsut cross beams every foot or so. I couldn't get access to see where mice were getting in until I had a company rip out the ceiling in two rooms for several thousand dollars. It's not feasible to run Internet wire, or wire for smoke detectors up to current code, or better pipes (the water pipes are in the slab, so it takes 4 minutes for the hot water at my kitchen sink to get hot). No -- you absolutely want an attic and a slanted roof. You may not want a finished attic, and yeah it looks like a pain, but an unfinished one is still a godsend versus a flat roof. A flat roof is like keeping a reptile on sand.
First one: You can totally use two bulbs! I wouldn’t use the reds tho, beardies can see red and it might keep them awake at night. I use a 60w ceramic heat emitter and a 75w basking bulb. The basking and uvb are on a timer, and the ceramic heat emitter stays on all the time. I get about 104F on his basking spot during the day, and 80F at night (70 on cool side at night). As long as the temps are met you can use as many heat/basking bulbs as you want I guess lol
My gecko has a bearded dragon sized tank, he has a food and water bowl, 3 hiding places. The only think he does not have is a calcium bowl, because I dust the worms myself.
don’t have instagram but i have a giant day gecko in a 100 gallon vivarium his heat and lighting (uvb) are on one side with two large bamboo pieces and then i have a long UV light for my plants and just to brighten it up a bit. It took me around 4-5 weeks just to get everything set up. i’m working on getting some hanging plants or air plants to give him more cover but i think he’s enjoying it.
I never kept iguanas, but the enclosure in my opinion can use a lot of improvements, along with adding UVB/UVA. As for the enclosure not having any way to hold humidity, perhaps the owner lives in a place where it's naturally very humid so humidity isn't a problem?
Yeah, finally my post was included and I got 3,5! I did post if first without text but then added it because it's hard to get good pic and was sure of everything but of course he didn't read it. That didn't he didn't know what it is, is just plastic rat/ferret tunnel.
Hi I would like to ask you what's the general opinion on non natural looking enclosures if they have everything the animal needs to live safely and well. Is it possible for example a modell to stress them. My leopard gecko does not seem to mind but I'm curious if I should remove it. In the future I plan on upgrading to a bioactive one for her but currently I don't have enough natural decor to make a proper natural looking one for her.
2 basking bulbs are irrelevant as long as it meets the required heat necessary to digest food and proper gradient from one side to the other. UVA is also important and something that should be considered. Red lights are the problem. Little Bearded dragons are fine in "huge" enclosures.. what difference does it make? It's helpful to offer lots of platform options under the basking area including the overlap of the uvb/basking bulb. It's also important to give an ares where the animal can retreat from the uvb as well. The second Bearded dragon was on sand and the 3rd was eating a huge bowl of dried meal worms but the fire truck sticker? 🙃 I linear uvb recommendation would have bumped that husbandry advice up to a 4* ..... (no I'm not a MOD. 😂 even if I was what difference does that make?)
Just gonna put this out there, that was not a "$60 enclosure" if I have the dimensions close to the one shown in the video, the terrarium by itself is a little over $100, and it comes with a few of the things inside the enclosure. Your price range for the total cost is probably still the same if not a little more, I just thought I'd speak up about that enclosure price being a bit off. I only know this because I'm poor and I looked into several different setups for a good price range and that was one I've seen before. I don't think it's a bad setup, it's great for beginners actually, but whoever bought that whole set for $200+ definitely got ripped off 🤣 great video as always dude
Yeah, I think that guy got ripped off too. I could understand the price if the plants within it were more established and bigger, but that enclosure looked quite sparse and bare.
@@vincetravis8701 yeah, some people just like to think that the work they put into an enclosure makes that enclosure worth twice it's retail value or more. Don't get me wrong, if I spent hours building a habitat, I wouldn't sell it cheap either, but I wouldn't put a ridiculous price that out values the enclosure and everything in it. I bet they didn't wanna get rid of the tank but someone (a spouse or parent) told them it has to go 😂
I would hope/assume it's a fake cactus Sure wild reptiles might encounter cacti out in nature, but as a pet owner it's really your job to protect your animal from the hazards that the great outdoors would expose them to. In the wild they also come in contact with parasites, diseases, and predators. Plus, even if a reptile knows to avoid it, you're basically taking up space in their home that they are not allowed to access.
@@satansoup this might sound harsh but its because im copying and pasting what i said to someone else who was getting frustrating so i promise thats not directed at you haha " hes said many times that sand for bearded dragons is just generally bad and hes said it for years, he got tired of saying it and refuses to speak on it anymore. its on his "banned words" list, so this was him pretending he didnt see it because hes so tired of having to talk about it. he isnt so blind that he wouldnt see it, hes kind of the expert"
Noo Alex you should never stop this series it's way too funny
Yup definitely a fake cactus in my gecko’s enclosure! She’s a bit special needs so nothing organic, needs to be easy to keep clean but still enough to give her enrichment, she loves to climb. Thank you for the rating!
did you make the back drop for it? I'm trying to make one and idk what to use grout or another type of clay
That enclosure is adorable 🥰
@@LostDog7 I am using cork for the whole backside wall withoguht any ledges, my Leopardgecko loves hanging on it for hours sometimes. Or what is the meaning of back drop
@@LostDog7 when I made my geckos enclosure I used aquarium foam and pond silicone!
I love the decor! Lots of places to hide and climb. The texturing on the back wall looks really nice!
I’m you’re age and a vet tech in college actually and I love everything about dogs, cats, horses, and other mammals but I don’t know much at all about reptiles, but I find your videos so entertaining and informative. I also have the same sense of humor and think some of your comments are just hysterical! Keep making videos, they’re awesome and so many people love them!
i’m in a vet tech college program & i have a passion for reptiles!! i wish you all the success & good grades haha :)))
@@stinkiebee thank you, it’s not easy haha. Many tears have been shed 😂😅
You'll be an awesome vet tech! Passionate caregivers are really important, and you getting joy from learning this stuff will make you a better more well rounded tech.
Makes me wish they taught this kind of thing in schools, how to fall in love with a subject and let your interest guide your learning. Instead we're obsessed about good grades on test scores that'll make us look good by some international criteria...
Caring about what you do is, in my opinion, more important than test grades. Cultivating learning and a desire to keep learning after school will make society and us as individuals better as a whole.
Thank you so much for featuring my Leo enclosure!! It was the last one - I am so glad you like it and am genuinely honored to have my work featured in your video!
"I see no substrate in this picture" I can't lol
"got some rocks ... got some dirt ... we have a toad, it's a toad enclosure!" INSTANT 5 STARS ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Another enclosure in the video : 4 stars the best rating in the video.
As he should. TOAD SUPERIORITY!!!
My dad who was already a successful reptile breeder cohabbed two green iguanas for over 18 years, they lived a happy, healthy life but their enclosure was custom and took up the entire garage with multiple basking spots. They were a breeding pair as well so I don't think it's something the average keeper should do at all.
Please remember, linear uvb should cover 2/3 of a dragon tank AND overlap with their basking. Also, say no to red lights. Thnx.
@J no, just an educated dragon owner. It is a husbandry issue often over looked.
I’m a new beardie owner! Why no red light? I rescued a beardie from Facebook who was neglected. I bought him his heat lamp and uvb light (which he hates, he gets stressed when it’s on) and a ceramic night heat lamp. I was going to buy a red light for night.
@@cfarris27 no red lights make them have bone desease and makes them blind trust me ive been a dragon owner for 3 months now and when i got him the person told me about it
Deep heat projectors, UVB bulbs, heating pads, ceramic heaters... it's all such undertaught and vital info that's sadly left out. I wish the reptile community taught 3 basic rules, know your reptiles humidity and temperature, their lighting requirements, and their feeding needs. I've only been in the hobby a few years but so much advice comes from say a ball python point of view, or a BCI point of view, or a leopard gecko point if view. All that info is valuable... unless you've got a king snake lol. If we taught hobbyists to seek out info specifically for their species we'd have healthier pets and more enriched lives overall!
Thanks for pointing out the UVB info, it's sorely underlooked in the hobby.
You can get a dimming thermostat for 30 bucks these days and a deep heat projector bulb for the same, so 60 in total or so, totally worth it and great for beardies. Wish more people knew about them.
Hey Alex, that’s my bci enclosure :D
It’s half of my garage. It’s about 8 foot x 8 foot x 7 foot high :) there’s two windows an ac unit, and a pond.
Sorry for the scale confusion 😂
That’s so cool! I wish I had space for a vivarium like that!
Is it difficult to temp regulate with the windows?
@@wyaspence no. I insulated the walls with 10mm thick slab insulation then put plasterboard on top - I put Perspex over the existing windows so there is a good double glazed effect about 10cm thick.
The floor is also insulated with slab insulation, and the roof has loft insulation.
It’s toasty in there and when the door is kept closed the heating barely has to come on :)
Alex with sand: i pretend i do not see it 😐
I'm such a dumbass I was like wtf alex the sand is RIGHT THER-- ohhh
“Frog zone done” really resonated with me 😂
You should do a series where you try to guess the animal biased off the enclosure!!!
Never stop this series it’s funny and the good enclosures gives me new ideas haha
What is happening in the 2nd enclosure… why are they in a bird cage?? Why are there two of them?? Are they okay? How does it retain moisture?? I’m so confused and have so many questions
It’s definitely neglecting
i hope whoever keeps tagging go herping in the octopus pics keeps doing it bc its hilarious
This series is definitely not getting boring! Also I really enjoyed that outro
Currently on a road trip, super grateful for something else to watch
May your road trip be as enjoyable as possible. Be sure to stretch when you can. Idk about you but I get so stiff being in the car all day!
I stopped buying the basic heat bulbs because they're almost $30 and burn out if you even look at them wrong. I use a ciramic coil bulb
if it's for reptiles, it's a 100% markup
Bought a 12 pack of 65 watt incandescent flood bulbs at home depot for $27. Basically same price as 1 reptile “specialty bulb” smh
"if you even look at them wrong" I WHEEZED
"There's no substrate... weird"
This is how you can tell he's so done with the S-word, wont' even acknowledge it's existence
Baby iguanas can be kept together for the first few weeks of life. In the wild they often band together in baby groups to protect themselves from predators but afterwards they should be separated. My green iguana is super territorial with other reptiles and with people who aren't me or one of the people i've hired to help me care for my animals and she's a female. I have no doubt that if I brought in another iguana into her room, she would try to kill it. Tegus imo should never be housed together. My gold tegu is a sweetie but accidents can happen when more than one tegu is forced in a finite area
He keeps calling the octopus a squid when it's clearly an octopus And it even says octopus in the tags 😂😂
I'm so happy you're uploading so regularly, you're very funny and I love your videos so much!! Don't stop this series until YOU get tired of it. I'm certain we all love them, though!!
Thank you for reviewing my set up! I’m looking forward to my cage growing in a bit. The pathos and the big leafed plant in the back are supposed to grow big!
Please keep it going thanks, will always watch this series ☺️
Edit: I don’t even have any reptiles or pets other than a cat, so even if I’m not your target demographic, you are so entertaining!! I hope others enjoy your reviews too.
Please don't stop this series, love it.
That iguana cage looks like it would be all too easy for the babies to catch their claws in the tiny little grates at the bottom 😬
no, there is a green mat at the bottom so their claws don't get stuck.
"....We got a toad. It's a toad enclosure. 5 Stars." Sounds like Alex likes toads lol
“You definitely don’t have cats” I feel that.
12:00 looks like the snake version of what I wanna do with my future parrot.
The bearded dragon you couldn't see the substrate was on a new calcium sand that is light yellow and is worse than the rest....I dumped a bag of it next to a bag of the regular calcium sand in my backyard almost a year later it's still there hasn't washed away 😳
I think he was lying about not seeing the substrate lmao
He knows, but he's said many times that its bad, so now he just acts as if he doesn't see it
never been so early to a goherping video before...
It’s quiet here
@@Trippy824 fr
I laughed too much at the "done" part
Dont stop :)) I love this series! Also what light should I use for a bearded dragon?
UVB and heat bulb
Omg thank you so much!!!
The octopus fact was almost correct. They have a brain in their mantle (head) that is wrapped around their esophagus, and each tentacle contains neurons so they can operate autonomously.
That and 2/3 of their neurons are in their arms. (Not tentacles)
Hi I love your videos so much I haven’t watched for that long but you videos are amazing
You know the more of these I see, I wanna see some current Alex enclosures! 👀👀👀
I love the Alex absolutely cannot tell the difference between an octopus and a squid
This is my favourite series of yours
I wonder if at this point Alex's editor has some random txt with notes on what sounds to play for each star number.
"Oh man time to find that sfx for the 5.67195 stars"
Unless you're bored from filming these reviews, I'm always ready for more 👍
ayyy 4.5 on mine, thanks Alex!
the last one is so cool!
Tegus are just a vibe lizard. My local reptile shop has a whole room enclosure for a tortoise and a tegu that live together, beautifully might I add. They are rescues the shop decided to keep and take care of.
5:36: "I've never seen anyone keep Mourning geckos as pets"
Leafy Street: 🤨
I’ll have to submit my custom curio cabinet build after I’m finished, I actually made a tree out of a TON of large cork bark rounds and half rounds.
I want to see that SO bad, upload a video to your channel or something 🙏
Nuuu don't stop, its great
All these enclosures make me feel really good about mine.
ily and i do particularly like ur reptile vids but like honestly idc what u do imma watch it
13:25 that’s an octopus.
The brain is in its head and is shaped like a donut, but there are also a lot of neurons in the arms that can function as a series of brains.
Also I would have like to see how big the aquarium is and whether or not they got any toys or any hides because these are like own a parrot but instead of an aviary it’s a saltwater tank.
1st savannah enclosure - it's ugly but it's nicely squared up, well decorated, and generally nicely put together. Probably one of someone's very few DIY projects (and I'd bet the biggest one they've ever done). 'A' for effort, I'd say 3.5 stars (4 for interior, 3 for exterior)
2nd savannah monitor - sadly typical for savannahs that new keepers pick up :/ that baby needs an intervention.
Beuhhh that’s abusice
The BCI enclosure is a whole but small room, definitely enough for a BCI though.
Keep this series going 🙏🙏🙏
I got a crestie for christmas and please, his enclosure is so full i cant even put my hand straight in without having it twist to in weird ways 😭😭😭
Also thanks for featuring Athena, Hera and Aphrodite. (the mourning geckos) {Im kinda a bit to lazy to make and find an enclosure that has really really small gaps for the geckos because of how small of spaces they can fit through}
that's fair lol
Never stop its so funny
Alex’s math is just amazing 🙌🤣
I don’t know how you’re feeling about the pine litter so far, but I just wanted to mention that we’ve been using beans (just any bulk dried beans) as kitty litter for a few years now and it’s so much nicer than any commercial brand we’ve ever tried out!
The cats love…using it, and personally I’ve never been a fan of finding cat litter anywhere around my house outside their actual box lol, so the main reason we use it (besides it being safe and unscented) is because there’s basically no tracking and the s m o o t h beans don’t stick to cat toe-beans.
Plus, zero dust! It’s generally cheaper and easier to dispose of too. I can’t really speak to its odor trapping abilities because all three of our cats are raw fed and subsequently have really small, inoffensive deposits haha. And it gets scooped whenever someone uses it. But I think you actually fresh feed too, if I’m remembering right so you may be able to smell what I’m stepping in 😏
We call it the ~forbidden chili~
The only thing is it doesn’t clump with pee the way it would with conventional litter so we use it with the litter breeze box that comes with a replaceable pad underneath. I hate dealing with the pads but it’s really the only con.
In response to the first bearded enclosure, the uvb has to be a certain distance from the basking point for an animal to be able to receive a certain the benefits from the UVB(measured with a solar meter and determined using the Ferguson zone method) also, the red lights have been determined to be bad for at least bearded dragons eyes(can’t speak for all reptiles cus I’m not sure) hope that helps at all!
Seeing these lizard enclosures makes me want to have a lizard so bad 🥺 I had a bearded dragon when I was younger but since then we’ve only kept snakes (in terms of reptiles.) Don’t get me wrong, I do love all reptiles…. But lizards definitely have more of a personality than snakes from my experience 😅
I agree with you about lizards. They are so cute and definitely have more personality than snakes
@@doglover4068 Especially blue tongue skinks! That’s my dream lizard 🥰 My dad wants a tegu though
@@GreenDayLuna_ I love Tegus and blue tongue skinks. I have 2 bearded dragons
Pls do more, I’m making a post right now of some very bad enclosures I saw at my local zoo. And I don’t know what to do about it. I’m talking cohabitation, ball pythons with boas. No humidity, stuck sheds, underweight snakes. It’s a nightmare at this ZOOs reptile house. How can I make a difference for those animals?
The way I immediately click when the notification pops up 😂
I have very rarely visited homes with slanted roofs but it feels like every youtuber has them lol
My experience: Flat roofs are hellish. Water will pool on it, and water rots the underlying substrate (though shingles worse than the pool-liner-like plastic sheet type), and water damage is horrible for a home, for repair and mold issues. Also, leaves build up and have to be removed, and they trap water. Also, if you *do* get a freak snowstorm or ice storm, that weight sits and sits. Also, an attic provides space to run wires and pipes and such, and to fix them. I have a flat roof: there's no ceiling space and no basement, jsut cross beams every foot or so. I couldn't get access to see where mice were getting in until I had a company rip out the ceiling in two rooms for several thousand dollars. It's not feasible to run Internet wire, or wire for smoke detectors up to current code, or better pipes (the water pipes are in the slab, so it takes 4 minutes for the hot water at my kitchen sink to get hot). No -- you absolutely want an attic and a slanted roof. You may not want a finished attic, and yeah it looks like a pain, but an unfinished one is still a godsend versus a flat roof. A flat roof is like keeping a reptile on sand.
I have 3 green iguanas and that cage at 2:40 is definitely a 1/5 stars 🤦🏾
im gonna submit something cool for the next one i swear... dont stop doing these please at least until you see my tank lmao
First one: You can totally use two bulbs! I wouldn’t use the reds tho, beardies can see red and it might keep them awake at night. I use a 60w ceramic heat emitter and a 75w basking bulb. The basking and uvb are on a timer, and the ceramic heat emitter stays on all the time. I get about 104F on his basking spot during the day, and 80F at night (70 on cool side at night). As long as the temps are met you can use as many heat/basking bulbs as you want I guess lol
Yeah they can see red, but it also is bad for their eyes as well as keeping them awake.
Love these way too much
My gecko has a bearded dragon sized tank, he has a food and water bowl, 3 hiding places. The only think he does not have is a calcium bowl, because I dust the worms myself.
Was that the devil laugh from the XBox original “The Bible Game” at 4:03?
Omg u are so funny i love your videos so much! They make me laugh!
Good evening gohepee 🐐
Keep up the badd work kido....
Lmaoo "what substrate? I don't see shi..."
Octopus have 3 hearts and their brain is shaped like a donut, they also have 8 mini brains that control each arm
don’t have instagram but i have a giant day gecko in a 100 gallon vivarium
his heat and lighting (uvb) are on one side with two large bamboo pieces
and then i have a long UV light for my plants and just to brighten it up a bit.
It took me around 4-5 weeks just to get everything set up.
i’m working on getting some hanging plants or air plants to give him more cover but i think he’s enjoying it.
Hi GoHerping! I have a leopard gecko and hes about to shed what should i do
give him a nice warm humid hide and leave him be for a while, make sure when he's done you check for stuck shed
Thank You So Much For Doing Another!!!!
I never kept iguanas, but the enclosure in my opinion can use a lot of improvements, along with adding UVB/UVA. As for the enclosure not having any way to hold humidity, perhaps the owner lives in a place where it's naturally very humid so humidity isn't a problem?
Yeah, finally my post was included and I got 3,5!
I did post if first without text but then added it because it's hard to get good pic and was sure of everything but of course he didn't read it. That didn't he didn't know what it is, is just plastic rat/ferret tunnel.
8:33 also thats just a food bowl of mealworms (i'm assuming already dead)?? Seems like an easy way to overfeed espiecally without calcium
Hi I would like to ask you what's the general opinion on non natural looking enclosures if they have everything the animal needs to live safely and well. Is it possible for example a modell to stress them. My leopard gecko does not seem to mind but I'm curious if I should remove it. In the future I plan on upgrading to a bioactive one for her but currently I don't have enough natural decor to make a proper natural looking one for her.
The first one the red heat lights are bad for the beardie it can make them blind so hopefully it’s not blind
Let’s hope whoever’s reading this comment doesn’t have their reptile enclosure in this video
2 basking bulbs are irrelevant as long as it meets the required heat necessary to digest food and proper gradient from one side to the other. UVA is also important and something that should be considered. Red lights are the problem. Little Bearded dragons are fine in "huge" enclosures.. what difference does it make? It's helpful to offer lots of platform options under the basking area including the overlap of the uvb/basking bulb. It's also important to give an ares where the animal can retreat from the uvb as well. The second Bearded dragon was on sand and the 3rd was eating a huge bowl of dried meal worms but the fire truck sticker? 🙃 I linear uvb recommendation would have bumped that husbandry advice up to a 4* ..... (no I'm not a MOD. 😂 even if I was what difference does that make?)
„He looks kinda dumb. Not in a bad way… jus in a dumb? way.”
Just gonna put this out there, that was not a "$60 enclosure" if I have the dimensions close to the one shown in the video, the terrarium by itself is a little over $100, and it comes with a few of the things inside the enclosure. Your price range for the total cost is probably still the same if not a little more, I just thought I'd speak up about that enclosure price being a bit off. I only know this because I'm poor and I looked into several different setups for a good price range and that was one I've seen before. I don't think it's a bad setup, it's great for beginners actually, but whoever bought that whole set for $200+ definitely got ripped off 🤣 great video as always dude
Yeah, I think that guy got ripped off too. I could understand the price if the plants within it were more established and bigger, but that enclosure looked quite sparse and bare.
@@vincetravis8701 yeah, some people just like to think that the work they put into an enclosure makes that enclosure worth twice it's retail value or more. Don't get me wrong, if I spent hours building a habitat, I wouldn't sell it cheap either, but I wouldn't put a ridiculous price that out values the enclosure and everything in it. I bet they didn't wanna get rid of the tank but someone (a spouse or parent) told them it has to go 😂
Was gonna say, 60$ seems way too cheap for a tank that size of that quality (even without the interior). 250 is too much tho.
Bro Alex I love you you’re hilarious dude also I live in NC too :DDD
Hi Alex. I’m trying to upload pics of my enclosure for review, but not sure how to do it. Any help appreciated.
Post on Instagram and include the hashtag #goherpingreview
Love when another vid drops.
i'm going to keep mourning geckos because i got a 10 gal from my brother and 2-3 can chill in a small tank.
When I build my new 4x2x2 for my bearded dragon I'll see about posting here :)
Awh, I submitted mine but no review. Please keep making these, I want mine reviewed because I’m a noob lmfao
How do you feel about red night time heat lamps I know some people have said that it stresses leopard geckos but I don’t think it’s been proven
Red lights can damage their eyes. Proven to scar retinas.
I would hope/assume it's a fake cactus
Sure wild reptiles might encounter cacti out in nature, but as a pet owner it's really your job to protect your animal from the hazards that the great outdoors would expose them to. In the wild they also come in contact with parasites, diseases, and predators.
Plus, even if a reptile knows to avoid it, you're basically taking up space in their home that they are not allowed to access.
Don’t stop these ig vids
I was screaming when he said the beaded dragon enclosure had no substrate it had sand every wear
did u miss the joke
@@AgitatedMoth I def missed the joke I thought he was being serious 😂
@@satansoup this might sound harsh but its because im copying and pasting what i said to someone else who was getting frustrating so i promise thats not directed at you haha " hes said many times that sand for bearded dragons is just generally bad and hes said it for years, he got tired of saying it and refuses to speak on it anymore. its on his "banned words" list, so this was him pretending he didnt see it because hes so tired of having to talk about it. he isnt so blind that he wouldnt see it, hes kind of the expert"