I really liked that he was a faceless, speachless villain for most of the game. I had no idea the wild hunt were elves behind the masks, I was expecting some corpse-people or something. The reveal of a deep voice humanoid was excellent.
djinn on death march enemy upscaling is the true boss. it will test every bit of your patience esp when you have an armor with minimal to zero elemental resistance. also olgierd and detlaff are actually more fun to fight against compared to eredin.
Witcher 3 was my first experience with the Witcher, so I didn't know anything outside the game. At first I thought the wild Hunt were badass and terrifying until they took off their masks lmao
Fellow Templar He was a maiar, the equivalent of an angel. He was able to change his appearance for a time and appeared as an elf in order to trick Celebrimbor into helping him forge the rings of power, all except the One Ring.
To be honest, Eredin could have had a badass character arc but, despite the epic design, Eredin was pretty underutilized in the game and wasn't much of a difficult fight either.
@Aaron9 Yeah to be fair for a fully developed player character Eredin was a pushover, Death March he's a little challenging but there's far more difficult fights on offer well before him.
He didn't feel like a true villain. He appeared maybe once or twice before the final showdown, like Pagan Min in Far Cry 4. The game TELLS you how evil he is, but doesn't SHOW his evil, making him feel like a nuisance to me, rather than a real villain. In contrast, The Crones showed their evil and felt more menacing.
I mean you can literally play the game for 100+ hours doing story and side content and completely forget that dude even exists and apparently does something bad. Like sure, you could argue he's a part of finding Ciri but for a large part he doesn't actively play a role there, either. It's just you following ciris trails.
I do agree that he was under utilized in tw3 but I think they did a good job showing how evil he is in the few scenes he had, like when he stabbed that random peasant in the back as he was crawling on the ground
I loved how much he was purposely left out in the games. It ended up building this big evil figure that was some untouchable thing. Albeit he could’ve got some more love in the second half of the Witcher 3.
the unicorns make sense in the books only. and only if you see all the references to human legends Sapkowski put into the story. Ihuarraquax seems weird first but later it becomes quite obvious ^^ It‘s a real pity that CDR decided to ruin that part like that.
Could you do a video on the differences between the different classes of monsters? Such as what makes a monster part of a class, like ogroids, relicts, hybrids, etc? Love your content, please keep doing these. I use a lot of lore from the Witcher series not only for just knowing more about the series but also for inspiration for D&D campaigns and this really helps. Seriously thank you so much!
He's definitely the coolest character in the series in my opinion. I just wish he had a more interesting boss fight and more emphasis on his character.
@@DaToby98Yeah, like I think they are very cool and threatening villains, but for a game with the subtitle "Wild Hunt", they are really not utilized very much
@@carl_consumer.of.reality Game is so good its no big deal but as you said Wild Hunt is in the Name and they have 2 min screen time before the final fight lmao
It is a shame, I think Eredin would make an awesome and menacing villain for the 3rd game if he wasn't so underdeveloped. They could have made him way more sympathetic like for example Letho, because his home is going to be destroyed by the white frost, but they almost just made him a cool looking elf with a cool voice. Really do like the design and voice though :)
there‘s nothing to make him sympathetic. They can‘t deny the books completely. They have already made Triss way more important than she is for the sake of fucking and reduced Yen to a simple bitch while she‘s actually so much closer to Geralt than the game implies. The whole myths behind Ciri‘s person come short, if you only play the game you get no idea of who she actually is with respect to literature and myths/legends..
@@marcoeland3405 I do get that, and I'm reading the books. But this about the Witcher game, they can't stick for a 100 percent to the books because some thinks just don't work. There are characters in the Witcher games that are great that aren't even in the books. So if they gave a particular character like Eredin for example some more depth it wouldn't matter. If you like the books, but you think the games fall short on the lore, thats fine. But the games are a sequel on the books so I think a character can be changed a little bit, and go through some character changes. The games don't need to be exactly the same as the books, just capture the world, characters and overall feeling of the witcher.
@@MachonyLeeoun Ok I'll put the word sympathetic differently (English isnt my native language so my choice of words might be a bit poorly with the word sympathetic). They had a pretty interesting villain, and could have made him a lot more interesting If they gave him more screentime, and more depth. He still should be a villain. But I think Imlerith, Caranthir, Ge'els and Eredin could be explored more.
@Aaron9 I know the fucking lore mr. It was a poor choice of words. What I meant was to flesh out his character more. I think the wild hunt had way more potential than what we've seen in witcher 3
I haven't read the books, so I had no idea the wild hunt were elves, when he first took his mask off I was kind of disappointed. They had a horsemen of the apocalypse vibe to them upto that point. Also you sounds fed up mate like your explaining this to someone who's asked you twenty times before and you can't believe you have to explain it again
I feel like the idea was to keep him in mistery. Yes some character development would have been nice but at the same time I feel like the lack of character development was his chracter development(If that makes any sense). He's a misterious alien figure to most anyways driven by power. And besides the main villain/objective was to overcome obstacles and help Ciri end the white frost. I mean why would they not develop Eredin but characters like Whoreson, Djiikstra and Radovid got character development. I think it was intended but maybe that's just me.
@@sodoff4451 Well you dont find much but thehaura of mystery and the fact that the only encounters are fights that are brutal and hard to win makes them look like a big threat and somebody that doesn't negociate. For me it was jsut right. Altough Eredin and the hunt are not these deep characters, and ofc I don't find them complex yet their appereances are menacing and well done. I dont think we're supposed to know a lot about em. Think of the reapers in mass effect. That's a genoius villan(s) yet they don't really have any "Character development"I mean how would you even do cahracter development to machines. But still you learn bits of info about them and how they work and ultimateley defeat them. The focus is shepard and his/hers crew and only the side villains get development. Same thing here if you ask me, menacing threat that you're supposed to know little about.
@Senile Crocodile Caranthir was introduced by CdPr, and they tried to stay as true as possible to the lore(Also the assasination part im fairly sure it never said in the books if Eredin wanted or not to kill his king, since George said he didin't mean to kill him.) and ignoring the existance of Eredin or changing him from the leader would have been wierd and harda to Justify, besides Caranthir has 6 lines in the entire game so he doesn't really sell me he could have been a good main villain.
@@notsosecretsnacker5218 it really is. Excellent, top tier writing. In one of my short stories I kind of drew some influence, mostly just the name, for a character called the “Brooding Baron”, who’s called so as his Surname sounds similar “Beroodin” and is a generally unpleasant guy.
I don't think they should have made him a blatant evil character. The best villains are characters that are "the good guy" for their cause, so to speak, but their cause goes against that of the protagonist. With Auberon dead, they definitely had a chance to create that kind of villain in Eredin
Isn't that exactly what Eredin is? Considering that he's trying to "save" his dying civilization, I'm willing to bet the Aen Elle think Eredin is "the good guy". But since the Aen Elle are racial supremacist, enslaving, settler-colonialists we couldn't-and shouldn't-sympathize with them. Is that "blatantly evil", I don't think so.
@@exu7325 my problem isn't how Eredin is if you know him, my problem is how he's portrayed. It is not difficult to create a game for the bad guy and portray him as the hero. look at GTA 5, you are the bad guy but you never feel like it. With Eredin, you never feel sympathy for his cause; you never feel his desperation, you never feel his regret, you never feel anything for him. Remember how Iorveth at the beginning of the Witcher two is your enemy? By the end, you couldn't imagine siding any other way
Whilst I disagree that all villains should be the good guy of their story... I mean look at gunter who is a fantastic villain but blatantly evil for the sake of it. I do agree that it would have suited eredin a lot better
I prefer the book. More of a character to that one. It'll make you think twice about killing somebody who just loves his race and will do anything to save it, not just some bad guy who want to conquer worlds and became worse when time pushes. Maybe I can use the dark knight's joker or farcry 4 main villian for example
bruh he still goes between wolds capturing and enslaving people in the books, why would you think twice about killing him. Also you've got this completely confused, you say in the books he just wants to save his race but his race isnt in any danger in the books cause the white frost isnt a thing, Its the games where he is trying to save his race by capturing ciri, in the books he just wants to return the elder blood to his race, his race isnt actually in any danger in the books.
@@explosiongames11 I remember vaguely reading it in the book(s) that there is something going on that threatens the Aen Elle so they need Ciri more and more as time progresses. Maybe I mixed it with the game's story but I'm not so sure. I could be wrong
Nag nothing about him was identifiable. He didnt want to save his race, he wanted to save what was left through genocide. Yes the white frost was killing his world but he wanted all of humanity out of his way. That's not a hero of his people, that's a monster in search of power at the cost of others.
@@explosiongames11 There is also a mass grave that Ciri discovered where all the natives of the Aen Elle world end up on. It makes you think of the irony and the hypocrisy of the elves always whining about being on the world first and the humans being the invaders. When their Aen Elle brethren travel between worlds to enslave, kill and conquer them. He also din't want to save their race, what they wanted was the power of Ciri because with it instead of moving just a few people across worlds they could move entire armies, basically he wanted to be able to again go conquer other worlds. I hate the elves with a passion in the Witcher series, they are the biggest hypocrites and pretentious beings in my opinion
I remember the first time playing the Witcher..never knew a thing about the Wild Hunt..they seemed so scary..or overwhelming..but as soon as I learned they were elves in armour all changed. They were no longer scary, they were so frail all of a sudden. It was great
I was always under the impression that it was purposefully left ambiguous whether or not the vial that Eredin gave to Ciri actually aphrodisiac or secretly poison so that he could get Ciri to murder Auberon for him. Or, going further, perhaps he knew it was aphrodisiac and knew that the dose was too strong and would kill him. In either cause, I always thought that the books left it ambiguous on purpose whether or not Eredin was malicious and wanted Ciri to murder their king. If we are to go with the impression that he is, and that he did intend to have Ciri murder their king for him, then the lore between the books and the games lines up perfectly. Kind of like how in "The Lesser Evil" how its left ambiguous whether or not Geralt had actually loved Renfri or whether she had charmed him with a sort of spell as Stregobor claimed.
If I may make a request about a witcher Lore video: how about one about Aen Seidhe Mages? I know that they have no Colleges, not sure if anymore or if they never had them, such as aretuza for the humans, but much more single teachers and that their way to use magic is somehow different but their my knowledge ends.
There's two explanations I hear for why he's shorter. A. Yen basically had to rebuild his body to break the curse, and in the process she may have accidentally made him shorter, or B. He's deliberately using magic to appear shorter so he can fit in with the elves on the continent
Can you add names and words on screen when discussing? It would be of great help to better keep track of you could have character names pop up on screen and/or location and dates as you mention them as well. Just a thought. Great work though! Please keep them coming!
Great video George!! I never realized the difference with Eredin book vs game, also haven’t read the books in a while. I feel like they definitely wanted him to be more of a bad guy for dramatics, similar to what Netflix is doing with Cahir
Hey man, huge fan of your Witcher videos and the research you do! Not sure if this is feasible, but would you be able to do a video basically going over tips/tricks/guide you have found for surviving Death March? Would greatly appreciate it!
The books the wild hunt were skeletal riders on skeletal horses. They were omens rather than enemies. In mythology they were souls of the dead with dogs, Valkyries, elves, the devil, Cain, Gabriel, and/or fairies depending on the source. In the games it’s a scary Sauron like figure.
now that i know what he was like in the books, i feel like they missed a good opportunity. he could have been made evil enough as is by mentioning trying to show what slaves were treated like in the books and the insults he threw at ciri.
After finally having played Witcher 3 I can say that Eredin is easily the coolest looking character in the game... BUT I wish we would have seen so much more of him. I feel like he had so much potential but ended up being more of a side character.
I have a question about the higher vampire Orianna. In my knowledge Higher Vampires can only bee killed by other higher vampires, so orianna is not dead right?
The game writers may have tried to make him seem more evil, but the book version would have actually been more ominous. An ideology is more threatening than a person, because it can live on after a person is killed. The book Eredin was following chain of command, and upholding an ideology. It would have been more interesting if they emphasized the differences in ideology: eternal enslavement of mankind, vs. freedom for humanity. They could go into detail of the history of the Wild Hunt's part in the misery for mankind, and how Eredin represents the turning point in whether it would envelope their world or not.
I think the point of the white frost is also that it makes the Aen Elle viewpoint way more sympathetic, I don't think Eredin (and the others) is purely evil. Without the white frost that just measns the Aen elle want access to the world of the Aen Seidhe so bad just to get more slaves, whereas with the white frost coming for them, it means they want the world of the Aen Seidhe so they can keep running from the white frost and survive as a species. It changes Eredins motivation from evil to being somewhat sympathetic, in his mind he is going to save his species from extinction.
i kinda like eredin because on every scene he was present he did had an intimidating factor, exapt for his death that was super anticlimatic, that the only critism i have with him in the game, other wise i had some chills wen he was sawn
There is artwork of hot Eredin in the "World of the Witcher" book. (Page 161). Also in the books during Ciri's dreams where she is "confronted" by different characters the vision she has of Eredin he tells her he knows she desired him, I wonder if that's true. I wish the game had the book Eredin. Book Eredin I also feel like was a "nicer" person than Avallac'h.
@@Smuusik I put "nicer" in quotes because I didn't know another word to describe it. I don't see him as a kinder person I think it's my personal preference that Eredin seeming to be more honest and upfront makes him nicer, where Avallac'h makes me uncomfortable. Whenever I hear "Avallac'h" I think about his lab that was used as a very real threat to Citi so not knowing the extent to Avallac'hs' cruelty but knowing it's there is unnerving at least. But at the same time perhaps Eredin was only being honest and upfront in these instances because the truth was fun for him to tell Citi and he seems to like a more defiant Citi, maybe he wouldn't have given her good news if he had it. . .I wish these characters where are developed more the Elves and Vampires are my favorites.
I think they were smart about how they approached the story telling. It's about the journey, not the ending. Eredin is an extremely simplified character so you're not overwhelmed with all of this lore building up for a character that you don't confront until 20+ hours in. It's good for a videogame's story but of course in a book the characters are usually much more complicated.
i wish they made the wild hunt a little more present in the game, if they made them some random encounters in the open while doing side quests or exploring
@@ENASS922 No. He wasn't the hero you think he is, they wanted Ciri to be able to move the entire Aen Elle, currently the way the jump through worlds is limited, basically what they wanted was power. Yes, they want to save their race, that much is true, but they are also race supremacists, they keep human slaves, they genocide the human population when they arrived at that world (Ciri discovered the mass grave) and guess what they'll do if they got Ciri power and the ability to jump the entire Aen Elle agian? Yeah, I don't think so mate. He isn't a good dude nor noble in his intentions.
Literally just read the bit today where Ciri escapes from Tir na Lia with the help of the unicorns and the Aen elle slaughtered the humans when they arrived.
Auberon Muircetach was likely more impotent because of his high age than disgusted by Ciri. He was even really old for an Aen Elle which definitly influenced his performance.
I haven't gotten far enough into the books yet to know how he is presented there. But maybe they changed it to him outright murder Auberon because the it makes it more probably that Ge'els would agree to withhold support if it was murder and not an accident.
I think that's the story Avalla'ach(sp?) spun to Ge'els, but I don't think it necessarily happened that way. Also, Ciri could have refuted the lie if she had been with them purely by recounting the shock on his face when she told him of Auberon's death, but she wasn't there. I always saw that bit of dialogue as a cleverly spun half-truth calculated to get the viceroy out of the way, so that Eredin could be dealt with on more even terms.
@@andyknightwarden9746 But it would take more than a cleverly spun half-truth he must also somehow muddle the oracle's dream, even if he is the one placing his hand on her, it's supposed to be something that can't be tampered with. It's not that I think Avallac'h wouldn't lie to suit his needs but it seems complicated.
such a shame they changed him in the game! In the books he is rude and arrogant, but ciri seems to be into that and has a crush on him! and the end scene in the books where he visits her in her dreams pretty much confirms he knows that and kind of threatens that he will catch her in the spiral.
I'm kind of hoping you'll make a video like the breakdown of season 2 of the Witcher Netflix series. Actually, you can simply make a short one: "none of this. I mean, absolutely none of this, is in the books. Goodbye."
honestly? I loved him. He was a great villain, just like the Wild Hunt Eredin was underused because he wasn't, as I see it, meant to be he's the "face" of the Wild Hunt the stories about it make this more obvious to me everyone sees the Wild Hunt as a myth, wraiths riding in the sky and guiding boats of the dead and Eredin is at the top. He IS the Wild Hunt. and that's what I really love about him, though I have to admit I didn't like the way they revealed they were Elves, could've been handled better
I suppose considering it’s avallac'h using Tilly to show what happened maybe he framed it as Eredin deliberately poisoning Auberon over accidentally overdosing as they where convincing Ge'els not to send back up when Eradin called.
I wonder why the wild hunt didn’t just ask Siri to move them to a different world. She did say she saw worlds flying metal ships and others. Could have moved em to a young planet that navigators scouted out before hand.
I pretty much know nothing about the unicorns on the Witcher world. If you have made a lore video about them i have probably missed it. If you haven't i would be very interested to hear more about them
there isn‘t much about them. They are the native inhabitants of the world the Aen Elle conquered. And they helped Ciri escape instead of killing her because she rescued Ihuarraquax. They didn‘t care about her, they just wanted her to leave.
Think it's so funny about the potion. Basically death by boner. If he had survived he would have been able to dork the three Crones witches. Then laugh again at the thought of him waking up next to them in the morning.
Great video!!! I love the witcher games...i am a gamer...but a bit of a picky gamer...ive never really gotten into call of duty...have played many and own like 4 of em...im just not a big "online player"....i prefer game franchises with EXCELLENT stories to play through...like the witcher...both rdr games and undead nightmare(rdr2 online is only online game i play)...fable...uncharted...assassins creed(mainly black flag/syndicate/odyssey)...etc...the witcher 3 wild hunt is 1 of my top 5 fav games of all time!!! I have the complete edition...w/ both hearts of stone and blood and wine...and both of those expansions r great!!! I will admit i have not read any of the witcher books...i honestly didnt even know they existed till like the 2nd game...i have watched the 1st season of the show several times and love it...if netflix keeps going how they r with the witcher...this could be the next game of thrones....except done right...hopefully....the wild hunt captivated me from the very beginning....i was shocked to find out they were elves....i was expecting em to be some kinda super spector like ghosts or maybe even demonic....the way they jump from world to world...and the ship in the sky and all that...but i still liked what they were when i found out what they were...
I hear what your saying regarding Eridin being a in the background villain but the game is call Witcher 3 Wild Hunt surely the King of the Wild Hunt and their leader should have been given a more prominent role in the game and received more focus because as a character I feel Eridin and his Wild Hunt are extremely interesting and their presence could have been utilised in a much better way. I love the game however and do love how there are lots of smaller villains to focus on which gives the gamer some variety and lots of interesting story plots to discover which keeps it fresh and exciting!
i think he served the purpose he needed to. but he could have had a ton of complexity added to him and it would only have helped the story. if they'd had more resources and no budget I think they would have made him better. the witcher 3 is a great story but I don't think extra depth in the villain could've hurt the story.
I feel like the vision we see in the game, that makes Eredin look like the bad guy, is what Avaloch wants Gwels to see to make him turn on Eredin before the fight at Kear Morhen... sorry about butchering the spelling😂
@@TheAerondight but as an elven sage he has extremely rare abilities... And what if he only told him that so he would believe him further, and what if Ge'els doesn't know alot about oneiromancy so he's taking advantage of that
"whats the kingslayer doing here?"
"Eredin's a king, ain't he?" Is one of the best, smoothest comebacks ever written.
I really liked that he was a faceless, speachless villain for most of the game. I had no idea the wild hunt were elves behind the masks, I was expecting some corpse-people or something. The reveal of a deep voice humanoid was excellent.
I love his character in game but i do feel like cdproject shouldve made the final boss battle a bit harder
djinn on death march enemy upscaling is the true boss.
it will test every bit of your patience esp when you have an armor with minimal to zero elemental resistance.
also olgierd and detlaff are actually more fun to fight against compared to eredin.
I recently played on blood and broken bones and he did jack shit in terms of damage
laughs in lvl 50 after Blood and wine...
He still does decent damage on death march
Crach's death made me sad tbh. I really liked him.
He fucked Yennefer.
@@Kobanyai_enjoyer don't see a problem there. She's a fox.
Crucifiction I choose Triss anyways.
@@fellowtemplar5679 thats your problem.
@@fellowtemplar5679 fun thing about the games is that you can do whatever you want. A Geralt-Triss relationship wasnt even imaginable in the books
Witcher 3 was my first experience with the Witcher, so I didn't know anything outside the game. At first I thought the wild Hunt were badass and terrifying until they took off their masks lmao
Facts 😂
I disagree. All the elves looked great.
The netflix show is a different story though.
BOI Lord of the Ring’s Sauron also was an elf..
Fellow Templar no I don’t think he was, he only pretended to be for a time. I think he’s a being
Fellow Templar He was a maiar, the equivalent of an angel. He was able to change his appearance for a time and appeared as an elf in order to trick Celebrimbor into helping him forge the rings of power, all except the One Ring.
I wish we saw the hunt literally streaking across the sky
Liz Davies Yeah, just seeing the Hunt randomly flying somewhere in the sky at nights.
I immediately picture them on a slay
To be honest, Eredin could have had a badass character arc but, despite the epic design, Eredin was pretty underutilized in the game and wasn't much of a difficult fight either.
@aaron9 lol played at deathmarch diff and only potions i had were ale xD i laughed how ez it was to beat him while being drunk.
@Aaron9 Yeah to be fair for a fully developed player character Eredin was a pushover, Death March he's a little challenging but there's far more difficult fights on offer well before him.
@Aaron9 Sounds like you need to git gud, twat
He one or two hits you on death March you’re clearly playing in easy.
@@fin3642 Avoiding hits from him isn't exactly very difficult though
Say what you want but he and his army look cool and badass above all
I wish that before I killed Eredin, I could ask him if he want to....
*Play a game of GWENT.*
Geralt : “ you know you must be killed but... if you don’t mind. I could go for a round of GWENT”
alfredo elias
*eredin nods*
Splash Attack TCG this joke never gets old
All the wild hunt look badass. Say what you will, but I thought they were all great.
Until they took their masks off and they looked like emo rock band
@@boi4947 nah I don't think so
Agree they remind of the urkai with armour
@@boi4947 not complaining
@@boi4947 yeah they look like 6.6 foot tall elves going through their emo phase
He didn't feel like a true villain. He appeared maybe once or twice before the final showdown, like Pagan Min in Far Cry 4. The game TELLS you how evil he is, but doesn't SHOW his evil, making him feel like a nuisance to me, rather than a real villain. In contrast, The Crones showed their evil and felt more menacing.
Still Min's first appearance itself was enough to prove his villainy
@@rishabh7922 True. I just feel like they didn't utilize his full potential.
The Emperor and Radovid even Djisktra felt more like a villain than Eredin... :/
I mean you can literally play the game for 100+ hours doing story and side content and completely forget that dude even exists and apparently does something bad. Like sure, you could argue he's a part of finding Ciri but for a large part he doesn't actively play a role there, either. It's just you following ciris trails.
I do agree that he was under utilized in tw3 but I think they did a good job showing how evil he is in the few scenes he had, like when he stabbed that random peasant in the back as he was crawling on the ground
I loved how much he was purposely left out in the games. It ended up building this big evil figure that was some untouchable thing. Albeit he could’ve got some more love in the second half of the Witcher 3.
When a 5 ft drop is more dangerous to Geralt, than the King of The Wild Hunt😢
imagine that you are a special witcher and you kill thr king of wild hunt but you die by falling from a meter. how would it feel?
I'd imagine it feels like breaking your legs and bleeding out from the burst artery.
@@muhammederendursun9518 you wouldn’t feel anything cause you’d be fucking dead
i cant take the unicorn part seriously. i dont think i'll ever be able to even in other games or movies bc of geralt and yen
the unicorns make sense in the books only. and only if you see all the references to human legends Sapkowski put into the story. Ihuarraquax seems weird first but later it becomes quite obvious ^^
It‘s a real pity that CDR decided to ruin that part like that.
Could you do a video on the differences between the different classes of monsters? Such as what makes a monster part of a class, like ogroids, relicts, hybrids, etc? Love your content, please keep doing these. I use a lot of lore from the Witcher series not only for just knowing more about the series but also for inspiration for D&D campaigns and this really helps. Seriously thank you so much!
He's definitely the coolest character in the series in my opinion. I just wish he had a more interesting boss fight and more emphasis on his character.
I think they gave him so few lines to make him more menacing and unknown .
Thats probably what they were going for but him and the Wild Hunt in general are just very underutilised
@@DaToby98Yeah, like I think they are very cool and threatening villains, but for a game with the subtitle "Wild Hunt", they are really not utilized very much
@@carl_consumer.of.reality Game is so good its no big deal but as you said Wild Hunt is in the Name and they have 2 min screen time before the final fight lmao
Been waiting for this one for a while,
Great stuff man.
It is a shame, I think Eredin would make an awesome and menacing villain for the 3rd game if he wasn't so underdeveloped. They could have made him way more sympathetic like for example Letho, because his home is going to be destroyed by the white frost, but they almost just made him a cool looking elf with a cool voice.
Really do like the design and voice though :)
uh... they go to other dimensions and capture people to enslave them..
there‘s nothing to make him sympathetic. They can‘t deny the books completely. They have already made Triss way more important than she is for the sake of fucking and reduced Yen to a simple bitch while she‘s actually so much closer to Geralt than the game implies. The whole myths behind Ciri‘s person come short, if you only play the game you get no idea of who she actually is with respect to literature and myths/legends..
@@marcoeland3405 I do get that, and I'm reading the books. But this about the Witcher game, they can't stick for a 100 percent to the books because some thinks just don't work.
There are characters in the Witcher games that are great that aren't even in the books. So if they gave a particular character like Eredin for example some more depth it wouldn't matter.
If you like the books, but you think the games fall short on the lore, thats fine. But the games are a sequel on the books so I think a character can be changed a little bit, and go through some character changes.
The games don't need to be exactly the same as the books, just capture the world, characters and overall feeling of the witcher.
@@MachonyLeeoun Ok I'll put the word sympathetic differently (English isnt my native language so my choice of words might be a bit poorly with the word sympathetic).
They had a pretty interesting villain, and could have made him a lot more interesting If they gave him more screentime, and more depth.
He still should be a villain. But I think Imlerith, Caranthir, Ge'els and Eredin could be explored more.
@Aaron9 I know the fucking lore mr. It was a poor choice of words. What I meant was to flesh out his character more. I think the wild hunt had way more potential than what we've seen in witcher 3
I love the design of the wild hunts armor. Those ribcages are actually a smart and realistic way of countering armor-piercing weapons.
I haven't read the books, so I had no idea the wild hunt were elves, when he first took his mask off I was kind of disappointed. They had a horsemen of the apocalypse vibe to them upto that point.
Also you sounds fed up mate like your explaining this to someone who's asked you twenty times before and you can't believe you have to explain it again
I mistakenly read the title as The Witcher who is Eredin and thought "what, Eredin was a witcher?"
Mistake on my part lol
And to think about that Eredin tried to... befriend Ciri at some point. Mindblowing!
I did not like Eredin, his character was underworked.
Yeah that's true. Gaunter o dimm and Letho were a lot better villains than the Wild Hunt/Eredin (sorry my English isn't the best)
I feel like the idea was to keep him in mistery. Yes some character development would have been nice but at the same time I feel like the lack of character development was his chracter development(If that makes any sense). He's a misterious alien figure to most anyways driven by power. And besides the main villain/objective was to overcome obstacles and help Ciri end the white frost. I mean why would they not develop Eredin but characters like Whoreson, Djiikstra and Radovid got character development. I think it was intended but maybe that's just me.
@@ericv.christian201 if you played the Witcher 2 the game hypes the wild hunt but in Witcher 3 you don't find that much about the wild hunt.
@@sodoff4451 Well you dont find much but thehaura of mystery and the fact that the only encounters are fights that are brutal and hard to win makes them look like a big threat and somebody that doesn't negociate. For me it was jsut right. Altough Eredin and the hunt are not these deep characters, and ofc I don't find them complex yet their appereances are menacing and well done. I dont think we're supposed to know a lot about em.
Think of the reapers in mass effect. That's a genoius villan(s) yet they don't really have any "Character development"I mean how would you even do cahracter development to machines. But still you learn bits of info about them and how they work and ultimateley defeat them. The focus is shepard and his/hers crew and only the side villains get development. Same thing here if you ask me, menacing threat that you're supposed to know little about.
@Senile Crocodile Caranthir was introduced by CdPr, and they tried to stay as true as possible to the lore(Also the assasination part im fairly sure it never said in the books if Eredin wanted or not to kill his king, since George said he didin't mean to kill him.) and ignoring the existance of Eredin or changing him from the leader would have been wierd and harda to Justify, besides Caranthir has 6 lines in the entire game so he doesn't really sell me he could have been a good main villain.
Bloody Baron reminding me of (book: Robert Baratheon mixed with Book: Hoat) was my favorite interesting W3 character
The bloody baron questline stands out the most for me. It's just so brilliant and so tragic in all parts.
@@notsosecretsnacker5218 it really is. Excellent, top tier writing. In one of my short stories I kind of drew some influence, mostly just the name, for a character called the “Brooding Baron”, who’s called so as his Surname sounds similar “Beroodin” and is a generally unpleasant guy.
Vargo Hoat? He's too goofy to be related to Strenger in any way.
just completed the game, and now just found this channel. it was fate
Sid Sloth same
I wish Eredin and the wild hunt could have been developed more in witcher 3...
I don't think they should have made him a blatant evil character. The best villains are characters that are "the good guy" for their cause, so to speak, but their cause goes against that of the protagonist. With Auberon dead, they definitely had a chance to create that kind of villain in Eredin
Isn't that exactly what Eredin is? Considering that he's trying to "save" his dying civilization, I'm willing to bet the Aen Elle think Eredin is "the good guy". But since the Aen Elle are racial supremacist, enslaving, settler-colonialists we couldn't-and shouldn't-sympathize with them. Is that "blatantly evil", I don't think so.
@@exu7325 my problem isn't how Eredin is if you know him, my problem is how he's portrayed. It is not difficult to create a game for the bad guy and portray him as the hero. look at GTA 5, you are the bad guy but you never feel like it. With Eredin, you never feel sympathy for his cause; you never feel his desperation, you never feel his regret, you never feel anything for him. Remember how Iorveth at the beginning of the Witcher two is your enemy? By the end, you couldn't imagine siding any other way
Quillan Jacobson I get a strange feeling eredin has affection for ciri alongside his desire for her elder blood
Whilst I disagree that all villains should be the good guy of their story... I mean look at gunter who is a fantastic villain but blatantly evil for the sake of it. I do agree that it would have suited eredin a lot better
Eredin is a pretty bad dude even in the books.
I prefer the book. More of a character to that one. It'll make you think twice about killing somebody who just loves his race and will do anything to save it, not just some bad guy who want to conquer worlds and became worse when time pushes. Maybe I can use the dark knight's joker or farcry 4 main villian for example
bruh he still goes between wolds capturing and enslaving people in the books, why would you think twice about killing him. Also you've got this completely confused, you say in the books he just wants to save his race but his race isnt in any danger in the books cause the white frost isnt a thing, Its the games where he is trying to save his race by capturing ciri, in the books he just wants to return the elder blood to his race, his race isnt actually in any danger in the books.
@@explosiongames11 I remember vaguely reading it in the book(s) that there is something going on that threatens the Aen Elle so they need Ciri more and more as time progresses. Maybe I mixed it with the game's story but I'm not so sure. I could be wrong
Don’t forget the Aen Elle genocided all of the humans from their world
Nag nothing about him was identifiable. He didnt want to save his race, he wanted to save what was left through genocide. Yes the white frost was killing his world but he wanted all of humanity out of his way. That's not a hero of his people, that's a monster in search of power at the cost of others.
@@explosiongames11 There is also a mass grave that Ciri discovered where all the natives of the Aen Elle world end up on. It makes you think of the irony and the hypocrisy of the elves always whining about being on the world first and the humans being the invaders. When their Aen Elle brethren travel between worlds to enslave, kill and conquer them. He also din't want to save their race, what they wanted was the power of Ciri because with it instead of moving just a few people across worlds they could move entire armies, basically he wanted to be able to again go conquer other worlds. I hate the elves with a passion in the Witcher series, they are the biggest hypocrites and pretentious beings in my opinion
I remember the first time playing the Witcher..never knew a thing about the Wild Hunt..they seemed so scary..or overwhelming..but as soon as I learned they were elves in armour all changed. They were no longer scary, they were so frail all of a sudden. It was great
That probably was my biggest disappointment in the whole game.
@@joerdimthat’s the point. They are trying to appear more robust and omnipresent but in reality they are just elves.
I was always under the impression that it was purposefully left ambiguous whether or not the vial that Eredin gave to Ciri actually aphrodisiac or secretly poison so that he could get Ciri to murder Auberon for him. Or, going further, perhaps he knew it was aphrodisiac and knew that the dose was too strong and would kill him.
In either cause, I always thought that the books left it ambiguous on purpose whether or not Eredin was malicious and wanted Ciri to murder their king. If we are to go with the impression that he is, and that he did intend to have Ciri murder their king for him, then the lore between the books and the games lines up perfectly.
Kind of like how in "The Lesser Evil" how its left ambiguous whether or not Geralt had actually loved Renfri or whether she had charmed him with a sort of spell as Stregobor claimed.
The whole gaddamn story is fuckin ambiguous imo
Do you even know what aphrodisiac means? Because I don’t think it means what you think it means.
But he was genuinely surprised when she told him about kings death in the books
@@lordfarquad8913 ever heard "the dosage makes the poison"?
If I may make a request about a witcher Lore video: how about one about Aen Seidhe Mages? I know that they have no Colleges, not sure if anymore or if they never had them, such as aretuza for the humans, but much more single teachers and that their way to use magic is somehow different but their my knowledge ends.
Avallac’h vs the rest of his species is like 5’11 vs 6’0
Maybe he became shorter after his curse was broken
1 inch difference? 😂 they are more like 6’5
And he was supposed to be almost as tall as Eredin 😂
There's two explanations I hear for why he's shorter. A. Yen basically had to rebuild his body to break the curse, and in the process she may have accidentally made him shorter, or B. He's deliberately using magic to appear shorter so he can fit in with the elves on the continent
Can you add names and words on screen when discussing? It would be of great help to better keep track of you could have character names pop up on screen and/or location and dates as you mention them as well. Just a thought.
Great work though! Please keep them coming!
Great video George!! I never realized the difference with Eredin book vs game, also haven’t read the books in a while. I feel like they definitely wanted him to be more of a bad guy for dramatics, similar to what Netflix is doing with Cahir
I hope that they don’t change Cahir too much in the coming seasons.
Awesome video, very concise analysis of Eredin, and that’s not an easy feat. Witcher lore gets pretty confusing.
I love this video, but I could not finish it because I am not done reading the books and I dont want any spoilers. Keep up the good work good sir
Keep it up. Every video is a blast to watch!
Love the channel man! Your videos are awesome!
Hey man, huge fan of your Witcher videos and the research you do! Not sure if this is feasible, but would you be able to do a video basically going over tips/tricks/guide you have found for surviving Death March? Would greatly appreciate it!
The books the wild hunt were skeletal riders on skeletal horses. They were omens rather than enemies.
In mythology they were souls of the dead with dogs, Valkyries, elves, the devil, Cain, Gabriel, and/or fairies depending on the source.
In the games it’s a scary Sauron like figure.
U have the mind of a peasant.
Thank you for making this video!
Love what you do, can you make some lore videos about the Northern wars and how it affected the main characters?
I just got the entire book series from my S.O. for my bday but i'll still watch these videos 👍
now that i know what he was like in the books, i feel like they missed a good opportunity. he could have been made evil enough as is by mentioning trying to show what slaves were treated like in the books and the insults he threw at ciri.
Eredin has a cool voice, and even better with the mask on
After finally having played Witcher 3 I can say that Eredin is easily the coolest looking character in the game... BUT I wish we would have seen so much more of him. I feel like he had so much potential but ended up being more of a side character.
Read the books and play the Witcher 1 and 2.
@@ilmentore7 he doesnt appear in Witcher 1 and 2 tho does he?
@@DaToby98 he is in the Witcher 1, and takes part in the flashbacks in Witcher 2.
@@DaToby98He has a very short appearance towards the end of 1
I have a question about the higher vampire Orianna. In my knowledge Higher Vampires can only bee killed by other higher vampires, so orianna is not dead right?
How i see it she is just old , very clever and intelligent bruxa that's why she may appear as Higher vampire to some.
The only HV can kill other HV didnt even exist in the books
It was made in BAW and even here we still dont know if its fully true
The game writers may have tried to make him seem more evil, but the book version would have actually been more ominous. An ideology is more threatening than a person, because it can live on after a person is killed. The book Eredin was following chain of command, and upholding an ideology. It would have been more interesting if they emphasized the differences in ideology: eternal enslavement of mankind, vs. freedom for humanity. They could go into detail of the history of the Wild Hunt's part in the misery for mankind, and how Eredin represents the turning point in whether it would envelope their world or not.
I think the point of the white frost is also that it makes the Aen Elle viewpoint way more sympathetic, I don't think Eredin (and the others) is purely evil. Without the white frost that just measns the Aen elle want access to the world of the Aen Seidhe so bad just to get more slaves, whereas with the white frost coming for them, it means they want the world of the Aen Seidhe so they can keep running from the white frost and survive as a species. It changes Eredins motivation from evil to being somewhat sympathetic, in his mind he is going to save his species from extinction.
He looks so cool
3:37 ironic that yen and geralt once used a unicorn as a bed...
To tackle such a large character you need to be running really fast
i kinda like eredin because on every scene he was present he did had an intimidating factor, exapt for his death that was super anticlimatic, that the only critism i have with him in the game, other wise i had some chills wen he was sawn
There is artwork of hot Eredin in the "World of the Witcher" book. (Page 161).
Also in the books during Ciri's dreams where she is "confronted" by different characters the vision she has of Eredin he tells her he knows she desired him, I wonder if that's true. I wish the game had the book Eredin. Book Eredin I also feel like was a "nicer" person than Avallac'h.
@@Smuusik I put "nicer" in quotes because I didn't know another word to describe it. I don't see him as a kinder person I think it's my personal preference that Eredin seeming to be more honest and upfront makes him nicer, where Avallac'h makes me uncomfortable. Whenever I hear "Avallac'h" I think about his lab that was used as a very real threat to Citi so not knowing the extent to Avallac'hs' cruelty but knowing it's there is unnerving at least. But at the same time perhaps Eredin was only being honest and upfront in these instances because the truth was fun for him to tell Citi and he seems to like a more defiant Citi, maybe he wouldn't have given her good news if he had it. . .I wish these characters where are developed more the Elves and Vampires are my favorites.
I think they were smart about how they approached the story telling. It's about the journey, not the ending. Eredin is an extremely simplified character so you're not overwhelmed with all of this lore building up for a character that you don't confront until 20+ hours in. It's good for a videogame's story but of course in a book the characters are usually much more complicated.
As i remember Ciri had a vision about mountains of skulls or somthing like that when she was in their world with the help of the unicorns
Just started watching yr W3 play through, damn awesome, I like to watch quests I’ve already done to find our what I missed or get some more lore 🎉
i wish they made the wild hunt a little more present in the game, if they made them some random encounters in the open while doing side quests or exploring
Tbf we don't actually know if Eredin killed the king Avalach could have tricked all of us
Thing is... Why did eredin not just let ciri go stop the white frost? If his motivation is to save his people from the white Frost?
He wanted Ciri to move the entire aen Elle, not just stop the frost.
@@capricolt2598 Yes but he wants to do that to save his people but i think he didn't want Ciri to risk her life she is too precious
@@ENASS922 No. He wasn't the hero you think he is, they wanted Ciri to be able to move the entire Aen Elle, currently the way the jump through worlds is limited, basically what they wanted was power. Yes, they want to save their race, that much is true, but they are also race supremacists, they keep human slaves, they genocide the human population when they arrived at that world (Ciri discovered the mass grave) and guess what they'll do if they got Ciri power and the ability to jump the entire Aen Elle agian? Yeah, I don't think so mate. He isn't a good dude nor noble in his intentions.
Literally just read the bit today where Ciri escapes from Tir na Lia with the help of the unicorns and the Aen elle slaughtered the humans when they arrived.
Auberon Muircetach was likely more impotent because of his high age than disgusted by Ciri. He was even really old for an Aen Elle which definitly influenced his performance.
Do you have a video explaining the religions of witcher world?
celtic vs christian(ish)
I dont usually watch cut scene but this game make me feel like i really want to watch them xD
I haven't gotten far enough into the books yet to know how he is presented there. But maybe they changed it to him outright murder Auberon because the it makes it more probably that Ge'els would agree to withhold support if it was murder and not an accident.
I think that's the story Avalla'ach(sp?) spun to Ge'els, but I don't think it necessarily happened that way. Also, Ciri could have refuted the lie if she had been with them purely by recounting the shock on his face when she told him of Auberon's death, but she wasn't there. I always saw that bit of dialogue as a cleverly spun half-truth calculated to get the viceroy out of the way, so that Eredin could be dealt with on more even terms.
@@andyknightwarden9746 But it would take more than a cleverly spun half-truth he must also somehow muddle the oracle's dream, even if he is the one placing his hand on her, it's supposed to be something that can't be tampered with.
It's not that I think Avallac'h wouldn't lie to suit his needs but it seems complicated.
such a shame they changed him in the game! In the books he is rude and arrogant, but ciri seems to be into that and has a crush on him! and the end scene in the books where he visits her in her dreams pretty much confirms he knows that and kind of threatens that he will catch her in the spiral.
I’m confused as to why ciri let the king of the elves try to impregnate her
@@king_k_style6600 She was held against her will and told the only way to return back to her world is if she has a child with him.
Always want more lore, shame that eredin was portrayed as something he wasn’t. Still an awesome game! Still playing!
I keep hearing "NL Elves" and I'm imagining all of them looking and sounding like Northern Lion.
You know who was way harder to defeat than Eredin...???
The Frog Prince
With igni it’s a one min fight tho
Enchanted Northern Wind
Problem solved
@@Derhone yeah northern wind bombs make that fight tooooo easy
I'm kind of hoping you'll make a video like the breakdown of season 2 of the Witcher Netflix series.
Actually, you can simply make a short one: "none of this. I mean, absolutely none of this, is in the books. Goodbye."
Great video.
honestly? I loved him. He was a great villain, just like the Wild Hunt
Eredin was underused because he wasn't, as I see it, meant to be
he's the "face" of the Wild Hunt
the stories about it make this more obvious to me
everyone sees the Wild Hunt as a myth, wraiths riding in the sky and guiding boats of the dead
and Eredin is at the top.
He IS the Wild Hunt.
and that's what I really love about him, though I have to admit I didn't like the way they revealed they were Elves, could've been handled better
"Do you not know death when you see it.. old man? This is my hour!"
I suppose considering it’s avallac'h using Tilly to show what happened maybe he framed it as Eredin deliberately poisoning Auberon over accidentally overdosing as they where convincing Ge'els not to send back up when Eradin called.
I wonder why the wild hunt didn’t just ask Siri to move them to a different world. She did say she saw worlds flying metal ships and others. Could have moved em to a young planet that navigators scouted out before hand.
I pretty much know nothing about the unicorns on the Witcher world. If you have made a lore video about them i have probably missed it. If you haven't i would be very interested to hear more about them
there isn‘t much about them. They are the native inhabitants of the world the Aen Elle conquered. And they helped Ciri escape instead of killing her because she rescued Ihuarraquax. They didn‘t care about her, they just wanted her to leave.
I think they did the character dirty, especially given all the context there is in the books
I thought Eredin would’ve been a lot harder to kill
Ciri joind the chat
Eredin joined the chat
Geralt joined the chat
Eredin left the chat
Simple answer, eredin is buffed, edgy, emo, not your usual elf on steroids
Please do a video on Dana Meadbh!! Is love to know more about her!
I hope they don’t destroy his character in Netflix show
They'll make him black. Just watch 😂.
Helen Line not what I mean 😂😂 I mean deleting scenes or change his appearance .
@@AhmedTVED4 making him black is not changing his appearance? Ok
@@boi4947 If anything, they better not fuck up his armor
@@helenline1790 and the voice, though they did make a good job with geralt so I don't worry about that
Unicorns: *No thumbs*
NL-elves: "Sooo... this gon be easy"
Think it's so funny about the potion. Basically death by boner. If he had survived he would have been able to dork the three Crones witches. Then laugh again at the thought of him waking up next to them in the morning.
Awesome dude
Great video!!! I love the witcher games...i am a gamer...but a bit of a picky gamer...ive never really gotten into call of duty...have played many and own like 4 of em...im just not a big "online player"....i prefer game franchises with EXCELLENT stories to play through...like the witcher...both rdr games and undead nightmare(rdr2 online is only online game i play)...fable...uncharted...assassins creed(mainly black flag/syndicate/odyssey)...etc...the witcher 3 wild hunt is 1 of my top 5 fav games of all time!!! I have the complete edition...w/ both hearts of stone and blood and wine...and both of those expansions r great!!! I will admit i have not read any of the witcher books...i honestly didnt even know they existed till like the 2nd game...i have watched the 1st season of the show several times and love it...if netflix keeps going how they r with the witcher...this could be the next game of thrones....except done right...hopefully....the wild hunt captivated me from the very beginning....i was shocked to find out they were elves....i was expecting em to be some kinda super spector like ghosts or maybe even demonic....the way they jump from world to world...and the ship in the sky and all that...but i still liked what they were when i found out what they were...
im kinda lost and confused with all those names being mentioned damn i had to rewatch this again
I was expecting boss to be sorta demon king
My disappointment was immeasurable and day ruined
Well the HoS dlc is what u needed :)
I hear what your saying regarding Eridin being a in the background villain but the game is call Witcher 3 Wild Hunt surely the King of the Wild Hunt and their leader should have been given a more prominent role in the game and received more focus because as a character I feel Eridin and his Wild Hunt are extremely interesting and their presence could have been utilised in a much better way. I love the game however and do love how there are lots of smaller villains to focus on which gives the gamer some variety and lots of interesting story plots to discover which keeps it fresh and exciting!
Somtimes it feels like they forgot abt the Wild Hunt all together until the final battle
i think he served the purpose he needed to. but he could have had a ton of complexity added to him and it would only have helped the story. if they'd had more resources and no budget I think they would have made him better. the witcher 3 is a great story but I don't think extra depth in the villain could've hurt the story.
Cheers for this it made me understand it and want it to play it again as I’ve only played part 3
Drink for every time he says "it's complicated".
Good question.
I feel like the vision we see in the game, that makes Eredin look like the bad guy, is what Avaloch wants Gwels to see to make him turn on Eredin before the fight at Kear Morhen... sorry about butchering the spelling😂
Oneiromancy cannot be fabricated, as Ge'els himself says.
@@TheAerondight but as an elven sage he has extremely rare abilities... And what if he only told him that so he would believe him further, and what if Ge'els doesn't know alot about oneiromancy so he's taking advantage of that
Imlerith has cooler armor than eriden but eriden has a more imposing and nicer helmet
Hes a big boi who hits like a marshmallow.
Like every time he hits me i cant help but hear a squeaky toy.
Can you do a video about White Orchard thanks man
My biggest gripe with Eredin is that for being a king his sword is rubbish
Anyone else see the image of Ciri in the ice behind the Navigator? At around 4 minutes 29 seconds.